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The 'iiiiu mi 1 There » «. disrrnctkm aboxrt Tucker's Engagement Rings which m makes a strong appeal to all lovers of good taste. They are worn |8 with pride, because of their beauty of gems and attractiveness of H design. V/e lead in always showing the newest designs in this | branch of the diamond mounter's art. Can we send you a size | card and catalogue f | OTTR DISCOUNT: _./• OFF EVERY POUND 1 F. W. TUCKER .iJTffi 247 HIGH STREET (White Hart Buildings) 1 Cot ?.;■-• - • X

j MISCELLANEOUS. IT"0 1 ivners cr Builders— Wantcr:, modern -I 7j5-rti-j'ced H.,'.i6v oi- lea*.-, tor year cr more, North. to V.'.V.- City Wiil I nexxitijfi; vitl. l-'ii.deiy tor approved house I or. _r-i;ri'l '.•-■sur,..-v :r. r»i:M'.!!o poichbourhc-.d. j Apoly 1.0. I- 7. ■.•'*.'■. !''•) ENGLISHMAN '"of 7: ■-••>■ i" a'.P[>7;_-ncv'",r:d . tew moan", wi..hc«. to t:i.>?t doniMticatcd I voi;ii._ lady, view uia-rimony. "U.K.," • - l'r. _»" Omcc. ____ *_ '- 4?*-i J.C) -'■jo. iJ.u on'ru.-tcd to iis by .•fcOJl/' cirnts '.or iiivcjjtnietit, to loud on mortgages of freehold properties. Early iipj.'li'.itions r:orc*iarv. ' I*. L. Davies and Co., r nacre and Estate A_.?nte, IGI Ca:-.hcl stn"* f . _ ,S1 *YT RS TitOSS'S" Pi": ic" cbvain3 bTe" irom 7 " 811 r s e -** a.'.;d Co.. rare Kivvr iC.'-cinist), 3154 Barbadoea rtreel. :jn-i 1 c-is. I.i■ ■ 2U2 O CVKU FL CO US" IT Al K',' "-lole'r. "I* ieinT-n ~ ' Birthmarks tff«'ct'.::i'.!y removed by J-'itctrjh-sis. Mr Hammond, Special—'., !"7,1 Cashel street. _ 17'"I MRS VALLANCE'can M Consulted ~at 5-13 Moorhousc avenue, near Lancaster Park. 101 rp6 Property Owners.—V'o nave a number -I of tenants waiting for good 4. 5, trd 6roomed Modern Housos. Forest ric. Perkins, 433 Colombo street, Svdenbarr. "A STROLOGY—Scientific Tho Stars and -a Human Destiny Forward name, birth. date, time if known. Celeste Poctere, M.A.S.. 134 Cuba etreet, Wellington Characteristics, Business, Marriige, Travel. Send 1s 3d •tampa. C 3159

PUBLIC NOTICES. NEW BRIGHTON CAFE. WINTER MONTHS. A S in the p*3!. I am prepared to ACCEPT *■ A FEW PERMANENT- GUESTS during the Winter Months at a REDUCED TARIFF. M. McCALLUM, Proprietress. "Phone No. 4. 494 TO MANUFACTURERS AND OTHERS. *T*HE Proprietors of Letters Patent No. A _5,r.2, of 20th July, 1910, relating .'-) "ORE CONCENTRATORS, - ' arc desirous of entering into arrangements,.'by-way of v, License or otherwise, on reasonable terms, for tbe purprxv- of exploiting the above Patent an J ensuring its practical working in New Zealand : - - - • All enquiries to bo addressed i-o HENRY HUGHES. LTD.. Patent Agents, 157 Featherston street, Wellington. JTISLE AND COOK, LAND AGENTS AND LAND BROKERS, j lisl CASHEL STREET (next Tattersall's).

SMART Coloured Felt Hats, irom 3s lid: . trimmed, from 4a lid; Ladies' Coney Seal Hats, Ss Gd to 3o= Cd ; Wive. Trimmed | Hats, from 12a Gd. Graham, Wilson and Smellie. GREY Floecy Bloomere, with and without bands, 2a lid; Warm Kniited Vests. [Is .Id to 5s Gd; Warm Combinat'ons, niitiiral | and white, 3s Gd to 7s 6d. Graham, Wilson : and Sruellio. I' ADIKS' Knitted Coats, special purchase— ■• S_e our windows! 42s Coata for 17s Gd; 55s Coats for 2J.s: 65b Coata for 255: three-quarter and full length sizes. Graham, Wilson and Smell'©. /""{.LOVES, broirn kid gloves, 2 dome fas- "*-"{ teners, fleecy liDed, al! sizes, 3b lid pair; 5 dome Kid Gloves, .n black, white, grey, brown, beaver, fcp'cndid value. Ss Jld pair. Graham, Wileon and Srneliic. _T"< LOVES—lmitation Suedo Gloves, -2 dome "■-. fasteners, in all the best shades, ls 9d pair; Children's Fleecy Lined Aetrakan Gloves, in all sizes, Is 7d to Is lid pair. Graham, _Wii son nud Smellie. TTOSE—Ladies' Fine J._ mere Hose, beautiful soft finish, with seamless feet, 2s Gd pair; Boys' Heavy Winter Wear Black ' Knitted Hose, sizes 2 to 8, very cheap, at Is id to Is Od. Graham, — il so "L i m ?' _Smei lie. "I7"ELYETEENS, the latest colourings, Ts » Hd, 2s Gd, 2s lid, 3s Cd; Velveteen Cords, now colours, 2s 3d, 2s Gd, 2s lid y_. r .-„_9___l'l___' v '' B ' : ' n and Smellie. TTENE'TIAN „nd Amazon CTolh_7_ll~-_ » latest shadings, including evening tints, fe 9d, 3s Pd. 3s lid, 4s lid, 5s lid yard. Graham, Wilson and Smellie. fAARK Grey Tweeds, very _uita_!o for ■*r* heavy wear, Is lid, 2s 6d, 3s 9d yard; 56m Heavy or Coating Tweeds, 4s lid yard. Graham, Wilson and Smellie. "WINTER Comfort_~'W"th_ Old Folk•t» Nyrht Caps, is 6d; B>d Sox, 3s lid P a r . ", _?*?*"■ s Lambs' Wool Stockings, plain or nbbed, 2s 6d pair. Graham, Wilson and omeliie. ■**>JEW_ Canvas Storm Coata, for rourfi _V ' W,^ l '_ w f ar ,- 423 "' Watershed Oilskin Storm Coats, h ? ht and heavy-weights, 37s L J_V__lson_and Smellie. TJEAVY Macintosh Coat-7~eSs and 7"s- ---_ .r otor c - vcle Mackintosh Suite, trousers r v*° gih co; '-* 65a - Oraiam. ..Wilson and Smellie. j~7(*

590 ACRES, first-class sheep country, all ploughable. grows good crops of oats and turnips. Prico £5 5s per acre. ISO Acreß Leasehold at 2s 3d per acre given in. 3100 ACRES, North Canterbury, ejose to Railway -Station, divided 12 paddocks, well fenced and watered; 1000 acres ploughable; winters 2500 sheep and 100 - head of cattle. Price £o per acre. 2000 ACRES, with good house and outbuildings, will carry one_ ewe per acre; well fenced and watered. Prico £7 per. acre CASHMERE HILLS. . HACKTHORNE ROAD. NEW BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, all modern conveniences, gcod cupboards, large cellar, ideal site. J-acre.- Owner purchased farm. must sell, losing over £100. Price £750. LISLE and COOK. 753 TO MANUFACTURERS AND OTHERS. n"!HE Proprietors of Letters Patent No. -«- 22,338, of 23rd January, 1907, relating to "APPARATUS FOR DISTRIBUTING LIQUID'S ON ROADS," aro dcoixons of entering into afrangemente, by way of a License or otherwise, on reasonable terms, for the purpose of exploiting the above Patent and ensuring its practical working in New Zealand. All enquiries to b© addressed to HENRY HUGHES, LTD., Patent Agents, 157 Fcatherston street, Wellington. "miscellaneous.

VALUE, Value, Value—Tbe Star Cycle at £7 10s ia tho very beet value in tme Dominion. This machino is fully equipped with two powerful brakes, steel mudand free wheel. Tho Star has an honest" reputation extending over 25 years. Call and inspect. Adams, Ltd., High street. GOSSIP for Girls, Housekeeping Hints, Weekly Fashion Notes, and Reading for Evsrybody, appear in the "Pago for Women" in Saturdays Editions of "The Evening News.'' IF you had bought a Daytonia you would not have had mora, than about £7 to pay. Minson - and Co. IT"HE Special "Paf*e for Women" in .■"*___• iJL day's Editions of -he Evening' News" appeals to everyone. -.bright uoors Magazine. FUNERAL NOTICES'. rpHE Jhmcral of tho lato Thomas George •*- Wright will leave his late residence, 572 Gloucester street, Linwood, on Thursday, the 4th inst- at 3.50 p.m., for the Avonsid«! Churchya-d. J. LAMB and SON. 3237 THE Funeral of the lato Annie Lawford Cornwall will leave 234 Lichfield street East, on Thursday, the 4th inst., at 10 a.m., for the Linwood Cemetery. J. LAMB and SON. a _B3 rj* LAMB AND SON FUNERAL FUBNISHEBa Ito. 3S_ LICHFIELD STREET -TELEPHOITE 633. Establish. _ IB7i C63_l Q.EOBGE BARBELL, "UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMEK, C_t. DURHAM and: ST. ASAPH ST& 'PHONE 721. 0710 ...J: ANDERSON. . UNDERTAKER . AND FUNERAL. • IU DIRECTOR. " J. 07 VICTORIA STREET. 'Phone 3803. :.CB__3 Herbert Lan-rford. . John Rhino. 19 London st ' ' 10 j'j__'__, e _j "__ : lAN GFOR D AND. RUIN D. —'• . . '•'• ' ■'.;- "' : ... ■ ■-.- ' ..-- . •„ . UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER__--'PHONES 669 and 1603. T6wn Office. 1M Cashel street Thaaa aia ■ ■ * P.O Boa Sn.

B^An^f^ 5 * pa i ng "•»wJJ?n___e__. f All the difference between having painful corns and not havin. them, is _d P the -^-^-_v° f Bloonii *" 8 Corn Cure." Sold C 2372 "S P r- I i f 'f BLOSSOM PTLT.S" cu-e~Liv,r -,™_i. t? p _ a V ,ts and Ind, «*tion, etc Are _™ e it bal,eU^-;- Coa V < -' Bmall P-Hs. small dcrae, small price—6d and ls. Everywhere. C 2379 COUND Advice—xsuy one of our Second- „ hand Cyclca. Strong B.S.A. Roadster Machine, has mudguards, only £3; a onip. bwift Cycle, tip-top order, only £2 15s-nret-elo-s B.S.A. Cycles going for 50s. W_ axe the cheapest shop in town. Adams Ltd High street. *' W"Aln : Epr"2__"^^ . , brellas to Re-cover during April; reduced price. Cathedral square PEOPLE FURNISHIVG ishoulTeall ~ai HOLMES and SONS'. 130 and 132 street, and inspect their Display of Linoleums and Furniture. Wp sell at Bedrock and Guarantee every 5_ rt ! c _!: ' cssoi •POOTWARISERS (the Ston_war_*~_n«) -*- from 2s and 2s 6d, at Mineon'3. Very strong, and cannot leak. /"ANLY £1 Deposit, 5s weekly, ia necessary V, *o purchase a Swift Cycle. _uy now while our. Stocktaking Sale is on. Every Superbe Swift Reduced _5 in price. We guarantee tho bearings tor 5 years. Inspection invited. Adams, Ltd., High street

T EFT OFF Clothing-Mra MMgheTTciW. -I- Buyer of Gent's Misfits, Boots, Trunks Portmanteaux, also Ladies' and Children's Clothing 117 Lower High street. Letters ?_?"___:_ attended to C 8420 TT will pay you to visit BaTitrndWoT everyJ-. thing you require in.Drapery. Clothing Boots, etc Everything of tho B<**t.- Easy _ eok i* r . f_ay__e_nts _ 629 Colombo street C'-313 £\ FOR -2s Weekly-Boots, Clothing, Un°T.-«. dcrwear Household Articles of every description and texture; finest oualitv only and. most moderate prices. L. W. Baikind. C 23 Cc'ombo street. C 9313 QPECIAL O"fi*_~for Business Girls—Strong *-J. Superbe Swift Cycle, has two brakes and steel guards, enamel in top-top order, only £5. 10s; o snip. Really first-class Star Cycle, complete with. two brakca and free wheel, only £4; terms £1 deposit, 5s weekly. Adams. Ltd., High street. AATANTED Kccwn—Mrs Q_arTeTmTin i s % • »». Cash Purchaser of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Lcft-off Clothing. Letters by post or otherwise attended to. Addreei: Mrs G Quartermain. 174 uij-h street. J EFT-OFF Clothing—Mr- — Kobso_; — 203 -i High -iTeet (late of Dunedin), Cash Buyer of Ladies', Gents', and Children's Leftoff Clothing. Lottera attended to. 'Phone 3623 __C77SI STARTLING Reduction Sale of Cycle Sundries—loo best quality rear Rim Brakee, usual price 12s Gd, now reduced fo ss; 1000 good Gas Lamps, usual price 6s Gd, now . reduced to. Ss Gd ; 1000 Lumi—o Oil Lamps", usual prico 4« 6d, now, __ Gd; IOfO good Covers, Ss 6d, now reduced te 3s 9d. Adams, Ltd., High street.

tfncnincj press EVENING DKESS *£} TAILORING is a mattri: which de- /fflgfi mands skill above rfwilll-the-ordinary—if ft. /_■__§/ ~_n«_i|lffl is to be really suework our exc^eni_s-^^^Vl__^L_S | ' of style and fitting Usually I claim to iPfis|l_<lS__'-*^ 'save yon a guinea' -rfj_fflff_f by paying cash—on 'rJ>ii__H____f a Dress Suit I can F-Wf^f often save yoa n_f fluff guineas on tbe Ijjif fi||l fancy prices usually , YM Ha charged by credit 111 _ff

ANYONE in need of TEMPORARY LOAN, £S upwards, np-n Household Furniture, without removal. c3l! at L. W BALKIND, ______ 629. Colombo street. FOR your Cups and Saucers, Plates _nd Dishes, rely on Mtn-on and Co. Twelve stock patterns in Dinnerware te choose from. Jpyt TO £5. from 2s weekly, for -"-a £1 to £5, from 2s weekly, for Boots— £1 to £S. from 2s weekly, for Suits— £1 to £5 from 2s weekly, for Costumes. At Balkind's 629 Colombo street, near Tuam street C 9312 T EFT-OFF" Pritchard is a A- Cash Buyer of Gents' Misfit and Leftol! Clothing, Boots, Trunks. Portmanteaux, and Ladies' and Children's Clothing Spot .-•ah. Ring up 'Phone ____. ar write 12 Victoria _atrest C77M £l F °?L** Suits. fT x Boots. Shoes, Underwear, Hats Baikind a. __9_C_lanibo street. C__lS G OS _, n -, fo . r „ G ?- 1 »' -e__i^pl_~_ - ~ Hinta, Weekly F__hic_ Notes, and -Us_ia_ for _"»«rybo_*y, appear in the "Page for Women __ Saturday's Edition* of "Ths Evening News' "TA7 ORKING Men, wo give va*_e for your money. Call in and we will prove our *-r*--_s. 100 strong, reliable Cycles on Sale, guaranteed in good miming order. Each machine has been overhauled by ciir facte-y We can sell you a really good C<-cle for £_ _. £3. i_i____, Ltd., High, __-e__.*

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Press, Volume L, Issue 14984, 3 June 1914, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume L, Issue 14984, 3 June 1914, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume L, Issue 14984, 3 June 1914, Page 14