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PUBLIC NOTICES. ' EDUCATIONAL. SHEEPFARMERS' LABOUR EXCHANGE TRANCING. Deportment, Physical Exercise (Under the Supervision of the Canter- XJ .. ICI . /-nv - • i *•' i . ;.. , •£ ■ _, —jj-lbb tUX is iiozams a Class for Irurv Sheepowners Union). «. * 153 HEREFORD STREET, Christch-rcl- Coun'.Ty Puniie on Wednesday Mornings. ... - T .cctre ny VAR\f isn ST4TIOV Aw" o,,l *' and Instruction Evening Classes. ALL FARM AND STATION „_ HEREpQKD STBEET w Tckphone For Farmers and Paetoraiiete. , C 3015 -- -.r-.i 7. T j ,r-,. tt j TTARRY ELLWOOD. Vio__.:s:. piipii of Bsrrntere, Mill Cooks, and Mil J Hand* Jl Mons Emilc chaumoni. Brussels. Prof. engaged. > S?e<S-264 Theodore Spioring, Berlin, will accept » wm c * -'v —— ijjnjtcci namber of Pupils. Arso open for Engagements. Studio: Inciw Building, PADILLAC Hi 5 h street. Applyjg^nJμ £96* eer), 30-10 ton-poxr. MISS OCLCIE MITCHELL, ■t. _ r -~, t-.__j CONiRALrO, \ery J...t:e Leed. MEDALLIST and CERTIFICATED 8.A.M., -r7^ v T _ I And OLYMPIA.. LONDON. < PRICE REASONABLE, i A ; so of CorenJ Garden A PPiy RAVNTR ! lo{ Pro,s - Alb « rt ° Ra_de_ S er. Dr. Lier- „.,. MRb • DX - RA if r ' B ,- J h>mmer, and Charles Phillip. «** Aucklar-d. j revive Pi ip i: a for Voice Production „__._ tvortc i anc * SJr.Kini? Nor- teaching at Nov.BttU-. I Studio> Bristol Piano Co.'a Now Building, F__ ___ _. . _ ~ _. j C_<-hcl etroet. side entrance. OR SALE Net* and Secmd-liiad Gise Pupils for Coming Competition*. and Ralii Carts. For Sale, alway* i_ Aleo OPEN - FOR ENGAGEMENTS stock, New Light Spruiß Drays, New Stsu -phone 1471 Mqasfi tion Waggon, Express Van, Dogcart, Lor- I!_!_____ M9S_6 ripe. Milk Carts, Governess Cart, and White- DANCING AXD DEPORTMENT chapel Cart. j T>ROFESSOR FLEMING'S ACADEMY, I -*- 241 Cashcl street, is always open. STEEL BROS., Strictly private !e?scns any hour. Complete Coacbbuildere, Lincoln road. course from enrolment Proficiency "varan--53371-303 C _e__J__JPhopi>__o4. \ 39 CHORTHAND IN THIRTY DAYS.— 3LSZPB "WALLACE, BOYD SHORTHAND can be master- _ VCJVn t Avn irrvT AVTi cd F*^ l '} , in thirty days" study of five LICENSED LAND AGENT AND hours e!lch or 150 h0 , 2r8 in a j, and lhe BROKER. work can be done ai home in your epare .-., ctpcct time. We will refund your money in (ull l<l CASHEL STRJ_ET. ]{ we cannot rou as readily a 9 re . present. WriU for particulars. BOYD mmvrTnv mc« SHORTHAND SCHOOLS. Head Office N.Z.. ADDINGTON-£-250. | 100 Cuetomhouse Quiy. Wel!in K ton. ~~ „ " P6021— HOUSE ■• «wme and ecnllery, copper, g»», I~~.T ~ — h.p. water, main sewer. Frontaso of Deportment, Physical CultUM — fifift to section Handy to trim. ■*-' Under Rova) and Yice-Refrn.l patron«sf. vo eecu _y_ ago-MISS LOWE'S Classee for Plain and PWJISXJI—SoOQ. Fancy Dancing Resume MARCH 22nd. Even- * ' i ins Claeeee. from entry. Waltzing " i taucht in three private lessons. At homo, BUNGALOW of 5 roomj, recently bniH, Friday afternoons. 327 MONTREAL Bnishod in figured naitt, modern conveui- STREET. 'LiOlß ences, workshop. Corner Section of over J- ~ •ere Government Mortgage. £100 depceit nT-r-n .vrv ?, or ttecures this nice home. i\T I&s BUCHANAN wnl Reeume Teaching 1 i>l ABOUT MARCH 23th. Private Leseons ST. ALBANS_X6,>S. U % r W ? H, -d g Once^^njour NEW BUNGALOwTf S roome, all up-to- STREET, City._ _ 82031 da!<? in every reepect, jneluding electno ' READING, RECITATIONS, light Section in good locality, northern DIFFICULTIES OF SPEECH. frontage. £70 deposit to ohtam poewesion. -t .r lss JOSEPHA MILLER, late Examiner W0523-927 iVX Elocut on to Guildhall School Music, London. Certificated Teacher of Elocution, R.A.M. City office, 63 Cathedral square. MGO2S KEROSENE. ~ XXTE. have to advise tye SELLING EVENING COMMERCIAL CLASSES >' PRICKS of t-he following: srades of EVENING COMMKRCIAL CTI.ASSES KEROSENE have ADVANCKFJ Cd (TWO- EVENING COiEMSRCIAL CLASSES PE.NCE) per Case for Delivery ex store, | E\"liNlNG COiBEETRCIAL CLASSES Ohristchurch, ac from this morning SATI'R- j DAY, May Ist, 1915:— i ■•Gilbv'*" If you are working daring the WHITE ROSE KEROSENE, ISO**. | %£*?% °\,T &£££ LAUREL KEROSENE, 150 de?. "Giiby's" Study one or two subjects tha-t ', -nimw ~„! ''Gi'bvV," will b« of URe to you. Make IOCO POUi.ll OIL, "GilbyV yourself worth a salary. TEA ROSE KEROS?:NK, 130d?g. "GilhyV To earn more, learn more. PETROLITE KE-ROSENK, JSOdog- "o"gv> Shorthand. and _. I "G-ilbvV Typewriting ars ef«ential to V-\CUUM OIL COMPANY PTY.. LTD.. "G ilbyV , mercantile excel in w^cu - 1 ., 5e Mcorhouae averrac, I GilbyV; the teachia? of those. . crtlfl Chn>tchuTPh. "Gilliys . ' "GilbyV lhc long winter evernugs offer LOVELY CHRYSANTHEMUMS. "GilbVe" i-ho best opportunity Tor se!fJ "GilbyV irnprowment. Our term etaTta one is invited to inspect. We have a lnr*e | t ' llb y trom . to J. etock of NICE PLANTS suitable for j .„ ~ n Trr r ~ HOUSE DECORATION at Moderate Price*. C\ I \_i>} S COLLL (. L, Catalopnoi now ready. Free on application. \* Chief 1«t Office \V" BAYLISS li3wl tftiuc<ira( « BryndvrT Nurseries. ! 1C92 Jeffrey's road. Fenda'ton. j . , IGBY , S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL: HALLENSTEIN'S BUILDINGS SAVE MONEY BY ORDERING : (opponitc D.I.C). BEFORE PUBLICATION. | Principel- SUSS MD. DIGBY. P.C.T.. 1 I.P.S. (fynists Section). i HIGHEST EXAMINATION RESULTS. STONE'S CANTERBURY. NELSON HIGHEST EXAMINATION RESULTS. MARLBOROUGH and W'ESTLAND HIGHEST EXAMINATION RESULTS. ■ „ t . At. the fJovemmcTit Entrance Examination DIRECTOR!. for SHORTHAND-TYPISTS, held lael, No- —— veraher. one of OUR SUCCESSFUL leeued in April of each yea:. PUPILS, in open competition with OVER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY candidates PRICE 12» 6d. from ALL OVER NEW ZEALAND, bewled , „ „ ... .. ~ the list, of paeees, and wae placed IIRST Aft«! Pabhcation. los. *_*• th « c^t L -; t fo _ { , ie w P holc of KEW , , ~T~r , . ZEALAND, while the oibera ulso obtained An indiepeneable book for any busmeee man, , too< i posHionp on the Met DAY AND EVENING' CLASSES in all STONE. SON and CO., LTD., Commercial Subjects. Station street, Term Commence* Any Day. 52.7 Dunedin. j_ Stvjcia] Clase is held on SATURDAY MORNINGS for Secondary School Pupils. ___ — ■ — D . 9330 ii?5?_ 1 E. (M. Sheridan, j BOARD AND RESIDENCE. McKENNA, SHERIDAN and CO.. ___"_.: . Hotel Brokers and Financial Agents, and j " "THE LODGE " 194 Cachel V S W Christchurch. | 3G HEREFORD 'sTREET.' Chrietchurch WTE have Country and City Hotele for i (Fivo Minutes from G.P.0.). '»t Incase all over the Dominion. Finances • —— arranged for clients. Call and scEpect our C.UPERIOR BOARD and RESIDENCE list of country hotels before buying-. It will jj for Casual and Permanent Boarders, pay you. The largest liet in Canterbury to Beautifully situated, close to Gardens and pick "from. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mc9S63 Kiver Avon. Telephone 1970. MRS GCJNN, j GiOoG Proprietrecs. T7_rANTED, Men of moderate mesas, bead? j =—— -~~~~~~: , VV of families, householders, and othere to j FUNERAL NOTICES. whom the- qiieetion of clothing themeeivps nn'] | . • their wives and families is a constantly re- rpHE Friends of the late Robert George curring and hamming problem, can eolvo it X -Barton, of Riccarton, arc invited to eaaily and eatisfactorily by calling upon L. att _ nd __i e y U nerul, which will leave Ihe W. BALKIND. My eyatem cf easy metal- • floe pj t _i This Day (Monday), at -JtO p.m., ments has been in operation for several f the Riccar | oll Churchyard. GEORGE years, and wil] enable you to secure at once, hvpRKLL * IG6 without delay or formality, all you require in ■______!)_________________________-_----______________■ farniliee can b, well and fashionably drwwd J - will leave the residence of his fatherLt a fw hours* notice. I stock nothing but in-l_w, Mr R. Brake, Upper R.ccarton, This the high«t o__liti« i« all line-, my nriceß Day (Monday). May 3rd. at A for the aro strictly moderate, there Iβ no loadinsr of Riccarton Churchyard. ■). L/Aiit. ana su»v price and the instalments yon are ~i'_d 9-6■ upon to pay are regulated strictly b- your ; _________-___-_-__-1 means and ability to meet thorn. In caeca of rpHE Funeral of the lato Louisa Elizabeth eicknese or temporary loee of employment X ' Wri»ht will leave Iff Carlton street, arransemente -v: ,, "o made to postpone ftir- 2__ r j va "flys p a y {Monday), May 3rd. at 2 ther i- ? t_lments unl,l recovery ox cy- f ■, LijlWood CemeUsry. J. LAMB rrt. balkT^d. aioffi «"«« ?s CCn LicLa °' d B " d TUam c Friend, of Mr John Merrin are in- *"'• iß * 1 vited to atund the Funeral of hw latn —_-~- TZ= ? ==== :-~~—z=^ = =. w i{ e _ Maiy. leaving his residence, Sneyd HOTELS ' B'"- e «t- Kaiapoi, at 2.30 p.m. }<>■"?* lon " ". Ulfcl - &, day) May 3rd. for the Church of England . i A McDOUGALL. W* ■ , Mj> Md Mra n . , Kobin BARBADOES ANC, ST ASAPH STREETS. lo| - VS! CHRISTCHLECH. j Jeavi __ tbeir res idence, 33 Clarence- road, Ric- __„„■; —- ,_. _~,.,! ciwton. for the Sydenham Cemetery, This MR J. JACKSON, late of The Bntieh . D . iv (Mond , 3nl imt at a p.m. LANGHoul, Lyttelton, and of Akaroa, hae o - D d I?HiND 0374 taken over the above Hotel, and will bo j ___________________________^________-»--_--«________- t™_s_s _.?_?{-_- sst_r every comfort of a home. *v* li "._" m Au i ny mnr mit fTnesdavl ——— — " • ' —~~_-~ ' her residence, Ohoka, 10-morrow tiuesuaj;, 1 irci_«ii-r NOT!r e<l " ' ' at " pm - !oT tb ° Kaiapoi Pub,ic Ccme a-'i - LICENSING NOTICfc-. A. McDOUGALL. f, _■ rpHE Friends of tho la-te Geo. Alien Salt, *•■• - 1 - late of tllc 'Union Steam Ship Com- *•"'"•"••*■'■* pivnv, arc ropprctfully inform?tl that his ATOTICE is' hcieby given that, in pureu- Fmieral will leave No." 3.". Oxford street, i> ancs of "The Licenein? Act, 1908' and teltoh. To-morrov (Tuesday), at _.:«> p.m. tor the Act amending the same/ the ANNUAL the Church of England Cemetery. \\. I_. MEETING of the LICENSING COMMIT- LESTER. ™G9 TEES of the Districts of CHRf STCHURCH. " RICCARTON, and AVON, for the purpose rpilE Funeral of tho late Mrs Charlotte of he-arms and determining; all applications X Roper wHli l«»avc- tho residence of hor under the above-named Acts, will be held eon. Robert, at Halkett. for the Anglican at NOON on the dato and at the places Churchyard, Courtonn.}-. on Tuesday, f.he <th specified be!ow:— "irtat.. at 1.30 p.m. LANG I'OKU and District. Place of Meetin?. Dale, j HHIND. Chrietchurch The Magistrate* Th-ureday, | Co-rt. ChxisU iOthJunc, j J. LAMB AND SON, church ISH3. j Rkcarton pUNE RA L FURNISHERS. Avon Public Library. Saturday, Worcester street oth June, . Linwood. 1313. J No. 234 LICHFIELD STREET. Chriatchurch i * W. A. D. BANKS. Clerk of iicensin? Committcce, Telephone 539. E.taWished 1P73.' Chnetchurch. y " L 9573 _ 30th April, 1915. _______ 2 ? _____________ «. <tM&$iP *• L A UNDERTAKERS'Vet! EMBALMERs! IIJI 104 C-shel street. 'Phone 812, P-O. Box 5-23. ATOTTCF U hereby sri-en in pursuance of Herbort John Rhind. A "T_; LieS let! im- P and amend- 19, London «tr«t. :06 Montreal «trecU menu thereof, the QUARTERLY MEET- Phono bS9. 1_96--5k6 ING, beinsr the Annual Meeting of the LICENSING. COMMITTEE for the District of KAIAPOI, for the purpoee of hearing and p E O R G E BARBELL, determining all applications made under tho \Jf above Acts, will be held at Noon on MON- i UNDERTAKER DAY, the 7th day of June, 1315, in the j -fagistrate'e Courthouse, Kaiapoi. | AND EMBALMER, „ , , T A -- G * AS ?. BTj ;..„' ' CB. DURHAM and ST. ASAPE STS. Clerk of Licensing Committee j Dated at Kaiapoi, 09th April, 1915. _ i 'PHONE 731; 8927S ELLESMERE LICENSING DISTRICT. : " TT ie hereby notified that. ir. porsuacc* _o: ; LA KE AND GLRNTDNNEL •*■ the "Licensing- Act cf IMB, mc >"* ; RCYAL MAIL COACH. Amendments, th« Annual Mtetics oi .ne ( LiceMing Committee for the above Dirtrkt ; _~u l/ COACH lea _ eg G i entu nnel for »Jl be h«!d at the Courthoi_w, LitJe Kiv«t. Coler __ _; a VTi.dwhieUe Houm at noon, on TUESDAY. JUNe ftli. ioio. and gnoxdon. EVERY TUESDAY and Busineee: To consider all applications jrrjiDAY MORNING on arrival of Tiain the before-mentiorjed Acts. o. «iuc_ ouc ; J -_ oin cjjrjgtchurch, returning in t:m_ for uotice edi&il have s;h-r. :. __<. evecing train WEDNESDAY and W. J. WHATMAN. _ j _,j.TCRDAY. Special attention given to Clerk Eilesmere Lioen_i__ Dis'-rn;-- i p*see_gere and PirceU forwarded for d»ilaT ut 191 i aITI ' UTer7 b? C< * ck S

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15268, 3 May 1915, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LI, Issue 15268, 3 May 1915, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LI, Issue 15268, 3 May 1915, Page 11