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AUCTION-*. AUCTIONS. h. n. MATSOJTI^Ca^^J — HAWARDEN SALETHURSDAY NEXT. nmrrv _ SPECIAL ENTRIES: TOWN AND SUBURBAN DEPARTMENT. AcMunt MR j K _ FORRESTER, Karaka, . , ~ * HnruEui, ■*,« a r\C\ FORWARD WETHERS TO those wishing to sell or acquire the *vi* k above, H. MATSON and CO. offer their A services. Thc department was commenced On account ffazs, at the especial request of our clientele, xD F . pj on _._i. Dis: Harrows, Broadcast and has proved a veritable godsend to many, Sower l{o ._ er> Cham Harrows, Tripod espocialW lWfn>» the country or from Sam^Setd other towns, mid not conversant mth cur- cj ea ner7 Harness T-m*ls. Wheel and rent values. Sack Borrow and Sundries*. II MATSON ami CO. hove a reputation Further Entries Solic ted. built 'iiv-'n sixty years' trading, and ai- 3na H. MATSON and CO. though somewhat.conservative in this branch, — wo ckn and do record a largo volume of HORSES. _u-**mr«s to both tho satisfaction of buyers i llrr, RACE HORSES. TROTTING STOCK. * r -* 1 s *' !crs " H.CE-HORSES. TROTTING STOCK. v . ow> TwVCE HORSES. TROTTING STOCK. If you have business iv this AUCTION SALE. PARTICULAR BRANCH, REMEMBER, DURING GRAND NATIONAL WEEK. H. MATSON and CO. will ? ivo your in- . client _ n. (,uiry or business solid attention, can MATSOX ftnd cO . wi _t had a SPEpinc© reliance und confidence in U-*. ClA_i SALE during Week, on „„„„... CALES THURSDAY, thc 15th AUGUST, HIGH-CLASS FLRMTL . .THURSDAY, tho 15th AUGUST. Vnaertaken, and put through with dispatcn THURSDAY, the 15th AUGUST, Highest values, quick returns, and the . _ • Commencing at 9 a.m. mum of charges. p-ROPFRTIfTVoR SALE. Tho following Special Entries will be eub- -' hu,ljMU _ " _ mitted:-*-PROPERTIES FO* S-LL. , ato WM. TONKS, Champion Pony Mare Joy - icarling Colt by Marvin Wilkes -——~—-~~ ' g ay -pjUy by wildmcore, dam Dolly li?.v Gelding Troubadour Bay Maro by Quincey, clam a Black Prince mare www iwiiri- i\irP<*TOKS Ono Pony Gig with rubber tyres WIDt-AWAKL INVLbTUI*.-. IVo o{ v tt Harl!ess WIDE-AWAKE INVESTORS. . } <lv _. n g Saddles WIDE-AWAKE INVESTORS. Hobb.cs, Clothing, Hugs, etc. On account of CHAS. THRELKELD, Esq., PAPANUI SNAP, 18 ACRES. 3 Imporlcd Suffolk Punch Stallions PAPANUI SNAP, 18 ACRES. * .__._ ™ TT -n*** v . n On account of LAURIE WILSON, .hsq., COMPLETE WITH RESIDENCE. : Ef dd l inslon ._, „. v - ..„„ COMPLETE Wl.xl RESIDENCE. The Imported Hackney Sta.hon Naffcrton Toreador, champion at Sydney, 1911 \-pesnTTTTH-T v *mtt«-t P.V «"OLD NOW. Threo-year-old Trotting Colt Huon Child ABSOLLTUA MUSI BL hUliU.\u«. A)go J consignment of prom-sing Young ■KraVER epin will you Ret a-chanco like Trotting Stock . xS this. this v ininuto ol your time On account oi J. \\. JOHASON, La***.., «d it will repay you one Imnd-edfold. Two Rothschild Colts , Papanui is the cleanest plcwantcst, most Qn o{ nAW KIXS, Duvauchellca hraltjifnl and economical p.ace -o li\o in. jj °Here acres magnificent Two young standard-bred Trotting Horses, l«nd. long frontage, for grass, clover, peas, broken. to load boons, wheat, fruit culture, nothing batter, _.._,_,-__ , ~ . ~7"T "-••• •_ r* *.a verandah, homo, modern, 7 rooms, o'.ables, ENTRIES for this Sa:e will bo Limited, cowbails, and outboures, etc., etc. £E0 an Acre or £1-110 the lot. First mort- On SATURDAY, the 17th, rage £1100, 4» years to run. Wo sell sub- On SATURDAY, thc 17th, jf-ci fo tbi's. ilniancc easy terms. On'SATURDAY, tho 17tb, A farm opposite this ww wld. for £100 an _ iU h,d th gALE . TATTERSALL'S ocre. Lmbraco tho chenoe to-day. faa nnd wiU bo ploaacd to cffsr M entries which the National Week may find • owners desirous of deposing of. H. MATSON and CO. So as not to interfere with the sport during the ■we**k, this Sale will start at 9 o'clock on Saturday Morning without delay. _ On MONDAY, tho 19th AUGUST, On MONDAY, tho lOth AUGUST, On MONDAY, tho 19th AUGUST, a BUNGALOWS FOR SALE. . 4 J*™* *"** ~ A SPECIAL SALE : A SPECIAL SALE ,' A SPECIAL; SALE ALSO ONE UNIQUE RESIDENCE. Of . THOROUGHBREDS and BLOOD «TOCK, THOROUGHBREDS and BLOOD STOCK, THOROUGHBREDS and BLOOD STOCK, iW B L^nlMr^„ a »K'S walledT - EACFi HORSES,'HUNTERS, and Buffering tlio toraonfa of fog, smoke, miasma, . . BACK HORSES, HUNTERS, and snd insanitary conditions, and the beautiful KACI - HORSES, HL.-T.cRS, and open country of Ctiflon, where ho may have TROTTING STOCK, plenty of fresh air -nnd sunshine? Inac- TROTTING STOCK, cerJsihility of this rer-ort was once the answer, TROTTING STOCK, bnt tlmt problem hit-- boen solved. To-day ~,■„-, , , . „. . , you board an electric enr 20 minutes And shall be glad to receive Entries for any you are in. closer communication with nature of the above." and able to lead a freer and moTo natural ' — , life. All entries must bo in writing and adTheiffl is boatir.*?, fishbif., f-olf links, shcot- dress, iTig, privacy, end lovely atmosphere, worm in H-. MATSON and CO., tbo win tor. cool ia tho summer. Chrlstohuich PRICES— 3173 (Proprietors "of Tattersall's). - Bungalows, massively built 5 rooms with J- _ ' ; -' [ aero, £G3O. —~ — ■■ — * * Gentleman's finer residenco no- GOULD, BEAUMONT AND CO. where, to ho found, with motor shod ; ■ ; ■with J of nn acre—« fortune sunk in the •pericc'Ang cf it—priro £1500. ./*-<C-ULD, BEAUMONT AND CO., Everythinp conducive to comfort and con- v^ FINANCE AND STOCK AGENTS, genial homo life. Come and look at them. HEajSFOKD s . rRE ET. ' 11. M.VTSON and CO. Established 1857. : s ' [ ' MORTGAGES. We have VARIOUS SUMS for 'i.-f- - on FIRST MORTGAGE WEST END RESIDENCE. SECURITIES at IiATES. ' Tir-iV*. TTTn'o city We undertake the management of TRUST, BONA FIDE. SALi.. ABSENTEE and FBIVATE ESTATES, and __. • 7" , ~ ». , • the Collection of Rent and Inteieat, U LARGE ROOMS and nil ofhecs, lavatories, bathrooms, balconies, etc., fine —— ■ big rooms, beautifully decora'.-ed throughout. " „ . _ Valuable corner eection, northern aspect Ju-i-lJ CAiMlMtliUlrjl. The Finest Situation in tho "West End and • only three, tnhmW walk from the G.P.O. , A GOOD CROPPING FARM. The prico asked is noi escessive, tho owner being anxious to realise. , THREE MILES FROM RAILWAY. For further particulars see us. , QQA ACRES of first-class land, capable I OOVJ ■ al growing up to'4Q buahe's i«heat H. MATSON and CO. pe r acre . -\Voll fenced into 14 paddocus. Homestead comprises pood 5-roomed dwelling, 6-stalled stable, etc PRICE £18 PER ACRE. STJCH AN OPPORTUNITY. EASY TERMS CAN~BE ARRANGED. TO'THOSE TO BUILD. »■ . GOULD ' BEAUMONT, and CO. OWNER'S INSTRUCTIONS ARE TO '. ~ _ SELL. A GOOD SHEEP PitOPERTY. WE have for sale in ono of tho £1000 CAPITAL REQUIRED. £1000 finost streets in Merivale two Lovely Sections, each over \-acte, high and dry, -MrYfl &CRES part L.1.P., and part facing north and partly fenced. lIUU FREEHOLD in 'r.s of the best Situation juat eff Papanui road. dibtricts .of . North Canterbu-7. Twelve miles from railway. PRICE £300, THE TWO CHEAPEST SEC- WihWa 1200 SHEEP, and is safe lambing TIONS ON THE MARKET. C T portion of «he «and 'has been broken up, and sown in.Enaiish grasses, and further intl-ro*»emeni in this respect can be 11. MATSON and CO. wi\h odvnuia*-*- cauricd out. The BUILDINGS omprise a 4-room dwellin - .' and stables. .- The ov/ner who has acquired a larger property, is desiriu** of maVinsr-a ready sale, and' to obtjtin this has ouofed a m**st XJOf\C\f\ reasonable figure. Ho reouires only £1000 dWjiUUU raid dawn, and will leavo the balance of __ th*< purchase money at 5 per cept INCLUDING ELABORATE FUR- F « fur,her r»rticalars upplv NISHINGS. Fol. 31. GOULD, BEAUMONT and CO. BUNGALOW BUYERS. '■ . .■ - ' ■*. ■ -. THOSE IN SEARCH OF A SHIP-SHAWS CONWAY MATSON AND SONS. BUNGALOW OF THE LATEST : DESIGN. TTEAVY LAND'FOR SHEEP COUNTRY H AND CROPPING LAND. We OFFER and GUARANTEE this proposition to be the most unique and artistic THREE OPPORTUNITIES. Residence wo have ever di opped on. Just built and designed by tho highest OWNERS TAKE HEAVY LAND AS authority on Houso Architecture in New PAYMENT. .Zealand. * ____* /uapttttTt a»<-* (1) OAMARU DTSTRICT-260 Acres friable "limiii nwTr*-nw<! it,--.-, undulating land. House t rooms and stabling, CHAKaLNG HOMr. Ot 8 MOMS th« , , township railway station, school bathrooms, acetylene gas and fittings, hot ; it t-nn acceoted and. cold services, panelled all tbraugb, ; "SSSpi "£. _ t cr T cr c Chean Fol 348 B3 built-in mirrors, wardrobes and book- I PRICE £10 per acre. Cheap. J-01. 346 B3 .Svr a and b ltue, a, tilid -I* N> TEMPLETON- DISTRIUT-140 Odd nishings except personal effects. Highest Acres good cropping and sheep fattening grade cood* ■ land, Houte 5 rooms and buildings. LAND COMPRISES 1 ACRE, most beauti- PRICE. £23 Ss per acre. Fol. 322 B3 futly laid out with tennis court, bowling green, croquet green, splendid kitchen * <3) COURTENAY DISTRICT—2SO Acres, garden and flower garden and orchard. grows'7o bushes oats, sp'endid sheep fatten--DISTRICT IS FENDALTON. ing land, well fenced end-watered, House 6 PHOTO IN OFFICE. rooms, extens-ve stabling and sheds, . nice home, "Quite handy to statioi, school, p. 0., Come and sco us, and after a chat and etc. Terms arranged. . inspection you -will admit that here is a PRICE £18 per acre. Fol. 563 B3 homo WOR'lli £3000 for £2000, lock, stock CONWAY MATSON and SONS, and barrel. . '". 18i Cashel street (next Union S.S. Co.) C 7749-1 H. M.VTSON and CO. _--— -^-^-^^— - lil*Z± THE FARMERS' SALEYARDS. ', : ' BECORD PRICES. THE FARMERS' SALEYARDS report tho following prices at last Saturday's RUGBY STREET. MERIT ALE. Sale — RUGBY* STREET, MERIVALE. Table Chickens (medium), 5s to 8s 2d per ■ pair. BUNGALOW RESIDENCE Hens, 3s 7d to 4s 8d per pair. ■ Ducks, 7s to 7s 6d per pair. FOR -C 1 OZ.(\ Turkeys -.hens), to 13s 6d per pair. V 3*Xm.O\J Also a very. succcss;**ul clearing eale on \ account of Mr" Bannehr, whoso pullets EIGHT Rooms] aewer, every .conceivable realised from 8s $* * I* 6 ? P« PW £"£ coavemeaco snd ill offices, lattieo windows. (White Rock s and Whtto Leghorns), from 6s large verandah, Vautiful high section, 6d to 8s Cd per pa:r. ■p r .k.\t„ wT,iu •aspTmlt paths j»w/is, and flower gardens. . Now is the time to sell your Poultry while - [J. prices aro boomiug. If you havo Poultry to GEEAT VALU_P FOR THE MONEY sell write us ior crat«t Crates lent free, •1 and cent to, any address. I SANDS, O'CALLAGHAN and CO., V, . -«v an Auctioneer*. , EC. iIATSON and CO.

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Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14408, 16 July 1912, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14408, 16 July 1912, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14408, 16 July 1912, Page 12