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« « The auction announcements of W. E. Simos and Co., Conwny Matson and Sens. P. S. Nicholls and Co., Pyno and Co.. WiUiams and Kettle, Devereux, and Co.. Harris' Bros., Tonks, JCorton and Co., national Mortgage and .Agency Company, Charles Clnrk, and Farmers' Saleynrds Company vill b<? found on page lo of this issue. Mr .J. fl. Walker "wa-s ye-stcrday elected chairman of the Otajjo Harbour Board. Ho defeated his opponent, -Mr \Y. Belcher (last roars cJiairman), by ono voteIn tho twelve months ended March, 250 building permits were issued in the borough of Timaru. Thr> ostimotod I value of the work totals .C1C6.033. Tho j "list includes 14-3 now houses, fa'vo stores, three shops, and four ofiicr.'s. [ Tho entries for tho Horticultural Sorifity's Flower and Fruit Shov.- in I tho Alexandra Hall to-day arc very I numerous, the fruit rjasse-s being Tory well filled by old, and .1 fair numlv.-v or new, t'xliibit-ors. '1 no plan adopted iby the Society this year of making classes for many kinds of pincie veg-> I tables has brrnight in many entries. mr n J the Hovrer classes Air W. Bayliss will > have- an unusually fine display ~i ) chrysanthemums. Mr G. \Y. Purser (L-;f?tonj. Mr \Y. H. and others s-ond a large number of exhibits, Trh:.'y the decorating classes (with the exception of tho decorated dinner-table class) compare very favourably with other years. Tho show will bo open to-day and to-morrow.

Constable Holland, of Cheviot, yesterday arrested two liurnham escapees at Tormore. and brought them to town last, evening. j An election of two councillors to fill j on the Xew Brighton Borough ; Council will be held on May 22m1. i Nominations close .at noon mi 3lay ititli. I A r.vx'tins; of the members of thej ! Summit Hoad Association will bo held !in tho Provincial Council Chamber* on j Friday next, to consider tlio advusnj bility of forming tbo Association into an i ! incorporatoi mo. xind also to consider i J general business. j j At Auckland, yesterday, ihomnr-l Ashi-ord. oniine-room storemnn on tho; stcarr.or Wakanui, Mas arrested on a I j charge of abjentinj: hitnsoif witluiut j . leavo from the ship. A sentence ot j i >even days' hard labour was impos<vl, | ! and accused was oixiored lo bo put i j abo;u<l tl.-» >hij> before it lott port. | j Tho Xativo Land Court concluded j its sitting at. Dannevirko yesterday. Tahoriti No. "2 iiloi'k. of -.ikJ ,• and 6000 ac:w. valued at £100.030. Mas j doali with, l> Mils; cut up into thirty divisions. Judge (tiifedder was eoniplimentrd by the counsel for Ins fxiiiditious handling of tlie matter. ! C. H. Minnian continued bis mis- ! «;ion last nipht in tlio Bcoiiish Society's Hall, his subject being "Creation and Ki'di'niy.tion. from Genesis i. and Isiinh sliii . 1 and 2: Tlie \i.h\o story was clearly and simply expoiind-xl. -Mr j Hinmaii will continue his mission toniciit, ami on Thursday and Sunday. Ti;o Hey. F. Rule a cent for the Prcsbvt.'iian .S-ocial Sf-rvice Association, Christchurch, conducte<l services in tlio I J'rc>bytcri:m Church, (Sernldine, on S, day, and spoke on tho aims and achievements of tho association. Special retiring collections were taken in aid or the orphanage fund, and a fairly large sum was raised. On Monday evening the roverernd gentleman addressed a public meet:'ii;j in tho church, when ho further dota..s of tho work undertaken by tho association. Th\» Minister for Education (the Hon. J. A. Tlannn) has been invited to attend thc opening of the Christchurch Competitions in the King's Theatre on Tuesday nest. Mr llanan informed a •"Press" reporter that l>? hoped to ro-j turn from tho South early next week, | and to tnako a short stay in Christchurch then to receive deputations. Ho would bo very pleased indeed if ho could arrange to be present, as ho was cutirelv in sympathy with tlie excellent work tho Competitions Societies in the Dominion were doing. A deputation of representative Linwood citizens waited upon Councillor Edward Smith yesterday, and presented him with a requisition, numerously signed by ratepayers irom all parts ot tl>> ward, asking him to allow himsclt to bo nominated for tho representation of Limvood on the Christchurch Tramway Board. Councillor Smith said ho would gladly accede to the request, and if elected he would do all in his.powor to seeuro tlio success of tho tramway system, and to carefully watch, in particular, tho interests of tho Limvood people. Our Peel Forest correspondent writes: —"A week before tho closing of the fishing fcf-nson, Mr Thomas Fraser, Peel Forest, fishing in thc Upper Rangitata, was lucky enough to land a magnificent lSlb trout. The fish was in splendid condition, fresh run from tho sea, and was caught in the river behind the village at Peel Forest, about 25 miles from the sea. Mr.Fraser -was using a small soleskiu minnow find a very fine trace at the time, so great skill and patience had to be exercised beforo this splendid , fish was safely landed. The biggest fish taken in the in tho no'ghbourhood before this was about 71b." Tho Musical and Elocutionary Competitions commencing ou'Tuesday next will bo tho largest yet held by the Christchurch Society. The entries number over 1000, and it has been found necessary to engago l tho Alexandra Hall, to enable tho work to be ooin■olcted in a reasonable time. Tlio number of entries outside tho Canterbury district are:-—Auckland 41, Wellington 39, Otaki 10, Greymouth 6. Hokitika 3, Dunedin 109, and lnvercargill *2G, W;>ikato, Waihi, Picton, Blenheim, Gore, Palmersfcon, Huntervilb, and Pahiatua being also represented. Competitions havo been arranged for orations, recitations, piano, violin, banjo, and mandolin solos, impromptu speeches and donates, vocal solos, duets, and quartets, also a choral contest. Tho,competitors will all be heard at tho day sessions, and the throe best recalled to appear in tlie evening. The choir contest and the final demonstration will be held in tho Theatre Royal. Tho barracking evil was referred to by delegates at last night's meeting of tho Canterbury Rugby Union, it being mentioned that the latest act was the blowing of whistles, which confused the players, and in one case, in tho Albien-Mcrivale Senior Match on Saturday, allowed a Mcrivalo player to score a try. Tho chairman (Mr G. H. Mason) said that if an offending person o.- two wore reported to the Lancaster Park Board of Control, and they wore not allowed to go on tho ground again, it would act as a wholesome deterrent. With regard to thc barracking evil generally, especially on tho Xoirth Park, various speakers urged that officials with badges be appointed to keep the -jrowd off the grounds and keep order. Tho Chairman aurised the delegates to refer the matter to their respective clubs, and the oiubs forward en to the Managing Committee, the names of those willing to act, and the committee could then give them badges of authority. In conversation with a "Press" reporter yesterday, Mr H. J. ilnrriner, Mayor of Sunnier, eaid the Sumner bath-house had been opened by the Hon. G. Laurcnson about a month ago. The Sumner. Borough Council had decided to open it then, as it wns afraid it would not bo able to get. a ' Minister to attend at tne time they required. Subsequently the Council advertised for a bath attendant by tender, as they thought that in this way tho attendant -would see that the baths wero properly looked after, and perhaps make more oui of it than an employee of tho Council. Xo applications, however, were received', as it was considered that tho echedulo of J duties was too stringent. Tho Counc'l then advertised -with a modified schedule, but agnin met with no response, f.o at a meeting of tho Council last ! week it decided to advertise for i a custodian under the supervision of j tho Council. Sixteen applications wero received in reply to the advertisement, and an appointment was mado yesterday. Within the next day or two the \ barh.s would he onen and koot reguj larly running all the days of the week. J Tho death is announced in the Glas- ! gow pr.pers of Mr John Ward, one ot j th.» principal members of tho shipj minding firm of Deiinys. ot DumbarJ ton. lie gainrd his first shipbuilding j in Earl's yard at Hull; th'-nca he wont to the Milwall yard <jii the Thames and next to Steele's yard .it Greenoek. Tho turning-point cf his career fame in 3872. when h<? was j appoint'-d chiot draughtsman with j Messrs Denny Bros.. Dumbarton. Five ! years after entering tho drawing office he was appointed manager of tho yard, and fully a quarter cf a century agr.S became a partner of tho firm. In late years th" firm have boon noteworthy as being tho first- to apply turbine machinery to passenger vessels, tlu Clyde steamer King Edward being th? pioneer of this type. In this departure Mr Ward took an active intern!*. He wa- also chiefly responsible for the building of Sir Thomas Lipton's two! American Cup challengers, Shamrock 11. and Shamrock 111. He also dd signed several of our Union Company's fleet. Mr Ward was twice president of tho Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland

Owing to tho scarcity of rauV« T ' trucks, there is at Wrwent a shortaja of coal in Ashtwrtoif. Tho chairman of tho Chiistchurcb. 1)*. ! main Board stated at tho merung yei* iorday that he was eorry to nohcxj in tho paper a statement by the Ma rep (Mr Holland) that bo had hoard tint - I tin n+teinpt had been made by th c u'.n inn in Board to pro vein tho' Band r>' Hoy.-} from holding their . nnual pwa.p and demonstration on llaster Moiuia? J That was quire contrary u> fact, for tf's ; Board had granted pel mission. TjjJ, j only quo.vtion uaji r»s to wheif tV , I'mon ivovo to bo aliened to take up [ a collection. j Tho Tramway construction depart- ; mem i& at pri«pnt engaged in connectj ing up thc ends of tin , now douh> j track at tho Colombo >ti ih t railway ! crossing with tho single nark dohsin"* J tho railway. Tho Mieeutl 1 which would have enabled tho double ' track to be carried across tho railway havo beon much detaval through tho J industrial trouble at Homo, si ltd .is it," is jitipossiblo to ascertain when dehverv may be expected x\v> tramway authorities have- decided u> connect up with tho existing single lino. " A successful social wa* hold Itst night at tho Woslov Congregational Church, .Mr W. H. Seed eocupyinn thochair. Speeches were made by Messrs. lA. F. Drayton, G. Andrew, aml.jj. j Kershaw. A prostMUat.ou of a silver tea service was made by tl-t» < hairtuan to tho Key. C. H Laws, who hn.s ber a transferred from tho W<--le\ ChnrcJiU the Durham street Clvi <-!i. and ,s\. j dresses were delivered by .Mr Laws wii\ tin* new minister, tho Hey. \V. A. Sinc'.air. A good musical pi<\:iamme was .submitted. At midnight last night the fire brigade were su;;uu<.'iiod to "Glen Dolfin,' , l'apanui road, where an outbnak of fivo ' had bf.'ii discovered tiy a pnx<-er-b\. Tin* building, of fourteen rooms, was unoccupied, and the* origin, of the fire is not known. Tho outbreak oppniontly started beneath tho stairs, foi tho central portion of tl» building was burnt out. Tho flames had a strong hold when discovered, and though tivo stieams of water were brought to bear on them, it was not, for some considerable, tirao that they, v.vre extinguished. Tim buildiin: is owned by .Mr F. W. Thornysou. The insurances, if any. were nut available last night. It appears that some, if not all of ■ the members of the executive of tli« Christchurch Moulders' Union wore . not in favour of the strike motion, passed by thc Union the other night. They are in fact strongly opposed to tho decision arrived at, a decision which one of them stated to a "Press" reporter yesterday, -n\iß> tho work of Socialists, and he frit convinced that they would be the lesore in the long • rim by their action. This gentleman was of opinion that at tho next meet- | ing of the. Union tho motion would Lr ' rescinded by an 'ovci whelming m?. ' jority. However, nothing hud beta done so far to call a special meeting tJL tho- Union, and before the next monthly meeting can be held the Moulders. , * Federation Executive will have met and . discussed tho strike proposition. At the Magijitrate's-Cpurt at Geraldine .ye&terdny-,. Bernard' Kennedy, a farm labourer, was charged with wiling beer without a license at May field, within the Ashburton di*- • iriot. Tho police gave evidence of complaints about young men boiiiß made dnink at place, and of ' tho finding there of two men under tho , influence of liquor. One 18-gallou kes was tapped, another untapped, and , thoro were two empty tcn-galkm Defendant stakd that he mado tho plant and brewed the beer himself on " '. tho premises, filling the four kegs. I&i ' denied having sold any. fhis was, hie , '. first brew at Mayficld. A Government I analyst reported that a fcamplo of tho- '< beer* contained 5.6 per cent, of sjjirit. - The Magistrate convicted and tinea de- ' fondant £50. Mr G. W. C. Moou. officer in charge of tho local Tourist Oflicc*. leturned lnsl owning alter a visit to, ' travelling over the; motor route troin • Fairiie- Tho trip, which was made w ■ one of the motors on the regular scr--1 vice, was tho last of the wasnn, tt« " winter being too near at hand to allow ' tho service to lie contmiud lo a later ■ period. Mr Moon stales that the trip " was mado unclor excellent condition's, . and ho is satisfied that tho tour will be- , ' como a very popular ouo. He lied booked a large number of peopto • through that way this yean and n<sM' 1 ticipated that future years would a» a ' very substantial increase. Tho journey ■ from Fairiio was oastly accomplished •« ■ two days, and tho route hnd man.V; I sconic attraction, tic «ot«l Uuvt pro-, , parations woro being raadp for ;v-mter sports at Fairiie, and only a fall ot i suov.' Was awaited iv order to lot a start ' be mede. ' \ At the second annual meeting of tho Tiniaru centra of the Navy League on. i Monday night, tho report etatoa that " • tho adult members numbered 2W, ana , school children membcrr, 212. luo ladies' branch (believed to be tbo larg' , c&t in tho overseas Dominions) has a, membership of 120. Tho year begau with a doacit of £18 Ws f and closed with a credit of £13 17a 9d. The most important work «nid to have been dons was a propaganda among the] schools by means of lectures and prizes for essays. Mr J..' Crnigie, M.l*., President, said ho would do what he-couW to obtain a larger traiuiag ship thaa tlie Amogura, which, lie stated, hoa inoro boys on board from Timoru than - from any other centre. 3lr Craigio was unanimously■re-decied prtsidcnt, and Mr Arbor secretary, tho latter ins* highly nraisod for his 7-":il Jα toe cause. Sir James Allen, M-P.. give*'* lecture for tho League next wec-K.. At last night'ts meeting of to tho Canterbury t'uioU, * ? F J. Urookcr protos:etl these-' tion of Hie committee of the l"uk>u a ioiniiiß tho S{>oits Protrct:ou Leagr,?. lie heJd that the League was prejudiciiil to football. Mr Drittan, an n Albion delegate, ■■aid thai it «* - League had been in existence W ■ years ago his club would 110; have w> ■ its ground in the South E'orlv. "« ■ chairman said vhat the ccmimttw iia'» lieard both sides of the question, jUh? they had como to die cnncm&ion ttert tlio League was of benosit v, rport. » • the committee hnd ened it had orrea in cowl company. Mr C. Laffwiy hell ■ that, tho matter should navo come Dc--1 foro the delegates. Mr Brooker acd :Mr A. Hooper said they underotoott i that before the committee decided to , join the League tho matter va*u> ■ have gone before the delegates. IW i chairman eaid he was not present a^ • the annual meetiug of tho Luion, ana consequently did not know what flau been decided on. With a view to ascertaining # local opinion-on tbo general rise of pncc« i» • general groceries predicti-d in a *. re£ v Association telegram recently received I from Auckland, a representative o* ™\ l,> journal spoke yesterday to ft num&er of wholewilo merchants and retailors m tho trade. The consensus of views obtained was. on th" whole, (igajnst W idea r,i any such rise. Of course, a* was pointed out by one gentleman, there hay for years, and most continue to bo a steady upward teno* i encv in the price of goods, accompanyin-" tho riso in wajjfis, but no speci? riso need bo anticipated, at-any. rate "' Christchurch. Tho manager oi 4 ono well-known firm expressed the opinion that the predicted riso in prices in tiw ■ Xorth Island wa.s no doubt caused t>7 4 the high demands o( tho warehousemen's unions, which do not at preeeii* : xist, here. Fluctuation, of cours-e, oc- • curred in various articles of food, in<' to various causes, but the Wet competition in the trade kept pfl«*v Jown as low as could be expected, ana ho for one did not anticipate *°fgeneral riso in prices.

" Tho Mayor of Christchurch Olr H. Wni'-mc!) " Lieut.-Colonel RicharrUon. fnd lit T. Kincaid. 1,,v0 been elected numbers of the oonirnutee o! the Conttrbury branch of the . N .avy League. A number of cn«cr. of rrhwiny to waster and ro atund drills wero heard at Wnthi Unps of £2 and costs ' mflicU-d in -acli ease. &x odas. .parsed with inBubordination at dnil. were .convicted and ordcrH to pay c^ts. \ ninn nniiK-il -William. Harris, who j that <".ii:ie * IO: " Christrhurch, j ny tiivi C> at Wnihi yv.-tf-rd.iy for as- ; n .v.d-- i «>!- a riirad* was iv j orf) .-r."-. He to pnv the Hα.', and"" srntojvcd to thirty days 1 i rir ,t ];-Si-:;ir in -default ';'. payment Tho pvi.T'iriiT -tdl refund, n:id \va.s tent j tosaoi. V h:.-i-:;'! :ncit n_t of the Lyttelton Harbour |}..n:d v.fil be held at 10 | ar ~» ]■'r;<*... •. , n consider tho proIvmsN and pi;"', i«.r the suited ranirav iniprov.-nv nts at I.ytteltrm and j Chri-tciiun-h. At 1U.30 a.m. tho Board will rr.-.'t. ;h? Horn. A. M. Myers, Jf-'ri'-f: , of ilJibn,,, on i!:c snmo siib'Tin , - demand:., of the operative- bootmr.kers i<.ay> a lJum-din ir.c??.?f;o} repn:M':it. it is'iiii'ivr.stocd, an increase in ■n'nu't-'s n> ill., <"a..-iit of about IS p«"i" : cc'iu. <•:'- 'i» 1- 1 , ,1 °> labour. Nvfiotintii'iri-*. > l > I- ,, '- have i;iiled to brinj; f.bout an ;..;itc!:;<hi between the ™- plover, and t-mp over-:?, ntul the parties; ; v jij t u,.- ( .r.i,-,. niroi in the Conciliation j Cour'-i! at Am !.!;:nd on May 13th. }( r F. C. Hrov.n. statiorimastcr at j 0••:";!«! '-■ writ*-, to th- "Railway Officers' p.-.'•'■ j t .x-"- —On food Kriiby my wife ; w i: Vudd-nly Ml. and I liyd to take her t.v::v to il-i- Hainiitnn Hoswtal. I ndviscd'Di-'viri 'traffic- Auckhiu! t'n't ! ivns "'):!U', and uou.d return" by fii-t ti-iin. * This I did, and was i absent' from 11. !o a.m.. to .'.-JO p.m. ! iMv u*ual din ,, .'.!- l:-ur is 1 p.m. to - T,"in \ 1 nm now advicd by Traffic •iii!ra"2r t!rj ti:.i 1 had off duty is 'to* count as I'iirt /r.i'iual k-nvp. Would any other district oflk-e do this? Tho Hon. J- A. Hunan, Minister of Education, stated in un interview with our Tiraaru rrrresc-ntative yesterday, that wore being invited for Uvn medical practitioners "to undertake tho medical examination of school childrenOne tvould be a lndy. An Education Commission to nuinirc into the position of State education would W set up after tho next rr.ccling of Cabinet. It would consist of rrprescntatirw; of education boards, high school boards, school teachers and inspectors, representatives of technical schools, and representatives of tho Government. Tiie reference made by the Prime Minister to tho position of the Government o:i the meeting of Parliament, scarcely received justice, by tho Press AJwocia'tion 'accnt. According to the Otago "Daily Times" report, Mr Mackenzie concluded Irs speech by saying that lie was not desirous of a long period of Ministerial life. He would challenge the Houso when it met. He- would not ■hang on by any nolitical legerdcma'n to the control of a majority. Ho would do nothing to cozen men out of their j votes, and unless tho good-feeling that had been shown to him in all parts of the country ho had visited in tho past few weeks was also behind him in Parliament, the Government \yould go out of office- honourably and with no rcgreta. The alleged unfair treatment of Wellington by fire insurance companies, as far as rates concerned, was again discussed by tho Wellington , council of the Chamber of Commerce on Monday. A letter was read from tho Underwriters' Association, stating that tho Association had no particulars regarding fire losses in Wellington for the years 1900-10-11. Consequently, it .ronld not .supply the information .sought by tho Chamber. The letter also ■(.tated that no alteration could be made in "A" area. After a length} discussion, a motion was.adopted, re.questing a • conference between the Chamber uf Commerce and representa--tifes of the in.?iiraiico companies, with a view to discussing the wholo matter. Constable Beddek effected a rather wnart arrest the other day (says tho Thames "Star").. A man called on tho nonstable jn his capacity as representative of tho Labour Department and if he could'secure work anywhere. : ) Tho constable promised to .'malto eriquiries, und 5 following the usual custom, took down tho man's "name, address, and other particulars. In tho course cf his interrogation he , loolrod at tho man's hands and saw that' «no was covered with vrarU. When the man had taken his departure this' constable's memory was stirred by the sight" of the hand. Eventuulty he consulted the police records ■i".id discovered the description of _;i man answering in all details to his recent visitor, who was wanted on a cherge. Promptly the constable sought out the* man, and accosting him by his proper name-rho used a false name at Thames —told him that tho game was upl Tho man protested his innocence, but being cornered in one- or two mistakes,, admitted His identity, and way forwarded under escort to the place fronrwhich the warrant wns issued. Opportunity seldom conies to us more ■than once in' a lifetime. At the present moment our readers have a golden opportunity to save money—an opportniriy which is not likely to occur •Kairjj'wb refer to the sale of the aligned stock of W. Scales and GoThjs stock of -high-class drapery has Wn bought- for cash by Armstrongs, iJtA., and is being sold tor cash to tho fiiristchnroh 'lubttc at prices liitherto unheard of: • 6 "Neither workmen nor tools can work without Tools!" For Local In- . oustrirs Week wo are making a special dUpky of machine and hand tools for metal and wood-working. All the latest ideas. Hastie, Bull, and Picker-1 ing, opposite Ballantyne's. 6 Shooting season 1912. Reliable guns of British make by I'ape, Bonehill, Cogswell, and Harrison, AVingfield, etc., from £l 10s to £30. Single barrel guns from 355. Tin and pneumatic -decoys ammunition in all leading brands, special price for quantities. Lewis and Anderson, 112 Cashel street, W- t> Cooking by Electricity.—A demons- j Iration will bo held in tho Cadeno Tea Rooms, Cashel street, on Thursday, ilay 9th, at 8 p.m., with "Tricity"' spokers, now being shown in Messrs Strange and Company's window. Turnbull and Jones, Ltd.,"Cashel street. 6 ■■ Protect your furniture from injury oj employing us to remove it. Our hands arc adept and careful, and our pantechuicons rainproof, dustproof, commodious, llisk of damage is thus I avoided under our system, which is } slways cheapest in t.ho end The X.Z. Express Company, Ltd. 6

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Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14349, 8 May 1912, Page 8

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14349, 8 May 1912, Page 8

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14349, 8 May 1912, Page 8