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STORE SHEEP AND FAT LAMBS FIFM. ADVANCE IN FAT SHEEP. (rrr on. roMjn.nciAL editor.) There was a very large entry of storo sheep, and rather smaller yardings of fat sheep and fat lambs, and good entries in other departments. There was a very largo attendance, farmers now becoming free of harvest work. Fat cattle wore rather easier, all classes of storo sheep were in keen demand, but lambs were a shade lower in price. Fat, Limbs were firm at a slightly better average value, and fat sheep showed an advance. Pigs wero unchanged in prices. Store cattlo were dull of sale, but dairy cows wero in good demand. STORE SHEEP. Once again the store tdieep pen., were filled to overflowing. As .t the previous sale, ewes represented a considerable proportion ot the yu'.ding, tho balance being made up of a iair number of wethers, and, as might have been expected at this season of the year, a somewhat smaller proportion of lambs than at tho sales held earlier in the year. The attendance was large ; and included a number of buyers from South Cantorburv, who gave substantial assistance to tho sale. The sale for all descriptions was very brisk; indeed, seldom at this season has competition been so thoroughly healthy for all and every description of store sheep. Ewes, from young sheep to sound-mouth sorts, were again in strong request, and sold at rates showing an advance on those current at earlier sales. Other sorts of ewes were unchanged. Wethers, of which some very forward lines were on offer, continued" to sell well, prices, if anything, showing a slight advance, these remarks applying to all classes of sheep. The demand for lambs was a shade easier, especially those of secondary quality, but in the case of the top lot?, there was no quotable change in values. A considerable proportion of the sheep wero from places outside Canterbury, but those also met with a good sale, more especially the ewes and the more forward lines of wethers. Quotations :— Two-tooth ewes, 17s to 23s 3d. Two. four, and six-tooth ewes (good), 18s to 21s 2d. Six and eight-tooth ewes, !(_ to 20s Id. Four, six and eight-tooth ewes, los to 18s 2d. Good sound-mouth owes, 10s to 13s Gd. Other ewes. 13s to i4_ 'id. Full and faili:ig-_ioitth ewes Us to 13s Cd. Aged ewes, 10s -.pwards. ' Four, and six-tooth forward wethers, lis to 18s. Two and four-tooth wethers, to 17s. Merino wethers, os 4d to lis. Best rape lambs, 13s Gd to los 6d. Medium to good rane lambs, 12s 6d to 13s. Other classes of lambs, 10s 3d to Us 03. Cull lambs, 7s to 8_ 6d. The sales included the following lines:— Ewes: 131 two-tooth at 22s 3d, 126! two-tooth at 225, 198 two-tooth (culls) at 17s. 362 four and six-tooth at 19s to 19s 4d, 601 six and eight-tooth at los Id to los od, 279 full-month at 16s 3d, 259 full-mouth at 14s 6,d,.86 two and four-tooth (small) at 14s lid, 153 broken-mouth at 14s, .246 60und-mouth crossbreds at 18s, 54 two-tooth crossbreds at 18s 6d, 73 crossbred (culls) at los 2d, 69 sound-mouth crossbreds at 19s 2d 94 sis-tooth crossbreds (in low condition) at 14s lOd. 71 at 16s. 93 at 17s Id. 49 two-tooth at 17s Bd, 177 two-, tooth at 19s Id, 200 sound-mouth at 20s 4d, 43 at 12s 9d, 53 at lis. 62 at 13s 3(3, 193 sound-mouth at 16s Bd, 179] four, six and eight _ooth at los lOd, 81 four-year-olds at 16s od. 82 four, six j and eight-tooth at 17s 6d, 80 sound- | mouth (good) at 16s lOd, 94 four, six and eight-tooth at 16s 3d, 171 six and i eight-tooth at los 9d to lGs 9d, 126 sixtooth at los lid, 154 six and eight-tooth to 19s, 250 sound-mouth at 17s 7d. 140 sound-mouth at 17s Gd, 167 aged at 10s 3d, 93 aged at 12s lid. 223 aged at 10s 9d, 233 two-tooth at 19s lOd, 421 four and six-tooth at 2Cs to 20s Id, 500 two- j tooth halfbreds at 22s Id, 252 six and eight-tooth crossbreds at 20s, 240 twotooth at 20s, 100 fair-mouth halfbreds at 14s Id, 34 two-tooth at 18s. 289 at 20s Gd. 26 (culls) at 13s lOd, 57 fculL--) at 8s 3d, 115 at 14s 9d, 98 at los Bd. 75 at 15s, 56 at 13s Id, 62 at 13s 2d, 122 at 17s, 1.8 at 15s 9d. 218 at 18s. 113 at Us lOd. 175 at lOs, 355 at 17s lOd to 18s, 102 at 13s, 90 at 9s lid, 74 at Us 4d, 43 at 6s sd, 47 at 17s Id, 700 at 17s to 17s 3d, 123 sound-mouth halfbreds at 16s 3d 71 failing-mouth at 10s, 319 tailing-mouth at 14s 4d, 191 soundmouth halfbreds at 16s to 16s 6d. 116 sound-mouth at 15s Id, 239 soundmouth at los 3d, 297 sound-mouth at 16s 4d.

"Wethers: 67 four and six-tooth at ISs, 91 two-tooth at 16s. 218 four and sixtooth at 16s, 9rl, 161 six and eight-tooth halfbreds at 15s Id, 764 halfbreds at 15- lOd, 516 "merinos at 7s 4d, 65 at 16s lOd. 82 at 17b, 138 (Chathams) at 19-.9 d, 504 four and six-tooth at 15s 61 to 15s Bd, 200 four and six-tooth at 15s 9d, 155 two-tooth (culls) a£ 13s. 91 (culls) at 13s Od. 13 at 16s 3d, 286 at 16s 9d, 195 at 14s Bd, 29 at 17s 6d, 60 at 17s Id, 123 at 17s, 40 at 15s lid, 78 at 12s 7d, 43 at 15s sd, 708 merinos at 5s 4d to os 6d.

Lambs: 144 wethers at 9s 6d. 132 (small) at 10s Bd, 440 at 10s lid. 98 at 13s 201 .at lis to lis Sd. 112 (small) at IDs 6d, 164 at 14s 3d. 130 at Its Id. 220 (small) at 8s sd. 700 halfbred wethers at lis 5d to lis 7d. 92 (culls) at 7s 7d 147 at 14s lOd. 117 at 7s. 112 .•»+ 15s 3d, 345 at 10s 2d. 56 at 13s 4d, 75 at 10s 7d, 300 at 13s Id, 72 at 13s lOd. 216 halfbred wethers at 9s Id, 36 cull halfbreds at 7s Id, 121 cull wethers at 7s 3d. SI cull ewes, at Ss lid. 658 small three-quartorbrcd owes at 13s, 284 at l*s Sd IS4 at 10s 4d, 99 ewes at 13s 9d. 75 wethers at 13s. 105 at 8s 6d. 299 at 15s 9d, 476 wethers at 13s 7d, 320 at lis lid, 647 at lis lOd, 130 at .-"_ lid, 233 ewes at 14s lid, 115 at 133 Sd. FAT LAMBS. Tho yarding of fat lambs totaiicd 4270, as against 5100 last week. There was a falliug-off in the quality, a largo proportion being light and unfinished sorts. Competition was, however, fairly keen, and prices, considering tho quality of the lambs, were slightly firmer, and averaged about 5Jd per lb over all. There were 3500 taken for export, and several lines of unfinished lambs were bought by graziers. The range of prices was:— Tegs made 18s to 19s Sd. Extra, to 21s 3d. Average-weights. 16s to l«s 9d. Light "and unfinished. 15s to 15s" 9d. The principal sales were:—For Wilfred Campion (Broadfields) 20s at 21s 3d- J X. Hansen (Cheviot). 56 at .Os Rd- Manson's estate (Weedons). 23 at 19s7d S- E- Pettingell (Cheviot). «n it 18s'7d to 19s 3d; E. C. Inwood (iuthbridge), 30 at If* 2cl to 19s 3d; \V Thompson (Motukarara). 100 at 17, Od to 19s Id; B. O'Shaughnessy SprL Jeld). 80 at 18. Sd to ISs lid; T G Stanton (\\oodend). 36 at l<s Sd ♦ ~ ift's 9d- Jas. Malcolm .Rakaia\ oO at Ss 1 :* to 18. 10d; Dunbar Bros. 193 lo'ld M TF. LeJS In Ch-viot) .161 at 1* 7d to 18s 6d • J. W-Strceter (Greendale).. 228 at 18s 6d" Mrs McKie (ttaiau), 169 at

Ls 6d to 18s 6d; C. W. Field (Kaituna), 35 at 16s lOd to l&s 6d; Pamham Bros. (Kaiapoi). 74 at 18s 2d to 18s 6d; Penwell Bros. (Kaiapoi). 65 at 18s 3d to 18s sd; J. F. Buchanan (Little River), 82 at los 5d to 18s 2d; P. McDrurv (Hals-well), 36 at 16s Qd at 17s lid; S. Haughey (Cheviot), SO at 17s lid to ISs; .Mrs T. Thompson (Cheviot), 81 at 16s od to ISs Id; J. Kolston (Sandy Knolls), 42 at ISs; F. Smith (Cheviot). 63 at 17s to ISs; G. I. Heard (Cheviot), 81 at 17s 9d to ISs; M. J Winter (Lake road), 12S at 17s lid: S. Haughev (Cheviot), 80 at 17s 8d to 17s lOd; R. Coe (Burnham), 50 at 17s 9d; C. N. Field (Ka.tuna), 36 at 16s lOd to 17s 8d; VV. Lewthwaite (Little River). 23 at L's 7d; Davis Bros. 'Templeton), 46 at 10s 3d to 17s Gd: K. D. Giles (Parnassus), 30 at 17s fckl; J- W. Hayward (Robinson's Bay), 79 at 15s 9d to 17s od; VV. J. A!.cn\Lit_le River), 150 at 16s 4d to 17s od; H. Fitzsimmons (Cheviot). 252 at 15s 5d to 17s 4d ; G. Sheat (Dunsandel), 44 at 15s Id to 17s 3d ; D. Hampton (Cheviot), 243 at 15s lid to 17s 2d; H. W. Piper (Peraki), Ul at 16s to 17s 2d; Strachan Bros. (Uakaia., 130 at 15s to 17s 4d ; A. and J. Hodgen (Motukarara), 75 at 16s Gd to 17s 2d; G. B. Sanson. ( 83 at 17s 2d; T. King (Cheviot), 79 at los 3d to 17s 2d: F. S. Tavior (\\ aioara), 43 at 16s S! to 17s; It.'.U. I). Morten (Ahuriri). 220 at 17s; \V. Henderson (Bahrain.). 20 at 17s; C. W. Reid (Balmoral), 25 at 16s 7d; Graham Bro.-.. (Balmoral). 78 at 16s: J. Doud(Waiau). 73 at 15s 6d; J. W. Wa'.msicy (Cheviot), 29 at 15s. FAT SHEEP. Tlie entry oi tat sheep was also rather smaller tuau the wee., bciuie, niao races L«-uig iiiieu a_ against tea. There was agu;_i ;i large pi of ewes, and a lew pens oi liieiiuos. The market opened woii, boLh expert buyers and b-U-noi- operating. The hate continued iinu r:gii_ to the end, both wetners and eu__> being in good ueit.and lor export, and prices improved luily od per head as compared witn tUo previous week. 'The range of prices was: — Prime wethers, 21s to 2ls 6d. Extra, to 2__. Others, lo.s 9d to 20s 7d. Merino wethers, 13s to 19s. Prime ewes, 18s to 20s Gd. -Medium, 1.5s Gd to 17. Gd. Aged and light, 12. 5d to 15s. -Merino ewes, Ds 6d. Tho principal tales were:— "Wethers: For J. A. Henk-v (Lincoln), 50 at 235.7 dto 28s; J. C. Win (Rakaia), 65 at 22s 9d to 24s Gd ; J. \V. Warren (Greendale), at 23s 6d: Earshman and Co. (Hurunui), 243 at 20s 3 1 to 22s 9d; P. R. A. Cox (Chathams), 26 at 22s to 22s 9d ; S. H. Amvcs (Prebbloton), 27 at 19s to 22.s 9d ; G. Stanbury (Little River), 16 at 22s od; Hunt and Lane-dale (Sumner), 20 at 19s to 21s 9d, Do merinos 13s to 15s; C. Leach (Swannanoa), 50 at 19s -Id to 21s -id, 15 merinos 19s Id; Stackhouse Bros. (Onehunga), 116 at 19s lid to 21s Id; Manion's Estate (Weedons), 24 at 21s; Melntosh nnd Kennedy (Hawarden), 31 at 18s lOd to 20s lid; G. (Greendale), 37 at 19s 4d to 20s 9d; F. S. Tavior ("Waipara), 18 at 20s 6VI: W. A. Monk (Conway), 33 at 20s Gd, 38 merinos 14s Id : Hawkswood Estate. 34 at 20s 2d; Jas. Tate (Conwav), 14 at 19s 7d; J. R. Wallace (Kaikoura), ■50 at 19s; P. Dunbar ("Waiau). 26 at 15s Id to 19s: Q. C. Manson (Teddington), 85 at 17s lOd to 18s lid; W. Henderson (Balcairn), 25 at 18s 9d; J Hamilton (Balcairn), 30 at 16s 9d ; W. C. Hydo (Cheviot), 122 at 17s 3d to 18s.

Ewes: J. M. Verran (Fendalton). 32 at 16s 2d to ->/S 7d ; J. X. Boag (Burnside), 23 at 20s 6d; R. Colee (Greendale), 66 at 17s lid to 20s 4d; F. H. Field (Kaituna-, 15 at 18s 2d to 20s 4d. P. F. Clinton (Springston), 6-1 at 18_i 8d to 20s 2d; clients, 81 at 16s 9d to 20s Id. 14 at 17s Id; S. H. Amvcs (Prebbleton), 15 at 17s 6d to 20s Id: E. and F. Inwood (Southbridge), 31 at 17s to 20s; J. W. "Warren (Greendale), 54 at 16s Id to 20s; A. Bovd (Barr Hill), 60 at 19s 8d to 19s 9d; Hawkswood Estate. 67 at 16s 10d to 19s 8d : J C. Hay (Pigeon Bay), 63 at 18s >6d to 19s 7d; T. Armstrong (Waikari). 68 a; 19s 3d; H. Taylor (Cheviot), 25 at 16s 10d to 19s 3d; T. H. Wilkinson (Cheviot), 70 at 17s Id to 19s 3d; T. Hood (Overdale). 64 at 17s lOd to 19s: T. J. Henley ■ (Lincoln), 55 at 17s od to 18s 10d; A. Tong (Southbridee), 60 at 17s 9d to 18s lOd; J. Ludeman (Dovloston). 122 at 16s lid to 18s lOd : W Stott (Kimberlev). 60 at 16s 2d to 18. 9d; S. R. Webb (West Eyroton), CO at los 4d to 18s 7d; T. Davidson (Templeton). 40 at 13s Id to 18s 6d; Mrs M. Skinner (Cheviot), 43 at lGs lid to 18s 4d; J. Skurr (Hawarden), 53 at 15s 9d to 18s 2d; J. Malcolm (Raknia), 102 at los 9d to 17s lOd ; F. S Taylor (Waipara), 10 at 17s 9d: MnnioVs Estate (Weedons), 27 at 17s 9d, I. W. Mawson (Dunsandel). 60 at 14s 6d to 47s 8d; Robinson Bros. (West Evreton). 130 at Us lOd to 17s 8d: J. G. Stanton (Woodend). 42 at 17s to 17s 8d: J. W. Marshall (Snringston), 40 at 17s 7d, 33 merinos 9s 6d: T. Shields (Wood-rrove), 73 at 16s 9d to 17s 6d ; A. Craighead (Cheviot) 69 at 14s 3d to 17s 4d; G. Giddings (Gie»ndale), 36 at 15s lOd to 17s 3d: It Holland (Methvc-Ti), 61 at 16s Id ti 17s 3d; J X. Hansen (Cheviot), 15 at 17* Id: P Dunbar (Wrv'-ni). 54 at 15s 3d to 17s: H. Holland (Waikari). 66 at 15s 7d to 16s lOd: Glenmark Estate, 135 at 16s 2d to 16s 10d : H. mons (Cheviot), 77 at 15s 3d to 16s 9d : Mrs McKie (Waiau). 42 at .15s to 16s 7d ; Straeban Bros. (Rakaia), 10 at 16----8 d ■ J. Rurgess (Di_n*.indel>. 91 at 12s 5d to 16s 3d; I>. McGilliciul'dv (Culverden), 59 at 13s lOd to 15s 2d. FAT CATTLE. Fat cattle were represented by a medium entry, tho j-arding totalling 273 head, compared with 249 the previous week, 211 on February 18th, 240 on February 11th, and 187 on February 4th,- Included amongst the cattle ottered were a number of animals of prime quality from the Chatham Islands, but, unfortunately, some of these experienced a tempestuous voyage, with the result that they wero buffeted about considerably, and consequently they wore not presented m the best of condition, and the demand suffered accordingly. Amongst tho local beef offered wero some animals of very nice quality, and. taken as a whole, the yarding compared very favourably with recent entries. Tho demand was distinctly easier thau that of tho previous week, especially for cow beef, and prices declined by about ls per 1001b, the current rate being -23s to 31s. Quotations are:— Steers, £7 15_ to £11, extra to £14 10s. Heifers, £6 to £9 10s. Cows, £5 to £9 7s Gd. The following were amongst the principal sales:—For B. Ware (Port Levy), 7 heifers at £7 5s to, £9 ss. 5 cows at £7 5s to £9 7s 6d; V. H. Field (Port Levy). 1 heifer at £7 10s; clients 3 cows at £5 10s to £6 15s, 4 steers at £11 10s 6 heifers £7 to £9 10s, 3 cows at £S os to £9: F. Leonardo (Lo Bon's Bay), 16 steers at £10 10s to £11 12s 6d l'cow at £9 7s 6d : G. Humphries (Willesden). 8 heifers at £8; G. Giddings (Gieendale), 1 cow at £9 2s GelI; H. Taigne (Greendale). 1 cow at £8 10s: W. Xicholls (Belfast), 7 cows at £6 2s 6d to £9 15s: S. Sparks (Cashmere). 7 steers at £10 12s 6d to £13 10'- client 16 steers at £10 15>s to £14 10s; Clients, 1 heifer at £7 12s 6d, I cow at £6, 5 cows at £6 15s, 1 steer at £8 12s 6d, 2 cows at £7 15s and £8 2s 6d; J. C. Free (Southbridge). 2 steers at £10 7s 6d; Chatham Island clients. 19 steers at £7 5s to £T2 12s 6d 3 steers at £6 17s 6d to £10 los. 2 cows at £6 7s 6d and £6 10s; Clients, II steers at £8 10s to £11 2s 6d, 11 heifers at £6 7s 6d to £7 12s 6d, 8 cows at £6 15.s to £7 12s 6d, 11 cows at £5 7s 6d to £S 17s 6d. 8 steers at £7 15s to £9 8 cows to £7 15s; Doylestion clients. 1 steer at £10 7s Gd. 1 heifer at £5 17s 6d. 2 cows at £7 10s and £8 15s: G. Stoddart (Lincoln). 4 heifers at £5 15s to £8 ss, 1 cow at £6 7s 6,1; F. Brown (Shirlev), 2 cows at £6 7s Gd and £6 15s; C. AY. Moore (Styx), 2

heifers at £7 2s 6d: J. Shaw (St. Albans), 2"cows at £7 10s: L. M. "Wilson (.Port Levy). 2 cows at £6 17s 6d and .£« 10s; A. W. Beaven (Opawa). 1 steer at £7 12s Gd. 5 heifers to £5 12s 6d : O. Osborne (Dovleston). 2 cows at £5 17s Gd and £8 15s; Clients, 6 cows at £6 12s 6d to £9 10 s VEALERS. Fat calves were represented by a somewhat larger yarding than usm!. | all classes bving included, and the df>I mand showed m change, prices rang- ! ing from Ss to 725. j STORE CATTLE. There was a fair yarding of store cattle, including consignments from I the Chatham Islands, but the quality, | taken all round, was anything but i satisfactory, animals in poor condition I largely predominating. The demand | lacked briskness, hidding being spint- ! less. Quotations are: — Yearlings, 38s. Fifteen to t-i-hteen-months sorts. £3 Ss to £3 10s. Two-year .steers, £4 10s. Two-year heifers, £4 ss. Two-and-a-half-year heifers. £4 10s. Dry cons. 37s to £4 ss. TwVvear heifers (Chathams), £3 15s. Thrcc-y-ar heifers (Chathams). £5 Is. Four-year steers (Chathams). £5. Dry cow* 'Chathams'). £3 15s. Suckers £2 Bs. DAIRY COWS. Dairy cows were in fair supply, and the yarding included some useful lines, for which There was the usual keen demand, prices ranging from -.4 to £10, extra to £13 ss. PIGS. A medium entry of fat nigs met with jzooJ general competition at prices en the same basis as these ruling a week earlier, the only noticeable change being a slight casinc i" the price for heavy baconcrs - Quotations are: — Choppers. £3 10s to £6 10s ._ Heavy baconers, 62s 6d to 77.s 6d. Lighter baconers, 52s 6d to 60s. Price per lb. uid to 5-Jd. Heavy porkers, 47s to 50s. Lighter porkers. 40s to 445. Price per lb. 6_d. Store pigs were in good; supply, and there were buyers for all descriptions, competition being fair all round. Quotations are :— Large scores, 38s to 435. "Medium stores, 28s to 375. Small stores, 20s to 275. "Weaners (ordinary), 14s to IBs. Weaners (extra), to 20s. Sows in pig, £3 15s to £5.

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Press, Volume L, Issue 14908, 5 March 1914, Page 3

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ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume L, Issue 14908, 5 March 1914, Page 3

ADDINGTON MARKET. Press, Volume L, Issue 14908, 5 March 1914, Page 3