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THE DAY HAS PAST! '-1 j FOR FANCY PRICES UNJ * SSse f AUTOMOBILES HORSE * For £550 you can buy a I «IU-__rl/JtR f --'J I I MODEL 30 ', I —, ''i 3 | CLAPHAMS **1 jto horse-power, four cylinders. i ""*"*t_L " .* P shaft-drive, speed up to '50 miles . 1 '__**' % r»* per hour and power to take any ] I \> i= _ _/ fi l«**./**Y_' r -1 -; ' . kind of road or hill. j I 11 \3 _/0& 4 £«• CADILLAC construction makes j | I * : ;»" every ounce of power count. ... | _' , -m.. There's no waste. That's why this I Takes Caro of You- Hot*-*-, *■ ■ Model is constantly outrunning, i Render* Runaways I m possible, c- ' 'Ml outclimbing and outclassing in j | «-^« II every way. cars RATING at twice j D Abiolut «. control awmL * " .11 the power and selling at twice the s | Thousands of these hoMcr* in use. f- < { I Hundreds of tr>timcri-„ils 'i-em crjtefulam. *" P r "-<" I a A Hoon and a Blessing to th_e wbo (SrrjJ/-* Give us the opportunity of § ■■ 7 j'_ . couWnor be "induced to pay j 1 dUnNoUll Gb uUUZIHS j•' more for ANY car. I SADOLERS - V 1 1.. B 214 Cashel St., Christchurch. ,J __ 1 8 a I * Phone. 4SB. Telegrams " Dexozier ' tl *-****-*-**-*r«--___ ww) j|<.DEXTER & CROZSER I : ' r-fg ■LIMITED I _--n_. .-" Manchester St- C_rlstcli_r__.| - -'? AUCKLAND. NAPIEn.i *"S_3!_-_. trWlMfWr ' ''''& Always Look Nice! fl YOU CAN. When things fade yon '" a *\yfl \y&&fwsSr ' """«*_. can restore them to the original colour, ' -' ," ( **s or, if preferred, you can have any J~[ EKRT BTPRSO*. AN©' -sq^l other colour you like. You can get (I/ate. J. Clegs). " ;<£ twice tho wear out of blouses nnd __r_ort 2f-_af»cturer» «|\ dresses, and keep yourself twice aa PBAiIS ___> GO-CAB.TB IU «B»|^etylish. You can also keep your home ZEALAND. >*"**_(: beautiful. The process is simple, tho H XG-H_ST AW__T_ mZKn$& cost not worth qientioning. You Bpare rT1 ,, 1 , 1 , 1 . 1 , , ....... , i_, , ___1_.1.1_._. , - T£_. yourself irritation nnd expense. This ____ . ale is the secret —be quick about it— Plea*-; Oeull -nd Inspect, or -Wiiii'KK^ Illustrated Cnta'ojruo. T_nM MAYPOLE SOAP _. -~*_=.-,...'Jl (For Home Dyeing) (Opj?o__ Knight, _ulob_j mm IS WHAT YOU WANT. JH I CLEAN, COOL $@$*_S|| _§r 8.--.-2--*,-.-- JXI I * comfort, m Business Ji wm 8 FOR THE SKIN. 1 j>Y POSt. ' ■___ 1 _. A T"fj- l WATER * ,he """" ""■ If No worry, No Experts*, No DtlmW_B ■ greatest discovery ever made for the skin. fl ftjg •-» «» 'i r_ < ;*-__B__| ■ that does away with the necessity of greasy gj |j Having just landed a large ;§»_■ H and starchy skin-foods. The Icilma n SB Tyres, made especially for _, a_l *__urjHi|B fl principle is to so cleanse and stimulate _ 58 *° advertise them, »» make you -NtSKgH I the natural energy of the skin that this is 1 _ SENSATIONAL OFFER:- >><J«B _ able to resist heat, cold or age. I _ B "» T ~» _ *•"__ "* _ 0 _? _J_ *____■__ i «._.-. B ■ » "■'"■ n " m 0, »" T»"i ,fWi ** < W M MmsWm a WjH-b nM a-nmiL jol. B X Englbh Vnleulni Oe-ir. -C^_H_^§_i fl I 3 Wehav*_ldn-.rly>all_(_tr_i-«t-MBn H - R ?) io strongly advise our Co>intryClieatr%l^^Kgß I pronounced, is the name given g g] _.^t\l__l (^Sl9ff Hto the Preparations made %vilh ICILMA B «S compelled to withdraw the MoUGert-J^HgM B NATURAL WATEH and far giving tone H S Advertising OSer ever put ■ and transparency to the skin, preventing - X! Christchurch public. & andcuringirri.ationsfromcold.wind.hea, 1 g Mor insect bites, and after shaving they stand B Sj and one English vulcanised <» v B alone. For healthy transparency, clean. H address. AU cycle »o_ »t •riii#KM|B U cool comfort, glowing life and velvety _ 9 sale prices. Send to us (or ,"fo t _**_ft,Hs_B . I softness. Icilma. whether it be the Water. E J ** W ' U " n<l lt - tO . *"*?____■ ■ Cream. Soap or Icihaioe. U unrivalled. I f_ R <: ' urD ost - >____■ g eb-_nM.ft.» I I » WILKINt^H g GEO. BONNINQTON, Chemitl, Hl*ti SL » ~..i______l I cook & Ross, Chemitb, oolombß 8L f) 146 HIGH ST., CHRISTOHUBBMjjMgM M Floor Cream .. .. 2s. 6tt per p. I '5* (Next Knight, Butcher). "-7|"_^_K B icilma Natural Water.. _*. pw botUs j \?.3_ . C *» rs ___t__i fl I:l*9__l1 :I *9__l y Cars v les 1 j?\ wMm l*-n_tHS-**en.c-_r_-iCOTC--oiiK_i«t*ii_i_>l _tf Js>***'_iW_»r_*3_'at >; -|^_B g_- -m.t-iwtcno-16 . j_i cn-Mißt_- a g 'SSLr**?' j_s -If You Have Piles f It is worth your while to read this I _B_H__ _B-_i Dr. Fellows' Pile Cones I Dr. Fellows' A.C. Tabs B j^_____^S THE GREAT CONSTIPATION CURE g fff__rrl__JfiWlt — V'tStJ^.lß 2/6 per box ol 40 doses (IllUl_«___kJ _nn__. -7§_____l "For six months I have been free from _ —_■ piles, and my bowels arc regular. For years, jh—_Su— HßS^S—hmMAbm mmmm^mm^mmmmM&S ffl^B and long, weary years they were to mc, I (4 - , _ e-tfyy. \fr\f~ »A.C /"i\iw EH suffered from protruding and bleeding piles, IM _>_>!_. I r\l/VVVO ISB and occasionally they were intensely itciiy. I _._,_. J j.l_!_«. .A~ '«S _IH hardly know which was the worst, tbe great GOOU TDIDO ITS *-? __■ pain or the intense irritation, though some- *_-wwn- ■<i ••> q » •iw .»,g ffl|B times I had both troubles together. I could _«mi_ .-nt— _i » '' "> !I would not get rid of the piles, even with an "" ay. -»| X operation. A friend g .ye nic such a glowing • . ... . t_*V/l -' —» account of the benefil she had received from ' vX/l—l I *J l\' I • _S !§_ Dr. I-cllows' Ille Cones and A.C. Tabs that I w -__- |g determined to try them. She said that three »_^ -, * , * I ' -- ' a-, * ,—-11 V^ISSSS boxes of Cones and one box of A.C. Tabs had „' r jfWn^i cured her, so I goi a similar quantity. lam -sSSSH surprised at their"ction. I W3S better, much . ...."* | better, in less than a week, and was cured n m ™ mm " i before 1 had used thc last ol thc three boxes. 0 . mm ■afil | I got three more boxes, but I have never had g f 1 to use them all. The A.C. Tabs have com- H I JJH I%T\& C£> HIIIII __ 1 pletely cured my constipation. It is f ix I _|/l I Sfl I I J_llll_t# 1 months since I used the last Cone, and the | UU|/ Ul B _--7_* | piles have never returned. I ■ ■;- "igj | "(Signed) (Mrs.) A. G. M., | 01|_ A»*| If ____._*_! Dr. Fellows* Pile Cones * h-'ve'-ctca S dilii IU UCI J 111 | like this with hundreds of Christ- jj __________--_-. J' 1 church people. ». .'V>' S They relieve quickly, and the euro H »j: mm ri J*. Rlair n!in_di_% 1 is permarsnt. 1 can tell you cf no | WIIMniO Ot Dldlr .. UMIIWUip-jV | end of r.<;ople who havo cured I Have the following varieties of B_bfsg.| g after heing told repeatedly t_at nc4h- 9 an d Tubers landing from Japan about J* ing but an cperstion would cure. I end 0 f January, and are now boo_-»;.|i: j" DR. FELLOWS' A. C. TABS. | orde rs _r these at prices uunderiwl-ds.^l Tho creat constipation remedy, will he f Ullbbi Aur-Uim, the goldea-rayed Wf r | found to bo just t'n-o medicine that R Japan— . __. _Jil! § -__erer* from cr_«tipation ara lo©*_r_; g Each, M. 3 ior t/». S for »/-. *'-«**?'_. $ for. They are KOT A PURGE. They 1 Oliam -,„,_„,_ WltUI, superb variety.-a*";';; '& act by str«r.-;thening the intestines and jj white, with yellow stripe up centr*■•j£, 4?., makir-j tto bowels act naturally. B petal— _ '-If l^; Obtainable frcm all Chemists. | Each, 1/8. 3 for 4/-. Port -g If ycur u-ua-l trader has r.ot (rot j u n um Aaratom Rabr. Vlt_*~-J, «**__S4?" W them in -tcck. a-k him to oblig-o you I flo-.T_s of Urge sue. with bright «2*2'; S by procuring for yen. I sjjotj, e_h uetal striped with » «- _ ; j-- ?p B crimson band— .'"--X%\liolesale Agent : g Each. 1/6. J for 4/-. Po»t ****-* || H. F. Stevens, Wholesale Chemist I U| ,„„,_ KreslKli „„.. f SolePropnetor: I the best oi it. kind ««^«S2 , _s_^^ I 147 COLOMBO ST.. 3 doors from Ballactvses | | inside— '0 I Nearer Cathedral Square _' g | Eachj 4t 3/- per do»e_ P»« fl [**'i i L ■ C37t ?___j 1 rrmiia,!. K.meh.Ufi.K small J **« l 11 • ■ — 1 shaped flower, dark purpl"* "» ■ e *T'%- g I I * E°ach, e_ s/-p_d__. p-»«**:| ll 8 Multltoll-, §1 '***___i^ > __i_l S «_<*_i 1 great clusters of dark P"2'*^|*s« ;J 1 »"*- 1 "- w, '' h r:ch Kr< *u *-tT # ONLY ONE PAIR IN YOUR LIFETISE, I " C \% tat It wortk while ear. of yo_ » 1 EnHy Order. SoHo»-li ..: ||| W-l-L. TMHY LAST VOUf I '--'■' W Nimmo _ Bla||| W._-«a*_to<_ _-_—_ ...... ft ._»»_*- ._— !T_»ilt3*S : I_P s«_jy_. w. w_-att-y -oa. | sg-._ Merchants ana **••""« » B. HEttHETT. Tho Paeyte's Optlcliß- I Growers 1 ->•>» h*__ n imibv. fl _-_------M_--MM"gBHH

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13378, 20 March 1909, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13378, 20 March 1909, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13378, 20 March 1909, Page 4