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(raoir ora svrjcist, BEroRTER.) KAIKOURA, March 13. OSatls— Pres-dcnt. Mr C. M. Bruce. Vicepresidents: Messrs G. Garrett. E. Parlors, acd R. T. Cope. Trea«?irer: Mr R . T. Co.o. Se rotary: Mr A. W. O. I-enner. The iwiikowra A. aad P. Association's ninth annual Autumn ts-how was held to-day on the picturesque beach Show Ground, which was in excellent order, fhe weather was ideal for tlio event, and ■ there was a very large attendance, including a number of visitors from North Canterbury, Marlborough, and the Peninsula. Among tho visitors were the Hon. 11. Heaton Rhodes, Post-master-General: Mr it. McCallum. member for Wairau; and Mr ft. XX. Torbes, member for Hurunui. It was expected that even more visitors would ■j have come from the Marlborough disl trict than actually appeared, but the ' big Hillersden sale proved to bo a very strong counter-attraction to tho Show, and accounted for some absentees. The management of the Show was very capably carried out by the officials of the Association, and tho judging was accomplished in food tun©. There was a lot of very good rtoek exhibited in tho different sec- ■ tions, but the local entries showed a slight faliing-off as compared with the lf)13 Show. Trie following table shows thc ttrjrcs fur last year, and tho current show respectively:— *H"3. 191-1. 201 83 Draught horses ... 87 .55 Light horses and ponies 10l 159 Cattle ... ... 4$ 39 Pig* ••• ... 29 21 Regs ... ... 2G 22 Poultry ... .-,. 40 49 Cookery ... ... $4 42 Home products ... 38 $q Jams and pickles ... 19 U Farm produce ... 113 199 £r uit 54 45 - F.owers ... ... go 67 Sewing, etc. ... 83 53 Grand totals ... 974 816 In the sbeep section, merinos were poorly patronised, and Mr G. Garrett was awarded tho red cards. EnglishLeicesters wero also rather meagrely represented, and here Messrs J. and J. v. Davidson scored in rams and ewes. There was rather better com- . petition in the Romney breed, and Borne good quality sheep* were penned. Thevopen class for rams went to Mr E Parsons, who beat Mr S. Andrews. JIT Parsons also won the class for snefrimg rams with one of Mr W. Ell's breading, but in the ewe classes Mr Andrew scored decidedly. The halfbred and crossbred classes elicited very fair competition, and generally speaking, were larger and more interesting than usual. Mr G. Stevenson won m the oDen class for halfbreds with a well-formed sheep of .Mr G. A. Ruddenklaus breeding, repeating the performance in the one-shear class. In the ewe and lazuli classes, Messrs G. Oarrett, W. J. R. Wallace, and E. Parsons wereSall successful, annexing premier honours. Well-finished lambs were shown in the fat classes, and Messrs B. Mackie, and W. J. R. Wallace iS m J 0 t, m J 6 and wethers respectively. Alrl- Boyd, senr.'s wethers in another class,were disqualified for being over ago and in the freezing classes Messrs >h S- Kennedy T. Boyd, J. J. Coffev, G, Garrett, and B. .Mackie were prominent, thc sheep and lambs in most cases being prim© quality and nicely finished. - Iho district is not so strong in t&o oraught horse section as in the light - ■ ferigade. and the fact that there was a decrease of over 30 made this - division a little disappointing. Tho strongest classes came out in the spring- , cart class and the open class for mare, . and thero were some thoreraghlv useful '' H'Pf* ot working draughts shown. No - stallions were shown. A very fair class 1 <tf pairs came out, and thore Mr A. J. j ■' f? 1 I***** l * &■(>* and commended, I •. ifr _K. .Kennedy being second. Mr mrr*y won. decisively in ihe three and ' four-horse team classes, and also in an _. eawlhjnt (Class for spring cart horse up k> lscwt: Eleven came out in the class for 25cwt spring-dray class, and hero Mr R. Goodwin scored with a powerful free mover, and Mr F. Tate was second. Only one brood maro was ringed, and gained a red ticket for her owner, Mr A. McDonald, who did very well in the breeding classes all through, - winning in foals, yearling, and two-year-old filly and gelding. Tho open for^ eWin e s brought out a sinsle entry. The open class for marcs was very interesting, good mares coming beforo the judge, who placed Messrs jT and J. W. Davidson's Polly first, with .Mr A. J. Murray's mare second. The champion mare was Mrs Davidson's , Polly. Tho expectation of a good show -„ m the light horse division wa"s fulfilled, and the reputation of the Kaikoura district to turn out a good muster of hacks was fully maintained. In the Hood classes Mr J. Hill's Singlestick If 88 the only stallion shown, and Mr C. Prince won in the female class. A coup!* of entires were shown in a - $j*a for coaching stallions, and Messrs -Mottett s Lord Allhorce gained the red card. Mr G. J. Pow's nuggetv cob won handsomely in its class against fair competition. In tho heavv-wcight division,. Mr Jerry Boyd gained tho premier award over Mr G. 15. Crampwn« Jimmy. The 13 stone award went to 3lr W. R. Bullen, wholiad a good vm in a class of 13, Mr Murray's Togo being second. An equally big class came ont in the 11 stone hack, and here Mr P. Adair was adjudged tho winner with Mr J. Harnett second. These three* hack classes wcro really excellent, and it was a pity that tho - classification of the.horses had not been „ better attended to, as several horses that wero worthy received little consideration on this account. In the breedwg classes, Messrs W. A. Hopkins, G. - W. Gibson, TV. G. Russell, and J.l>. - Boyd were prominent, while in thc har- .'- jness classes Mr T. Boyd. senr.. won in y- the class for gig horsos, Mr J. A. Bovd -. for dog-cart horses, and tho prize lor »two-wheeled turn-out was won by Mr <A. J. Marshall. Mr G. D. Crampton's - Kowhai gained the hack championship, »nd won as a lady's hack, and Mr Bullen scored in the troop horse class. A good all-round lot of pories was ringed, and the principal takers of red cards wore Mossrs H. Kenncr, J. Hill, G. Stevenson, J. Murray, and Mrs G. Trolovc.

. tho; growth of dairying in the Kaikoura district, it is difficult to ac- ■ wrant for the rather large drop in the cattle entries However, though the Quantity was rather disappointing, the quality in many cases was remarkably food. Mr S. Andrew scored against two others in tho open class for Shorthorn bulls, and Messrs T. Boyd, senr. *od junr., won for cows and heifers respectively. Some attractive Jerseys were yarded, and Mr Harnett won wther easily in tho male class, beating Mrs KerrY bull. Mr Harnett repeat- . • ed the performance in the open class for _°* s - % the defeated exhibitor being Mr R. Goodwin. Mr G. Denton had a good win in a class for grade Jerseys. The only Holstein bull shown won a. Kd card for its owner, Mr C. Evans. In the milking class Mr C. Wareham was first and Mr H. Runner second. The winner will be awarded a seven-guinea «op. given by Messrs Fletcher, Humph*»ys and Co. The fen- fat cattle shown were very creditable, and here the principal prize-winners were Messrs S. Andrew, J. It. Wallace, and T. Royd. senr. The pigs were quite a surprisingly good lot, and of) per cent, of tho classes were very well patronised. In the breeding classes Messrs H. Howard, C Smith, and Mrs F. Kerr were prominent, showing good stock, and deserving their wins. The classes for baconers. heavy and light, porkers, and weaners, f were fairly large, and the winning pigs were shapely and well-topped. Mr li.

Smith won the porker classes, Mr J Harnett the weanera' cla*s, and Mr J SV. Gibson the class foci baconers.

Tho dogs, all working sheep dos-", were well up to tbo average standard. Tho same remark applies to the good littlo show of poultry. In the produce shed, the opinion was that there had been a slight deterioration in the cookery classes, but practically all tho rest of the exhibits wore very and a credit to the district.

Tho classes for seeds were not verr well patronised, but there was a fane display of root* and vegetables, and the exhibits of fruit were warmly praised by the judge.

In the evening, tho A. and P. Association entertained the Hon. R. Heaton Rhodes, Messrs McCallum, George W. Forbe3, M.P.'s, tho visiting judges, and many others, to a smoke concert, at which Mr C. M. Bruce, president of the Association, presided. Tho chairman pioposed the toast of the health of the Postmaster-General in a happy speech, nnd in reply. Mr Rhodes pointed out that they had at the head of the Government a farmer, find from the telegram which the Prime Minister had sent them that night, they would see that Mr Massey intended to do all he could to supply the wants of the district. Tho speaker went on to describe what the Government had already done to promote closer settlement by the acquirement of large estates, and said that the establishment of tho Board of Agriculture should assist the farming interests considerably. Mr Rhodes apologised for his short speech, as ho was suffering from a sore throat, and sat down anud applause. Afterwards a long toast list was honoured, and tho function terminated at a late hour. Mr Rhodes will go down to Canterbury by car on Saturday mornins. hear.'«t' a ' Waiau railway deputation at Waiau en route. PRIZE LIST. Tha following is the prize list, tho number of entries in each clasa being given m parentheses: — SHEEP. Merino ram. any a£« <1): G. Garrett 1. Mnrino ewe. any age (2): G. Garrett 1. English Leicester rani, any ago (5): J. and J. W. Davidson 1. G. Stevenson 2. English Leicester ewe. any age (3): J. and J. XV. Davidson 1, B. Hackle 2. Romney ram. any age (S): E. Parsons 1, S. Andrew 2. Romnsy ewe, any age (2): S. Andrew 1 ana 2. Romnev ram, one-shear (4): E. Parsons 1 and 2. S. Andrew c. Romnfy ewe, oneshear (2): S. Andrew 1 and 2. Halfbred or - Corriedaie ram, any age (7): G. Stevenson ] 1, J. S. Kennedy 2. Halfbred or Comedale ram, one-shear (4): G. Stevenson 1, J. S Kennedy 2. Three halfbred ewe lambs (2)- G. Garrett 1. Three halfbred ewea, , nnv ago (5): J. R. Wallace 1 and c, F. W. Bullen 2. Threo ewes, suitable, for lljinS land (4): J. R. Wallace 1, F. XV. Bullen 3. Three cwch, suitable for heavy land (o): -b. Parsons 1, G. Boyd 2. Three fat ewes, any age or breed (3): B. Mackie 1, T. Boyd, ey., 2, .1. and J. W. Davidson c. Three fat wethers, any age or breed, suitable for bntchcrs' use (5): J. R. Wallace 1 and c, T Bovd, sen., 2. Three freeing halfbred wethers, any ago (2): S. Kennedy- 1 and special, J. R. Wallace 2. Threo crossbred wethers, any e«e (2): T. Boyd, sen., 1. Thre* freezing loncwool ltmos («): •'• JCoffey 1 and special, T. Boyd, sen., 2, Swyncombe Estate 3. Throe freezing snortwoolled lambs (2): G. Garrett 1 and special, J R. Wallace 2. Threo fat lamba, suitabla for butchers' use (S): B. Mackie 1,1. Boyd, nen ,2, Swyncombo Estate c. Pet lamb (4): Miaa E. Lovell 1. Misa Harris 2, C. Gray is. Pet sheep (5): C. M. Bruce 1, J. R. Wallace 2, J. R. .Wallace c.

HORSES. Draught pair (6): A. J. Murray 1 and c. 'A. Kennody 2. Four-horae team (1): A. J. Murray 1. Three-horse team (2): A. J. Murray 1. Spring cart horse, up to 25cwt (11): R. Goodwin 1, F. Tate 3. J. S. Kennedy c. Brood mare, any age, with foal (1): A. McDonald' 1. Foal (2): A. McDonald 1, J. Bovd, sen., 2. Spring-cart horse, np to 15cwt. (11): A. J. Murray 1 andc, H.. W. > Batchelor 2. Gcldmg, any ago (1): J. iiarriaon 1. Mare, any ago (10): J. and J. TV. , Davidson 1, A. J. Murray 2, A McDonald c. Two-year-old (2): A. McDonald 1, G.h. Parsons 2. Yearling (3): A McDonald 1. T E Tavlor 2. Farmers' utility horse (o). 1 A J Murray 1 and c, H. XV. Batchelor 2. » A - B tod StecUslllion (1): J. Hill'e Sin^- ■ rtici 1. .Brood mare (3): C. Franco 1, XV. A Hopkins 2. ! Light Horaces— Coaching Stallion, any age (2): R. Moffctt 1, J. Slape 2. Cob not exceeding 15.hands, up to 12-at (5): </•■'• Pow 1, W. Gibson Jun. 2 find c. Loadatcr, to carry lEst 110): Jer. Boyd ■1,. G_ £• Crampton 2. v Roadster, to carry 13st (13). W. IX. Bullon -l, A. J. Murray 2. P.oadster, to carry up to list (14): P.- Adair 1, JHarnett 2, Mare, with foal (8): V\. A. Hopkins 1, J. People 2. Foal (11): J. TV. U lbson 1, W. A. Hopkins 2, J. Boyd jui». < special. Gig home, under 16.3 hands (w: T Boyd senr. 1, W. R. Bullen 2. Dog-cart horse, 15.2 hands or over (0): Jer. Boyd 1, XV McLennan 2, J. Cmwford c. lwiv wheeled turnout (9): A. J. Marshall 1, W. Gibson junr. 2. Two-year-old (C): TV. =. sell 1, Mias Taylor 2. Yearling (3): J. D. Boyd 1, G. Boyd 2 and s. Lady b Hack (11): G. D. Crampton 1. Mrs F. Kerr 2, TV. McLennan c. Troop horee (12): TV. It. Bullen 1, P. J. Bovd 2, TV. Gibson c. Pair of Hacks (0): P. Hallisan 1. W. McLennan 2. Ponies—Stallion, not exceeding 14.2 hands (3): 11. Renner 1, T. Curtain 2, J. Doyle c. Pony, not exceeding 14.2 handa (7): J. Hill 1, Mica G. Troiovo 2. G. McDonald c. Pony, not exceeding 13 hands (6): Miss J. Mackie 1, D. Marshall 2, B. Mackie c. Pony, not exceeding 12 handa (7): G. Stevenson 1. .'. isorrie 2, F. Palmer c. Pony, not exceeding 14.2 hands, in barneira ("): Misa G. Trolova 1, J. Hill 2, Mifls I. Spensley c. CATTLE. Shorthorn bull, any age (3): S. Andrew 1. Shorthorn cow, any ago (3): T. Boyd senr. 1, M Broadhurst 2. Shorthorn heifer (4): l. xJovd junr. 1* J. and J. XV. Davidson 2. Jersey cow, any age (4): J. Harnett 1, K. Goodwin 2. Oorecy bull, any age (4): J. ~amett 1, Mr* F. Kerr 2. Jersey cross cow, any age (5): G. Denton 1, H. Rfnncr 2. Holstein-Frieeian bull, any age (1): <-. Evp.ns Milk cow, any ago or breed (i): C Wareham 1, H. Benner 2. Fat heifer (4): S. Andrew 1., F. Eoyd jnnr. 2. Fat bnilock, 5 years or under (2): J. R. Wallace 1, 1. Boyd senr. 2. Fat cali (5): T. Boyd senr. I, J. Doylo 2. TIGS. Berkshire boar, any age (2): H. Howard 1, G. Boyd 2. Berkshire sow, any age (2): Mrs F. Kerr 1. Sow, any oge, any other hreed (1)- B. Smith 1. Baconer (5): J. XV. Gibson 1. J. J. Ooffev 2. Three heavy workers (3): B. Smith 1, "J. Slnpe 2. R. H. Monk c. Three lisht norkcrs (4): B. Smith 1. J. w Gibson 2. Threo wesners (4): J. Hartaetl i 1, L. Buraey 2, Brooke Bros. c. DOGS. Rough-haired Coliio (8): O. G. Harris 1, C M. Bruce 2. Smooth-haired Colhc (13): G McDonald 1, J. Doyle 2. Bearded Coliio (2): J. Slape 1, J. "W. Gibson 2. , POULTRY. Brown Leghorn, cock or cockerel (2): P. Morris 1 and 2. Brown Leghorn, ben or pullet (3): P. Morris 1, Miss D. tiovd 2. White Leghorn, cock or cockerel (4): P. Morris 1, Mies Y. Ganett 2. White Leghorn, hen or pullet (5): P. Morris 1, Mrs W. Lawson 2, James David-son c. Black Orpington, cock or cockerel (2): Miss Y. Garrett 1, P. Morris 2. Black Orpington, hen or pulle*. (3): Miss Y. Garrett 1, P. Morria 2. Silver Wyandotte, cock or cockerel (4): P. Morris 1, E. Gray, jun., 2, Mies D. Boyd c. Silver Wyandotte, hen or pullet M': P. Mcrria 1 and 2. Golden Wyandotte, hen or pullet <2>: P. Morris* 1 end 2. White Wyandotte, cock or cockerel (2): Miss M. Boyd 1. White Wvandotte, hen or pullet (3): Mie* M. Boyd "l, P. Morris 2. Pekin duck 3nd drake (.">): W. A. Smith 1, P. Morris 2. Aylesbury duck nnd drake (I): James Davideon 1. Indian Runner duck and drake (3): P. Morris 1 and 2. COOKERY. Home-made bread ("): Woodbank 1, M*rs J. Baker 2. Tin loaf (S): Mra J. Baker 1, Mra B. Smith 2, Mrs R. Doyle c. Oven scones (5): Misa C. Miller 1. Miss I. Spensley % Miss I. Yaxley c. Oven aconen, open to* technical school pupiie (7): Miss E. Rolfe 1, Miss M. Walter 2, Misa M. Stubbersiield c. Pikeicta (1): Woodbank c. Pound cake (2): Mrs Mcßae 1. Fruit cake (3): Miae D. Turner 1, Mra XV. Renner 2, Mra G. Renner c Sponge cake (2): Mr-< F. H. Flower 1. SDongo sandwich (6): Miss D. Turner 1, TSrs F. H. Flower 2, Mra Bruce c. Sponge roll (3): Woodbank 2. Seed cake (2): Miss I. Spensley 1, Mts HaywaTd 2. Plum pudding (5): Miss Louiason 1, Mra W. Renner 2. HOME PRODUCTS. Home-made soap (1): Mrs Washington 1. Farmers' butter (3): Mrs W. Lawson 1. Miss I Yaxley 2. Separator butter (4): Miss I. Yaxley 1, Mrs Stevenson 2. Heaviest egge(l): Mra W. A. Monk 1. Honey in jars (4): G Lucas 1, A. Boyd 2. Honey in comb (3): G "Lucas 1. A. Boyd 2. Honey in sections (31- A. Boyd 1, G. Lncae 3. Ham (3): A. Boyd 1 and 2. Side of bacon (2): A. Boyd 1 and 2. JAMS AND PICKLES. Four varieties fruit jam (2): Mra Hayward 1 Mrs Payne i Bottied fruit in syrup (3): Mios Y. Garrett 1, Mrs Pnyne 2. Bottled fruit, not in syrup (2): Mrs Payne 1. Mra Hayward 2. Collection sauces and chutneya (21- Mrs Hayward 1, Mrs Payne 2. Pickles (2)- Mra Pavnc 1, Mrs Hayward 2.

FARM PRODUCE. Seeds—Ryegrass (2;: G. Stevenson 1. Cocks-' foot (2): O. 1. Cowgrass i.1): G. Sterrcnaon 2. Roots—Three ewede turnips (5): A. Boyd 1 and 2. Thre* red mangels (6): G. Stevenson 1, H. Hitchcock 2. Threo yellow mangels (G): A. Bovd 1, G. Stevenson 2. Five field carrots J7): A. Boyd 1, G. Stevenson 2. Potatoes, Up-to-dat;s (6): Brooke .Bros. 1« G. Stevenson 2. Early Vermont (!): J- W. GibJon 1. Beauty of Hebron (6): District High School 1, J. w. Gioron 2. .Princess Victoria (I): G. Stevenson 1. Gtiin-c-keeper (1): Brooke Bros. 1. Northern Star U>: Mrr. XV. D. Smith 1. Any other kind (8): District xiigh School 1, G. Stcvcnscn 2.

VEGETABLES. Collection of vegetabios (B\: G. Stevenson 1, C. W. Wiiscn 2. Heaviest pumpkin (S): J. S. Kennedy 1." F. H. Hayward 2. Table pumpkin U): F. H. Hayward 1, H. Burrows 2. Heaviest marrow (3;: G. Mcßao I, Miss I. Yaxiey i Tabic marrow (9): A. Boyd 1, 11. Flower 2. Onions (10): G. Denton 1, A. Boyd 2. Cabbages (4): Miss M. Bovd 1. Tomatoes (H): Bryan Tro'.ove 1. V.ts R. T. Pope 2. Cucumbers (3): Mra R. T. Pope 1. A. Boyd 2. Tai'.e carrot.-* (12): Miss M. Boyd 1, F. H. Hayward 2: Parsnips (0): A. Boyd 1, F. 11. H;iyward 2.

FODDER. Truss of hay (1): H. Comer 1. Oitsheaf chaff (2): 11. Corner 1, R. Goodwin 2. Oaten sheavej (I): H. Com?r 1.

FRL'IT. Collection cf fruit (3): G. Stevenson 1, A. «r_. Wilson 2. Dcsacrt apples, Cax.'t\ Orango Pippin (3): G. Stevenson 1, F. H. Hayward 1. Dessert applra, ary ether variety (5): G. Stevenson 1 and 2. Coikinjr cpples (9): J. Fox 1, G. 2. Six varieties" npnles (4): G. Stevenson 1, A. W. Wil-on 2. "Six varieties namefl appk-s (2): G. Stevenson 1, A- W. Wilson 2. Plums (2): G. Sin-en«on 1, Gouiter Bros. 2. Pnaclics (G): G. Steveneon 1 and 2. Gculter Hroj. c. Desert pears (4) :G. St«ven3on 1 and 2. Cooking pears (4): G. Stevenson I, A. \V. WiVon 2. Quinces (2): Goult-r Bros. 1, L. Kennedy 2. Grapc3 (I), A. W. Wilson 2.

FLOWERS. Decorated table (6): Mrs Brace I and special, Mws A. Davidson 2, Mina A. Flower c. Shower bouquet (2): Mrs A. Collins 1, Miss A. Davidson 2. Lady's spray (1); Mis* A. "Davidson 1 Threo buttonholes (1): Miss A. Davidson 1 Four varieties swe-t paas (7): Misi CooVo 1 and special, P. Gibson 2. Mrs F. H. Flower c. Two varieties sweet peas (12) • Vrs Thomson 1, Miss Ccoko 2. Mrs F H. Flower c Cut roe** (7): Mm F. IT. Flow- J C W. Wilson 2, WoodbßnJt. Mrs 3. CiiUis, md Miss V. Qnvvf-ti h e. (.1): Mm Orton 1, Miso "V*. Owit <?.. CurnctJasn or p:'coi.e<;s (1): MV» A. Collir.n 3. Phlar, frmr colours (4): Woodbnnk 3, W. Cor*;:? 3. P*insks (3): Mira 0. Millar 1. Vno (il): Mm Thomson 1, Afisn A. D&T;'dßon 5. Misn Flower he. Co'.Wtion cut Gowors (10): Mrs J. Collins 1, Mrs A. Collins and Woodboni 2, Mrs Bruce h c. SEWIXG, Etc. Ojy?n—Darnm? (2): Mis 3 If. Prince ]. Mi.'.s D. Turner 2. Fancy tray-cloth (2): Miss S. Rutherford 1, Mrs A. Collins 2. For Primary School Children—Darninc (G): Miss E. Prince 1, Miss IX Mcßac 2. Hemming: Miss V. Garrett 1. Miss R. Flint 2. Buttonholing (4): Miss U. Flint 1, Miss E. Prince 2. Hemstitched handkerchief <s>: Miss E. Prince 2. Miss K. Flint c. Feafhcr-Etitching (4): Miw X. Rciher 1, Miss D. Spsnsley 2. CHILDREX'S CLASSES. Handwriting (15): Miss G. Parsons 1, Miss A. Smart 2, R. Hayward c. Freehand drawing (11): 11. Hayward 1, H. Smith 2. For children attending any school—Collection of weeds (3): L. Harmon 1, B. Harnett 2. COMPETITIONS. Gentlemen's driving competition: O. Clsmetfc 1, J. Boyco 2. Ladles' tLWmg competition : Mis 3 Spensley i, Mrs Clemett «;. Jumper, over hurdles: P. Crood 1. S. Workman 2. Lady rider, ovar hurdles: Miss Lunn 1, Mra W. D. Smith 2. Pony juniper: E. Harris 1. B. Mackie 2, D. Doyle c. Hair Bsctions over hurdles: Sorgt. Crampton's pair 1. Sections over hurdles: Sergt. Crampton's Section 1. Best lady rider: Miss B. Boyd. Girl rider: Miss Miller 1, Miss Smith 2, Miss Spensley c.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 14916, 14 March 1914, Page 15

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KAIKOURA SHOW Press, Volume L, Issue 14916, 14 March 1914, Page 15

KAIKOURA SHOW Press, Volume L, Issue 14916, 14 March 1914, Page 15