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1 DEFECTIVE "If EYESIGHT : j ERNEST M. SANDSTEIN D.8.0.A., F.6.M.C. (London) CONSULTING OPTICIAN May be consulted on all cases of v' ; DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT $ .. REMEDIABLE BY GLASSES .. t xS years special study and experience \ j In England and Colonies. ' j -. "1 CASHEL ST. W., CHRISTCHURCH next (Ballantyne*) il Telephone 307. Cj?»s Hours 0.30 to 6 i ; ■— ——_a_a.s____^»w— —■*-«--—i_ H _ a J | " j." ; »-? XA New Departure byN. > : ; GEES LTD. X; Consequent upon the magnificent support accorded us resulting in such *' J a large increase of our business, we find it necessary to take more '■ "\ ," dious premises. . ' * We have therefore secured those well-known buildings at' the cornet ot ' < COLOMBO and LICHFIELD STREETS, lately occupied by D. Stock Ltd, -*% which will be renovated and equipped with every up-to-date facility for the supply of BLINDS AND CURTAINS. piIRTAIU MRU CD I We have taken the liberty of designating this spot ll UIiI ft 111 tlUlf RUI - and we hope to make the place famous throughout New Zealand for the s best values in BLINDS, CURTAINS, and WINDOW DRAPINGS. \ Our further announcements will appear from time to time. Me*nt&|_,/ we wish to express our appreciation of your goodwill heretofore, and to" wish our Customers and the Public a Merry Christmas AND A VERY : . Happy New Year. j | I EDMUND J. GEE. Managing Director. t_fe PUBLIC NOTICES. j FUNERAL NOTICES. "T^jr NEW SEASON FRUITS HAVE T»HE Friend, of Mia Lucy Glen era i£% ■ ARRIVED -*■ spectfully invited to attend th. Foaa|: £• ■ At J. T. JONES'S, 97 Colombo street. ?£ her Ist. husband James, which will l~e» ■* __ her residence, Mortimer place, oa Ma_ca**aj'"£ Finest New Sultan.., 5a per lb. %£&,*s£' i__, *& S^S-^Yw^ Finest New Currants. 3id ud 44. ™ b " r "SvitSt 4 TVI-JuJfftT °?£ * Finest New Figs, 31b drums Is' 6d. tery. C. SAMUELS. Telaphona 90. H» «• Finest New Layer Figs, 6d. ____ ■_ . , ... , , *^ Finest New Dried Apricots, 8d per lb. rPHE Friends of the lata Mr George IW« Summer Drink Crystals, Kaspberry, Lima, * ton are respectfully invited to attaid VM; Squash, Ginger iieer, in tins at Gd. Funeral, which will leave hu lata mM*e*;|f C 4836-1233 86 Windmill road, Sydenham, at 9 W_Y£ This Day, Dcember 18th, for th. TT)iliiiihsl..„ ' MISCELLANEOUS. Cemetery. C. SAMUELS. Telephone »M| Tt Holmee and 3ons' Sate you can Buy ~,.,. .. xV Frenoh Bedstead, full-sire, 2-inch posts, Funeral of the late Jama. H-bAk;! ■ 4-ply Wire Mattress, Kapoc M.ttress.- Kapoo JL will leave his late residence, JtMnt%S Bolster, «.nd 2 ICapoc Pillows, complete, for read, West Melton, This Day (SatwtUyK'Tlfcf ] £5. at 136 High street. C 4671 isth inst. at 9 p.m., for the Wast M«MtJ| - ~ Church oi England Cemetery. J. ItAWIJS I CHAMPION Custard Powder for delicious and SON. " CusUrds without egg*; *d per tin. „T_TT_?_n| -" extra Urge sit. 6d. C 485. rpHE Funeral of tho lata Mr 8. : F^=.^_ T 7- T iCTT; _.„„« ■-i ;r_ -l leave his late residence, 270 81 AMS*%| I CTORTAL Enam. »W »__'__ etrcct, City, for the Sydenham CamkiM \ , *r'J? ™__»'. This. Day (Saturday), 18th inst, at " is 9d. and Egg Cup. 6d. Minson s._ LANOFORD and EHIND. ' , • ■«___«-—•___•-__•_——-. ——_—■— t _. , nniiE Friends of th. l.te John Beird.»#J: / CHAMPION Custard Powder, delicious as X ranoe _ re in _ ited to attend hi. F_eei»M a sweet sauce with stewed fruits, pud- which wiU j emV6 _ v _„__.•_ T esittanea»<J_63f duigs, etc., 4d per Un, extra large sue 6d. gt AB _ ph gtreet We _ t c _ BmiMi7t rt .__jjg :, p.m., for Addington Cemetery. GEOB_K§L HARRIS BROS, have a Choioe Selection BARRELL. " ...... \ /'MIS ! - of Electroplated' Ware, suitable for - '"'fff<- '* birthday, wedding and Christmaa preaents. CHRISTCHUIICH LODGE. NO. tt. Wk- ■ These K°°ds are bamg offered to the publio jg** » »t wholesale price. You can buy a single —_— •_?- article at wholesale cost. Note our address; -_."■'.' ~j. .. ___*■-": 155 Hereford street (the Central Auction rpHE Brethren are requested to attend_M< - \ Rooms), ahow room upstairs. C 4381-6- -1- Fun«ral of th. Wor. Uut«i%<|fi . ; ~~ Brother John B. Torrance, which wUl3an>~ (CHAMPION Cust»rd Powd.r i. delieioaa b j_ lilte re .idenc«. 291 St. Asaph ttemtgm: J Refuse all substituta.; 4d per•tan. d tf wth _„_ , t tA& __. j, ,-■ J. !__!j_!s!_ , i_!_ 6 T-?_! Addingion Cemetery. &* M CALL at HohnM and Sons and inspect , , , , n — mpmmum* _»■ their display of Sideboards, . rangina 1.0.0. F., M.U., LOYAL ADDEHrXCWI M*from £A to £15, tho Best Valua in Town. LODGE. ,i,- C>WTheir Building Salo is now in full ewing. _ - 7t_L* Call early and secure th. 4ft of the above Lodg* 1. Chwal Duchesw reduced from £6 te to £5 ueßted to ette _ d the Punlral of «r i _ Ba, a gift; 1M White Colonial Blankets, 23» fiU - B to Imiw th# >,(__« -. 6d, at Holmes and Sons, 136 High »**«*• _" Asaph street, W., for tha f Cemetery at 3.30 Sunday Afternoon. urn&; , rpwO Vary Cnoice Antique Bedroom Suites hers of Sister I^Y $j>J '• - 1 enamelled Pale Blue, with Taster Bed- m 7 CHAS. H. WINNY, PA?^ steads draped in Art Cretonnes, are now on _---__«——_—__--—___*-__—asiCi riew at J. M. Mitchell". Furniture Manu- T_.NGFORiD and AH IfJ'r facturer, 19 Colombo street, City. C 4455 Ai • * WHITE Fluted English China Cups EMBALMEBS, r*£ ,- and s., 6s 6d doa; large size 9s dot 16 London street Than. <ML ' -'', Any quantity sold. Stylish, no gold. P.O. Bos 533. --'.-j Minson'.. C 2957-971 HERBERT LANGFORD, 16 London ib 4 j - : Richmond. 'Phone 688. - *•_-• I TTARNISHINE. th. brilliant polish for JOHN a 8 Montxaal^ . V Linoleums and T.n Boots, easie«t. M By^*&.yZ b °?'J"%^'m£~ » quickest brightwt, ad per tin. C 4953 Town Office, 227 Caahel street. PbOB. ay,. .' MADAME Pre'ndergast is showing Hats n _ O _ GE BAK BJ6L 'U ' : suitable for Garden Partiea. Rooms, I-i nwnvBTAKPTi _»<! ~us_l___-t Hereford atieet, next tJank of New Ze« : ** UNDERrA-ER and EMHil.nni^^ lis£_ -_I!H Funerals <m Modem Wi*_W-: A SHOP full of articles for presents. Our receive the personal sup-rrisMffl , stands are decked for Christmas. We the Proprietor. '^jvi- : ask you to come and look. Mison and Co. . Offic and Privat. • , - C2957-IS6 63 DUiu_AM b_K_J-T, ; PALMISTRY.-Marvollous reading-i, msr- -.'__.. _£Ss?° Undertaker Wmisk '■ riege, prospects, destiny, business, Telegrams: }$£*: $ , events, etc. Send 9 stamps, handwriting, : ennrca. ,t« ► Arion, Berkeley street, C.rfton, Victoria. 56 ■ AND' §os';'* f (COUNTRY Schools, Picnic Commlitees. J. %^ ? ''i '' J etc., take your lists to Minsona rNDEBTAKEJLS k I Liberal Discount on large orders. C 2957-971 , f Jfe£= i CHILDREN'S Stores Is, Is 3d, and up to EMBALMERS. . -' l|t_§ f 10s at Mineon's. Complete outfit. A , * " great gam.. Rf!>l groceries, etc. C 2957-186 ___—. - [ T\TAKE your Friends Happy this Christ- avnvv* ?$%& * IVI mss by sending them some of DUD- No. 35 LICHFIELD OTBEST./igggg . NEY'S Choice CHRISTMAS CARDS. Splen- , Xel»hone 539. . <N__C ' did selection. Cheapest in tha Trade. LIN- mT f ' COLN ROAD. ; /CHARLES SAMUELS, THn)_Jrtil__Bl ■? A THIRTY-TWO Piece Dinner-get at \j DURHAM STREET. opp- Tr«i % Minaon's for 20 a . English. See it. It's private address: 2S Gladstone P our best bargain: Telephos. ». f A GOOD Gift for a. Lady.—One of Bal- w wft _ H . Ftthrmana.-'' 0I«| I x_. tantyce'a Work Baskets, neatly lined . w J""* ■ __fig >■ with Batin, prices from 3s lid each. 48S5F -__.____----—■--■>—-—-———■ |' HARRIS BROS, guarantee every article of G. W. J. PAESOSS, ; J> Furniture they. sail. Yonr money !•• ..—.«—,.» ..,,,„» ..' i turned if yen are not satisfied. MONUMENTAL HASUH. GOSSIP for Girls, Housekeeping Hints, . ?^ Weekly Fashion Notes, and Reading lor ___M f" Everybody appear in the "Page for Women" __~-/«---, ». v» ia ir-vnaT-MKr- Lt in §aturdai*r editions of "The Evening REMOVED to >o. W ?_T__ STREET, next Terminna 5" BUY your Furniture where jou cmi obtain W best value for your money, at 155 ' '|3_ j' Hereford atre»t. Easy Time Payment. i* WINNERS of Principal Pri.ea. November W. RADCL IPF B, : - »' Distr'butior, "Glorious Sun" Tea. - TV ni7T!TAVT'R AND rifTUM**"' Monthly Ca«h Bonuses. TT>DERTAKER AND *jw«™^.^ -__ 41 DURHAM STREET. ..- T>HE Special Christmas Prize of £9 was won ,__-,r - 1 - by Miss M. Butcher, Weka Pass. Telephone 183. ' Si-V .' CITY COUNCIL. : ONUMENTAL SCULPTOI^'w.. i 271 CASHEL STREET, A;^/; /jg?st_*__* q WWW CHRISTCHURCH. I.'* 1 -'; ■ Opposite J-ing Edward _j ■'. The Oldest EstoblUhed Firm » = ' "" CITY LICENSES. , Eetabllsbed IMS. TeL If* f .. pERSONS desiring to RENEW their _«,«_.-.-.._-■ MB -.f 1 t) -*- LICENSES under the City By-laws are MANSFIELD 9 ',< % \ requested to make APPLICATION for the _,-,-,._----..-.*'■•• -""' 3 f l '" same before the 31st INSTANT CHMSTCHUmCII -l% $, h. r. smith. MONUMENTAL WOW» : t Chris« chnrch , lat _ Cie tl7 c <"- ner of Manchester &. ||J Have the very latest amviag»- ■ *■ ¥.• CAERIER£ STANDS. MONUMENTAL WOWL S h TVT-OTICE is hereby given that the NEW Being Specially Selected for ?j X CARRIERS' STAND, adjoininß Vie- c . 6 „ cajx Mn a IMSPBCT. ____ S fe ton* square, will be OPEN on MONDAY, ___Jl^_ BaH ?>■ tho 20th instant. Telephone No. 8. ;^" £* The Carriers' Telephone Office in the ___j." fe" Tiamw»y P_sgengers' Shelter, Cathedral —■— sjsquare, will bo CLOSED en and after \v~ M_e^___ MONDAY, the _«h i».t__t. H__iu?- ___* H. R. SMITH. SPECIALIST in DISEASES of JgjpgU ITown Clerk- " CANARIES VIQEOBB, J£Si&4tX. Christchurch, CATS, Etc 'Phone 1247. ****&*£££& 17th December, 1909, 8679 | Send for Catalogues. lp^l3i

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13609, 18 December 1909, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13609, 18 December 1909, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13609, 18 December 1909, Page 12