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PUBLIC NOTICES. ""I . ten days' Bargains. x < M Cir-E-iV/"l i w Una ' : 'f T ADIES don't miss seeing.tho great value _f , _-__. ' T JL- in Costume now showing at Bealb s. §_■ ■ r» H g~\ IB ■» J These were purchased from the manufacturer J | B~a |=»| | , at a sacrifice. ■ "■»• a B H f OQA LADIES' Coats and Paletots, in the „, _-OV newest styles, going ot umi-ard-ol prices at BeathV Usti-lly - 25s M, 2S« Cd, _— __ __ _ Tcatcst dress bargains ever offered i" | mail "*"■ Christchurch. Look at these prices! Usually D.8.0A, F.S.M.C. (London) 2 5 lid, 3s 6d, os lid; now Is lid, 2s Co, CONSULTING-OPTICIAN _N of Towels. See tho groat bargains at 3 Beuth's. Usually Is 3d, 2s Od, 3s; now Is B _..*._«..14.~#l -__« «il _j ■i»d. i_s. 2s ad. ; May be consulted on all cases of "TS f»D, that's the price of a good stronjr I _^ Beath's. • All P T°°-° patterns'. Se'T'thcm at DE.FE.CIIVE. EL V E.S IG H | once. . j § ijKixY~^'i^h^r-\;'7o\w7r -undTrpant"* __ REMEDIABLE BY GLASSES .. XI. (colonial make), warm und_ co_ifortao:e. A great bargain at is Gd per pair. ..... t.6 years epeolat tttudy and experience BEATII and CO., LTD. I |„ England and Colonies. . : CSOIS-1560 By/ANTED _v/ANTED to RENT. g CASHEL ST. W., CHRISTCHURCH next (Ballantynes) * "___.. x ._ ~ 7~ 771 ] - 7 H Telephone 397. C„wi Hours 9.30 to 6 '■ TI7ANTED to Rent, Modern 1 or 5-roonioi £j ■" " , VV. I-lousci. 1-0 childron. Rent nnd y-ai- «—n-J■__■■—— ii__M__M-_-_-----B-_aiiMiiiiii-_i-M imi ■■ niiim ■■ r»i________ , 1 ticular? to Imniediulc, "Press" Office. IGiU ~ _ ._______«m».-'n uijw ■■! - - ■m n »- "****"'* fi WANTED TO LET. £ Jr'rt'yr'-'WM'i*"i"-flyy"""-i\ «.i.,._f* i^'"t^^^*- !3t L s;^-^S* B jli ur to Let. a Tobacconist ami Hair- | _ I^^^-^^^Pi^flfK^tlnfflSri VV dresser's Shop, adjoining billiard room. | IIA Sri tl? I •.It iTis SPM I'lrP 'Hi TO LET. }: TT ffjo fiff-*! „" ... w'^»r/vwln/vT* V^WJw » " *1' CITY— 9-Roomctl Modern House, all- con- * VAITP OJ M | - ' XT ■' _ veniencet, Cashel street, 255; alio 4 ( j I lII] Ttt 78* I • *■' A/SvlPk .-*V l 'tt "»I room-, lis. Linwood—G-rcomed ■ p'.-stcrcd | A V U.i L>t_Vf 1 - ' tf / |V\XIIIV \ *«gE'- y __&'„' I Houso, handy Id section, 13s; 4 rooms, '2s. 1 _■»**"" if» * I *|_VJ3__W*!__VAw§' /'" ' « Fendalton—s-rcomed House, near cars, j* _- • j .f * If 1 'g _%C_«n«A-' B nearly new.-furnished, all conveniences, ?os. J j.) ArtTOfl s§■ .Tl** 1° I" I "ff*"^^"w_^'rff '"1 >'' . Cnehmere—Fine 7-roomed Houso tmagmacant j kit (till UN .It. |J_' J I JUf *<J S/J /\] £__Ja l 11 outlook), very nicely furnished, 255. 3 llLvviiiU E«!i Sm %S_f / \.. *?!?Vwl» i* BADGER IiKOS., | ----«_---wi_r ? __t_-- --_- •' CWJB-1355 _ Opp. Express Co.__ f 1 r\ 11 /N nil! A C?1IT-W!«- ( i i l Look Really Comfortable ? thS-i ; TJUSINESS Woman AVants Comfortab'e | .- ' "P U™ T(l ™ d Kcsidcncc in or neiir City. 3 Jf t ]ef „ g - sho _. _ on ou _ COSY ;-' /"§^gjJ<S *™ t 7. „ --, «--, , I CURTAINS for tho WINTER. /fiWJ - jIHR'STIAN Gentleman desires Hoard r.nd I # I' y Lodging v/iih Christian people; NorMi § They are tastcfullv trimmed with coloured / I \\ bolt locality. Stale terms, moderate. >C.O. , k , V t■ » 1 ;- „.,,...;.,. I fi »C>J care of thU CfScc isr.s | borders or fringes, and come in varying / B \^| "iv : "i '- -r v attractive designs, colourings and prices. • R \ 1 TJLhIM-jSS Man, \\ idov.-cr. <!'» veir-, uould a H \* Pi n ™, « w ']{' .d-"»-'---t«»««-d § Our booklet "First Impressions" is free. ' ' . B j« i;;<ly, 30 to .T5. J'rotostant. wit 11 view lo mnlri; 3 YV. -f "t I •vVI ' mony. JJmly in firtt iii&t-antc to "Genuine," . 3 . JISK lor It. I "Ptess" Olfire. BS3I 9 ' WARM ' Extremities moxt I„H 1C 3 17C59 inPll CURTAIN CORNER, > |tir_l_il!iJ3 IL IP. Corner Colombo & Lichfield St3..| : I rjALL.and ree the display, o! Prime Meat -I V/ at very low prices nt Disou s new —»'»-"■»-'» .... . . . ; —. I Branch Shop, Manchester street, near Tuam PUBLIC NOTICES. PUBLIC NOTICES. '1 fitrect. 474} , ' -.■ T ADIES, insist on your Grocer sending you T - JONES Jiata T. TAYLOR). FEED. W. FUKEMAN, :, ? 1 you Champion B_kin S Powder, makes sh || Ung Ceylon, a "good family Tea, Is lb. M.N.Z.I.S. . '/ ' J • a light white acone. C 5303 AVekn Brand Ceylon Tea, splendid malty I CENSED t> URVC VQ E. I c . Is 3d lb. i,;_i,,-. T( ? rom . -*-- . .- '~ 1 1 uud as fd yard, ,hown In cream and rx- fea *t£ invdids U lOcl Gloucester Chamber,, 105 fltoucest,Alml, | - quisite evening shades, at - The Peoples „rt?? n i rnffee lib Canisters Is 4d Is opposite Hick Stables. Christchurch. 9 Place for Value." Call in tc-day. Graham, Mocha Blcnd> Coffee, lib Canisters Is 4_. C3osg ' l Telephone _03t>. . - ' -i y__?_-._._.._ J ___i_ ! >_ Finest' Hyson, end Mocha Coffee Berries, : JMOST charmingly effective are tho Crcpons fresh roasted daily, la 9d 18. T\YEING AND CLEAMNG WORKS, tirt. | and Striped Voiles offered in cream i-ml 97 COLOIiBO STREET. 'Phone 278. XJ Country Town in New Zealand. L«» § pretty evening shades, nt 3s Gd yard. C4836-HBS Central premises, low rent, nil necessary Graham, Wilton and Siuellie's. These beau- ■ ~" ~ plant, doiiifr j»ood trade; instructioti givw. tiful goods are well, worth'.soeing. W. M. PRATT, Price -100. MORTON and CO., Land Agenti, . H"" ANDSOME C:othfl in Pastel Shndes are 330 ST. ASAPH STREET. 'PHONE 2234. Foilding. _, KU shown at Gr-lii'.m, WiTpon and Smel- ___ BISHOP and CO - "' lic ' 3 ; at _^ s 31 f, 4 ? lul < , r,s ?d . n t nd ,&V* ' TvEALER in BOTTLES. Fat. Rags, Sacks. - WINE AND SPIRIT AND TEA. . yard.. Those fabrics make lip ,no charmin? Scrap Metals etc, etc. " ■ l - . ' Evening Coats-and Capes. Sec Bonos. Cnsea, bcrap jactaia. eic., ISI ARMAGH STREET.- • O-J / o'2-J 3 *ir ■ M _ t t i J AM selinis Wire Couches, with Green ~ ~ 'W' E b K C p- c- ■, lk . best l , flrUld !' 1 Sorgo -qiub and Pi.low, at 3Ss; also MI__LLI.AIMtU.UO, .yy .. ot . \v,„cs. «nd fapintfl,, «Ipq . Ale» aad Spring Couches, upholstered in duck leather, -— "** ; ~ Stout, both Co.ouial anci English. at same price. Other lines nt equally low TD-AL Comfort—A Gocd Fire during the _ prices', at J. M. Mitchell's, Colombo street, -*-_ evening and a Minson's Footwarmer Assorted Ca«cs of Wines and Spirits'-*! ' City. • ■ <J nil niirht. Price from 2s. . C 2957 Special Prices for XinrsandNow YcjK. '. A %»%" -f-H ** '" m£y. r rSer;hT l S £nd S _,UTw"!S B »st y Sar , " ty «**&™ »'*«*• " «*?»—«• buy their Furniture al 155 Hereford street. >^ A jj „„„ spe y The3e darK nights you P choice Brands of Cisars. Spirit. Stalidg . Very easy terms, given. Only £1 deposit, *_, %vant a „ 00 j light. At Minson's you c - n - 0 and pia-kg. and 1b 7d per week. Larger amounts in - t a cood Lamp at a very low price. — — • —'.; proportion. **. C 2957-10- DANCES, PARTIES, MEETINGS." •'? toea^^irlmgr^ 8 C 2057 SS^'i T ADIES, insist on your Grocer sending you. . Floor,, handy to all trams. For *t«au, J Reliance Blue W or Square). Ueeps' ,!' | linen anow white. --. .-~ c f delight your children. Hundreds on view. —— — • s : ,>■ NEVER. mind thVprico of Mm- C 2957-213 Tw - tFR M S "'* eon's have Lamps not -se mucli -| ?REEZ ING Feet all night, just to save -. 1, ukv anyhow, but give a big ]} 3 ' £ 2 s, which would buy a. Perfect ■ Foot- ARE EASY. ■"■ ■'■ "• ~"" - '■'■'"— ;: ~- ■■'•'-'■ : '■ —- w-rrmer 'at Minson's. ■ C 2957-1607 at.jiinson^._. T-lAXOS. SEWING MACHINES, SIDE-' ,„,, ~.-,. --~,—,,.,-,■;.---. TADIES'-SnUrl Ready-to-wear i!nt«r*re.JJ iAAU '-' Bl ' .„_ _ Tr ["-*-*""-— ' ' ' "" J_ showing -at'l2B.Cd and 15s: - Coma in .-*•■ BOARDS, ETC. April Isth. 1910. B _ n d try soiiio on. they're-just the thing for •• j vr CTT7WAPT V P resent wear - G™ham, Wilson and Smel- MACAItTHY aa.l CLARK, j Mr. -STEWART ROBINSON, I FUR NITURE AND PJA3IO WAREHOUSE, § Boot Importer, Ch:istc_urch. 1 xtqu'll be delighted with tho Charming, ■ Armagh Etrcct. ' 1 n_;«._ ' 1 I Trimmed Hats seen in tho Sfhow -5-W I---. "P ° , - ... ■ . " ' ' . . , v , B Room at Graham, Wilson and Smellie s. ; ' ". 1 We hog to inform you that we ■ Theso iovc ; v H ats are marked at 17s. €d, 21s, -. - j have accepted your tender of 13s 4_ in B Bnd o- 3 _ i£. l{ i c to or der at the same prices. Or> ■ , f oVereS U *' _ a ■ .—_.. Sco tho Conditions of th« '. .- " T ADIES insist on your Grocer sending yo» .-.vnTtrw** ' - RPfi OV CONSEOUENCES. JL7 VarniEhine, the brilliant polish for tan NEW ZEALAND DLEADNOLUtt«£.__j._x__ J _ J . -v d ]inoloums easiest, quickest. _„_. T ,- TmT ,> v "' " brightest, 6d per tip. CS3OQ COMPETITION -•• , .Yet Another GpOat Sal© -i- ADIES, insist on your Grocer sending you - On i>age 4of thin issue*-.' -- Of ah A3Slgr3Gd StOCk ■" Reliance Blue (Beg -r Square), keeps „~ ho -fcekly Press" offers _5 for the !w»t ■ Of BOOTS & SHOES. Hnen enow white.. CS3OQ " " Wl *-»•»-»**'■•* «• *---w__*»« : , _: name for tho N,Z. Dreadnought. * - — y ADIES, insist on your Grocer sending you , HEAVY COMMERCIAL LOSSES. Champion Eg_ Powder, tho real rub- » . . ' itit'ute'for eggs. " 4 C 5302 QHEEP Shearing, by E'ectricity. -The' O mi , 3t U p.i o .date method attained, M' -'There is a b-d time-head in the shoa -r ADIES, insist on your Grocer sending you installing FalUiner-801l Patoit Electric, „ trade. Leather is going up in prioe by Li ch - mpioa Egg Powder, the real sub- Sheep .Machines. »«*»" l ' leapsandbounds. Boots, ill bo doarer C SSO2 &"e" 'mSS'T?. - this winter than they have ever beon. Engineers, 115 Herefordstrcj^^Cg^j, xl Manufacturers and House Furnishers, T-^.-r-e WHY SHOULD YOU SUFFER, are now opened in their new buildings, , 20 ■ FUNERAL NOTICES. ! -And you won't if you -re Smart, then and I_2 High-street, near Armstrong's. With- .■_ _ __ _—- ny <?UAItT out «cepUon the linest dierlay of Bedst-ads rrHE Funeral of the late -Thomas -Ttixan . BE SMAUi. . jn the City. Holmes and Sons. Ltd.. 120 «nd T will Toa" 3° Lichfield E_-t, os - . ! ; _4«71 Frid .- t t i lc - 2 7Ui inst., «t 1050 «.m, for t» ■ ■ AVPIIIAITIiT T ADIES, insist on your Grocer bending Linwood Ctmetcry. J. LAMB mid ,* STEWART ROBINSON h^Si^^s^^^&: h • ■ ■ THE GASH BOOT DEALER I *=*--*•• M per tin : ~ «.««_!>." • iQf.»«Tw I GLORIOUS SUN _EA. Gerald avenue on Thursday, the 26th tot, , Of 225 Cashel Street Wi I at 3.30 p.m., for the -Linwood Cemetery. is still smiling, _nd why, XJONTHLY CASH DISTRIBUTION FOR J LAMB-nd SON. y 001 HE'S GOT ANOTHER BIG STOCK APRIL 30th. rr-HE Friends of Mr iind Mrs J: P. Herrick - TO OFFER YOU REGARDLESS Mrs W. Rawston, lunara, -3. aro invited to attend the Funend.-f OF INCREASED PRICES. &** r' £1 ' «>™ *" te Daughter, Myrtle Grace/ lMn»« OF INCKLAbEL. _-i.i__. m, 3j. Palmer, Addington. £1. • r£B i fle nce,. 40 Macmiley street. AddißJ- . j t« w S a H&J in, ton, on Saturday, the'2Bth inst., at 3-p.--.' Score*, of failures are recorded. It Aliss A. Avery Blenheim for service-in St. Mary's Church, and then*;,, will be impossible for retailers to sur- *irs W. H EEgcrs. Dunedm. .s 6d. , fe Svdenh(im Cemetery. J. LAMB tai vive this caJenhty unless by a keen fore- Mrs Batchelor. Nelson, ss. SON ' ' » 18 Bight they bought their stocks at the Mrs E. Smith. Christchurch Gs. .. — right tinu, and the right price. And Several Others at 2s Gd each. j- f fc , Edwatd R()irljlli j Christchurch fortunete ia ibe.pos- liurhfm f ■ *«» '"« W- residence, «llUg session oi a Smart Firm whoso judg- christchurch at end of any month and Btrcet ' Sydenham, on Thursday, the S6W . ment in buying largely _t the right tinie monthly lash 'bosses 11 to con* """V'^lr 9 P f'ktn LinW °° d CH "® - has enabled them to survive it. -4ieir l ßVmtl * oi GLORIOUS SUN' IEA. _ou- J- MB * nd &ON. • >W L J expert Knowledge of the ma g wUh fuU parUculara in CTery packe t. — ! ~ ~ , prompted them to secure, this a&signc- every _ ncre at i a 8 d ana 2s per lb. T LAMB. AND SOS,- , slock of high-class. rehab;e goods -t the ' C 5232 —' • heavy discount of t,B Sa in the _ off •_-—- UNDERTAKERS manufacturers' cost. 1 ADIES, insist on your orocer sending . -..,.,-,■.,■-... „ , . --< you Champion Custard Powder, simply And This Splendid Stocx is offered to you delicious with slewed and bottled fruits, pud- EMBALMERS r«.arale» of tto cieot n» in leather. _:„•_», etc., 6d per tin; ■ " C 530. l__»____-. 7_ Pairs Ladies Ward ohoce, rubber ...._ - ... : heels, 3s lid pair, M.-n's Golcshud Boots {I OSSIP for HouaekecpinK Hints. . ~_„_._,"_ ---,-r-- - 9s 3d, Men'a Chrome Goloih Boots 6s 6d, VX Weekly Fashion Notes, and Reading No. 3a LICHFIELD STR.-r., Men' 3 Bor Calf Bah. 12s 6d, Men's for everybody appear in the "Page for C 2253 Tclephono 539. Stout Cookhams 16s 6d. A mince!- j Women" in Saturday's editions of "The ■ laneou- lot of Cookhnrr.s l_s. Men's Evening News." , f uISS Heavx- Nailed Shooters 3». Men's Heavy , r, ; ; Ti A ,t . S "? « ? „-r„™i7 ■ Shooters l n s Cd Yen's Baf- \T OTHERS should see the largo Wool ! J-- (Ute W. and li. I.angford), morals, heel and toe platc_, 9s ?d, Mtn's -*" 1 - Shawb in Honeycomb and Plain FUNERAL FURMSHERS A.^O Long Thigh Gum Beets SU s<l. Men's a - Graham. Wilson and femeihe c, marked at EMBALMERb. . -. Gold Seal Gum BOOU _. 2s Men's "s Cd, 8s lid. 10s Cd, 12s fd, 15a and 17_.6d. 16 London street. 'Phono GW. . !Long . tvang_roo Leggins 16s. ' Men's They're just what you want. _--.-_t.-i»t. t X-rrnnn 3! ?„ •_** Heavy Clogs 7* lid. youths' (Joloshed ,~ ' T 77", HERBERT LANGj-ORD 16 London «*— !Balmoralc 8f lid Youths' Feaw School ! TUST the thing fi;r these cold days aro Richmond. 1 none ObJ. . BooTs 7s Gd. GiriV Hclvt- &_,__. BOOS J the Lined Leather Gloves, with Fur JOHN IUIIND. 48 Moutre. Istretl,. - heel and tc« ptater-, 11 lo 1 lid' 8 To P s « cn<l Come and Strap Fasteners, show- Sydenham. ii*>. ; „« Women* Chrome Legiets £.s'6d, Wcsl f in -? 10' ladies, at Graham, Wilson and Smel- Town Office, 227 Cashe! street r_oa»,-*_ ■ men's Cuicme Button Boots 6s lid lie's, at 5s 6d pair. 04702-1313 '■' ~ j, g-'j, L,. . Ladies' -Gi.c. Kid Lace andl Button New Show Rooms, .the finest in. the CREMATION.S, ARRANGED.r^ a i Shoos 6s 3d, Ladies' Lsce and Bution specially built for them to display the:r Office and Private Residence, 53 -W-» Shoes, a .spe-.-ia! line 5s Cd Ladica' I lar Z° and - ell assorted stock of Bedste-ds street, -oath *_;_»•' S Evening Shoos, patent leather 2a *3_ f and Furniture. . _ C4C7I Workshops, etc., 232 and 2-4 St. A-6P» lua% n G S h M Pi A PAGE F °R WOMEN.-Tho ••Evening TELEPHONE 721. '._ ' ■ w'of "f"- • Se \- S * t, Jf Telegrams. BerreH. Undertaker, Chr_V for this sale. Country Wn-ly _f _.-»_* £«18 church. _ , send poital noto3, cot stemps. THE Special "Page for Women" in Satur- /"*|tir_ES SAMUFLS TJNDERTA--' 8, Run your eye over this Ji,t of sale . da >'' 9 ediiion3 °} K venin - Kpwb " U nCRHWI STRfVt'odp" Treat B.B* -_=___=__________?__ . _£!£_.„,■- r bS_-. *-... the children too,* the m"ore the better. COMFORTS for the Home-Room Heat- Sydenham. lelcphone 30. , . There s sure to bo a scramble. Cutout V> crs 18s, 21s. 225, 24s each; Hand C 4594 30 years with H. i-uhrma-P. _ thia advertiser-ent. Have what you P Lamps, lar<;«- aEsortment. from 9d each; '" ■—- ■*- want marjeel on it. and be in early, ll Tabie ditto.' endless variety, from 2a Cd eacn; m . T _ Tfaw is -OUR CHANCE to go %vcll 3 Hanging ditto, plain and decorated, from lis •>• ,-*; A I shod thrnu|h the winter You want H Cd each; Kitchen Fenders with steel or brass TITONLMEMAL SC 11^08, Boots. STEVVART ROBINSON wants B beading, Ss Cd, 9s Cd. 10s 6d; Fenders, black 1U 271 CASHEL STRLtr. J-»c2??T C> '_- 1 T» h , e^ m re di " ct for a " J 8 w 't h br*" B «*'. I; * s ed <° 23«; Curbs in a CHRISTCHURCH. - I un<sTvi-Q<s r%E o<-' there ' 9 BIG i choice design, black and brass, black and . Opposite King Edward BarracW- , | -iUbl.\J_bS GOING- ON. C copper, antique copper from 40f. Is discount . . . ,—l E C4GS3-1408 fi allowed in the _. W. 'CONGRfiVE and Tie Oldest Establishc-d l-'irmi-C_ri-tcJJiJK». h mini mm ■iiiiiiiiiiiii ■■■iiMiii ,„ ,1 " SONS, LTD., Colombo- street. . C49CI b3m -i

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13743, 26 May 1910, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13743, 26 May 1910, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13743, 26 May 1910, Page 10