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MS &-..:■■, ■ : ' . ¥ f;- : ' , PUBLIC NOTICES. if f' *SsST^^r^_ G ~ '#» '■'- _?A RETS Mazarine Band, 21 Pieces, 7» Gd. ;Hi _tIiTS Mazarine Band, 21 Pieces, 7s 6d. jtpf- _IaSET3 Mazarine Band, 2i Pieces, 7s e<L , S:? Spiral Cream and Gold, 21 , . v ■ iSt CFTS Pieces, 7s 6d. fs. SftIETS Spiral Cream and Gold, 21 '~yff ■■!■■ i__ dFTS Pieces, 7a 6d. -S ? B_ eftS Spiral Cream and Gold, 21 '>$ - gt SETS Pieces 7» 6i - ; '-i «__ CVT9 S . ig\ CRTS Green Band snd Gold, 21 TVASETS Pieces. 7s 6d. '•'i t -i_i <?ETS Green Band and Gold, 21 • TFASETS Pieces, 7s 6d. ' TKiSETS Green Band and Gold, 21 : ; TEA SETS Pieces, 7s 6d. ■ " ' -«_. JETS '' ■'-' <!__ SETS SOOdoz. Cops and Saucers, "'V >'■ TEA SETS Spiral White. "-'■' T_l SETS 500doz. Cups and Saucers, ■'■ J> » TEA SETS ' Spiral White. . - ''.-■■ rrr-A SETS 500doz. Cups and Sauoers, ' . TEA SETS Spiral White. '■; ; TEASETS ' :; '" : i " TEA SETS A Special Pnce, 3 for Is. ' I - TEA SETS A Special Price, 3 for Is. ,r " TEA SETS A Special Price, 3 for le. f TEA SETS ' TEA SETS TORN HALL and CO., LTD., ' TEA SETS «* Clock Tower, Manchester : TEA SETS ___- -' "situations vacant. ''•'"• * : ~ XXf ANTED, Smart Boy, to Sell Newspapers '~!-~r, W . on Trains. Apply "Publisher," "Press" '.-"•• ".;}§... .. Office. i WANTED Boy for Warehouse. Apply Continental Rubber Company, Madras ■-.•-■'"l street, Christchnrch. 1693 ,-/..'•' ■."•.■■ -firTANTED, for June 2nd, Capable Com- '■'•'".'' ''' 'VI panion-Houeekeeper. Apply, mornings 'ir or evenings, 72 Mansfield avenue. J1789 - ■; .*r_?AN__D for Country, a Mother's Help, ' -■•'•• '.VV.' gew, etc Dr. Thacker, Latimer square. ' ~.;r * - ' 36 ANTED part-time Teacher for Private SchooL Apply "Teacher," "Prosa" -'i-S"/ Office. 28 "■■*■' l"' TtfANTED at once, Married Couples, ■ . : '.TT / ploughmen and Farm Hands; several ■:-?i V-" Jfcn aad Boys, to milk and generally use- - f '- fni- Cowmen-Gardeners; Station Gardener; ';■■■% Cadet; Lady Help for Country; Rahbiter, ' >i : v with dogs; Competent Shepherd. Sheep- :. - farmers' Labour Exchange, Hereford trtreet. ::S*i > TTiTANTEb, Smart, Active Lad. about ToT ( : ;«B \ »V Edmonds's Baking Powder Works, ; - ."i : •.- ' Ferry road. pj .f ~- jfc-ONALD'S NZ. LABOUR EXCHANGE. WANTED Employers to apply McDonald for Farm and Station Hands. Wanted =-i'l Couple, man plough, wife's duties nil; Gar•i - deoer, 30s; Potato-diggers; Couple, man v« " genetal. wife general, £100 and found; Seve--"i'- .■ fi- ral' Plo-ifbuien, 27a Cd; Cowmen-Gardeners, %?'% < 255; Milkers, 255; Head Shepherd, high S_ & " ' country; Boys. McDonald, 113 Manchester "li. -'" street. Thane 497. 1575 . - \fES R. H. MITCHELL (lste Department '?&_: **»■ ef Lahoor), 1 Chancery lane—Wanted, ; i'?;4 imnjed»«tely; Two Married Conp!es, first-:-S "": class place; Boy, 14 to 16, light duties, .4 farm, 15s; Two Capable Generals (Hills), : .~ light place; Cooks, hotel and private, 25s '. -i. ' and SOs; Cooks, Institutions, SOs; a number ■:''% , of Generals and Cook-Generals (town and V:;'. ooantry); also H.P.-maids and Laundresses; Sv' > . Two Housekeepers, coun»ry; Two Children's i: /?utms, 255, and a number of Girls to v ; ISI7 | SITUATIONS WANTED. / TJ7"ANTED Situation by first-claes Plough- '" x \i ■'■** man, '-camstcr," 'Press" Offioe. 34 YPISTB—Young Lady desires Position; experienced Typer, iJookkeeper, and . :- : , knowledge of general offioe routine. Box 82, . f T 1 G_.Q- Chriatchurch. 10 "f •'-_•?■;■ /COMPOSITOR (Hand aad Machine) do- ." vi .:K: V sires EmploymOTit; 10 years' experience I ~-■ modem country offices, Otago and South 1 .£.' Ointerbury. Apply "TypograjA," care Wsi- -| .- mste 78 '[% -I".-:- ~~~~: WANTED. if E;.." • ~ WANTED. V DABMERS TO KNOW THAT WE ARE ."S . . ""■'•' V BUYERS OF ;f | ; HOME SEPARATED CREAM. "■-.'i£:' ?. - Before disposing of your Cream write to S% &■':■'■'■ " CANTERBURY DAIRY CO., '.? f . ' £«2 P.O. Box, Christchurch. -.'ii 4P Factory, 161. Idchfield street (East). ' ,-$ 'it:'.' ■ ■ ■ - ■ ' ■ ' ■' C 8215 ;li : _ ,TJf7"ANTED— ___: Go straight to the f- TT • Furrier. W. A. Colwill, Fnirier, 205 High street ' 172S T*JANTE_—Earn more than a bar* Tivingl »'■, Learn Show Card Writing and Design- ,.|£! ?5. ing. Bigr inoney-making pdsjsibiUtiee in ibis '/%» -"-' Held.": Let the Detroit School teach, you by ...<}s■ _.■ mail at home. Beautiful prospectus "C" . « . free. N.Z. Hep., Jaa.: Rodger, il2x Lichfield ■■'■'$ ; j :street, Christchurch. '. -.>■.• : _ ■M p; WANTED — Resoectable , Householders, ; ;l : . *" with :or .without the-Cseh, you can ■''. >"-. IJress yoursalves and every one in your :X-: . '■ Famfly with eTeryfbing of the highest ; quality. Late Fashions for Ladies, for S --.■•" for Boys and Girls. If you are K-:-. ■ * bit abort of Cash, come and see mc. I can -.':_ J arrange it for you to your entire satisfaction. ;| At Balkind's, 629 Colombo street, between ' '.''% fci-'v Lichfield and Tnam streets. . .. C 9313 '• . :^ : -•-'".'- (WANTED —Violet, your Scweors cut -■';_> Ivr (TT lovely. Tss, had them sharpened at .'..-& Lathaby . 64 Cathedral *<p_r_ ".'3- '%'/-■'■'■■' WANTED. I . W 2 PAT raZ mG BEST.PRICES for .',':p ~% k .. TT Seoond-kand Furniture. If yen wish ':.'i ■--' h dispose of your Furniture.' without tie .;'.•: boable ef an Anetiom Sale, pn us a call. •j". £) _c_EN_TE and WILLIS, '.;■#; .:",i .- Aactioaeere, ■ ,-; "' ' Cathedral aquai* <_*_t Post Offioe). v* ■■-■■( ua» . .;: -V." »' ' MISCELLANEOUS." "' : i--; : . ■ : :rij'< : JUST ARRIVED. ' 4 ,c'«tl V ' JOB LHJES FROM LONDON. -';;;ii £'. ,' • .i- ; •"'_ P' sccordaßee with our jrp-tructioiia our .'••'-. ?: . London Buyers are *J*n'arding us, every : :;.'•:■%, fc- .".few weeks, "London Jl We are now '■Js& ip. oSeriag the "second k4p_*\L In many in--':f : : ;.«taiiow. these • Jobs are 50 per cent better .- ; 3j r 7,'=.,--:'-ttsß":«riinary Sale Lines- We can only sd- % 'fevi.'.-. vertise the Specials,' and -we-can oady invito 4l 0. - : n'. s"tt to inspect the w»t If you want a bar'.';rM $ "'•'> : '''E*™ '.'you■ wfll-come. Don't wait till your - :";S i ; ;- -. . aeigbbojur makes you envious when she ' ■.'':' shows yon the bargain _be got at GILL'S. V% :- " : " ■" ; ■'■■&: « TOVELY Tapestry Table Covwra, 2Jyds .-* J'" A * long, from fls 6d to 17s 6d- Jus* half ■'% ef tbe usnal prices. This is ono of the rare :vc-j ; s;;-.- '.'■ baigaina. .. ,' '.;! V: 'ART Serge Table Covei., 2Jyds long, ar4S, j' 4* tistidally bordered, beautiful quality, '. ;"-? _ f. 12a 6d, usually 21a 6_ i Uni ; / TTONEYCOMB Quilte from _ 3d. No ;'.'. J ~ • "V" »eed to worry about the cold nights .'".'..' h- *hen yon can get Quilts at this price. ;::"'£& Iv'. . '— ——; ; . : ; . 7 - T)I»ANKETS—Buy now. Our special quote '-.'. I-"' •*-*' ia Double Bed White Blanketß, heavy ;' _--■'■ *si?ht, all wool, _ls 6<L -.-. -•'. .TLTEN'S Warm Underclothing—Fleecy Un- ■-,'= - : ML detpanta and Vesxs, 2a Gd each. Only procurable at GILL'S. All men engaged in ~; - BP-ide work should see this line. %' ftPECIALLY Msde for Winter Wear—Men's .--" Working Shirts. We are recognised as ■■';£ ■■■■■•■ ike ksding house for VALUE. All qualities, ii - : iwai "2B lid to 6s 6d. .1 ._ ■'? pI^NNELET-ES—Owing to an exception- : .;■". »Uy heavy puxchaee "of Flannelettes in ' ;--i i. ...- ; Plain and striped we are able to give very ~i| i? .- "peeial prices. The lines we are offering >£ ?;/ beaten. Wear and warmth guatrf a". ' —teed. White 4id yd. Striped Sid yd. :"'\s t. fPHE London Jobs are causing a great etir, ■;;"ift f;-:-:.-'. *nd we strongly advise those who have "'-* .y: • *°* J" visited our store to do so at once. : ;f : > •'-" y° n Bet our Letter? ff"\ §>■ GILL and CO., ■ _ & <a> uj 452 Colombo street, Sydenham. :[■s : --- . . .iyife %:V V "DLOOMINE is a pains "taking* remedy. _ T# s- . ■__* All the difference between having pain- '£'& _•.'-"-.•'■«- corns and not having them, is 6d, the : 'i' __.'■ • priea of "Bloomine Corn Cure." Sold fry.:; STeTywhere. C 3372 SUf yyy "fiPRING BLOSSOM cure Liver - 1 ? Complaints and Indigestion, etc. Are -'* 5.■'..-' - Purely herbal, sugar-coated, small pills,small '■■r'£\ '- ■■ --AMe. small price—6d and __ Everywhere. Sfig g::-; ■' :_ ■ -.;.- . ■ C 2379 .:;:':'■,:'.-"i?-J TO £5, from 2s weekly,'for Drapery— ! . -■ **■«■ £1 to £5. from 2s weekly, for Boots— ->">fe ? :• «1 to £5, from 2s weekly, for Suits—£l to £5. 7 ; +f _■'.'■'..■ **«» 2* weekly, for Costumes. At Balkind's. ' ; $M . '. -•-"■ -.'''j 29 Colombo' street, near Tnam street C 9313 >jMI f ; -".v Shaves for ii HowTGei %m _i,-:-■''•■'>**•"''•.Jew razors properly ground and set gM ||-;' ;'■; •» Lethabj's, U Catkidxal aauaw.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 14982, 1 June 1914, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume L, Issue 14982, 1 June 1914, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume L, Issue 14982, 1 June 1914, Page 11