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Prcident: Mr H. T. L.itt!o. Vice-presi-dent*: Messrs Ci. Rutherford and T. A. .Shci!d». Hon. Treasurer: Mr A. Beaven, Hon. Secretary: Mr O. F. Clothi-cr.

The third annual sliow of the Hawnrdoii A. and P. Society was held yesterday on the .site near the salcyarus. There was a large attendance, the gate takings being an increase of some pounds on last year. The sheep and cattle were shown in the pens of the show, and the horses were exhibited on the hill. The show of roots and grain was under cover, and the hall contained a splendid display of homo industries, etc. The Hon. G. Fowlds, Minister of Iklucaton, was on the ground, with Messrs G. Witty and G. W. ForDes, M.P.'s, and took much interest in all the exhibits. They lunched with tho committee.

There was an entry of seventy-one draught horses, in which were the line exhibits of Messrs James Little, It. Wri-lit, W. Earl, J. Allan, W. C. Davie, W. O'Brien, W. Butcher, J. Wylio, T. A. Shields, O. F. Clothier and others. The older stock was -well brought out, but the great feature was the young stock, which did credit to the district.

Among the light horses, in which class there ivero fifty-eight entries, there were many serviceable hackneys, the gig horses also being a most attractive element. The hunters, too, afforded a good recommendation for the district.

The ponies section comprised thirtysix entries, and there was a good deal of quality shown in the riding, driving, and polo classes. Numerically the cattle entry -was smaller than the visitors expected, tut there were one or two good dairy cows, some young stock, and four servioeableIcoking bulls. Fat sheep and lambs formed the .best part of the stock display. Here thero were seventy-three pens, the most of which contained five sheep each, and each class affoi-ded keen competition for tho prizes and the specials wiiich were given. Pure-bred sheep drew an entry of eighty-on© pens, iv which the premier flocks of the Hawarden district were represented. The exhibitors included Messrs Little, J. Jones, F. H. Davy and Co., and Mrs Jon. Brown in. English Leieesters, Messrs O. F. Clothier, J. Snence, T. A. Shields and G. Gardiner in Border classes, Messrs R. Evans and Shields in Shropshires, and Messrs Gardiner, Glover and Evans in Southdowns, while Messrs W. C. Bridson, V. White, H. T. Little, J. Stewart, W. C. Davie, W. A. Banks and P. McFarlano made matters very merry in the halfbreds and Corriedalos. The merino breed was represented by entries from the flocks of Messrs W. W. Mcßao, J. 11. Wright, H. T. Little, A. Kennedy, W. C. Davie, F. H. Davy and Co., J. Jones, R. Evans, B. W. Glass, G. Gardiner, T. A. Sheilds and R. Evans. Only one piy was exhibited, and the suggestion was made that in Hawarden the settlers either havo no rents, or do not expect the pigs to pay the amount. There was a fine show of collies and dogs of other breeds. The grain section afforded somo idea of the x>roductiveness of the. season in wheat, oats, and peas, and there was one bright sample of barley. The grass seed was heavy, and was shown attractively. All the examples of the root crops proved that the late rains of January had improved the conditions for growers of potatoes, turnips, and mangolds, and the fruit did credit to the orchards of the neighbourhood. The collections of vesetablos formed a feature of the horticultural show, and the growers are to be complimented on the fine quality of the exhibits. The judges were: —Draught horses, Messrs H. E. Finchani, T. Rainey; light horses, Mr G. B. Starkcy; ponies, Air W. Scoone; cattle. Dr. Levingo; blackface sheen, Mr S. Gibbs; fat sheep, Mr F. Adams; halfbreds, Mr W. Mclntosh; dogs. Mr F. Biggs; grain and roots, Mr J. Stevensonj cooking, Mrs J. W. Foster; painting and children's exhibits, Mrs J. O. Josling; home and dairy nroduco, Mr R. Gregg and Mr J. W. Foster.

The following is the prize list, the number of entries being given in parentheses. Special prizes throughout followed the first prizes in every class with very few exceptions, and in somo instances supplemented the second prizes. In the tirize list specials are indicated by S. :— DRAUGHT HORSES. Eirtire <•>>. R. "Wright's pride of Achray, 6yn> 1 and s; Jae. Little's Dowsley Sunlieht, 4tt», 2. Filly foal (2>, J. Little 1 and s \V. Earle. junr.. 2. Colt foal (2). J. Little 1 and c, John Wylie 2. Brood tnare (41. J. Wylie 1 and c. J." Littlo 2 and 3, W. Earlo he. Maro ar.d two progeny (2). J. Little 1 and 2. Y«ar!ins filly or colt (4(. J. Little 1, s, 2 ar.d X Ycarlir-s filly (-4). J. Little 1 and 2. Two-year-old izeldinsr (1), W. Earl 1 and 9. Two-year-old filly (3), J. Allan 1 and s. W. C. Davie 2. H. H. Piercy 3 Three-year-old &. 3- Little 1, sard 2. W. O'Brien 3. \V. A. Banks h c, J. Wylie c. Dry mare (DV W. S«ve 1 and a, H. H. McLoar. 2, J. Wylie 3, J. Little h c. (5). G. Rutherford 1 ar.d s. J. Little 2. Sir? A. Allan 3. Pah team (5), J. I,H-e« 1. 8 and 3. J. Wylie 2. Three-hcrso team (5), J Little 1. s and 3. J. Wylie 2. Four-hoTse team (4). J. Little 1. a and 3. J. Wylie 2 awl h. c. Sprir.iT dray hor=-e. 25cwt. (5). O. F. Clothier 1 and a, W. Butcher 2, J. Allan 3. T. A. Sheild h c. Spring dray horse to 15cwt. (Dl, F. Travere 1 and s, T. E. Hor.eybnre 2, Xew Zoa'and Farmers' Co-op. 3. J. Wrirrht he, W. Butcher c. Champior.shira —Dransht stalion. R. Wright's Pride of Achrayl Two-year-o'.d. y<?ar!ir.!r or foal, J. Little's yearling. Draught mare, W. Iveove.

LIGHT HOUSES. Foal (4), F. Travers 1 and s, W. A. Banks Mare (4). F. Travere's Judy 1 and s, W.

A. Banks 2. Yearling (4), Bailie Bros. 1 and «. D. McKay 2. Two-year-old (5). "\V. C. Davie 1 ar.d «. Bailie Broe. 2. Thrc-e----rear-old (-). Bajli-c Bros. 1 and s. Farmers' trap horse (4). D. Boyco 1 and 6. W. Crean 2. Gig horse und-cr 13.2 (10). D. Boyoo 1 and s, J. Norton 2. W. Vaughan 3,- G. Kutherford h c. Dog cart horse over 15.2 Ml. D. Boyoe 1 ar.d r, W. C. Doyle 2. Pair harness horses (Q), Airs Mnrmaduke Bsthcll's Kith ai;<l Kin 1 ar.d s. Tandsin team (l>. T. H. Lance. 1 and s. Hack to list (o>. G. Rutherford 1 nnd c, A. Kennedy 2, J. Hoban 3. Hack -to 14ft, <■!), G. B. Starky 1 nr.d a. W. G. Doylo 2. Lady's hack "(5), Sirs M. Bcthell 1 'and «. W. O. Rutherford 2. Colt under 13 har.-As <2>, W. JlcNaufjht 1 nnd s. Pnrmors' horso ar.d vehicle (6). W. Crean 1 and s. O. F. Clothier 2 W. Earl 3. Runholders' hors« awl vehicle (Ci. W. \V. Mcßao I nnd s.

Championships—Giir hors-e (district). J. Norton. Hun tor. R- M. F-eild's Tricks. Lady's hack. Mrs Marmaduke Bethell's Peter. Hack -to Hst, G. B. Starlcy's Midnight. PONIES.. Por.y under 11.2 (8), G. L. Rutherford, 1. c and' 2. H. T. Little 2. Pony under 13.2 <■»). G. S. Hickraar. 1 nr.d «. H. D. Bailey 2. H. T. Little 3. Pony under 12 hands (2), S. Forrester 1 and b, Ira. D. Clothier 2. Haritcssi pony under 14.2 (5), H. T. Little- 1 and s, G. S. Hickman 2, Jirs McGowan 3. Boy ridor (I), JL D. Baitoy 1 and s, P. Paterson 2. Girl ridor (2j, Mona Mcßao 1 ar.d s. Kiln M. Clcrthier 2. Sh-etland pony (1). H. M. Sheilds 1 and a. Pair poniM (1). G. Gardiner 1 and s. Polo pony (4), G. L. Rutherford s. Polo pony over 8 cours-o (5). G. L. Rutherford s. Championship?— Best pony under 12 hnnda, T. Forrester. Beat peny over 12 hands, G. L. Rutherford. COMPETITIONS. Hunter (3). B. M. Field 1 and s. W. O. Rutherford 2 Troop horse (11, W. Mc-IN.-uiiht 1 and s. Pony jumper (3), H. D. Bai'.oy 1 a=d s. J. Coatcllo i He.'» o.ver hurdles CS). \V r . O. Rutherford 1 \V C. Doylo 2. Kockmans , rnce (21, G. L. Rutherford 1 ard 5. 11. D. Baii«y 2. StoAboys' ract: (1), M. D. Bniley 1 ar.d s. Dos? jumpin-.' (1). T. K. Hrneybono 1 and s.' Stcrpice cr.mpctitimi. J. Dron. Baby show under 12 mornths. Jrrs W. \V. McK-ac s baby 1, Mrs Ccsteilo's baby 2. CATTLE. Dairy cow (1), 1). Mclntosh 1 and 3, J. O. Carroll 2. Shorthorn heifer (2), J. Spcnco 1 and s. Two->car-old heifer (3), J. Allan 1 and s, J. O. Carroll 2. Fat beast (1), W H. Turner 1 and a. Bull (4) J. Allan 1 and a H. Dalzell 2. Championship dairy cow, D. Hclntosh. Championship bull, J. Allan. SHEEP. Five fat lambs, 1001b (G), G. Gardiner 1 and s, Airs A. Allan 2, J. Speiice 3, T. A. Sheilds li c, J. Jones c. Black-faced do. (B), J. Spence 1 nnd s, G. Gardiner 2 and c, \V. C. Davie 3, S. Hcwett h c. White-faced do. (2), J. Spenco 1 and s.. J. Jones 2, W. C. Davie 3. Haiibred or Corriedale do. (2), H. T. Little 1 and c., W. C. Davie 2. Pet lambs (4), G. Baker 1 and s. E. Clothier 2, J. Allan 3, T. Dalzell h c. Five fat wethers (7), W. Butcher X and 5, Mrs A. Allan 2 and 3, H. T. Little h c, W. C. Davie c. Twotooth wethers (3). H. T. Little 1. W. C. Davie 2, J. Jones 3. Fat Merino wethers (3), A. Kennedy 1 and 8., F. H. Davy and Co. 2. Halfbred wethers (6), W. Butcher 1 and s., G. Gardiner 2. Butchers' ewes (9), T. A. Sheilds 1 and b, H. T. Little 2, J. Allan 3, Mrs A. Allan. Halfbred (Merino or Corriedale) ewes for breeding fit lambs (4), H. T. Little 1 and s, P. McFarlajie 2. W. C. Bridson he. Five ewca, any breed, for breeding fat lambs (1), H. T. Little a. Crosebred ewe lambs (4), \V. White 1 and 3, J. H. Wright 2, A. Allan h c. W. White c. Ten fat lambe (6), Mrs A. Allan 1 and 3, G. Gardiner 2. Championship, fut wethers, W. Butcher. PUREBRED SHEEP.

.English Leicester rani, any ago (5), J. Jones 1 and s, J. Little 2 and c, Mrs Jon. Brown 3, F. H. Davy and Co. h c. Knglish -Leicester two-tooth (4), J. Little 1, s, uud 3, Mrs Jon. Brown 2, J. Jones h c. English ewe, aLv age (4), J. Little 1, s and 2, Mrs Jon. Brown 3, J. Jones h c. English ewe, two-tooth (4), J. Little 1, b and 2, Mrs Jon. Brown 3, J. Jones he. Border Leicester jam, any ago (l>, O. F. Clothitr 1 and s. •Shropshire ram, any age (3), G. Gardiner 1 and s, T. A. Sheilds 2, J. Spence 3. Shropehijo ram two-toolh (1;, X. A. Shcilde 1 and s. Shropshire ewe (1), T. A. Sheilds 1 and s. Shropshire ewe, two-tooth (2), T. A. Sheilds 1 and s. Southdown ram, any age (2), W. B. Glass 1 and s, G. Gardiner 2. Shropshire two-tooth (1), R. Evans 1 and s. Corriedale or halfbred ram, H. T. Little 1 and s, W. C. Davio 2, W. White 3. Corrieduie or halfbred ram, two-tooth (4), W. C. Davie 1 and v

T. Little 2, J. Slew-art 3. Corneaale or halfbred ewe, any age, R. Mc'Pariiuie 1 and s, W. White 2 and 3, W. A. Bajiks ho, H. T. Little c. Corriedalo or halfbred ewe, twotooth (8), W. Whito 1 and s, P. AluFarlane 2 and h c. J. Stewart 3 and c. Halfbred lamb (8), J. H. Wright 1, P. McFarlano 2, H. T. Little 3. W. A. Banks ho. Moat points in halfbred or Corriedale rams, H. T. Little. Merino ram (1), W. W. Mcßao 1 and s. Merino ram, two-tooth (1), W. M. Mcßao 1. Merino ewe (7), A. Kennedy 1 and s, W. C. Davie 2, W. W. Mcßae 3, J. H. Wright h c. Merino two-tooth ewo (2), A. Kennedy 1, W. W. Mcßao 2. Five E.L. rams, J. Jones 1. Five B.L rams, O. F. Clothier 1. Five Shropshire nuns (3), T. A. Sheild 1, G. Gardiner 2. Five Southdown rams (2), B. W. Glass 1, G. Gardiner 2. Five Corriedale or halfbred raras, H. T. Little 1, \V. C. Davie 2.

Championships, English or Border ram. J. Jones, EX.; do. ewe, J. Little, E.L.; Corrieda!o or ha!fbred rum, W. C. Davie: do. owe. W. White; Mcrin6 ram, W. W. Mcßae; do. ewe, A. Kennedy. PIGS. Berkshire boor, W. C. Dicrcc. DOGS. Smooth-hair Collie (6). A. T. Shoilds 1 and s, P. Hobau 2, R. itcGowan 3, A. Telfer c. Rough-haired Collie, A. T. Little 1 and s, W. C. Davie 2. Beardio dog (1), J. McGowan 1 and s. Terrier (2). J. Little 1 and s. Greyhound (1), W. A. Banks 1 and s. Spaniel (3), A. Waters s. Sporting dog (2), W. A. Banks 1 and s. Championship sheep dog classes, A. T. Sheilds. GRAIX. Tuscan wheat (4), H. M. Anderson 1 and 8. J. K. Forrester 2, i". McGowan ho. O. F. Clothier 3. Hunters' wheat, O. F. Clothier 1. Barley (2), O. F. Clothier 2. Dun oats (3), C. E. Mason 1, O. F. Clothier 2, Bailie Bros. 3. Hay truss (2). O. F. Clothier 1. R. WatBon 2. Peas, J. E. Weld 1. Ryegrass (3). H. M. Anderson 1. W. C. Bridson •>. O. F. Oiotheir 1. Italian rye grass (1). O. F. Clothier 1. Cocksfoot. H. M. Anderson 1. Ryegrass, farmers , lines (4), W. C. Bridson s. OaUheaf chaff (7), J. H. Wrieht 1 and s, H. Dalzell 2. O. F. Clothier 3. H. M. Anderson h c. Bailie Bros. c. Championship most points grain and seeds, O. F. Clothier. ROOTS. tTp-to-Date potatoes (7). A. itacfarlane 1. Bailie Bros. 2. H. D-Uie!l 3, J. Spence h c, W. Elliott c. Kidney potatoes (4). G. Rutherford 1. J. E. Reiter 2, W. Elliott 3. Derwent potatoes (2). Mrs King 3, G. Rutherford 2. Ruby potnUes ,0> J. Spence 1. Other potatoes". A. Maci".,r!«nc Land s. G. Rutherford 2. W. Elliot* 3. J. E. Weld h c Ool'.tcticn cf potatoes. W. Elliott 1 and f. G. Rutherford 2, J. Spence 3. Swede turnips (4). Hoban Bros. 1. G. Rutherford '2. W. Elliott 3. Yellow turnips V S) \V. C. Bridson 1, G. Rutherford 2, Hoban Bros. 3. White turnips (5), W. C. Br:d<*->n 1, J. H. Wright 2. Hoban Bros. 3. Heaviest turnip (6). Hoban Bros. 1, J. H. Wright 2, J. K. Forrester 3. Championship for turnips, W. C P.ndson. Collection ♦urnips (4\ W. C. Bridson s. Re<i rcangroMs. J. Ly»»skey 1. Hoban B:o3. 2. Globe man-olds (2) Hoban Bros. I. F. Holder 2. Six heaviest mangolds, J. H. Wrigit 1. One heaviest mangold. J. H. vVnght 1, Hoban Bros. 2. F>e acres tur-r-ips prown -.vith firtificial cianure. to b<l judged at end of month '3>. Red carrots (i;>. J. E. Reese 1, W. Elliott 2. A- llacfariane 3. G. Rutherford h c. White carrots (1). Hoban Bros. 1. Collection farm loot* (1),

Hoban Bros. 1 and 5. Collection vegetables O), Hoban Bros. 1 ar.d s. J. E. AVcld 2. J. Elliott 3. W. 1L Elliott l> c. Collection vegetables (open) (2>. A. Macionone 1 and s. Hoban Bros. 2. Heaviest cabbasre (3), H. Dnlzicli 1, J. E. Elliott 2. Collection .of fiuit ( 2), A. Macfariano 1 ar.d 8. Collection of apples (■»), Mrs E. \V. Mason 1 «no s. A - Macfarlar.c 2. H. Simm->nds h c Six nppies (€1 Mrs J. Dorn 1. Mrs J. Allan 2. \\ - Elliott 3, A. MocfarUne h c. Six peara (3) H. M. Aoderdon 1. A. Macfarlane 2. HOUSE AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Ham (2). Mrs Campi-n 1. W. Elliott 3. White breed, 41b (11), ilxs A. M. Osborne 1 and s>. Mrs K. \V. Miwn i. Mr* r-. Merrm 3, Mrs X. McXally he. Miss B. Dalzcll. Brown biMd (6) Mi-s B. Daliell 1. Mrs F. Merrin •2. Mrs F. McGowaa 3. iiri W. Anderson he. Scones (1-1). Mrs G. Arres 1. Mrs i . Merrin 2, Miss B. Dalze'l 3. Miss Fletcher he. Girdle scones ,11\ Miss \\ njrht 1 and « Mrs G. Arrea 2, ilrs H. M. Anderson h c. Brown scones (4). Mr« J. Atdcrsm 1 and! ?. Mr« G. Gardiner 2. Miss B. D«lie!l 3, Miss h c. Scotch shortbread, Miss J. A'len 1 snd s. Mi=s K. McF-rlano 2. Miss B. Dalzell 3, Miss G. Gardiner h c. oak*. Mrs Owen Evans 1 ;.r.d s Mrs T. ■•bieido 2. MUs B. Da'.zell 3. Mrs G. Arres he, Miss Vticht c. Sponge sond-j-ichi9>. Mm T. A. Shields 1 and s Miss Wright 2. Miss B. Dalzcl! 3. Mr. E. W. Mwon h c. Mis.- Jones c. Kis-so* (7>. Mrs 3. B t-9h°.t 1 and s. Miss J. Allan 2, Mi<* B Diilzeil 3. Mm G. Gardiner he. Oatmeal cakes (o). Mi«s Wria-ht 1. Miss B. Dalzell 2, Mrs G. Gardiner "3. Mrs J. Anderson he. M:«s K. ilacfariane c. Potato sores (7) B. I »r.d ». Mrs G. Gurd-.ner 2. Miy K. lUrfarlano 3. Miss VTripht he. Mrs J. 0 Fmit cake (U). Mrs E. W. M U Fon 1 and s Mrs J. P.«i 2. Mts J- Anoer|on 3 i!i« J. Allan h c. Miss WrieM c «ke fl2> Mrs J. Anderson 1 and s. Mis? J- Alan 2. Miss B. -DalMl! ff. Mm C. " «»«»'"" h > Mrs G. Arras c. Phira pucJdins v 6), M| B. ]Ailzell 1 and s, Mrs t>. Mclnti-sh 2. Mis- G. r-|>i=s 3 Miss B. D ; \L7.«ll 1 unci s. O--n"~er cake (0). Miss B Da'.zell 1 »nd «, 1 nr.a b. Miss Jonea 2. Mrs E. M . Mason, 3. Gwen 2. "Mi.s B. DaU.H 3. M. ; . Kin;^ rs »-*: ,;\lr, T A. Shield. 3. M^ C Ola^2. ia ' Dolzeil FLOWERS. 1 tuid b." Mrs V. Klliol 2.

HOME WORK. Oil nvrtm"' M™ A - (Mount 1 ird s Mrs E W. Mason (Deer F~k> % M.t B. iftlzell (Seascape) 3. Fancy r'rtro ()) Mi<=s M. D.alzell 1 and s. Mrs 1-. 3 " MiU Youn 2 3. (71. Muss II Dalr.eH 1 and .. Mis. C Hoton , M..» •Ycmn- 3, Miss S. Hoban h c, Mrs i. Mi.srn c. Worked cushion (2!, M.?s B. Daizell 1. Mis-, Allan 2. Decorated tabic (3). Mrs J. AlcXaught 1, Mrs W. Evans 2, Miss C. Hoban 3. Girls' Section (u-der 15 ycarsi—Pinafore (5). Ida Topp 1 s. E. Gill<"=n«> -. f; Anderson 3. Ironins (2) X Wnght 1 and s. O. Smith 2. Darned stocking (5), L Campion 1 and a. E. Travers 2, Ida Topp 3 E Wr>ht he. Patched garment (2), K. 3 Fruit c.iko iZ). A. Anderson 1 and s>, E. Wright 2. P. McKinnon 3. Plain cake (•>). A. Ar.derson 1 and », E. Wright 2. Rponjre pake. A. And-cr?on 1 nnd b, E. Wriglit 2. Sponge sandwich. E. Wrijrnt 1 and s. A. Andersen 2, L. Campion 3. Child's pinafore, A. Anderson 1 and b. B. Hoban 2, E. Wright 3. Darning stocking. E. Trarers 1 and s, A. -uulcrson 2, E. Wright 3. Boys' flaming. A. Shields 1, W. Anderson 2. L. Wright 3. K. Campion h c. Girls under 18 — Sr-win-r underskirt. M. King 1 nr.d s, O. Jon-cs 2, I. To F p 3. Ironino. O. Jonts 1 and s. K. Wright 2. Darnin?. E. Wright 1 and s, M. King 2, O. Jon.»s 3. Patching, M. King 1 and s, E. Wright 2. O. Jonea 3. Scones, J. Dwjet 1 and s, O. Jones 2, E. Wrijrht 3. FruH cake, E. Wrirfit 1 and s, —. 2. O. Jon.cs 3. Plain cake. O. Jon« 1 and s. E. Wright 2. Sponge Cnke. O. Jones 1 and s. J. Dwycr 2, E. Wright 3. Spcngia sandwich, J. Dwycr 1 and s, E. Wright 2. Drawing, Standard IV., O. Francis 1 and s. Soveral of the competitions ar.d championships and Borne of the prize list were not complete, when our reporter left the ground at 5.15 p.m.

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13377, 19 March 1909, Page 10

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HAWARDEN A. AND P. SHOW. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13377, 19 March 1909, Page 10

HAWARDEN A. AND P. SHOW. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13377, 19 March 1909, Page 10