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DEFECTIVE "IS EYESIGHT*! ERfiEST 1. SANDSTEIN S I D.8.0.A., F.S.M.C. (London) *'~.. I CONSULTING OPTICIAN I May be consulted on all cases of DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT "-} .. REMEDIABLE BY GLASSES ~ ■ 15 years special atudy and experience ' >". In England and Colonies. ; . CASHEL ST- W., CHRISTCHURCH next (Ballantynes) i I Telephone 307. C 3 7sS Hours 9.30 to 8 ■'i *

TENDERS. ! _____**^ TE^ R - ___"___■ #_v 1: TENDERS are invited foT LEASING for a ff n B-M Bs_ _,_ Term of 5 or 7 years, 24 Acres of Land T_.__f_ t_a__i ____■_____' and House situated on HAREWOOD ROAD. "ml** **____ ___■ - _ and now in the occupation of Mr A. Hulston. BnD * Full particulars of Lease can be seen at »■ 1-Ul* .. W. T. Moore's. Harewocd road, or T. Has- " , -■ sail's llanley Farm, Clarkvillo, where ten- g—*_ | ■ l*k| I**** f_>**, dcrs are to be sent on or beforo 31st B_s __. I L_.___ - * March, 1909. ____:' 87 | •*-.■■*« __»-•*•*_■ ___ J EDUCATIONAL. I * - I GEES LIMITED DANCING. DEPORTMENT, and PHYSI- I *•""*•■»* a-«» _.I iWI ■ I BU, , , CAL EXERCISE—MISS COX will re- I 101 COLOMBO STRBBT, OHY-1 * sume her Afternoon Classes on and after | 4 doors South rf liehfieja __-_, >-- '. TUESDAY, March 16th. Evenly Clmsos I 44-8 • "S f forming. Te Whare. 252 HEREFORD tTI -■■ii-__-__________* . STREET. Telephone 354. W24 -—-___?* DANCING and Deportment—Mß G. L. j r-n V PRNM FI.T WflTI-M- SKBRADLEY will Resumo his Evemne uOVtKNMtNT NOTICES, •§*& Classes on and after MARCH 12th. Clasr-cs . ____§£ for beginners always formin-r. 1 riv-te r__fe_f__?__ • -_» Won* any evening by . * -.mWffiftr ***l Waltzing thoroughly taught. 115 RUGBY **«■ i'h"»l_lV>*rl_r _.v*fe STREET. Merivale, -4461 Marine Department, ,iDANCING AND DEPORTMENT. __ t .c^__f_? fl _|s - , AB ° UT MARC S 1 -f_ i r le_e__ at _vV MARCH, 1909. for the app_nl_*_ U ____- ing for begmners. P""*"* l '* _J«?f on - BOURMASTER _nd PILOT at *£$& .tScitv • «"» HARBOURMASTER, PILOT/_4O_P AORANGI. 31 Hereford street, city. , TOJlg OFFICEK at Hokianga. W»j_S ~ attached to each appointment is __) tijf' THE ART of SINGING Taught in all its ftn< j in addition to this a cam ol ng.SBranches by a Singer of Wide £"Uro- „.;__ DO pll j_ in CMc f or y,. p-jftiffi' pean experience. If you have trouble with of the duties of Inspector of "_S__" your high, low, or middle notes, with J*«*ay There is a Free ' House at Hoki_Sf?ftf I guarantee to make them your best. Writo t j i<s oage „{ tno Harbourmaster at *_-_M or coll on j a house allowance of £24 a year will b*i_S' F GRAHAM, Applicants must he British Rshjects. hW _ I be not more than 45 years of aft*,, _o_ |£i 236 High street, Christchurch. j a certificate of competency as Matter ,<_S" veT;ei an ot "WANTED, a MALE * u:e ];k TEACHER required to pass the e_____£s' VV for the above school. Applmaaori*. to * prc ** cribed bf the Harbour Iw£ £*. «?* £r-_* c cliairl „ a ? ° f tS O^.l5^ l€ srl' for ports where there is not a Harl»_*fiS RADCLIFFE, on or before Noon on MON- Abdications TO _.t bo e_t»mp__-_ *»|5 DAY, MaTch 29th. dence of age, end certificates of tirftffli CHINA PAINTING. b*>J- and of good conduct and aa^tej'^' The appointments will ba subject "-jSf CLASSES for CHINA PAINTING- are Civil Service and Public Service Sup-aafc, \J held ot STUDIO, opposite Dunlop C-„ tion Acts. . ' *i_fS Woroestcr stireet. GEORGE Al__-__>f| Wedding' Pro-rents Painted to Order. SeaStOjS Exhibit of Hand-painted China at Art j '_Jj| Gallery, Armagh street. FUNERAL NOTICES. E. BAIRD LUXTON. I _-— ~..,*pl OSS 6 * IT-HE Funeral of the late John WUwl| CT-vrr-TV/-- r>T imp- ; •*- leave his late residence, {____£■_£ _____ City, on Sunday, the 2lst inst- M ""*TJR Mt. 1 ■>• ir-n.-or-r-.-K- • -«r « • .. for the Linwood .Cemetery. J. ____aßt RA. J. MERTON (Music Master, Christ s c >jj ■ - - r J9w College, __aminer in Music, N.Z. Edu- *" m _____________-____l_i^S; cation Department) is formintr CLASSES for *T mr -f -. f -n- -~1. Hi nrni TT*__F INSTRUCTION in SIGHT-SINGING (both S_ Notations), VOICE PRODUCTION, and f* . wll 'l .L C * V S h * B rnita l_S_-_»SSP THEORY OT* MUSIC. S F eci_l Claeses for m^toJ^. ..for __-____! School Teachers, and for tLso who _re pre- 2°-£ »■--, at *S paring for C and D Certificates. . Cemetery J- -LiA_t_ ana _u_. s gigg 2G3 ARMAGH STREET WEST. 1225 . •"__ __. , .T ._ -__,_ rf^ii . fTIHE Friends of Johii Bryuon, inf_lMMf j VOICE PRODUCTION AND SINGING. 1 X. tery load, Martthlana, MS. tg*Jt_»J. . '■ attend the- Funeral of his lato MtM^Hf"' MADAME JOSEPHINE OTTLEE. Gertrude, which will _ leavo ._ ***»*gSffgf. SOPRANO SOLOIST, I residence, 35 Springfleld »!___>?, Medallist, and Certificated Teacher. for the- Linwood C_«taT.«BJSBB From ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC, inst;, at 2.30 p.-m. L_HG_-«_«| S LONDON. : RHIND. ' 'itgßffi (Pupil of RanUcgger.) j ———— ai_«__*__l< I l*pHE Funeral of tha late Ale_OM( t «W. Terms ana particulars at the Dresden, -I- ■will leave tfy> He.pitfcl Thia »£&£§ Cathedral square, and 74 Cashel street East, day), at 3 >m., -or Sydenham PaWStflWfe Telephone _04. C 4383 tery. • GE-RGE BAHRE-L. -■ 3ftßk DANCING, DEPORTMENT AND i rriHE Friends of the late John iS^sWkj PHYSICAL CULTURE. -»•• ' Withers, _CB., «re i->i«-|i^H TJnder Royal and Vice-Regal "Patronnf--. I _ttend his Funeiril, Which iMMiiK MISS LOWE will Resume her CLASSES „„*.' residenoe, Sputhhridge, on and after 15th MARCH. Evening <j2_d in_„ at 13 o'clock, for the ImM| Classes forming. Ashburton Afternoon and portion of tbo Eliesmere .Public CmHB Evening Classes. Intending Pupils are re- r " ""ijlK quested to send in their names without '^^~~~""*_iDPi de J_7;. . , „ oe.Pt.4Ti. CONYER3 LODGE. NO. _i*',__B| Waltzing and Two Step Taujrht in Throe -« .-bubERS of tho fcbovo I**dge/M* Private Lessons. Miss Lowe at home , __•/__ to attend the Funeral of tMK FTiday afternoons , ~.., , -p. j grydon, •"-"_<_. *_U \amm C_tf*7 145 MONTREAL STREET. I road 10. the Linwood C**M DANCING AND DEPORTMENT—PRO- at 2.30 p.m. Th« D*y w i|lS FESSOR R. FLEMING (F.8.P.T.D.), J'9__F-r : _^-^ u V_a__& asHsted by Mrs Fleming.—New Commodious 1240 . JOHN ARBSS, &**-***j^_* and Up-to-Date Private Academy, 7* Cashel ———^——^—" "^""""—USSFtreet, City. Perfect Tuition. All Old T LAMB and ?$3& Favourite and Latest Dances Taught. "Waltz- *J • X%so' ing a speciality. Strictly private lessons TJNDERTAKEBS ■ ! "^B 1 any hour. Complete correct c-.urse from en. , " ;V, *'»S r-'ilment. Proficiency guaranteed. Classes Ana ,*o(v now forming. Terms on application. - EMBALMERS, 1 '---j&f TolepllOPO 20i " No. 35 LICHFIELD STBESt.^ MISS LUCY COWAN'S Eloc_tion_ry and X-M. Dramatic Classes 4 p.m.; ~ km j J:_JbV Mondays, 8 p.m.; Fridays, 8 p.m. Tefms-l Tdephone 68_ ..^ 15s per quarter. Private Tuition for Sing- .■ -- " ' — — ■e,*_-fc ! ' ing, Elocution with Dec-? Breathing and _~1 E 0 R G E ? JK™ .T_w__E Voioo Production, X 2 2s for 24 half hours, YX UNDERTAKER and EMBAIdW-gp fl 5s for 12 half hours. (Junior Pupils for F_n-__l*-"*r?*_:il'i»hed on Modern ** u, s^ Pianoforte). Pupils prepared for Pulpit, receive tho personal suj*-am****'«''.-*s , ||'K Law, Platform, Debate, or Private Theatri- • the Proprietor. - '»*I8» cals. Details provided free either in person Office and Private Ke*WJJJJ*^^» or by letter. No. 15 Royal Exchange Build- 62 DTTRHAM STREET, (_3BISTCSH.U^* ings, Cathedral square (take tho lift). P.O. Telephone 721. r___§ Box 277. i C 4463 TelegTanis: Barrell, Undextak---, W*M CHRISTCHURCH SHORTHAND AND church. \' U^t COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. __ .„„___„ _'- k S_J__ Grain Agency Building, (opposite D.1.C.) £ A H. ___gta#^ Princip-l- FUNERAL FUROTSHEBS ASOM MISS E. E. DIGB_-.'1.P.5., N.U.T. _or_o_ M «?re-t TrW «B_ J M DAY AND EVENING CLASSES 16 -^ nt -°| otrßo_0 tr ßo_ B2 _ ,j§l SHORTHAND. HERBEE So_i.-_ ?OR 'Phone I S ao,> -^ sis, COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE, _, „_ 3 -" de _Jl*'*?*..i_.i ____ PRACTICAL OFFICE TRAINING. Town Office, 227 Cashel street., -a-n^gg* Prospectus *o7~Application. ("IHARLES SAMUELS, OTgßjMjg TERM COMMENCES AT ANY TIME. V. I l'lo_^-l ; Sydenham. Telephone 80. ' 30 years with H. F__J-aatm. w«g,j LEARN J. T A _ T, 31! MAORI.' .TITONUMENTAL SCULPIOB. —- !iVJ - 271 CASHEL STBEE-J-, «^, •\J\THY DON'T YOU LEARN CIIRISTCHT/RCH. ' as, •'» V . MAORI? This is now one of ____ „.•-„ -pM_ ft rd Barraefcs. '■•wi the approved subjects for Matricula- Opposite Kmg Edward _KW». t:on. as well as Senior and Junior * — —"*" # rtrtkaf'"* Civil Service Examinations. The oldest Established Firm » t,fl "Sjjpi We have a Beginners' Class starting church- _iS-.' on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, _ ■ r?@& the 16th inst. O. W. J. PARSONS. '^ FEES—payable on enrolment—One MONUMENTAL MASOH. ___'.>S Guinea per term of Twelve Weeks. „ . m MANCHESTER STSSE* Ag The Initructor is a Licensed Native TTFADSTONES and MONUMSSW^T? Interpreter. i± " Marble. Gra_ite a_i Storie. IX**E_ Immediate application is necessary, Concrete Enclosures, and all ***5^ as only a limited number can bo ***+ % Mortuary Work. , -^ ta " cn - A few Headstones r_nai_ing - rom -X«S.*. GILBY'S— OLLEGE. to "^g/ Next to G.P.0., I —" "~ — " r,.' 7 CATHEDRAL SQUARE. j i^ - C 3939 , f J9.JZI ' _"*B% I_>l_ '.' C LOUISE MILLINERY SCHOOL. . c *|-r_ii ; * 214 | j ~ LADIES, Learn to Make and Trim your j I Have tho'very latest own Hats. This you can do by t_c- j J arriving In * ir.g a Course of LeEsocs at LOUISE MIL- ! | _____-.___,_- MV «■ UfABK' *v LINERY SCHOOL. Classes Daily and ! I MONUMENTAL WUK-* . Monday Evenings. Call or write for Cir- ; I Beln. SpOClally 8eI«Ctt«l '** •*•** J '•& cnlar. 10 I_s--_8 7s 6d. _C4_»o j I M 0 | H gpECT. J'< CHRISTCHURCH TRAINED NURSES* j HOUE - < „."~; nNjS l '' 137 SALISBURY STREET. | i_ D CCESSFUL TREATMENT '"JSij iMiss M. J. Hood, late matron Rockhamp- j {5 d BLOOD Dis©a_*«. -«_|i_? T*_P»-'t ton Hospital, Queensland, member A.T.NA. ; OLD ULCERS, BARBER'S }?<&>£}(? -J-"; and N.Z.R.N., notifies the m-dical profea- RUPTURE, RHEUMATISM, ■"*-* .r .• ■„ sion and the general public that ahe haa jf_INFUL and CHRONIC .Dis-a***"- .-*•*„ taken over tho above Home. DR. JtrtilAft, (MsaSt. **•& Adequate supply of fully trained ___c_t Next Choral Hall, Madras ■•**•»;.J_3u*».S-aJ, and surgical, mental, midwifery, and mw Gloucester *-/^ 1 * ~__ lit»*te •age nurses. Comfortable, well a-.pointed Hours of Consultation ia fcomo fcx nurse, at a reasonable rate. and 6 t» 7_o p.m. -eiepuu-w *m£'

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13378, 20 March 1909, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13378, 20 March 1909, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13378, 20 March 1909, Page 12