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Our "Wellington correspondent telegraphs that the successful tenderer for the Waiau bridge is Mr G. M. Fraser. of Hamilton. Tho price is upwards of £2U.000. Mr Fraser is alto the contractor for the Sloven's Creek bridge on tho Midland Raihvav.

At Auckland, yesterday, Alexander Gray, licensee of the Prince of AYales's Hotel, was convicted of selling to a prohibited person, and fined to snul cost s^.

A Stningc-rs' Tea was Ildd ;it Wesley Church. Fitzgerald avenue, on Sunday lnnt, when there was an attendance of about 70 men. Aftrr tou addresses were delivered \>y Mr M. Korslnnv and the Hey. C. 11. Laws. B.A. Several items wen- contributed by friends.

Tlie Literary and De-bating Society held its weekly session on Ttu-s" day evening. The .subject of debate was, - - Is a counsel justified in defending a prisomr of whose guilt he is Papers were prepared l»y Mr T. Steele in the iiffirmative. and Mr L. Wilson in the negative. The evening was filled up with subjects from tlio- question-box that yrere held over from the previous meeting.

An aggravated assault is alleged to have boon committed on Mr W. J. S. McDowell at Hinds vestordav.

After the parade of tho Ashhurton Rifles and Guards on Tuesday evening. Corporal J. Clayton, of the Rifles, was presented by Colonel Hankin* with a sixteen years' bervico medal.

The following further donation* have been received towards the Building Fund of the Young Women's Christian Association:—D., £7; F.. £S 8s; A.. CI : A.. "_V (id : N. (,*.. 2s 6d : F . 3s (3d. and W.J., 10s. Ihe total to date is

The quarterly meeting or tlu , Napier Chamber ot Commerce, with one dissentient, rvsolved: - "That this Chamber luaitily endorses the action of the rerent Conference of Chambers of Commerce- at Wellington in supporting the Prime Minister's action in offering ; i Drenhionght t."> the British Government." According 10 a Pro~s Association the Uislwrno liorough Council ostablishod a Dominion nt-ord at it> la-t meeting, which histvd from 7.30 on Tuesday niijht until L'.-lo on morning. A section of the new Council is at loggerheads with the Mayor, hone. , the protracted proceedings.

A nifftin;: ::: die interests o! the Methodist Foreign Missions was t■ eI J ■on Monday evening last in the High strovt church. Tho Rvv. .1. N. Buttle, Dominion secretary :o the lund. addressed th* moeting on the work in Fiji. Mr W. C. Francis, a missionary front Now Guinea, also spoke, and give many details of the past and present customs and manners of the }Ax>phTho Rev. X. Turner presided. On the motion of Mr -J. Smith, a veiy lieartv vote of thanks was accorded the


Last night, at thr lonrth •■veiling nutting ol the mission which is bring livltl ;u the Oxford icrra<T Baptist Church, the missionor. the Rev. R. H. Knowlrs-Kempton, took tor his subject tht« story of the healiug v>l a man at the Toinplo at Jerusalem. The f/roacher de-scribed the scene ot a groat multitude ot" people suffering from disease, and the Christ coming u> the ■weakest of them all and asking him the irren 4 . question. "Wilt thou be made whole?" The Scripture road was John v., 1-16. This evening a special address will be given, entitled '•Dreameivs and Deliverer^."

The annual meeting ot the Licensed Pipelayers' Association was held t>ll Tuesday evening, a fair number being present. The balance-sheet showed a small balance after v heavy expenditure during the past year, principally connected with the registration of the As/ sociation. Tho following officers were elected: —President, Mr W. H. Turvey (re-elected); vice-president. Mr J. Carpenter ; secretary. Mr H. E. Smith; auditor, Mr A. Soanos; Management Committee, Messrs C. He.uwood. W. Pe-arcev, D. Carpenter. W. Martin, J. Caldow, and C. Wilkiu. After the business was finished the members were entertained by tho president, who was thanked for his kindness.

A meeting of members of the Christchurch Burgesses' Associations was held last evening to discuss municipal matters. Thero was a. small attendance. Letters from Adelaide, Auckland, Ballarat, Hobart. Brisbane, Dunedin, Meloournc, Sydney and Wellington, giving information in Tegsrd to tho municipal undertakings of those centres, were read by the secretary, and on the subeominittoo's recommendation the following motion was adopted :—''That in tho opinion of this meeting, representing the various burgesses' associations of Greater Ct.ristchiireh and its suburbs, control aver all works and services benefiting tho residents of m'oro than one local body should be under *tho management of a metropolitan board of works, having functions, ac near as may be, similar to those, ho-st-owed upon the London County Counoil."

A piiblic meeting was held in tho Kaiapoi Borough Council Chambers last night to consider the question of holding a seoond-class band contest at Kaiapoi. Thero woro fifteen persons present, and tho Mayor (Mr J. H. Hlackwell) presided. Mr Jehner, secretary of the South Island Bauds' Association, stated that £270 would bo needed, of which £175 would be for prize-money for contests, extending, over ono afternoon in- the open, and three nights in the Drill Hall. Messrs L. Watson and Ashby referred to the benefits that would accrue to the town and the local band from holding such a contest. Mr Brunsden moved, Mr Hayman seconded, and it was agreed: —"That a committee be appointed' to ascertain what eupiport could bo obtained, what guarantee could bo given, and whether the local band was in favour of the contest." The committee consists of Messrs Johnston, Wright, Mealiiigs, Farrar, and Brunsden.

A meeting of the committee in connection with the annual Blue Jumpers' social on Empire night, which is a gathering of old volunteers taking part in the first volunteer encampment hold at Hillsborough, took place yesterday. Major Wolfe occupied the chair. Replies were received from about fifty of the members stating their intention to be present. The toast list was drawn up, and it was decided to make the personal reminiscences of these^—each not to exceed five minutes—the principal feature of the gathering. The chairman reported that ex-Captain W. H. Hargreaves had been written to and asked to preside in tho absense of Major Sir William Steward, but ho had replied that ill-health would prevent him doing so. Ex-Captain Murray Aynsley was then written to. but replied to the same effect. Great regret was expressed at the cause which necessitated the two gentlemen referred to declining to act. It was resolved to prepare a wreath to be laid at the toot of the Queen's statue on Empire Day, and to request all Blue Jumpers who could do so to attend at tho parade of the State School Cadet* at tho statue at 10 a.m. on Monday next.

An interesting point was raised by Mr Vincent at a sx>eciai sitting of the Magistrate's Court .yesterday to deal with broaches of awards under the Arbitration Act. Mr Vincent appeared lor J. W. Boatwood, wlio was charged with failing to indenture an apprentice. He contended, firstly, that under the Magistrate's Court Act no proceedings could bo tTkon against his client, as In.- wa"s a minor; secondly, that under the Masters' Apprentice Act no one under could bo a party to an indenture; thirdly, that proceedings should havo been instituted a con-.-iderable time- before they wore. Ho pointed out that on the bnck of the summons there was a statement showing that notice had t<i Ik> given if the delendar.t wished to plead infancy, and therefore the Labour Department contemplate*] a civil action, which brought tli.\ ease within the Magistrate's Court Act. Mr ILngger, who appeared for tin- Oc-partment. submitted tint del«Midant came within the definition of occupier of a factory, and infancy could not bj held to as - an answer. This was for the infliction of a pemlty, and was on all-fours with a case under the Police Offences Ac*. th«-rt-fore the Mnp-itrat,-> could hold defendant Vnblo. Tho Magistrate s<»id he would -ntilci a heavy -penalty, and let the matter be tester! in the Arbitration O>!irt, but Mr Vincent, after consulting his client. wiHid'cn- nlca. Tbo remarked tint h*> would xt:<*e :\ ct.m- for thf» <"'<>'irt. hii* Mr Vincent wa-. not inclined to T "i*h T.h« matter and a ti"" «♦" 1« i>: + hotit costs was imposed. Il'.o defendant was instruct, d to get the indenture properly attended

The Woolston Brass Band tril! pl ay a programme.of selected music at thw Christchurch Hospital groands nesb Sunday afternoon.

The- animal smoke concert of the Can. torbury Scouts' Reserve Corps was hcJd at tlie City Rifles' orderly-room last evening. Major Cossgrovo presided and there was a very gootl attendance' Several toasts. intorsper>ed with musil cal :te:u.-. were honoured.

Tho committee 01 the Northern \cricultural and Pastoral Association which were appoint c<l to co-i ter tho Uansiora Potiltrv Club us to holding a corubinoj show, including roots, craiii. p rcK j Uw , etc., have decided to bold the Jihow' nnd have prepared their schedule of classes.

A spi'c<al geiH' nieeung <>t the Kaiapoi Cycling Club was held"011 Tues. day. there bring seventy members pre. sent. Mr R. Kvans. was in the chair. Tenders were received for building :he club rooms hi timber am! iron, b:;t it w :ls decided to obtain alter. nine tender, t> the budding -with brick w;:!k.

At :i iii-riii!,: or the Ashhurton Box. iug Association, Mr .1. V. De Ueor. pr*« si<tmg. Mr \\. H. Little was elected Mcretary, and Mr P. Martill trrasurer. A letter from Mr,!. C.N. Grigg, offerin*, a trophy for competition at the toiirunnii-Mi to In- hehl nest mouth, was read, and the otf..r uu> accepted. Sir 11. H. Sharplin was appoinU>d rtforee lor the tournann-nt, ana Messrs T. £. Rolt-oii and U. Cook judges.

By a poll of Tiinuru ratepayers ye*tere!ay the Borough Council was auihoriM'd to borrow £18,000 for improvements in tin- water .supply, ami £t)l''«!Q lor street improvements. Two other proposals—-one for now borough offieo. costing £ 100 ft, and one for & t< m hiill. costing £.1000—were rejected. Only COS out of 1000 on tho roll voted. A ui"otiiir, of the Executive of tlm ■Women's Christian Temperance Union was held yesterday, to make arrangements for tho Cradle Roll l, at home," which it was decided to hold on Thursday, June tfrd, instead of May 27th, at previously proposed. A paper and addresses on subjects of interest to mother.-, will lie given, and all mothers are invited to attend, and bring their babies.

In «'on>e(juence ot home rumours in Woolston to the effect that Mr J. Richardson, ex-Mayor of Woolston, h«tt been the means of the constnble at Woulston being removed, MrTtichartk soi> wrote to Inspector Gillies on tte mbjert. He lias received a memorattdiim from the. Inspector to the effect that the rumour was entirely without foundation.

A Mwcial meeting of thn Lyt-teltdn Harbour Board was held jes» terday afternoon. Mr H. Friodlandi'r presided, and there were also present Messrs A. Kaye, F, Horrell, J. Wolfe, J. Storry, R. Moore, G. Laurenson, J. L. Scott, and Dr. Thacker. The business of the meeting was the consideration of the new storage by-laws, already advertised. On the motion of Mr Kaye, seconded by Mr Horrell, the by-laws weTe adopted.

The opening day of the newk-foraiwj Lyttelton Defence Rifle Club has been fixed for Monday next (Empire Day). The ceremony will take place on the Sunnier road rifle range, and fiie "finb shot" will be fired by tie Mayorets (Mrs Colin Cook). A large ntunWof trophies have been presented to tho club, and a number will be competed for on Monday. The club is receiving splendid support in Lyttelton, and ti» membership roll is already a fairly good one.

At the anniversary services of tB« Methodist Mission, Durahm stroef, south, ihe congregations on BtMkj last were rery good. Iti tWinoraißg the Bey. C. H. Laws, 8.A., delivered a discourse on Prayer. In the afternoon, the Rev. J. JS. Buttle preached, and a number of anthems wmjb pwa by the choir, conducted' by Mr Pootej. Miss Eva Field and Mr N. Turner, jun., contributed M)los. Iβ the erauag tho Rev. X. Turner preached to a rt& large congregation. The choir Wα oichestra assisted. The offertonee »fe tho day -were good.

The social hall of the St. Albausl Methodist Church wae crowded on Tuesday evening, when 8 mock Parliamentary election was held in connection with the Literary Society. Fire candidates, Messrs Hindle, Beed, Pol- . lard, Salter, and Hassell, represented ] tho Government, Opposition, and loae* pendent political parties, and Mter speaking tor fifteen minutes, each *«* , - subjected to a considerable amount « heckling, much to the enjoyment of Mβ • audience. The R<*. W. A. Smd«r,.a» a result of the poll, announced u» return of Mr C. E. Salter (Independ** Liberal). At a meeting of the <ft»mittee hold subseqVently, errangemeatt , were made for a Parliamentary •Wβ; •> ing. Mr W. W. Tanner baa conwawS, ;■ to act as Speaker. A. Validation Bill will be introdnoed W , the Premier (Mr Haaßall),. and Leadership of the Opposition wiU Wundertaken by Mr *W. Umdle. . -, r

The following entries have been MM**' ed for the Christchurch Pcwey* <, Pigeon, and Canary CluVe Starr, to be held next month:—lndian BUM« ducks 24, other Sticks 14, Bwraltf; horns 30, White Leghorns 20, K*Pt Leghorns 22, Buff Leghorns 33, Dm** wing Leghorns, 3, eny other TanstyV Minorcas 26. Anconas 11. Lengsßans 8, Black Orpingtons 25, Buff Orptj«- : tons 39, White Orpingtons 0, GoWWi Wyandottes U, Silver Wyandottj* », White Wyardotte* 17, Black Wjff* dottes 3. Silver-pencilled Wyandottw 5, Plymouth Rooks 16, HondaM 1, Modern, game 6. Indian game 6, JOT* burgs 26, Bantams (all varieties) ». ladies' class 14, selling class 55. TVrtaM —Poultry 050, pigeons 305, canarwe and other cage birds 195, cats aJ\ grand total 130 G. Thw entries sho* a considerable decrease on prevKW" years, due, no doubt, to .the fact tna« the championship show iv Ashburtoe takes place a week later thah the local fixture. The entries in the caver? cla.ssos. however, constitute! c reowc. while the entries in thepigeoa da« have only once been exceeded.

A special general meeting oftb» Christchurch Photographio Society »«»■ ield in the Society's rooms on Tneaoty evening, Mr G. Wright presiding. TftiJ principal business was the consideration : of a motion by Mr F. Finlayson far the adontion of a now rule to tne fifect that "No award shall be toaifr. if there be ti-w.»r than two in any comnetition, and no s«coaa award" if then- be tewcr than threocomnctitor.s.'" . The motion created a gre« m-a"! of discussion, and was ultimately negatived. A number of suggeetßffl* wore madw relative to the carrying on* of the work of the Society for the «£ suing year. Several new members Wg»: •fleeted, iind ir was n-port«d that W mfmbership roll was steadily increaemg.and that a very successful season wa» : fiillv anticipated. At the conclusion W tin'" awieral inM-ting. a meeting ot Wevemiv.. bold, fhon, being prweß*,Mfwrs <;. Wright (chairman),j>. *.*'; Wo—, I). Allimiharo, B. Harding, >•■: E. C\"h, Y. Finlavion, and E. in- it ««-, decided that nnzob for eu competitions «h«».W be uniform, aod W ; in xL torn, oi silver and bronze tn. secrc-tarv instructed cure -them. Thr wmpttitions were allotted as «>]£*£, t Außust roivn), "Frosty MorntagKi int.ior, "Statiif/ , , October (ppej. -K.tx-hen Interior'; l™ WT \.TJE£ii way." December . &V«ti, J™£s Train in Motion": junior, ,V ~iiW' Feb uarv (owu>. "Old Af i • • Flower Study.'' j'.n:i'»r, - achtinz- ' .. , ■*,

The Duiiwlin Committed. b0i.1.. lie™- »"• •» ]jo renewed.

«r McNab ;• ni*-«-tiiiu: ,at a^»;';.' ii ,v'"iEV;;,".'i';; T s jfcture a:i-l -• v '"'' , ■ , .■[»;,. v, li;'i!v Tiim.v 'v V '~> v -TV- -! ; '- ci.r.di'ioi! ■•■t tefa"* .U-,,.,rt,n,-.nt Departint"'- ,- ---i (L rie-n'wro ■ ! s)) ,, H.'KVf-ra Har TJistrivr C-o.irf : , l'ro», ' •♦;,,- rne —T" ! •'• HfiW>-ra •he protonThe;;-- :■•;• -t -■'."■' V 1 Saturday ali.rnn,,, ,>,,,, n.y,!- in ito Majesty's uv.far :h- i.-iv Th. •, i ||b,.>ivM l -n.v Dr. "ndavt-rv utirj.-tir.. prolan..- :- .n (■curs'; j>rei<-ir;iu.m.

are lial.!- t<. « hne .. :'S fail 1o notify id- ..; i'iiihs of any birth e.ix-urnup. in th« X«. rh\s duty i> <">-t ••;» '"- '*'■•'.•- ,of ier the. who. ,»: rourv in ome cases, is m-.t t>.; vnrn.t '».>"■>" ;.U2fas births r,.. notilied within ,'hSTW, «.»**■ «,:rv... ««fc is aho'vel.

\. great improvement hi «.. miction e -itb His Majesty's Theatre li.i.s just been completed. This is xh<- placing of another tier <.: soars on tho plactformerly occupied iiy chairs at thf> !>.,rk of tho dreiii circle. A wooden shiold=nn has been erected at th<; back of the v-sts tliua obviating thi- draughts ffom'the ojxm door*, at tho bark. A uoveable portion of tho cr-ats -an im Taken airay wh.,n r:H.u:"< sho-.v.s are giren.

The adjourned iiif-<>lmr, <•' ~ < i<"iitnreO f Walter Gieson, farmer, Feildin". took place yesterday Nays v Fro.-s Association telegram). Secured creditors 3 for £12,538, unsecured ior >W> It was estimated there would V" a'sTirphis of assets over liabilities if £7281 It was <1^ C1 « W » to the (itat« to a trustee for the benefit or" the creditors and to take steps t<. annul tho bankruptcy.

The annual mooting oi' tho <Santorhary Old Colonists' Association lias l*en arranged to tako place next week. The work of the Association has been unobtrusively carried on, tho erection of the memorial stone in Hagley Park marking the first year of tho existence, ■if the Association. It is intended to vl»ce a second one on the site of tho Pilgrims' tuts in the Soiath Park, and this will be dono on Anniversary Day.

The work being carried out ior tho improvement of the Avon by the I loral Fete trustees is now well in progress. \bout three-quarters of a mile has now been completed, and already it has made a very marked change tor the <ood in the state of fho river. Then* Is vet a considerable amount of work to be" done in tho way of widening tlm river at the Mile Peg. Tho work that i< now in hand misiht well be continued later on by the Drainage Board.

A general meeting of the. United Friendly Societies' Benevolent Association was held oA Friday evening, when Bro. G. T. Batley, U.A.0.D., presided over a large and representative mooting. The rules as revised were very ■fully gone into, and minor alterations made, and the rules as amended wero ordered to be printed. Ouo ladies' branch applied for affiliation, and was accepted. The secretary reported that the late concert showed a small credit balance.

At Tuesday's meeting of tho Kaiapoi Boroogb Council it was resolved to «p the undertaking for a bank overdraft limited to £14&4. It was reported that Cridland, Tunas, and Raven "streets footpaths had been shingled, .and fbe shingling of the formation of the roadways was being proceeded with. Itwas decided to obtain 300 yards of shingle. The cattle ranger having reiigned, it was decided to look' out for areooessor. Tho Firo Prevention Committee reported it could not recommend a water supply from the bath and hj&aat at tno corner of Cass and O»k«jn streets, Tho receipts woro £10 Qs 6d, and for gas £16 14s od; the <J«Wt balance on current accounts was £&}i 11s 7d, and accounts for £73 Is Bd were passed. The credit on the •flannelling loan account was £73 Is Id (£2500 of loan unpaid), and accounts pawed on this account amounted to *J3d 14s 4d. It was decidtxl to ordpr t» removal of an old building on wiarfes street. It was decided to inR. McNab to lecture. on tho nefenco question.

, Tie question of allowing tho new *£»o clunnel to bo used for Jiouso «f«nage occupud some attention at w* Kaiapoi Borougli Council's meet"V? , Tuesda y ni 6ht. Cr. Geering JJWW to know what attitude tlio would adopt as to allowing .noose drainage to flow into the. new 7* channels. He gathered that some •« w burgesses meant to connect thoir tU v preniifit ' s M"! flush drainage into xoe channels by artesian overflows. Ho that if soapsuds, etc., wore '£ be disposed ol in that way. the 'fcanwlbng would not bo an improveaa d before such a stat? of things r»kT 4 P nCral ' t!, ° Co should dV«'"l™ , * kind of .Irainage was to \m -T l,e iiwoir j. ii. .™!r Sa,d tbo fl'H'inHs wr t - lor ]C° *»*?r, aud it any nuisanop arnso ivL q,I ?? ,on , wou,d bo *'t». s>nSh l\ ch auncllin g w .,s wvl! Bushed fleA?- 0 WiW noth, ' n S I'ut into it to detriment of public he,lth, it would Uxtit i- 1 ? £ ' re all the whicb <lv» rhannellin.; would Shri ?• Tho vh ~'f well

-«onW oe notnl that i t ; K r),,.,. ; n Send "plendid fouvenir.

,Jou will find »-v<>rv:!iiif. v,., ~,v , i T*" an <* Co.. -* MarcluLu-r 1 ItW^ tl ? lhoW, * r whw furniture was «PO? to TM Wn l - J M - t,, '^ Of '- 1 SoS? fhf vl v ha r «f g^s. Ceo «S v 8 broken boill S un E^^ • Slarliim-s an-J Met| y i l i^?/ D « s - Quotations tor mm»*3 M«rnf S iis ? nd « rc^s '» ' 11 , ,1 Amlcrson. 224 •"• »irret, Chnstchurch. tl

Architfci?, SurveyoT?, Engineers, itc, rcrjiiiro koo<-1 instruments to do ihtir work with. Our value in Mathematical instruments, i- unequak-d. ! We have in .stock Dotting Wheel l>. ns. ! Hoxivood tcalc.?. Engine Divide »Seak-s, | Heani ConijMKvses, eornpleto Drawing j I M't-. Proportional Dividers, T'ep.s, ] Hepain t<» instrument.s are also underi fnken v*. J<-hu H. Procter"?, Oculists' j J Optician. l; 0 Hig:: street,' ! church. ('■ : ! Eyestrai: , .. Heauachr-s. — Firnost M. ! Sandst-ein. r-'.S.M.C. D.8.0.A.. Lon- \ I don. Con«'ilting Optician, may bo con- j j ts'ihed on all eases «f d"foctive eye- ' ; iiiilit n-meduiblo by f;la.-s*?s. Fiiteen ] j years' special rstudy aiid i.'xperienco. ; > methods and* instruments. Con- ; I <ultim T room?, Ca>h"l W. (ne\t : ; n.-iiiantyneV). Hours, '.)M0 to 5.30. i ! T«'!t'i>tion«! 397. 6 ' ! In the new and po-wular departments j for men's and boys' clot-hint; at the ' ! E>.l.C, extraordinary values are now ; runny for ovi-rcoat--? or every , lion. .Scotch, Irish. West of E)ngland. | '■, and colonial twowls and waterproofs, j I fiir riiJinir. driving, or walking, all at ' low.-rt prices: fit guarantee/I an<i in-

sprction invited. fi Wl-f'ii Exjirt'ssoi. Dravcs. or Lrt-rri'-s .'ire iwitilxl at short notice, riiiir up '2~A) or 1241. .7. M. Jfoywood and C<.'.. Ltd.. will vml you cither uitli rajiablc and careful driver*. ■*

There's no flurry, no delay, if you £'-t th>> New Z<-aland Express Company, Limited, to pa«s your entries. Wo have a staff .skilled in Customs work, and they may be depended on to conserve your interest*. Office: Corner Mam-hooter and Hereford streets. 6

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13427, 20 May 1909, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13427, 20 May 1909, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13427, 20 May 1909, Page 6