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The auction announcements of New Zealand Farmers' Co-op., Pyno and Co., National Mortgage and Agency Co., Dalgcty and Co., Tonks, Norton and Co., Harris Bros., Maling and Co., Charles Clark, New Zealand Loan and M.A. Co., Wright, Stephenson and Co.', P. S. Nicholls and Co., H. B. Sorensen, Conway JJntson and Sons, and Farmers' Saleyards Co. will bo found on pages 15 and 14 of this issue. .

The Minister for Railways' Kas promised Mr G. Witty,' M.P., that a verandah will he placed, on the Styx goods shed, to facilitate loading in wet weather. Sometime ago Mr Witty asked for a loading bank and stockyard at Pananui for horses, cattle and shcop, and the Minister has also promised that this work will be done.

The l>ll nod in City Council are inviting architects to submit designs and estimates for the erection of a town hall. In a preliminary competition, four designs will bo chosen, and ■ the authors or these will each receive .£75, provided they agree to compete in the final competition. The author of the successful design in this competition will receive a further sum of £100. Mr S. Hurst JSenger.', of Christchurch, will conduct the competition.

"I think in junior football there is a good deal of rough play*" eaid Mr A. L. Jones at Inst night's meeting of the Canterbury Rugby, union, "and 1 think our reforeea are .lenient if anything. I think our referees should bo backed up, and rough play put _ down by our taking action, however slight." Hilr C. Buchanan, in endorsing ■'■■.'lγ Jones's opinions, remarked that a good deal of the- trouble was caused by the spectators. The chairman (Mr G. H. Mason) later in the 'discussion, stated that referees were very reluctant to order a man off the field

Very complete arrangements have been made lor the Curysuuthciiiuni and i'ruit bnow, which is to bu iie.d in tao Art Gallery to-uay ami to-morrow. *«io chryiMiniJieinum classes are well Jjiicu, and the quality of the flowers is better than for many years. The iruit clashes are also exceeuiugly numerous. .\o% vne least iuleivsiing'part or tne show wui be a demonstration of truit-troo pruning. A largo number or chrysanthemums were received from a -leading Dunediu grower la»t evening, ami tins will ensure keen competition. With the added attraction of the Jieekecpcni' A:-.i>ociation's exhibit of ncney, and a, working hive of bees, the show .should bo the "most attractive held lor many years.

"Where did the agitation for this improvement come from?" asked Mr O'Shea of Mr F.. T. Moore, at the Hint road enquiry yesterday (says our VUicorrespondent). "From carriers in the- Hutt and Petono districts, who hr>.<l to use the road," replied Mr .Monro. "Who was the most active or inii:tant gentlemen in the district?" "1 cannot remember." "Can you remember who was very prominent—someone in this room, perhaps—that's right, I saw you looking «it him." "Ho put in .in appeal on liehalf of his constituents, said Mr Moore. . "Who. Mr Wilford!-'" "Yes." "What's that?" asked Mr Wilford, hearing his name mentioned. Ho was duly nrquaintod with the manner in which his .notions had }>oon reprepeiled. "I take the credit,"' he said, "of this district having the finest road in Australasia, extravagantly made, which the local authorities should not bo asked to pay if- "

_ r 'J \ Tha iloii- "\V. 11. Merries will ,<> , cwvo ft (Iciiimuion fnun (he Temper anca a quarter to fivo oa fndav. " , - - The installation of tho Mayor of jSpreyilon will bo at 7 o'clock this evening, and not 7.30 o'clock, as at -' first intended. The new station for the Firo Brit ptwlo is rapidly approaching completion I It is expected that the building will bo j ready tor occupation by ;ho ' brigade • about the middle of July. J That local industries Have a reputation far beyond Cliristchurch is shown by the fact that recently a firm of rope-makers received a largo order tor rope iroin an Australian oily. j It i-5 notified in tho "Gazette" that I Parliament has boon further prorogued ironi .M.iy t> Lh to Juno ,"i:h. It is probable that members will not bo called together ior business before June. l!tiihTho Fire brigade turned out at- 1.16 a.m. yesterday for an alarm from tho ' corner oi Waliham road and Aus.Ua 1 street, which, on investigation, proved * to be a malicious fake alarm. 11.M.5. Py ramus "dressed ship".yesj torday to commemorate the accession ol • I King George V. At noon the wni&h'.p 1 fired a royal salute of 21 guns. There I was no display of flags ashore. "Wharetatahi. a Maori, was to-dn? fined £~S (rests i' 3 Is) on each of two charges oi Mippiving liquor to n:ui\<> * women in the pah at Ohinemutu, and for taking liquor into the pah he. was fined £1 and costs, 17s Cd. A water ninin in Cathedral square, near tho United Service Hotel, burst yesterday afternoon. A repair cang was summoned and worked throughout tho afternoon and evening to remedy tho trouble. The Invercargill branch of the South British Insurance Company has roce ved tho sum of £200 as money. The payment was made by a priest of tlu> Roman Catholic Church on behalf of some person unknown. ' Tho poll on the proposal to rni*o a special loan of £15.000 for tho puiposo of constructing a tramway to St. Martin's, will bo held to-morrow heivreen tho hours of 9 and 7 pan. at Mrs ' Lynn's house, corner of Rodger stroot and Langdown's road. A Press Association messago from Napier says that John Donald Mc- - Quarrio was before the Court yesterday on a charge of "stealing ten gallons of whisky from tho Mayor and Councillors of Inverrarsjill." Prisoner was remanded to Invercargill. Arthur Doughty, described by the police as a noted coat thief, was sen- ' tenceel at Napier yesterday to three, years' reformative treatment for tho theft of two overconts. The police record showed that prisoner had served eleven sentences for theft and false pretences. A Greymouth Press Association nies- " saco says that Mr Robert Sample, who ■was imprisoned on Mondny afternoon in Greymouth gaol for failing to pay a - ". fino of .£4 imposed for his refusal to give tho age- of his son, require*! tinder tho Defence Act. was released yesterday.. A resident of llunanga paid tho iine. The Tramway Hoard lias posted to each elector in ♦■ho. St; Mnrtin's tramway district a- circular setting '■ out , a good ' deal -'* of information respecting, tho construction of a tramway into that district, . tho poll for which will bo taken to- ''. morrow.. If any elector does not receive a copy of this circular ho may ■,- obtain onf> ■on application at the ticket t odico. Cathedral square, tho Load ' ~",\ ollice. Fnlsuravo street. fc ," A lantern lecture dealing with "The Gypsies, their-prigin.' Lnnguago ami ' '' Way of Life" in to be'given'at St. Michael's Hall, ■ Durham , . street/ at 8 .£, o'clock to-morrow evening .by-Mr H. ■Fi J. Bathgate. Mr Bathgato is a mem- V ! bor of" tho English Gypsy ■: ■ Folk-loro **" Sociofcy, and will havo ranch that JJ' should prove interesting to say about his subject. The proceeds of tho '' lecture are to £O to the building fund for tho now clay school at. St. Michael's , . [ A collection of English water-colour drawings, by promiuent* present-day ~£ painters, specially selected from Mrs ' "*~ Fletcher Johnston's well-known. colleo-> tion, is on view at the auction rooms of' "W. E. Simes and Co., Hereford Street, * '$ The pictures are to bo sold at auction '--,1 on Friday at 2.30 p.m. The pictures -J aro well worth inspecting, let alone c buying, comprising, as they do, two _ "p----magnificent works by Leader v. \~. Pocock, "Midsummer Shade," and "Tho m Garden Partj:." The first of the two / is a Royal Academy picture. Two other works specially worth mentioning in ft collection of " outstanding merit are - "Proofs, of ■ Perfidy j ,, by J. «hatr Crompton, R. 1.. and "Tho Favourite,' ».- ' by Achille Buzzi. . >; A resident of Christcburch forwarded (through 3tcssrs - Kayo and Carter) a lamb, to reach a friend m England ior tho New, Year. The present turned out another fine advertisement for M'vr Zealand. In neknow!e,dging,rece)pt ot •, * tho. lamb, the rtcipieut said it was en- - joyed as no other lamb Had ever been enjoyed by himself 'amUnends... Moreover, he wrote to Messrs Kayo and Carter's London agents, , stating tun I. ,;, "this was the iinest lamO we have ever tasted. Would it be uuj i carcase of tliis quality, iamb now and thUr :l 'We understand arrangement * i ( have been made to fulfil tho i>raer. Mr H. G. *EiI,M.P., ctates tliat tho following persons and firms have agreed • to contribute annually to the 4unus ot ~, the Summit, .lload .iKCCietiwi.— ,'.. ■ Beath and Co., P. L. ' i Bishop, J. J. Kineoy, Heiii-y and , Co., iVirJcan. Cottenll and bMingU, ~; C li. Clark, 'Robert Congreve, Ko-«• -~ D" B-U-1071, Mihier and Thompson, . 1 I,' v 'Son, and BuU ,- I-Curcus, Scott -.Jlroa :., Ui-ru* ~ J son and Co. I il-o tho firemen, tho tramway motor-. . ' I Slismoko, there, was sr.n.eth.nß of ! a little panic amongst tho passer-us-J H ia^rl at once when the car morod on m' er slowly, but Buibnei.tly r her umbrella ovorboara. rho car ma , Jo bo taken off tho nm when it reached .- tho railway station, and not even tho £,W"oon tho part, of tho driver tint ho did his work smartly, or on the of tho Uoard that t has a prompt Ji 1 r.fli«:i«nt servant, » to be r ". -i'lered cumiK.-n.sat ion for tho trouble ertnilfd. ; " ' Barcnins at the Burragcs Stores Pe-livition Sale— Boys overcoats 4s lid v Norfolk Suits 8s Gd to 18. Cd. MJn's Macintoshes 18s Cd—a Rrand , j linJLDouble-BrcauUKl Tweed Overcoats t X Stout Tweed Suits 2-ts 6d. The salo is in propress at Messrs Ann- j stone's establishments. Mrs Fletcher Johnston has again brought a very fane collection of W . c \Wn water-colour drawings to vnns*rhurch, which are now on view at ♦>; \ ]•:. .Sinus and Co.'s rooms, -l|^e [ ord Ktrret, and arc to be disposed ot W ; , auction on Friday next.

Onnipors! You cnn mnko ft hot, ttimulatnic; nip of coifeo under almost HMj conditions if you ii'-o '"Camp" Co!Fi ; o. All yon want is boiling water, and in a trlct- it , -: ready to drink. l'J Modern Architecture.—-It is really ■wonderful to .»co the improvement mndo jn tho design of the res'denco of to jjjiy. Extra comfort, with work. jg tho feature of a charming G-roomt-d homo just put on tho market. All tbo ' latest ideas havo been introduced— Hall. L'virig Rooms, and all tho conveniences known, including sewer connections. Legality: Me:ivaTo- Price. ili'J.'O. Mount's Lnnd Agency, agents, 778 Co!ou;bo street : North. 7 Tho Shino Mop dusts and polishes ' tho floor iri 'Jr.*. , operation. Every user einhuskirfie over it. J'rico co;nplcto 'H, i>i>.-.l. , i'.:'> 0(1 extra. Lewie and And: rsoii II "J Cashol street. G Shrewd hii'ine v 5 men recognise tho vDiuf of our priii:i;it, leliiiblo .service in delivering pn-cls, .shipping floods, arid p.i;2 ov.t"ie;. Tin , good service. we give f;uiii!nvs li.i inc=<. saves ti?r:o and trouble. Tho New Ztnlnnd Express Co., Ltd. 0

Guns! Our:';.' Great vnlne in grins. Sin:.:!r'-barr«.l oi'.-ctnr jcuns 3os, latest J'lnjr'i.ih dcnblc-l/ii.rrel yinis 80s, Qsi ut-wardi. C'nrtridrc'.s, .■'!! leading mnk'"". f'orri L>s 'M hox. Hn.-.tie. and I'lfkcrii , ::, opnn-.itf ii.'llniityno's. fi During tho TJeuH.rntion Rale at Ilp'i.srs Ann «tron::s t'ifir fire storks of milliiKTy. Lndios Coats, Costumes. Efc:iin:i Dresses, IJibbons, lacf.'v Gloves, arid general drnprry. will bo enrolled under tho bnrgain bai'nor of tho great sale. 2 ROUGH ON RATS. Tho romance of a loituno that was made out of revongo is recalled by the death of Mr E. S. Welles, t*o inventor of a world-ramniis rat poison, \vhen Mr Wti'ii-.s itnd the man with whom ho then worked were living in poverty, and had only a .'uns'e loaf of brencl between them and starvation, this last morsel of food was en ton by rats. "Welles swore vc:ng r aneo, tin- "K.tpress" relates, and set about discovering a means to rid tho world of rats. After ■■numerous experiments he' began the manufacture of "Rough on I'ats," in an old barn in Jersey City, and in four yejys ho roso to affluence.


"If you want to rench the brain," . ' ' observed Sir John Cockburn, speaking at tho London Day Training College recently, "you must do it through tho hand, and if yon disregard tho use of the eyes and hands in education yon aro placing the brake on all mental development of tho child. Tho command to ' 'keep still* in a school is the greatest cruelty -you can possibly impose on children, for to make children keep .» still for any length of time very often '- r produces deformity." He added that very soon there would bo nothing but " • manually trained teachers in _ the schools, and the sooner the. educational world realised this tho better.


Only tho prompt action of the police ■prevented a serious riot at the German Athletic Club in Frankfort BVonuo, Philadelphia, as tho consequence of a honx pla.yed by'si German mill-hand named Dietrich on a.number of Irish hands (says the "Evening Standard"). Dietrich sold tho Irishman packets of "shamrock seeds," and Rave thorn full instructions, about »plantins;, watering, etc. , , guaranteeing that the plants would bloom by St. Patrick's Day. Mdst of them bloomed and produced yellow flowery being really mustard plants. The local branch *>f the ■Ancient Order of Hibernians took the matter uo and marched : against the German Club to wreak vengeance, but the police met thorn at the doors.


Perhaps one of the most curious memorials of Liringstono is wliat is known as "Name' Tree," near the VUv toria Falls, on .tho Zambesi. On * the trunk'of th's tree, Livingstone cut hie initials, and tho dato (1855) on the day of his first visit to the Falls, In his book, giving an account of this Livingstono,say3: "This wns the only instance in which I indulged in this piece of vanity." A largo notico board has boon placed against tho treo by " the authoritfes, giving tho information, and adding, "Visitors . aro requested to assist in preserving this relic," Ono wonders whether tho great explorer foresaw the day when parties of tourists would conio by train to the Falls, and- be able,- if they wished, to coatiniio their journey by rail into the .far North. .


Tho Paris "Libertu," tho "Daily News" says, publishes tho following familiar story, headed: ".English Humour: Impudence": J,n English visitor, so tho story entered a well-known boulevard restaurant on Enster Monday' with two little girls, and ordered a'bottle of mineral water

and three plates. When these .arrived ho packet of Banciwiche.\ which ho had brought in his. pocket, placed them on tlic plates, and tho trio began their lunch. The waiter, over- . come with indignation, hastened to inform the manager,*who, with his most dignified air. approached the-offender, "I should like to inform you, Kir," ho began, =>th*at this is not a ""Who on earth arc youP" demanded tho , Briton. . "1 any the'manager, ,, .-"Oh, you aro the rannegtr, are you y That is Rood. I was just going to send for ■' you. Why isn't tho band playing?" j


Wo have on hand at present a number nf second-hand motor-cycles taken . by us in p*rt payment for tho new models "Triumph" and . "8.5.A." . Stock-taking timo has arrived, and it is nreossar? to innke a clearance of all second-hand machines. Our stock of thpso is fairly large and varied. It. includes "Triumphs' , of the lfil'2 freo engine. 1911 two-speed, nrrd 1909, 15)0S, and 1907 fised-orgmq. models, the pricos . ranßtnu; from £C sto £20. according to condition- Wo. have, also a latest 19i3 model thrco-spced ''ICirp; Dick" • ;,°<:. £ 55, and a lBOi) model fixed engino • "Kina Dick" foe £32 10s. A 1910 fi*«l-enKine "Huniber" is offered at £32 10s, and a 1911 "Premier" at tho same figure. The foregoing machines are all of 3J-horsepower. For those # requiring higher-powered machines wo liav-o a 7-8 h.p. "Bal" (MO9) at £30. floiftfrH l p \ " F - N -" Four-cylinder ffi.l f ? r£ l°- A "tf.S.U.' , --' WisoilfTOi at £17 10s, and a 1910 .„ *&}s** •« £35. A 1911 threeBpe«I -New Hudson" is especially Rood S™? Ot r £3 l lOsi TUer « »re filso a number of other machines at stiU lower prices. ranging from £5 up. The quoted aro a considerable reduc2SSj ? rdlnar y valuations, and as a ■pcodi clearance is certain intending * purch a3cr? should mako their selection


" MSelin M T WhO kn °£ S ahva - vs uses ' ■ Garage. m ' th aud Son ' Central, 164


ly * numbers of' «lv Taxj-cabs, Ltd., aro 1838 and * : dsre '- t to ' th,? Con -- S\ open day and

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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14659, 7 May 1913, Page 8

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14659, 7 May 1913, Page 8

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14659, 7 May 1913, Page 8