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Though rather windy, the weather was otherwise fine for the Autumn Meeting- of the Xw Brighton Trotting Club, which was commenced at the Addingion course on Saturday. The attendance nu "hardly tip to expectations, bat those present were treated intertatiog afternoon's sport. Iha track *v in splendid order, and big / ■fieldeiwere the order of the day. The sun* of StCfil 10* vis passed through, the totalisaterf, ** a*ain*t''Oß} 10s- on the correspond- / ing dayUpt jear, while sixteen bookmakers ] p*id.» U<*mtefe« of £15 15s e»ch to. ply! , their calling. Owing: to the .Ladies' Bracelet h*Tinjrto berun in heats, no feiwr »han < tta #THiti 4WT» got off, with th* remit ' "thai.ia#.las*:race was decided iv. semi- ': darkness, making it almost impossible to J i«oo«niM-:th«,horwM. Results:— lstliL HANDICAP (in saddle), of 60 sow; :iiij' ■■ afMsoiCd' - $■ * ten .-from stake. ' One mile g:- : *nd* liif. : •• ■ • "t X 6. ManionV b m Matariki, by Bell||tFsaae—Georguia> aged, 23«e0 '• Bpj : - : "."■:-'.-'■ (A. Wilson) 1 WS& v : . :*:. '(T. Cotton) 2 2&V. ; '.'«*i Salt'AirrSl'seb .. (Owner) 3 fcfli ; 'Bet«ie B. eer; 13 Ferii* 12sec, 7 Boee-ttttS.'-'ISMc,-- 18 Wooddale I2aec, 1* Sunny •soy 15»ec, 4 Botorua ISsec,'6 Imperial 17sec, ijyapjlywood I7aec, 15 General Black 17eec, IXt'QtMnl \Thit* ißitc, 10 Merrywood 19eec, Cjfti'ißawl aisec -{coupled), 2 Goodchild 19eec rJgtfißichird E. SUeo (ooupled)," 13 Retrace «le* and Colonial Girl 33»e0 (coupled), 1 i«M*U»ht 23a«q asd Miss Ngapara 2"ccc s J**?pJ ed )i 5 Maoriwood 34eec and Erin's iW ****> (coupled), 9 Dahlia SMsec and f ;R«ael» Y. 25sec (oonplcd), Iβ Pawnho 25*oe Jjtd SSseo (ooupled), also and Salt Air trere coupled.) Tribey *nd Richard E. piloted the StkMot % mile, with Colonial Girl, Salt Air, f.gdlfatatiki handy. Two furlongs from jJWn*iM»tariki aiosed oa the leaders,' and s 2Pr n * !^r i Won by «*■ lengths from Bellona, ypß.VwMi two lengths in front of Salt Airj iigwclose;: up came Erin's- Tracey and WWid>B. , -Tinwii Smin 54 3-Sth see. UUaiKS , BBACELET (in harnese), of 40 -.' M»»;'*ec<md 5 eovi from stake. One aulfc:■'-/ - . . '•\r HEAT. " ■ JltjJ lj. Spenoe'j b g Little Tih, by ..--SothieaM colt, 4jx9, 21»ec »«e SlcCalluxß , * lola, 34eec . - 1K • CMr E. Archer) 2 * Mn Qi-Hood'» Imperial Polly, ecr ~ - &:. (Mr G. Hood) 3 { Prim: ?Csec, 5 Midnight 20eec, 0 Little £»& Zs«*, 0 Miss Fran* 33sec 0 Silver fiutg 24j»c, t Se» Lioa Msec, 9 Ivy Woodenni'24»»e,; 11 Tom Sayors 25sec, 3 Needle--s»od »»«v 10-Alice Woodburn 25sec *nd «jnl*'B 25tec (coupled), 6 Navigator 2Geeo ■Oβ "■ Prince Baynaxd 36sec, 7 Prima Dona 3b« And Eula 2Seec also »t«rted. , tola soon got to the front, but in the jjttk straight she wa* joined by Little ga>, with Prinr handy. Turning into tie |pme straight, Little Tib had lole'a meaatate, and won comfortably by six lengths. Imperial Polly was third, ten" lengths back, ieilowed by Prince Raynard. lime, 2min tJ:2-sth aec. 0 SECOND HEAT. A. J. Harper's b g Kamil, by Vik- ; ': ice—Forest Maid, . aged, 3isec ■A--' iMr A. J. Harpet) 1 7, lfi«3 Going's Nuggtt, S4sec -. . ■ (Mr R. Rickerby) 2 2. Mis* Thompson's Thelma T., 18sec V-γ • (Mr W. Witte) 3 1 8 Elector 2scc, 8 Constance SOeec, 5 Andante SSatc, S Edcawood 33sec, 9 Baychiid 23« ec, 7 Hadam, 7 Surpria* ißsec, 7 Woodchief 23sec, I «i Jliss Becky 24s«c, 4 Maelstrom 24sec. 1 ; B*to 25mc, and Magnetic 25sec (coupled), j M* Special Child 25acc also started. 1 > By the time the etaad was reached Kamil had tfckea charge. *nd they re■•ss'*' •* th* head of affairs throughout, the **lptiwiiiaing by three lengths. Thelma T. J2*&ad two lengths away, followed by Elec2min 43 3-sth sec. FIKAL HEAT. -. i ■'«*>& Sp*nce's h g Little Tib, by \ i,V»ttscliild colt, 4yrs, Stieo (Mr D. Spenoe) 1 «i X McCalium's lola, iMseo ! . (Mr E. Archer) 2 I *».-.0. Hood's Imptxial Polly, ecr fV- '■■-. tMr G. Hood) 3 ■2t*bn» T.lSmc, Kamil 24secy sad jxugS« 2-Uec also started. .. Jirttl* Tib soon established s> long lead,. "f** he held throufhont, winning easily »T ten lengths from lola, who was serenty 7**Q* in front of Imperial Polly. Time, 2mia W «th sec. • ■ ' JCVSNILB (in harness), of 75 * ?7*' secon| l 10 cove. and third S soysS.E- S , . BUkdy's b f Maegie D., by Alfflont, Jubi.—Maggiedale, 2yrs, JBeec . - _ , (N." Price) 1 t J. Gadeeirs Lady Lyons, 26sec i' T- CJ. Paget) 2 *- J. A. Bnckland's Onawa 22eec' ' . «. (C. Piper) 3 • Bipon Child Ssce end 5 Wallace Junr. Itoc alsosiarted. j Irtdy Lyons soon eetablished » commanding •JM, «d with half the distance son* had *>*»* and M«ggie D. v her nearort aittend- ■««. A furlong from the post Maggie D. rjaaa on Lady Ly-jn, and won comfortably ««i* MBfft, Oiua> vas third fifti yards

back, followed by Wallace Junr. Time, 2min 29 3-3 th »oc. BURWOOD HANDICAP (in harness), of 100 sots; second J5 «ovs, and third 10 soys from stake, 'iwo miles. 4. K. iiowe's 'or m Kosenealh, by Rothschild—ZealaniLa, agt-d, 2«t*c (C. Kcrr) 1 3. 11. \V. Kitch.ughaia'i Croesus 13mk: IH. Gaskill) 2 2. A. Fays l*ranz:e, iCsec ..(F. Holmes) 3 8 Lard Aithorp i liiniaoUne lt&ec, 6 l!»«ec, 5 Bonification 21sec, 9 Leriape 2-scc. and 7 Cora Lynn 2'isec also eiiru-d. led past tie stand from Frauzic, iicnifceation, and Emnieiine. Iα the baci straight Davspnaj; rui: into seociiti I p.ace U-ir.g Xoliowcd by Franne oiid Knirneline. Once into the concluding circuit JJav- ! and Emmeiine were beaten, and ; iriniie went on second. Half a mm: from j lime Croesus improrcd. his place, and at I tho top turn was closing on hc-eaeaUi. The I iuiu-r hoid her advantage to the liiii.'h and J wmi by icngihs ixoxn Croesus. X-'raazie j was third ten iwigthp back. io;l;,wid by Emiuc'inc. Time. 4min STsec. INNOVATION HANDICAP (in harness;, of oO &ovs ; Eecoud j tova irom stake. J.'v.o milcis. 3. l>. J. Munro's blk h Driftwood, by Wildwood—Wild Wave, syrs, 14sec (Owner, 1 1. J. Preece's B!ue Rose, 14scc (T. Frost; J 7. ilr» J. .Neale's Triity V., llsec (K. Barson) 3 la Sir Jcc M.r, 1C Mine Yet O'stc, 13 lieu BlackwcoJ Sict, 14 Idaho Bsc*:. 14 <io!d Luce 9soc, 1J Beilo/ia Osec, 14 Midnight 12sec, :t i'ni.ce Foote i 8 Woodchief IMfCc. J M«rry May 13s*c smd Thicket K3aec (coupled) 5 Crus'i iJaic, and Childe Beldon IJsec (cou-μ-ix). t> Boston Child 14eec, 1 McKinr.ey C;iild, H«w (coupled with Bine Itose), 6 St. Omer Use?, 4 ila;d of the Forest llscc, 2 11-istrr H-symond 11 Hoxcni urn lGsw, and Black Monarch 16; ec (coupled), and 10 Si iitibrcu.'; lujc-j also bUirtc'i. Driftwood soon ran to the front, and with half the distance gone he was well clear of Blue Kose, after whom came Boston Child and Ciulde Bcldon. Once into the conciuding circuit Driftwood drew right away, ana firiuliy won eafing up by nlty yards from Blue P.cje, who was a similar distance in front of Trixey V. TLtn clofo up came Master I.'aymond and Gold Lace. Time, omin 48 i-oih s«-. ELKCTItIC HANDICAP Un seddic), of cO soys; i-ecand 5 t;ov» from sluke. One mile. 2. W. Witte's gr h Phosphorus, by Rothsi child—Vesta, oyrti, llsec (Owmi) 1 i3. R. Peel's Joy, frsec .. >J. Tudhope; 2 B. J. liToorhead s V'enuout, issec V J. BraDkin) 3 12 Miss Florrie C. set, 15 Alinont 3ecc, S Berinaguio Isec, 11 Harold C. 7sec, 13 Decoration &sec. 4 Jackaroo Bsec. 9 lanto Bfcc, 1 Wild Ivy Dace, 10 Chatham 9sec, 5 Ebuib. llrec, 7 Cora Lynn llsec, and 11 Uaec also started. Ruggles flkowed the way for two furlongs, ! when Phosphorus had his* messure. With ! half the distance gone, Phosphorus was well j clear, hi« nearest attendants being Joy, lliigI glee, and Vermont. From this out Phosphorus had matters all his own way, and won comfortably by twelve lengths. Vermont wr.s third eight lengtns back, a neck in front of Mies Florrie C. Time, 2mm SI 3-sth sec. AUTUMN HANDICAP (in harness), of 67 «ov?; necond 7 eovs, and third 3 soys from stake. Two miles. 2. W. J. Baiter's eh m Rothella, by Kothschild—Aentella, 6yr», 14eec (T. Annctt) 1 1 W Wootton'e Ivy Dean, 16sec (R. McMillan) 2 3. R. J Munro's Rubican, Hseo (Owner) 3 0 Bill 7sec, 9 Lone Hand Unec, S Clevewood 14sec, 4 Lulu Child 16sec, 7 Arinameiiter lGscc, and 8 Bazil 16sec also started. Ivy Dean was in front at the stand, Kothella and Bazil being her nearest attendants. With half the distance gone Rothella had taken charge, and from this out had innttcre all her own way, winning comfortably by a length aad a half. Eubican wzi third, fifty yards back, followed oy Bill. . Time, 4min 56 4-Sth sec. DASH HANDICAP (in harness), of 55 soys; iecond 5 soys from stake. One nule. 3. W. J. Gregory's gr g Mada, cged, 9aec (1. rrost) 1 5. A. R. Chetburgh's Miß3 Vera, lOsec ' (Cox) 2 8. W. Huiton's Scottish Mac scr (M.. Ed wards) 3 8 Onward (A.) 3sec, 7 Little Arthur 4sec, 4 Matnbrino Abdallah Oiec, 3 Kcirwood 9sec 2 Plush llsec, 0 Kipon Child 12sec, and 1 Harold Dillon 12sec also started. This race was run in semi-darkness. Harold Dillon rcfuaed to leave the mark, and at the fltand Mada and Ripon Child were m I terms. Then the former drew right away, [ and won easily by eight lengths from Miss 1 Ver*, who was two lengths in front of 'Scot r tieh Mac. Time, 2min 24 2-stt aec- ' "" SECOND DAY"S HANDICAPS, i - ADVANCE HANDICAP (m harness), of .55 joys- one mile und a halt—Rothella. acr Miss VwVaeec Saido 76CC, Sir Joe geec.Rubicen 9aec Blue Rose 12e«, lola 13sec, Fenra Us€C, Rolf BoUrewood 14eec, Mine Yet lSeec, Rose Child losec, Solo 158ek Sister Julian W*e, Trixie Y. i7*cc. Record Reign Vlefc, Idaho harnpss), of *0 soys; one mile—Lppp scr, Hamiin 3 E ec, Bt.n Hur 48ec, Rugglea 13sw, Special Lad lasec, Bellona lesec, Brown Ribbon 17seo, lfleeo, Clevewocd ltoec, Ladr Mary 19aec, Major Irvington Weec, 19sec, Salt Air 19sec, i.. 19»ec Lady Lyons 20»cc, Imperil 21sec, fi» T. 21ei, General White Sleec, Constunco 21-ec, . Erin's Tr«:y Slsec, Special Form 23sec, Merry .May 23 sec, Andtinte Mboc, Good-bye 03eeo Here : ward 2i<*C Maj«stic 24sec, Maon Wood 24sec AVood Chief 2isec, Midday a4scc, Colonial Gtfl 2t«ec. Gold Reef 24scc, Mies Ngapax* 84sec, Kamil Slsec, Imperious Lad 25sec, Bonn c Dc'on 25sec, Heirloom 25sec, Cbnstmaa Belle Msec; Abbej- Child OSacc, Blackwitch Msec, New York 253 ec, Chkrf Batchelor 2o3ec, Heme Clair 25«kx, Prince "Wrekin aSaoc, Daha 26sec, Alice- "Woodbnrn ''iGsec, Special Child 26sec, Jtonecrat 26sec, Tom Sayars 26sec, Myrtle B. 26sec. Backward 2Csoc, 3.CM. 26»ec, Galloway 268 ec, Gipsy Bell 26sec, Eula. 27sec Fjction 27sec, Lord Rothschild 27stc, Bay Child 27e«. BRIGHTON HANDICAP (in terneas), of 105 boys; one mile and a half—Dick Fly ecr. Terra Nova 3eoc, Imperial Polly ssec, Gold Leaf ssec, Crceeus 7eeE. Aberfeldy 7sec, Woodburn Lad 7soc, Ned Erbh 9sec, Factory Boy lOsec, Roaebury lOseo. Hue Elect lOsec, Jack Trac«y lOsec, Euby S. lOsec, Quincey llsec, Onward 12sec, Royal Ribbon 13sec, Mane Narelle Hsec, Welfaro 14sec, Day. Spring llsec, Emmeline Heec, Nell Gwynne lSsec, SVanzie 15sec. AVON HANDICAP (in saddle), of 60 soys; two miles—Red Child scr, Harold C. Bsec, Pansy lOseo, Gladsome. 12sec, Vondty 14eec, Stormlet losec. Pinewood 18soc, Lucky Child 30scc, Brown Ribbon 23eec, St. Cyrns 22sec, Poriri 24aee. AVAINONI HANDICAP (in harness), of 74 soys; two milee—Vitella ecr, Wild Tree 4eec, To Kuiti 7sec, Stranger Beec, Lenape Bsec, Adventureaa lOaec. Esina 12sec, Ivy Dean ISsec, Slcewee I4sec. Lord Vivian ISsec, Rubican ISaec, G.T.F. 16sec. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP (in saddle), of 55 tors; -one mile—Lopp scr, Wild Duck 2sec, Croesus 2sec, Haraun 3sec, Early Dawn 3scc, Almond 4sec, MacU Bsec, Bermaguie osec, Romany L*d ssec, Major Rothae* Ssec, Hina.n osec, "Beeaie B. 63ec, Hue Elect 6sec, Joy 7sec, Fwhennan 7sec, Bcpeatcr 6sec, Alice Wood Bsee, Ashwood 9eec, Chatham 9sec, Wild Ivy 9sec; lanto Osec, Decoration 9sec. BEACH HANDICAP. (in saddle-), of 50 eovs; one mile and * halt — Berniaguio acr, Bell Lincoln 14sec. M*t«riki lßeec, Sir Joe 15sec, Trirq; PaTk 19sec, Lady Criterion 19sec, Rolf Boldrewood 20sec, Mine Yct.2laec, Rose Child 21sec. Solo 21sec, Wooddale 21scc, Clevewood 21sec, Sister ■ Julian' 22sec, Lone Hand 23i«ec, Sunny Boy 23jec; Magpio 23sec, Connio 23scc, Dolly Wood 23sec, Baxil 23sec, Golci Lace 23sec. FINAL HANDICAP (in harness), of 60 eovs; ono mile—lmperial Polly scr, Advocate lsec, Wild Duck Isec, Withington 2sec, Ned Egnn Isec, Onward (Australia) 4sec, Little Arthur 4sec, Factory Boy ssec, Roaebury sstc, Onward 6Eec, Miss Youngley 6sec, lanto Beec, Frsniie Ssec, Xell Gwynne Bsec. will close to-morrow night, at 8 o'clock.

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13710, 18 April 1910, Page 9

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NEW BRIGHTON T.C.'S AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13710, 18 April 1910, Page 9

NEW BRIGHTON T.C.'S AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13710, 18 April 1910, Page 9