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I STRANGE'S NOW DRAWING CROWDS OF BUYERS DAILY. HERE ARE A FEW CF THE "FAIRINGS"— FANCY DRAPERY AT BIG REDUCTIONS. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR — 20 | OTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Cambric Dozen Tucked and Fancy Net kj Handkerchiefs, with the new epot Sleeves, white and ecru; usually 5s 6d. borders; now Is 6d the _-doz. now 2s Cd pair. 70 Dozen Tucked and Fancy Net Blouse Yokes, white ard QTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR —60 ecru; usually 5s ed, 2s Gd pair. 37 O only Very Beautiful Tosca Net and Dozen Blouse Tops, tucked, in plain and Kand-run Silk Spanish Lace Scarves, fancy net (yokes and sleeves corabinedl", fringed ends, in black and colours; usually 7s lid, now 3s lid each. usually 60s. 60s, 70s, now 20s, 255. 30s. S TRANCE'S SAMPLE FAIF. — 2000 QTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR — 500 lards Lace Neck Frilling**, white, *J Dozen Hemstitched Linen Handcream and ecru; usually Is, Is 6d yard, kerchiefs, size 14 x 14, in very special now Cd end 9d yard. value; usually 5s 6d the J-doz, now 4s 3d the _-doz. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR —51 Dozen Smart Silk and Lace Gibson QTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR — 300 Collars a.d Cravats; usually Is Od to O Dainty Crepe de Chine and Crysto--3s lid. now all at Is each. 79 Dozen Lace leno Scarves, all good shades, some in Gibson Collars, absolute!" the floral design.; usually 4s lid, 8s lid, newest of neckwear; usually os 6d to los 6d. now 2s lid, 5s lid, 9s lid. 6s lid, now 2s 6d, 2s. lid each. BEAUTIFUL SAMPLE BLOUSES. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR-Cream I QTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIRr-Coloured Delaine Blouses, with cream hand- ,*J Silk Blouses, some very charming worked Irish embroidery; 163 6d for 12s designs; 49s ed for 255, 53s for 29s 6d, 6d. 22s 6d for 17s 6d; 25s 6d for 19s cd. j 59s 6d for 3os. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Delaine I OTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Cream Blouses, tucked and trimmed with >' O Delaine Blouses, with coloured dainty hand-worked Irish embroidery, Irish hand-worked embroidery, very all cream; 16s 6d for 12s 6d, 18s 6d for j dainty and smart; 18s 6d for 12s 6d, 22s 14s 6d. ! Cd for 17s 6d. "■' SAMPLE COSTUMES. OTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR—Cos- OTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR—Cos--0 tumes in Sa_e Blue Cheviot (filk O tumes in French Worsteds, with lined); 69s 6d for 29s 6d. Costumes in brown stripe; 105s for 455. Costumes in Navy Lustre (silk lined); 84s for 293 6d. Cheviot Serge, with brown stripe; 59s 6d Costumes in Navy Sicilian (silk lined); for 22s 6d. Costumes in Cashmere Tweed 110s for 60s. Costumes —Black- Silk Coat (green); 63s for 355. Costumes is Brown (silk lined), and Black and White Check Striped Tweed; 79s 6d for 29s'L*J. CosSkirt; 120s for S4s. Costumes in Black tumes in Bronze Cloth (silk lined); 105s Lustre, with very faint coloured stripe; for 79s 6d. 84a- for 29s Ca. ATTRACTIVE SUMMER MILLINERY. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Child- OTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Unrer.'s Leghorn Flop Hats, 2s 6d O trimmed Mushroom H»tr r from Is e*ch; ditto Chip ditto, 3s lid each. 180 3d. Ready-to-wear Java Hats, trimmed Ladies' Straw Hats, all new colours; to with Velvet Band, 7s 6d. ' clear at 3s lid each. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR — Java Hats, trimmed with Fancy Scarves, ren's Ready-tc-wear Mushroom 12s 6d and 15s 6d each; Untrimmed Hats, Is Ud and 2s 6d each. Silk Bur- ditto. Is 3d, Is 6d, Is lid. 2s 6d each, berry Hats, from 18s 6d. Girls' White Canvas Hats, trimmed with White, Pale Blue and Pink Scarves, 9s STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Linen lid and 16a 6d each. Motor Hats, 4s lid; Silk ditto, 9_ 6d. ■ SAMPLE UNDERCLOTHING. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Moreen OTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR—LongUnderskirts, all colours; 5s 6d for' O cloth Nightdresses, very latest; 6s 4s 9d, 6s 6d for 5s 6d, 6s 6d for 6a lid. lid for 5s 6d, 8s 6d for 6s 9d, 10s 6d for 8s 6d. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR-Cami-soles, in endless variety; 3s 6d for OTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR—Moir--2s 9d, 4s Gd for 3a 6d. 6s 6d for 4s lid. . ette Underskirts, newest styles; Longcloth Chemises, dainty styles, trim- 12s 6d for 10s 6d, 14a 6d for 12s 6d, 16s mcd lace and embroidery; 6s 6d for 4s 6d for 13s 9d. lid, 7a 6d for 5s 9d, 9s 6d for 7s 6d. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Hand- _„„. embroidered Nightdresses, very fine ette Underskirts, IBs 6d for 16s 6d, qualities; 16* 6d for 12s 9d, 17s 6d for 21i 6d for 18a 6d, 24s 6d for 21s. 14a 6d, 19s 6d for 16s 6d. SAMPLE CORSETS. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Ladies' sires 20 to 24; 10s 9d for 8s 6d, 12s 6d Corsets, sizes 19 to 23. in White, for 9s lid. 14s 6d for lis 6d. 30 Pairs Broehe and Grey; 4s 6d for 2s lid, 5s Ribbon Corsets;'2s 6d for Is 6d. 3s 6d 6d for Ss 6d, 8s 6d. for 5s 6d. " C.B. for 2a 6d. Tailor-made Corsets, White and Grey, DRESS FABRICS. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR —25 OTRANGB'S SAMPLE FAIR —20 Pieces Melton Cloth, for school . O Pieces Cream Delaine, unshrinkable, and knockabout wear, 42in wide; for Blouses and. Summer Dresses. 42in Is 6d for Is yd. 30 Pieces Grey Summer wide; 2s 3d for Is 9d. 10 Pieces Cream Tweeds, in smart stripe effects, 42in wide; Corduroy, for Children's Washing 23 6d for Is 6d yd. 25 Pieces Smart Dresses, 42in wide; 2s 3d for Is 6d yd. Stripe Tweeds, in gTey effects, for in- 25 only Wool Marquisette Voile Robes, expensive holiday dresses and costumes, in- all the newest shadings, one only of 42injwide; 2s lid for la lid yd. 20 each'; 42s for 21s each. 3 Pieces only Stripe Piocea Costume Tweed 3, in new grey Voile, in brown, green and cerise, 42in .tripos, for smart summer wear, 42in wide; 3s lid for 2a lid yd. wide; 3* 6d for 2s 6d yd. 7 , SUMMER WASH FABRICS. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Black QTRANGE'S SAMPLE FArß—Harand White "Crepona," for Ladies £> . Striped Cambrics, for Ladies' Blouses and Dresses; special price 7_d t»Z_«_.-- ...h wellyd. Lovely Muslin Voiles, in dainty Blouses and Dresses, will wash well, stripes; special price 9d yd. A great special price 7Jd yd. 35in Near Linen, variety of Jap. Crepes, in pretty stripes, looks likes linen and wears and washes for Blouses, etc.; 7_d yd. Check jjj.. ]£n<._; suitable for Ladies' and Zephyrs, good washers, suitable for chUdren ' B D r .sses »nd Washing Suits; holiday and seaside- wear, special price "" , _, . _ 6d yd. 3 Pieces only Striped Linen, for special price BJd yd. Costumes, in brown, Saxe blue and pale CTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR^-Two and Blouses; special price 9d yd. Double- Very Special Lines: 250 .Lovely width Crepon, in very pretty self-colours Embroidered Unmade Blouses; usual and vfhite; special price Is 2d yd. __ ice 4g 11( i gpe cial price 2s lid each. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Lovely 3800 Yards Light Ground Novelty StripShantung , Linens, for Ladies' and e _-Cambrics, colours absolutely permaMaide' Costumes, in stripes and self- . Jd d dal icft colours; special price 10_d yd. A few """' "°" f a J • only double-width White Organdi Robe 6d yd. Muslin; special price Is yd. ; MERCERY AND HATS. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR-Regatta OTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR-Narrow Shirts, with stiff fronts-, 9s 6d for >-> Errol Ties. Is lid for Is 3d, 2s 6d 5s 6d. Neglige Shirts, 6s for 4s 6d. for is 6d. 2s lid for Is lid. HandkerWhite Cellular Shirts, 6s 9d for 4s lid. chief Wide-end Ties, Is 6d for Is, 3s 9d Coloured Tunio Shirts, os 6d for 43 6d. for 2s 6d. White Linen Shirts, 4s 6d for 3s 3d, 9s QTKANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Framed 6d for 6s lid. (5 . Felt Hatßi 4s 6d {or 3 B 6d. 13s 6d OTRANGE'S SAMPLE g _?£ it p Dress Shirts 5s for 8> lid. Even- Men>s c {or ls 4s {or 2s cd. ing Dress Shirts 7s 6d for aHi Fine M . jgt HtSs 9d for l 8 nd . Woollea Shirts, 10s' 6d for 6s 9d. Coloured mou ° Tunio Shirts, pleated fronts. 8s 6d fcr OTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Framed 6d. White Linen Dress Shirts. 6s for O Felt Hats, in green shades, lis 9d 4s 6d. White Matt and Silk Stripe Shirts f or 8 S cd. Men's Grey Lustre Hats. 3s (bands and soft cuffs), 5s 9d for 4s 3d. g_ f or is 9d. Men's Linen Hats (slightly soiled samples), 2s 6d for ls. 3s 6d STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Under- I f or 2s 6d. Men's Pedal Straw Hats. 5s pants and Shir's (fancy striped x g d f or o_ 6d. Men's Brazilian Straw Hate Llama), 6s ed for 4s lid. Natural Llama (slightly soiled samples), 8s Gd for 3s 6d, do.. 5s for 3s lid, 10s for 7s 6d. Natural 10 » 6d "for 4s 6d. Straw Boaters (slightLlama do. (Boys), 4s 3d for 3s 3d. Fleecy i y soiled), 4s 6d for ls, 5s 6d for 2s 6d, Undershirts and Pants. 3s for 2s 3d. 8 s 6d for 3s 6d. Brown Cotton do., 2s Cd for Is 9d. Lambs- ~~ T ,. vr . v ,e ciwrnw t?att» V--'. wool do., 5s for 3s 6d. Ribbed Wool OTBAIsGE'S SAMPLE fAIR-Mms Trousers,' 4s for 2s Ud. g r £?%?JF"' SAMPLE READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING. OTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR-Youths* O-.uOJGE'S SAMPLE FAIR-Navy O Ru*by Suits, 25s for 18s 6d. 36s ed O Serge Conway Suits 12s for 9s 6d, for 26s 6d. Boys' Norfolk Suits. 13s 6d 18s for 13s €d. Fancy Matlock Suns, for for 9k Ud. Boy.' Melville Suits, 9s- 6d little boys 19s 3d for 14s 6d Tunic or for 5s 6d. Boys' Riding-cut Breeches, Belted Suite, .9s or 6s los 12s in« M for 7« 6d Fancy Launer" Suits, with large, ancy 10a 6d for 7s 6_. u> 6d lg> gd STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Boys' for 12s. Washing Blouses, 2s 6d for ls Ud. ~,,„,_ „..,, .. , 3- 6d for 2s 6d. 4s Od for 3s 6d. Boys' QTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR-Men s Washing Tunics, 4s f->r 2s lid. 5s 6d for £> Saddle Tweed Trousers, lis 6d for 3s 6d, 7s 6d for 4s lid. 8s 6d. Men's Whipcord Trousers. 22s 6d for 15« 6d. Men's Fancy Vesta, in sumSTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Boys' mer styles, rery smart, 8s for 5s lid. Washing Sailor Suite. 12s for 8s Gd. Men's Fancy Veste. ml dark and medium Do. Tunic Suits, fls 9d for 5s 9d. Do. patterns, 18s 6d 12s 6d. Mens AlFancy Suits. 13s 6d for 7s 6d. 60 Boys' paca Sao Coats, 9s 6d lor 6s __. Fancy Suits, to be cleared 10s 6d for 7s _~m r _ „,,_ , r , 6d. 15s for 10s 6d, 17s 6d for 12s 6d. QTRANGE'S. SAMPLE FAIR-Men s . ~ O Sao Suits m strong English STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Men's tweeds, 25s for 19i [ 56 1..89s 6d for 27s 6d. Trousers, in strong English Tweeds, Men's Sao Suits, in dark tweeds, 42s 6d 12s 6d for 9s 6d. Men** Dressy Trousers, for 32s 6d. Men s Tailor-made Sao Sluts, in fine stripes, 18a 6d for 13s 9d. in smart browns, 59a 6d for 4os. USEFUL LINF.S. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR-H.S. and QTRAJN'GE'S SAMPLE FAIR-1 each Drawn-thread Runners, special £> only Pure Irish Linen Hand-Em-pricea 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 2s lid. 3s lid, 4s 9d.. broidered Tea and Tray Cloths, 6s 3d for Tray Cloths (H.S. Drawn-thread and Em- 5s Cd. 6a 9d for 6s Ud, 18« for 9s 3d. broidered), special prices lOd. la, la 3d, Damaak Clothe (Manufacturers • Rela 6d JBs 6d iects"), 17s 6d for 13s 6d, 27s 6d for 18a, * 32a 6d for _lf.-J8- for 13s, -5s for 27s 6d. STRANGE'S SAMPLE FAIR—Un- White Turkish Towels, large size, ls 4d bleached Damaak, 56in wide, ls 4d quality for ls. Coloured Turkish Towels, quality for ls yd; 7_in wide, la 6d quali- strong made, ls 4d quality for ls. ty 2d yd; 60in wide, 2s quality for _~^~T - . „.--. .. li 8d yd; 68_tt wide, 2s 8d quality for 2s QTRANGE'S SAMPLE FAlß—Quilts Sd yd. White Damask, 72in wide, ls Ud (Coloured), for campers use. Singlequality for la 6d yd; 66in wide, 2s 6d bed si2e. 3s 6d. _• lid and 4a 6d each, quality for la lid yd; 66in wide, 2s 3d White Honeycomb Quilts, 6s 3d for 5a quality for 2a 3d yd. Forfar, 30in wide. 3d, 9a 6d for 7s 3d, 13e 3d for 10s 6d, 8d quality for 6.d yd; 35in wide, 10id 14s 6d for 12s, 19s Whit* Satin qwalitv for 8d yd; 86in wide, lid quality Quilts (single), 9s 6d for 7« 6d. 14s 6d for Sid yd; fflin wide, la OJd quality for for 10a 6d. Double-bed size (samples), Sjdyd. Ua 6d, 12a 6d, 13a 6d, 17a. W. STRANGE & CO., LTD.

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13596, 3 December 1909, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13596, 3 December 1909, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13596, 3 December 1909, Page 5