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Bright, sunny weather was experienced on Saturday ou tho conclusion of the Canterbury Park Trotting Club's Winter Meeting, though the ai: v.-sa a trifle keen in the shade. Tho trnck WR3 naturally heavy after ths <soaki :, .g end cutting up it received on "Wednesday, and tlio times registered during the day wore e'ow. The Xt Hon. AY. F. Haa3cy and the Hon. 11 Hcaton P.hodes vrers present during the iar'y part of tho afternoon, and wore entertained at lunch by the etewa.d3 of the club The attendance was first-clase,'and speculation was brisk, the titoiieator investments svmountinff to £22,879 10s, ao compared wi'B £19 OGS on the second day lost year, the tota! for tha meeting , being £16705, ?e 1>5.167 10s. There was rome very racing, the fm : ?k of tho Au Rcvoir Handicap bcin"- ono of thr. beft seen on tho course That brill, ant nUy, A., who failed to show iris iona in the >.ew Brighton Dwrbv three weeks ago, put up a very attractive 'wrformanco in winning the principal tvcnt"ot the fiay, the.Kin? Georpe Handicap, «hov?in" not only a fine turn of speed, ou" r .od staying pov-tre The following are o--taile of th? racing: — LADIES' BRACELET HANDICAP (m harness), of GO soys; second 5 eovs lrom etake. One mile and a half. , 1 Mrs B. Grice's b f Millio Woodburn, by Woodbum Chief—Mamhrino King awe, 3viß. 7aec . •• CMrß.Gr.ce) 1 6 M'cj O Thomas's b g True Spec, aged, 6cr .. (Mr 0. Thomas) 2 1 ilrs W. Croz'ier's b g Forest Chieftain. c"rs, •Upo ■• <-•** w - Crozier) 3 17 "General Cass 3sec, 0 Pastimo isec, 12 Woodoine sscc, 1G FrHnchisjs feec, 17 Miss Irrinrwood dec, 13 Banjo iL Wilkce 6sec, 8 liooir.ti-id Gsec, 15 Pas 6scc, i ilws-Ad-vocato 6scc. 11 Melinda May 6sec, 5 Maid of Derrin-mll 7sec, 2 Flora Xracey 7scc and Little Kauri 7sec (coupled). U Lr-dy fonder 7 6 ec and Toronto 7seo (coupled), 3 O MA. Tsec and i oncbe Arral Tecc (coupJ«J), 10 Kai Kanui 7«c and Wi.a illoje &ec (coupled), and V Metallic 3sec and Sxlvcr iie'don 9:cc (coupled) also started. _ (ilillie Woodburn and lorest ChiefUm w«rc coupled) . , , . Metallic made the running lor tne faret. half mile, with Millie Woodbarn i» clcai attendance as they went past U>« ef>nd. Turning towards tho back stretch Mslhe VTcodburn tool: charge, arid Forest Chieftam also ran past Metallic, white Truo Sptc was going best of th<? next bunch. Half a mju« from home Trno Spec bad run into third place, and a little further en paesed Forest Chieftain. Millie Woodbura bad to be shaken yp to stall off a challenge from Tru-e fapec in tlo straisht. but in the end sho won by a cample- of lengths. Forest Chieftain, who was eaied up, fiity yards awaj, and thcai c good way "back came General Cass and FJora Trdoey. Time, 3xnin 53sec PROGRESSIVE HANDICAP (in haraeFa), of Oo sots; second 13 sots, and third 8 soys from stake. For unhopaicd ttotiers. Two miles , I. A. Quigley's b c Norval Long, by Norvai—Gordoa Mar;-, ijTS, -22*3 C (F. Holme*) i 6- J. Bcbinson'e blk m Maori JP'«««m, 6yrs, io«o (A. Butterfield) 2 10. T. G. Foz'3 b m Eolvic, aged, lCeec {Owner) 3 < Pictolns llsec, 15 Clevewcod l<£«o, 17 iSotheciiiid Lad ISscc 7 >'o Sienanaghaa IGstfc, 5 Silver King l£*ec, 1C Carl lSiec. 12 Chryeoe I9 3e c. 19 Golden Sapling 21mc, 11 Proud Bine 2leec and Black Prince (coupled), s Roditon 21sec and Merrywood aiseo (coupled), G Better Luck 21sec and Victor Chief 2Uec (coupled), 13 Lavjngton 22sec and Morec 22scc (coupled), 1. Lone Hand 22sec vcoupkd with Norval £»g)» S Dartmoor '23sec and To-niuht 23aec (coupled), 9 Huon Child 23sec and Geranium 23s*c (coupled), 3 Hothiao 2Ssec and Lsdy msec (coupled), and 11 Eric Child S?s-c and Kio Grande 23sec (coupk-d) also tl&xUd. Geramnrj kd J or furlongs, but then broko badly, r.nd Mot«. went on is front, bems lolin'xed ia cloeo order at tte en d o f

a mile by Xcivai King, Chrysas, Lone Hand, and To-aight. When the ba.x stretch was reachtxl, Alorce was ocatcn, and -Nerval iving took charge, whi.<? Maori Prmcess who wan showing h lot oi par?, joii;cd tho front bunch. Hall a mite 'from boc,o Nerval King sad ClirysM were on terms, but tbe latter dropped bsck be;oie tho straisht was entered, and Maun Princess challenged lioival King. Under Maori Princess broko in the final Mages, sr.d Morval •xca by three l<mgtb=. Bcivic, vrho firi«bed well, was fire lengths away thir<i, nnd then came Lono Hand, Chrveoi?,"nnd Hciee. Time, smia 31 4-5111 sec. KIXG GEORGE HANDICAP <:u carse.«\ of 325 eova; second PS sors, and third 3i sov3 ireni sxme. Ict miles. 14. W. I. AshbyV b f Edith A., »y Back Eibbon —Marubrino Kiiij ware, oaee _ (T. Logan) 1 3. Hall and Simcson's b g FrandVrsn, Cyi?, Csoc " -A. Brrt-rf:o;d) 2 2. W F. Clinton's m m Miiricata, 6rs. .. .. (>*. L. Price) 3 11 Albert H. ser.. 1 Country B<.ile 2sec, G Adonis 2:-<:e, 7 Bright y?cc, 12 Matwfcrcno <kc, 13 Quince? Ucc. 9 Crown Prince l?ee. 15 In-.URfaii secc, i ~t. Swithiu isor. 5 Ucd Mac isec, S Lord DilVa 6s;c, S Prince:.* Louisa Csec. 10 Little Tib E?cc, acd 1C Solo fisec also started. Albert H. refused to lcavj the mark, ard Bright did not b-sin wo!!. Polo at ones: wrai to the front, and'troinT iilor.g tb<* back, wna ehowicv the way to Edith A. arid Lcul Dil.or.. Xhoro was not much change in the orckr_ as they turned into tho and with ha'.f the jonrnoy <-on«. Solo "w.-i? stil! in from, -.villi Lord Dillon c!os<i bdiiccl her, but the lntt-r broke badly, and was pulled tip. X?st in order came Fdith A.. Little lib, and Country Belle Turning towards the back, Edith A. ran to th» front, while. country Cell e , who had mit in a f:>st run, was in s?coid place. At tho ha!f-miV jjost, , S. rd " r was Kdith A.. Orntrt- tkJle, Litt "° ,•' Prandocia, and Muricata. At tho turn. } '"irate, oroke. end lost STCimd, while a hit c farther on, Country Belle was b*at-*-n. Edith A. was wp',i <-l?i>r a3 th-v turned tor home, but Frar.doeia finished fast, and was beaten by only a baro length. Muricata was oi<jbt lengths sway, rind then came Little Tib and Country" B-)V, tho rest strung cut. Tiir.o. lmin 53 i-Sth wsc. MIDDLETOX HAXDICAP (in raddle), of U0 soys; second 2C- R ova, and third 13 sove from btako. Two mice.

1 W I; P- b f Xordica, by King Cole—General iraoey mare, Syrs, llaec

r. r. »,, $• ->IcL«nnan) 1 o. h. Allan sb g ClingschiM, aged, 15eec n a T t> • (Owner) 2 —A. J. Tutton's b m KoVcmoer, ovrs, IIMC •■ • (A. Buiterfteid) 3 13 JJedallion ecr, 12 Wellace Juar 3sc<; 6 Ksnjr Lynn Sscc, 16 Radiant Morn 4;<;c 'n 0.1.C. Csec, 1 Vermont Tecc (coupled with Aoraica), 15 Boklmaid Baee, 4 Stanley's Ch-'d 3aec, 0 Snddite llscc, 10 Almond ilscc 17 Troubadour llsec, 5 Georgo- Hard 13=wc 3 Calodon 7 Specification Jur.r. ISacc and l< The Lark loeec aleo started " ' Medallion stood on the mark, and Geor-e iiad refufcd 'o strike a jjait at the •»tar't Ca.cdou, Cling«.chi!d, Specijicatfon Junr" -m-! ivokomoer ruado the oarly running and' Ht tlie end of a mil* the test-named fci'd fak»a charge from Caledon, of tor whom came ficat.on Junr., ai:d .Nordic Rounding the turn out of the straight Cliu"s' child ran into eecond place, {fa back he und Kokemoc: drew ripht away"froai tho otiiera, wiih Nordica going' well j n tj,, r pace. Clingschild was firat into thj' etraipht but tired badly in tho ruij home, and \ordica liuiehing well got up in lime to win by a length. Kokcmoer wa* r. bare length awa'v third, with 0.1.C, Itadant Morn, ond Specification Junr. next Time, s:nin Ease.

SOCKBUKN HANDICAP (in harness), cf 130 fiova; eocond 26 Rave, and third 13 eovj Jrom etakc. For uabopplcd trotters TVo miles. 13. J. Leslie's b z by Elec-tioneer—Son-of-a-Gun ma:*?, asjed, sjcc (J. Wright) 1 2. iv. Goodsell'e br tn Tnisauin:, aced, lOscc •• •■ (C. T/;]Jetts) ° 1. H. Binka's eh £• Master Raymond ag-od, ecr .. .. (A. ButtorfieJd) 3

■1 Betel lsec. 0 llystio osec, 12 Troastuj Seeker Secc, 8 Adventurc-33 6soc, 10 KcV-o Geec, 11 Bushranger 3sec, 7 Hiss Dcstor asee 5 Wild Tree _9see, C Jlokau lOsec, and 6 Hoi:soon lOsec also started.

T:uganiui began well, ar.d at tho end of half a milo was showing the way to Monsoon, with Electrocute next. With a mile to t;o Klfctrocuto had taken charge, the order of thoso Ecarcat to him beinjj Wild Trno, Mor' soou, Adventuress and Truganin:, the lastnamed having broken. Along tho back Electrocute established a big lead from Trujra.runi, who had ruado up her lost ground, vekV o ifaster Raymnnd was moving up fast. In thj :nn home Electrocute held hie and won very easily by ten lengths. Trusr.iwni was a couple of lengths in front of Master Raymond, -who broko in the las* th.rty yards. \W<l Tr<xs and Moneoon were next to finish. Time, smin -1 2-Sth eoc. ADVANCE .HANDICAP' (in harness), ot 130 fiove; second 2G soys, and thid 13 sov3 from etakc. Ono mile and a half. 13. J. H. Oliver's b f 0.1.C., by M — D.1.C., 4yr6, 4*ec .. (P. Holmes) 1 i. E. B. Hubbard's b ni Proud Girl, Gyrs, sseo .. . .. (Owner) 2 11. J. Shaw's gr jr Andy Regan, syro, lisec (J. x>rnnkin) 3 1 Regina Belle ecr and Arbiter tfsec (coupled),-1 E-ina lace, 10 ChiM Beldon Ssec, 1-1 Merry Child Ssec, 5 Disappear 3sec, 'J Young Tohu 4sec, 13 Lord Ashton -Isec, i> Prince Warbeck csec, 0 Baron Franz sseo 2 Texas Ssec, ami Eepincl 632 c (coupled), t Wingatui 6»ec, IS E'-mwood Csec, 7 Azilo dec, and Penelope 6scc (coupled) also started. PcncHpo and Aziic- mere quickest to bcgi'i ond at the end of half a inilo tho order was I'cnciooe, Baron Franz, Proud Girl. .Azilc, * and 0.1.C Thero was lit'.Uchange in tho ordi-r as tho field tnrni-d towards tho back strotsh, where Proud G ; rl •tok charge, and Young Tohu moved up Bounding tho turn for home Proud Gi'.l wa? in front, but in a good finish 0.1.C. beat hsr by a bare half length Andy Rc-gau was ci;hl Ifngths avv.iy third, with Young Tohu fourth :md Wingatu , " aith. Time, 3min 43 1-5' L i< c AU REVOIR HANDICAP (in harness), of 170 soys; second 31 cove, nnd third "• 17 soys from stake. On-e mile. 1. G. Stringfellow's b k Princo Poolc, by Prince Imporial—Misa Poole, syrs, isec .... .. (J. Brankin) 1 .0. "W. B. Ma3ham'e blk h Eipon Child, 6yns, isec .. .. (A. Pringle) 2 Z. B. Ewards'a gr E Falee Alarm, syrs, isec .. i. (Owner) 3 5 Bell Metal Isoc, 4 Huia Dillon 2seo, 7 "U'ilkie 3eec, 10 Vc.rax 33<c. 3 Deedemona 4soc, 6 The Whip 4sec, and 8 Fu£ee 4ecc aloo started Ripon Child and Falso AJarm began smartly, nnd at the end of a furlong were followed by Princo Poole, -who ekipped, lost rovcral lengths. At the half milts post, Kipon Child and False Alarm were almost on terms, and theu carao Princo Poole, who had recovered his position quickly, and Huia Dillon. Turning towards tho straight, tho leading division closed up, and in a great race home, Prince- Pcolo won by a bare half length. False Alarm v.-a« tho earn© distance away third. Desdemona, who came from » long away back, was fourth, and Huia Dillon fifth. Time, 2min 27 3-sth sec. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP (in Raddle), of 150 Fova; second CO soys, and third 15 eoT-j from stake. Ono mile. 7. J. Shav/s h h Meda'Jion, by Geo. M. Patchen—Suaie Wild, agedj seec (J. Brankin) 1 5 A. J. Talbot's blk f Desdomona, 4yre, 4sec .. .. (J. A. Bridges) -J 2 J. Wcicon's b g Submarine, aged, Smjc CI. Annett) - 3 G Bright leec, 12 Mandercne 2eoc, 4 So'<i Sesc, 3 F andocia Ssec, 7 Kalgoorlie 3sec, 13 Glenda'ou?h 3sec. 1 R«qina Belle 4eee, 10 Perniader fcee, and S 2laine aeec uha 11 artedilauis was qu-ckes , . away, with Detclemoria acd Regina jvelle nest. Befori? th'fv had gone half .. miic Dwdcmoni had rushed to the front, and eetab'iehed a good lead as tney rounded tht> turn to the straight There JM •- dalHon ha>l ran fn'.i sneond place, and in a cood finbh beat Desden'.ona by a length. Submarine vrae four lengths away third, with Bright nest, aad Rog-ina. Bcllo fifth. Time, 'Zmw. 27 2-Sth :ec.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 14988, 8 June 1914, Page 9

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CANTERBURY PARK T.C.'S WINTER MEETING. Press, Volume L, Issue 14988, 8 June 1914, Page 9

CANTERBURY PARK T.C.'S WINTER MEETING. Press, Volume L, Issue 14988, 8 June 1914, Page 9