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(By Cable—-Pre" Association.—Copyiifhl.)

(Roceivod.ifa.reh 4th, .3.10 p.m.) FLEMING To>\ March 4. The Vicio'ia. Racing Club's Autumn Meeting was continued «kUj\ The weather was beautiful, and- there wm M average crowd present. The people looked for ke*n racine in tho weiiiht-for-w*- races, and got more surprises than "they bargained for. Ihc U M. Lloyd Stalces were regarded *s a. jrift for Mountain Knijjht. tho only other horse attracting attention being Jolly Beggar, whose form was good. Traquetto went away with preat dash, and was never cang-ht.. -line performance was more pronounced in the Loch Plato, but in the first case the raco ua e won by merit, whereae in tho other the pokeys ou Carlita and- Land- ol ben" were caught napping Hayston increasing lm load while tlx» other two. were- watching each other. Haveton was loudly cheered on returning- to "scale. Onaaer'e raco wae regarded a« a foregone conclusion, ftlt«r his performance on the first day. lioeults: — AUTUMN' HURDLE RACE, a aweepsiakee of '2 soys each, with 350 M vs added; s?cond TO sor». and third 3o sovb from «take. Three miles. A. T. Crcewicks eh g W lsconsm. by United States—Mecca, 6yrs. o*t Olb.. 1 J. O'DwyerVi b g Van Homrcigh. by Dalriada"—Vanessa. syr*s 9s t Tib ..2 D. Ryan's b g Clmmm, by Chestcrmau. aged. lOst 51U .. ■ ■ • * Xir.e started. Chess led till tho last half-mile waa en--] tcnxl upon, and at the turn Wisconsin tooK ciiarge, and won by four lengths. Irn lengths between second and third hor*?«. Time oiiiin 4(s\see. C. M LLOYIi STAKES, a eweepstakee of 10 soys <?;ic!;, with 1000 aovs added; second 000 dovs. aud third 100 coys from st-nke. Weiglit-for-age. One mile. ,T. Miils's br f T-aquettc, by Traquair— Simmeri'tte. 3yrs. ftet 31 b .. •• A P. A. Connolly's "blk h Jolly Beggar, by Ayr Laddie—Lady Trenville, aged, Ost lib .. .. .. .. ..2 E. J. WattY br c Mountain Knight, by Mountain King—La Veille. 3yis, Sst ol'< . .. .. ..3 Philio Sst 121b and Blajrue Bst 6!b ;iL=o started. In a few, «trid<« Traqurtl* was i« front, j>ml siie led at fhe- six furlong post b> , three loiigih* and a ha!£ from Blague, who was c lowly followed by Mountain Knight. At the end of another furlong Traquettc had increased her load to five length- 1 , but at tho turn her advantage hud been roduced by two lengths. Here Jolly Beggar sot out in pursuit of tho filly, who. however, was going eawUy. and she eventually won by a length and a half. A lengt'i separated pocond and third. Tim.\ .19tc. AUTUMN HAXniCAP. a 9ire*r>ri-«kss of fi eo'.-s e.ich. with 500 «cvs added; serond 100'?.oi->-, and third 50 -soys from stake. One mil? nnd five furlong?. S. Horde niV blk c Onajwr. by Royal Artillery—Tartar, tyrs, Set nib .. 1 'P. T. Heywood's b g-Atora. by George Frederick—Maisie, aged. Set 3lb .. 2 J. X. McArtln"-'e eh <r -ibbcy Cruisr, by Wallace—L."/ , Guy, aged, (W Olb ..3 Dinbnlo also started. Abbey lod to the turn. Onszr and Atjro disputing second place, but tho pace wan not fait till the six furlong post was readied. Onager imwi" hi* run at the distance, and won easily by half a length; a ii"ck between second and third. Time, 2min 54 ?,3ec. MARCH NURSERY. a sw;epstak<?fl of n soys cash, with "CO ?ovs added: second GO «r>vp, and third 30 sors from stake. For two-year-olde. .Six furlongs. S. A. Rftwdon's b c TJi'-aso, by Bobadil— Jdyll. 7st lib .. .. ..1 E E. D. Clarke's b c One. by The Welkin— Lijtht, 7et -ib .. .. 2 S. Miller's b c Karl, by Charlemagne 11. —Demeter, f-*t llib .. ..3 started. One !«' to tho distance from Karl. Thraso then chcller.ged, and in a good finish won by a head, with half a neck between second and third. Timo Imin 15sec. .LOCH PLATE, a ewcepstakee of 8 sove eaclj, with 750 sovfl added: eecond 150 eovs. and third 75 soys from stake. Weight-for-age, with allowances. Two miles. S. A. Ttawdc.n's eh c Hayston. by Earleton —Ve|ox. 3yrs, 7st Olb (31b allow.) .. 1 X. Falkiner'a eh c Land of Song, by ' Llangibby—Aliens, -lyre. &it 111b .. 2 P. Rogers and J. Rivers'a b or br f Oarlita, by Charlemagne ll.—Couronne, 3yrs, 7st 111b .. .. ..3 Pistol King Set lllb a>o started." Ilavston icd out of the. straight by eight lengths, from Carl'tn, who was about four liboad of Land of .Sous:. Half a mile from home, when the pace began to improve, Haystnn was still three lenethe cle*r of Carlita, with Land, of Song » similar distance behind tho New ZeaJand-bred filly. At the turn Land of Son? pawed Carlita. but though liavd ridden, failed to dJ6p!ac« Hayston, wlio won by a neck. Carlita waa four lengths further back. Time, 3min Hlisec. RIVKR HANDICAP, a sweepstakes of 3 «ovs pac!i. witli i'OO eovs eddfld; second 60 ROV3, and third f.O soya from etake.. One mile and a. quarW. B:o« ' b f Wnllachin, by .Wallace •— Caritsima, 3jts, Tst 7;b . .. ■ .. 1 R. (r. C>*?ev'."> br c BurHnjt'.nk. by.lf»l3ter —lisdy Trenton, 4yrs, 7st, 7lb .. 2 "\V. S. Hickcnbotham's b c Fidclio, by Pnsitano—Fidea. 3yrs, 83t Hlb .". 3 Twelve atnrted. IIonorin« and Chid made t)v» running to the turn, but in the straight Fidelio, with n fast run; cut down both. Then AVallachia challenged and won by a length; a length between second and third. Time, 2min 6a°c. IJAXXEVIBKE R.C.'S AUTUJIX MEETING: • (PRESS ASSOCIATION' TELEGRAM.) DAXNEVIRKE. March 4. Tlifl Dar.nevirke Racing Club's Autumn Meeting was concluded to-day, when showery weather made tho track appreciably softer than it •α-db on the opening day. The ottenJanco was nguiu large, and the fields good. The sum of X 15,763 was put through tho machine.' making :t total of jE32,180, as etompared with £29,595 for the corrrapondin;» meetine lo«t year. Reaulie : — HACK SCURRY, o'. 70 sots; six furlongs— ? Ronurora, Set 101b (W. Ryan), 1: 1 Admiral Beatty, 8»i lOlb. 2: 0 Holvwell, Set JOlb, 71. ." Sinorrt. fi"t 101b, 4 Tragedienne Sst 101b,. 7 Knwarau S«t 101b. and 5 Dansvr Signal Sst 1401b. also fctiTt*d. "Won with ease by a length nnd a half, with six lengths between second nnd third. Time, imin ir J e»c. i MAXGATERA HACK HANDICAP, of 100 soya: swn furlongs— 4 Suratur». Bst 31b (\V. O'Halloran), 1; 6 Discussion. s«* 71b, C: r His Eminence. 7at lib, 3. 1 "V7r-' !>st lllb, '2 Janitor Sst 91b. 5 Tangihou fjrt 3lV>, and 7 Sir Montoa Csl 71b. also started. Sir Mo-iitoi) lfd into the straight, but Suratura then moved up and won by two lengths: a nose between second aud third Time, Imin Slsec. • ■ JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 100 sove: five furlongs—l Loreto. Bst 9lb fB. Deeley), 1 : o Carillon, Ost fib. 2; G Spain. 7st 2!b, H. 1 Sicily 7st lllb, 4 Pall Mai! 7st. nnd 3 Flying Spur fist 13IL>, also s»ried. Won easily by two lengths, with a n<?ck between second and third. Time. Imin 3 l-sth ser. AUTUItX HANDICAP, of -iOO sove: or.c mile and a auarter— I Sunbird, Sst lib (H. Youug). 1: S Midnight Star, 7st 51b. 0; 2 Sir Alba. 7et lllb, 3. f> Birkline Rst 12lb. * .OrIrans Bst filb. 3 ImaroE" 7st !)lb. 3 Invader Gst 10lb, and 7 Lady Moutoa Cst. 71b. uJbo started. The public made Sunbird a. hot favourite. A pood despatch was effected and pissing tho stand Invader occupied thr leadinsr position, clnpelv attended by Imtvroe«\ Midnight Stnr, Lndy Moutoa, and Sunbira, who were bunch-?d. Goint: along the back Lsdy Moutoa ehot to the front, and remained there for a couple of fnrlonvjs, but round:ne the bend Sunbird .displaced ber. and waa fouov/cd by Midnight Star ar.d Sir Alba. Sinbird had the race well in hand, and won b™ over two Icn?th3. Sir Alba vrat a lengtii away third Time, 2min 9 3-sthvc. SECOXD HACK HURDLE JLVXDICAP, of 100 ftovs: ono milo and n- half—2 Anealon. lOet lllb (A. TTr.»dl. 1: 1 Herri© Guy, 10et 3lfc, 2; 3 Caher Dnt-on. l<Vt lib. 8. *. Glourir. lOst 51b. C Goldon Water 10?t. and S Advancement 9st. als<i "tarted. Giouria and Advancement foil. Ascalon won eapilr by lenefhe from Merrr Guy, wiih .Calvsr Davon sis longtime away. Time, 2min 5S 4-stb *<x.

TELEPHONE HACK WniCAP, of 100 v>vs; six ftirlonps—s Ilus'iabye. 7st -<!b (\V. Bell). 1; 3 The Nil*. 7sS Tib. 1; 1 Mnltimicitv, 3at Clb. ?,. 2 Lady T)ayle«forrl 7a t slb. f> Lady Teazle 7st 21b. 4 Ron?cra 6st l-2!b. 7 !>ord Laddo tot Tib, 8 Ool'l Bo?rine Cst 7'b, d St. Oraw fat 71b. p.nd G r«i 'To. also started. Hushabyc rushed to th<> front on entering th* straight, and won by a short Jiead; thro* lengths between second and third. Time. Jmin !?wc.

KAITOKE ACELTER HANDICAP, of ISO 60v 3; seven f-.jilwng«—2 Blackail. 9st (L."VTil■'on), 1; 4 Sir Dousld. Set 01b. 2: 3 Zeus, Del 9lb, 3. 1 Monologue 9»t Hh, and 5 Instep 7st 71b, also «tart«d. Inetep.led to the turn, and in a Rood race to the pf»* BUchall won by half a iensrth, with two lengths between second and tnird. Tim*, lmin 32sec. TAPUATA HACK HANDICAP, of 100 soys; one mile and BO yard-—I M>lod»t, 7«t ! nib (B. Deeley). 1: 0 Perhape, 9st 9!b. 2; 2 Cherry Bloeeom. fiat lib. 3. 5 Tangihou 8«t Sib. and Eingey 7et 71b, also started. ['Won comfortably by two lengths. » n*ck eeparating second and tb:rd. Time, lnrin SO sec. NAPIER PARK R.C.'S AUTUMN MEETING. (PEESS ASSOCIATION TELBCRAJI.) PALMERSTON NORTH, March, i. /rh-e following handicaps h*ve wen declared :-- OMARANTI HACK HITBDkE S ' of HO eovs; one mile, and tliree-qw* r t er,, —Sir Donald list 3lb. Chatmos lOst 3lb, Bukful lost, Monologue lOst, Glouria Ost 13lb. Caher Davon

Ost 61b, Rock Ferry 9st 21b, Evia Ost. Coo usi, Urrnoloid 9et.

*.S>K HACK HANDICAP, of 100 eovs; Sve fnrlonge-Riipahu Set, Multiplicity fist. Allan UooneßetG.b Powder Vox Set Gib. BlnrV Heart Bst 41b, Raumuwlmri Rat lib. Foistonc /st «lb, Soft Lord Tst 71b. lluyal Mary 7«t 41b, Hymen Tst 31b, Watchful 7»t ill.. 'Mandoline <st 21b, King's Host ?et 2lb, Ansrui»h J"* iib. Blacking Tel, Hima Tel, Potentiality ™ J. A 2 mira! B**tty gj,,, lo!b _ Get -?u V fa!lcn ept lo '-b- U«eher Boy Gst .Ib, Ormesby 6st Tib, St. Omer list TllVTnie Gun 6st Tib, Lady TeazJe 6»1 7lb. Tragedienne l*t 71b, Pursoform Gst 71b NAPIER CUP. of 500 rots: one ir.ilo ami a quarter—Ladoga <V«t Clb. Kβwi Poto fet 131b, Multiply a?t lCi\\ Indi"o S*t Pib. Despatch Carrier Sit Tib, Birklinp r>l Tib, Byron Set 31b, Bertrada Tut Ulb. Knaiwni T?t ioH\ Fair Rosamond Tst Oib. B«',Jam<> 7et ?*lb. Marshal McDor.aM Tst Tib. HyeUus Tst Jib. Kinbombi Tst 2lb, Sir Alba* Tst lib, .Tern .at. Midnight Star Mlb. lliv.-itami 6s*, 91 b. St. Kltnu Gst Tib, lVl>u'« Gst Tib WELTER HAXDICAP. of ~120 eovs: wvoii furlongs—Sir Alba 9ri. l-;lb, Ma.rsha.ll McDonald 9st 12lb. Biackall ft»t 95b. MultffcoS 9«t 91b, Birkftil 9st 91b, Settler 9st Bib. GoWen Sky 9st 4lb, Kaniiuohe Sst 12!b. Pfrcvler Pel 121b, Cabor Daron Set 71b, Rock Ferry Sst 7lb, Him a 6st Tib. SAPLING STAKES, of 130 eovs; fir* fwrlongs—Doswt Go.l p«: nib. GoM Foil S«t 9lb, Dribble Set 51b. Loretto .«,«•« sll\ Eligible Tut Olb. Carlyeian 7«t 9lb. lly-ani* Tst Gib. Gold Shot Tst. filb, Kinktero T*t elb. Mauiareka "st G!li. H"k'iis;fors T?t Gib. Queen's Fle*t "st 61b. CsncUa 7*t, Hvettneei* Tst. Sicily fist ISlb. Torcca fist 12!b Si>»in G?t lOlli," Marcia. Cst 10lb. Carillon 6st Tib. | REDCLYFFE HACK WELTER, of 100! eovs: onf mile—Perhaps !Vst Sib, Multifua! 9st lib, Tries* Sst 13ib, Genera! Webb Sst- ! Hlb. MtiKiarr. {?.<>! 2»b. 3od<-nham 7«t Vi», ! Munio Sst lib, Whakuhoki Pat. Floltl For™ S"t. "Piscusainr. T_-t Ui>\ G<m«.-i Id«a Tst 9l\>. l?.->yal Favcvurit" Tst Tib, Ballyhar Tst "!b, KirV's 'iiiiird Tst Tib. FIA'IXG HAXDICAP, of 175 «ot«: «:'x ftirlon"S-Cliori> 9=t ?!b, C-rtvMi* Pst 'lb. IVI--d'lmp'ee- -H'n, IW Book Sst lib. Ruapani S-t lib, Tet--s-t"i*> T?t ll'K Sl<-ki Tot 2>b. tvraJne ~*t ?!b. Holder. S'rv 7*='. llusl-coti Tat, Ir.3t*-n 6st 71b. Wa'.c-iful Csi Tib, Duplier Uoj' Cst Tib. MASTERTOX R-C.'S AfTI'MN (mESS ASSOCIATION TKI.EGRAM.I DANXBVIRKK. March 1. Tin* follo'.vir.g hasdicane have tfen <3oCV L r AI>IICS , BUACELRT JIAyUICAP. o; 75 oovs; one mi!? and a distanoe— M«Vdi-:l lOst Sib. Miriam 3Cet 4lb. Anilwr and \Vhit» T2st 2lb, G#n*ral Webb list IOTb. T«jTihon 1 let 91b, Keynote li«t -lb. Otaknriv lib. Ovorhoar<l list, Jet d'lCnn Het. MASTERTO.. HACK IiAXDICAP, of 100 «&\-e; one milo—Want 3n 6lb. Bai'keia ftst 6't> Priaes Laddo fct Tib, M?rx}- Gain (=et tlbi Jrtnifoi- Sit 4:b, Arl:nston S--t 4lb, N-MitsSiade Sit -!'■> JJua.tan?uta fist. 01b. i:«:dia-a Tfi Uib, 7«t 111", TnnKih<vj Ti?t nli\ Camulns 7st Hilb, Sylvaji Du'.c Ts:t. Dlb. Hap Dim Trt 91I\ I-udy Xolan "fi 511). Elopenifiit. Tet 2lb. Otter 7st, Ulyea;* "st. lX»n 7*t. RUAMAHUXOA HACK HANDICAP, of «o\-s; sis furlongs—Multiplicity 9st Elb, Suraw>ra Be*. J 2lb. (Soorg* 8a- v lilb. Montana psl 111b. Lubrilinc Set 10lb. liodogeur tvst 9lb, Improve fet, Tib. Wl»»-.)erer Ssl 51k Niehtfthade Set -Ilk Mvlodiflt" 6sa -tlb, Amber ar.A White "si. lSlb. Martyred 7«t l'2Kn, Cnaoo 7»t l-2ib Haumakaka TRt lQlh, Rew.hau 7»t 121b, Uongr-ra Tst Clb, Ally Tit 4'b. Salado Te.t lib, Killaloo Tei lln, Kiltie Lar-i 7st, No I<ka Tst, Conzifka- Jean Tet, St. Omor Tst, Waipohi 7et. DASH HACK Ii.v.vDICAP. of 100 sow: five fiirlonsr*—Multiplicity Sit- 7ib. Powder Fox Set 121b, itadozeuT e?t 101b, Martlet B#t Oili Improve fet >Slb. Whi»F*wr filh - Tirana fßt 4lb, Miroculous Pet Sib. Royal Sloeve* Sst 4lk SaxiMl* Bst, The D:ver Tut 331-b, Vcroncal "at. 101b. ■Mart intra lβ 7et 91b. lloncora Tat 71b. Mi.»s Trumß* Tet 41b, Lady Dayleeford Tet lib, Cold Xecklace Tet 2»b. Klop«nient Tet 2tb Killaloo Tst 21b. Lody Tcazl* 7*t lib. Diplomat Tst. Gold Bearing T«t, Laas "st- Kilti© l*a«e Tet, Mireiriah Tst. Ilockabve Tet, Multoc- Tet. MARCH HANDICAP, of 130 «ove; cix fur- ■ lorjge-C-ho'rtV. 9st" 91k Mummer Sat 91b, Blue Lak« Bst 71b. Ruatwni Sst Clb, Zcts Sat. 41b Simp?* Sam Bs*. Ilk Goldstreftia-7rt 10lb PirrdcT Fox 7«t slb,'Chakwana Tst 3b, Ararat. Tet slk Mowbray T-st 3lb, Marimba r*t lOib, M-'ss Kelly fe.t 101b, Sartovna. Cut 71b. ' ■ ■ " ~ MASTERTOX of .TCO soys; one rnslc anu a quarter —Multi-D'" 3;t. 51b. Sir • Knox f-rt 131k Byron Set 10lb. I>onta Bsl lOik S«ubiril S«tSlb, Muromer Sit 71b. God Sou it P-t 4Uj,-Bene.fist--4iH ...Buapani ftrt 4lb, Orioans ■β-t 2i-b.' Banksi* Tst Ulb S>r Alba Tst Ulb. Kiabambi Tut 9lk Sir Donald Tst olb PfcowW T»t- 21k St. OmeT Gst 12! p. Prince JUaddo Get 50ib. Camulue 71k _ ■ OPAKI WKLTER, of 180 now; one Gold SouH 9?l lUk if-ultikoff Stet 91b.. -■Sir D'mald 9et 4!k Monoioeue 9et lib, Km* En 101b,' Auetm Pit lob, Merry Gain Bst 41b, Caher Pa yon B*l H'j, Sartcnia Sst. • VTESTPORT JOCKEY CLUB. ■ (PEEBS ASSOCIATION* TELEGRAM.) WESTPORT, March 4. Th* Weatnort Jockoy Club to-ai(rht to sco what action ehoiiM-b© taken m ecekmg to recover tlv> totaliaator permit which was taken away o. few years back, when the number of totalisator permit* was reduced. The speakers pointed out that Wcetport had bc«n very harshlT dealt -with, as owin X to its wo; ktkl poeition, local Wβ ownere could no. yery well be - repreaented at any .other meeting It was decided to approach the Boroif'h CoancU with a ptel! » «; in" on the beach, and, 'pro«a«l.a permit Jβ obtained, to have a. new. track faring there. ■ ■ . . . . .. XOTKS. •Vcceptances for the Gore Racing Clxil/s Autumn Meeting close this evonm > : ominatione for the Southland Racing Glub ? s Autumn Meeting closo nus eV Although 11. Young's appeal against his disqualification, by the_ Marion Jockey Club was dismissed, tue deposit oi £$Q was returned. The five-year-old trotting mare Miss Pei'gy, who,-until recently ivas.m.i- ,- lloTmes's stable, line been sold to .an Australian sportsman. \n explanation advanced at the enquiry, which was hold into Merry , Guy s running at-the Dannevirlte R.C.s Meeting j'eeterday, was deemed satisfactory.aml'no further action was taken. Chrysotis. also rzalloped well, and, with about her Peninsula Cup weight up, she -registered peed time over-a mile, finishing well at the end of the journey. Notwithstanding its marked drop in value, as compared with last year, the Ilosehill Cup attracted an entry of 00, arnon"- the number being the recentlyarrived Xew Zealanrler, oca Pink, who is hems trained by H. Rayner. for Mr E J. Watt. Mr S. Hordern was not long in gettiiic; some return lor his outlay on the Royal Artillery colt, Onazer, whom the cables announced yesterday had been boupht for 1200 guineas. His win in this Autumn Handicap yesterday would rnpnn a return, in stakes of 371 govs; and as his victory was an easy one, in good company, his new owner seemed well-advised in makins his purchase. At-the Hill End (N.S.W.) Jockey Club's meeting a. fortnight ago. only five horse* put in an appearance. The Opening Handicap went to Grand Amber. tb« only otiior starrer being Dorinth. Hindoo Maid won the Hade Rjice from Lady. Trenton, these being the only starters. Colin was successful in tho All-Comers' Handicap, the only other - starter being Dorinth. Grand Amber walked over for the Jockey Ciub Handicap, while the Forced Handicap was abandoned. Xightv.-atch jraHoped nine furlonpson tho Dionj;h at Eiccnrton yesterday in a resolute manner. Ho had had enough at the end of his task, but fix furlong;, were run at a clinking pace, ' and duriatr this part of the journey he was practically unaccompanied. Antnmnui. who was to have picked the four-year-old up 3t tho seven furlong post." oid not find his feet too quicklv'. and did not tret on terms till the h.ilfmile> r>eg had been parsed. Night watch Dulled up <=ound, and the gallop was a creditable one. 1

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15219, 5 March 1915, Page 10

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SPORTING. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15219, 5 March 1915, Page 10

SPORTING. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15219, 5 March 1915, Page 10