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Tho Easter Meeting of the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club, which opened at Addington on Thursday, inaugurated tho —aster Carnival in Christchurch. The weather was slightly oppressive in the early par.t of the day, and there appeared every prospoet of a strong nor -wester blowing. Thero was a little wind during tho afternoon, and at times it had an unpleasant accompaniment of dust, but, fortunately the weather held line throughout. For some years past tlie Club has not raced during Easter Week itself, but this year a change was made by fixing the Meeting a few days i earlier. Tho experiment did not prove altogether successful, for tho attend, ance was rather below tuo average, and the representation of visitors from other parts of the Dominion was not as large as usual. The totaiisator investments showed a decided lalling-off. tue figures for the day being £19.924, as compared with £27,021 IDs on tho first day last year. From a racing point of view the Meeting upheld the high standard usually associated with fixtures at Addington. Tlie track has seldom, if ever, been in better condition, and some of the times registered during the afternoon showed how fast it j was. There was some first-class racing, and, as usual, tlie management of the Meeting, under .the control of the Club's capable and experienced secretary (Mr A. I. Rattray), was thoroughly efficient. Owing to tho fact that tho staircases have not yet been erected, it was impossible to mako use of the top storey of tho new stand, which has been erected for the members and officials, but tho other portions of the building wero available for use, though there is still somo work to be done in the way of putting on the finishing touches. The completeness of the accommodation provided for the officials, and also for trainers, riders, and drivers, whose dressing-rooms are supplied with everything necessary, including hot and cold shower baths, was the subject of general admiration. There is certainly no finer building of its. kind in tho Dominion, and the erection of this new etand makes Addington ono of the best-equipped courses in New Zealand. Racing began with the Introductory Handicap, for which there was a field of thirteen, Princo „Kwood, Moneymaker, and Bright Alice receiving most support. Bright Alice began very smartly, and was in front before they had gone half a.mile. She made all tho running until the straight was reached, but there Prince Akwood, who travelled very fast over tho last half mile, caught her, and finishing strongly, won in good style by a length. The winner, who, though brod in Canterbury, is owned in Auckland, is engaged in tho New Brighton Derby, to be run at tho end of this month. His performance in covering the mile and a li.tlf in 3min 28 2-sth sec stamps him as a high-class three-year-old, and if ho goes on in the right way, he should play a prominent part in the Derby. The disappointing Icicle was a moderate third, while the second favourite, Moneymaker, was never really dangerous, and could finish no nearer than sixth. Tho Fondalton Handicap, a two-mile saddle race for unhoppled trotters, brought out a field of fourteen, llothbury, Kaikamii, .nnd King V. being very evenly backed. Arcadian was in front for a good r-ortion of the journey, but several breaks cost him his chance, and at tho finish he was beaten into fourth place. Kaikanui, Mayflower, and King V. fought out a very exciting finish and wore separated by heads only, but the race could not be regarded as a very highclass exhibition, for tho majority "of the competitors went unsteadily. Wallace Wood was withdrawn from the Easter Handicap, and of tho twelve starters, Adonis, Master Raymond, and St. Kevin had most supporters. In its early stages the race promised a better contest than it provided at the finish, for over the last three furk'nis St. Kevin and Brown _ell drew right away from the rest of the field. St. Kevin, who was always prominent, showed the way into the straight, but did not stay on as well as Brown Bell, who beat him quite decisively in the run homo. . Tommy C, who was third. ran up to his best form, but several of the others shaped rather disappointingly. Adonis, tho first favourite, dropping right out over tho final stages. Tho win was a popular one, for Brown Bell has raced very consistently for somo timo past but with very little luck. Her timo of 4min 35 4-y sec is faster than anything she has previously accomplished, and would qualify her for the New Zealand Cup, while if last year's conditions for that race are retained, St. Kevin would"aiso be eligible, as ho was timed to do 4min 38sec. The Autumn Handicap brought out nino unhonpled trotters, the West Coaster, _ Galician, being most in demand, with Adventuress second favourite. Galician showed a good deal of pace, but broke badly several times, while Adventuress would not settle properly to her work. The Southlandowned Annie X.. who was always ono of tho leading division, was in* front six furlongs from home, and was able to stall off Treasure Seeker's challenge in the straight. Electrocute, who was third, would havo been hard to beat had he gone more steadily, but he was sore, and broke several times. There was a .good field for the International Hand lean, for which Lord Dillon, Ripon Child, and Adelaide Direct wero very evenly backed. Lord Dillon, as usual, began very sneedilv, and led tho field for about six furlong's, when he broke and lost his place, Cameos going on in front. The favourite was got going again ouickly. and in the straight he came with a" brilliant run and scored a long overdue win. Bingana. who was alwnvs one of the leading division, was third, with Enimeline next. Adelaide Direct showed a groat burst of snecd. and wa.3 travelling very fast along the back stretch, but found the effort too much for her, and was tiring at the finish. The Improvers' Handicap was spoilt to a considerable extent by several of the field refusing to begin properly. The favourite. Elrosa, was one of these, and ho did not leave the mark at all. Law Chimes was responsible for the pace in tho early stages, but in the last lap Galvanita took charge. Sho, however, found the distance a little too far for her, and in the straight both Lady Tempest and Huon Drift passed her. The latter, who suffered some interference at the start, and had a good deal of ground to mako up in the last Inn, put in a great effort, but he was unable to reach Lady Tom nest, who beat him by a couple or lengths. Both Lady Tempest and Huon Drift improved considerably on their best previous times, and the latter was decidedly unlucky in being beaten after running tho two miles in 4min 36 l-ssec. The Flying Handicap, a mile race in harness, was not a very exciting affair, for Frank Tracey took charge a good way from home, aud won without any trouble. The Express Handicap, with which the programme concluded, brought about a very close contest St. Kevin, who liad finished second in the Easter Handicap, was sent out favourite. He was in front as they came into the straight, and led almost to the judge's box, but

Mountain Hose, finishing strongly, got to him there, and in a very close nmsh beat him by a narrow margin. The following are details of tho racing:— INTnODUCTOEY HANDICAP (in harnew), of 150 soys; eecond 30 govs, and third 13 ©ova from stake. Ono milo and a half. 1. "Mrs _. Kichata-'s blk c Prince Ak-v-ood, by Wildwood Jun.—Sybil, 3jtb, Gsec .. .. (A. Hcndr—sen) 1 3. E. 11. Morten's b m Bright Alice, oyrs, Csec (J. JBryce) 3 6. S. George's gr g Icicle, Byrs 7—c 'J. Brankin) S 12 Dot Robbins ecr, 7 Law Chimes 6eec. 2 Moneymaker 6&ec, 5 Lucill© 7eec 10 Elmo Jun. Ssec, 9 Geesgo Hard Ssec, 11 Annie Dillon Ssec 4 Beach Boy Ssec, 13 Botorua, Ssec, and 8 Scotch Mist f-acc also starte— Elmo Jun. and Beach Boy showed tho way o*_t of the straight, but before they had srone half a mile Bri-,ET Alice had taken charge, and, with half tho journey covered, was followed by Icicle and Princo Akv-ood. 'Going along the back Prince Akwood passed Icicle, and turn—g into the straight closed on Bright Alice. Finishing well, the favourite won by a length, with Icicle a dozen lengths away third; Scotch —let, Dot Bobbins, and Moneymaker following in order. Timo. 3:nin — --sth soc. FENDALTON HANDICAP (in raddle), of 150 eovs; second 30 soys, and third 15 eov3 from stake. For wnhoppled trotters only. Two milea. 3. P. H. llcGratha b _, by Governor L., aged .. (J. ilcLennaii) 1 10. G. Bush's br m Irayfiower, aged, lJrec (A. Chapman) 2 2. W. T. Lowe's gr g Kin"? **"-» a S f< " (T. Annett) 3 11 Wild Trco scr. 14 Dolly-wood 2sec, 13 To Kuiti lOsec, 1Q Vorawcod lCse*-. 5 Matilda 12scc, S Chub ISsec. 1 Rothbury I—ec, 4 Albertoria. "iss<-c, 9 Rudston I—oc, <"• Arcadian : I6scc, and 7 11 „hroom 17sec a:ao started. Kaikanui dwelt slightly and Mushroom took charge, with Arcadian and Kaikanui following. Tbe leade r broke at tho tanks, but coon got down at—in, and ■waa in front at the straight entrance. Here he-broke again, and Arcadian took up tho running from Kaikanui. Chub, and Albcrtoria. Arcadian mixed h-'a jf-it at tho back ar.d was joined by Chub nnd Kins V. Chub broke in tho | etrajsht, but quickly went up again. When tbo field entered tho'back stretch Mayflower ! could be eeon to be going very well, but she, ! too, mixed it at \h# tanks, and King V. followed suit. Kins V., Arcadian, and Kaii kr.nui entered the straight almost abreast, with Mavfiower close up. In an excitingrace to the post Kaikanui won by a neck, with a head 1 Kit ween second and third. Arcadian was fourth, and Albcrtoria fifth. Time, 4m in 53 4-sth sec. EASTER HANDICAP (in harness), of 350 soys; second 70 eovs. and third 33 soys "rem stake. Two miles. 7. I. M. Thompson's br m Brown Bell, by Rothschild—Lena Bell, aged, Ssec (W. R. Thomas) 1 3. J. Farrell's b h St. Kevin, ayrs, saec (J. Brankin) 2 3. J. Henderson's b g Tommy C, syre, G=cc .. .. ■• (Owner) 3 10 Bright 2sec, 5. Muricata. 2see, 1 Adonis 3soc, G Jack Ashore 'sec, 11 Persuader 4sec, 2 Master Raymond sscc, 8 White- Houso sscc, 12 Abcrfcldy Ssec, and 4 Antonio Csec started. Antonio be-ran very smartly, and led for about three furlongs, but at the stand St. Kevin was on terms with him, this pair being followed by Tommy C, Whito Houso, Master Raymond. Brown Bell, and Adonis. Going along the back St. Kevin took charge from Tommy C, with White Houso nnd Antonio next. A lap from home Antonio dropped out owing to a broken hopple, and St. Kevin waa at the - head of a bunched division that comprised Tommy C, Whito House, Brown Bell, and Muricata. Along the back stretch St. Kevin nnd Brown Bell drew right away from the others. St. Kevin was in 'rent when the straight was reached. but in tho run homo Brown Bell oaeily had bis measure-, and won by six length?. Tommy C. waa eight lengths away third.? and then camo Muricatai, Master Raymond, White House, and Bright. Time. 4min 35 '-sth ccc. AUTUMN HANDICAP (in' harness), of 150 soys; second 20 soys. and third 15 eova from stake. For unhoppled trottcra only). Two mile*. 3. J. Keith's blk m Annie X., by Stirling Lad—Edith, aged, B—c (T. Jamie-son) 1 6. J. Melrose's b g Treasure Seeker, aged, lOsec .. .. .. (F. Holmes) 2 7 J. Leslie's b g Electrocute, aged, 4«ec (J. J. Wright) 3 8 Quincey ecr, 4 Flamingo —ec, 0 Mystic Jtecc, 5 Mokau Usee, 2 Adventuress 12sec, and 1 Galician I—ec also started. Galician waa in front as they passed the stand tbe first time, with Ann:© X., Treasure Seeker, and Flamingo next. Going along tha back Galician broke, and with a lap to go Annie* K. had taken charge from Treasure Seeker, with Flamingo aud Electrocute closing up. The last-named broke going out of tho straight, and again in tho back stretch when he was making up his ground. Annie K. kept her advantage for the Test, of the journey, nnd won by a_ length nnd a half from Treasure Seeker. Electrocute was throe length-j away third, with Galician and Flamingo next. Time, 4min 4Ssec. INTERNATIONAL HANDICAP (in harness), of 250 eovs; second 50 eovs, and third 25 soys from stake. Ono mile and . a quarter. 1. R. McMillan's eh g Lord Dillon, by Harold Dillon—Lady Mab, aged, Gscc (Owner) 1 6. K. L Barnes's eh m Camess, syrs, 3s:c (R. Reay) 2 10. F. PipaM-'s b h Bingima, aged, ssec (J. Meservey) 3 8 Emrue-line ncr, 3 Adelaide Direct ecr, 9 Eccentric 25ec, 11 Bonista Ssec. 7 Bellis 4*ec. G Bell Metal 4;ec, 4 Frnndocia 4fec, 12 Calm Ssec, 13 "Glendalough sscc. 2 Ripon Child Ssec, and 11 Lord Elmo —oc also started. Lord Dillon at once went to the front, and with Lord Elmo and Calm next mado the running for three furlongs. Calm broke and lost his place as they camo into the straight tho first time, and with sir furlongß to go Lord Dillon was showing the way to Lord Elmo, Cameos, Ball Metal, and Bin - gana, with Adelaide Direct moving up fast. Going along the back Lord Dillon and Cameos were together, but the former broke and Cameos went on in front, with Bingana handy, and Adelaide Direct moving up fast. Came— was first into tho straight, but Lord Dillon put in a strong run and won in decisive fashion by .six lengths. Bingana was a length away third, and then enmo Em-nelinc, Lord Elmo, and Adelaide Direct. Time, 2min 57 2-sth ccc. IMPROVERS' HANDICAP (in harness), of 150 soya; second 30 soya, and third 15 ' soys from stake. Two miles. 8. C. Ireland's b m Lady Tempest, by - Bcrnic* L. —Princo Imperial marc, oyrs, 4eec .. •■ (J- Bryoe) 1 5 R J. Munro's eh h Huon Drift syr«. scr • - • • • • (Owner) 2 2. Mrs R. 0. Duncan's b m Galvanita, Gyrs. 12—c •• (J. Conway) 3 11 Ariadne Gsec, G Succeed Gscc, 12 0.1.C. Secc, 13 Dick B. Bsec 4 Black Satin lCsec. 7 Vermont 10—c, 1 —Ircsa lOsec, 3 Imperial Perfection 12sec, 0 Law Chimes I—ec, and 10 Geo Whizz 12sec also started. Elrosa, Vermont, t—d Imperial Perfection Tofuscd to begin, and Law Chimes went to the front, being followed aa tlvey went past tho stand the first time by Galvanita, Ariadne, and 0.1.C. There was not a great deal of change over the next lap, and with a round to go Galvanita and Law Chimes -were together, with Lady Tempest, 0.1.C. Gee Whizz, and Ariadne next, nnd Huon Drift moving up fast. Going along the back Galvanita took charge, aud led into the slrai-ht, but in the run home Lady Tempest and Huon Drift passed her, Lady Tempest winning by two lengths. Galvanita was eight lengths. away third, with Ariadne and 0.1.C. nest. Time,, 4min 30 4-sth ccc. FLYING HANDICAP- (in hamoss). of 150 roys; second 30 «ove, and third 15 sore from st-ike. One mile. 6 F. Amor's eh g Frank Tracey, by King Tracey—Electioneer marc, sy—,. lsec (Owner) 1 5 Mrs R. C. H. Paige'e* b m Bequest, syrs, 2aec .. ** (T. G. Fox) 2 4 T Bryant's b m Dot Robbins, 4yra. ' ____£» .. . (Ovraor) 8 11 Barma-rni© scr, 8 Prince Poole scr, 3 Lady Theckla scr, 10 Lord Heathcote lsec, 1 Kirv.-ee 3—c, 9 First Alarm Ssec, 2 Misri— Dillon 4&ic, and 7 Dollar Prinocea 4sec also utartcd. Dollar Princesa wa» quickest away, but passing the stand had given place to Muriel . Dillon, with Kirwc. and Frank Traoey next. Going along tho back Frank Tracey closed on the leaders, and was in front before the tinl— wero reached; while Bequest was moving up fast. In the straight Frank Tracey drew away and won ea_ily by' six lengths from Bequest, who was a length in front of Dot Robbins. Then came Dollar Princess, Muriel Dillon, and Princo Poole. Time, Omin 11 S-Sth ccc. ——PRESS HANDICAP (in saddle), of 150 eovs; tecond 30 soys, and nthird 16 eovs from stake. Ono mile. * 3. M Dickens's b m Mountain Roao, by „othichild—Wild Rose, aged, -faeo (A. BuUerficld> 1 1. J. Farrell's b h St. Kevin, 6y«s a-wc (J. Brankin) 2 10. J. Shaw'B _t g Andy Regan, o£«d, Beeo (S. W. Gal—<-her) 3 12 Yarravillo scr, 14 Clingschild 2sec, 11 Tuatara 2acc, 7 Bonny Jenny Csec, 8 Al Franz Ssec, 13 Rosebory s»vc, -0 Lincoln Junr. stec, 5 Wallace Junr 6ecc, 6 Bequeet —oc, i Penelope 7£ec, ; and 2 Roso Dillon 7eec also etarted. Bcqueet, Penelope, and Al Frani formed the leading division in the early stages, but when Ac straight waa reached, St. Kevin was in charge. He appeared to havo the race won when Mountain Rose cam© with a strong run. and got up in time to win

by a head. Andy Regan was three lengths away third, with Wallace Junr. fourth, and Pcn-i'ope fifth.. Time, 2min 1G 3-3 th sec.

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15243, 3 April 1915, Page 12

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EASTER MEETING. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15243, 3 April 1915, Page 12

EASTER MEETING. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15243, 3 April 1915, Page 12