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_ There was a good attendance of l.ue Heathcote Literary and Debating Society on Tuesday night over which Mr W. Gimblett (vice-president) presided. Messrs Stout and Laing ga-.*o Jecturettes illustrated with lantern slides.

Tho monthly mooting of the St. -Albans Ladies' Guild was held in tho faccial Hall on Monday afternoon, when Mrs Wells gave an instructive talk <n subjects of interest to women, among theso mentioned being tho supervision of school play-grouuds, and tho tobacco habit. Tho following resolution was passed:—''That tho attention of the City Council be diroctecTto the inadequate heating arrangements m many of the business establishments and places of entertainment in Christchurch during tho winter months, and that they bo requested. to toko steps to provide for moro suitable conditions."

Tho scarcity of labour in the country districts was the- subject of a iaxt remarks by a Cheviot farmer yesterday. Ho said thnt there were thousands of pounds worth of work to Lo done, but it was simply being left undone because men could not be got to do it. The class of work offering was general farm work, fencing, crutchinc;, and a competent man could make good wages at it. The difficulty was to get in on away from the city, which seem-ij to havo overpowering attractions for them. There wero some country districts which could find work for ha:f-a-dozon labouring men all tho year round", but as the men wero not available tho work was not put in hand, and the farmer rubbed along as best hs could.

The Mayor is asking tin; employers of tho city to co-operate with the City Council in finding work for a number of niou who aro out of employment. Speaking to a reporter yesterday, ho said that while he did not wish to he an alarmist there was a good deal of unemployment in the city, and employers who had a few days' work vo be done could assist materially. Tho men who needed work wero mostly unskilled labourers, but there, wero a fair number of skilled men, such as engineers, out of work. He had recommended one man, a recent arrival from the Old Country, to go to Lake Coleridge, but the man declined to %o, as ho wanted to net to town twice a week, and would eventually have to g«> to Wellington in July to meet his wife. Tho M-ayor suggested to him that ue should go to Lake Coleridge for a few weeks, and forego tho two weekly trii« to tho city. There was a disinclination, on tiio part of married men particularly, to go to work in tho country.

lhe Mayor has received the follow- ' ing donations towards the Coal and Blanket Fund;—M. B. £1, H4\- *$ 7 2s, T.CE. £1. . " : a.\.-^. The Mayor will b 0 in attendance ai; the City Council Chambers from 11 to" 11.45 a.m. to-day, instead of at tha> - usual hour.

A party of seven Runs pot nintty-on* rabbits and four hares in th 0 course of about thrco hours' shooting at Rakaia yesterday. All the animals were in excellent condition, and probably each ol the rabbits was quite as heavy as au average hare. .

A 1 ress Assoriation telegram from Timarn states that the local Borouch Council is. not quite v happy family A by-election beiiiß required" for tw.i seats, a is beinji di-cussod that the Council should Sα ami nee); re-election. The DcputvJluyor (..Mr Scaley) favours this course.

Tho lortnightly meeting of the Chnstchurch Kindergarten .Assoeintion was held last evening in Messrs Haker Bros room.-. Manchester street Mr J. Cnuhloy oieupi d tbechair. Th.v subject tor the evening was, •* Tho inner meaning of Fairy Stories," by Mrs New-all, of Lyttelton. There W« a very trood attendance, nnii at th- , ' conclusion of her rem.'irks the speaker' was accorded a vot*> of thanks.

The National Pencf>ntul anti-Mili-tarist Council, in view of General Sir H. S. S. Bndon-Powelj's utterances at Sydney on the Yellow lYril. wrote to the Prime Minister n.skins him to> prevent the repetition of tho shitomeatsv in Now Zcalaiul. hut received n to tho effect that tho OovprnnjenV' could not intorfere in the matter

A correction of the. award in the inozzo soprano solo class nt the recent competitions has boon wado. Wlwa tho marks awarded wore checked it was fonnd that Jliss SI. Gedye, of Christchurch, had tied with Miss ft. CaiT, of I>unGdin, for second place, 'nstead of filling third place.

A meeting of Mr G. K. GoocTs tramway election committee was hold on Wednesday night in tho public library, Sydenham, Mr J. T. Boyco in tht* chair. There* was « good attendants and very favourable repo ts were forth : coming in regard to promised Minport of tho candidate, and work ilono by th > committee since tho last meeting. Mr Good addressed tho meeting on his proposed policy, and arrangements woio made for public meetings.

Mr A. Williams has decided to fall in with the views of a largo number of doctors, and to submit himself as a candidate for tho right of represent* ir.g the central sub-district :it tho forthcoming Tramway Board election. Mr Williams has had sjx years' wnic* on the City Council, is a inombrr of tho Board of Governors of the Christ-" church Technical Collego, was tho first president of the St. Albans Burgosscs , ' Association, and hn« also been chairman of tho St. Albans School Coaimitteo'.

A meeting, of tho member* of' the Canterbury .Non-commissioned.- , Ofli--cers' Club, was hold in tho Club room . last evening, to celebrate the ro-or-canisation of tho Club. SergcnntMajor Hopkins presided over a largiv attendance of members, and Licut.Colonel the Hon. G. J. Smith, addressed them on tho functions of tho Club, and wished them ' all success. Next week the Club nur«oscM holding a ladies''evening, with tho view of potting assistance in a bazaar which it iH proposed to hold in tlu> .spring, in aid of the'funda of tho Club.

In course of conversation with n, Pressman at Auckland yesterday. tbo , Hon. W. D. S. Macdonald, Minister of Public Worke, in referring to tho progress of tho Governments hydroelectric schemes, said that the Lnko Coleridge scheme whs boinn i>uehed on with nil despatch, and that tenders were now being considered for » good . deal of appliances and machinery ia ,; connection with it- "As far en Auck? fij land iA concoriied." rrmarkvd Mr Mac- . donald, "I think wo shall probably.. • como nearer te tho city than Waikaro* . ,v moana for our source of energy, although I cannot my anything definite until all our data has been collected. A maa, who is alleged to iinvo-com-mitted several daylight burftltirivs, wns arrested yesterday ami will tw brought before tho Court .this morning. It is alleged that on Friday ct last week, he ontered the hous« of Mrs', , Tompkins, in. Office road, and sto I ** ■ " therefrom a quantity of jewellery. His-, . next visit wns to «. house in IlugbyV - street, occupied by Mrs Parsonson, -n-.. Tuesday. Yesterday ho broko arm- , ; ontered the house of Mrs Bottrell, ii;" . Brown's road, and stole two £5 'notes.;; Hβ was observed to iearo the h&y '■. mentioned placo, which fact led to hisarrest.

Tho Cambridge Terrace Primitive Methodist Church anniversary was - concluded on Wednesday night by a eocial, which >va« Inrpply attended! The Mayor (Mr H. Holland) luesidwt,., . supported by Mr W. T. Lill. vj«r president of the Conference. Tho report read by Mr Chaplin, secretary, showed that the various agencies ut tho church had been well maintained throughout tho year. The total income, including Edgewnro road branch Church, amounted to £651 13s. Hi* programme consisted of musical cml elocutionary items, nlso addressee ny the Rev. C. X Ward and Mr C. )I. Earwakor. Tho Roy. S. Henderson . thanked all who had. helped to jw»ko tho anniversary eucli jv euccees. Supper was served by the ladies.

A tolejjram from Auckland vrcw re-., coived Kcmo dnya ago stating that the--gnng of skilful Bflfe-lirenkers and sewn* >■. tilic burciara recently there;, was to visit Chrjetehurch. The powe • authorities hero denied knouledgo oktho suggested invasion. J3ut. ncverUiP- •' less, we have at least ono in our midst. Only ho is a person mfi"very hnmblo aims—the suits ho at-tacke-aro not tlie strous-rooms of cOfflv mercial houses, but tho il m-y affairt c*' wood nnd iron gauze in which tho »a~ , jority of houteboWs store tl.cir raw* For about a week past he h.T- operated in tho north-west part of th« city and aa St. Albans. a.r.<l 1»«b robhtd a number « - houses. He is not very poiticular, a»o. failing foodttuifs, is not abov« hteaung • clothing from the lines. Tho policy warn householders to leave little about their backyards until such timo as tney have him safely under lock aii'l key.

Tho science of aviation is beiro; studied hy a young man named JN. ■ Jonassen, residing in ChiisrcnurcJi. Yesterday ho was introduced to tnr> Hon. G. \V. IlusseU by Dr. lhack«r, and the suggestion was advanced tiiatLho Govwnmoat might give wu« a-~ ' fiistanco to him, to enable him to c*>ntinuo his studies and .experiment*./*' .Russell replied that while he wished no , could givo 'Mr Jonassen tho • and imeouraecnicnt he sought, lie wa-. afraid that ho was unable to <io.&>. • j They wero *U interested in aviation, ) hut tho Government could net assist - - in matters of this sort. .Iho Govern- , mont might equally bo asked to as*u* experimenters with ploughs, cream - separators, flaxmill machines or an) invention of that sort Aviation was , a science that must bo loft to «*«*£ . itself. If proposals wore brought or-., foro tho Governiuent thai 'lomonstratwl that tho machine rould a very groat improvement in <" l(,n^ i , work, a subsidy might b.- givr» ]or inventor's monoplano oi- biplane »r tß*,British War Oifict could »h« < rmimau)-}.,.' cated with on the matter. I/'-luiig ?»;-- tho BUKg«Bti(m iron) an ordinary «-0»'--morcial point of view, h..- <-<)wld «w,. - hold out any hopu. 11« <'O»U «\»'y o^K 1 -. vise Mr Jonasscn <<> preduw his iP.- ,- nlianro to the- D-i-m- ' IVputmont. n.nd if the Department •^WW , , -- that it would bo of value t<3 tho bf'.' ' pire, it would be forwanlwl by tho w-.y -, parfmont inspection. Dr. lliacker.-- • romarked thnt Mr .lonawcn's macbJßQ. . was designed for defence-purposes* /4 . .

No tenders wero received by the j Tramway Board for tho construction io'rk oi' (,1 ° Pnpanui es--ension. and 1-Vndnlton extension lines. Tho tenders closed last night. Tho monitors of tho Harbour Improvement Committee- of tho Lyttelton Harbour Bonrd wiil meet at Lyttelton ? this niorir'ir<, mid will afterwards in--5 Canterbury. \% a his'so .irid dray belonging to ■ Messrs Wood Bros., flourmillers, wns bfiiig driven v> town yesterday morning, ■thectfsfclo wheel of the dray got jammed in the trait'linf on Oxford terrace, n. t he'bend m-:tr St. Michael's Church. As a result the wh«vl was wrenched off. ami tlnj contents of the dray—flnur and ~r r)m pitch'xl on \o tlio roadway. "I hnve found no evidence to differ s o ouch as that of doctors," >-.i."d Mr ;f W. Bish«>J>. H.M., during tho hear<rig of a CnFO i" tho civil division of the Ma'nstrate's Court yesterday morning. -Kmiucntly." lio KJiitiniied, "I have j uo doctors o:i one side and two on the other side take precisely different views, «r.d it nauiraily makes mo vender what their evidence is worth. A jocular reference to the Canterbury J representation ai tlio Local Govorniiiont Coai'eronco was mndo yretcrday by th<> JJon. 0. W. ltusse-11. lie said that ho rvgrrttrd that owing to a wickwl cofflbinnticn on the part of thecountry ptcp!<' t!: , * municipality ot Christdmrcli was prevented from sending a to tlio Conference. Tin's, ho'claimed, v>as not duo to any il<i(-t:i ii the system of • representation, | liut to the fact, t!io country people. i ior oiico the city men. j Mr 0. S''fnt. one of tho deputation from tho F.inii' rs' Union to tho Hon. G. LjiirciK.'ii, yostordiiy, complained that thi.'rc w;t.-> ;i scarcity of men in tho Dominion at present in the fariri.'ii iru!:i iry. If tho farmers could ; only Lsinv; into Canterbury 300 plough- i men, thos:d rn<n could nil got (jqod work '■ at c oof l wn.'V'N- It wns a distinct loss ; to tho Durr.inion through tho inability ; of tho fnnincr.s to fjet. KulDoient labour. ! "Briri.u; us out more men to assist us : in our fanninp.' , wns his requcßt to tho ' Minister, who «,aid lie would make enquiries into tho matter." Tho befuitifiil Provincial CouiicilHall has bee.i rut to a jiow uso since tho | JJon. G. W. Hussoll became a member j of tho Executive, tho Minister. receiv- j ing dopntations tlwre. Yesterday attcrBOon.Dr. Tlmrlcor renin rkod that Mr Busscll v.-,i.i io bt> oon«;ratulatecl on the innovation. Jb uas mor.t unlortunnto j that it had., to bo nnnounced to tho i Dominion thnfc Ministers visi'tint; i Christchurch had to receive tions in hotels. Mr Fassoll had initiated a new dopnrtur.}, and -tho stop ho had takrji should meet with tho approvnl of all those who had -occasion to-recofc him. 4 burly iiiflividiifi] pleaded guilty at tiiß Lyttelton i'olico Court vesterdny ! to a chargo of assaultinu Ufa -wito. I . ; 'Yes, I gave her a clout." he said glibly, "hut I hud had soiim liquor. Inm * sorry for it.' , 110- readily Jigrecd to tho ' ." sugijcitinn that he- should take out n' prohibition order against himftelf. "I i •; -don't ciiro about tho l>oer." ho said; "I can ih without it." 110 wns con- *; victed on thn chargo of nt-.snult and di?chared. Tlio Hondi siifrsi'stwl that tho wiffr ehnuld nlsn tnko out n prohibition order njwinst herself, but she firmly but politely declined to do so. At his recent inspection of Senior CMotfl..tho Oonoifil (jfljctT. CommanditiK (MajoKjcncral Godley), noticed that ••tlitj uniforms aro far too tight," states .; district-order by Colonel K. \V. C. Cli.aytor (Officer Commanding tin- Wel- - hngton District). This was especialiy with regard to tho "shorts/ In fact, states tho order, "in the- caso ot sorrio of tho older cadets Ilieir apl>:araflco was almost ludicrous." Ofii'■ors commanding cadet oompanies arot X to return to store any uniform which ( apj)©irs to be too small, and to oraw \ r*. mucn Jarcer sizes in lien. In cruse theso v h7ay_not bo m storo, it would bo better jorthoendet io remain for the timo Uemg without xtniform, than to wear a kit which may appear ludicrous, nnd tnuv bring discredit on tho company • <"oneerncd." * J

Wy interesting aro some of tho (cmmpjitH inscribed by visitors in tho -register nfc tho local tourist bureau. Of course, such remarks r.s "lovely city/ 'Mautnul river, , 'etc., aro as common Almost i»s peas, and there is also a shower of prniso for tho public gardens, which, m tho opinion of a loyal Syd- ! noyito, aro "pretty mul nest "to Syd- j Bey," whilo a -Molbonrnian thinks them nearly a* nico as the Melbourne." A ' ianico girl, possibly with pleasant rerallcctions, votes this - city as having mco boys, ' and a Londoner, with nil j ntio chivalry, recompenses tho fair sex by stating that Christchurch "is noted . ior its fine girls." A Pictonito, over \ roariy to advance* tho interests of his township,• considers Christchurch wonltl ; oo a -n:co pine*-for a holiday if it eouM', °* n i- V i. r, ' :ichocl " v tr ain from Picton." i ■an l.nqiish married couplo pay this . ntv tho compliment of ■ Baying", it is " the next best place to Home,*" and Aus-' 'Mhan visitors remark on tho bmirt'fiil ; pnvftto gardens, and tho "delightful ; , water to drink." At a meeting of tho Beard of Mon- . «omont of tho Warignmii V.M.C.A. ■ '"« aigat,- tho aesoEeor (Mr Clere, of' ! «cllinß-on) appointed to judge tho romputiiiTp designs., for tho new build- I ' prm-utod h;s award ami report., i ■i up competition was the first of ita. Jv.»d o&ndnci«l under tho auspices ot' •bo. Architects' Association, and was [ "muicnt.y niecessiul, no fewer than •»enty-SOTeii designs being entered. rf M ? firsi P' ,aco to lhe doe-SW iiJl •■' W.'soinan, of Auckland, sub- [ &• demonstrated that tho S?? 8 •! m,l<i , be crcctctl witWn tho lonfi™^ , ?« spending to speeches approciativo of h« work in connection . . wth tho competition, -Mr Clere said irfhi" P<it! l lou was of importance to t f thr<l "^ lf! "fc tho Dominion of oomnr.f °" il eofc a standard 4nal nf len u-^ n tho P art « l™ f <*- lllth «rto eorupetitiotus too 1 S- X T most uneatie- ■ ok 1' • f "*-,* Particular case in ■ • ?hI ■'» ~ . a stan° ed the competitions for • SS.°"V i 0 1 tlio Board of Manor the Wanganni Y.M.CA. Mfl soonn tftfl Govorntnont how such competitions ought t o bo conducted. A mattoi of .some importance to tho i.Ußiug proiession was brought under ' tec noncu ot tho Hon. G. Ay. Kussoll jestorday by Dr. Thacker, who asked : l " rsCs . tti !° llild bceu twined in Private surgical and mwLcal or nntera.ty homes eit.iulrl be allowed to eit for wt.licato examinations at tho hospi- • m£» Jv - *ud that if ttw n* * ,Prvcd tll!co or io,lr years in •aose Tinvato institutions thov wore qualified nnrsos, and "it was \ 5f )l!s that in orcJt ' r sit for their -, . «rtificau»s tlioy should havo to start l&m m thf nubl.c hospitals as pro- : Mooncrr. Ho j u ul known of s irl» who «<i had to wait lor as as two jwrs fcernro being taken on as probaJjOOrrs. _'l'.uTr> was a demand for "{•<> s<»n ires or rcrtiticat<xl nurses, and' t..r-re was n dcnrtii of nurses. It might ' i C S. t "° ''Is * 'f nursfs from the private : jnsotct.on, t.wk tlicir final six or ' welje niontJ-s :u tho hospital. Tho •Hlßistfr «. :i ;d that tho matter was ft "Wit important one, which should be ■ wnMdercd in its broadest aspect. Ho Prcpanv| xo regard very svmpathotij a »y any t>r<;i*>Mil' which would result U , an mrroa<.«> ot tho number of trained e'WJoral i,iiM>-. and maternity nurees, J'artictiljriy tor the back-blocks dis- ' v" C '' . t ' ll ' training given in the prii"' e nuri-'m , ; bomos and maternity norn« n; ls and satisfactory, « bft ,a '■!•; oriniim arrangements should ■Oβ m-,j p t0 ,, lia i.] o tii C . HO nurses to go - -,?;P r W! ?™''n-'ition. He would give the ■ S i '"■" °- ~rofu! consideration, and I :, - Jf° *oothcr nnvthint; could be done in j .... '«*Oirection ludicatcd. j Jt£L -

I In reference to a cablo of recent ; date concerning certain alleged defalcations by an official of the Papuan. Rubber Company, whoso head oince is in oydney, there is, we are informed, no connection between this company and nnother Papuan Company with a "somewhat similar name, whose headquarters are in Christchurch. Tho Maori was delayed at Lyttelton , Tor a n hour vast evening waiting for I the -Minister of .Marino, who was Leiiv ■ entertained at a banquet. Tho Maori : got- away at 9.30 p.m., and it was j expected that she would reach Weliingj ton at her ordinary time tJiiG morning, J tnough thoro appeared to 1«> a probability of her lucetiiif: a thick fog on tho coaet. Our "Wellington eorrcspcnrlcnt tele-" .graphs thru it has been decided to vest tho foreeboro at -Vow Urujhcon in tho | Co/po.-aV.on of tbo Borough. Tho ' Boroiijjh Council his agreed with i Charles Havclcck A car that upon the [ said land bcinp; vested in it," it -will grant him v renewal for a period of seven years of the liccnsa for tho site ou which tho Xo-.v Brighten pior stands. Tho near approach of th c holiday on Monday, with its attendant festivities, creates tho necessity for new wearables. It may be a now costume, coat, hat, n'-t'kpico:?, or somn other useful adjunct to the toilette. The extraordinary ex- j lubiiion pi ready-to-wear goods at'Gra- j h:ir:i, WiUin and Smellie's store at the prfs-cnt time is deserving of more than ! ordinary attention, and wo would a visit i;e early as convenient. C Ladies who make a careful study of Rood dressing know that the first" essential to success in this matter is the ' periect corseting of tho figure. No I matter how artistic in colouring, nor how beautiful in design, a frock may be, without good lines tho effect Lj completely wasted, and for the correct lines we must look to the corset. In this connection, Christchurch ladies are fortunate. in having tho direct representative and export cor.soticre from one of the world'e most fninoits manufacturers, in attendance nt W. Strange and Co.'s showrooms for a short period. Mndamo Porter, exponent of tho Royal Worcester Corset, famous throughout America and Europe, for comfort, appearance, and splendid wearing qualitice, will bo pleased to udviso ladies as to the corset most suitable for their individual figure. A complete range of Roynl A\ orcoster Corsets have juut been landed by W. Strange and "Co., Ltd., and tho selection includes makes suitable for every typo of figure. Madamo Porter may bo soon for fittings or advice daily, from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. until "Wednesday, June sth. Consultations frco to all interested in elegant, healthful, and fashionable corseting;. 6 Our prompt and rcliablo methods always imprese people favourably, whether they employ us for moving furniture, passing entries, forwarding parcels, checking baggage. What can wo do for you? Be sure that whatever it is, -wo will do it well. The New Zealand Express Company, Ltd. 6 Messrs Williamson and Harrington's drapery stock having toen secured by Messrs T- Armstrong and Co.. Ltd. Tho .successful tenderers issuo with this morning's "Press" an interesting schedule? setting forth tho JJargains uv.iilab'o at tho Disposal Sale* commencing to-day. Haing secured at about half cost, Messrs Armstrong are enabled to well maintain their reputation as bargain givers. We suggest an early call to-day. ' o

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Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14369, 31 May 1912, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14369, 31 May 1912, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14369, 31 May 1912, Page 6