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FIRST DAY. Tht *-".*='rr Tournament, under tbe augpi«« of ?hr Christchurch Centre, was inaugurated ye?;rr<i.i>' under weather conditions that weft jiprfert'y fflorioim. The new sys-tem of play -.rb ie li hae ixen in voprue in Oamaru and Vsewhere was carried out with success. SroVnimm. Opawa. and Edgeware greeas wer« Yiflfd for playing, and each green was in cicfl.Vnt condition. Yesterday a start was made with the rink matches. re.--iilting in Sydenham iMcGalluu),. St. Al'':in-> IBuorn), and Canterbury (F. BarJiw) being returned the green winners in the principal e-.-ent, the Provincial Match, on .- their r»- e pective greens. Tho City Match result*- in the green wintcrrt bc:ug Canterbury < Maynard), Sydenham (Eaft'i, snd Canterbury (Hoffman). Some excellent P ; ". v ''"a-" witneaned, and there were many surprises, tlio Consolation Match having "finite a i.umhf-r of the""big gun" rinks rantr'n'i:i;g f"r victory. The umpires yesterday were Sydenham (Mr A. Dickson), Opawa (Mr. I). E." Woodi, (Mr It. W. Darir-i, To-day tbe Doubles will 1* started at 8.30, end ir, addition the Sunnvsido green will be. The foil'—-in;.' arc yesterday* result.*:— PROVINCIAL MATCH. Sydenham Green. First Hound. Car"-rl-urv: W. Shaw. .1. K. Button, C. Kruf!. A. S. SpilleT (skip) 21 l>eat United: VT. Uutlrr, O. T. McManuwny, I. Woolf, WFra?<r nkip. IC. Ajh'jiirLon: F. Robilhard, W. Lane, A. E. Eo4-pr!>rt>nk. A. Lane (skip) a bye. Sydenham: T. Robinson, J. W. Wardman. T. ")l. l-'pwint-?. W. Calvert »>kip; 1!) beat t'nitro : .f. Brown, jr., F. Brown, F. McCiilloujih. .lohn Brown (skip) 14. Sunnyside: W. Suttic, A. Peters, W. MUner, John Brackenridge (.-'kip) 1H boat Edgeware: W. .). Shearman, A. M. Eyw, C. Hill, 11. West .skip) 3. . Svdenham: E. C. Chegwin, H. Mann, J. J'adfisld, T. McG-ailan (skip) 13 beat Christchurch: J. W. Winter, Geo. Lewie, "tt*. Helliwcl. It. Torrance (skip) 11. fvlgowarc: F. Lord, R. Gillespie, 11. Grundy, J. B. Chetwin (skip! 17 beat Cnntorbury: J. Ho-orth, R. Howorth. F. Smith. J. H. Waynard (skip) 9. J. Beanland, J. torimer, P. Met.-on, J. Taylor (skip; 22 beat United: F. Kliis, 1«. Young, H. Lnscington, W. Jacques i.kip) 7. St. Albans: G. Calk-nder, J. B. Pickering, 7". W. Hobbs. W. .7. Le Cren (skip) 23 l>eiit Lin wood: A. Ellis, A. Partridge, 11. R. ,Wili.u.eoi:, John Snell (skip) 17. Second Itound. Ashburton (Lane) 3(! beat Canterbury (SoilJyrl 11. Snnnvide (Brackenridge) 18 beat Sydenham (Calvert) M. Sydenham (McGallan) 19 beat Edgeware (Chetwin) 17. Edgeware (Taylor) 21 beat St. Albans (Lo Cren) 9 Third Round. Afhburton (Hart) 19 beat Snnnvsido (BracUenridge) 14. Sydenham (McGallan) 15 beat Edgeware . (Taylor) 10. s„ Green Final. Sydenham (McGallan) 14 boat Ashburton (Lane) 1.5. Ashburton led off with a single, Sydenham leplyintr with a like number. Lane then by some pretty play got a 3. McGallan then spired 1, and Ashfrurton followed suit. Mc(Ja'lan took possession of tho green for 4 uurlcs. Ijano took credit for 2 do. Score, ' 7 to 6 in favonr of Lane. McGallan then succeeded in getting 6, and followed on with 2 singles. In tho 15th head tho bell rang, tut out of a mix-op Ashburton scored 6, •making the score 14 to 13 in favour of Sydenham. CITY MATCH. F<jr rfnks beaten in first round of Provincial Match. s First Round. United (Jaques) 15 beat Linwood (Snell) 14, Canterbury (Maynard) IS beat Christchurch (Torrance) 15. . Edgeware (West) 15 boat United (J. Brown) K. United (Fraser) a bye. * Second Round. T-xlqewarc (West) 18 boat United (Fraser) 16. ' Canterbury (Maynard) 26 beat United (Jaqueo) 4. Green Final. 1 Canterbury (Maynard) 20 beat Edgeware '(West) 18. , West went away with a strong- lead, acorinst Bon the first 3 heads. Maynard scored a 2 and 1, and West put on another 2. Maynard got busy, and in four heads scored'lo, making the score 13 to 10 on the 10th head. Wc«t then put on 3, -which made tho score 3.1 all. Another 3 went to Edgeware, then Maynard a couple of two's and a3. West not » o"on the last-head, leaving Canterbury the green winner 20 to 18. , r SUBURBAN MATCH. 'For teams beaten in City Match. First Round. Sydenham (Calvert) li beat United (Brown) , Christchurch (Torrance) 22 beat Edgeware '(Chetwin) 11. " - Linwood (Snell) 15 beat St. Albans (Le -Cren) 14. i. Christchurch (Spillor) a bye. Second Round.' ." Canterbury (Spiller) 24 beat Sydenham (Calvert) C. ' , Christchurch (Torrance) 24 beat Linwood (Snell) 16. Spiller and Torrance play off for green final. CONSOLATION MATCH. - "far rinks beaten in'previous matches. t - • First Round.' United (Fraser) a bye. " United (Brown). 2-1 boat Sunnyside (Brack- -_ '(nridge) 20. Edgeware (Chetwin) 23 boat EdgewaTe (J. ' -Tav'or) 22. , ' St. Albans (Le Cren) 19 beat United ' (Jaques) in, Fraser meet* Brown. Cfwtw'n meets Le Cren. \ Winners play off for green final. I ' f PROVINCIAL MATCH. I v . Opaw'a Green. ,"• First Round. Christchurch: <>. C. Smith, "W. Banting. Dt. Pairuuuj, Dr. Sandstein (skip) 16 beat lin-ood: J. G. Radford, E. S. Jones, R. J. VThvle, .1. G. Dawson 10. • - Rangiora: F. Sharp, C. I. Jennings, S. A. ' "ffebber. 11. C. Wilson (sldp) 28, beat Lm*/md: R. Howarth, H." Burson, A. Price, M. • 'J"«clitw (skip) 18. ' St:- Albans: .7. "N. Dv Fen. L. Laker,- E. C. Willis. A. H. Bourn (skip) 18 beat Sydenham: A. Allen, G. E. Good, J. Scott, A. S,T»iiffiths (skip) 11. , * Sj. Albans: N. A. Xeeloy, Dr. Hislop, D. i, E.CWood, W. Henloy (skip) 17 beat CtmterhwrE-: T. Hslliburton, B. J. Firmegan, R. . Bjrland, O, S. Whito (skip) 15. - E"<d(>nhani: G. PYitchard, .T. Be_ttie, .3". i'cnng, J. D. Tavlor (skip) 24 beat Sunny»Mf: Brandon, Harris, Solway, Rodgers -1&,lp) 4. •>Opa-a: W. Dilfort. T. Douds, B. Beat, C. lacss |skip\ 19 beat United: G. Rayner, W. J, Alpc. J. Mercer, A. Stark (ekip) 9. Chnstchorch: J. Caughley, H. C. Ridley, Atkinsoß. "W. Barnett (ekip) a bye. . " Opawa: W. Beanland, A. S. Bruce, Geo. •Collin*. John Clark (skip) W beat Syden- ■*-.: S. Duffv, W. Pettigrew, R. Hadfield, % JL East (skip) 12. \' Swond Round. Cbristehurch (Sandstein) 21 beat Rangiora (Wilson) 12. >(- Alb*n» (Bourn) 21 - beat St. Albans ■(3<T.ley) 9. Sydenham (Taylor) 29 lwat Opawa (Lucas) Opawa (.7. Clarke) 18 beat Christchurch ,(B«mett) 3 Third Round. -$t Albams (Bourn) 21 boat Christchurch »«Kkteia) IG. r (Taylor) 19 beat Opawa" (Clarke) ' --'• Green Final. 1 ~.*'• Albans (Bourn) 12 beat Svdenham (J. \ "■ TxyioT) 9, and won. « CITS' MATCH. , *«t raks beaten in first round of Provincial Match. , First Round. * J Lm-ood (De-son) 16 beat Linwood (Ker- • laiwi 12. Canterbury (White) 23 beat Svdenham , IGliffi-ihs) 10. Cwtprbury (Stsrk) 24 beat Simnyside Wgers) 15. Sydtnhain (Eaetl a bye. "' Second Round. • - Canterbury (White) 12 beat Linwood (DawT tfm 3. 1 icrW-il»r_ (East) 15 beat CanteTbttry ■(osaik) 13. ' "-.*" Green Final. .f_?- enham (E*sM 18 beat Canterb-ary Wirt*' 13, and won. A"' \ _ SUBURBAN MA_X3H. ' ?or teams beaten in City Match. *, First Round. ' Hwgsora (Wilson) 13 beat Linwood ("Ker- - Kuw) n. . .r 5 - - . Albans (Henley) 1_ beat Sydenhirn • Opaws (Lucae) l£"/r7e_t Sunnyside (Rogere) ■ ' . Chrijtchurcl, (Barnett) a bye. s 'r, Setond Round. •' "WJiglora (Wilson) 11 beat St. Albans I.Wewoyf 12, y'nrf**,* U.hcu*) lLt beat Christchnrch Wilson pl»ya Lucaa for gTecn final. j

CONSOLATION MATCH. For rinke beat-en in previous matches. Firet Bound. Chrietchuich (Sandstcin) 17 beat Linwood (Dawßon) 14. LinwooO (Kcrsbaw) X brat Svdenham (Griffiths) 7. Canterbury (Stark) 16 beat Sunnyside (Rogersi 12. Opawa (Clarke) » byo. Sandetein plays Kcrshaw. Stark plays Clark<\ Winners pluy off for green En:J. PROVINCIAL MATCH. Bdfjowarc Own. First Round. Afchburton: S. -Madden. H. P. Milsori. P. Cookson. A. Christie (skip) 10 beat Ranpiora . T. R. Cresswell. P. 11. Watkins, J. Anirus. W. Efford (skip) 11. St. Alhan.i: A. Taylor, H. Oaks?, H. Thompson. 11. J. Raphael H beat Christt-hurch : O. Smith, \V\ 11. Clark, E. E. Daniels, C. TV Hardio (skip) 10. Linwood: K. J. Good, E. C. Brown. -IBurgess. .1. W. Vclvin (skip) ii beat Canterburj-: Cull, Verc, Watson. Prouser (skip)'.!. .Edge ware- J. McCleav?, I{. Gilbert, W. Wallace, T. llarknr (skip) 17 beat Opawa: H. I'risk, H. Li<>htband, G. H. Denny. C. J. (skip) 13. Chriatchiirch : U. \V. Duvies, J. Newman. O. B. Wright, A. S. Ournev Jskipi is brnt Sydenham : K. Kitchens, W. Howison. T. Chapman, C. TayW (?kip) 14. Sydenham: G. KanJkner. .1. M M ; tchell. 11. 1\ Dobbs, "W. Dobbs (skip) 22 beat \Az\wood: W. Mathieson, T. llilson, C. J. Morrison, H. Killner (skip) 14. Canterbury: A. Loniseon, M. K. JSarnott, 11. H. Barlow, F. Barlow (skip) 13 teat Can. lerbtiTy: R. Hastie, H. Brinkman. D. Manson. E. Hoffman (skip) 15. Edgewaro: .1. Jowsey, G. Lucas C. W. Colville, J. D. Colville (skip) a bye. Second Round. Asbburton (Christie) 11 beat St Albany (Ruphuel) ». Linwood (Volviri) 13 • beat Kdseware (Marker) 0. Christrhureh (Gurney) 14 Hc<at Sydenham (Dobbs) 13. Canterbury (Barlow) 15 boat lideeware (Colville) 0." Third Rotitkl. Ashburton (Christie) 15 bent Linwood (Velvin) 13. Canterbury (Barlow) 20 beat Chrittchurch (Gnrney) 11. Final. CaTiterbuTr (F. Barlow) 20 beat A?hbttrton (A. Christie) 15. CITY MATCH. (For rinks beaten in first round of Provincial Match.) First Hound. Ranfriora (Efford) 11 beat Christchurch (H-ardie) 0. Opawa (Goldatone) 22 beat Canterbury (Prossor) 12. Sydenham (E. Taylor) 22 boat Linwocd (Killner) 18. Canterbury (Hoffman) a bye. Second Round. Kangiora, (Efford) 15 boat Opnvrn (Goldstone) 12. Canterbury (Hoffman) 18 brat Sydenham (C. Taylor) 15. Final. Canterbury (E. Hoffman) 18 beat Rangiora (Efford) 12. SUBURBAN MATCH. (For rinks beaten in second roirad of Provincial and first, round of City.) First Round. I St. Albana (Raphael) 15 beat Christchurch j(Hardie) G. i Edgeware (Marker) 12 beat Canterbury ! (Prossor) 11. I Sydenham (Dobbs) 12 beat Edgevvare (Colville) 11. Linwood. (Killner) a byo. Second Round. St. Albans (Raphael) 20 beat Kdgewaro (Marker) 10. Sydenham (Dobbs) 17 b«it Linwood (Killner) 14. • CONSOLATION MATCH. (For all rinks defeated in previous mutches.) First Round. Christchurch (Hardic) 20 beat Canterbury (Prosser) 6. Linwood (Velvin (21) beat Sydenham (C. Taylor) 6. Curistchurch (Gurney) 22 beat Edgeware (Colville) 12. Opawa (Goldstone) a bye LINWOOD GREEN. It is proposed to hold a Progressive Doubles Hatch on this green to-day, starting about 10 o'clock. Visiting bowlers will be welcomed. Entries for tho Progressive Doubles TournaI meat will be received at the Builders' Rooms, Gloucester street, between 7 and 8 o'clock tonight.

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Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14620, 22 March 1913, Page 13

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RASTER TOURNAMENT. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14620, 22 March 1913, Page 13

RASTER TOURNAMENT. Press, Volume XLIX, Issue 14620, 22 March 1913, Page 13