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», SECOND DAY. Magnificent weather favoured tho second day's show, and there was a largo attendance of tho public. The gate takings for tho two days were £100 (last year £94 IGs). Tlio last time £100 was taken was at the 1891 show: The attractions of a band and competitions, and tho splendid parade oi' stock, were features which appealed to the holiday-makers. Among those on the ground, tho committee were glad to welcome Mr J. Stalker on his return From the North of England, and Mr R. Liggett, a warm supporter who, having met with an accident, had not been able to take his usual place on the committee. Mr Chas. I/eei-h, as president, with Messrs A. Mcintosh and A. S. Clarkson, as vice-presidents, left nothing omitted in tho entertainment of visitors. Mr B. S. Jordan, as secretary, proved equal to all emergency, and the committee and class stewards left nothing to be desired. Tlie judges gave satisfaction, but in the draught horses and merino sheep they were somewhat overtaxed to £et the work don in early time. In the concluding events in tho draught horse section, Mr T. "Wyllie was first with Flora McDonald and second with Hope. The eight mares in regular work were led by Mr H. E. Fincham's Gladys, which was reserved champion. Tho second was Mr K. Mcintosh's Heather Belle, and third Mr Fincham's Grace. The latter exhibitor, with Gladys r.nd Grace, won in pairs: Mr Mcintosh's Heather Belle and Heather Bloom second. This exhibitor, with the two Heathers and Blossom, was first in three-horse team. In carriers' horses Hend-v Bros, and Mr W. H. Tubman were orize-takers. The champion maro on the ground was Mr P. Small's Nancy Lee. Mr J. Well's Shepherd Queen, the champion two-year-old, mado a good performance all through. Mr P. Small s Baron Carlton (.imp.) was reserved champion in draught entires. There was a strong entry in cattle. For bull., any age, Mr R. Liggett"s Tlie Chief, bred by exhibitor, was ... fine level sire with massive head and good carriage. Mr Scoone's Waterloo Pride, second, was in every way a prime useful bull, bred by Mr W. li. Cabbie. Tne cliampioii.hip was taken by Mr John's three-year-old bull Devonshire Duke, from Beaulieu Duke, who was a splendid animal in every war. Barker Bros., with Devondah* Diike. took the two-year-old prize and a special for yearling bull. In or heifers the judgnr. placed Mrs John Brown's Duchess 111. first and chain-

p.oii. '»ut this \va_ prow_s-ed against, as it was not in calf, and Mr W. Scoone's Daisy, 2nd, took the honours, the same exhibitor takins second and third prizes. The special for beet milch cow cf any age was taken by Barker Bros. Mr Scoone was successful with his three-year-old, two-year-old and yearling heifers, which were well brought out. In Ayrshire.., Mr C Morgan Williams took the prize for bull, and Mr J. Fleming for cow and two-year-old-heifer. In Jersey cattle Mr J- Watson's bull Queen's Chief was first, Mr I. Judson's cow and Mr D. lioycc's two-year-old heifer being also placed in the honour- list. Mr J. Hedge's Queen, bred by the exhibitor, wa.s first and champion in cows for dairy purposes, stud breeders not competing. Mr T. Shaw's Kitty was casilv first as milch cow of any breed, owned by a milk supplier. Mr J. Wyllie, in two-year-old heifers, and Mr R. J. 'Robinson, were very successful. Mr John. Fergu__on took prizes for fat bullock and three-year-old steer. Mr J. lMtz;iiblx>n was a prize-taker for three fat steers of prime quality. In fat three-year-old heifers Mr Liggett was first, and lor two-year-old heifer, Harker Bros.' exhibit was not to be denied. Mr '1 • Wyllie taking top place in the prize-list for two-year-old steer. 'Pile fine combing merinos showed an improvement on last Show. .Mr Jas. Stevenson's symmetrical and wellclothed ram wa.s first and champion, being closely run by Mr C. 11. Ensor, who held his own in ram hoggets with two of .superior type and quality. The latter exhibitor gained the championship for owes with a sheep of very superior type, and wan first in single two and pens of three. In the strong combing merinos Mr J. Stevenson was first, and gained tho championship and second for wellframed densely-woolled sheep, the Glens of Tekoa being second and very highly commended. Stonyroyd Estate being highly commended in a c]ass of thirteen, which gave the judges some trouble. Mr Stevenson took tho two main prizes with ram hoggets, Glens of Tekoa third and v.h.c, and Mr E. B. Millton h.c. in a class of niue. In tho ewes, Mr Stevenson got the champion prize, and was to tho fore in ewe hoggets, Mr E. B. Millton's flock scoring in three ewe hoggets. It was noticed by the judge that in the wool of many of the exhibits there was a stain, indicating a break in tho wool growth. The English Leicester sheep were well brought out, and showed improving style and breeding. Tho champion ram was shown by Mr J. G. A. Ruddcnklau, who also scored for three ewes with lamb and three ewo hoggets. In ram hoggets Mr G. D. Greenwood's fivo sheep vera first, Mr Ruddenklau being second and v.h.c. For cwo with lamb, Mrs J. Brown took tho championship, Mr Ruddenklau second and v.h.c. Mr G. D. Greenwood was the winner in ewo hoggets, with Mrs Brown second. The character of the Border Leicester was distinctly notable. In rams Mr J. Johns gained the championship, Mr T. Skevington holding a liko position in owes. Mr J. Stevenson was first and second in ram hoggets, in three ewes above 18-months with lambs at foot, and three owe hoggets. Mr Skevington wa.s first and third in single ewo hoggets, and Mr Stevenson second. The Southdown classes were largely made np of the five entries of Mr J. Johns, who gained both ram and ewo championships. Mr A. H. TurnbulPs ram hogget was very highly commended, and Mr J. Stevenson obtained a similar card in. ewo hoggets. Tn the Shrophire Downs a good class of sheep were shown by Mr Johns, who gained most of tho awards. Thore was a small show of halfbreds by Messrs J. Stalker, H. Ensor, and Barker Bros. Tho Corri.dales produced representative entries and keen competition. In rams, any age, Mr C. H. Ensor was first, as well as in three ram hoggets; but Mr G. D. Greenwood's flock were first in ewes with lambs, _ingle ram hoggets, single ewo hoggets, and three ewe hoggets. Mr J. F. Dawson was successful in fat long-woolled lambs and ten lambs for oxport, Mr Scoone taking tho prize for short-woollcd lambs, and Mr G. Mcintosh was second in each case. For fat sheep typical of the most valuable combination of wool and mutton, Mr C. H. Ensor won from five competitors. Tho pigs showed much quality, if die entry was limited. Mr A. H. Parish took firsts for boar under twelve months and sow under the same age; Mr J. Rowe won for sow six months, and sow with litter; and Mr B. Edwards for baconers. The sheep dogs were a large class. The winner of smooth hairs was Mr T. A. Shields'e Madge; for rough hairsMr G. Garrett's Jug, and for beamed dogs Mr J. Bunting's Darkie. The judges wore:—For hunters and competitions, Messrs C. C. Roberts (Ashburton), W. J. Doyle (Doylestone); cattle, Messrs H. Pannett (Springston) and W. B. Cunningham (Brookside); merino sheep. Mr T. S. Johnston (Glenmark) ; English Leicesters, Mr I. Andrew (Ellesmere); Border Leicesters, Mr T. Blackley (Rakaia); Southdowns and Shropshircs, Mr W. B. Andrew (Southbridge); halfbred sheep and Corriedales, Mr J. Stringfellow (Chertsey); fat sheep and cattle, Messrs J. Knight and F. H. Steele (Christchurch); pigs, Mr W. Wills (Ashburton); sheepdogs, Mr H. T. Little (Hawarden); carriages, Mr W. Moor (Papanui). Th? following- is the prize list:— DRAUGHT HORSES. Mar© and progeny of two (2): T. "Wyllie 1 and 2. Maro in regular work (8): H. B. Fincham's Gladys 1, b., reserve champion and 3, K. Mcintosh 2 and v h c, M. Crampton be. Pair (5): 11. E. Fincham 1 and a., K. Mcintosh 2, T. Wyllie 3, Hayland Estate .he. Three-horse team (4): K. Mcintosh 1, T. Wyllio 2, H. E. Fincham 3. Four yearlings by same entire (1): J. D. Wylli-e's Baroh Everest 1. Carrier's horse up to 1 ton (3): Heiidy Bros. 1 and _~ X.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association 2, T. Davios 3. Carrier's horse, up to 1| tons (2): W. __- Tubman 1 and s., EC. Schmidt 2. Milkman's horse (3): M. H. Stokes 1, B. Heal 2. Tradesman's turnout (1): N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association 1. Champion draught entire: J. D. Wyllie's Baron Everest. Champion mare: P. Small's Nancy Lee. Ch-m----pion two-year-old: J. "Well's Shepherd Queen. P. Small's Baron Carlton was reserved champion in tho draught entires. HUNTERS. Carrying Ust over fences (7): Mrs J. D. Halls Vedette 1 and c., *W. H. Tubman 2 and s., Mis M. Bethcll he. Carrying ~2st (10): T. Chapman's Rainbow 1, J. H. Watson's Rubardo 2, J. G. Macdonalci's Wait-a-bit 3. Lady's hunter (2): Mrs Marmaduko Bethell's Falding I, T, Chapman's Rainbow 2- Horse for mounted infantry (9): C. E. Latter's Masher 1, J. B. Cathersrood's Lascar 2. Under 15J hands: H. Lander s. Troop horse with equipment and rider in military uniform (7): Trooper H. Lander, ...C.M.R., 1, Sergeant tubman, C.M.R., 2. Harnessing competition: Miss A. Horrell 1. Horse clearing high bar: W. H. Tubman 1, J. Gricblc 2. Walking and trotting horse: J. Lowe's Kit 1, 3. A. Gricble's The Witch 2. Victoria Cross race (11): Trooper E. --arrows (Anutri) 1, Sergeant J. Mehrtens (North Canterbury! 2. Two-wheeled driving competition (9): W. W. Alcßae 1. H. Thomson 2. Loyd-Lind.ay ' competition (I): Sergeant Sloss (Anniri.i 1. Corporal Cooper (CuatV 2. Led horses ever hurdles: W. O. Berry-roan 1. D. Chapman 2. j -Yny Jump (7): D. Bailey 1. Miss Skevington ■_. In pony entires Stonyrovd Estate's Charmer. Aladdin—Kit?, was ' very highly commended. Mes.r- G. S. Hickman and W. Scoonwere equal in points for ponies. CATTLE. ShcTihem--Bull (■_): I*. Liggetfs Tlie Chief 1. V.. Scoone's Waterloo's Pride. *> Th*. f *e-year-old bull <1): J. Johns's Devon, hire D__o 1. a., and champion. Two-year-old bull tl); Baker Bros Dcvondak- Duko 1. Yearling bull (,_,: Baker Bros. _ and _. Cow or heifer any age ( 7): W. Scoone 1, s., champion and 2Milch cow, any age t2) : Barker Bros.l. xhree-year-old heifer (..): \\ . Sccone 1. R Peach *> 1. --year-old heifer (_>: W. Scoone 1. Barker Bros. _ "i carlir.g never is*: W. Scoone l and v h c. J. Santo ru _. Barker Bros v h c Ayrshire-Bull (li: C. Morgan William-s _t. blnio 1. Cow (li; J. Fleming l Two-year-old heifer (2): J. Fleming 1, Drummond i Uauey 2.

j t ..-ev—Buii. 2-rs or under (2): J. Watson 1 J O' Howsou 2. Cow (3): Isaac J udson'l, C TooP 2, I. Bovce 3 and v h c. Two-yeai-rid heifer («>* ->■ Boyce 1, .1. Fleming 2. Milch cow. any age (1): T. Shaw 1. Dairy I". ,7)- J. Hodges 1, s., and champion 11. Murfitt -. V. J- Guv v h c and h c Three £.-.-«■ crO--bred lienor. (2. : J. Wyllie 1, IWvlfi. •■> Twov«r-ol<l heifer (-): ». -- 55 _t_n L * ' 2 - W S , tftlk n ?> " W l im'-ock (.->: J no. Ferguson 1 and c.. V>2- Three bullocks over 8001b each ,,■ J Fitr-ibhon 1. Three butchers' steers Mi -' J" Fi t-g-bbon _- Three-year-old steer i 3): % Fer'u-on 1. I_ J- Robinson 2, T. _\ ylhe v h 'Tliree-vcar-old heifer -.3): R. Liggett i o„d _ L. H. Paniham 2- Two-year-old _t,« ll* T Wvllie 1- Two-year-old heifer - Barker Bro.. 1. J. Wyllie 2. louths Shorthorn cattle: H. Methral 1, J-MilJ-r and L. McGregor (equal) 2. SHEEP. _■ _ Combin" Merinos—Rain (-0: J,.''_n, P 1 T and champion, C. H. Ensor 2 V.n-T-.Vc*- 1 *" ■^hT:,t%^^&AAAk -WW Si !f~V _f._°_--'^Jf.„7 J '*_srsSe.'^™: p,on. 2, aid > « c F B MiUton 3 alld v h c St"nvrovd Estate c. Three ewe'hoggets 13): E B." Million 1, J- Stevenson 2, btonyroyd Estate v h c. , English Leicester-Ram (4). J. tr. A. Ruddenklau 1. a., champ.on. andl. c. Mr_ loi- Brown 2. Rom hogget (.): G. V. Gre.nwood I J. G. A. 2 and v h c. Mrs Jon. Brown c. Lwe with lamb «->: Mra Jon. Brown Is. and chamuion J G. A. Ruddenklau 2 and v h c. Three ewes (3): J- G. A. Ruddenklau 1 and 2 Mrs John Brown v h c Ewe hogget (5). G. D. Greenwood 1, Mrs Jon Brown 3, J. G A. Ruddenklau .■ h c. ,'■">'«► ho °; gets (1): .1. G. A. Ruddenklau 1. !•«-«" prize-taker in linglish Leicesters: J. G. A. Ruddenklau. , Border Leicester—Ram ('_): J. Johns 1, s.. and champion; J. Stevenson 2. Ram hoggot (5) :J. Stevenson 1 and 2, T. Skevington 3. Ewe with lamb (4): Thos. Skevington 1, s., champion, and 2; J. Stevenson 3. Ihreo rwes with lambs U) ■ Jaa- Stevenson 1. Ewe hogget (6): T. Skevington 1 and 3, J. Stevenson •_. Thrae ewe hoggets (4): J. Stevenson 1, T. Skevington 2. W. Nicholls 3 and c. Largest prize-taker in Border Leicesters: J. Stevenson. Southdowns—Ram (1):J- Johns 1. champion, aiid 2. Ram hogget (4): J- Johns 1 and 2, A. H. Turnbull vh c. Ewe with lamb (3): J. Johns I, champion, and 2. Ewe hogget (4): J. Johns 1 and 2, J. Steven-on vh c. Three ewe hoggct3 (2): J. Johns 1. Lincolns—Ram (1): Jas Stevenson 1. Shropshire Downs—Ram (1) : J. Johns 1. Ram hogget (2): -1. Johns 1 and 2. Ewe with lamb (2): J. Johns 1 and 2. Ewo hogget (2): J. Johns 1 and 2. Halfbreds—Ra m(l): H. Ensor 1. Corriedalc— Ram (6): C. H. Ensor 1, H. Ensor 2 and c, G. I). Greenwood h c. Ewe with lamb (6:) G. D. Greenwood 1 and 2, C. H. Ensor 3, H. Ensor he. Ram hogget (6): G. D. Greenwood 1. 3 and h c, C. H. Ensor 2. Ewo hogget (7): G. D. Greenwood 1 and 2, C. H. Ensor 3, "H. Ensor h c. Throe ram hoggefs (3): C. 11. Ensor 1, G. D. Greenwood 2. Three ewo hoggets (3): G. D. Greenwood 1, C. H. Ensor 2, H. Ensor v h c Fat Sheep—Long-woolled lambs (4): J, F. Dawson 1, G. Mcintosh 2, H. H. Hudson v h c and h c. Short-wooJled lambs (6): W. Scoone 1 and vhc, G. Mcintosh 2. Ten Freezing lambs (G): J. F. Dawson 1, W. Scoono 2. Best ram in show for wool and mutton (5): C. H. Eneor. PIGS. Berkshire—Boar under 12 niontha (2): A. H. Parish 1, W. Scoone 2. Boar under six months (1): J. Clothier 1. Sow under 12 months (4): A. H. Parish 1, W. H. Haigh 2. Sow under six months (1): J. Rows .1 and s. Sow with litter (2): J. Rowe 1 and s, W. 11. Stephens 2. Sow. any breed, with litter (3): J. Rowe. Baconer (3): ii. Edwards 1, s and 2. SHEEP DOGS. Smooth-hair (13): T. A. Sheilds 1 and s., S. Smith 2, B. Waller v h c, F. W. Ruddenklau h c, G. Garrett c. Rough-hair (14): Miss F. Bunting 1 and s, A. Forrest 2, S. Smith v h c, J. R. Henderson h c, Mrs H. H. Hudson c. Bearded dog (3): J. Bunting 1, J. Frizzell 2. Dog jump (7): J. K. Forrester (7ft 6in) 1, J. H. Power 2. Tho awards for carriages and implements were:—W. Cattcrmoro and Son: Commercial gig he; pony gig rubber tyred, c. Lambert and Busby: Spring dray, he. Watkins and Wecber: Ralii dog cart, rubber tyres, v h c; tray gig, c; set harness (R. J. Guy) he. J. Skilling: Ralli dog cart, h c Certiflcatca of first order of merit wero awarded to New Zealand Farmers, binder twine, cheep dips, harness, garden eeeds (Sutton's); Christchurch Meat Company, moats and fertilizers; Milner and Thompson, pianos and organs; Canterbury Seed Company, seeds, Andrew's twine; Canterbury Freezing Company, meats, oils and manures; and Dresden Piano Company, pianos and organs.

Messrs W. Cattermore and Son, of Fernsidc, at tho Rangiora Show, had by far the largest and best exhibit of commercial gigs, pony gigs, dog-carts, Italli dog-cart, roadster gig, * ra y gigs, and spring dray, and received the certificate of the first order of merit; also the judge's highest award for commercial gig, rubber tyred, spring cushions, screw seat, and trimmed in leather. It would have been hard to beat Messrs Cattermore's exhibit in any part of the world for stylo and workmanship. * 6

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13876, 29 October 1910, Page 6

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NORTHERN A. AND P. SHOW. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13876, 29 October 1910, Page 6

NORTHERN A. AND P. SHOW. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13876, 29 October 1910, Page 6