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PUBLIC NOTICES. TOES HALL AND CO., LTD. NEW Sir.VS. FRUITS. New Currant; Gel !b. lOibs for 5o 3d. New SultariM "d 11. 1-ibe for 6s 3d. New .Socdpd Riu'irm 7d lb. 12 (or Gβ M. _ y&v S<td:e<w ~<i ?k'., 12 for £5 ?-. Ditto. !-HJ5e. Od or V- for -"3 OA. New Putos r<l lb, s'bs io.- 'it-. Xew Pkt. Dnies Sd. Ijoir.r.z I w! Sd ib. "rd i7c l J c*>l ik\ ib. Gd snd M lr Sicii;,- Aimcnda 2a 4d 1bJordac A!mo:ida 3s il>. Spaniib. HusfiliU jx:r lb '.--. ic - s - Fis: .-.uring, H/S-?cr:ca* C. .\rd B. Tdr.s; Sugar, best 5d Ib. Je!lk« tbn? WILL fiet « tor 1«. Engk-ih Pliirr, Piiddiup*. cooked ia bae:r:«. l<s tit!, is £j, :is 6d. is Gd. Baking Powder. Kiaz. with Coupoas. 5s <d. Baking Powdtr, Edmociis's.Sd a=d Is id. Cr<raci Tartai-. t>?6* '2s r xl Vo. ___ Cups m-A Sauw::. Tamblere. Kr.:vcs. Forks. Spoons, etc. Iβ in tLe t in <-no-is for Coupon". Good Family CEYI.OX TEA, Is ilv JOHV HALL A:v"D CO. LTD.. C'c-jk Tower. Chr:«:chmc.-. SITUATIONS VACANT. V TIDY Eoy Wanted *.o eerrc apprcriicc- ••'■*. sbir.; t:"jo ;u;*. !elt ecbool -lrcferrcl Apri'.v IVpa; In-.vnt, "Wtx;kiy__Pj^>'._ ' ' lako charge .-.-of: furniihinjr dopartaent ; r.-.u='. Lave jrcod bnevi•>!?;«, o: iadrntinp. Apply, -■ J?*:, experience, and sulary l«----rniircJ, id Drarx-r, lie:-: 'JC-C, Chrisi-church. 1071 OOiIPKTKX" , Miri :,;an:ifa-cturo *" I'iriiks, r.s'jcw. :n fire: inBUnce, liox 477. ** U34 T\"A:\TED, G.-mli, i:;<-cTt"-> tracing etable ' ' prcfirrcJ. A. 135 Gloucester 6tr«t. City. 1153 T\fAXTED. H"oTil7n:a:d, also h'ouscmaifl- »' " Waiirws t'er Hanintr Springs. Apnly its _Moon, Hotel. JISG \\'A>."rZD. Sraart Ae-sittaat for soft furr.- ---* * ishir.r litpartmcnt. Aiip'.y T. Armetrcm? and Co., L.-d.. Cc-Icnibo e'.rt---t, ChxizlchiLrcb. ' UiO BOOT Tra<!o—Wa.nto<!, G:ris as !ca.rnt-r3 for closinjj dspartrc-enf. App!y Suckliug lire?., Ohristchurcb. * 11-17 TtTAXTEDr" Gocd _ l:nprovJr Fcr"country * ' b!ack".=rnitai's shop. Ash'jVj B<3:glj and Co., Ltd., Caahel ttrcei. " __ 11-16 ~W"AXTED, Groom lcr~~rciui\"~(Jl\A7.~**h- :- ' ' burton. A".)!*- McUona-c-11, Railway 'J_" _ 11« \\/AXrKD, Capable; F«i"ia!c" C-Jo'iTaT'once. »' Apply Rail-.vay Hole). li:0 \TrANTED. Governtss £c~ chiidxon, * * Crtil w<'k in February. Mrs F. If. H. Gardiner. I'u.rau Slatioii, Ly'ti-lton. 7091 IXrANTED,~Sn7arr~Da~ Porte.- v:. onco. V_> VrhiteJlfirt II_nj«l- __ 709G ij HEKPFAKMEiIS , Labour Esc'han'ee.— '/ Wanted at Married Couplos, PJotifrhaiau and Farm Hands. Sever:;! Men and Boys to milk and generally useful, Cow-incn-Gardcnera, J.'nstcrers. Blado Sh^Pr , ?!?, Station Oordtnor. Isr North Islajid. Sb-?d Hands, Ilousebcy. Shcfpfariucrs' Labour Exchange, 135 Hereford street. 501 pENTKAiri-ABOUJr;\G3SN r CYr'i3o Manv> ch'.vner-.'tre«rf, Clock Tower.--\Vxnted. 3 First-clasrf Housemaid WaitreK.-<ss. have previous e.vpjr'enct: Housemaid town, Cook-Gcnornl v.nd Hotwc-maid soar town, eevera.l Generals ar.d Cooh-Gencrals, CoosjLa.unc.ivas and lI.P. Maid same placo n<?ar tonrti, Go7i«rais town, country nnd euburbs. Waiting engagement: Pantry Jlaids, Kitchen Maids, Ho\i«=f.'kc~epcrs, Farm Hands and Hole'! ■Patera. ISO etrrst, corner Bedford row-. 'Pkono 1575. Uotel Cooks -*a:ting enyapement. ___ _'^"' D'aHBVS SELECT KEGTsTRY have "WAITIXG: Chef (steady man), CookGenera!, Cook (Ucrht position*, llonscmaid, Porlor. Day worker?, "Waitress, '2nd Cooli, Married Couple, Houpekcepur. NEEDING : Female Cook, per. Hoiel £3, Cook small Hot-el, Css, Cook-Gen, at ocoo 20s, Cfeneral light place '-Oa, Cock-General (Xow Year) COs, lI.P. Maid 17s Gd, Goo<l General 2(V, Goverr.osa (musical) 1 child, IT.M. Luundreea (good home, faro paid) 25e, Cook-Laundres.s 25a, Coo!:-Genorai 2is (xl, Nurse H.M. 17s Cd, General (family 2) 17s Gd, H.P. Maid (country) 2Ce, H.-Maiil town 17s 6d, and IL-maid (aamo place, North lalawl, passage vjaid). Pbonea: Biz. 11CC, Houeo 3221. '_ _Ki7? chOS'Kh\J'H~ W.Z. Labour Exchar.'ge.Employcra should apply McDonald for Woolclasserd, Shoarere, Experts, Shed Ila-r.ds Sheareri?' Cooks, t-tc. All orders promptly attended to. Wanted—Musterere. Plough raen. Cowman, Milkors (machines used. C'-ouple, man general, v?ii<s housekt-epc: - . Ycruthe, Head Shepherd. 10%; Gardcceru, C't?, Si*, etc. McDonald, 113 Manchester street 'Phone 407. Mc3508-l'Ji WANTED. "WAITED, Cottage, .\cr; Brighton, not ' ' » over iMOO, in Exoliango for G-rc»cnv:d Bungalow, near Cranford street Train, Hi. Albnns. P. L. D.v.ies and Co., ;G1 Cashel street. TYTANTED, Section, dc>so '0 Addjugton » » School, ;:i Exciiaiigc for i-ld Ato Section. Good position, St. Albana. Price £130. Apply at onco '.o P. L. Davies a:ul Co., ICI street. I Shavca ;or Is. How? Get your razors properly ground and ect ni Ijcthaby's. G-t Cathedral equaro , L 0569 \,\i a-h'TEEP-Cski you Skctcnv Ci;it.Te,U ' » your taste for It will tou pleasure aud profit! Sttidcnts'drawing? cold in .London. Mail Course. Get proepectufl "I." New Zealand Representative, Jr:i lvodger, 112 X Lichfield etrect, Chriatcnurch 13S0-5 WANTED— Violet, your Scissors cut lovely. Yoe hed them sharpened :it Lethaby'fl. CI Cathedral squaro. _ L 0360 TXT ANTED - — ~Reipsctab'lo ll'ouscholdc-ra » T with or without tho Caeh, you ran iJree , ? youyj<.'!vpß and ever one in your Family with everything of tho highest quality. Lr.te Fashions for Ladi«, fer Gcntleiner, for Boya and Girla. If you aro a bit snort of Cash, come and ccc mc. I can arrange it for you to your entire satisfaction At Bslkiu'iVs. GiO Colombo etrect, between L:chfio!<3 aud Tuam etroetet C 9313 TITA.VTXb. 2000 Ladies' a:;d Gents' Urn W brellao to Ke-cover durinpr November; reduced price. Lethaby's. M Catbodral square brolliio at r«iuc«l nricea durins June Jlandlea «.nd Ribs rt-noTated fr-s<». 1124 I T\7~E PAT THE HIGHEST PRICES for V» Seccnd-kand Kurtmure. If you wieh to diepoee of your Furniture without the trouble cf «n Anction Silt, jit» u> a all McKENZIE and WILLIS, Auctioneer*, Cathedral equare (neit Po»t Office). 4S2S ~ WANTED KNOWN. ■njTANTED X Nicholson and Co. > » ar« eellinf," b<: - \.'hito Tennis Shirts at 2s 11(1, honeetiy worth 4s Gd. Kno-vn—ThnT we are showir.j: V> special line of Trimmed Hate it 9a lid at Nicboleon and Co.'s. Kp'owd—That Niutolson ar.d Co T* a»c cle;irin7 50 <los Straw Shapes it la lid, ?e ,7s nd. ANT ED Kron'ii—That Nicbo'won nnd V» Co. nro p«Hincr 50 doj Lace Peter Pan CcUars at rA._M. IQ'A each. _ TA'ANTi-D L.idi.'-3 t<. «s> our V»'asL;:;S » » Frocks in coloured lincecr, at 7a lidNicholson and Co. TVrANTED and * * Co. are clear Bg 20 da. sample ~i ioms *t hzli prices. N9»i-71'2 ■\T7ANTED Kmkii^ have eyes » » .ihke. This 13 of'-n over'ooked ir. purchasing Sp?ctarl«3. We Test each eye and give Ltr.ece to Correct the difference Cha.g'e aJivaye rcodcrstt. Thirty yeare" exf ; K'Tei:. the People's Opti c:«i._2ll_Hi£|i _gtrect. 153 7 \\T ANTED SnoTrn—Spectaclee" *re * great » » pleasure when they aro suitable acd correctly fitted We c?.n Fit yo-.i neat'y ar.d comfort ably in cald-Slkd nickel steel end othor framos; all the ueweet shapes in P;nce-ner t -'»»rt*ri-«, and mmy vsr , ties Oar moderate price* will please you R Kerwtt, the People» Optician, 211 Hisb_elrc.ct. }&~ "IXTANTKn Wt»a pecpl* » » Glasses In tome. cA?ee person* re(aee to cto co bec»i:«e Glasses modify e'ightly the appear&cae Wh«n ntted by us they an* both ne»t and bscomins Cmr enormous siock and variety of frame* enswree thi*. cft»n »i h»ii tbe ooet tou wonld expect U Efncctt. the People* Optic'xn. 211 Hizfc ,It«*1 ._ m» W ANTED Known— ths Sight shoald " be periodic "v T»-st-"d vtpti wVfH r!i6So a are wors Wo •xjII do tafe, ar.d 5t g'aswe th&t yot. may retain soc-d "eight for poe6ibly raore yeara than would ha*v been the rase. Rcacanablc prices R Kccnett, tha People's Op'.iciau, 311 High etreet. 1537 , "Off ANTED Knoin;— "Hovt to treai your V » eves and prcervs your fight " Scad ioT our oam-nict cri ike s'iSiect. poet free We Fit cew Lor*c« to yonr own frarate. Repair azd E<St all aorta of Spec t3r r-- '•HCS-α'-?. f-tc . havnir • n 28 tcrVciest. of parts for repairs. Temples rtraig-hr ar.d curl e:di.e Br;d?es, Springe bh'l Vfj 5 <" P!irr»(s, etc.. etc. .11 most ruodrate coet. R Kccsett. *.bo People's Opticisn, ill High stiee-.. ' 13?7

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Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume L, Issue 15158, 23 December 1914, Page 9