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(FEOil OCR O\V> COKRESPONDEST.) LONDON, January 5. That New Zcalandcrs abroad haro not been slow to tender their serrices in defence of tho Empire will be OTident from the following list of thoso who are at preseut on service irith tho British Army and Navy and Auxiliary Forces. I liavo compiled it from sources available here, and liavo brought it right up io m date with tho latest Gazettes, though possibly \bzro are omissions of officers and mon who are serving in outlying parts of the Empire. Abraham, L. M. (Palmerston North); £Wident at Cambridgo; Corporal King jtl " ward's Hore«; now 2nd Lieutenant Royal .Field Ariiilery. Adam J. A. (Dunedin); "iToopor Strathcona'a Horse, Canadian Expeditionary rorce. Aitken, (Wellington), R«d Croea. Alexander, Major Dudley, C.M.G. (formerly A.D.C. to Lord Ranfurly). Pxeee Censor. Allen. .Tohn (eon of Hon. James Allem!, 2nd Lieutonant 13th (Service) Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment, training in CornAllen. Dr. W. Guy (Wellington), etafT eurgeon with the Grand Fleet. Andrew,. Colonel A. W. (Canterbury), coinmandin" the 114 th Mahiattae in India. Arden, Captain J. U. (Cape Runaway), Worcestershire Regiment. Aimetroiig, Miss L. E. (Dunedin) attached to nureing staff, Dorchester Hou&e, Jjondoii. Anderson, Hugh ii. (Christchurch), SubLieutenant H.M.S. New Zealand. Arthur, 8., Sorgoant Ist Kins Edward c Horse.

Major-Geneial .T. M., formerly Comandant i-a New Zealand, commanding 23rd Division Kitchener's Army. Bailoy, Gerald Deighton, from 2nd hury Regiment, now 2nd Lieutenant Leinster Regiment. Balcombe-Brown, Bainsfo'rd (Wclbugton), etudent Oxford, 0.T.C.; X 2nd Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery. ■ _ Balcombe-Brown, W. E. (Wellingion). β-n----dent Oxford; 2nd Lieutenant Royal I'ield Barclay, Dr. H. C. (Waimate), LieutenantColonel 2nd South Canterbury Regiment; serving with the Russian Army Medical faorBarcroft, Penrose L. (Hawke's Bay), Sv.bLieutenant H.M.S. New i«aland. Barker. Harold Stuuholme (Canterbury), Sul)-Lieutenani H.M.S. Forward. Barker, Richard Ernest (Canterbury), Lieutenant liti Canterbury iiegiment; now in South Lancashire itegmient. . Barnes, Ormsby G. K. (Chrietchurch), Lieutenant Royal West Kent Regiment. Barry, A. V., Trooper l6t King tdwarde Beaaky, Miiae, Base Hospital, Dieppe.' Bell, Cheviot W. D. (son Hon. F. H. U. Bell), etudent Cambridgo; King Edwarde Horse, Lieutenant. Berryman, "W. O. (Oxford, Canterbury), formerly Acting-Lieutenant C.V.C.; Lieutenant 2nd Dragoon Guards, -ork; transferred to Ist Royal Dragoons, 3rd Cavalry Division, at tho Front. Bevan-Brown, F. V. (Chrietchurch), student Guy'e Hospital; Lieutenant R.A.M.C. Bevan-Brown, R. E. (Chrietchurch), etudent Cambridge; 2nd Lieutenant Infantry Regiment, Kitchener's Army. Birch, Jack M. (Wanpranui), 2nd Lieutenant Sixth Battalion Fifth Lancashire Regiment. Biroh, W. R. (Wanganui), 2nd Lieutenant Ist Dragoons. Blackman, R. (Christ-church), Private Royal Fusil isTft. ' Blair, Lieutenant A. D., Royal I^avy. Bless, J., Chief Petty Officer, H.M.S. Cornwall is. Blythe, A. D. (formerly of Ruahino Battalion), Captain sth Uattalion Gloucestershire Regiment. \ ~ Bo"le, G. Stafford (Whangarei), formerly of Public Works Department, N.Z.; Sapper let Field Company Canadian Expeditionary Force. Boyle, Alexander D. (Chrietchurch), Lieu-tt-najit H.M.S. New Zealand. Brad'oy, Frederick G., driver Royal Artillery; won V.C. at Itala in Boer War; rejoined R.A. as S-ergeant-Major. Bridger. William Bell (Dunedin), joined Esarx Territorials; now with. A.S.C. in Franc-e. Briated, G. F., Corporal let King Ldward'a Horee. Bromiield, —~ Trooper Kvng Edwarde Browning, Rev. F. M. (Selwyn College), etudent Leeds Clergy School (for Mel&neeian JOssion); serving with R.A.M.C. Buddlo. R (Auckland), temporary surgeon F.M.S. Actaeon. Buddie, —. (Auckland), Royal Engineers. Butler, Mise Theresa (Wellington), St. John Ambulance in Belgium; returned to Nev Zealand. ,„.,,. Butler. W. E. (Wellington), 6th Battalion Seuforth Highlanders.

Callomler, George W. (Wellington, joined 28th County of London (Artists Kites); 2nd Lieutenant Infantry, Kitchener'e Army, V\ orcc3ter Kegimont. Campbell, Alan Iβ Grande (Wellington), lioyal Mihtary College, Caniberley. Campbell, Major C. L. K. formerly A.D.C. to General Bubington), 16th Lancers; .wounded in November, returned U> front, mentioned in despatches. Campbell, lan 1\ (son o£ Mr Patrick Campboli, Christchurch), entered Sandhurst from Cheltenham; 2nd Lieutenant let Battalion Cameron Highlanders. Campbell, Patrick Kinloch (son of .Mr Patrick Campbell, Christchurch), entered 3rd Battalion Special Reserve of Black Wtttch, 1913; commanded a platoon in Ist Battalion at front, wounded at Aisno, now returned to duty. Campbell, Thomas (Wellington), Lieutenant Royul Artillery. Carbery, Dr. A. D. (Stratford), SurpeonMajor N.55.M.C; at front with R.AM.C. since, beginning o! war. Carew, Alexander, late Captain N. 55. Gar-" rison Artillery; Caplaiu Royal Garrison* Artillery. Carlyon. E. T. R. (Wanganui). student Cambridge: 2nd Lieutenant Kitchener's Army. Challis, 0. (Wellington), denta.l surgeon; with Expeditionary Force. Chapman, ,G. M. (son of Mr Justice Chapman), student at Cain'jridse. and London Hospital; eervimr with 35 A.M.C. Chappie, Dr. "\Y. A., M.P. (Wellincton); Maior R.A.M.C. (service ■within Fnscland). Chaytor, Lieutenant-Cnk>n?l D'.Arcy (Blenheim), formerly comrnitnd'u? 10 th Nelson Mounted Rifles; wa« Supply Commandant -at Dunkirk for operat/ons of R.X. Division in North Boleium; now commanding of ■R.IC. Division. Chcncells, — (llacterton\ Trooper King Edward's Horse; transferred to X.Z. Expeditionary force (British section). Chesnev, Captain K. O, Zea:«nd Staff J Corps), on Staff Division Kitchener's Army at ; Cbeirnsford; transferred tn Warwick. I Ciu'.ton, Franh (Chriatchurcb?, training at Woolwich; 2nd Lieutenant Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Chins, W. T. (Auckland), Kins Edward's Horse: 2nd Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery. Choycc, Dr. Charles Coley (Auckland), resident iurgcoh Seamen' 3 Hospital, Greenwich; surireon Australian Vo:uatary Hoepita-1, Hou^oKr.c. Christie, pr. — ("Wacgajjui). Lieutenant R.A.ILC., 1 General Hospital, France. Ciemisioi:, R. H., Siafl-Serceant Durham Liebi- Infantry; training: at Hartlepool. Cochrane. Captain J. X./ formerly pirec tor of Operations in X.Z.; . I«e-inst«r i Regiment; on General S'tail Kith Diris'lon Kitcheners Army. Cokeu. Louia (Patnicreton Korth). slndcnt Lor.doii Hospiial; serving with R.A.M.C. Collins."' Captain R. H.. Berkshire Ilegirnent; A.G. i:i 5.2.. 1915-14. Cooko. O. A. (Timarut, Aseistant Payaia3tor, 11.M.5.. Latoua. Corkill. T. F., student Edinburgh; serrinL' vith R.A.M.C. Cos, —, 2nd Kins Edward'e Horse. Craciock. Lieutenan'-C-oicncl il., coicTJBndcd" a Xew Zealand Cnntinqeut in South * ( ric3; coremandin j 2nd King Edward's Hor^c. Currie, D., X.Z. Expeditionsrv Force (British Section); '2nd Lieutenant Infantry. Dalryniple, 3lre (pEiinersion Xorth), with Red Cross. Davidson, iia-jor S. R-, formerly K.Z. Forces; Indian Army. Davies, L.eutfnaut H- A. (Wangauoui) training in England; went to front in August v.-;tb 31 th Brigade RJ'JL, siill in the field. Davjt-s. Major-General R- H. ?oinn:and«d 6th Infantry Brigade -until Batik of Aiane, invalided Eojae, prosMt«d asd given command of division of new &rsaj at Aldershot. Dean, Harland H. (Wellington), from X.Z. Forces; Lieutenant in Dorset Regiment. Denniston, J. D. (Canterbury), aiudent at Cambridge; Txooper King Edward's Horse. Dixan Dr. Joseph F.. formerly Captain lOib. X.Z. Mounted Biflte; Captain 2nd -S'orth ilidiand Field Ambulance.

Doiby, Licateaaat E, 8., RJSIL, β-a. Cai* E»rja. Donald, Walter Alien (Ancklaad), etudent Oxford; Iroopcr Kinc Edwards Horao. Donovaa, K. H. (Christchurch), Scots Guards. Dormor-Maundor. Mias Beatrice H. (Baagitikei), Red Croea nurse in France. Drabc, F. P., Trooper Ist King Edward'e Horse. Duff. Hujh (Hanke's Bay), Lioutessaait Lovat'a Scouts. Dnguid, William, with ILA.M.C. Dunn. A. E., Commander R.N.K., fanaerly Chief OScer Rotorua; min&*weepicg duty. EUaby, G. H. (Dunedia), 7Uj Batt., 2nd Brigade, Canadian Expeditionary Foicfl. Em<>reon, Mrs Lilian (Chrietchurch), nnreinp, H.A.M.C. End*ar., Dr. (Auckland), eoxvia? with R.A.M.C. Euataoe. Frod (Auckland), Cud Lieutenant West Kent Regiment. Fair, Arthur (Wellington), 2nd Lientenssat Bth Batt. Suffolk Raiment. Fsirchi'd, Mi*a Edith (Wellinpton). 6<*rr«d in South Africa, now at Royal Military Hospital, Woolwich; gone,to a base- hospital at f'oui. Fel!, David N. (wn of Mr A. Fell, M.P.), Lieutenant Commanding Submarine Al2. Fcri'ir, Colin (Tim»ru), f<"Tnerly Lieutenant 2nd South Canterbury Regiment; now •ith Royal Fueilicra. F«th»wton. Guv (Auckland), eerred trith New Zealand Contingent in South Africa: Farrier-Sorgeant Kin? Edward's Horse; now 2nd Lieutenant R.F.A. Find'ay, lan (third eon of Sir J. G. Findlay), O.T.C. Findlay, Lloyd (socend eon of Sir J. G. Find'av). 2nd Lieutenant Infantry, Kitcher"-'"« Army. Fi-dlay, Wilfred (eW«st ton cf Sir J. G. Find'ay). joined 2Sth Battalion County of London Regiment (Artiste Rifles); 2nd Lieutenant Infantry, Kitchener's Army. -H" Miss Gertrude (Chrifitchurch), Red Cro3?, ParK Fi«h«r, Mr nnd Mrs W. B. (Wellington), working with St. John Ambulance Association in London. Norman, served in South Africa; Lieutenant New Zealand Expeditionary Force (Briti«h eection). FitzHerbert. H. L. (Wellington), 2nd Lieutenant Infantry. Florann?. D. C. 'il. (Auckland), 2nd Lieutenant R.F.A. ]-Vl?n. F. Watson (Timaru), Officer Cunard Line; Lieutenant R.X.R. Forrceter, Rev. E. E. S. (Auckland), temporary Chaplain to the- Forces. Froyborg, Bernard C. (Wellington*, formerly Lieutenant Hauraki R*?gin:ent: appointed Lieutenant K.N. Division; served in Antwerp Expedition; promoted. LieutenantCommander. Freyberg, Oscar (Wellington), Lieutenant R.N. Division. Friedland-er, Hugo R. (student St. Thomas's Hospital); uerring with R.A.M.C. GardW, Mqjk» 51. M. (R.N.Z.A.), temporary Lieutenant-Colonel on Headquarters Staff, South Coast Defences, Portsmouth. Garsia. Rupert C. (Chrietchurch), Lieutenant H. 11.5. New Zealand. Gatenby, James B. (Wellington), etudent Oxford; 2nd Lieutenant Infantry. G<>fld?3, Captain Guy W,, Royal Munster Fuaiiiers. bub, W. 11., formerly 16th Waikato Regiment: joined 3rd Battalion Royal Highlanders (B!ack Watch); transferred to Gordon Highlanders ac Lieutenant. Gil«??, G. D. (Canterbury), Lieutenant Suffolk Regiment; now Captain 10th Battalion Norfolk Regiment. Glasgow, Major A. E. (Nelson), Sussex Regiment; Brigade-Major in, India. Glowr, J. (Wellington), Royal Engineers. Goodfellow, Eric ~H. (Auckland), etudent Edinburgh; served with Australian Field Hospital in Franco; now 2nd Lioutenant R.F.A. Gou!d, Roger (Christchurch), student Cambridge ; 2nd Lieutenant Cavalry. Goring, E. V., 2nd Lieutenant Sueses Regiment (wounded in November). Grace. Captain H. G. (Blenheim), joined Manchester Regiment; Indian Army oinoe 1905; now at Staff College. Gracb, T. S., Trooper Ist King Ed-rrard'e Horse Gray, Ronald (Wellington), engineering student South Kensington; Corporal King Edward's Horse. "v Green, A. R. (Otago), student Lond-ou Hospital; with R.A.M.C. Greening, R. J., able-seaman H.M.S New Zealand. Griffin, Dr. C. J. A. (Auckland), Graduate Univereity ■Collage Hospital; Field Officer 4th Dragoon Guards, 2nd Cavalry Brigade; at front since August. Griffin, Dr. WaUon (Chrietchurch and Dunedin), SuTgeon Brighton and Hove Territorials; attached to 2nd Base Hospital R.A.M.C. Gundry, W. L. D. (Christchurch, late Lieutenant Ist Canterbury Regiment; Lieutenant sth Devon Rigimont, Guy, W. E. M. (New Plymouth), 2nd London Scottish. Hamilton, Captain Archibald F., Indian Army. Hannay. J., Trooper King Edward'e Horrc. Hare, Edgar (Southland), South African Mounted Police, Rhodesia. Harper, Commander J. E. T. (Cantarbvrv), Kind's Harbourmaster, Portsmouth. Harper, R. Tri-atram (Chrietchurch), Major Remount Department, Avonmouth. Harrison,, C. F. (Wanganui), student Cambridge; Sergeant King Edward's iloreo. Harrison, J. V., 2nd Lieutenant, Cavalry Reserve. Hartgill, W. C. (Otago University), etudent London Hospital; with R.A.M.C. Ilaskins. Basil (Pa'-merston North), stu-''--it St. Bart's; temporary eurgeon Royal Navy. Hayter, F.. Trooper King &lward*B Hokp. He'laby, F. A. (Auckland), fnrmuriy ,*!rd Auckland Regiment; New Jlealand Expeditionary Force (British Section); 2nd Lieutenant Suffolk Regiment. Hellaby, J. (Auckland), Trooper King Edward's Horse. Hellaby, It S. (Auckland), Troopey Kinsr Edward's Horee. J. A. B (Auckland), Nw sfca- ! land Expeditionary Forco Section); j 2nrl Lieutenant Royal rltiginoera. Henderson,- G. 1). ison of Mr A. D. Ilenderaon, Chrietchurch)/ Hon. Artillery Company. Hcrepath, C. A., Corporal Ist King Edwiird's Honvc. Hawitt. Captain Dudloy It. Indian Army. UimJ*, W. H. R; (Wcllingtoul, student Usford; 2u<i Lieutenant Army Service Corps. HindK H. D. (Auckland!, Trooper Kiiig idwarde Horse; 2nd Lieutoimat R.H.A. ilHidlcrißutb, A.. Trooper Ist King Edwara's Horpe. Hielop, Lieutenant J. F. G. (Canl-rbur%-), formcriv Bth South Canterbury Mounted iljilea; lai Battalion South I<ancashiro Regiment. > H;-bhz, C. R. (Howke's Bay), etu-lent Cembridge; Trooper King EdWarrd'a Horee; 2nd .Lieutenant It.F.A. Hodgson, Mise G. A., Red Cross, *t front. Holclerness, Cnptain Hardwicke, Indian Army, Holtlcriiess, 2nd Lieutenant, William, fornierly Zealand Forces; Royal Sussex Regiment. - Holmes, Frank (Timaru), Captain it.'VV.I..; Antwerp Expedition. Hunter-Blair, Alister, 2nd Lieutenant, Casnt-ron Highlanders. Hunter-Blair, Lieutenant D. W. ( Gordon iiigalandere. A prisoner of war. Hunter-Blair, Ronald, Midshipman H.SI.S." Que«n. ' Hunter, Mks C. A. fChrietchiuch\ R«d Crosi. Hutton. Major Gilbert M. (son of th» late Captain P. W. Hutton, Chriatchurch), Royal Engineers. Hyams. Jiwk 7th Batt. Royal Duohn i usiliers. Izaixi. Keith H. (Weiiinetoa), Now Zealand Expeditionary Force (British Section). T7.ajd.T. A. (Bay cf Islands), Trooper King Edvrard'a Horse; Lieutenant same regiment' Jacob, A. C. (Feilding), student Cambridge; Trooper King Edward's Horse. Jardire, Dr. E. B. (Napier), eerv-ng with R.A.M.C.; Field Ambulant*. J«>aiiinge, H. W. (Now Plymouth), 2nd Batt. London Snotiigh. Johnson, C. J. (Pictor.\ urith British Red Croi-;. Johnson, P. R. (Wellington). 2nd Lieutenant 6th Batt. Devonshire R*siment. Johnatoc, Major F. E. (Wellington), North Staffordshire Restiment. JoJirstoi!, O. R. F. <W«-l!icgton\ formerly sth Wellington Regiment; 2nd Lieutenant 6th Middl«-sex Raiment. ■-Johnston. Midshioman S. N. (Wellington), H.M.S. Colliniswood. Johnston, Dr. W. H. (Otasro and Wollington). Lieutenant R.A.M.C.. General Hospital No. 1. Jonos, F., Trooper Ist King Edxard'e Borse. Jocefl, Nuras, R^.M.C. Kay, R«r. T. G. B. (Wellington), Chanlaia to the Foroeis, Fourth Claas. Kelly, — (Wellington), footb&Uer, Trooper King Edward'e Horse. j Kinder. T. H. CWaagaaui), etadeat Cambridge ; 2nd Lienteng.cs 7th. Batt. SuSoli ' Bepita«r.t. Kingsford, —, S«rgeaat, 2ad Kisg Edwsid'e Horse. Laecellee. Slajor E. ff "X"., 3rd Drigooa Guard*; Brigade-3l»jor S.W. Monxted Brigade. Lightbound, A., Trooper Ist King Edward's Horse. Lindsay, Dr, A. 8., eerrisg with R.A.M.C. {■ Lindsay, Captain Michxel E. (Canterbarv), : formerly C.V.C.; 7th Dragoon Guarda; Adjutant Teiritoxial F.orce. " 11

Litttejobn, Dr. C. W. B. (Kelson), lieutenant ILJuJLa, wounded. I/aoess, Captain L., New Zeal&rd Expeditionary Force (British, Section); transferred to B-A-Maade!. Dr. Leopold (W«niagtoa), Tesj>. Surgron R.N., H.M.B. Donegal. Martin, Dr. A. A. (Pelmerston North), ISUi Field Ambulance: Second Army Corps. Maeser, J. H (Invercajrgill), law etadeat; awaiting commission. Matson. Captain John (Cantertraiy). {»- merly New Zealand Contingent South Africa; Indian Army. Matthews, Dr. N., B-A.11.C., Northern Command. ilsxwell-Scott, Lioutenaat-Coisni&Eder R. J. N.. R.N.; H.M.S. Snipe, China Station. Melvill, Captain C. W., Worcester Regiment ; vrounded. Miles, P. F. (Otago), Rhodee echolar; 2nd Lieutenant 19th Gloucester Regiment. k Miller, Captain George R,, New ZsalsnS Contingent South Africa; 44th Brigade Royal Artillery. Mills, -J. F.M. (Dtraedin), student Carnbridß«: 2nd Lieutenant King's Royal Rifles. Mitchison. Gilbert R. (eon of Mr A. M. Mitchiaon), Lieutenant 2nd Dragoon Guards. Mitchison, W. A. (eon of Mr A. M. Mitchieoo), motor-cs'cle despatch rider; wounded. Returned to duty; 2nd Lieutenant Royal Engineers. Monro, David Carmichael, Lieutenant R.A.M.C. Mousley, E. O. (Auckland), student Cambridge; 2nd Lieutenant R.F.A. a Muir, McLean, Trooper 2nd King Edward's Horse. Munro, Roy (Wsstport), i E t King's Lirerpool Regiment. McConnol, Trooper 2nd King Edward's Horse. MoDonald. Lieutenant Reginald H., formerly 3rd Auckland Regiment; South Lancashire Reffinient. ifacdoug&Jl —, Trooper 2nd King Edward's Horeo. "Micnoueall. Alan (Wellington). Rhodes echolar; 2nd Lieutenant Royal Fusiliers, Kitch<"nei'«j Army. Dr. F. 0. (Southland), awaiting commieMon. M*cGibbon, K. G., student at Glasgow; O.T.C. McKean, A., Trooper Ist King Edward's Horse. Mackenzie. Dr. K. F. W. (Wellington), LiwiWant JU.MC, McL«">n. litejiti»Ti«nt A. D. D. {Hawko's Cameron Highlanders; wounded at the Ais* l *: convalescent. Maclean. R-?v. CVthb-ri T. (Auckl»nd>, at front with 4th Fnei'iere: promoted Comn«iv Officer: wounded; convalescent. Maclean, F. S. fiVar>t»«mii). etudent Cam-i-,r-'r)<Tf; Troory>r King Edward's Horeo; 2nd Lieutenant R.F.A. McLeod, N., Public Schools' Battalion, MMdkeex Regiment. McLeod. M ; ss T. (Southland), Red Croea work in Belgium. McMastar, Dr. A. C. (Auckland). Lieuten».nt R.A.M.C., 3rd Lowland Field Ambulance. • Dr. Angus, Captain R_A.iLC London Scottish; wounded at ilesaino and missing. M»Q'arri«, Hector (Auckland), Theological student, Cambridge; 2nd Lieutenant R.F.A. Macrcady, W.A., Private Royal Fueilicr* (Sportamen'e Battalion). Nathan, Harold L. (Auckland), Trooper Kin" Edward's Horse; 2nd Lieutenant E.F.A. Niccol, Georgo (Auckland), Trooper King Edward's Horse Northcote, T. F., student Cambridge; Corporal Kins Edward's Horse. Oldharo. Sergeant 11. E.; 13th HuseaxeOrbcll, Lieutenant Ivan S. (Dunedin); 7th Royal Fusiliers, wounded and mieeing. O Rorko, D. C. (Auckland), etudent Oxford and Sandhurst; 2nd Lieutenant Kiag'o Rtvnl Hints. O'Rorke, M. H. (Auckland), student Oxford; 2nd Lieutenant I2th Lancers. Pain, K. W.; Trooper let King Edward's Horec. Palmer, Dr. A. C. (Dunediii): Lieutenant R.A.M.C. Parsons, Dr. Harry C, formerly New Zealand Medical Corpe; Temporary Aiajor 2nd Wessex Field Ambulance. Pentreath. Dr. C, H. R. (Blenheim); temporary Captain R.A.M.C. Percoval, Lieutenant C. P. W. (son Sir "Westby Perceval), Royal Artillery; mentioned in despatches. Perry, C M. (Master ton), formerly Lieutenant 9th Mounted Rifles; Trooper King Edward's Horse. Pinckney, J. W. (Canterbury); Troopor King Edward's Horse. Pitman, Lieutenant L. C. (Christchurch), Royal Engineered Temporary Captain and Adjutant, Lovrlaad pjvjeional Engineers (Territorials). Pownall, N. (Wellington); £6th County of London Regiment. Prideaux, W. K. B. (Auckland); 7th Battalion Wiltehiro Regiment. Pryce, E. O. (Halcombe), etudent Cambridge; Trooper King Edward's Horse; 2nd Lieutenant R.F.A. Pembertou, T. J. (Dunedin); Red Cross work jn France. Rawaen. Dr. 11. F. (Wellington), Lieutenant R.A.M.C. " Raymond, Wynne D. (Invercar<rill); 2nd Lieutenant Westmoreland and Cuinborland Yoomanry, Rennut, Miss (Wellington); Red Cross. Rhodes. Lieutenant Eric G, (, It N,; H.M.S. Venue. Rhodw, Moorhouse, W.B.R. (Wellingten); 2nd Lieutenant Royal Flying Corps. Richards,, John F. G. (Wellington), medical etudent'; with R.A.M.C. Richardson, Arthur (Auckland); R..N. Division; interned in Holland (Antwerp Expedition). Richardson, Lieutenant-Colonel G. S., New Zealand Star! Corpe; D.A.A.G and Q.M.G., Royal Naval Division; Antwerp Expedition; mentioned in o<eputchcß; promoted. Ritchie, Lieutenant-Commander, J. S. M. (Dunedin); H.M.S. St. Vincent. Robbie, —.; Trooper King Edward'e IIor«3. _ Robertoii, J. A. W. (Auckland); Trooper Kitisj Edward's Uoreo. Rob'erton, .1. B. W. (Aucklnml); Trooper Kin? Edward's Jlorse. Rol>erteou, R. (TuUpcka)"; Marino engineer, a.s. Guildford Caatle, hospital chip. Rooney, It. ■ (Dunedin); Privato C. Company 9th Suffolk Regiment. Hoe*, CVptain A. B. (Wellington), ManRegment; wounded. Ifout, Dr. C. 11. (Ne!eon){ R.A.M.C. Rout. VV. O. N. Neeon), student Edinburgh ; 2nd Lieutenant Bth Battalion Royal Scots. * Riieeei!, Captain G. G.; King Edward's Hort<:. Ruesell, H. B. R. (.Wcilineton), Lieutenant R.A.M.C.; Field Ambulance. Ryan, M. (Dunedin), Otago Hueaara; Lance-Corporal King's Liverpool Regiment; wounded ut iloaz; ccn^tilcdt-ent; promoted Staff-Sorgeant. Sairuond, Wm. G. (.Wellington); 2nd Lieutenant 21at Lancers. Scott, Lsoaard; 9th Eoyal Sussex ment-.-eacer. Dr. E. A. 'Wellington); at front •niih It.A.M.C.; invalided; returned to Now Zealand. j Shennau, W. D. (Duaedin), student Cam- ] bridge; Trooper King Edward's Horse. | Simson, Donald (Auckland); Cantain King I Edward a Horec; tiaiislerTed to'Nev/ Zea- I land Expeditionary Fore* t*jritich Ssclion). Simeon, H. laa (Napier); 2nd Lieutenant j Cavclrj , . ! Smoeton, W. J. (Auckland); Trooper King Edward's Horec. Smith, Dr. Sydney (Wollington); R.A.M.C. Smyth. Lieutenant-Colon*!, V. S.; Staff j duties in England. ! Smytlio, Captain R. B. (Dunedin), R.N Z. A.; General Sta2 Officer, 3rd Grade T.veo Coast Defences, Sprout, G. M.; Army Corps.Stanley, Captain Norman L. tOla'-o'' R.N.i H.M.S. "Euw.>3. Steele, Hector (Wailiato); Gunner ILF.A. Stewart, Dr. W. J. ißakiutha); R.A.M.C. ijtringrer. Dr. L. B. (Christchurchi; Lieutenant R.A.M.C. Sironach, Donald (Stratford;; Private; Fifud Ambulanoi*, R.A.M.C. Suuderiand, G.; Trooper let King Edward's Horse. Sunderland, M. Ij. (NapiejV. syrnona, Midsbipmar. 0. J. L.; H.M.S. Neiv Zealand. TaU. , , Lieutenant A. E. W. (Wellington); formerly sth Wellington It-jgimcnt; now Liverpool Regiment. Thojias, Aiban (Chriatcimrca'; Legion of Fror/.icrsmen. lhomson, Liwitonant Colin S. (Dunedin): R.N., JJ..M.S.A., Buscado. 'lisar, the ry Rev. Father Gilbert (Auckland); <*.* /.ain mghland Division. Todd, Lance.ot" B. (Auckland), footballer; Sergeaxt Nevr Zealand Espcditionary Force, I British Section. J xodd. Ur. W. A.: R.A.M.C. I Tomlineon, —.; Cc-iporal ird Kirg Ed- : ward s Horee. ' Trewby, CM.; Uth. Battalion King's Royal Rifles. Turnbull, L»utenant Alan; expert in explosives; Canadian Expeditionary Force. Turrer, Lkutesant J. L. U. (Wellington); K-N.4.H.; \r;th «rd Brigade RJ?JI. Tweed, Dr. Martia (Cixietchnxch); O.T.C. Londoa Univereity. Twigg, Dr. Garoet W. Bxy); Vickerrcae, Dr. P. S.; Lieutesaat EJLM-C. Wagrtaff, T. IL CTinrarj); g:h Battalica Black Watch. Walkc-r, Lieutenant 11. J. I. {Auckland); Rcyal Warwickshire Regiment; reported miaairg. Ward, H. E. V. (Auckland); C-oldstream Guards. . -

Ware, 5. (Auciiand); Wort Kent Y«v raanry. Wataoa, B-. Donald; RAJJLC Watson, J. ±L; Sergeant itN. Air SerTicß Goeport, Watson, W. E.; Tieoper Ist Kins Edward's Hcroe. Weber, G. K. (Auoklana): Keys! PnsiSiei*. \V«lsby.-Dr. CUado S.'(WeUiaston); with Eed Cross. Welbered, Arcokt H. (Gisborne); formerly E.C, Huseirs; Lieutenant Inlaaliy Bβecrvo. Wtiitoocab©, E. A. H. (Chrietehorci) ; Trooper Kins Edwiuii's Horse; 2nd Lieutenaot R.EVA. Whit«, Dr. H. P. W. (BJealseiai); A M.C. Wilding, A. F. (Chrktciarcli); 2nd Lient*n&ct Roy*! Maticce. WilJcos. Lieuten»nt H. D. 75. (Canter bury); formerly Ist, Canterbury Regiment; Sherwood Forester* • ISSh Infantry Brigedo. Willes, Hubert, fTJs:hoon»'e Honse, Caaada. Willianss, Captain Haro!d 8.; New Zca'•"•ri toatingent South Africa; Doreetshire HegioMut. Wiliiuias, Captain Reginald N.; Kew Zoalaad Contingent South Africa; York atsd Lancaster Kegiiuent; Adj\rf<u:t Territorisd i'orcc. Williams, S. C. (WaßganoJ); Sna Li«at«aant R.F.A. Wi.liems,S, K. CVf*ngaauC; Trooper Kiaj r,awar<i c Hore<>. Wileon, Colonel A. E., D.5.0.;, B.F.A. Wicon, Dr. Ivan S. (Xapi«r); Oih FWd Ambulance, 3rd Division. Wi:son. Kirkby H. (Auckland); 2nd Liout«iMnt Koval Entjineera. Wren, -Lieutenant Stratlicoxa'a Horse; Canadian Expeditionary Fore«. Wright. CapUiu Walter C. (Dunedia); Northumberlftud Fmitiers: Superintendent of Gymnasia, Southern Coainiaiid < Wri ,'«>-, Edgar footballer); Ne-w Zealand Lspeditionaxy Force (BritisU S«>ctjon).

r, Y K°??f\' T, A - M - ( A «ck3ar.u); Lieutenant li.A -M.C, Lowland Mountod BrigTido ■ioun«b.usbar.d, I-. X. (Wnnsan-ui), student Cambridge; Tro.->i» r Kiy- Horeo; Ontl L:eut-cE.ant 11. F.A.

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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15208, 20 February 1915, Page 13

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ON SERVICE. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15208, 20 February 1915, Page 13

ON SERVICE. Press, Volume LI, Issue 15208, 20 February 1915, Page 13