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There were moderate entries of fat efx>ck and a good attendance. Fat i cattle cold firmly at late rates, and the ' fafc lamb ealo opened rather better, and I still further improved to the extent of I about -s per head. Fat sheep, espej dally owes, tvero easier. There was an i improvement in tho demand for storo \ sheep. Storo cattle dull of sale. i Pijrs sold at lato rates, except porkers, I which showed a little improvement.. i STOKE SHEEP. 1 Tho yarding of s>toro sheep was again ! a fairly largo one. duo in a measure to i -he un.'avouraWo weather conditions ! prevailing recent-lv having made fiheopj owners not: a little bit apprehonsivo ; roiicornini; feed supplies. Ihe j'ard- ! :i!<; consisted principally of two-tooth wethers, with n few lines of eWci; of I iliii saino and a few mixed pens, ! iuchidins soui'f , owes v,ith lambs. At i the opnninj: of the pale the demand dis- : phiycc! .--<,n;o .slackness, prices showing I no'improvement on thoso current tho I previous week, but as thi> inarkot proi pressed, the demand brightened eonKideraMy. and taken all round, prices ! wro a 'shade better thau lxst week. I Quotations arc : — I K\tr:i tuo-tooth wethers, to 16a Id. f Good two-tooth wethers, 13s to los ! lid. Fiiir two-tooth wethers, 13s 4d to 14s 9d. Cull and inferior ewes, 8s Gd to lie od. ! Kr.:ra Lwo-tooth ewes, to 18s Id. i ]<'air two-tooth ewe-s, 15a Bcl_ to 16s. j Cull ewes with lambs, 0s "d. Cull dry ewes, 9s od. j The fcuit.s included tho following ! lines: — ! Wethers: 42 four and six-tooth, at j ids Bd, l 2iS four and xix-tooth al 14s >>d -Kj'fulls, two-tooth, at 15>s od. T'J < culls, two-tooth, at 8s t>6. 92 twotooth at I's 7d, -I" two-tooth at 10s sd, 89 tAvo-tooth at l-s Hd, 16 two-tootli at 18s 2d. 132 two- : too.ii at 10s 2'J four-tooth at I 16s 0d 70 two-tooth at ltis Id. 70 twoi tooth liaifbreds at 15s 'lid,' 223 twoi tooth at life 4d, 100 two-tooth at 9s : -Jd, 80 two-tooth at- Os 2d, 158 twoi tootii at 10s Bd, SO four and six-tooth • :iL HU 10d. 120 four and six-tooth at ! I* , -* Itld. 'j'.) four and six-tooth at 16s j lOd. S3' two-tooth :it 13s. j Kwns: 81 two-footh at ISs lid, 15 ffwo-to'jth at 13s Jid. 7<> «x and eigliti rooth at $)d 187 two-tooth at los jSd. -M culls at 3s 9d. j Eivi's and wethers: 57 two-tooth at 11s G.I. I F.v.-os and lambp, all counted: o7 j cull ewes and 30 lambs at Gs 7d. i FAT L.\3188. Tlicro was an entry of 1112 fat lambs, as conijuircd with 1390 last week, and Lihey wore, of better average quality. A . coo'd proportion v.'ero prime, and others light in. condition. The supply proved jto bo short of butchers' requirements, j and as..tho salo advanced prices mx,- , proved, and towards the end they wero ; fully :!s per head better than at the opening. Quotations were:— Prime lambs, IDs to 225. Lighter. 15s to ISs Gd. The principal sales were: —For. J. ! Winter (Swamiaiioa), 27 at 21s Gd to !225; \Y. Phillins (Templeton), 47 at 20s 'Jd to 21s :W; G. Woods (Tai Tapu), II at 21s 3d: G. Bailey (Templotpn>, 13:3 at 19s to 21s; client, 7 at 21s; J. Catherwood (Snringbank), 25 at 19s 8d to 20s 9d; P. V. Bailey (Springston), 36 at 20s Id to 20s 8d ; clients, 12 at 20s 7d, 3;s at 18s 7d to 20s 3d; .7. Copland (Chertsey), 79 at 19s 6d to 20s od; J. Gilbert. (Southbridge), 55 at 19s 2d to 20s 4d; AY. Thoropsou (ilotukarara), 59 at 18s Gd to 20s M ; F. H. Davic (ScarI gill), 40 at 19s to 20s 3d; 11. T. York I (Riccarton), 2,-it 20s 3d ; .T: Walker (Solwyn), 37 at 19« to 20s 3d: E. E. Jenlons (Waddington), 42 at 18s to 20s Id; W. Leech (Scar-rill), 17 at. 19s od; E. McCarthy (Prebbleton), 57 at: 18s to 19s 3d- D. (Cheviot), 50 at 17s 9d to 19s 2d: It. S. Roper (Halkott), 10 at ICs 3d; J. Dron (Waikari), 80 at 17s 9d to 19s; P. McDrnry (Halswell), 10 at 18s to 19s 5 W. Bruce (Cheviot), 2o at 17s 9d to 18s lid; 13. Revelley (Kimberley). 21 at 18s 7d; G. Stanley (Harewood), 45 at 17s 9d ±o 18s. od; W. It. Hockey I'Fendalton). 6 at 18s; Pago Bros. "(Cheviot), 37 at lCs 9d to 17s Sd; Thos. Worthington (Harewood), 9 at los 7d to 17s 3d;'ll. Oβ (Templeton), Gat 17s; G. L. Limbrick (Cheviot). 14 at JGs 3d to lGs 8d;"Miluo Bros. (HalswelH, 11 at 14s lGs. FAT SHEEP. There were nine races full of, fat sheep, and the quality was about tho samo as last week. The market opened ' well, but soon eased off, wethers shoving a decline of about Gd and ewes Is Gd per head. Several lines were bought to hold over till tho freezing works open, and others were passed in. - The range of prices was:— Extra prime wethers, to 285..

I Priroo wethers. 21s J3d to 265. J Lighter -wethers, 17s Gd to 21s. i Merino wethers. 12s 15s »>I. Prime ewes, 17s 6d to 245. Other ewes, 12s to 17s. Merino ewes, 10s <3d. Hoggets, l"s to 18s 7d. Tho principal wiles were:— "Wethers—For McClelland Bros. (Kirwee), 29 at 23s 9d { o 2Ss; W. T." Lill ' (Wilk>wby>. 34 at 22s Gd to 26s 9<\ ; Williams* and Brown (Marlborough), «13 at 'X\a 3,1 to -'-« Gd ? A. E. LangdaleHunt (West. Melton), 02 at 24s 4d to • 2.5s 3d • J. Walker (Belwyn). at 2is 9d ; I clients' 70 at 21s M to 24s 2d, 31 at 22 s, ! 12 (hogget m at l»s 9d, lo at 225: G. Harris 06 at 245; R. Hayward (CbuUs Island), 162. at 22-s 3d to 23s 10d; Hunt and Langdale (Sunnier), I<X) at 23s Id to 23s 9d: Ja*. Brooks (Irwell) 20 at, 22s to 23s <6d ; W. Men- , J zies (Menzios Bar), 101 at £0s 4d to j I 20s -xl: C. Wishart 29 at 22s Gd; J. Jl. Belcher (Kirwee), 53 at 21s to 22s 9d : "W. T>. McPliail t'Wainuh, 24"at 21s -3d to 22s 2d: J. A. Fleming (Port Levy). '3D at. 20b Gd to 225: F. j Xarbey (Kirwee). 72 at 19s Id to 21s 6d : R. Jiidson (Woodend), 56 at 19? Cd to 21s Gd. 7S hoggets at 17s; Kniwara Estate .jI at 13s to 21s Id: S. P. ttray (LittW River), CI at ISs Id to -2ls: B. I ißovolW (Kimberley). at 20s 3d. IS merinos nt 12s Gd : C. Early (Green- \ dale), 11 -it 'Jls od, -13 merino* at 14« ' to l-js <5d : J. -Weßae (Halkett). 3t ! jhoggets at 17s Sd to 18s 7d. ! Ewok—A. E- Langdale-Hunt (West I Molton) 5 at. 24s ; B. Reveller (Kimberiley) 13 at 23s <3d; W. Phillip (WeeI dons). 25 at 23s 3d; J. Smith <Kirweo\ ! 30 at' 20s *o 22s 3d; Sheate Bros. (Hor- ; relrille*,, ."0 at 20s to 225: J. C. Ilay (Pigeon Bay\ 173 at 225: J. T\ all:cr [ (Selwyn). 27 at IDs to 21s 7ci; ilaon j Bros. (Methven), G2 nt ISs id to 20a 8d • P F. Dolan (Rakaia). 0t at 18s Gd to 20s 7d: Hunt and Langdale (Suinner), 17 at 20s -Id; J. Copland (Chert-| sev) 94 at 17s to 20s 3d; ohonw. 20 | at' 10a Id. r,\ at 16s to H<s 3d; (~ L. Limbrick (Cheviot), 2 at 19e lv ; A. J. Whvto (Methven), 50 at 10s Sd to 10s: J A *D McDonald (Wainui). 00 at us ( Id to 19s 4d; W. J. Leach ( I nt 235: W. Monzics (Meiizit* IJav) :* at 20s to 22« 5d : W. l>. M«Phail (W ai- J nui). 37 at 19s'Pd 2*l; .FA. Fleming 'Port Levy), ( o at ISs G<l to 20s 3d: D L. McGregor I'Ellesmcro), 53 at lGs to 19s 7d; J. F. Keck (Bankside), 40 at los to ISs 'Jd ; W. L. LiIJ (Willowby), 22 at lSe "d; U. J. Watson (Halki-tt), 21 at loe to l<_s 10d : 11. Grant (.Swannanoa), 26 at l<s 10u; C. Xewlove (Lauriston), 27 at 17s 9d : J. Cathenvood (Springbank). 'Jo at 17s; Gco. Bailey (Templeton). 41 at lGs to 17s Id; F.* A. I). Cox (Chathaws), 20 at 17s; C Early (Groeudalo), 17 merinos at 10s Cd. FAT CATTLE. Tho yarding ot fat cattle totalled 328 head, compared with 323 at tho previous sale, 312 on December 9th, and i 270 on December 2nd. Although tho j animals penned were, generally speaking, of » uniformly good class, there was almost a total ab«?onco of those extra prune animals which wcro a feature "of tho previous sale. Competition was again rory brisk,, and the previous week's prices were -fully maintained, indeed, in a. few ca<*es thero was a slignt approciablo improvement in vnluo-Si although it cannot be said that thoro was a quotable advance. Buyers wero present for practically all the lines offered. Some business wa.s done for export. Quotations are: — Extra steers to £10 15s. Other .steers. £'8 as to £11. Extra heifers to £12 f>s. Other heif'ors, .to 7s Gd to £S. ■ Extra cows to £12 7s Gd. ' Other cows, £o 7s 6cl to' £S os. Price of boot' per 1001b, 32s Gd to 43s 6d; extra to *15s. The sales included the nr.dermcntioned linos:—For G- D. Greenwood (Tcviotdale. Amborley), '4 cows at £8 12s Od'to £10 17s Gd: 11 steers at £9 15s to £13 17s Gd: G. A. McLean (Leithneld). 1 cow at £8; clients, 4 steers at £13 2e Cd to £14 2s Gd; 1 cow ; at £10 7s Gd, 2 cow s at £6 10s; T. H. Wilkinson (Ch«viot), G steers at £6 12s Gd to £15 2s Gd, 1 cow at £10 los; C. Skinner (Irwell), 1 cow at £9 10s; T. j F. Fisher (Whitecliffe), 1 cow at £8 os; J. Sexton (Weet Melton), 1 heifor at £13 2s 6d; C. E. Walker (West Melton), 1 oow at £5 ss; E. (Lincoln), 1 cow at £10 2s Gd; S. Sparks ! (Halsweß). 9 cows at £8 2s Gd to £11 2s Gd; E. Smith (Springfield), 2 cows at £5 and £G 17s 6d; Gardiner Bros. (Femsido), 1 cow at £10 2e Gd; llangiora client. 4 cows at £7 5s to £9 17s Gd; W. Buss (Scargill) 1 steer at £8 17 6 Gd, 1 cow at £7 12s 6d; W. i Sheat (Riccarton), 2 cows at £7 10s and £9 12s Gd; J. Ransom (Motuk.nrara), 1 cow at £7 12 S Gd; L. Levorsedgo (Hdrorata). 1 heifer at £5 5s 1 cow at £8; C. Bailey (T empleton).' 2 steers at £11 12s 6d; \V. Acton (Ealing), 2 .steers at £11 7s 6d; J. Ronnie, jun. (Motukarara), 3 steers at £15 los; D'.AV. Mclntosh (Hawarden). 1 cow at £10 2s Gd; C. Withell (Brook- | side), 1 heifer at £8 10s; H. Matthews ' (Waikari). 2 stoer.s at £15 12 S Gd and £16 2s 6d; A. J. Muller (Rakaia). 1 cow at £7 ss; J. O. Coop. (Little River). 25 steers at £12 10s to £15 10s, 5 heifors at £9 to £12 3s. Gd; clients, 1 steer at £8 os, 1 steer at £10, 3 cows at £8 12s Gd co ,

£10 17s cd. 1 heifer at £9, 3 steers at £U 15s, 1 f.w at £7 los, 1 heifer at £9 10s. 1 heifer at £8. 5 steers at £10 7s Sd to £11 2s 6d, 1 con- at £10 7s 6d, 1 cow at £9. 1 cow at £8 2s (j<l. 1 cow at £" los. 1 cow at £7 3s 6d, 2 cows at £7; J. Taylor HVaipara). 6 steers at £15 to £15 10s: H. James a.eithfiold), 1 heifer at ~-5 os ; client, 1 hoifor at £S 12s <>d; clients, 17 steers at £7 los to £11 ss, 24 cows ar £4 7s 6d to £11 12s 6d, 6 heifers at £5 15s to £8 12s 6d: clients, 4 cows £10 7s 6(5, :1 steers at £6 7s 6d, 2 cotts at- £? 7s Cd, 4 steers at £7 •Tβ, 3 cows afc £10 o<s. 1 cow at £10 10s. 4 cow s at £9 1%. 3 cows at £S 2.s Cd, 3 cows at £? 15s. 1 heifer at £-5, 1 heifer at £0 2e 6d. 1 at £7 "<s. 1 row at £11 10s. 1 TOiv at £9 los, 2 steers at -£'11 2« 6d. 4 ste-ers .'it £13 17s <id. 4 eow.s at £11, 3 .cows nt £11 : It. Heyward (Clarkeviile). 2 heifers at £11 2« tid. 2 heifer* at £9 15s, 1 heifer at £9 10a. 1 heifer at £U 2s **1. 2 heifers at £3 10«; T. (Okain's Bay). 8 steers at £14 7s (id to £!«>; G. 'Hiitherford (Springhank). 2 cows at £12 and £12 HV; "W. Harris (Wooder.dV 1 cow at £9 17s 6d : Miss Bowie (Wootlsnd). 2 cows at £0 XV and £3 10s; W. Parnham (Kaiapoi). 2 rows at £«> ICs and £8 7s (kl; AT. Lowo (Styx). 1 fi toor at £11 17s '3d, 1 cow at £11 I.js; F. (Pananui), J ww at £10 10*; J. Parish (Marshlands), 1 cow at £S .>s; D. Hamjiton (Leest--in\ 2 steers at £11 2« <5d 2 AoiiVrs ai, £0 2* i»l am] £10 10s 1 cow at £9: C. A. Wripht ("IXinsandel), i" cows at C 7 ICs and £10 15s: A." M. Carpenter ;Flaxton). 3 at £7 10s to £11 2s Od, 2 heifers at £5 12s rki to £5 los; G. iS. Blackmorc (Kaiajwi ,, , 2 steers at £12. 2 cows at £9 Lss and £3: It. Clegg (Papanui), 1 heifer at £o ss. VEALEHS. Once .ngnin there was a good pntrx of veal calves, and an unchanged demand. T)nce.s ranging from S< to 58s, accordins to qualitr. STORE CATTLE. Only a medium numher of store cattle oaiuo forward, the greater numher iH-'ing of an indifferent class, tho condition heinrj peor. Owinj; to tho sale not opening until later than usual the attendance was not largo, and tho demand was not brisk. A number nf lines tram .Southland failed to find purchafioiv. Quotations are:— Fifteen to eighteen months , sons, £2 /s 0d io £3. ' Two and a half-year steer.s, £'o ss. Throw-year stoers, £6 los to £7 Three-year heifers, £5 10Dry cows, :30s to 15s. DA IKY COAVS. A medium entry of dairy cows this penned, includinac some useful sorts, although there was nothing conspicuously good offered. Tho demand was on about tho samo level a.s last week's prices, ranging from £3 to £10 17s Gd PIGS. /Fat pigs were represented by a modium entry, principally of a useful class. The market afc the opening was decidedly slow, buyers not being keen, but later thoro was an improvcmejit! especially for porkers, prices being rather better than las?, week. " Quotations are:— Choppers, 50s to 80s. Heavy bac-oners, 56s to 60s. Lighter baconers, 47s to ois. Price per lb. 5d to 51d. Heavy porkers, 40s to 445. Lighter porkers, IMs to 38s. Price per lb, to 6d. Storo pigs were represented by a comparatively small ontry, hui tho yarding was sufficient for requirements, and prices showed no material change. Sows in pig were almost unsaleable. Quotations aro.— i Best stores, 32s to 3Ss. I Medium stores, 22s to SCte. Hmall stores, Kis to 21s. I AVeaners, 5s to 11s. Sows in pig, 35s to Cos. . •

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Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 3

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ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 3

ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 3