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The auction announcements of McKenzie and Willis. Wright, Stephenson and Co., Baker Bros., A. E. Cradelock, Harris Bros., Macfarlane ajsd Co., Farmers' Saleyarels Company, Charles Clark, Dalgoty and Co., H. Neave and Co.. New Zealand Farmers* Co-op., National Mortgage and Agency Company, Gould, Beaumont amf Co., Tonks, Xorton and Co., Conway Matson and Sons, C. A. Lees and Co.. Canterbury Poultry Company, and North Otago Farmers' Co-op. will l>o found em pages 14 and 15 of this issue.

Measles are again so prevalent in Jimaru that it has been found necessary to close the Main School thoro for a week or two.

At a sitting of tho Old Ago Pensions Court at Ashburton yesterday, Mr V. G. Day, S.M., examined one applicant, the matter of granting his pension being held over pending tho usual enquiries.

Ihe Hon. Goo. Fowlds yesterday purchased for presentation to the Auckland Art Gallery the picture. "A Venetian Street." now being exhibited at the annual exhibition of tho Canterbury Art Society. Tho picture is by Mr It. Procter.

Our Wellington correspondent telegraphs that there is no truth in tho rumour mentioned in some newspapers that the office of Surveyor-General is to be dispensed with. Either Mr Kensington or Mr Strauchon is likely to succeed Mr Humphries.

At the monthly meeting of tho Canterbury Dairymen's Industrial Union of Employers, which was held on Thursday, it was decided, on account of tho high prices at present ruling for dairy cattle, to advertise tho price of milk as raised to fourponee per quart from April Ist

At tho Ashburton Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Mr V. G. Day S.M., a first offender for drunkenness,' arrested on the Ashburton railway sta-tio-n on March 18th, was fined 20s: in default, 48 hours' imprisonment The rase of Robert Kellahan v. Edward E exualter, claim £14 19s 3d. for contract farm work completed, was adjourned for a week on the application of defendant's counsel.

„AY: ox P e dition has been organised in Wellington to endeavour to get salvage from the ship Ben Avon, which was wrecked in Palliser Bay some years ago. The scow Rona has been chartered, and a start will be made as soon as the weather is favourable. Among tho Ben Avon's cargo was £4000 or _6_oo worth of jewellery anel plate, a large quantity of whisky, and also pig iron and other metal.

At tho Magistrate's Court at' Ashburton yesterday, before Mr G. G. Day, S.M., Daniel O'Conor Brick was charged on tho information of the traffic manager with having allowed GOO sheep to trespass on tho railway line on February 2nd. Ho pleaded not guilty. He was convicted and fined 20s and costs. Defendant, who had been previously convicteel for the same offenco, went to gaol rather than pay tho fine, arguing that railways should bo fenced. Ho announced his intention to pursue the same course again.

Tho annual Ram Fair under the auspices of the Canterbury A. and P Association will bo held on the Addington Show Grounds on Thursday antl Friday next. The fair will commence at 10.30 a.m. on Thursday and 10 a.m. on Friday. The following is the order of sale, sections A and B being sold simultaneously:—Flock rams: A, Lincoln, Border Leicester, English Leicester Romney Marsh ;B. Halfbred. Coirnedale, Merino, Southdown, Rveland, Shropshire. Ewes: Corriedale,'Southdown. Stud rams: A, Lincoln, Border Leicester, English Leicester; B, Corriedale, Southdown, Shropshire.

,-4 s , ? ho outcome of a ruling by Dr Vahntino, Inspector-General of Hospitals, as to the upkeep of chronic invalids, the Wellington Hospital, which has maintaineel a chronic invalids' home, is not to bo saddled with this expense in future, Dr Valintino ruling that this is a proper charge on chur£ table aid boarels. At an adjourned meeting of the Wellington-Wairarapa Charitable Aid Board yesterday (says a Press Association message), a sum of money was provided for the maintenance of chronic invalids. An amendment was moved by the- Hon. A. W. Hogg, who elisagreed with Dr Valintino's view of the question, and although the amendment was lost and the estimates passed, Mr Hogg intimuteel that a change in the law was elesirablc. and that the matter would have to be thrashed out in future.

A concert in connection with tho biennial session of the Grand Lodge ol the 1.0.0. F. was held in the Oddfellows' Hall, Linwood, on Thursday evening. Bro. H. M. Chappell, N.G. of the Star of Linwood Lodge, presided over a large attendance. During tho evening songs were contributed bjMisses Stinnear anel Bruce, Mrs Chappell, Messrs Hunter, Baker, Trevail and Baker, a recitation was given by Mr Hoklswortb, and a pianoforte solo was played by Mr H. Hunter. An elocutionary test was won by Miss Crocker, a nail-driving competition tor ladies by Mrs Gray, and a hat-trim-ming competition for men by Mr hinton. A blindfold boxing skit on tho Burns-Johnson fight was also given. After tlie concert, supper was handed round, and tho evening's amusement closed with dancing.

Travelling with the Ashburton County Council yesterday, our correspondent learned that the 16G0 miles of water races now completed wi.l servo IGO square miles of country, and tho Acton irrigation extension channel will give an adequate supply of water to a big area of valuable agricultural and pastoral country, which up to the present has been very indifferently served. During the past ten years the Council has expended no less than £22.802 in the constructing and repairing of bridges over tho rivers and smaller streams. This is exclusive of tho Uovernment subsidies and refunds by local bodies. Out of the Government subsidies £1020 has been deducted towards the cost of the maintenance of tne Rakaia r-imbineel railway anel traffic bridge. The County Council carries -„ its work with a staff consisting o. a chief clerk, an assistant and a junior, a workin<r overseer who ha—-been in the service nf the Council for close on thirty years. four water rancers, and a working inspector of bridges nnel culverts. Tt, was said at tho lur.eheon hour at Rakaia yesterday on the occasion of tbe Council's visit to Acton, that the large amount of work tho Council die! each year wns carried out on the most economical lines. Not long since a fi-T'.ilat body wrote for information as to the administration of the Council's affairs, and in acknowledgment of the information supplied, expressed themselves r.s agreeably surpriseel at tho efficient way in which the work was carried out with so small a staff.

Tho Ashburton Marathon Race will finish at the Ashburton Domain about 4 p.m. on Thursday next.

Owing to pressure of other matter, Mr T. E. Taylor's second letter on Lyttelton Harbour Board finance is hekl over until Monday.

Tho arrangements for the next Saturday alterntu-.n orga.n recital by Dt. Bradshaw, City organist, which takes place on tht> 27th inst., are now complete. The programme of organ numbers is a very attractive one. and a vocal solo number will also be given.

In the civil action W. H. Terry anel Geo. A. Terry v Win. Fine, claim £3

7s. hoard at tho Magistrate's Court on Thursday, juelgment- with costs was given for defendant (for whom Mr J. A. Flesher appeared)*, anel not for plaintiffs as previously stated.

dispute" between the Tramway Employees.' Union anel the Tramway Board is at present before a privato Conciliation Committee, over which Mr J. R. Triggs (.Conciliation Commissioner) is nresieling. It is anticipated that a settlement will bo arrived at shortly after Easter.

Tho Rangiora Methodist Church hold their anniversary "social" and meeting on Thursday evening. Thero was a good attendance", aehlre.s.-es being given by the Revs. T. A. Joughin, J. T. Pinfold, and A. Ashcroft. Tho musical programme was contributed to by Misses Ogeleii anel Thompson (tluets). and by Mrs Withers. Miss Wadey, and Mr C. Avers (solo). The choir gave sveral anthems. The ro*?ort specially thanked thc Busy Bee Society for a gift of £10 towards the funds.

Considering the bad weather, there was a fair attendance yesterday at tho Art .Society's Exhibition. The Hon. Geo. Fowlds, Minister for Education, paid a visit to the exhibition in the afternoon, accompanied by Mr R. Heaton Rhodes, M.P., and Mr H. G. Ell. M.P. The Minister, who was received by Mr James Jamieson, the president,"and Mr Alfred Evans, secretary, was conducted through tlie exhibition and expressed himself as highly pleased with what ho saw.

At the Magistrate's Court at GLsborno yesterday, G. Darton, runner-up to tho Hon. J. Carroll at the recent general election, was charged with committing an illegal act by paying money for tho hiro of vehicles for the conveyance of electors on tho clay of the secouel ballot. It was stated that tho case, if substantiated, would have to go to tho Supremo Court for trial. An adjournment till Monday was granted, on tho application of tho defence.

The Linwood Citizens' Association met last night, Mr F. J. Richardson presitling over a fairly largo attendance. Dr. Finch, District Health Officer, wrote stating that tho timo was inopportune to ask tho Drainage Board to undertake a largo expenditure in connection with tho covering over of tho open drain from tho ■♦umping station to Aid-win's road and tho Estuary. Tho chairman remarked that a drain running parallel to tho drain referred to was more offensive; it was an outfall 'drain from tho side channels. It was decided to ask tho City Council to have the drain referred to inspected, anel, if necessary, havo tho cause of thc nuisance removed.

Tramway matters of detail were discussed at the meeting of tho Linwood Citizens' Association last night. By request, Mr H. Pearce, the chairman oC tho Tramway Board, was present. Amongst the requests preferred wero: —That on the Ferry road lino the penny section bo extended from tho Square to Wilson's road; a shelter in tho Square at the new boarding-place near tho bank; thc duplication of the Linwood line between Stanmoro read and the, Square; and the reinstatement of the Cashel street line. Mr Pearce went into the various matters at some length, and snid that whilst personally he was desirous of assisting the Association, ho was afraid that the Board could not grant the concessions asked for.

Speaking to an "Otago Daily Times" reporter, tho Hon. Dr. Findlay stated that ho could _ivo no information at present as to who were to be appointed to fill Magisterial vacancies caused by tho retirements under the age limit of tho threo Magistrates abo_r to reo r f' 3 f r S--. A -. Wra ,S; Mr Kenny, and Colonel. Roberts. The appointments would, in all probability, bo made next week Promotions to be made consequent on the retirement of three ga-1 cts -.number of warders, and others, would also be considered by Cabinet next week. Those who were to bo retired would leave the service on the 31st irst., and the new appointments would accordingly require to be mado very soon. Tho promotions would, so far as efficiency of service permitted, bo largely determined by seniority

M> r An on » Gnnrd'an " states that Mr C Mills, of the Rai Valley, witnessed a contest in the Tinliuo river in a deep pool he noticed a trout that appeared to be about 41bs in weight and harrying the fish were nine eels' the largest of which would go about lolbs. After a lot of worrying by tho eels, the trout was driven* out of tho pool into shallower water, anel its enemies began a vigorous attack on it. Tho big eel would deliver a broadside that sent thc unfortunate trout scurrying through the shoals, but tho smaller eels would head it back with vicious snaps. It fought valiantly for some time, but eventually became completely exhausted, and whilst in that condition the big eel, with a wrenching snap, pulled tlie poor creature's head off and swallowed it.

Tho committee appointed by tho Industrial Association to arrange for the forthcoming New Zealand " Industries Week " met yesterday afternoon, and arrangements aro well in hand. It was decided to advertise in tho four centres, and so to give manufacturers throughout the Dominion an opportunity of exhibiting in Christchurch. Tho secretary was instructed to write to the local manufacturers, asking them to throw their factories open to the public during " Industries Week." The Association will again offer prizes for the best descriptive account of local industries anel proe-esscs, as shewn in the shop windows and factories during tho week. The Technical School. School of Art. and School of Engineering will be invited to make displays of their students' work. Messrs R. S. Baelger and S. T. Cox were appointed an Advertising Committee.

A woman scorned is popularly supposed to be a rcvongelul and dangerous creature, and Mr Thomas Cobb, the brilliant writer of stories, adopt*! this view. In his hands •• A Woman Scorned " furnishes tho material lor a very interesting serial taio which recently coinnioiicL-d in the Saturday issue of the " Evening News." It is not too late to gather ur> the threads of the story, the thirtl instalment ot which appears to-night. In addition to this literary attraction, tho " New;, " will contain a number of admirable short tales from the latest American magazines, and those who like to spend tho lengthc-iiing evenings over a thrilling story shoulel not f.iil to secure? a copy of to-night's " Evening News." Apart from the pages devoted to fiction, there will be many columns devoted to matters of interest to the family circle. The paper is well known for its theatrical column, conducted by

'• G. R. H-," and which chronicles the cioiiigs of Thespians ane! stage life nenen:!ly. Then, anyone tlesiring to know the latest in dress nnd fashion gossip, must reaei the notes from London and Paris on these tropics. The" " News" is also a-sple-ntlid sporting paper, giving the latest particulars of all thc Saturday fixtures.

Tho ceremonial paraelo of the volunteers, which it was inadvertently stated would be> held last night, will take place next Friday evening.

The Dunedin Trades and Labour Council has appointed a committee to draw up a report on tho unemployed question.

The Arbitration Court ruled at Wellington yestertlay that in respect to claims made> under thc Workers' Compensation Act, an adopted child must be treate-d exactly as one born in wedlock.

Tho skeleton of tho Okarito whrtle will bo ready for inspection by the general public on Tuesday next. A special building for tbe housing of the skeleton has just been completed at the Canterbury Museum.

In Banco yesterday, his Honour Mr Justice Denniston granted an application, made by Mr Alpers, on behalf of Messrs D. Nathan and Co., of Wellington, that W. F. Waller, commission agent, of this city, shoukl lx> neljueiged a bankrupt. Mr Hunt Appeared lor the debtor.

The only lanel in Canterbury at present under offer to the Government, or likely to be acquired uder tho Laud for Settlements Act, is a portion of the Orari Gorge Estate, which is unelcr offer by the trustees of tho Tripp Estate.

On Thursday Colour-sergeant Tench, of the Waltham School cutlets, who was highest scorer iv the Public Schools' Cadets' Match at the South Island Rifle Association's meeting at Retle-liffs. was presented by tho Mayor (Mr C. Allison), on behalf of tho school committee, with a silver medal.

At a meeting of the Otago Traeles Council a deputation wets appointed to present to tbe City Council a requisition, to which ovcrtl SOOO signatures aro attached, asking that a poll of the electors be taken to. determine the statutory closing day in tho combined Dunedin districts.

Tenders wero received by the directors of the Auckland Gas Company up till noon on Monday for tho purchase of about 100 paid-up £5 shares in tho company .On the tenders being opened before the board of directors, it was femnd that no fewer than 2480 shares had been applied for. Tho directors allotted 130(5, the averago price being £13 10s 3d per share.

The Mines Department is about to issue regulations under the Act of last session for dealing with applications for water power to ho used in generating electricity for mining purposes. Scleral applications havo already been received for a large number of heads of water power. Applications relating to areas outside mining districts will bo dealt with by tho Public Works .Department.

For somo time past the block of city properties on Lambton quay, Wellington, known as Evans's estate, has been gradually changing hands. Tho owner, who is a grandson of Dr. Evans, the original purchaser, now resides in England. Most of tho estate has now been sold, Mr R. Hannah being a largo investor. Roughly, tho frontages disposed of total 364 ft, and tho average nrico realised was £320 a foot, or £117,000 in all.

Yesterday tho secretary of tho North Canterbury Education Board received from tho South Canterbury Board the Colonial Ammunition Co.'s silver challenge cup, which has been won this year by Lieutenant Alan Still, of tho Ashburton Main Public School cadets. Lieutenant Still's score was 82 out of a possible 84, and constitutes the best score yet made, the two previous holders of the cup putting up 79 each.

Samples of fresh fruits aro being collected for the Shepherd's Bush Exhibition, to bo held in May next. Fourteen cases of .apples and pears, comprising 84 varieties, a comprehensive selection of fairly-good quality, selected from tho Otago and Canterbury elistricts, wero despatched to Wellington by tho Mararoa last evening. Similar collections havo been made in other districts in New Zealand, the whole of which will be despatched together by the Department of Agriculture from Wellington for England.

Sir James Mills, managing director of the Union Steamship Company, in a circular to tho masters of the U.S.S. fleet, states that the impression is quite unwarranted that tho company insists upon the rigid adherence to the timetable, causing masters to take risks. Ho urges upon them that tho safety of lives and property must always bo tho first consideration, and expresses tho company's complete confidence in them.

At tho Chamber sittings of the Supreme Court yesterday Mr Justice Donniston drow the attention, of solicitors to thc now rules which had recently been gazetted. Thero wero some important amendments .and new rules, anel ho suggested that country practitioners particularly should make themselves acquainted with them. His Honour mentioned that tho rules would, come into operatou on tho Ist of next month.

Tlie work of joining tho cables carrying tho telephone wires which were destroyed by tho fire on the promises of Messrs Gavin Watson and Son, at the corner of Durham and Lichfield streets on Thursday morning, was completed yesterday at 4 a.m. Tho work necessitated tho joining together of 1132 wires, and was under the charge of Mr John Cotter, of tho Telegraph Department. It probably establishes a record, and reflects very groat credit on the officer named. Traffic on thc Port Levy lino is now normal again.

To Golfers. Mr David Hood, who has been appointeel Coach to tho Hagley Golf Club, wishes to notify all golfers that he is prepared to select clubs freo of charge at Lewis anel Anderson's, Cashel street W. 6

Eyestrain, Headaches.—Ernest M. Sandstcin, F.S.M.C., D.8.0.A., London, Consulting Optician, may bo consulted on all cases of defective eyesight remediable by glasses. Fifteen years' special study and experience. Latest methods and instruments. Consulting rooms, Cashel street W. (next Ballantyno's). Hours, 9.30 to 5.30. Telephone 397. 6

Ono of the best showings of English and French Costumes in the Dominion is on view to-day at Messrs. Armstrong's stores. The company have imported some 500, covering every stylo of tho moment and colour elemanded by fashion—well mado, and very fashionably trimmed, at the firm's low prices. They will delight our lady friends. Messrs Armstrong havo also a suyierb collection of ladies' new season's Coats and Rainproofs. 6 A further block of tho well-known Riccarton Estate, containin_; 36 sections, of which 14 have magnificent river frontages, will bo sold by Charles Clark at his rooms on Thursday next. 6

Specialities at the D.I.C. include tho latest shapes in "Burberry" coats for laelies and gentlemen. These highgrade garments are- now to hand in various styles, including the "slip on" shape. They are specially recommended either as a light rainproof or dust coat, and are perfectly ventilated. City men who desiro tho latest thing in smart, reliable clothing, mercery and hats,' are invited to visit the D.I.C. gents' departments, where no customer is pressed to purchase. 6 Merchants having goods for delivery should get us to rianelle their consignments. We collect goods, ship them, pay dues, distribute goods at other end, and collect charges. Try our system ; it's economical, labour-saving. Now Zealand Express Company. 6

A beautiful showing of "_!_■_--*W Tho first displays by Messrs A___2**3 Limited, of Autumn and \Vi___f Fashions is truly magnificent, e_c_ ]ffi|_l a dream of millinery jgJP rcstifies to the taste and judgro__W*J the company's Loudon and I_r_ tors, and with all their blushi„_TllV ours full upon them, they ar* v2_iehumbly priced. Ladies aro invited see them. , *__.?. Farmers anel others are -*>_]____ T *- thnt tho best Plow. Harness, <_u_? v " anel other Oils are obtained at MeC-C-*' hind and Anderson's, 221. Cnshol -j_2r " Christchurch. Also think of the *___ "• Oil Engines, also Steam. TT 1 *!

Stili tho best. ".Sioritns; BictrU ; Built like n AVatdi." W. BaracttSr 1 Co., sole Si In \he early days Colonists hesitail/" ns to whether they should take S? " furniture or not when rcmovinc tnTT ' other part ofthe colony. -Wtg don t, b-tt simply put it into IS hands of J. M. Hoy wood and Co. who tako chrusjo of it from l»a»g house. . t Kiißincors will bp inlcro&ted in ' very fine of the famous "CU™* land" Drills just un br Hastio, Bull and Plt-koriii (oS HaUautyiu-s). A very full \aSTa metal thread screws is bciii" shot™ t?i [ tho same lirin. . "t Mcdicino in former >-oars. Riven when now a course of eW? trentment is adviswl. Galranje Ko? t-erios, medical coils, and machines in preat variety, nt modcrni ■■ prices, can bo procured at John p--Proctor's, Oculists' Opticiaa im • High street, Christchurch, w |,' o tjj'stocks vncuurn tubes, bieromate "hJ?* sparking coiJs, otc, of the W quality. • ™~'. Nearly one i>crson in ©very five ««», glasses. Correctly adjusted IcombTJl iisikl to relievo cross eye, neuraJri? astigmatism, headaches, myopia (gtSX ' sifiht), and othci defects. If troSus ! with your eyes visit J D ChS?' D.n.O'.A., F.S.M.C., F. 1.0. (Londeat^ , Ophthalmic Optician, 148 ColoSa street. 'Phono 2321. _ j

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13378, 20 March 1909, Page 8

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13378, 20 March 1909, Page 8

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13378, 20 March 1909, Page 8