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AUCTIONS. TONKS. NORTON AND 00. FURNITURE AUCTION* SALE. TO-DAY. TO-DAY. At 1 p.m. • In our Hereford etreet Salerooms. ' t LONG LIST of GOOD FURNITURE ' -A- ami EFFECTS, Bedsteads, S. and D. : Mattres&es, Bedding, Duchesses, Sideboards, ' Hall Stand, 3-piece Bedroom Suite. Chef- [ fonier, Chairs, Tables, Curtains, Carpets, Cutlery, and numerous other lines. TO-DAY, at 1 J>.m. TONES, NORTON and CO., ■ 5787 Anct ioneera. . i mIB~ER~?ALEI I ' - TO-MORROW tSATURDAY), | At 10.30. HEREFORD STREET PREJriSES. lately occupied by MESSRS J. SHAND and i CO.. OPPOSITE the PARCELS POST [ OFFICE—2OO Sheets Iron. Timber of all i eizes, Kauri. Baltic, Oregon, Red Pine, etc.. Doers, Windows, lot good Kauri 12 x 1 ' Shelving. I TONKS, NORTON and CO., I Auctioneers. ! short'Txotice. '""* important furxiture pale. j TUESDAY NEXT, at 11 a.m. ! TNSTRUCTED by Mr Kin?, wn will SELL IJ- by PUBLIC" AUCTION, on the Pre- ! mises. No. 72 GLOUCESTER STREET I WEST, the C<-ntents of 12 rooms. Tiie list l includes:—Piano by Willi. Bohm, Ax. and I tJru«9els Carpet Squares and Runners, Inlaid and other Lino., :! Extension Dining Tables, ;i Couches, ,')0 Austrian Chairs, Easy and Occ. Chairs, > D.B.R. Bedsteads, 15 . S>jngle Beds. Wire Stretchers, eto.. Wire "waitresses, nearly new Knpoc Redding, lot Linen. Bl.mkets, Quilts, Curtains, 7 Dnchesse Chests. Drawers. Drewins Tables, i Wushstnnds and Ware, Rattan Hall Seat and Table, 2 Gas Stoves, Wringer, Crockery, Cutlery, Glassware. Hearthrugs. Slip Mats, Fenders, keri*. Meat Safe. Pair Steps, Lawn Mower, etc.. etc. Tne comnlete furnisiiing of a 12-icomed house. I TUESDAY XKXT. at 11 a.m. i „ TONKS, NORTON and CO., j °"•'**■_ _ Auctioneers. J HAHRIS BROS. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. ~~ j ON THURSDAY. MARCH 12tTi, IDI4 I At 1 p.m., j CONTINUING ON M| FRin.W. MARCH nth, nt 1 p.m ESSRS HARRIS BROS., instructed by , Mr J. Cr. Shnmpton. Licensed i'awnj broker, will SELL BY PtBLIC AUCTION, 1 at their Rooms, 15S Hereford Christ- | church. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, as under: — 1910, July 10th, 3936, bangle; 1911, June 2Stb, SS.I-i, G. watch: August 21st, 6202, brooch; 1912, August, 28th. 5.53.5 rin«- September oth. 5594. ring; lSth, £678r' ring;" 24th, 8711. bag aid razor; December 24tti. ! 9-256. 3 rings; 1313, Januan- 4th. 9327, 3 r brooches; in, 9333, medal; February 22nd, 9559, chain and tape: March Ift, 9610, rinsr: 7th, 0647, bag; 9618, links and pin; 06-10, . telescope; 9631, G. ring; Bth. 3650, rinrr; 13th, 968?. bangle: 14th. 9703, brooch; 15th. ' 9710, pendant; 17th, 971G, brooch, 2 rings- ; 10th, 9724. ring; 9725, Gr. a'bert; 22nd, 9737, ring: 2Cth. 97G7. ring: 29th, 97fil. S.O.F. watch and chain: 9753, ring; 9787, ring, "j 9788, S.H. Watch; April Ist. 501. piu; 501. 'I S.H. lever; 505, ring: 507. S.H. watch and 1 ! chain; 50?, brooch; 2nd, 511, 2 rings; 3rd, ' j 517, bangle; sth, 525, albert: 526, ring: ' 1 531, 2 rings; 7th, 537, M- watch and chain; j Bth. 542, brooch; 10th, 555, rin?; 12th, 564, bangle: 563, 2 rings; 15th. 576, bag; 577, ring; 578, ring; 16th, 581," G. chain; 582, rins: 17th. 557, Tin?; 592. ring; 19th, 603. 1 bangle; fios, ring; 22nd, 6ia, rings; 616, ring; 24th, 627, rinc; 25th, 633, rinirr; 26tfi. 641, ring; 20th. 650, ring; 30th, 658, 2 rings; May Ist, 661, brooch; 2nd, 6C5, ring; 3rd, 669, muff chain: 6t.h, £81. rin»; 664, rib. albert and watch; 7th, 600, links: 10th, 709, 5.0.F.. watch; 714, 2 rings; 16th, 742, muff chain; 17th, 753, brooch, ring and Waterbury; 755, R.G. watch and ring; 24th, 757, ring; 789, ring; 26th, 795, bangle. Ting, chain and heart: 27th, 796, ring; 798. G_ watch; 28th, 803. ring; 29th, 809. ring; 31st, 813. chain and pendant; June sth, 823, ring: llth, 533, G. chain, coin; 27th, out, S.O.F. watch; July Ist, 856, bangle; 7th, 872, 3 medals: 12th, 886, 2 brooches: 22nd, 918, albert and pendant; 29t!i, 941, brooch; 1 942, S.H. watch; 943, rim;; 30th, 944, ring; 946, ring: August 6th, 960, 3 rings: 14th, 970. Gr. chain; 15th, 971. albert; 976, muff chain ar.d watch; 19th, 987, D.B. <nin; 27th, 9_?6, ring; September 2nd, 1008, dress-bag; ' 1010, ring-. 3rd, 1013, rinp. Also, a Miscellaneous Collection of Pledges too Numerous to Particularise. J. G. ANDERSON, 5805 Auctioneer. CHARLES CLARK. MORTGAGEE'S SALE THROUGH "THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT. CHARLES CLARU having received instructions from the Registrar of tho Supreme Court of New Zealand at Christchurch acting at the request of tho Mortgagee will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION at his Salo Rooms Hereford etreet Christchurch on TUESDAY the 7th day of April, 1914, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon ALL THAT piece of Land situate in StanmoTe road Linwood containing ono rood twenty-four perches more or lea* TOGETHER with Dwelling of 6 rooma and outbuildings thereon and being tho land contained in Certificate of Titlo Volume 133 Folio 289 ALSO tho Equity of Redemption in ALL THAT piece of land situate in Kilmore street Chriatchurch containing 1 rood 13 perches more or lee» together with Dwelling of 13 rooms and Cottage of 3 rooms and outbuildings thereon WHICH is eubject to Mortgage Number 67713 to eeeui* £655 and interest at £5 per cent. The mortgagee's application for sal© and her estimate of the valuo of her securities can be eeen at the office of the Registrar prior to the sale and a true copy thereof at tho Auctioneer's room at the timo of eale without payment of any fee. For further particulars apply to The AUCTIONEER; or H. J. BESWICK, 5806 Solicitor to the Mortgagee. GOULD, BEAUMONT AND CO. GOULD, BEAUMONT AND CO., FINANCE AND STOCK AGENTS, 118 HEREFORD STREET. CLARENCE BRIDGE RESERVE. A MAGNIFICENT LEASEHOLD For DISPOSAL AS A GOING CONCERN. ON THE MAIN ROAD FROM KAIKOURA TO BLENHEIM. QAA ACRES of FIItST-CLASS CROPOUU PIXG and GRAZING LAND, comprising RICH FLATS and ploughable easy downs and spurs, having a general SUNNY ASPECT, and extensive eca and river frontage. Grows nrst-class crop* of peas, barley, oata, etc. SUBDIVIDED INTO 18 PADDOCKS AND AMPLY WATERED. Tho HOMESTEAD BUILDINGS, which -' are exceptionally complete, comprise: — Commcdious 16-roomed dwelling, fitted with all modern conveniences. Twelve-stalled stable, 3 loose-boxes, implement shed, storeroom, schoolroom, men* rooms, 4-bail cowehed, wooished fitted with shearing machine* and woolprcas, amnio sheepyards, garden, orchard, water eupply. LIVE and DEAD STOCK now on the property, as follows: — 11C0 Three-quarterbred Ewes and 680 Lambs 1~0 Dry Sheep, 18 Corriedale Rams 16 Head Cattle, Jersey Bull, 4 Draught Horses, 2 Hacks, Piga, quantity Fowl*, etc. Blackstono Oil Engine, ChafTcutter, Wool Waggon, 2 Diays, Gig, Spring Cart, new Massey-Harris Drill, Ploughs, Cultivator, Harrows, and all implements necessary to carry on the work Household Furniture {not including pergonal effects) TERM OF LEASE: 14 Yeara Unexpired. For price and further particulars apply to CS6O4 GOULD, BEAUMONT and CO. GOSSIP for Girl*. Housekeeping Hint*, Weekly Fashion Notes, acd Reading for Everybody, appear in the "Page fcr Women" in Saturday* Edition* of "Ths Evening "Newa." THE Special "Pag« for Women" in SaturEditions oi "The Evening News" appeal* to ereryena. A Juight Homo Migaiin-o,

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Press, Volume L, Issue 14909, 6 March 1914, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume L, Issue 14909, 6 March 1914, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume L, Issue 14909, 6 March 1914, Page 12