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I The entries of stock were not so largt as they have beou 01 latt-, there b.:'n>y a faLiny ofi in the yarciinjj of stoic sf.eep. 'i here wa.s a yood attendance, hcore sheep &oid we.L cspwiai-y the bettor sorts, inferiur In-iiiy a little easier. Fat cattle wort easier, and fat iambs showed a shart i;«i>. in consequence of keen competition Ix-'hvcen f.vo export buyers. Fat sheep were firmer by about Is pet head. There was a <hiJl .sale for stow cattle, but a good clcmauil for dair.v cows, and all ciassos of pigs sold well.', STORE .SHEEP. The yarding of store sheep was mucJi .sniaiier than at recem tales, amounting to less than one-halt I of thoso of April 30th. The yarding consisted largely of ewes, with a small proportion 01 lamas, and a lew pens of cwts. A coiLsi-jorayie proportion of I lie ewes weio overseas sluep. wliiist a fair number came iroiu considerable ciistances overland, and the (|iial:ty all round was scarcely up to recent yaniings. In Jambs thlre wore mote forward iots than ac soir.e recent sales. The ranged from very good to very forward lous. Tho demand {or ail classes of ewc-s was well maintained, especially for the better sorts, wi,icu told at prices on a par with the previous week, but inferior ewes were a little oa&ier. Forward iambs sold well up to recent rates Wethers showed no change. On tr:o whoio tho demand ior backward sheep was more in favour of lyers. Tho following was the range of prices :— Ewes: Two-tooth (inferior to medium), 16s to IG3 Id; two, four, six find cighttootb, 12s to 13s; four, six and eigjittootli. 12s (3d to 14s Gd; four and sixtooth, 14s Cd to los 6d; six and eighttooth, ]4s to Mn 7(1; hotter sorts, IGs to IGs 9d; fresh, sound-mouth sorts (good), 14s 9d to IGs 2d, medium 13-t to 14s; full and failing-mouth, [)s Cd to 11s; aged, 7s to 9s 3d; and culls, 5s 3d. Lambs: Forward rape sorts, 13s 3d to Us; extra, to 14s lid; good average stores, lls to 11s Gd; medium sorts, 10s to 10s 3d. Wethers: Four and six-tooth (very forward), 17s 7d to 18s Id; four-tooth halfbrede, los 3d to 15s 4d. Tho sales included the undermentioned lines : —Ewes: 167 four-year at 7s 10d, 57 (aged- and inferior) at 7s 'Id, 9G fresh, sound-mouth (good) at IGs 7d, 163 four and six-tooth at Its 4d. 149 full and failing-mouth at 10s Id, i>B full and failing-mouth at 10s 10d, 122 full and failing-mouth at lls Id, 298 two, four and six-tooth (medium) at 12s Gd, 353 six and eight-tooth at 16s 9d, 108 six and eight-tooth at IGs, b'37 four, six and eight-tooth at 12s Gd to 12s 7d, 51 at 14s lOd, G7 at los 2d, 104 at 14s, 401 at Us 4d to 9s 7d, 200 two, four, six and eight-tooth .at 13s 10d to 14s, 71 at 8s 4d, 73 at 7s Gd, 397 at IGs, 1,37 at 9s lid, 103 at 14s, 192 at 13s 10d, 43 at 15s 6d. 71 at 13s 8(1, 71 at 14s 7d, 80 at 13s 3d, 94 at 9s 9d, 153 at 15s 7d, I3N at Kss Id. Lambs: 73 at 12s Cd, ICS (shorn) at lls Id, 40 at 13s 4d, 45 at 10s Id, 55 at 12s 6d, IGS at 13s lid 75 at 10s lOd, 102 nt 10s 9d, 307 at 14s lid, 75 at lls 2d, 83 at 14s sd. 4? at 14s 4d, 41 at 14s, 14 at 9s 10d! Wethers: 24 at 17s 9d. 112 at 15s 4d. G3 at 18s Id, 114 at 17s 7d, 41 at 15s lOd. / FAT LAMBS. There was an entry of 5924 fat lambs, or 51 short of last week's. There was a good proportion of- the yarding of prime quality, bub there were many light and unfinished lots. Tho sales were mostly made on a basis of Gd per lb. and over, and only heavy weights sold as low as s|d per lb. Tegs made 20s to 235, ordinary freezing weights 17s to 19s Gd, light and unfinished 15a to 16s Gd, these prices being equal to Is advance on last week's rates. Tho principal sales were: —For A. Gemmell .Dunsandcl, 15 at 20s Gd to 235; Jartnan Bros. (Kirwee), 66 at 22s 8d; H. F. Wright (Dunsaudcl), 73 at 20* t<< 22s Id; A. AY. Barnett (Morven), 193 it 20s 4d to 21s Gd: A. Duthie (Ayles)ury), 72 at 21s Gd; A. Binnio (Springield), 151 at 18 S 10d to 21s Gd; S. H. Uidgley (Te Oka), 236 at 17s lid to 21s id; J. Lochhead (Dunsandel), 72 at 10s Id to 21s 4d; J. A. Henley (Linioln), 402 at 20s 7d to 21s 2d; J. Seynour (Springfield), 112 at 19s 7d to 21s !d; "W. Carpenter v Yaldhurst), 107 at .9s 3d to 21s Id; H. H. Hurley (Balairn), 73 at 20a 2d to 20s 6d; A. Cunlinghara (Dunsandel), 11 at 20s 4d; W. JYizzell (Kirwee), 38 at 20s 4d; T. Harand (Rotherham), 40 at 17s Id to 20s fd; A. Birdlins (Halswell), 121 at ISs 'd to 20s 4d; J. Storry (Southbridge), 32 at 19s 10d to. 20s 4d; clients, U it 20s 2d, 70 at 18s 7d to 19s 4d, 134 it 18s 6d, 102 at 18s Id, 36 at 17s Sd, 0 at 15s; W. Stackhouse (Omihi), 76 t 20s Id; L. Breitmoyer (Little River), 29 at los 7d to 20s; G. H. Sharpe, Culverden), 82. at 17s 10d to 19e 'lOd; '. T. Ponton vMotunaii), 152 ,-it 17s Gd o 19s 8d; Mrs M. E. Mcßao (Waikari). 42 at 17s lid to Ws Gd: C. l>. .Fox Scargill), 310 at 19s od: Miss IWd Culverden), 78 at 183 10d to 19s 3d; '. N. Gardener (Scargill), 70 at 18s lid 0 19s 2d; R. and B. Coe (Inrell), 79 t 19s Id; G. G. Greigg (Scar'sill). 6G t 18s lOd to 19s; C. J. Ma-slin (Rol- : vston), 73 at 17s lid to 19s; Mrs Macirlane (Wa'kari). 104 at 17s lid to ] Ds: J. Bennett iGreonpark), 43 at 18s • ■V to 18s lid; A. Chamberlain (Klosiere), 72 at 18s to 18s 8d ; W. Gale iVaiau), 29 at ISs lid; J. C. Clarke *othorham), 204 at 17s Cd to 18s <kl; emrell Bros. (Kainnoi), 4G at 18s 6rl; . W. Rdd (Balmoral), IGO at 17s 2d > 18s sd; A. Crnicrhend, jim. (Cheviot). 5 at 18s sd; H. Taylor (Cheviot), G3 : 18s to 18s 2d; J. Harricon (Ami).' - y), 4-3 nt 18s; J. Stalker (Grcenpnrk), y it 17s Id to IBs; W. Hroutfiton Tnwkins), 60 at ■ 17 S lid; l> Whrte Salkott), 16-3 at 17s Yd to 17s 10:1: . "W. Loch h on d (Lincoln). 119 nt 17s XI: T. "W. Johnson (DnnVandel), 203; ; 17s (k! to 17s 10<l: J, Jones (Tenmlem). 62 at 17s 9d: W. IT. Foster >-nihi). 22 at 17s S.J: W. tt. Smith YliitecKffs), 14 at 17s Gd: J. Travers Tulvorden), 39 at 17s ftl: G. G. olrnos (Knocklyn). fio nt 17* id • T. hompson 82 nt 10s to 17. 1: E. Witto (Tai Tapn). 24 nt 17s hi: . EI. Wilkinson (Cl-eviot;, S3. Nt 17s:' .1 J. T'ixon (V?P?t Evrctnn). 3! Nt 's; W. D. "c at ■ 's,: T>nv.-d 33 p.t. ].G; >:1; E. Stono (TMnnd Farm). 137 at >3 lid to IGs Gd. FAT SHEEP. There was also a smaller yarriin" of it sheep, totalling about oOC-0, "and le buik consiste-d of o'.rcs. Among j<? withers v.-ere a few lots of veiy rime sh«>p, and these brought extra ?od prices. The market was firmer 1 through, and to prime wethers id owes were fully Is head aarer than last a-et-k, but inferior i.-U showed littlo change. The •■ pme.s wns:—Pri-re woihers, 20s ?« h 1(1; extra, to 295; lighter. 17s to fs iid ; prime ewes, ISs to 25s Gd: ledmm, los to 17 s 6d; aged and x w 10 %. 4 d t0 lls 6d; mcrfno ewes, %,r IIM3 nrinnT"! sales were-— Wethers: For "G. E. Rhodes' teadowbank). 32 at 23e to 295; A. ! irdling (Birdling's Flat), 251 at 24s j 1 to 27s Id; Thos. Don-Hag Ciletfcven), j ! at 24s 9d to 26s «:1: T. H. Wi'kmn (CLeviot), 61 at 23s 81 to 24s 10d : 'cshbourno B-os. (Soliryn), 60 at 22a ' 1 to 24s 3d; Edwards Bros. (Kaiapci), I « at 18s Id to 245; A. M. Siphons ' .agmhor). 100 at 21s 10d to 23r, 3d : [ rotvn Bros. (Dnnsnndrl), 40 at 21s t . to 22s 7d; G. J. Holies (Knocklra), f3 at 20s to 22s Id; W. Vaireka), 36 at 18s Cd to 21s 24; W.

Fryzcll (Kirwee!. 30 at 20s IOd: E. >ro :o (Island Farm), 95 at ISs 3d to •\'!sod: Mrs Macfarlane (WaikanJ, 100 at It's hi to 20s; Thos. Gee (Cheviot). •>7 at !!'s 4J to 20s: J- 0. Ile<ifern (Dariioid). 67 at lS>s 2d: C Hyde cCiievioii, 21 at 19s 2d;. G. Shw.te (Dunsiiiidel). 59 at 18s 3d to 19s: W. II Smith (Uhitecliff>). o'J at 18s 3d to 13. Sα; W. Ga.e (Waiau), 14 J. Harriion (Amberlev), 31 at 17s 4d Ewes: Thos. Dowiing (Methven). 14 nt i'4s to 25s 6d: J. Storry (South!rid"f). 144 at 17s 3d to 23 S Id: F. Campion (Prebbleton). 107 at 1->h Od to 21s Od; H. J. Doadel (Avonhead), 3L' at !9s 2d to 21s Gd; W. J. Jenkins AVamlinnton), 60 at 19s 5d to 21s Bci; W U>bott (Sonthbridge), 60 at l'Js Id to "Is 4d: Buckley Bros. <Highba:ik), I+2 at 17s ud to 21s Id; H. U. Holland (Waikari), 60 at 18s to 20s 7d; J A.lan (Waikari), 58 at lSrf 3d to -20$ Od: A. Cunningham (Dunsandel). -It at 7d t-o iiOs; C. 0. Blaekmoro (Horrel.villc), 76 at 16s lid to 19s IOd; j Fleming (Cheviot), 133 at 13s .9d to lOi. 7(i: H. F. Wricht (Duatandel).. 20 at' 17.s Id to 19s "3d: It. W. Lochhead at 18s IOd; Mrs M E McHao (Waituna), 60 (Southdowns) It) 3:1 to ISs IOd: W. H. Mulligan (Winclimoro), (>0 at IGs 7d to 19s- A Parkinson (Ataahua). 67 at IGs 4d to ISs 7d; A. H. Clark (Opawa), 47

at 14s Sα to 18s 3d: J. H. Pannett (Sprinsston), 30 at. Los 3d to ISs 3d: clients, 64 at lls 7d to 13.5 2d, 213 at 14s 2d to 17s 4d; F. Genimoll (D-iui-fandcl), -jO at IGs 10d to ISs; A. McXiven (Cheviot), 70 at 12s 2d to 18:>; T. Graham (I.ccston), 65 at 16s 7d to 17s IOd; Thos. Gee (Cheviot), at 17s 9d; J. 11. Jones (fec;M-giil), 56 at Jos lid to IGs lid; Tv. Morrow (I>orie). 130 at los 9d to 16s 10d; H E. IVryman (Tai Tap), CI at 13s 4d to 16s IOd ; A. Crnighpad (Cheviot), 51 at 14s Gd to 16s IOd; E. Gardner (Scarfdll). £6 at IGs 7d; J. So.vmour (Springfield), 24 at lOs sd; T. B. Howyon (Sedgemere), 04 at 15s 8d to 16s od; W. 11. Fester (Omihi), 51 at 14s 7d to 16s 4d ; J. Baxter (Omihi), 62 at los 3d to 16s 2d; T. Harland (Rntherhain), 22 at 16s; Brown Btros. (Dun-s-uifld), 20 at los lid; Pcnnell Bros. (ICaiapoi), 19 at 16s; L. H. Ruudocß (Chortsfiyj, 53 at ios to los 7d; J. "Duncan,' jimr. (Hawkins), 70 at 13s to l."<s od; F. Travers (CuJverden), 35 nt 13s to 13s IOd; W. Broughton (Wnireka), 76 nt 14 S 3d-to 14s Bd, 41 merinos at 10s 3d; A. Wells (Clieriot), 6i at 12s Gd to 13s; G. Stone (Island Farm), 51 at lls to lls 4d; J. J. Douds ■ (Waisu). 32 at 10s 4d. FAT CATTLE. The yarding of fat cattle totalled 345, ng.tinst 254 horsd on April 30th, and 3J-1 on April 23rd. The quality was somewhat below that of some recent sales, tho majority being of medium quality. The market opened irregularly, and tho demand was easier. Cows largely predominated, and most of those looked bad on account of the weather. Steers mado £7 10s to £11 10s, extra to £18 (passed), heifere £5 17s Gd to £3 7s 6-J, nnd cows £5 to £9 12s 6d. Ik-ef made 21s to 20s per 1001b. About the usual number of fat calves wore penned, all sorts, as in the past, being represented, and prices ranged from 8s to £2 10s, extra to £3 iCs. Tho sales included: —For Jns. Douglas (Wnikari), 2 cows at £0 10s and £8 los; H. Atkinson (Wooclbnnk), 17 steers at £S Ids to £11 17s 6d; 14 heifers, at £8 to £10 ss; clients, 11 steers at £10 12 S Gd to £10 15s; 14 steers, at £10 to £12 12s Gd; 4 steers, at £9 5s to £10 17s 6d; 1 cow, at £7; 9 steers, fc £7 2s 6d to £8 12s 6d; 2 heifers, at G7 2* Gd; 7 steers, at £8 15s to £12 2s 5:1; .7 steers, at £8 to £11 ss; Southern ilients, 17 cow s at £5 J7s 6d to £8 12s i sd; 15 cows, at £5 12s Gd to £8; T. B: Howson 10 steers at £8 5s to £10 2s 6d; Pratt Bros. (St. lames, Hanmcr), 46 steers at £8 to Cll 15s; Knight and Cotterill (Balr.oral), 1 steer at £11 2s 6d;-C. Andrew (Greennark), 12 heifers at £6 lOs'to £S ss; W. O. Rutherford (Mon:roso), 7 steers at £13 10s to £14 10s; vF. Holman (Marshlands), cows at Go 15s to £8 los; J. F. Buchanan XitHo TJiver) 7 steers nf £12 15s-to Cl 4 15s; S. S. Midgley (Little Rivor.) 1 steers'at £7 to.£9 10s; l>. Jnnt (Kniloch), 1 steer at £10 10s, 1 K-ifer at £6 2s 6d; G. CormacJc (Cashncre), A heifers at £5 10s to, £7 7s Gd. STORE CATTLE.

Tho yarding of store cnttlo was not large, and several descriptions were unrepresented. Tlie sale throughout was at dragging one, nnd the Iniik of the entry fiiiled to reach owners' reserves. Fifteen to eightcen-months sorts male £2 17s 6d to £3 ss; two and a halfyear steers, £o As 6d (nassed); threeyear steers, £C to £6 7s; three-year l-eifers. £4 15s; and cows, 32s to £3 OSi DAIRY COWS. Tha entiy of dairy cattle consisted principally of 61<1 cows and heifers, ninny being of indifferent quality. '■ As at all recent sales; tbe demand for n'J pood sorts was free, and prices ranged from £3 10s to £10, extra making to £11 us. PIGS. There was a medium entry of store pigs, including a number of.'unfinished nnimnls. and a rrood all-round demand. Chonpers made 50* to 80s. heavy baconors 60s to 735. and linhter 50s to 57s 6d. equal to od to is Id per lb. Hea%-y workers realised 44s to 48s. and lighter 33s to '13s, equal to old to 6rl per lb. Only a medium number of store pigs wero offered, and for all thoro was good competition. I/arge sorts ! realised 30s to 4-ls, medium 25s to 3-"s. and smal]. . stores 13s to "Is. wore filso in 2ood demand, and brought l'is to 16s, the latter price being paid fer very nico pigs.

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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14660, 8 May 1913, Page 10

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ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14660, 8 May 1913, Page 10

ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14660, 8 May 1913, Page 10