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Yesterday morning- tbo «t«amer Earainea, under en*fa?enicat to iho New Zealand S-hip-I l»Tig Onpaisy, trrivod from St. .Toll::, >".8., j via "the lifua! Trsvr-porU. Sho has only a ! stnrill quariity. of carjro t> land h«e. and is expected io siii affemcon for Duncdin to complete difcJiarsi-tr. I -Top •foKcruanJ U'.t i(cn'.r.M! on Apr:! ljtli for JticlbmiTa.}. Sydney, and New Keo'und j porta, t~d i;s deo zi Lytteltcm about Juno "*Tlie Shew. Savil' and Albion steaenr Pa.kthi, Irani Lor;<Jon vie. Sydney and Dunedin. in (h;o hri* on Wcdn«i , day *■> complete ; She v.-IU load at Lytic! ton, and ■wiil kayo hrro r.'si Siistrasy ior Pictoii. On Wcdr.pj-'.i;-. - wet::: sho shonld put Ir. an api j.32rarico »i Y.'«l!ingtca. p-'in.? tr.cnco to i>apipr on xho 19th hiai. Upborne.- on tlso CirJ, r.Ti-1 Aucklarri, cr. sra ber r.cxt f.vo pjrtz. ar:u on May Clth-shc "»:Ii anally !>cu: ~he iaittr for Locdn:i. The Kcunya is dur; back hove <o-<la- vjlh a'-o of ceil iroai W?>oTi, is to .-ai! ;o-iv:orrc-v r.ight lVr Ort-yincuth direct. Tbe Kittewa is expected io arrive h«r« t> day r-ilh :■. fi)":I rsTt/c -:f ti?.iK->r fro-n Gt*y-i.-;oi!tri. an;i wi'.l liitr in tt.- wpak icr Pi-ton. %V«avtjiort •»!»! Groymcnth. The Ooriiir-», due 1:« to ■•to-Er»orionr {n>ur Tiruan:, w:li 'icnvo i-n.tivs iftw-ioca :"cr Xvlson, Xvn l J 'ymcuvh r.::.-i Orehuugi , . '!fi*' > Ccmpßny'p Waiters. r-]:;ch urrivfd on Ssuifday ai:<rr a iis>"l I'.trmy :r:p :'ro:u Ncwciisilc, whidi' i- do:cri':cii ir. "fcother rc>an:n. ho.= k {«'.! <"*:™o of C5'!J tons of coil to land at J.yf.cvl.;::." T .Vitli a cat;;o o: coa! iront -Ihiponsii. ito Kapiti s-rrlveu i: , . j'"-r: -i lircn yesterday. Thtf sifißV is tc n<:! !c-i!ivbt, rcr \Yi;l'.:n£ten r&i Pjtci. T;:o Opy'.r. rirri-'td wit;-. 5 cargo cf frr.m 'Jif..ti:outh. Ai;f.r sl.-c -ii >sv? i.v. 0:1 hor return !■-> tto -Grey. On eveninj tiir lt<:' Sj-ur.c' i< r whero >-s>o i«. due cr. W-an«day. rieii::cr vril\ t.rrivo at■ 1.;.-t----♦ftltsn re>:t 'Fri-Asiy.- »sd t.-. : I! en" atrivai of. tb? C.-iJ )>.»:. trs'.'i tor Diiowl:/., JJiufi, Hobart and UelbourcJ , . p-uc at B'.aff '.hi. 'rotn • >ltvLcurr.o &nd Hol-a:'.. the liyddnrt-Parkcr steacer UHmuroa wi!i arrive &i Diun-dfn tolacrrow. and a! i.yttchcn cr. Tiiurßiiar Hbe. v. ill it-are jbo sarno day en irrival of the G.-15 p.m. train ior Sydr.c-y.via Wcl-isgtoa. A nuuiber .of stcarrtra are due-for deck-. jr;£ 3: Port Chalmers. *.»u v busy iima is jn"stor« till the cmTW thi.? a;cnt}). Anicngii j ibo ve*«c!3 listvd for docking during- -t'h-e ' next i" 7 -' su-A tho Wairur.a, Koromiko, Karen. Mocowci, Mofrrs.ld a:;d .Warrinice, and others. Xh* wril-in-own schemer" Jcwr;b Siiri>. r» C fctiy piirctaatd by Hr fj. Edwards, of

I Lsvnccaton, is to load timber at J J icr Mo ixranoo, beforo noirg to Tnfimmiu. : ! Tho schooner will leave Part Chahiicrs tii:* i -srcfc): tor Koiiia::t-n. : j . Tho Pctono is duo at I'tit Chalmers thi? ( Keek n-jtii a lead of coal irctn Wstport. i Aftor disehargiaj: sho v:iV. coieo Xortli. and j ia to laave Lytteltca next Fiiday ior Pictcn s:)d War.'tan'ai. The Nctt Zc«J»nd Company's j linf.r Rcmiioja. \v!i:ch left Woßiujrioii last .Thursday for Londca, via way jwri:;, took ' Uio fo"!ow."iris from New Zca!»r.d: — Vrom "We'liiHjloii: 1 !54 bftl?s woo!, C7J ba-'c? hv.'iivi, casks tsillovr, SO catis i>p!;s. II cosk3 n-ha!{> oil, IT balfs basils. 8 hales leather, 3 packagos igrtwnstone, 2!iS ba\:s iovr, JS<>s cases applfs, -U) packages gr.'ieiaJ, oOH qiiartcrs beef, 21.670 mutton aud l;iinb, 2SS7 cra'.33 olicmo. TO7 tx>ics buiir.r. From Lyttciton: 1347 bales wool, •-Tγ ens Vs l>plt«, io:> casks 0100, 63 casks lallow, U»5 bales skins, 2 bales horsohaij, 220 ca»ow chocso, 1 fadgo avoo!, ia.lS!) crirciii-f« is :i\h, 9!Wi carcases' mutlci;, ICO erntoH kidneys. Froru B!uG: 619 bule3 woo!. CC> cnsk» polls, SI cadks tallovr, ->>63 cases dices*, 19 β-ifl carcases lamb, 37K> oarcascs mutton, -IDU boxM kidner.M, 3v>:) bales h< rap, 30-J !>*!«>!» low, 407 sacks fencruo sted. lYom Putca: CSS2 o'nit<» % chiH'se. From Timaru: W)7 bales wool, casks talfow, Oil casts rheo-eo, 22,'!5S ' carcases ]amh, 12 08<> carcases mutton. 1-12 crates kidneys. From Sew Plymouth: IS:V j l>oxci buticr, 1950 craks cheese. From And;- ] li&jid: SGI cases choose, 7it boxes buttpr. ; From Lcunedii!: 0 huU:* horßchair, 50$ cases : ■ chesso, 3.1 bale-i rolibit?k:i:3. Tho X«\v Zealand Shipping CorapaTiy's liner ]£uahii:c, which arrived at W«-Uingfon on Thursday, kit London on llareh 15th, cud Plymouth on March 17th, tho vcmol ! rumiinjj ic(o a stronj;. bouth-west ija!o with hijh seas, which moderated after passinc; Cai>o Finisiorro,- fine weather prevailhic; ur.fii arrival at TTciieritTo <jh Friday, 2±nd Aitireh. After a stay of six hours, Tenc-riffe was left ot 11 a.m., and inodc'ratc light trade winds were <;sperieaci>d to urrival at Capetown on Good Friday. The haviiijr left "London short of coal, , owinjj to tho coal striko, tho blinkers had to bo rpplcnishcd here; this occupied two days, ;t being impossible to {,'«! men owing , io it l>«ing holiday iivaf. Capetown \va* Wit on Sunday, 7th April, ut 10.30 p.m., and very fin* wcathpr was experi-ciicc-d on tho run across tho Southern Ocean, until nciring , Tasmania, when a heavy westerly ga!o was encountered. Hoburt was reached at '.) a.m. cji tho 27th April, the vessel l»udir«: 127 pasi-enijers, and, after diaoharging 500 tonf. of cuiro. loft for ANnv Z«».iand at C..TO a.m. on Sunday, 2Sth April. A fresh squally southerly gale, with liis;h jz-as, was cxtxjrionccd tho part of the way acresg-'Vhe IVsaiar. S<:d, tho wind moder.tttinic » Mttlo as tho Nov.' Zealand canst vat» apiiroaohed. Tho usual-aport?, ai:d dsaces were held throughout the voyage. Captam Forbes is f4ill in conxu'-ar.d. asid with him are:—Chief, M- J., Ji. Scuiros; eecond.'"-Mr K. W. 3. ivur«ey;' third, Mr 'T. T. Hodgkinson: fourth. , C. B. Lamb: curgocn, Dr. A. J. HI rent; ;>ure<'r, Mr C. Scar.o; chief cngirj<x>r, Mr J. .Scott; second, Mr A. "White; ihircl, Mr J. Barcioy; fourth, iv£ \V. Smyth; fifth, Mr T. McKenzie; si::th, Mr ■ 11. Munro; first, cnffintpr, Ju!r J. Bis^otl : Wcond engu:*er, ilr W. J. Storm; electrician, L. Soheal.' The Kuf.hino is lntulinjr ISOG tons of ;}pn«ral cargo at Wellington, and is expected to arrive at Lytt«lto"n on Wednesday to coicplcUi[ri;:>g and RtattHoiuewar<l'loading. Tho Runhinc will Kubeoqwntly call at Timam and Blufj. aitcrwards . xctitxsin;.j to Lytte/toc rjul Welling- ,- ton to complete loading. Sho will loavo Wellington on tho 3Cth inst. for London. The Not - Zealand Shipping Company's stcaraov Orar;, which arrived at Auckland '.surf Monday, left London on March Bth, witlj 8500 ton 3 o£ frencral- cargo. ICo cnll waa mado at any poxt throughout tho voyage, tho first laud to bo sighted being Capo llnria Vaji Dietnen, fifly-one'daya after leaving the Home port. The Orari eleven knots .throughout the long 'Voyage,'and she has etiJl 100 tons of coal Left :n her bimkori". On I April 4th a heavy westerly fp'* wne met with, and for tho next twenty-threo days thoro was Ecatoely an hour's abatement of tho violence of tho Rtorro. Great volumes of water were shipped continuously, but no danmgro of & serious nature was done. Captain Weston has. associated, with him tho foUo-vvin<r cfSce.-6: —First, Mr C. E. G. • eecond, Mr H. K. Martin-; third. Mr P.'"Wood ;■ fourth, Mr J. Garricir; Mr W. K. Sneddon is cJiief engineer; ilr D. Shier second, ilr R. Ivilncr third, Mr Giluuin fourth. Mr A. Chow.fiilh, and Mr A. McI/aron , eis&u. Mr -T. Clark is chief. refrigerating engineer, Mr M. , Jordan seoond , , while. Mr J. Mackir.B is chief steward.' The Orari afterwards complctea discharse at Ncison and .Wellington. After completing work e.t Casflepoiiit, thp Government HTnemoa arrived back at AVellir.gton on Saturday. Early this morninj* tlie vessel is to leave with etorts to innd et the lighthouse.* at Poncarrow, Capes Carnpball a!;d Pollber, vnd the Brother*. Duriufy her trip filio will recharge lh« buoy at Jackson H«»<i, and makff a march for the unI charted reck near tho hoad of Admiralty liny. j Tho Fe3err.Mlou.klcr-Shire Lir.f aleamtr Xiiirnshiro on her way from Liverpool to ■Maibrvnxjie, Sydney, nnd New Zealand Tiorts, left C«potown la<rt Thursday. She is due at j Lyttslton about Juno 20th. J Tfco Fcdoral-Howldcr-Shiic Lino stesracr i Supse*. which loft" Lyttelfon on. April ','fii.h; { look tho :\>l!ov/iny cargo ior West of EnKj land porta: —From , Auckland: 107 boxes j cask 3 craiie chesss, CCO bnprsbpef. j ;5 caa"'n;;s. 17,405 feet timber. 65 caeks t-illcv, I <0 bales lit packages katiri xtuuj. From j Wellington : G4q fiuarters b?c£, G3OO I mutton. 2*2.1f 1 car^uvta.'iamb. <5 bores butter, ."164 criilts cheese, 79 beef, 370 caek , ; tallow, 1140 ssrks -.vbeat, .181 futckeortts, 10 bolctj 24 c«al» nif-ta". 7 bales, rubber. J 3 packages geiseval. CO La!c.\ horns. 511 "baled I tow, ' 3782 cAficss incuts, i'rein 'fi'-aru: 00 I j cuar*?r-i be* , !, ?IS3 carrasei irsiitljn, 21,701 j carcases lamb. SO cr&tf.s checsp, 0 casks caa- •• injr«. IUO ca«ks vrfcoat. S6l £i~ck3 oai", CO." j «ack» peas. 3!. From T.yij leittin : '2CJ<I -mu-ifon. C5.2f15 mteaser lamb,-2M cralc-!«''ht-e.:.». 4 dnmvi j-jvivrir'.o. V) ( p.a?K3 'n'.iov.-, r,.»3 racks w]jes.t, !SSO :t.c!;s ; oafs, '.ar'is 7>?.".a, " eenera!. ; From Bii'ff: ,"C7 c.ttrcaita s)o{ car- i I fn.-tes lamb, Zi'Ci crates cl:cr>o. MS f>!)£;s ] 157 402 F-t,c\a icjc!'.*, 1440 cafe.? ! racats. Dnr.edin': 33-iI carcr.'t-i Icrab. | ?S3 bags 'i?of t <*■ cask* r:isi:»<s«. i""> cases ; :neat3. Vrc;.: Piston: .",** <jt;ar'.cr.< bcof. j 'O.O.'JJ ca.rcii.-e?. muttun. j ! Tiio Fc<ierai-Honi<!fr-Shiro Lino stcanwr | Surrey wjl! be tlwkij) nt Poil Clir/lmcrt to-j or '.Vc-Jnet'dir for olc-a'Hr:'? ;:v.d pa: , .:!- i incj. The ve.?'e-l Joans ut' ! J ort | Ciis'! , . Blv.u, Wiitara, \V-sn«jtr. ;i. We!>.".is'ca. Tlir.-ir-.i, and /..v.'-o'ton fer VTfrnt of i J^r.f'-and ports. I J/iins'!. "s'.ffijner T'ohen/e's. ur<icr charter , to the i.".: 3 . ciij A. Line, arrived at Mei'journs or» .-Jif-r a -aiftaso o', f.fiy-svriia t:-»ya ?-j;:; .Vet V,:rJ-:. Aftrr a call i at iSj'i.rcy, r«o K;niij>-r in in Zμi 'r.Tii? ] til-'*. PTi'l is t'rp :.t LvtteJtou «ibr-ul i tl-.ft :jTsi sjisJ. . < I A day o>:t fr-.m Wv<»is',>. .it T. 4;" on ■ f-atrrda;-. Ar.ri] 27th. the ftV.ih.Ma ei-.-hifd a : Gcrnn biro::o -,vl;ich croHKr , . ihr ; r'ca-ier. T1... saiUr 'ci* probably tho Scei stern, .ahkL left Nc-xtr.'; en " Thursday. ! Ap-i! : >sth, n-;».h 'i oar;?.> ci c o?.l for C!iaiit.ri ; .■! : _ Ou Vhurt'dv,-. i!.(! P.rttsh-shin Qufen Klkabpth. Tt;;fn:'r «; Triilinglrr} V.-ith csiso otj froai X<'« York pasawi .Stephen I?ltcd, bo-ar,fl th'c-iist, CX'fk Strain Th<? ship left o:: Apri' JSi'<j v.itl>. .T:i,CCI b«g« of wheat F''Ji, for oKK-ri. In last Thursday* "(jaztitc' , the foi'ov.'iii" to raaiiiitTP '.ppearr:—A r<»tk enrr/ir:' , f<ur fsthstnf, ur.iaiiy'iEdivatod by '.u'o <xic.:-s in tho appx-. rrh Ui Pato.-v>n hi lot. «>} cab:<H 3i<lf»7. t,.'C. i2t!c«r. E. mag.) froru the. north cilrwn*- of KirJi IJ.jck (iGuCc, S2) X., JCe.'lejj. "Jliwiii X.), SLd 307det;. !>7 7'" , i»." W; rea?.i from tho S."\V. esjrcn-.o' cf Boat' Island. X---U—"Pcsiijcn appro::." ha« b-wn chiirVivi ihi. rook. As no re-pert K-i* be<r.: niatio ••->_: ho Marino Dopantr.tni of tho exi*s'*Bco of ihis rcci, ecqoiry hus, sirxo Ihe rccejpt of tie Board of Tra<ie notics, been aaedo, irora vrticb it appears tl:at tho cKa:t<:i:<» of the rock iai< JWen kr.ow-n for te-.trai y«»rs. A sur-cy oi the ?c-ci will be

made br the Hincn:c3 in crcU'r v> oVstihj r •.urihor particular.* rcjuMsrg it. . . Oc her cruise round the Vnal'9c»iaa* tho Govcrtinjcr;*. trarnaj; eh.p Awokura toi<S» a c*il aVAlilford. i'lu* wrcci. <-i ihvViafkstt is *ti?l visible, a' por«:on of the vesuri the t»K to thw bridge be:n>' cut of th* ynUt. The ship is lying ca tor sjdr, nsd tha cw&s ar© quite jicrpcadicular. Mr G. Watt, lato fifih t-ngiooor oi Ua> Xi» " vu», h»s jointxi tho ltojamot-.d as third ~*&T Riceer in plaoo ci Mr T. P. Scsatas. j[ r 1). J. Bares line joined tho 2C«ra» it* £fA Mr \V. Strou'U, <m the CLr.sieh'iTr.h t.W* cf Ills New Zealand Shipping CoTsp&iiT, \rii r * Saturday by tho lliuiutaka on v holiday ***& to tho North Island. *"*' Mr A. Heed hs« . jc{s«tl tV> Taraver*"*-., place of tho wcor.d officer, Mr A. McLvUca who. jooe south for orders. Mr J, signed on tho Alex&wlrr ts chief officer Mr A. Pypor hn* joined the Eoumi* M Mcr.nd oSiccr in ptoco of Mr 0. Curncroa ■ Mr V. G. Webb has jo:n<xi the Mcoraki its second officer in place o: It A. Davite* who .signed oft the was? J at AVi'"i};-g; oli e f Friday. The Defender lofi Ilokitika lin Sa:urtUr rr.orr.inp with a e.irgo cf timber ior Lyt.vii:* Sho txlled at Groymeulh f cr heniar cca! awl left, that port at 4.15 pja. The " dv« hero to-mornw. ' After dischaigint; her car'-o ot '-iic'.i!>r Ul» Kitirahi will bo nocked to-iunrw.w ior her annual swrwy wid overhaul. Tb* Wuoio is oa the slip wjccisciug iitr anr.u».l <r«.haul.

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Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14347, 6 May 1912, Page 8

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SHIPPING NOTES. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14347, 6 May 1912, Page 8

SHIPPING NOTES. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14347, 6 May 1912, Page 8