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In connection -vrlth the Supremo Court proceedings in the Wustport murder trial, Mr H. P. Doogan, solicitor of Weetport, was present assisting the defenoe.

Ninety-fiv© applications hare been received* for the position of caretaker ot the Technical College.

The Hon. A. R. Guinness, M.P., has been advistxl by th© Minister of Justioo that ho has arranged with tlie Judges for sittings of the Supreme Court to bo, held at Grcymouth during the remainder of tho year as follows :-~ June 28th, September 21st, and December Bth.

An Auckland telegram states tlmt business at" the Supreme Court — trim in al and civil—is so heavy that Mr Justice Sim has been instructed to come to Auckland to assist Mr Jnstico Edwards. Thorn nTo 72 criminal cases on tho list, 1" only having been disposed of so far. and io civil cases, 26 being divenre suits.

The annual conierenco of representatives of the Otago and WaitaKi Acclimatisation Societies and Doer Stalkers, to consider matters relating to the management of the Otago red and tallow deer herds, will be held in Dunodm on Wednesday. Jiuw 2nd. the Hon. H. F. Wigram, Rev. W. 0Oliver, and Messrs R. Hny and E. Hardcastle, have been invited to represent tho Canterbury doer stalkers.

At a meeting of the Ashburton Horticultural Society a letter was received from Mr John Studholmo stating that he had arranged with the North Canterbury Board of Education for the judging in tho school garden competitions. Special prizes for the Rose Showin December were offered by Mr Hodgkins .*nd Mr T. F. Dignan and accepted.

It is reported that Mr Win. Fraser will not again contest the Wakatipu seat, owing to advancing years (says tho "Taparnn Courier') * Mr Alex. McNab (brother of tho ex-Minister), wbo ha* just returned from Europe, trill bo a candidate in tho Opposition interest. Mr AicNab wj;s that all t.ho best men in England are on the Conservative side of politics, and he intends to don the "true* blue." ak=», even if his brother sits on the other ski© of the House.

A meeting of the Otago High School Board of Governors yesterday provisionally selected tho d«»ign ot E. Anscombe, out of 21 submitted, for the Girls' High School. The designer was asked to prepare specifications for the approval of the Board of the entire building, as modified by. the Board and th* Education Department; also specifications for the work notv proposed to oost £.0.500; and when siiah eprciIcations are approved,- alternative tondere are to be called, and until it is shown that the work can be done within the rstimato of the designer, tho Board docs not undertake to any offer. After considerable dehiy in coming to a decision in regard. to thY Invoreargill tramways, tlie rights of which axe held by Sir Joseph IVard, the matter was brought to a heed by a 3etter from Sir Joseph, read at the Council meeting last night (says a Press Association message). Sir Joseph stated that public opinion seeming to bo strongly in favour of municipal tramways, be and those &&• •jociated with him in the enterprise, had decided to relinquish their righte if the expenses connected therewith, amounting to £1500, were refunded. The Council referred th© matter to a special committee.

•'Our character is determined by our choice," co saw! the Rev. B. rf. Knowles-Kempton, in the exposition of Psalm xvi, during .the Mission meeting at the Oxford Terrace Baptist whurcn last evening. The discourse was based upon two phases in the life or Joseph, viz., (1) In his youth a dreamer, <2) Xα his manhood a deliverer The preacher care a character sketch of Joseph's life, showing how he became a- man by experience of temptation, and prosperity. The texts quoted were. Gen. aonirii, 19, "Behold dreamer ccmeth" ■ and Gen. xIY., 7, :<J God sent mo beforo you, to save your lives by a great deliverance." Thtv Btibject for this evening's meeting -will be: ■'*! don't care." ' . !

Mr Charles Hedloy told) his audience last week at the Sydney University j9om« fish storias (says the "Sydney Daily Telegraph"). Some of them ho could relate iroiu personal experience, others came from friends and acquaintanoos, and a few of the latter made one reflect that Baron Munchausen's fame may even now be threatened. From a certain island four natives went fishing. Their canoe was threatened by a shark, and it looked , , as if the fragile craft would be capsized'; it was, colloquially epea-kiug, "up to" the leader to adjust matters. He was the right men tor such tn emergency. Jumping overboard, he sgiiietf the shark in a firm embrace, hugged it tightly, and while his adversary was making every effort to escape, the other occupants of the canoe paddled n&bore. When they, ha& pulled the- canoe from' the water their heroic leader r«leas&3 his grip, and followed tfcom. Presumably the shark was too astonished to pursue ' 'A etrango situation was revealed in. the statement of a case before Mr Justice Chapman, in Chambers «t "Wellington yesterday morning (says a Press Association message). J. J. Patteryon, of Dannevirke, solicitor, ,had been declared bankrupt, and the Deputy (M----cial Assignee in his estate bad issued a snmmone calling on the manager of the dank of New Zealand to show cause why he should not give information to the Assignee as to the bankrupt's trust "account. The bank manager had refused to give any such information, on the ground that the trust account did not contain any raoneya belonging tj bankrupt. Mr Ostler, for defendant, submitted that the Assignee had omitted to obtain the consent of the bankrupt, and that in consequence the local bank manager was justified in refusing to allow bankrupt's trust account to be inspected. Counsel added that the bank would submit to an order of the Court, but considered they should be allowed costs. His Honour made an order for inspection of the account, and allowed £2 2s costs.

A special meeting of the members of the CbrUtchurch Savage Chib was convened yesterday by the Prosident, Mr O. T. J. Alpors, to enable tnem tc express their deep sense of the groat k«s the Club has sustained by the death of the late Mr G. P. Williams, .mjx Av'flliams, in conjunction with Messrs Heinrich Yon Baast, H. Wynn \>illiams, G. R. Hart, and one or two other gentlemen, was ono of the original promoters of the Club. He waft appointed hon. secretary at the preliminary meeting held in Mr Wynn Williams'* office, to found the Club, ami held that office uninterruptedly till his death. Mr 0. J. Alpers, who presided at yesterday*; meeting, said it bad been deemed advisable as early as pofsible to express their sense of the loss t' - e Club b n n sustained., and to convey their conaolehce to the relatives of their late respected honorary secretary. He moved': —"That the members of the Christchurch Savage Club desire to express their sense of the irreparable loss sustained by the Club in the death of ou»- friend and brother, George Phipps Williams, secretary of the Club since its formation, a past president, and one of its founders. They wish to express to the widow and family their deep sympathy in the loss of one whose iTit-inory will alway be enshrined in tne love and esteem of his brother savages." Tho resolution was carried, the members standing meanwhile. The President said it would he fonvard«d tj-> uit!*lftte Mr Williams's relatives. The funeral takes place to-day, leaving the late residence of Mr Williams, Upper Rkcarton, at 2 p.m., for Kiccarum Cemetery-. The Savage Club will be omcially represented by the officers, committee and members, and a ■wreath, in ,the form of the emblem of the Club, a Maori adze, Trill be sent.

The loading cycle dealers of have- decided to rais« the price .of "fv pairs a≤ I'rom the* first of next moatKv this action b«mg necessitated throj}rf% the latest- award affecting their tri3£slV As there \ras not even a fair tendance at the meeting at called for Wednesday erening to forjj|-v 4 £ a Beautifying Society, the object «rf *J"> tie meeting will be discusstd at %\ meeting next week.

The Ashburton Scottish Society their first Ingksido of the season oa~", 1 Wednesday evening, when there wsj « * large attendance. An enjoyable pro. pramrao of music and dancing was nme through. '>„ At a meeting of the. ChristehaAh Garrison Non commi s Offioere , * Club on Wednesday evening, a motion ' of condolence was passed expressijs* %** deep sympathy with the family sag* relatives of the late Sergeaat StereW ■ of the Christ's College Rifles, m recent tad bcroavoment. v <~| A lecture o;i *'Indiv illustratted i^iit " numerous lantern views, was £iv<& *% / the meeting of the Heathcote LHerArr and Dobai'-ng Society on Monday v ing last by Mr W. A. Stout. J^i l ' , H. W. Laing occupied the chair. 1 tho close of the uieetirc a hearty TOtn I of thanks was accorded Mr Stout. ~-*■ A proposal has been made by Major > I Hob day, president of the Canterbury Branch of the Xavy League, to tie effect tbat the League should arniftg» for a series of loctures to be give* : during tho winter on subjects relating ' to tho British Niivy. Tho ofsme hefore the fnmmittee at its n*rt meeting.. The Hon. K. MeKentie, Minister of Public Works, in the course of a stafc*- %. ment on the subject cf railway oo*» f stnetion. said tho Government had bo i - intention of curtailing expenditure fo ""« tnat direction. He added: "Wβ to get railways and roads to open tttr ■ the country which is lying idle ■ ono of the new railways in the XoriJh , * Island is going to open up an extent of country for wttlement. ,, c f jy* Tho ireekly session of the Christcliurch Lodge. No. B, was heW ia the Manchester on Tuesday, Bro. W. Sharp, O.TCeS; the chair. One brother was re-flwpSjß gated and three candidates were posed for membership. a were mado for a church parade t9^r^' r l held on Sunday. Credentials Degree were granted to foot A programme of songs, etc., was given by the tiicmbers* J|£ci?, r » T!he secretary of the Dunedin ers' Industrial Union of states: —"I itare been requested union to say that the iss|J| tamed in the Labour report, tint? particular branch of tho is busy, is very misleading. Th* >has not been so clack for siderablo time past.- ConsiderateVftjfHiw bers axo arriving froitt the Nori&,Jii|gj§B consequently making mattort much worse, which k to be d^plo^^^S final remitteaco of been received by the Wellington Clerk from the Union Stetm Ship pany towards the fund for, tb,a o f the sufferers by the «T«k:'# WpSßsm, Penguin. This makes th© tributed to the fund by the" £500. It is understood {•ays, Association message) that the agcrjftjljg Wm will soon b<± matimi a call, upon Government for its promised sm Mr Schcy (Direcor o? i Now South Wales), in Jus ■'■AprU, »J»!r'''J^^"^ v in demand at Bs. to Sβ 6d per - l are scarce: a?id the oontnwiors third section of the North way are ectperieooing 6on» in obtaining a sufficient whom they consider rigarette-emoktiis, chested-worfeer y vitrJi6 eS3i^'OT»»nß' navvy when any are wanted, is fid. but is not in demand by' e m P@j^^ The president) of the . Chamber of Commeroe following telegranit6 Sir Joeejph of vom'nwro* appreciate action of Cabinet teiKtet lYa&u bridge as link in tho South lelawi Haul railway." Bir Joseph's repjjr f ollow-6:—"Many th&oks telegram. I recognise Tif tender for emotion bridge marks «n important Uio co-netruction of the Main Tnrnk line.*' The arrangements for Department of the Public ISiS>to|Bwß|U| being: .pushed forward. volumes will form the Library, and macerinee, subjects particularly niles trill be placed on> iv the centre of the library. "Mg&HlljS department Trill bo pliaroed ia of the Library on toe nortfaenLttgKlKffllß a line with the attendinte , t;h« department is opened those from it will be is^i^f^B^^M In reply to a b&Ut Russell, M.P., urffing rogistration of phimVors fcaWished, the followinjt received from the Hon. "I am in receipt <rf ywtf 'efetene* to the prtpfesal not be required to in every town ( quite agree with yon hould' bo some form <^'°rjgf|fflw|-g| Aβ a matter of rcpf|BpHptf under consideration a tratjon Bill which I hep* liUffiSS m | in opportunity of | House thi* session." / sl' I The qtipstion as to wu6Wtsif|Pli | t!«t; discußgions on the p -nittees should b© t«k«n t ■>r not again earn© before c? Institute Board- at thee B terday. The chairman, & on, eaid h« disagreed the proposal that the i*fwrangßß&y jg be cbnewered in | was a public Board and ttttlt»aWSßgßia :iou under discussion affected S .natters or private jr feedings ehoulo be open to *»ljyK!sfi|| aS The Board decided, on Qa» SFSfimM '< Mr G. "W. RusselJ, Beoooded 3£ggg£i: g jI. Molineaui, to take the | ->n the report* ia oomnJjttfle ~ % Beferrine to a P 1 was etated that a widow | children had asked the ?**i?(SEs|l f Borough Coanci] for a gift | correspondent wTiteef—"tt very unnecessary i>rooedTure mL a concert to most t V&IBbL'&Kj thrco »>ounds' •worth of <**»• * under the impression that fund administered ty "w» meet such cases, bnt it Howevox, residents will be jJaJEglplls that immediate re< J shape of ' coal have bo«a and that a few gentlemen selvts rero>onßibte to euppij quisite firing for, at any r *" >||i||i«|j! There is an excellent W.nirarapa just now for aU do"s suituhle for rabbiting, of the cflnines that are- put »JK|IIK in the lethal chamber at ton destructor each f weelt ntadily pureliased at »»"* *7?7i3 tbev put upon the market *ewi» the" Maetorton cornspoowa*JV& Wellinjrton "Post ,, ). W&im& tiou holders have resorted to wgjg| packs agiin, as a me->ni to rej|«| wMm. inerc3se in rabbita t).at edly taken place throuKJrfjat er parts of tho district. . fSE operations have bee« *"-- rn Srt3 IpR an extensive scale, and in a svstetnatic manner, but OWt groat quantity of feed aT poisoning has not been as vi previous seasons.

-"■' ' Thei-A aro said to lx* ov«r twenty •■ ritiematograpb shows travelling m tho North Island at tho present time. The Dunedin technical clashes nre not being largely utu-nded, and it is proposed they should bo-made to some extent compulsory. T The Telegraph Department supply the following:—"Berne advises Fno route interrupted.'' It is ttated that wealthy and infiufßtial interests hare offered to put down half tho co.s-t of ircezinc works at Wairoa if tho fanners will tako up the proposal. The Dnnedin 'Star - ' states that the "Rev. C G. Blathwayt hr.s returned the gratuity that followed liis services as the officiating minister at Amy Bock's marriage. Mr Arun«!el Orchard, conductor of the Sydney Liedertat'ei, and n musician vof eminence- in New iSonth Vales, will ' pay c visit to New Zγaland shortly to act ac musical judge at the forthcoming Dunedin competitions. The -Wairoa- Harbour Hill, which seeks authority for a loan ct £70,CC0 for river improvements lias (says a Press Association tolesram) been lodged 3t "-he Jocal Courthouse with the necessary plans tor the reclamation. possibly, of an abrogate of over SOO acres. Pumping operations at the Taranaki Petroleum Company's No. i! well continue satisfactory, yielding an average. A often or twelve barrels of pure oil daily (*ays a Press Association mcv >age). Boring operations are likely to bft commenced shortly in tho Mokau •district. Seventy men. employed in connection with tho* launching of tho .stranded steamer Taviuni nt Wostport havo discontinued work (says a Pross Association telegram). They vrrre beinp paid Is 3d per hour and demanded lfi 6d, owing to having to work in water and other unusual inconveniences. Tho increase was refused. Sittings of tho Council of Conciliation (in the Provincial Council Chambers, beginning at 10 a.m. on each day) have been arranged to hoar tho following disputes:—Saddlers, May 28th; Booiniakers, Juno 2nd; Tailoring | " itidc, June Bth; Stonemasons, June i ", 13th. - - - B.M.S. Caroßrian visited Christmas ■Tsland on March 4th, and found tho ' l Ijow of the wrecked steamer iEon fast f . .in tie reef (states a Press Association ' • suattcc). The remainder of the ves-id-ww either sunk or was carried

away by tBo tide. Iht , beach was itftnni with goods from tho wreck and "* menihandjse. most of which was ruined by the water, and buried in the sand.s 1 Jw attempt mob made to boa-rd the , P wreck. Nothing of value was exposed, * leaning to tho conclusion that tho entire cargo had disappeared. Tho Cam*- * fcrian'e officers doubted the story that H' * pirates Jootod the ship. The Honolulu t expedition arnved fchortly after the / 2 Cambrian's visit. They expected they I ionkl get a full load of stuff of more •", tee less valne. Theio is no further news '* of ike Auckland Expedition. ' ' Empire Day Holiday. HulberVs beg •* ' W notify the public that they will be on Monday, 24th Maj. 6 I- The Amnion of the Retail Grocers , ■Association -will keep their premises } 'tofen t]l day on Monday, the 24th May - £ (Empire Day), end close all d*y on £ * Thursday, the 3rd June (Prince of J < IWatafa Birthday). ' 6 s? As h» returned from the Antarctic! I' Hav»Wtt seen the latest Lieut. Shackle* sK ten Poataud? A eplendid souvenir. fe' Stttf lrto^TefliardV , "Press' , Office, A -', and yea will receive a packet of twelve. gj>*£•'.»-,,'' , ' ■ S ife-?^ t J&iaf fc "wdti saiy lo adjust, is the r44 N«ir Superior Cram, Manure, and •» -Tturnlp Britf, "W. 3*seett and Co., j' ttbAnta, ' 5 5 ' ijStokring Machines .and 4 Jiobqr Qnotations- for com- '" ? V r #Jete uHttMMtkms of the above on apV& plication.* Bert oils and greaee*. en ■x- x ' Jrtodr,' MeCTe&ind and Anderson, 224 .££ J&top **•> Christclmicn. 6 Headaches.—Ernest M. &MSGtiB3Sr£JBMX!.. D.8.0.A., Lonj^; r^d^j l Cjca|Blting Optician, may be couall oases»of defective eyeby glasses. . Fifteen gjgC 2*?T OpMial studY and experience. ana instruments. OonCashel street W. (next Hours, 9.30 to 5.30. new and popular departmenta igia&Jjpeß'i and boya' clothing at the ||m3,C M extraordinary value*; are now ||ipwßfc for overcoats of descrip|||totf Scotch, Irish, Wee* of England, ||||aiir colonial tweeds and waterproofs, |||3|r ndmg, driving, or'walkjng, all at S&P*6 prtaft; fit guaranteed and in. |g| jwjrooe invited. * ■ . q fflHlfe , ft-£V"y , 5W? e delay, if yen I»«*-w*laad Express Company, |l|ifj>****f i *P I P*w .your entries. Wβ Isi: WS? £ ttaff .skilled in Customs work, - !w*sg:J««y n»7 be depended on to conIs&SFJWjijenr" interests. Office: Corner |||M«**aiter and Hereford streets. 6 IS|sV tHfe IDEAL HAIRDRESSER. |||&s*tf<* a eilent WMkntati," said Mr MrGee, hairdresser, giving etfitoe employers at to© HairllpfeEwu' Industrial Board in Sydney '-I prefer a silcnr workman . mJIgM*- garrulous one any day,, I expect ||t|tßr employe** t» be courteous and at- ' t& the customers as they ought to. ' for a garrulous employee 1 a customer with n» talk. .' its ■ McQee eaid, "ho r length of i means daily, oonI served five years apt^KS?*?*"?. , *nd was surprised how < X "fMy kn€w B * the. ei?d of it. i P*»pte think ali that is necessary i jppyty * nawttreefer is to have a bar of < * ralftrj and a p*ir of scissors." \ FOR INTENIX)RS. .' \ i> • fortune waiting for the 1 inTente * m<A °r alarm Which j||py*j™«tt ti>» sequirementa of a police in London recently (saj's 1 '""' Commissiomv, ibas dcilsSs? the owners of all public SP&K V nwooamcal 1, when *b« speed wS& k. 6 ? i, llle * ndi! >'e warning iiiffiJlii •°.* , i ,Mt m till U It is under*Vft«rf aeta,!s °- f BUch a o i««n. n °° mo beforo tJi e police SKSiCTL* ,I, * 11 .' ,1 * of ' tbc '"n* l - Tho fl SjSnT .t SS*?ct- *'' :^ reRS no diss *t'"s- c te * J |i» , DIVBOLO DEAD ttJ!l I 8 "*"* 11 * «f Popular fancy for "J ainsrtrete d in the* case Xc + an t w «B»n.' old and «¥» S**L • * d V%olty vas overcome

Hans Brcrtaan's barty. Bridge, an earlier comer, still holds its own, though not quite to the dominating extent that marked its sway fCur or five years ago. It is, of course, quite a different thing, practically superseding whist.

OXE WAY OF CATCHING FISH. Lecturing at Sydney University last week on "Fish Capture.' , Mr Charles Hedlcy, assistant curator, Australian Museum, indicated the methods adopted the world over, by peoples ana wivage, to lure the wuy fish from hu; native element (says tne "Dany Jtiegrap-h') Peculiarly ingenious ana plf-nsingiy freo from the taint of hard work was the scheme of the »So;ith »Sea Is-lsndprs. Certain of the tropical vegetation v.-hr in itself poisonous, anu tho roots of the trees a very potent nsh drug. The natives obtained" thtso roots, pounded and battemi them until reduced to ii. white, sticky, pulpy mass, and then decided to ,- go catch fish. ' CM course tho oj)f>:i sea was not suitaole for the experiment, ho a chosen band would make their way to n. large pool on a coral reef; the men and boys then took handl'uls of the bait, dived down end. scattered pcriipns in every crevicp. They then came to the surfoce, swam ashore and lay about comlortnhly, awaiting remits. In a few minutes all tho fish would como to the tcp and tho natives then Rcooped them up an<l by this simple process obtained every fish in the pool.

MOTORING. bargains in second-hand motor cycie*. For on* month only.—l 2-bjj. Clement Garrard Motor, perfect orderprice £27, reducod to £15; 1 IJ-h p latest "Motosachoche, ,, - magneto Ignition, price £35, reduced to £27 10a 1 2j-h.p. Minerva,, two speed, Swift frame, perfect order, price £45, reduced to £30; 1 2i-h.p. Ariel, in excellent order, prico £-15, reduced to £17 10s. 1 22-h.p. Humber, freo engine, chain drive, equal to new, price £55 V reduced to £35; 1 3J-h.p. Do Dion motor quad, seat 3 2 persona, prico £120, reduce<l to £50; 1 23-h.p. Minerva, B.S.A. Fittings, good order, price £30, reduced to £22 10s; 1 3J-h.p. Triumph, 1907 Model, perfect condition, price £55, reduced to £45; 1 5-h.p. Twin cylinder "J.A.P.," now, price £75, reduced to £55; 1 3i-h.p. Minerva, new, accumulator Ignition, price £57 10s, reduced to £45: 1 Si-b.p. Alinerrs, new, Simms magncsto ignition, price £65, reduced to £35; 1 motor cycle trailer, equal to new, price £10, reduced to £7. Trial rans may bo arranged with onr representative on any of these machines. Inspection invited. Our Motor Cydo Garage is now open to all motorists free. Adams Limited, 138-140 High street, Christchurch. G. B. Brown. Motor Cycle Representative. C 4033

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13428, 21 May 1909, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13428, 21 May 1909, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13428, 21 May 1909, Page 6