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AUCTIONS. 1 AUCTIONS. W. E. SIMES AND CO. i TONKS, NORTON AND CO.. LTD. _____ -j _ ■ W. E. SIMES and CO., j PROPERTY AUCTION SALE. AUCTIONEERS AND*ESTATE AGENTS,! WEDxESDAYi, a: 2.30 p.m. WI-H6 HEREFORD STREET. j j IN OUR HEREFORD STREET SALEI ROOMS. ESTABLISHED :S3?. ! . . . . LOT I—On account Major Loacc. who id now with t_e Expeditionary l'orc*, J HIS RESIDENCE, .ituatc Hovriif? AUCTION SALES OF FURNITURE, ro _:l. M<rival«. eornwrising 1 rood 23 pcrcliw _._ cTnrw ra vnncTED ' 1-ir.d, to-etlierwith I>sidcnco of C rooms or.d EFFECTS.. AND STOCK COM)UtI_J ! office* and every domestic cor.ver.ier.eo. Alsn WHEN AND WHERE REQUIRED. j Stable and Car' Shed. Plenty of frontago : for another hoti*«>: good locality arid close HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED. I»° « r - Terms -" ran f v t o . jOn account •<( Mr Colville, No. 7 I'ark !aue. PROMPT RETURNS. j Addington. just oil West belt, Rood eound Cottage of 5 romn3 and conveniences, ■a-orlt-.l ! slop pic Good ««ctio_. Room for another AUCTION SALES of PROPERTY held Bun?llIo , r . Must be »•-. Very e».-y ■*■ :n our Commodious and Centrally- term?. eit-uated Land Sale Rooms. 144-46 Hereford | street, or on the property. j Fill" particulars from the Auctioneer?. ALL AUCTION SALES arc conducted b? j TONKS. NORTON and CO.. LTD.. . ■' *»"*_.• Auctioneers, our Mr W. E. SIMES. n;:d receive '<'.:= \ Z .-- — — — special and personal attention. i 'No charge made whatever for eubmitii-S ' TONKS, NORTON »nd CO.. LTD., properties to Auction, exapl »dvertising. i Conditions of sale, inspection, valuing, *nd j AUCTIONEERS. eubmittins to auction, free of chsi;c. ; J HOUSE AND LAND AGENTS. rpo SPE.CLATOHS AND INVESTORS. BROKERS. VALUJLTORS AND GENERAL AGENTS. THE UNSOLD PROPERTIES IN THE _ _ _. BANKRUPT F.-TATE OF To m ,. LKJ CHARLES iiiLL. j CENTII'AL. ened localitr, up-to-dat* FVFRY LOT MUST KE SOLD TO of 12 rooms and offices, euitWIVD UP'THE ESTATE. •■>">« tor a Xursing Homo or High-cues ' ' Bsardinghouae. TT ,', • o, ■ , ,» GLOUCESTER STREET. CITY. ?unnr a.?LOT 1.-Comer Hills and Shiney route. 0 modiaw of V 2 r.»ms, »cm and 1 perch ~:! frontages), over 19 «- j ~ coovctli< . nc «, nice garden. ••hairis in all, with largo and up-to-dato \ L >* "" dwcllins hoiisi.- and all conveniences. - '"„ _ c-im-pi.-t 1 IXWOOD xvnrd avonue. So<.-tion of 36 pcrcJu*. I ol . ™">f ;>■ ' oor> ao ' n " ,L con !vomei:ce; iCO per annum. LOT .1-WnrringtoTi street, Hills road, j rvpvvr i jjoaD (jii.'t off!, i.l Car Her lion facin- North, ecctiou of 3. pcrcliw. \ Kosidcnco nf 7 rooms and all LOT 4.—Barbadoea street, close to the 'Park, j rnnve.iiier.r«.«. lawn ;ii:d v.k-f guixltn grounds; eection of ."57 rerchef. | Isa pt-r week. • LOT 6.—Sinclair str<*?t, New lirighton, 2 i MJiRIVALE—Two-s: ere veil FJcsidencr of S Sections, each 1 rcod H perches''Nos. 33 j moms, verandah, balcony, and every conveniand 34). joucc; lovely pleaemv grounds: HOs per week. LOT T.—River road, West of Tram Bridge, HOUSES of Six. Five, and Four Rooms in ■I Sections, Noa. 2, ", •! and ">, contain- City and Suburbs. ScW°° d :M PCrChO,S '° ! rOOd IS ' 4 Eul! rfotai:, o>, .ppliction -t our Land Department. LOW PRICE. KASY TERMS. TONKS NORTON and CO, LTD. W. E SIMES and CO., j _ A 3 cnts. j —" " ■ OA Xf\— ADJACENT TO FITZGERALD! 3J~±O\J AVENUE, NICE STREET—A ; IJACING STABLE. really good aud attractive homo of 4 good I looms, dining-room Hi x 13, tiled grates, : ;; ACRES OF LAND mantels, plastered and nicely papered j -_— throughout, large sunny verandah. <;_s and ; NKW BUNGALOW OP" o ROOMS. fittiiiKS, pantry, ecullery, pink. bathroom, j _— washhouee and copper, tubs, high-pressure , MODFKN STABLES. YARDS. Etc. water supply, main sewer connexion, well ! ' " kept little garden, asphalt paths. A roally T v<S TR i;CTFD by Mr AH. Wil.wn. the good, substantial property, in a nice situa- X* " well-known New Briehton Trainer, wo t:on, and cheap. DV p KI vATE TREATY hia AY. E. SIMES and CO., Model Home, .-ilnnte RACECpURSE ROAD, Solo .-Witt*. NEW BRIGHTON, comprising about 3Acres o . r , im] ]I<?r , r ]v now Bungalow of o roome, f} AQ Z-S MINUTES FROM CENTRE »plo« ™* dS^cll* i_4yO -OF THE CITY, GOOD POSI- rir\£ S ta"te 2 op TIOX-Substuntial dwelling of 5 good rooms. room tan^'room. Li })lastered ami newly papered, verandah, gaa £",."' blackem { th'e ehoo and yards; water and fittings, wardrobe, hot and cold service, ?;{'„ Tho whole of the grounds scullery, large cupboards, bathroom, wash- ' ' j ai(l on aad lne w Viol e is a perfect house, copper and tube, high-pressure waterij, t t o pro perty Y°i» c an " ot ' no n« a l" l ie r eiipply, main sewer, asphalt paths, well- ' i aco to live" hisrh and dry. fenced section. Ail recently been dnrir up 'j'ho i's a "very reasonable one, and we inside and out, r.o expenditure required. Easy can a j-e terms. term, can be «"»»fd Pul , pmttieillßW f rom the Sole A S ent S . V. h. SIMI-.S and CO omQ} . CQ _ . _.__.< rcn i'.':-- Auctioneers. ■PRZCI— WITHIN the Id Tram Section _____ —— XOOU i n tho CITY. An Absolute Baj- .„ „_„. __ If , VTn v gain. Splendid HOUSE of 6 rooms. Fire- A GENUINE XCT-BRIGHTON places in every room, plastered and artis- BARGAIN. tically papered and decorated throughout, nice gaa and antique fittings, wardrobes in CJALTAIRE Street, close to Electric Tram bedrooms, hall, extra largo cupboa-rde in O Service a, well-built Bungalow of 4 kitchen, bathroom, hot. and cold service Toorn <! P and P., Lcadliffhts, M domeetio throughout, copper cylinder, larije scullery, offices ard Convenienccar i-Acre Land, pae range in addition to an excellent g u - n - position. Open far one week only at Kitchen range, wood and coalshed, wash- " acce pt iso deposit. Bo wise house, copper and tubs, iron a hod 9TiA ' this opportunity, suitable for workshop. Good section of 2oi TOXKS NORTON ami CO. LTD. perches, about 45 feet frontage, asphalt _.._.:..'. paths, lawn, fruit trees, concrete patlw at _ , back. GOOD POSITION and adjacent to "p.MWNUI ROAD. JUST OFF, having the Id tram section. TERMS CAN BE Alt- - 1 - frontage to Mansfield avenue, a very RANGED on a deposit of about -150 or fine Residential Sito, containing g of an aero. £200. Arrangements for inepection only with Absolutely tho only block left. Fo. _4G W. E SIMES' and CO . TONKS, NORTON ar.d CO., LTD. Solo Agent ior tho Omicr. — .-■■ - - •■- CHEA'PSECfiOJTS; ~~ A CIT y BARGAIN. PQ DEPOSlT—Sections of nearly 30 . t*^- . Perches, in tho Milton Eatato," juet TTOUSE 7 rooms, p. and p., and the usual off Strickland street, and near Colombo street, -II •omeeti:: conveniences, toe-ether with each 50ft x 2i chains. PRICES from _7S. tho Whole .of tic FURNITURE, including x 8 Deposit, balance at 5 per cent. Nothing Piano. A well situated property with an to approach these for vahio anywhere. Call assured prospective valno. A real encrifice. or write for a plan. Prp r j co £630. Fo. 218 WOOLSTON, of Radio, Bridge. NORTON «_d_Ca._Lm_ Sections each 1 chain frontage and 3 chains U*p. £70 each. Pinna on anplicS! FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! Secure one now. W. E. SIMES and CO "I7UE are alwave prepared to BUY "FUR- ' Sole Afjcntfl. » ♦ NITURE "and EFFECTS for SPOT _?i'nTr«/V— \N~ r TR ; pfQT J f? rvFrnTSf CASH. Highest possible price. If yon have ablObO 7n UPRVaf? ¥Z to Sell, sivo us a rin ? . Telephone dep<»it Lf Ai ' • - 'J 93 . a n d we will scntl our repreeentitire to utpusii. aiost of balance can remain at 5 ,„• ' ~_,, „ - r i~~ por cent. A Pretty Bungalow of G large l " ° 5 ° P roome (designed and erected under supervi- TONKS. NORTON and CO., LTD.. £?.v;,?i archi . t . ec V- 2 verandahs, I 12 x 12, General Auftioneers. Land and EetaU ffiitkmg practically another room, panelled , , tin aD f . dln "!«r-room (22 x li), n i c » selec- A-cnts. tion of leadhghts, 2 built-in wardrobes. ' 105 Hereford etreet. extra good mantels and gaa fit tinge, tiled TaeSo-9U90 hearths and grates, bathroom with cast-iron onamel bath, hot and cold service pantry. =™"--.: -~ —~—-"—-•_::~nnr™ wa U terTunDl°v P^-. and lubs ' hi f b P«*™™ WIUGUT. STEPJIEXSON AND CO.. o_M_ ■ ' LIMITED. .»wn and garden, and planted with, trood ~ ~ ~~' variety of bulbs, and fiou-cring shrubs <■>* T!U, ' ] '" Al{M - UOCKLEA. NEAR Within 3 minutes of tho tram Withon* i TAPUI, NORTH OTAGO. doubt one of th* nicest bungalow, offered | for aale in Merivale. Owner anxious to I WEDNESDAY, sth MAY, real_se and has just instructed us to reduce At 12.30 o'clock. tho price from £1200 to fICGO. which is less ("LEAKING SALES ()!•' EWES. FAT than the actual cost. L\MH* ■ AND SUNDRIES. - . _W. acd CO. ! ' ' — £4-80~ A « JACEXIi TO ANTiIROA i W RIGHT. STEI'HENSON and CO., dt/_:OV STREET, id Tram Section-Good * * I'™- have received instructions front Dwelling, plaatorcd and nancrod Mrs S. Wait, of Rockies Estate ('who bus throughout, tiled P rat«e and hoarths ball sold lior property) to SELL by T'UBMC wardrobes pas and fitting*, hot from' AUCTION, as above:--copper, bath, pantry, ecutlcrr. waahhouee Two-tooth Crosebrcd Ewe, copper and mix,, h.p. « tu e ,,p p ! T 2 823 Kour-tooth Urosebrcd Ewe. ftra'iUher h^ 0 SeCt l Or i' Pkvtyol room MO Xi K ht-loof n ilalfbr.d Ev,cs aX mJT ; a l phalt paths ' «»d 1000 Fat Lamb* garaeti. Most of purchaso money can remair ID Two-tooth Boroer Leicester R;im? " < a per oent. A cheap property. * 13 Four-tooth English Leicester Hums '•. E. SIMES atid CO., '•> Four-tooth Shropshire Hams __ Agents. ' Hack and Harntvß Man-£loso-l t T n A P BA^ ? Heifer 0 "" Bunjralow o> - «„«" Ct, - C *" X Mw I 2 Calve. di_wl* °-r_om i- r 2°S 9, i t, ? ,n^room '•» x I6 ' « Do-curt. Uaraw. -to. 14 etc" r °^ m lG X l 3' J _ '"«> Auctions -Ira-,- attention to !h ft fact roof. plasW ?r f l tiled that the E w s .ire Maguificeni Slu-p and in verandah tin w,rrf™£. 3 throu S Lout - splendid condition: «o good, indeed, that pensive t' ™T" ■ P l Peee ' ?* two-thirds of tho wlwle flock could I.c killed and cold eervTce S" w,mo , w ' bot and frosen for exaort. iron enamel V^q?TBOX_PISOVn)Ep : **» Traehbouse. copuer tub<i "« t"-i>'.eiy, _ . _ ._ . •«PPb;. »-in r Ur* connexions P NT2ARLY J - «■ MEHBETT AND CO. sarden plated , ' A thorough!* u_soJ_l!e I ~ "POULTItY. POULTUYr and good bungalow in ov C ry rcWt Within ! eUv' Tcr»" S c.i 6l _. t _ ° f U '? iarAro of tbe W E ~ad an «^ r «"r" on S.iurdav, '" X r "" a "? v Pc?- '*' M«l prices Trer. socd fer r )l: .,;ity >>• _i_i_,_ ac( j eg. bir_i». A proportion of the bird*, were — _ " e '° ts 'jT_tho owner. j thin a-ud ili-fod. and produwvr- should fpc/l OPAWA—Nearly ?, ~~\ i mor<t ■ rccly to stcure he st pric«. Tat,;* <*<000- collect !_ Df 7 , Co-c ". 1,-?* > Chicke.rm Gd to X* 2d, Heiv Is Oα to -".s to the tram, and s_rrot:n_.ed '-""«™l r «i I ,Jd - !^u '' ,,fs " ft -° **-• Brocdisi? 'Us \ donees together with almo.u new" dWellte. to 2<Js, fe to T "' K » '■<> i>. of j LARGE ROOMS r on vo_i«cSf ! Uucka !o 7rt 2d ' :l!! I,Pr !iair - We ba ' e I shed, lowl-runs, etc Terms if required £100 ;l E 00,3 < Jt ' alalicl . a "' l Pi".c-ed ri-ht fur ;;ocd I aeposit, balance by easy instalments Owner I , ""' 1 "''- h - Ikl lor crat«e and forward fer must realise. ' Wedjieailav s and fe'alurdayV Saie. W E. SIMES and CO ! J - °- MERBETT, c - ,s Sole Selling Agents. j __*. - „"____£_£_. '£575~ C pfjff, ' "~THB FARMERS' SALEVAnDS."" - Up-to-date Bungalow of 5 ! W and Ve Wt£. £?&£, 'Shroorf ! °' A^D ho: and .void service, pantry «-<rall<»rp" 4.-o_h' ! Auctioneers and Produce M«rch»_ts, house, copper, tubs, jieht hiVh nre, i .'AK-lEBS , SALEYAEDS. euro- water: nice Section about "25 nerch" I TUAM AND ST. ASAPH STREETS WEST no poat. Elasy teina can be arranged Rea- ! Chrievchurch. ' eonable deposit, balance by iistalnjer.'s A B- SANDS and CO. repoit a La.--« W. E. SIMES and CO.,' A» Entry at their Yards on Saturday. Agenta for the Owner Hens were selling a trifle e_eier than the pie- "-,./_ ".'nnrnVr ™~~ vious week, likewise cid Ducks, but Duc_. £200 I?O YD PPmrP Y"-SOVS ling-, Primo . Chicken* and W U finished ~ »'O-VU LKinCE. A splendid Geese wero bringing good price*. block of 1 acre 1 rood perches, fenced, 1j Following were tho prices realised:— Prim. chains fronta-e to P.!v er road, plenty of Table Chickotte - Cd to 9a Id pc pair dr-i-ag*. wea on eection and Dartly fenced. Hens 2a Gd to 3s 3d per pair, I>_c__ 3» m Would .-ü if reqiiired ir'n 2 blocks e_ per pair, Ceeee Gs 3d to 10e Gd per IJo; n»ar.y each. Torrna. £25 deposit; P *' balacce a; 5 per cent, interest. Uuit be A. hi. SANDS acd CO sod to dose an estate. An O 2e.- will b. Telephone 21GC yi^B considered. . -cj<e» W. E. SIMES in! CO., ..-. „.._ Sole Selling Agente. • ■ _ ~ " — s v jes4-1475 ' j THE Special "Page for Women' , in Sata7 VX Veeily^Faeh io_ Note" -Td"^^^ dayV Edjtio.:s of "The Evcni-p .•-»■«" fo," Ererv-body, appear m the "Pag« for appesfe to cvorvose. A Home Women" in ?»turday'i Edition* of "The _Ut-ui v>. i _\cni_; JTsr*.''

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15268, 3 May 1915, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LI, Issue 15268, 3 May 1915, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LI, Issue 15268, 3 May 1915, Page 12