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PUBLIC NOTICES. J. Msw.-on Strtrart, .J- »• . Bcckoft. F.N.Z.A.A. A.P-A. P.N./..A.A., t.p.A. I\CO\TK TAX RETURNS?. ! JSCC*:2 TAX KKTCKN?. j 1 r i, cf INCOME for ;b« yrsi | -TX «T.<;..-,7 ''*• March, 1912. row be vi '.i:<? Lv^arlrur:. , . ; v ,*" B'>> 10 TT-tse up Jr.ccnjc Tux K-um" u'r -- very rtu*'juab:o fc-c. j j .VaV/SCX ST;:\VAKT ar.d BECKETT. i i Pub'ici Accourr.air. , ? ar.'l /.udilor*. ]7j -3- iierelo:;] i WANTED TO SELL. ! I in Sell, Furri'uro. rf 1 r->oa?, :1 ♦' icc.udir-,' £-''A jur,ii*». Lrtvm?. I O:Hcc . iVJ J ; 5:i03 ?-.i'e. a :'-:vr Y< I'prre'?, »'«o a ! ;-» fe" Trained Fe;rc".r. Anp'y K. J. j H»:i!>i?on. Bakuirn. ;U(; t T ISGENT—For" fc..v"N7w ! J If-":ii--v. oM lniidy tram. 1 fxrclivr.f gerdon. \v.-j i;lc.s.-h-. Owrvr. 2i lUr«"..( s'.riH , .. I^ J)!! Sulc. :'j» Ooid-.v;li cf Xl~ I r - lvooiiis Ruivri.ira, suit two -ila'crs -r j 1 iv.'h'T *r<l citi.:.r''iltr. Apsly 370 Vic!«T!i ! sircf-, 7i:« | j A N fortune. V' r K;>:o w Tj l>ft. j J Suburban K'.orp w;-.h iri-«>-dale I j iittacnrt , , ytnrcrOi.ui. stn'o i-s, yu'd. i >■.'.■.■. i'.n4 in a i':rn;-o-aes I';hbji;rhco:l. Ah-ojKciy 1:: pondv.ill. An fxjf'.iticn.:! !:t c;>j:alilo to?.ti w.'.h a j iittic cfti.i'.aL For nirthcr ni'i'ic.i!ais | A. K-.iru(>::tton. Cci.iral l.iiml .\»ov.vy. 73 : ! CiiUiciiritl rqutre. .'b< TPIA.N'O fjr Sale. £23. mRjT"-"-sni ni?tn:J- rucnt, full iron frnma. check r.c'.iun. beautiful rich tone, very Jjr.r.Jecine Icavirijr. Cic.'iuino birgiin. '2'i'i Worcester str\*r-t. City. J-t.VT OPAV7A I'aranv'i — Guoci r«ven--.-ocni«d Hott'c, alic:i- ?• acre, closo Id c;irs. j On-ntr <-»'. io »<>:!. fuk-« £C;JO. Aik nb;ui terms. Hadscr Broc, 0,)p3-"it3 Kspr<.>=e Co. IC<? j TA/aTNTE if inirchlTeVrTor io~X. ~*h.p. I--1 ''» cylinder 4-soater Huin'crr Motor Car; 30 ll.[>. l-eylinder t-seatcr Miu<rva; "20 h p. 4-cylinclor 4-scatcr Ford; 10-i'2 h.p. Cadi! sic. All c:irs complete r.-ith hoc-d, wind shield, and larups. I have pnquir.os for good 2eeater curs. Lawronee'n Motor Ivxi'hiUige, Lower Higli ftnd St. A3aph street 3. W r^NTKD'to "~fe?iYrKcc*!ionK"Tn"lho" Mll'.on » * Estnlo, £J0 each, fjc'ng Stricklai.d, Milt--in, and. Chaucar ttrrcts, jus*, off Coloml'o fjtreet. C7O miniUβ fro,?! Cithni-rc l-a.'ii .service. Very Ilit-ii Sections nleiity of drainißc, I Rsphnlf fnntpathn n'l round. Oiiiy 8 miniitiM <yc!<i ride from the centre of !ho city. The I portions l'fir situation i>»:d uc?iticii av<? abs<>I luteiy the cheapest availahie. £~t <7fpesit will secure you a sco-tion, ljtilsßce <nn re:.iain ;-.t 5 per cfiit. if rcq'iireiH. W. K. Sini'KS and j Co., Auction<frs unci 154-0 Hereford etrrct. TS(K) J \lirANTKl>.""'Piirchcs*'r' _ for"l9ii"""Triuniph i » ' Mstor (frp« oiiitino), 3\ h.p., IUO9 I Triumph, 2$ Koyni Enficid, alnios: new, v snip. 2J But, :5J Isa-., and 2 llnniber, 1J | M<«tosacoche, 2i Horo Jfevo, ulso Douglns and othore, -2 "l>J r. P5 in. Cr.Tcri and Tubes. Lawrence's Motor Exchange, 12-> Lower High and St. Asjr.ii Rtieoti. PfTA BUYS PItEITT FENDALTON dWOV/ BUNGALOW, two ininutf.s from cars, lifts fivo la-fjo loom?, dining-room 18 x lift G:n, kitchen IS x 13, etc., hoi and cold water, fjas, lead lif,'htt>, etc. An id;a! heme, und wo can fell for £50 down, l>a once as reiitJ Unusually easy ciianr.o to get a good home in a rapidly rising district. BADGEU 8R05 , ., FG'l'2 Opp. Express Company. ."TTf/"ANT'Kf> SeITT "butchers' T libV"arid V T Troughs for scalding and curinß pig«> Water Troughs for cnW.e. Kauri W'ssh Tub* vriih brass phipn and chains,guaranteed, large si:e, 50a; Small for eunimcr driuks; Bakfire' Ferment and Yeast Tubs; Wanhing Machines and Churns made up and repaired. Sutherland. 'Phone 1751. 70 Xuaoa street, W. I ■ T OVELY five-roomed HOUSE. iTEP.I-----U VALE, with ta?«efti:iy laid out (jarden. M"st bo soid. Beautifully finished throughout. Kvery convenience. Take £700 for quick tL.e. Azk about terras. BADGEII BROS., oj-.p. Express Co.. 701 ilcnchcster etreet WANTED KNOV/N. Known—That Nicholson acd »'■■ Co.- are showing wonderful value JJI Ladies' Tweed Coats, at 15a Cd, 15d 'Cd and 213. • \\T ANTED KuoT,-n—Defects «jf vision can ' » bo corrected effectively liy tuitahlc Lenee-s and properly fitting Spectacles or Ptnc-nrs. Piices economical ni li'.-'s, tho People's Optician, 211 High nt.-set. WANTED" Knov^i—That"' Nicholson" "gihl Co. lir.vo juft opened up 'venderful value in Tweod und Cloth i)re».s ,S«:rta, lit 6s lid itml 7s 31<1. T\rANTKD known—Fittiuj your ejWTe- » » q.iiroß the grvaivsl care end enco. i!. is essential that no :i:istiiko be made. Wβ giv« an cxauiinat.on which giiTirantees better sight, imd fit your eyes fi o thai they m»y !a?t liir.fjer and give comforf. It. Kenne'-t. iho People's 211 liijjb street. TVAXTED Kr.^wn— and » ' Co. have just opcue.t up a rliipmcnt "f Coloured Velveteens iv all fhudc-3, at la !nl. _ _ ISOU , ANTED Known—Our Chroiut) Leather * ' Lace Boots at S3 lid for "Women cannot be 'ceaten. A heavy line of stout leather for dsiry, 7s lid, carriage extra. Sterrart Uobinswn, Ceshe! etreet wp?t. ■f/SrANTCt)"" '"itnowir— The" Npw"" Dainty ' « ' "Fairy" Spectacles md Kyeglßsacc, gold filled, with lenses to suit, very light ard becoming- 10? 6d: Frarcelers "J'lirfit" Ooldftllcr] Pinco-ncz, Cd; a!.«o, Ccld-fiiled Framoless Spectacles. Every dencriptio;i of T/«nj«s in i»tofk. No de!»y in fit'tnjj. I{. K«ncctt, th« People's Optician, 211 Jligl; street. I Known—lf you protect, your ' » » eyes from the sun and dust it will : prevent, eye trouli'e. We fit tlio New Clilorophilo Lcr.sra, which cl/mitifito ih? ultra violet raj's without obsciritifr the vision. Frani«- | !o"h Smoks Tint Gold-fi!!rd Spectacles, .Is td. 1 Every vaiicty <i( Co",<\:red CI at Mode- ■ rnfi) Price?. U. KcnneU, People's Opticit.n, ; 211 lliph street. ' j TVrANTED Known—All Watches "« Ve TcVfid \ » » and Timed .b?fore they are sold. Onr I Silver Nifkel Kel;abl-o at 20.: is po«i- I tivc'y a f:r?t-ciar3 timekf-epfr, reucd, strong, snd doper.diible. Own Mo'-qI Lever Ainrm Watchrs "Os, Nic'tel Lovor Chronograph?, T.arrartod accurate, 03». R. Kcnnett, th* i Pcopic'n Watchm.-ker, '2!1 High stxect. C6J2O ! rPHE latest— "GOLD S'TAK" COCOA— Simply wonderfully sironp and doHclcii". Will y-u Iry it V iNCANDKSCEN'IMInrEr-ra to riTjny"" koroKrno lanip. IK3 Gd, at Minson'a. Comp!et« Lamps._2ls. Til II Sp*ri»i "Pagei tor Women "TnS»t"rJay's editions of "The Evoninjr News" • ppeila to e»eryoii«. A bright home M»£»tine. MONEY Lent Priv.-»t«]jr and in Strictest j Coiifidcnci". .:i Sums n[ £\ jinwards. ro- j paynlve l.y Eafy WVeklv cr Monthly lii.«laimeiit.*. upon a;iy kind r.vcjiiiblo security, | rurni-.i'.re, Pianc» (v-ilhout romoval), hiio J'olicies, D:an.or>.(h. e'.c. eir. Krcio'f id m«tiu> f:r reply. Addrtfi?: L. W. Balkind, f.29 Colombo ctrfe*. 'Mcpiione CiC7. BLOdSIINE i« a ps" "taking"~i«ds«<3t." All t'no diflersncp fotoeeu harine pain- j ful corn« and not having them, in Cd, th<> ■ j:rico of "Bloomice Corn Curd" Soli everywhere. C 2372 ! "CPKINO BLOSSOM PFLT..-5 ""cure uixer O Complaint; and Iodij;«&t)or., etc. Are purely borbai, tugiT-cr.iled. smiJl pills, small dose, auiill price. 6d tod li. Everywhere. C2T.73 rpEN Hours a :00m is warmed {or Three- I J pence with the Matador Heater, CCs at j yineon's ; j THE r.pecial for VTomen" in Satu'r- ! «*?'» editions cf "The Evening News" I appeals to everyos*. A bright home llaja- j Eine. j - TTTNTS m Terrijorieiii Cadets * i IX Price Cd. Ail iJookeeiiera »bU Aew» s Agent*; ■ j rpHE Hop Hop Top at Minson'e, it each! } _-»• iai> tap with » spring peg! it'a lively. I "TTI*""CS. la . TerTjMnais ted Cad.v.'T EFT-OFF ClotniEj—UudeT the euper±j v:sioa of the Government Health Ue- j partei.'Ett 1 ct7e fitted up a fuiniffat:ns ' Cli»mber. ]n future ereryihiog trjil be fi rsist'tw » r - d , thoroughly clcaaed. It is well a good second-hard article is vjcrta tw.-. cheap new ones. Mn Ellwocd, 123 Arnaph street. Thons 3087. C TS year Mi:k Supplj- if~ v Zt. I r , ris f ? p % *u CL * ? a - H2! - or " nd »' postcard u> the Chnitchurcu Dai«v Compauy, Ltd., ruam strwt Wwt, wto o deliver W.teunaed Milk daily to al: p» rtt o f Chnatctuich and Suburb*. C6M2

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Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14348, 7 May 1912, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14348, 7 May 1912, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14348, 7 May 1912, Page 9