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RAILWAYS. rs' NEW ZEALAND llAlLWxys. CHRISTCHURCH "sHOW AND RACES. of FRIDAY, Ith NOVEMBER. i. Lhn»tLln.i<.h for R ai , s ; ura at ~.3 0 p . m . ; v i:! nol !o t;° ". ! . !l!! - 20 !'■•«■. Raapiora arrive (>...,! p.m li-.e ir.un ior Waikari will leave ChnsLchurch at 5.50 p.m. Waikari u,ivo 9 W p.m. Th e Even;,'; Tram to We"t 5 Ox old b.,1 leave Rangior:, a{ 7 .2: l p.m.. West lor !,: xkud ;, " : ; 1 - "•»< l>m. The Kvre.on Branch n lrom Vil leave K»inp=i H. 53 p.m.. arriving per •"■' Bennett!* S.2S p.m. , A ir ?"\ * to l J Pi»g where required, will leave Lyttelton for Cluistohurch at G. 43 j p.m.. and arrive Chnstchurch 7.10 p.m. — SATURDAY. sth NOVEMBER. Nortn Line mid Btar.che'.-A Train will .cave Laugiora for Christchurch at 6.40 a.m., I Imstcliurch arrive 9.5:. a.m. The Morning train wil. start from Cuiverden instead of \\aikan. Culv.-raY-, depart t;.i>s a.m., Christ:.R uiirdi 10.15 „.„, TjiiCj . v ., paaecn{!t , rß lrol „ up hlations up to Ashley inclusive also Oxford ss- Uranch pasaenirora from Ranctora, and stops to eel down only between Rangiora and AA♦•melon. A Train to connect with this Train at ttaiparu will ; eH <'e Mum at 5.40 a.m. , M ; irn : n S Train lrom Oxford will ■e;iyo at 7.11 a.m.. Rangioro arrive .it p->0 a.m. This Train will NOT cornice. ;.t LenneCs Kith the tram for Eyreton Branch. The train which usuidlv startu from HE Chnstchurch for Rangiora at 1.30 p.m. will iur 'rV! " 6 r un{il 5 -° P- ni - Kangiora arrive G. 33 p.m. The Evening Train runs through n» to Culvcrde.i and Mina. and will leave Chriat'3 2 chircu at 5.50 p.m., Cuiverden arrive 10.23, Mnia arrive 10.33 p.m. The Evening Train — to West Oxford will leave Rangiora at ".23 p.m., West Oxford arrive 8.57" p.m. The Eyreton Branch Train will leave Kaiapoi at 0.53 p.m.. arriving at Bennetts at 8.28 p.m. R, 'ilio 5.10 p.m. Train from Belfast to Christchttrch will NOT run. . South Line and Branches.—A Train will v * leave Christchurch fo- Timaru at 8.0 p.m.. arriving Timaru at 1-2.10 a.m., 6th. This Tiain will stop at Sockbuni to lake up pu?- ---— ."e-iigoi's i; required. The Hornini' Train from Springburn to Ashburton will start at Cl 3 a.m. The Evening Train from Christhe church ior Springfield. Otarama, ajd Whitest cliils Branch will leave at 5.0 p.m., and ruu as on Wednesdays. The Evening Train for Methven and Ashburton will leave Christchurch at 5.10 p.m.. Ashburton arrive 8.50 ia p.m., Methven arrive 9.30 p.m. The Evening Train from Christchurch for Southbridge at and Little River will start at G.lO p.m., ot arriving South-bridge 8.10 p.m., and Little >v River 5.25 p.m. The Afternoon Train from a Southbrid&re to Christchurch will start at '* 4,'te p.m, arriving Christchurch 6.34 p.m. The 5.15 p.m. Train from Islington to Christ:n church wilt NOP run. ~a Trains will leevo Christchurch for the 8 Racecourse at 10.50 11.5, 11.23' 11.40 a.m., 12 noon, and 12.10 p m.. returning from Race- *' course at 1.35, 5.20, G.O. G.lO. and C.25 p.m. j. Tbe 11.25 and 11.40 a.m. and 12 noon Trains _ to the Racecourse will stop at Addingttu to Ikk up passengers. Tho Trains from tho Racecourse, will stop at Addington to set down passeagirs. MONDAY, 7tli NOVEMBER. North Line and Branches.—The Train which iisuilly - leaves Christchurch for Rausiorii at 1.30 p.m. will not leave till 3.20 p.m., Baagiora arrive 6.33 p.m. The Evening: Train for Waikari will leave Christ--0 church at 5.50 p.m., Waikari arrive 9.18 p.m. P The Evening: Train to West Oxford will leine Rangiora at 7.23 p.m.. West Oxford urrive 8.57 p.m. The Eyreton Branch Train will leave Kaiapoi U. 5.3 p.m., arrhinjr Bennetts S.'iS p.m. The 5.10 p.m. Train from :» Belfast, to Christchurch will NOT run. L South Lino and Branches.—The Evening i" Train tor Springfield and Wliiteeliffs will leave- Christchurch at.5.0 p.m., and run as on 3 Wednesdays. The Evening Train for Ashburton and Methven will leave Christchurch at 5.40 p.m., A»hbnrton arrive 8.50 p.m., Methven 1>.30 p.m. Tbe Evening Train from Christchurch for Southbridgo and Little River will etart at ti.lo p.m., arriving Scuthbri«!r>D 3.10 p.m., and Little River 8.25 p.m. The 6.15 p.m. Train from Islington to Christs church will NOT run. Trains will leave ChriatchurcJh for the Racef. course at 11.5, 11.30 a.m., 12 noon, and 12.40 i c p.m., returning from Racecourse at 4.35. 5.20, j ! 6.0 and 6.15 p.m. The 11.30 a.m. and 12 noon t Trains to the Racecourse will stop at Addington to pick up papsengers. The Trains from tbe Racecourse will stop at Addington 3 to set down paasengers. WEDNESDAY, 9th NOVEMBER. North Line and Branches.—Tho Train which usually starts from Christchurch for Raugiora at 4.30 p.m. will not leave until 5.20 p.m.. Rangiora, arrive 6.33 p.m. The Evening Train for Cuiverden and Mina will leave Christchurch at 5.50 p.m., Cuiverden j arrive 10.23, and Mina 10.33 p.m. The Evemn» Train to West Oxford will leaveluijigiorn at 7.23 p.m.. West Oxford arrive 8.57 p.m. The Eyreton Branch Train will ! leave Kaiapoi at ti.53 p.m., arriving at Ben- j net:a 8.2S p.m. The 5.10 p.m. train from j Belfast to Christchurch will i\"OT run. ] South Lino and Branches.—The Evening Train for Springfield and WhitecliSs will • leave Chrietchurch at the usual time, viz., 5.0 p.m. The Evening Train for Ashburton and Methven will leave Christchurch at 5.40 p.m., Ashburton arrive 8.50 p.m., Methven 9.30 p.m The Evening Train from Christ- ! church for Southbridpe and Little River will start at 6.10 p.m.. arriving Sonthbridge 8.10 and Little River 8.25 p.m. The 5.15 p.m. . Train from Islington to Christchurch will NOT run Trains for the Racecourse will leave Christchurch at 11.5, 11.30 a.m., 12 noon, and 12.40 p.m.. returninu from the Racecourse at 4.33, 5.20, fi.O and 6.15 p.m. The 11.30 a.m. and 12 noon Trains to tho Racecourse will stop at Addington to pick up • passengers. Trains fro.n the- Racecourse will stop at Addington to act down passengers. 1 THURSDAY, 10th NOVEMBER. North Line and Branches.—The Train which usually starts from Christchurch for Rangiora at 1.30 p.m.. will not leave until 5.20 p.m., Ranjnoni arrive 6.33 p.m. The 1 Evening Train for Waikari will leave Christchurch at 5.50 p.m., Waikari arrive 9.18 p.m. The Evonm.-r Train to West Oxford will leave Rangiora at 7.23 p.m., West Oxford arrive 8.57 p.m. The Eyreton Branch train will leave Kaiapoi 6.53 p.m., arriving a,t Bennetts 1 8.2S p.m. , South Line and Branches.—The Evening Irnin for Springfield and Whitecliffs will leave Christchurch at 5.0 p.m., and run as on Wednesdays. The Evening Train for Ashburton and Methven will leave Christchurch at 0.10 p.m., Ashburton arrive 8.50 p.m., and Methven 9.30 p.m. The Evening Train from Christchurch for Southbridgc and Little River will start at C.lO p.m., arriving Southbridge S.lO, and Little River 8.25 p.m. A Train stopping where required will leave Lyttelton for Chrintchureh at G. 45 p.m. and arrive Christchurch 7.10 p.m. FRIDAY, llth NOVEMBER. North Line and Branches.—A Train for passengers from Kaiapoi, Belfast, Papanui. .Uryndwyr, and Riccarton only, will leave lUiapoi for Christchurch at 9.0 a.m., Christchurch arrive 9.52 a.m. A Tißin for passengers from Rangiora, Southbrook, Flaxlon, Charleys, and Styx only, will leave Rangiora at 8.00 a.m., Christchurch arr:v 0 10.2 a.m. \o „, ornins T ™in from Bennetts will leave j at b._4 a.m., arriving Kaiapoi 9.48 a.m. Ihe Morning Train from Oxford West will leave I :u i.iw a.m., arriving Rangiora 9.27 a.m. ! ' J aasengcr* from Oxford and Eyreton ; Brunches will come through to Christchurch!: i>- a tram leaving Rangiora at 9.39 a.m.. j Jiaiapoi 1(1.5 Christchurch arrive 11.0 a.m. h p' r S . tra, 2 iak r Parsers from Oxford and j ' i° n, £ Tho Mu """f: Train « 11 start .from Cuiverden instead of Waikari. < ( 6 -? 5 "• Bi - Christchurch ": j* d wn nnlv '. » A " h,cy - in , cl "»: v ". sets at'w,, „, i y where, require . A train to c-,n----"f;!!, TIM '"j," '«™ Mina at 5,10 a.m , •i ~ IV. ;,• a '"k h;in Ki«ra-Chri S tchurch, 10.0 ;. m L. ,Bi.,r ß .O Sl ord, J 5 p.m. Oxford-Ran- : -' ,jrj - - >■> n.m. Oxford-Sheffield, and 130 ; P m trains wi Ji >; 0 T ,u n j i .-]' ,rh In/ l'J C,! """ X " Ml 3 I ' r,,n ' Chri«l- i r , „1M . U ""°' Cra "' ; -'!' J VM. will not ■ k.i.o iitii.i 0 .-;.j p.m., Rai,- u -m ;irr i va 0 3.. * 7 P.m. a irani will leave Christchurch for '■ I Kang.ora. at o.3fj p.,,;.. R Bng i OTa UTTi 6 .SS '." p.m. 1 he 0.20 and 5.30 p.m. tridns {roni , ( ur,:,tchurrh taka pM*cn~en fcr all stations j \ lit, to J;«ii-?iora H.cliiFive. tt l-o fur Evretou ■ , an<l o>:fr,rd branches. The Evening "Tram " '""'• "^"'S' 1 * and .Mina. and will 1 , leave, Chnstchurch .at 5.50 p.m.. Cuiverden : \ ainvc 10..10, i,,na arrive 10.40 p.m. ft w iJ] ; ! , not is,;? W stations up to Raj,- fl ■giora inclusive and l, t tw f .ei, Christchurch j , i and Juingiora it will stop only to take up pa.«- ! c j sci-rrs t;,r jdatiotn XoHu or Kungiora The : X ■ Ivcuiiir Irani to U t >:t Oxford will leave Ran- [ . giora at 7.25 y..n,., Wca Oxforrl arrive 859 ! U I j,.in. J he Eyreton lirnnch Train will Icavo : J j Ka:a-.:iu a: UK. p.m., arriving at Bennett* ut r \ (..10 p.m. A kite train leave:, Christchurch for > ' I i!:n:::nr.) at 10.15 p.m.. arriving Rangiora !J' 12.0. the 5.10 p.m. tram from IJelfia't to I,' Chnsichun-h will NOT run. : h ,--',iiUi Line and Morning ! rtl Tr.'.n: from Southbridge Jc-jvei at g0 a 1:1 " amvo 10.2j ii.i tt . 'Ii 1>: , Morning . Tram lr:-.n> Little River will run through til ' j' Christchurch, Li'-tlo River depart 7,40 a.m., | C.'iriEUhirch K rriv» 10.10 a.m. The 9.30' am. I , train. hincoU: to Little itiver. and the 11 50 am. cl : trdi: L-.tth River to Christchurch will NOT ' ; ru-.. T!ic Morning Train from Methven starts IC at 7.10 alii., and arrivrs Christchlnch 11.10 *' i a.m. It :a!v"- pas--e,.«;ers from nil 'tntinns up , t., Luriihani. inclusive, and i-ets down where rwju.r-;d. The 7.'25 a.m. train from Ashburton ', c v.-ii! r.ct take up passengers at OunFandel, *" Norwood. .t;:d Utirnham. I'asser.gers from ?' ;,,,.-■• iiiU-1 travel by the 7.10 a.m. •'•' tram. M(lii\eu to Christchurch. A treic leaves Koiieston for Christchurch at 5.50 a.m., S7

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13876, 29 October 1910, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13876, 29 October 1910, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13876, 29 October 1910, Page 12