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(SFECIAI. TO "THli 1-RESS.") XAt'lLit, ilaich 13. The weather was fine ior tne arot day "* the \ f apici VarK hacing Club's Autumn iieetina, and tnero was a good attendance tnc toialisator jnvestnienU aiaouatJig to *L 6 68v), 66 compared wita Jili!,4ol on Urn coricl) s day last year. Kcsuits:— iJL,K», of liO soys; second 'Jo eov £ , aad third 10 soys from stuke. One auie aca

tnree-quartera. i E Lhnbr.cKs b g Composed, by ban Fran—A:o, aged, Ost 131t> (.H. TricHiebank) 1 3. K. S. "Williams's eh g Caher Davon, syrs, lOst Hb •• a'-.-r;- J°**s> J 8. W. X liaraitiana's b g i 9st •• .. l«- -DUrt) -a 2 Marble" Head list Wlb (J. 1 Hatana list 41b o*. Twill). = Okahu Stet lb ft?. Chaale), 7 St. Fixe il.t (Jet. O Coaneil . and *i Kumana Set, car. 9st 41b l« • J - Porter) also started. . , (Winner bred by Douglas Bros, and trained by J. Uidneid.) At the second fence Marbie Head toppled over and broke his neck. Passing the stand Caher Davon was in front, with Hatana second, Okabu third, and Composed nex.. Along tho back Composed came fast, an<i soon had Hatana's measure, and in the run home beat oil Caher Davon, winning comfortably by half a dozen lengths; the same distance between second and thud; the favourite fourth. Time, 2niin 17sec. ESK. HACK HANDICAP, of 100 soys; second 10 soys, and third 5 soys from stake. Five furlongs. - ... , 7 W L. Carriers c-h g Berg, by Signalman—Cartouche, 3yrs, ost lllb (K. J. Home) 1 6 Hon. J. D. Ormond's b g Anguish, 3yrs, 7st 131b .. •• .. l«. Ityan) ■» 4. J. F. Pettifs gr g Hima, 3yis, &t 8;b (A. need) 3 7 The Nile Sst (A. Lawrence) (coupled with Beret 11 Pursefiller Sst Sib (H. Watoonh •< Montana Sat 81b (A. Oliver;, 1 *«™ ul J|»f ff* 71b (B. Deeley), 10 Sir Alba . 85t .,, 01b ,$' Tricklebank), 5 Royal Scout ost 51b (>. icll), 2 Xgaru. 8»t Sib (R. Berry), 13 New Guinea Sst 6lb (H. Griifithe) 9 Sst 21b (E. Lowe), 11 Mystified Sst Blb (O. McCarten), 12 To Huhuti tot (&. H Hunt. 13 Silver Jingle 7ft Wlb (C Stowe) and fl Arosine 7st 13lb (C. Rollo) also started. | (Winner bred by S. H. Gollan and trained by Owner.) Berg' led all the way, nnd thougii c-nai-lensed by Anguish on the outside, i-nd Hima on the rail*, held his advantage to the finishing, scoring by a long neck Anguish a couple of length* in front of Him«,. Huhuti fourth, and Ngarua tilth. lime, lmin 1 3-Sth sec. Shortly after the start Silver Jingle lost hi* rider (C. Stowel, who was bad'y sliarfn. NAPIER CUP HANDICAP,' of 500 soys; second 65 e<-vs, and third 35 soya from etake. Or.© mile and a quarter. 10 Mr Highdcn's b m Bronze, by Field Battery—Our Lady, syrs, Sst Blb 4 (A. Oliver) 1 G P. Soames's b g Ladoga, 4yr<>. 7st 71b (R. Hunt) 2 11 White and McLccd's b f Fair Rosa- ' mond, 4yrs, 7et Clb .. (H. Watson) 3 T> C Morse's br g Birkline, Gyrs, 9st (F. C. Porter) 0 3 E J. Watt's br h Sea Pink, syrs. Bst 61b (L. Wilson) 0 8. J. Harle's b g ByTon, syrs, Sst slb (B. Deeley) 0 2 T H. Lowry's b c Marshal McDonald, ayrs, Bst •■ •• (W. Bell) 0 S. Hon. J. D. Ormond's b g Haskayne, 4yrs, 7st 10lb .. .. (W. Ryan) 0 1 F S Easton's b m Moutoa Girl, aged, ' 7st 131b .. .. (O. McCarten) 0 7. J. Paterson's b m Paseadens, 7yr3, 7st 121b ■• .. (It Berry) 0 16. J. Mann's eh g Lord Renown, syrs, 7st 1211) .. .. (R. J. Home) 0 15. P. Dolbel's b c Birkful, 3yrs, 7st lllb (H. Tricklebank) 0 14. A. B. Williams's b g Multiply, 4jTfl, 7st 101b . .. (A. Reed) 0 •4. D. Kemp's br f Kooya, 4yrs, 7st 7lb <E. Lowe) 0 9. S. Marshall's eh g Mistie, Gyrs, 7st 4lb (A. Tricklebank) 0 13. G. Huntes's b % Mysteriarch, 4yrs, 7st 31b .. .. •• (J- Kemp) 0 (Winner bred by G. M. Currie, and trained by G. Price.) Bronze was quickest to begin, and passing the stand led from Passadena, Mistie, acd Marshal McDonald, the rest bunched with the exception of Sea Pink, who waa last. Bronze made all the running, and tnough at the home bend Ladoga challenged, and a little further on Fair Rosamond put in her claim, neither had any chance with uronze, who, coming on in gocd stylo, scored by a bare two lengths; a length between second and third, Marshal McDonald fourth, and Byron fifth. Time, 2min 7 3-sth sec. TRIAL HACK STAn.ES, of 100 sove; second 10 soys, and third 5 soys from stako. Wcight-for-nse. Six furlongs. 3. P. Soames's eh g Arlington, by Signalman—Noll Gwynne, oyrs, Bst lllb (A. Oliver) 1 4. T. H. Lowry's blk f Tete-a-Xote, 2yrs, Gst 131b .. (W. Bell) 2 1. W. G. Stead's eh c Ringform, 2yrs, 7st 2lb .. .. •• (R- Bony) 3 5 Rigo Park Bst lllb (W. Kirk), 7 Ballyhar B<=t 61b (A. Lawrence), 8 Sea Lord Bst 51b (J. Davis), 6 Whakahoki Bst slb (C. Rollo), 2 Hoy Cat 13lb (R. Wood), and 2 Martini Gst 13lb (W. McKay) also started. (Winner bred by S. H. Gollan, and trained by T. Ayers.) Hoy led to the home bend, where Arlington, Tete-a-Tete, and Ringform joined issue, Arlington, on the rnilp, put in a good run from the distance, and won by a long neck; Tete-a-Tete, a head in front of Ringform. Time, lmin loisec. WELTER HANDICAP, of 120 soys; second 15 sove, and third 6' soys from stake. Seven furlongs. 5. J. Hobson's br g Sir Daniel, by Multifid—Manutuke, 4yrs. Sat 121 b (W. Kirk) 1 1. P. Hunter's eh g Settler, Gyrs, Ost 71b (A. Oliver) 2 3 J. F. Petti'e b g Tatimi, 4vrs, 9st Sib ' (H. Griffiths) 3 4 Trieze Ost (H~ Tricklebank), 4 Fair Averago Bst 131b (J. O'Connoll), 2 Peroeler Bst 131b (B. Deeley), 6 Mcrriwa Sst Sib (J. Prcndergast), 6 San Pluis Bst 81b (J. Davis), and 7 The Summit ost 7lb (E. Lowe) alsa started. (Winner bred by Owner and trained by * H. Hickey.) Half-way down the running Settler got to tho front," but Sir Daniel, who had threaded his way thrc-ugh the field, come with a strong run, and having Settler's measure a hundred yards from the post, -won by a good thrae lengths; Tatimi a. poor third; Trieze fourth, and Perccler fifth. Time, lmin 27 4-sth sec. SAPLING STAKES HANDICAP, of 150 soys; second 20 eovs, and thiid 10 eovs from stake. For two-yoar-olds. Five furlongs. 2. Hon. J. D. Ormond's b f Hushcen, by Hymettus-r-Snooze, 7ft lllb (W. Ryan) 1 3. "Mr Highden's" b i La Favoiirita, 7st (W. Bell) 2 I D. McLeod's eh c Tavistock, Bst 10lb [B. Deeley) 3 2 Shako 7at 7ib (J. Wallace) (coupled with Husheen), 4 B!ackall 7«t 101b (L. Wilson), 5 King's Boy Gst 10lb (A. Reid), and 6 Old Dad Gst 7lb, car. 6st 9Jib (J. Kemp) also etarted. (Winner bred by owner, and trained by S. Waddell.) Husheon waa in front all tho wr.v, and in a punishing finish won by a bare head; Tavistock being just beaten for second place. Time, lmin lsec. REDCLYFFE HACK WELTER HANDICAP, of lfiO soys; second 10 «ive, and third 5 soys from stake. One mile. 1. H. M. CaranbeU'e br g Kir.bombi, by Merriwce—Hellene, oyrs, Bst 9lb (A. Oliver) 1 2. Hon. J. D. Ormond's b c Banian, Syrs, Sit 121b .. .. (W. Ryan) 2 6. W. J Douglas's b g Hiwitapu, 4yrs, 9st 2!b .. .. <C. Rollo) 3 3 French Rose Sst 3lb (L. Wilson), 8 St. Elmn Sst 3!b (K. Hunt). 7 Multikoff 7et 131b (H. Griffith), 9 Tiwari 7st 13Tb (H. Tricklobank>, 5 Pcac?msker 7st 121b (B. Dce.'.ey), II Firelight 7st 9lb (O. M~Cartcn), 4 Merry Jack 7st Olb (W. Bell), 10 Discussion 7st "lb r.?r. 7st lllb (E. Lowe), and 12 Glouria 7at Tib (A. Reed) also stsrted. (Winner bred by B. Shadbolt and trained by W. Stowe.) At the entrance to the straight Bsnian was in front, but after a few lengths he had to give way to Kinbombi, who so?n put t*ie is'-ue bevend doubt, winning comfortably by a couple of lenrths; Hiwitapu o long neck in tho rear of Banian. Time, lmin 41 1-Sth sec. FLYIXG HANDICAP, of 175 soys: eecond 25 soys, and third 15 soys from stake. S:'x furlongs. 5. D. McLecd's b c Zrus. by Martian— Stephanie, 3vrs, 7st 121b (O. McCarten) 1 8 E. J. Wttt's eh f Ventura, 4yre, 9«t 31b (L. Wilson) 2 1. E. Lonergan's br m Blue Lake, svrs, Sst 21b .. .- (E. Lowe) 3 2 Makara S»t slb fB. 6 labour Day S*t 31b (XV. Price), 9 Our King Bst BHj (H. Tricklebank). 3 Bertrsda Sat 2!b . (XV. Bell), 4 Adroit Sst (R. Berry), 10 Heathe.Sst s!b (A. Re-:d\ G The Hagu-> S"t s»b (H. Tricklebank), 7 Day Fly Gst Olb (R. Wood\ and 11 Alc?s 6st 71b (J. Kemp) also started. {Winner bred by J. F. Buchanan and trained by J. Sceats.) "Won all out by a long neck; a good third. Time, lmin 14eec. ,TO-DAY"S ACCEPTANCES. OMAHU HACK HURDLES, of 130 eova; ono mile and a half —Hatana list 21b, Composed list, Caher Davon 10s*. 6lb, Hurakia lOst lib, Okah-u 9st 7ib, St. Firo Ost. Ruffiana 9st, Pikilio 9at. TELEGRAPH HACK HANDICAP, of 100 eova; six furlongs—lliad's Hero Sst 21b, Berg Bst 101b, Hima 7st 12lb, Montana 7st 81b,

Pursefiller Tst 71b, Sir Alba 7st 4lb, Royal Scout "st 31b,. Whakalioki "st 31b, Mystified 6st 101b.

CLOSE MEMORIAL HANDICAP, of 300 soys; one milo and a distance—Birkline Sst, Byron Sst oib, Moutoa Girl Trt 13b, Lord Renown 7st 121b, Fair Rosamond 'st, lllb, Multiply 7st 10lb, Red Book Tst lO'.b, Blue Lake 7st 9lb, Bertrada Tst 7!b, Settler 7sl 21b, Tho Hague 7st 2lb, Perccler 6st 71b, Vi 6jt 71b, San Pluie 6«t 71b, Fair Average HANDICAP, of 120 soys; once round—Mysteriarch 3st S;b, Sir Daniel 9st 6!b,.Bra«burii Ost 4lb, Tatimi Sst 121b, Trieze Sst 71b, Merriwa Sst, Peacemaker Sst, Mcrrv Jack Bst, The Summit Sat. KUAO HANDICAP, of 125 soys; four fur-lon<-s and a half—Tavistock Sst 12!b. Black All 7«t 9lb, Tete-a-tete "st Bib, La Favourite Tst 61b, Hymen Tst 7lb, Kaminoha "st 7!b, Old Dad 6st 7lb. ST. PATRICK'S HANDICAP, of 150 soys; six furlongs—Blue Lake Sst 4ib, Makara Sst 31b, Labour Day Stet lib. Our King Tst 13:b, Adroit "ot 121b, Eocene Tst 9lb, Day tly 6st Tib, The Nile 6st 71b, Alces 6st 71b. STEWARDS' HACK WELTER, of 120 60vs; seven furlongs—Kimbombi Ost 91b, Ost 4lb, Arlington Sst 131b, French Rose Sst lib, St. Elmn Sst lib, Tiwari Tst 131b, Multikoff 7st 121b. Rigo Park 7st Olb, Firelight Tst 71b, .»rosine Tst Tib, Discussion Tst "lb. No Idea Tst Tib, SUver Jingle 7st Tib, Glouria Tet Tib.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 14916, 14 March 1914, Page 12

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KAPIEB PARK R.C.'S AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume L, Issue 14916, 14 March 1914, Page 12

KAPIEB PARK R.C.'S AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume L, Issue 14916, 14 March 1914, Page 12