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PUBLIC NOTICES. WE ARE NOW DISPLAYING A SHIPMENT Of i HEINZ CHOICE TABLE DELICACIES, ! In 57 Varieties, Including— Heinz Tomato Soups, Bd, Ij, la 6d. Heinz Baked Boons, plain or is tomato eauce, Sd, Is, Is 4d. ] Heinz Rod Kidney Beans, Bd, Iβ. j Heinz Tomato Ketchup, Iβ. i Heinz Tomato Chutney, Is. I Hems "White Onion 3, Is 2i Heinz Sweet Gherkins, Iβ. Heinz India Relish, is. Heinz Preserved Strawberries, 2s 3d. Chirers English Strawberries, preserved in j Syrup, Is. ] KINCAID'S SPECIAL TEA No Tea Coupons packed ia this Tea. ! DISCOUNT COUPONS coral to ls in £1 i given with all CASH PURCHASES at J FINCAID'S, LTD. COLOMBO STREET. ! 1703 MISCELLANEOUS. FURS, FURS, FURS. ! RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICE& THE LARGEST STOCK ever seen in Christchurch. Furs in gTeat variety. Fox in all tho latest shades. All kinds of Fur Work done on tho Premises. COLWILL'S CANADIAN FUR STORE, High street (opp. Strange'g). O-.10 "DOOK.KEEPING.—QuaIified Accountant i 3 ,L> prepared to nndc.taUo Clerical Work at. home, in the form of at very moderate fees. Accountant, ''Press." 8J SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, Molee, iilem-hoa, £5 Birthmarks, effectually Temoved by Electrolysis. Mr Hammond, Specialist, 273 Casbel etreet. Iff "ONCOURAGE New Zealand Manufactures J-J by purchasing local made goods at Graham, Wiifcn aud Smellio's, the People s P'.nce for Value. OPULAR Puro Woo!, Timani Costume Twocds, 56in wide, in various foahionr.blo fhades. Prioea, 5s lid and 6s 6d yard, at Graham, Wilson and Smellie's. O AMARU Costume Tweeds in season's newest shadee and designs, 56in wide, quality oxcollent, workmanship excellent, prices reasonable, 8s 6d, £s lid yard, at The People's Place for Value. KAIAPOI Costume Twocds, stiin wide, for pattsrn, texture and value cannot bo eurpaeaed, newest shades, Sβ lid, 6s Cd, 6s lid, at Graham, Wiison and Smollie's. OUBLE iied Blankets,'made in Domin- . ion, excellent quality and value, white 23a 6d, grey 17s Od, 23a Cd, at Tho People's Plaoo for Value. LL Wool Colonial Flannel, dependablo quality, in White, Pink, Shetland and Orkney. Price ls Oid yard, at Graham, Wileon and Smellio's. liL Sh-rtings, warm and durable. Prices, ls lid, 2s, 2s 3d, 23 6d yard, at Tho People's Place for Value. riOXTON'S Celebrated Velveteen is an cxv- 7 cellent preparation for removing all kinds of grease, ppols, paint, and tar etains, ■also niakee an excellent Hair-wash, removing scurf, dandruff. Graham, Wikon and SmeLlie, agents. OYS' Plain, Black Knitted Hose for heavy winter wear, sizes 3to 9. Price 3 from ls 10d upwards, according to size. At The People's Place for Value. EN'S Ribbed Knit Wool Underpants, made in tho Dominion by fki'led workmen. Quality and value right. Price, 5s Cd. At Grahnin, Wi!son and Smellie's. MEN'S Crimean Working Shirts, unsurpassed for hard, solid wear. Prices, 7s 6d. At The People's Place fox value. MEN'S Double-breasted Overcoats, Dominion's Best Production, well , made from strong, durable materials. Price, 09s 6d, at Graham, Wilson aud Smellie's, The People's Placo for Value. C 7617-393 THERF>'S no scn&o in having cola feet at night. Minson'e Footwarrnere coet 23 Cd. 3s, 3e 9d, 4a 3d, and keep warm all night. RS KNIGHT, Hito Oxford terrace, Buyer N;ew and Second-hand Clothing, Boots, Portmanteaux. 150 Armagh street. 307 SPECIAL Reduction Snlo of 1000 Lamp 3 going nt all prices. We can cell you a eerviceablo lamp at 2s, while 5_ 6d buys you a nicely nickel-plated one. Good Acetylene Lamps from 5s 9d. Wo guarantee each lamp wo cell. Inspection invited. Adams, Ltd., High street. _• T EFT-OFF Clothing, Mrs J- Buyer of Gents' Misfits, Boots, Trunks, Portmanteaux, also Ladies' and Children's Clothing. 117 Lower High etroet. 'Phone 1437. CB42G THE Lamp Shop is Minson'e. A clean, bright, comprohensivo assortment. Biggest lot in town. I'ou can judge- the prices yourself. - Jp-t DEPOSIT and 5s Weekly iJuye you a c£/-»- Swift Cycle. These easy running cycles ore beautifully finishod in glossy black enamel, plated rims, lined with gold. Fitted with two brakes, etoel guards. Bearings guaranteed for 5 yoare. Prices from £12 10s. Adams, Ltd., High street. Prom the Official Assignee in Bankruptcy. Chrietehnroh, 16th April, 1913. Mr. BTEWART ROBINSON, Bootmaker, Christeboich. He H. Beaumont's Estate, Lyttelton. Yoor tender of 12/6 in the £ for the Boot and Shoe Stock in the above estate has been accepted. (Sigaed) J. EVANS, Official Assignee. To the Residents .of Christohureh, Lvttelton, and snrroonding Districts. Here we are again with the large and varied stock ef boots lately held by Mr. H. Beaumont, LytUliou. Wo have secured this at the great reduction of 12/6 in the £, and we intend to offer you the Boot Bteek at that price. Winter has Mt in, a»d everybody wants to be well shod. We kave Boots and Shoes to suit all tItHM, a»d have made groat purchases of Boots and Shooi at staggering prioaf fer the Winter. Stewart Robinson always keep* the price down, aud intends doing so in the future. We pay cash for oar goeds, and can therefor* eCer our Boots to yon at Low Cash Prieei. You will save neeey by dealing off us. The Quality of our Boots is always good, and if yea vrill gire us a trial, you will be contisteed. Bay a pair to-day, and yoa will Save Mnney. This great Sale of Boots and Shoes bought at 12/6 in the £ starts to-day. Here are a few of oar Fastens Low Bankruptcy Cash Prices: — Ladies' Glaoe Kid Button and Luce Boot Usual Price 33/6 Sale Price 6/9 Ladies' Rubber Goloshes .. 3/6 pair Men's Rubber Goloehee .. 2/114/6 Men's Greenhide Nailed Shooters Usual Price 18/6 S»le Price 15/11 Women's Felt Siippers lid 1/4 1/6 1/11 2/3 pair g Men's Patent Evening Shoes from 4/6 pr. 5 I Ladies' Dancing Shoes from 2/u upwards We bare the finest StocU of Dancing Shoes ia Cfcristchnrcb Men's Nailed Bluchcre 5,6 6/11 pair Men's Camel Hair Felt Boots, buckled 5/11 pair Men's Split Kip Nailed Shooters 8/11 pr. Youths' Chrome Goioshed Balmoral, Standard Brand 9/11 pair Men's Knee Gnmi, (rood qaality 15/11 pr. Men's Stores King Kip Bnots 17/<i pr. Men's Chrome Goloahed Balmorals 9/6 pr. The Sale of this Hag* Stock of Boots and Shoes from Lyttelton STABTS TODAY. Sale Commences TO-DAY at STEWART ROBINSON'S CASH EL ST. WEST CB27S

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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14659, 7 May 1913, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14659, 7 May 1913, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14659, 7 May 1913, Page 13