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J WANTED TO RENT. "WANTED to lU-γ.:. I-csisiteu or <i.cI roc™?. v-:ii e-irde:. ..::■! :;k>:cr <heij. J ; ?-iir;*"part\W;Jrr li".' Kecce. \si:~r:«-r._ __:i_:' j "\VANTKI)~"r~I>!::r"'F-;r:i.s.ii* ; >i'"'t-:o:a-.cJ >' M.x>r:i li.vjM--, jv.-.u-v.0.0 withl:: Cd i>?c'. VirV-vU.i* ti-::ji;t. To::r> !2 or IS iDDiiii.-. i'dr::, v : -5 -.: 0r..-* ••> 1 , . j L. Diuci und Co., lt : : <:rv. ■.. 'I';-ot:o j WANTED TO LET. ■; OUPEHIOK '.■■? in I O c.ijv, t-vcty -.•γ-vczxecc. iv:v a: V,? Gaelic 1 street. _'_ IU-J ' T-URN'ISHED h'eoi'J v> TTo:~. " 6u«h:r.e:e ! -«- liiljj. v.-.perja: -Apj-'y 110-iron- | r.Xf ; "Pros' -, O2k<-. l!'-'i J V\'ANTED. Tcc-r.- -o 1.--.i~o ;...O Acre*. • ' ' U.i.ryir.s arc , , I,•.•:.:!, v :'.:i _.- I roor:cd Ilo<ive~ aLd all r.ort-:- ; -jry iru:b:i:".'l; ! ii-.i-s, -JJ rrik-j troni Stasia:: _uccl • rood Southern Sloes tale Tivvn. i;<r\ 3i per icro to •totm! ;f::sc'.. Irarsciiak , pv\.Msim. P. L. Dj-.-;-: e ar.d Co, 101 C? £ L,-; I itr-vt. HOT.'SKS to Lc:. o :ooj*.. :•-■>. 1 v-.0r.-.?. C-tv 7?t i;d, >?■ t=? M- - ™ ; "-' ! S-.Jrr.kj:u. 7.< Go. ss. f>?, ■** f»-. X'?. 12s ?-'■• i 12a C:', 6-J, ".-:, '-.i: -J :-t::;s, Li:ivrv->a. j :0s; J raorris. w, :oc, 11-.-, !.1 room*, v::h ::'ot ~:>i 001.-I. etc., 15s, IT-e, j ";■"?. l c .r. b - .. Aii'i-!, d?.. I** , . G fv, ' Us- iV-rv r.'».-, '-J.-. id; Sydenham. v.:*'.i -o- ;•.;•■! rod, .-•..-. li.. Lur.v.viJ. :?.«. tki; C::v, i>3. Hicci: : j=. iK>-; Ctthai-rc Luijs, -'ij 7 vciotns, OOs. -i^" 1 ! Or.s "'".& ; S ro-MKi. 15. , ,. Furuiibod Ho"?-<?*. j i.'2s Gi r.r.a JSe ; "Shops from 10s f> 4-"s. Forest and I'erkins, 4.T. Co'.cttbo Sydenham. " J, -' WANTED TO PURCHASE. . ,4 A .-TO DENTISTS and OTHKK.S.-O'.d ■*» • PlatiauE] Pins, Crucibles. I'latmum all !;ici3e, XI c:; Den'.ni Aiicy, xl ct All i>;b«* J Dentisi'o MotaU. Mor.«y T.:r.<i receipt o: parcels. B. Mitcit-::. IM-TltV Ilaasci: svrt-.-t j;e,_VjctoMa. _ C 3630 i "I\'A.\TI:D io Biiy, o:u Knlee Tec , .!: j» '• Kijhoet pricce £:*<■■& in Xcw ! Caeb by return m»il. Send J. Duastoi:^, I Bos <M 5. Christch-jrci;. _J2j> }~" WANTED I ~ WANTED) W E BUY SECOND-HAND KURNITUKK » V in any quantity Also Piauo3. Machinf-s, etc Bea , prices This i« the fiasieiit method o! of your good*. McKENZIE ar.a WILLIS. j Auctioneers, Cathedral square (ueit Post OSce). M 3-255 MISCELLANEOUS. I \ DVEKTISEK ivans Carpor.K-rin?, Gard- | jl'jL», Graas-c'.itiiiii;, etc., dny. "Gdrdcner." "Pr«*s" OCiiv. 11';? BOARD - btki So Armigh street _\W-st. 1102 (""OMK or acrid for your C3ir!s:.Ma3 orders— ■ J \Vinc3, Spirit:-', Ak-ss, !>*:, LrnjiuK. Satisfactioi) g-jarantoctl. United Son:*:*, Hot-fl Ijoitlirir llepart:!;<?nt. "C-j-2 O Birt.'imarl;.', cffoctuaVy removed by Elec'-roiysis. Specialist, Caahcl etrc*t. ">>^ FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS VISIT GRAHAM, WILSON, AND SiIELLTi: - ?. if'IUSKION Covew 2e 6d, Cβ Gd, is Ort, to v> 10a Cd; Tray Cloths i 3 Cd, 3s C-.i, ?.c 6d, fo i9a 6d; Duchosso Seta la 2j, ;2s txi, t.i l-s 6d. Graha.T., Wilson and SniolHo}jnißßO IDEUE ITPIno ~C as S~2Tsd,Ts -i 'Jd, 3s 6d: Pillow Shams lde Co, 3J.i Cd, 123 Gd, to Mc; Tabid Centres 16. 1?. 3d, Is 9d, to fid s<l; Crochet and Linen D'Ovlcys Ti-d. *i<l, Is to 3£ l; Linen Ba<:s Is lid. Ca 3d, 'is Cd each. Gru-btuu, Wilson, sjid Smell io. C'llEi^ - Coeturacs iictl Drcasts from 7e lld : Tussore Sill; Drwsea will) baaaucs and othor different, styles "-la, Silk Embroidered Blouhm from 12s Cd Graham, Wilson, and Smcllio IJatH and lJoan«ta from v/ Jβ lid, Cbildren'e Soft Kid Sbote troru Is Gd a pair, Children's Cord«<l Shoes frohi Is, Largo Variety Sample Biba irom •Zα Gratair., Wilson, &n<l Srijcliie. C~^aStbTiFC - Night Dreseee froni tis lid, Si : i: ' Embroidered Blouses from 12s S'l. Daiaty Camif-oicß from '2& Cd. Graham, Wilson, aJid SmclHo. "IT'OifChriatmae and New Y-iar Holidays— i- White 'JLVsll Tennis Trouecrs, saiartly cuf. and unelirinbabiu. 7o fA :•„ pair; Mcrccrisod llandkcrchitis, whito or far..-y coloured bordcra, Qd. each, Graham, Wilson, and Smellio. ,/. EN'S Plain Linoa UaT>.dkercliiei*« 10d. If, *•'-* Is 3d, Is lio, Iβ Bd, 'ii o<i; Fancy Socles 13 9d, ~.i 6d; Black Cashmcro Sock 3 Is, Is 6d, 2ti. Grahan), Wilton, and Sir.«llie. MEN r S~W:do Kn<FTlcT"is^ _ l~9d7^ ; ni3"; Fancy Braoca la !>d, 'In. Gd, ."s 9d, J3 Gd; Shirta, new dosifrns and inatcriale, 4a 6d, -,b C 6, Cα Cd, Iβ Gd; Briflf I4e Cd io l'Js Gd: Suit Caeca '-Ma; Gladstone- Ba^-? I Jiifl to 076 £d. Grahan:, V.'ikon, and ] Smellie. _ [ /^iIEAM - Costumo - Sorgo "stripe jV/ 3s lid yard: Navy, Black ar.d Crtam, Stripe Soft Pin id i> Mohairs 3s Sd arid V-α lid "yard. Graham. Wilson, and SinelH*. , . •i'^-iJJCH - excellent OO Ca Od, 11 d. y\ M, to 5a 3d yard; 3U-icch iilack Paillette nnd U«ch««e Moti«Pelino for Bloutves or Drcese« 5« «Vi, <Vj 11<1, '■<> S3 0d a yard., Wiiton, and Smell:*. _ BIiACK Zopiiyr Ilesildx, soft aael lieht in texturo for Summer Gowiia, 3s Gd. I'A, Gβ lid yard. Gra&am, Wikon, and Smeij:e 251 rpEE Special "Page tor 'iVoffltn" :n SaturIJ- day'B Editions of "Tho Evening News" j anpeals to everyone. A Uright iionjo J Magazine, '•'"PtIE Greatest of ail Wars" nacra fuliy -Li <IcftH wjtb in tho "Evening News" tiaaji in ii'y other uewspap*i- iv the i Dominion. i \TALUK for your iuoncy—Our Sc-toncl Cycle I » Sale J* now on. 100 Strong, Sorviooa.b'ic Cvclcs tnutt be clparcd out l>efore Christmas. We can Soil you a Tio-top Cycle for JW or £3. Schoolboys arc invited to inspect. Adam?, Ltd., Jlipih pti^ct. ~m i R ING~BLmsIT3iFpTIZS"~Curr"Li«r 0 Oonipfainle and Indigestion, eto Ari Furoly h--rbtl. eugar-coat«d. email pills, email dose, email price—6d tud la Brerywhore C3ST3 OTHERS —TV*o are holding our I '•*■ Christmas TUtluction. Sale of Small j Coys' an<l Girls' Star Cycles. Each machine is Ixwutifuliy finished in black enamel and pialxJ rim's. Ufc'ial price £7 10a. now reduced vo £5 10s. Adams, irW., High street. GOSSIP for Girl?, Hou<-ek*>?pinp; Weekly Fashion and Reading for Everybody, appear i~\ the "Paso for Woiren in Saturday's Editions of "Tic Evcrics _ n-t FOR"2* vreciil Sulu", 3«» i. Bocta Shooe, Underwear; H»t», JLiueo, purchaaeablo by eney weekly payment* Balkincl's._ Colombo atrect C 8313 iJMSIiING llods (3 3s 6d, -ie 3d, te, i- 6s Cd. Do you know anything about fiFhiflg iods? They're beauties. l.Mm!- --! son'e> ' milE f-'occia:~ Tr Page for Women -i "in SatnrJ- <3ay's Editions of "Iho Ererinp; >"cws" apptala ta everyone. A Uorue Magaziric. BOTII iii liw qnan'.ity and quality r>f -is War Newe, tho "Evening Urns" i? prociKJncat, Clothing—MraT H:ph etreet (!a'/« of Dun«di=). Ctgh Buyer of Ladi«e\ Gents', and Children's Lcftoff "Clotbir.s Letters att«ndcd to. 'Phom CC23. _ _ C 7751 fpilE Spccia! "Pajc for Wonpri" in SaturJ- ;Jsv'r Editions of "The Evening News" appeal tv everyone. A ISrisUt Home Magazine. ' A.< t ONE in s«d of ~~TEUPORAB Y , T.OAN. £3 upward?, uprn Household furniture, without removal, call at ! L. W BALK IND. 11331. J . _623 Colombo street. GOSSiV~i?F~^r\^'ELow.lixT ? : .r.g~ EintT, We«kly Fashion Note?, and Reading for K'cryivcdy, apr«;ar in the "Pajjc ' for tVoric.n" in Satuidav's Edif.ose ol' "Tbo;; Xcbts." G< OSSIP fc: "Oirl'^HouHektv-p-.ns; - H; n t-, « W«ckiy r'aehior Kclcs. -LaA Seadin? 'or Ercrybody, app«ir in tho "F»Ke for WonMn" in Saturday'e Editiocs of "The Eiericg Nets-a." • , ISIfIVG Y.ods at. Mir.son'*, tUrfe ;oi.r:ic-i I - If-xi*;. a magnificent present for a ; "• Various prioee, 3s Gd to C.h 6iJ. O3 r PIIIi Cream of th* *»ow3 sc the Briijt-h, - American. Ai>&tiblian, ar.d Eurcpcau pipei& »bojj v'co Grtat War app<.irt> <ia:.y ji. the "Evening Xeics." : { CHRISTMAS Ifeduciwn SaJe of MotorCyclo ___ Snsdri«6—B«M, ?n Gd Goggles iio'-v t»I; Lkiit Stror.j Diinlop Ccvere, '2C k ij._ re<hiced to 2'la od;'Extra. Heavy Mfclnslin CovcrSj reduced to loo: Dtinjop Buttei.d«l TuL«s, 'educed to •.."a Cd; Dvjnlop Ordinary Tabee, reduced to lie cd. Wo arc the cbeapesl shop ia tovrn 'or lardres AJebi*, I/,d.,_High etrect. VTIXSO:: , S Plurc Silver-wa-e. •■'-*• Card with-four different for 2a; other 2* 9d and 3s 6d. ' THE Spccis! "Page for Women" in Sa'i:r----1 aay's r-d;-ior.3 cf • Evenin/ Ne-*»" EPF-eais ta A Br>hi" ilo^o

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Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 9