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SHEEP DOG TRIALS. CHEVIOT COLLIE CLUB. THE ANNUAL of the- alww Club I ivdi ho bold on MAY '25th and ifith. ENTRIES' CLOSE Xwn. MON U\\ NEXT, Mis- nth, l'U5. AY. PAYXI'., _ iiou. S.\*. COUNTY COUNCILS. ' MOUNT JLEItBKKT COUNTY COUNCIL. NOTICE TO STRIKE GENERAL RATE. "VOTICE a- hereby -liver, tha-. ".'- "** "■" c i\ intention oi vho Mount Uerbari Count v Council, at r-s next ni.t'iim;, to in- : .o*.d on MONDAY, JUNE ::__. lato. W mA*"and levy, under tbo provisions of "The Ow-; tie* Act, I'KV »v.d -Rutir.i; Ac:. 19.«n *no. ail anior.<hnenta thereto. .» .'..•..<■•-*' lUu? o. Ono Halfporfny Ud. in t'uo lV..i:d -.£l\ -upon all rateable oroportios now .»rjx_ruig m ;ce Valuation RoU ot -.ho Fort l-ovy Ridinp. Also, a l>r,er;u l*"-»*-o of T':r,x.-fiirU_iiij.-s ■ jd) in the pound iil . *.*pct* -"', Rateable j Propor'.>> a.-, nm' a pi--ar __-.__ _.n tbe A'fciu-i- ] v.i>r. Roil oi the Port A'icWiria Riding. ] Such rate is to to i'.-r ".ho period ci ot>o war, coinroeTicir.g on the First Day of April. 1915. and ci.dci- on :n.- -'.Is. Day of March. 1916. pavihle in i>ui" «.iiui on the l_2h d-iy of Au-.-u."--, :*:»'s. .n tho Co'incii Cha-mbors, l v u rau. Tho R-.t-e P.ook is ■.11--!-, for inspection a. mv residence at Ai'-aitdi-'e. AY. A. CARPENTER. County Clerk. j Puna, May -tilth, 1015. 97 2£ SUNDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS. Xotic-s of Sund.-r Service*.- Under j this heading on Saturday vho iat«_ !"n:- ,Servi(-«_i a:t : Not exi-ivding '21 words (set solid', Is us!,; I_<r every additional 12 words. Go exlr-i: half inch displayed, '2.. fid; thrre-quarl__T inch, 3.. 90; ..)_ie inch. 5s c.-___h. N.B.— The is Notices n.ust not contun AdvertiseuienU of Annual Tea Meetings, or EutorUuu--iic-nla. ; THE CATHEDRAL—-Sunday. Holy C-om- -*- m union 8 a-m. and Choral Eucharist- _U II (Prout in F). Introit: "Hallelujah" (Recti .ovem). Prcachw, Roy. E. JL Sho ret Evensong CM iSt.ii.i_M- in E tlaD- Anthem, "Blessniij, .Honour" (SpohT). Preacher. The Principal of Christ's Col_ege._ _*-.V 2 CT-"aNDRE\V'S CHURCH, OxfordTcrraco O AW-st--Services To-morrow at- 11 a.m. and at 0.30 p.m. by the Row A. T. Thompson, MA, B.D. (Military Memorial Servia.; Parade of Highland R-flofO. At Riccartcm Ciiurch. Purixi street, at 11 a-m. and at G. 30 p m., Ly Mr John Nowliuids. At Spreydon Church? Birrington street, at G. 30 p.m., by "Sutpiy." SO7 OT. PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, O Cache! street—Rev. John Pi_.torson.M_A. 11 turn., "Christ in the. Church": G.3Q p.m., ""Tlio Supremacy of Jestw Christ." Now Brighton—ll a-m., Mr James Tenr.errt; C_o p.m., Mr li. R. Griffiths. Lin wood -G.'SO p.m., Mr James Term_nt. SOS N*O^X^llUßCfr."l3->aJey"a\ : ei : !UO-liov. lie. R. Erwin, JLA.—II a.m.- and 0.30 p.ta. Evening subject, "Tho Sinking of the Lusitania. ''*" At, Berwick street—Mr D. C. Burn.". _ : ___- Tn - _ t®' Perry* road—Sunk J day school Anniversary Scrvicen will I):, conducted To-morrow by Rev. T. McDonald at li a.m.. Mr J. M. Canghlev, M.A., at _..■!•. )..m., and tho Rev. T. McDonald al G. 30 p.m. Special hymns by large children's choir, assisted by orchestra. b_f2 uiTiIAM" slraacKT" metiiodist CHURCH—II, Rev. Samuel . Lawry, subject, "In eearch ot a lost sheep"; 6.30, Roy. Percy Knight, 8.A., "'The call of country and of God." Farewell to members of Expeditionary Force"!*' 868 CHURCH7"Ea»t l>eltr—Yourig- » '-i People's Day. 11 a.m., Rev. AY. A. Sinclair. Family Service. C.30 p.m.. Rev. VC. A. Sinclair. Bible Class. Rally. Subject, 'Tho Drama of Life": Act A., "The Home Coming." 10*23 EXTRAL METHODIST MISSIOXTOrand Tlieatre—3 p.m H P.S.A., Mr I_. M. Isitt, M.P., "Should New Zealand follow th_> -.Ling's 0-_a-mplo?" A livo,queetior_. 7, Rev. J. Cocker, "Two men in one." Strangon. invited. Dnrhiun etreet South—ll, Rev. J. Cocker. High street—ll, Mr Earwukor. 87!) OT, ALBANS O Rev. H. E. Bcllhouso. Morning, Childron's Rally; evening, sermon to young people, "The winner of the Jewish Victoria Crosa." Edgeware road—Rev. A. Benaley. Morning, Children's Rally; evening, young people-, service. 887 SYDENHAM METHODIST CHURCH—II O a.m., Mr AY. Hobbs; C.30 p.m., Roy. A. X. Scotter, B.A. Subject, "The Service, of Sacrifice." ConvaJesocait Horne —11. Rev. Sootier. 557 METHODIST—II, Key. W. »•»■ Lee; fi.3o, Rev. Laycock. Opawa-211, E__v. Lavcock; G. 30, Mr Turner. Sumner— 11, Mr AVilliams; 7, Rev. W. J. AVillianw. Heathcote—ll, Itev. AVilliams; C.30, Mr BaTtictt. ; 563 AXXIVERSARY METHODIST CHURCH, Papanui—ll a.m., Roy. P. Knight; eolo, Mi_=s Twose, "0 Divine Redeemer": 6_30-p___u., Rev. A. Peters. Anthems, "There is a. Green Bill" and "The Day is Past." 87-1 OXFORD TERRACE BAPTIST OHIJRCH —R-ey. J. J. North—ll a.m., subject, "To tho Uttermost": G. 30 p.m., subject, "Tho Blood of the Brave." The plaoo of sacrifice in national life. ■_ _ _______ ____? E?WOOD BAPTIKT CIIURCH, Worcester etreet—Morning, 11. Mr D. lianyon; Evening, G. 30, Mr J. McCnllougli. A hearty welcome to alb 101J) qYHENH?Ait BAPTIST CHURCH, Elgin 0 street—Rev. L. B. Bii-rfield. 10 a.m., "Confuciufi, the Venerated Sago of China"; '11 a.m., "Something to keep"; C.30 p.m., "-Waiting for power." AA'althani—G.3o p.m., Mr Jone? _ BGS CHURCH —The Rev. Harry Johnson at both (services To-morrow: M ii.m., "Life's Wider Mission"; G. 30. "How Man Show ß his R«-]ation-dup to God." Soloist, llr s R. Smith. __o.!_. gospel missiox--3io™-O- in-, Mr AVebb. Evening, Mr Earw_k<r- "OJarwl not that 1 (Jesus) 6«id unto thee, ye must be born again."—St. John iii,7._ __" __ _ BT '' OCOTITSH SOCIE'IT HALL. Mannhest-cr IO street—A Bright Gospel Meeting will (D.V.) be held G. 30 Smidav evening. Subicct •'Wanted, a Man." Come and boa..'. 1 ' SSG QEYEXTH C> —The Chiinh. Barbadocs street: the School, Park road, Addington. Sunday evening, at 7. Subject, "Divine predictions verified." All welcome. Come. B__o ■VTRS - POAVER? at 200 Lic.ff.e._i fvtroet—7 -l»?l p.m.. Lecture. Magnetic hcaiing ; Floral rlairvovanc*.. Silver coin door. Xo children __dn.i'.ted._ _ '_ _ SCIENCE ,S*ERA"iCES—First U Church of Christ Seiontiat, Latimer s_.Tj.lre. Suiiday svervicc-s. II a.m. and 7 p.m. 'Su-jject. -'A'ortals and JrumortaU.*' Sumiay school. 2.45 p.m. * &J3 (5'P-?RITUALISTS' CHURCH, AVorcester O street—Sunday --7. "Tito otm. of tlie world and the day of judgment: Thn conflict l*-tween science and ibcoloiry." R>' ; l " . cx " dwellor through tlie mediumship oi AA'. Xortontuyior. Collection. _ _ __ __ _ l'_.". ~rRMA*GH STREET Gospel of A the Grace of God w2l CD.YJ bo jirvached in tbe abov,» Hall on Soiriay EvenG.liO. All heartily welcome. Xo oolk-c----tioi _ _ _ 20 BII3LE STUDENTS OF A CHRISTCHURCiI meut Manoorwtcr ChainberK, opp. Municipal Baths, Manchester «trwt. Bihde Class '2.30. Subject, "What ia the Soul?" Addi-ess by Mt li. Xclfion, T 8.5., a lectrrrer from Mk-Jljouni-., at 6.80. Topic. "The Millenni-tim—Time, of Reetittition Sor-ely Xeed«l, Surely Soon to Come." You ari> corJUlly inr-liA. 1013 "VT 3,LC_A_—Sundav, Lls p.m., Bible Study 1 • Rally Day. Rev. J.»hn M.A., speaker. Al] men. iuvitt-d. Stranger:.' Tea. 5 p.m- _ "**_ \rE_i'KRAXS' l-LALL, *J» Gloucester rfrent V —Stui<la.y, 7 p.m.. Ad drew* by Mifsi Fabling. "Basic * o: Philosoiihy amd Religion." Clairvoyanw. Collection door. K'27 RATIOX.VLIST ?VSS<% i> CIATIOX. Evcnryixidy's Tlieatsv —Mr W. W. Cx-lUri-. vill To-morrow .rive the peccrod io: hi.-, pretest ccure o: jTiurtrated lecture.?-. Su.sect? " i Phe Story of the Earth." This lecture wi'd the (.tor.- of tbe «_rt_h from its oririn to the end of the ca-rbanilero-is period Itho great coul period), aad abow ho-y ! etrikingiv the !•___» of science are at Ta_rianc" with the Biblical theories eet forth in Pastor Ru-_6eiry I'hoto-Drania of Creation. Ik»rr(s at 7 o'clock. Musical selections. by silver coin only. 1015 T HEOSOPHICAL SOCDiTY, 06 Ann_i!rh *treet. Victoria squa_r» (opposite Queen's S tatne) —Public LecttiTe, SuinJiVj 7 p.m. Subject, "War v Educator oi the X__tio_____." Su___d_-.Y Sciiooi. 3 p-m. lOiJl DENTAL NOTICES. J. lEYIXE. STTRGEOX DENTIST -.10 y_i_. with J.H. Fountain, 15 yeare with my fat-hei, U:e late J. Irvine), ha., commenced practice at co-r-ier Giotice-_t<;r ar<i Colombo stjxots. , opposite Carey's. 'Phone &.<2. lOh'2l THE War !• being speci«iiy d*-alt with in the 'Evening New." U* _-_a eztent not Ito _» found fti_-ew_j<.T-_.

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15279, 15 May 1915, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LI, Issue 15279, 15 May 1915, Page 11