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I BOX. R. HEATON RHODESS CANDIDATURE. " Between two hundred and fifty-and three hundred olectere assembled in tho - ™ d [ p uM'c Ball on Friday night . jien tho Hon.. R, Heaton Rhodes, lostnaster-General, addressed the eleoy tor.. ' y Mr- E. Patcrson -was voted to tho _ f* t >„ ai ! i «° introducing the candis . data, said that Mr R hodes _i-A member -of Parliament for fifteen : \ He was new beiore them to '">" v_.t an aCCOUBt of kss stewardship, £ .both as their representative and as a i member of the Government. - 3- r}}*^ o *?** . who cordially re- -"■ ?POko J I l ainl y on tho lines of t, ms p.-evious addresses. 1 "' 0 ! f l uestion s of both local *od general interest were asked. Ono . Md_ rcierenco to the application for a !E, trottins races - *• ou^A eP^i t0 this Mr RJ pointed i S. 5?V 1, ?^ tt <»c entirely 31i--W" ?*' !"' as practice of that 4fis ° n,y t0 S« n fc such permits £J £_ thKn . aml ' as ma *. v Protest 3l4te m i^ c on tho sub the *Stf t*__ uld Ilot ,- sce his wa V- « t_i «r? _ i .diversity of opinion, fP? 1 All that he SrVS. °sfu> a to do the mat"ait to'k _.-°H" representative, to subSJ Ta_W M,nistep of Eternal Affairs against the >iSwS_r°a? T $"*>** ihe that f_Tw . e J?U thoa S*t it right AX» a lS ,^ l offico *o_d fi be davafi-. no ° clo <* every Thunsuntil the following raom- ™ S that D «*nthe Wei ? , « nt "led to tint th« _ Siat half-hoi day and *•» keen or.™ , -1 cd as Postmaster .\W ol l tbfl stai ".'ory half-hoii-0a fr * 0m tho residents B C t" VMI f nc,! v *" ns «"«ed •S"in t&. S_T ° f aa offico on h a" »»s mven fc ii**' evor7 consideration <ttqnir e _ni_- .tT ™ *? dcß ?. on J"'Sed to Ho mention--ta____?k th ' lt sa soon as the Post and . waegr&Dh bu_me__ of Halswoll warrant

! od it. a permanent officer would be apI pointed. . . , . ~ A delivery in the district- by lettercarrier was asked for, and Mrs Kelly 1 presented a petition on tho subject. Mr Rhodes said that tho petition v.-ould receive early consideration. Ho mentioned that wherever it was possible to do so, he was arranging for rural deliveries. ~,,,., , Mr W. L. Wright said tuafc tho c-pccch they had just heard was a clear, statesI manlike one, for which he desired them i to accord Mr Rhodes a hearty vote of In'seconding the motion. Mr W. M. Thomson said that tho address was a clear straightforward one, and was appreciated ail tho raoro because it was free from abuse. The motion was earned by acclamation. Mr R. Hcaton Rhodes speaks at tho Druids' Hall, Lincoln, at 8 o clock this evening :■ at the EUesmere Sc-oo" at - p.m. to-morrow, and the Doyleston Hail at 8 p.m. tomorrow; at the Dunsandel Town Hall on Wednesday at » p.m., and tho Brooksido techool on Thursday at S p.m. CHRISTCHURCH NORTH. 1 On Saturday evening Mr H. I'\ Toogood, the Government candidate, addressed a large gathering at the Car J- | ton bridge. He received an excellent hearing from the majority present,, and •eaMlv scored off tho interjections rnado; Towards tho end of the meeting tno candidate devoted the. remainder of tho time to answering questions, mostly concerning the Huntly. disaster. Wis questioners, although hostile at. tie commencement, met the speaker at the close of the meeting and expressed their appreciation of the manner m which their questions had been answered. Cheers were given for tho candidate and the Primo Minister. Mr H. F. Toogood, Government candidate, speaks to-night" at the corner of Caledonian road and Canon streot at 7.30, and at tho corner of Madras and Aberdeen streets at 8.30. Tomorrow night ho speaks at the corner of Winchester and Andove'r streets at 7.30, and at the corner cf Bristol street and Clare road at 8-30. On Wednesday night he speaks at the corner of Cranford and Berwick streets at 7.13, corner Warrington street and Francis avenue 8, and Gresford 6trect at 8.30. • , „ t Mr L. M. Tsitt speaks at the Rugby street Schoolroom at 8 to-night. He speaks to-morrow night at tho corner of Brown's and, lnnos roads at 7.30, Cranford and Shirley streets at 8.10. and Floxton and Warrington streets at S". Mr J. E. Potb crick speaks to-night at tlie corner of Clare road and Bristol street at 8, and to-morrow night at tho corner of Caledonian and Holly roads at 8. CHBISTCHURCH SOUTH. Mr H. G. Ell speaks to-night at the corner of Norwood and Fisher streets, Beckenham, at 7.15, and at corner of Montrose and King streets at 8. Tomorrow night ho speaks at tho corner of Montreal and Hanover streets at 7.15, and West Christchurch School at 8. / . . CHRISTCHURCH EAST. Dr. Thacker sneaks to-night in tho Hibernian Hall, Barbadoes street at 8; to-morrow, at noon, at Messrs P. aud D. • Duncan's foundry, and at 8 p.m. in St. Lnke's schoolroom; on \Vodnesday he speaks in tho Hastings street Hall at 8. i Mr Hiram HunterVGeneral Conxmitk teo meots at the Trades Hall at 7.30 p.m. this evening; the caudidatospeaks I at tho Manchester street bridge at 8.30. Ho addresses tho tramway employees at tho Trades Hall at 10 a.m. and 8 1 p.m. on Tuesday. Mr Hunter speaks • on Wednesday at the Railway sheds, Carlylo street, at midday; corner Kil- , more street and East Belt at 7.30 p.m., and Harper's Store, Barbadoes street ' at 8.30 p.m. On "Thursday ho speaks i at tho corner of Walthani road and i, Andrew street at 8 p.m., and on Friday at Cordery's cycle shop, Lower Hign street, at 8 p.m. AVON. 1 Mr D. G. Sullivan, the Labour can- "■ didato for Avon, addressed about 300 1 people at the corner of Wilson's road > and Ferry road on Saturday evening, Mr McOwen presiding. He "was unanil mously accorded a vote of thanks and 7 confidence. Three ckoers woro also > given for the candidate. t Mr H. D. Acland, the Government » candidate, addressed a meeting at - Breeze's road on Saturday, and rc--3 ceived a voto of thanks. Ho subse--3 qnontly addressed a large* meeting i in the Pier Hall, New Brighton, when > j Captain Owles (Deputy-Mayor) prcsid- "> J cd. Mr Acland dealt' at length with - ! the criticism aimed at the Govern- - inent with referenco to fiuanco and s I travelling expenses, and showed that 1 j the annual travelling expenses of the " i Massey Government were far less than j those of the two provious Governments. 2 He received a splendid hearing, and " was accorded a vote of thanks " 3 , Ir D - G - Sullivan speaks tonight afc -. tho corner of Tuarn and Phillip streets - at 8: to-morrow night, corner Ferry road and Bordesley street at 8; and n - Wednesday at the New Brighton Pier o Hal* tJ si S. ° "^atf*. speaks to-mght at the Dallingr ton bridge at /.and the Ferry road - j Post Office at &.1„... To-morrow nighfc s- | Mr Acland speaks at the corner of Buc,l i de V el l ?£"»*. and Poor's road at 7, d and at the Linwood Po&t Office at 8.30. 0 SOCI^ v .^OCRATIC 1 CANDIDATES. .- Messrs J. McCombs and Hiram H und ter, Social Democratic candidates for L- Lyttelton and Caristchiirch East re-

spectivcly, held a joint meeting at the corner of Charles and Barbour street--, ' Linwood. on Saturday night. i ; was a good attendance, and .Mr Herbert Pearco presided. The candidates answered a number of questions, and a hcartv voto of thanks and confidence iv 3lcssrs 3lcCombs and Hunter was car. ried unanimously on tho motion of 3-e-srs Fiueran and Clark. Three cheers woro given for tho speakers and another three for the chairman. RICCARTON. 31r B. 35iinn addressed a well-at-tended meeting cf racing folk at the Riccarton racecourse on Saturday morning. Ho expressed his views as at previous meeting, in the district, and received a very attentive hearing. At tho conclusion of his address, he was accorded a hearty voto of thanks. 3lr B. llnnn, tho Government candidate, addressed a largely attended meeting at Charing Cross on Saturday night, 3lr J. H. Dent presiding. 31r Dunn showed that sinco the Govern.nient came into office, the pledges mado by them in 1011 had almost entirely ' been carried out. and the tamo sound and progressive policy would be carried on in tlie future. Tho Government had placod tho Dominion in a position in which it was well able to faco the present national crisis without any ! financial panic, which was a .striking . . contrast to tho position iv 1000, when j ! tho count.y ( was seething with unem-| 'ployed, anil'the "Libera!" udministra-I ! tion made little or no attempt to re- 1 ■ lieve distress- 3lr Bunn's address was j ; listened to with keen attention, and on the motion of 31r W. Shipley ho was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Mr Bertram Burnt, Government candidate, speaks to-night- at- Templeton, I corner Church street and Railway tori race, at 7. and at Hornby Druids' Hall iat 8.15- On Tuesday night he speaks in tho Courtenay Schoolroom at 7. and in thc Italketfc Schoolroom at 8.15. On \ Wednesday, corner of Torrens and Sutherland roads, Hill marten at 7 p.m., Coronation Hall. Mill street, 8.15 p.m. On Thursday at 7-olios ton School at 0.45 p.m.. and Sockburu, 31iddlepark Hall, at 8.15 p.m. 3lr Goo. Witty speaks in tho Charing Cross School to-night .'it 0 o'clock, and tho Kimberley School at 5.30. Tomorrow night at Hare-wood road Hall at 8. and on Wednesday night- at Lower Riccarton Town Hall at 8, LYTTELTON. 31r J. 31 .Combs addresseel a meeting in 3lr Packwood's Tea Rooms, Cashmere, on Sa.*urelay uignt, -Mr A. Berry presiding. The) following resolution was carried unanimously:—"That thia trusting of Cashmere electors thanks Mr McCombs for his. address, and has continued confidence in him as member for tho Lyttelton electorate." Air J. McCombs addressed a well attended meeting at Redcliffs ou Friday evening, 31r S. Cummins presiding. The candidate received a very attentive hearing, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks and confidence. 3lr J. McCombs speaks in the Sumner Town Hall to-night at 8 : .to-morrow night. Teddington Public School, at 7, and Governor's Bay Public School, at 8.30.

KAIAPOI. 3lr David Jones, the Government caudidat-o for Kaiapoi, addressed tho electors at East Eyreton on Friday ovening. 3l r R, O. Dixon occupied tho chair. 3lr Joucs emphasised the necessity of keeping in power v strong Government, and contrasted the sound, progressive policy of tho present Government the pa-tc-pot and _ci.ssors policy of the Wardite-Red Fed combination. Numerous questions woro asked, and the replies showed tbo wide range of political knowledge possessed by tho candidate. 3lr J. 3lc3lullcn proposed a vote of th antes to the speaker, which was seconded by 31r Cooper, and carried. On Saturday evening 31 r David Jone„ addressed a good gathering ab Chauey's Corner, Belfast. 31r J. Brown occupied the chair. There wero a few interjections, which tho speaker quickly turned to good .-.count. Air TV", tubman moved, and Mr Chancy seconded, a vote cf thanks to tho candidate, which was carried amidst enthusiastic cheering for the candidato and tho Government. -

SELWYN. During tlio past week Mr Joseph Hamlet held a sorics of meetings in tiio electorate of Selwyn. On Monday he spoke to a largo audience afc Coaigato, Mr Pearson presiding. A voto of thanks was proposed by Mr Gardiner and seconded by Mr L. Dorrefct. An amendment according the candidate a voto of thanks, but expressing no confidence in tho Massey Government, was moved by representative minors. Six voted for the amendment. the, motion being carried by a largo majority. On Tuesday ho spoke in tho Gleutuiinel schoolroom, ( which was crowded. The candidate was accorded a voto of thanks. On Wednesday Mr Hamlet spoke to an enthusiastic audience at Glenroy, tho schoolroom being packed. 3lr G. E. Hunt presided. Mr F. Hyatt proposed and Mr S. Dennis seconded a vote of thanks, which was agreed to unanimously. At the conclusion of the meeting a committee. was sot up to assist the candidate. On Thursday Mr Hamlet spoke in tho schoolroom at Winchmore, the chair being taken by Mr Hunter Morris. Mr Rooney proposed and Mr Clifford seconded, a vote of thanks, which was unanimously agreed to. Mr Hamlet sooko at Lismore school on Friday, Mr Bell presiding. Mr T. Mulligan proposed a vote of thanks. which was agreed to by acclamation. On Saturday ovening Mr Hamlet addressed a large gathering in the Highbank school, Mr J. Campbell presided. On the motion of Mr Henderson, seconded by Mr Ledgerwood, a voto of thanks was accorded the candidates. • Mr G. Sheat, Government candidate, speaks at AVesterfield to-night; Annat to-morrow night; Gleniunncl on Wednesday, and Kowai ou Thursday."'""" "*""• Mr Joseph Hamlet addresses the electors at Spreadoagle to-night; Rakaia to-morrow night; "Winslow 6.30 p.m., and Westerfield 8 p.m.. on Wednesday; "Elgin at 6.30 p.m., and Dronioro at 8 p.m., on Thursday; Barr Hill at 0.30 p.m., aud Meade Settlement at 8 p.m.. on Friday; nud Greendale ou Saturday. ASHBURTO.N*. Mr W. Nosworthy, the "Reform candidate for the Aehb'arton seat, addressed about forty electors, at Lowcliffe on Thursday evening. On tho same evening he "visited Longbeach, and spoke in the men's wharo. when about fifty persons were present. On Friday • evening he met the Flemington electors. The candidate was giv.'ti a, good > reception at each meeting. In answer to a question, Mr Nosworthy stated that ho was in favour of extending the lifo of Parliament from three to four or five years. At tho close of each address ho was accorded a hearty vote of thanks.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 15138, 30 November 1914, Page 9

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ELLESMERE. Press, Volume L, Issue 15138, 30 November 1914, Page 9

ELLESMERE. Press, Volume L, Issue 15138, 30 November 1914, Page 9