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(fIT OUR CO-UfKRCZAJ- BDITO-t.) There were large entries ol stock, nnd a numerous attendance. Prices generally showed a still lower tendency. Store sheep, in consequence of the continued dry weather, were in weaker demand; fat lambs were also less firm, s and fat cattle, owing to a heavy supply, were easier. Fat wethers showed an improvement, but fat ewes were still '> - further , down. Baconers were also down, but porkers were dearer, and yttores were not quite co keen in demand. Store cattle were dull of sale, but dairy cows were in good demand.

STORE SHEEP. There was again a very largo yarding j ■ cf store sheep, the bulk being lines !. from a distance, including North Island , consignments. The demand Vss de- .' cidedly slack, although some of the ( best lots of two-tooth and good-mouth- ' <d ewes, whose condition was right, •old fairly well and up to expectations, ' -. »nd towards the close of the sale prices V showed arise. The same applies to a few lote of forward lambs suitable for rape, i; T__vel-_toiii-d ewes, low-conditioned §> kmhs, and all descriptions of wethers -'.met with a dull and dragging sale, and \ t »t the commencement a few lots were passed. Sound-mouth halfbred ewes * «W at 14s to los, four and six-tooth t> 16s Id, and two-tooths to 17s 3d. A *pec_-i line of 60 two-tooth halfbred ;;r*wes (Wensleydale-Merino cross) made Ordinary crossbred ewes, with sound but in low condition, made 10s Jyto 11* 6d, and old ewes 7s, upwards; _;■ forward lambs 10s 9d to lis fid, aver- .; «8» kits 9s to 9s 6d, travel-stained and fa low condition 7s &d to 18s 6d, and \ «H_ 5s to 6s 6d; forward wethers lis *•'!£_. * 2s * *"** bac k ward sorts 8s 6d to ' ». Anions the sales were:—Ewes: \tf Two-tooths, 60 half bred* (Wensleydale•Y'Hwibo cross) 265. 430 at 16s 3d. 236 at 352 at 12s 3d, 426 at 12s 6d, «l at I4s lid, 275 at 15s 6d, 209 at 17s '-i ?? : tvr «-ft«>r, and six-tooths, 273 at iiiN?- 4 at 12s M - 124 at 16*. 232 at . _m lld > 332 nt 16 * 2d, 246 at 16s od, M 0 at 10s, 103 at 14s Id, 285 at 14s ; *!• S6 at 12s 2d. 114 at 13s 9d, 293 at '< '», 204 at 12s 9d: four, six and oight74 at 9s 6d, 517 at 12* 4tl to j\ «» 4d, 196 at 13s 6d, 215 at 10s 9d, 374 '•' !L las3d - 270 at 13s 8d; sound-mouth, ... 332 »t 15s 3d, 290 at 12s Id. 118 at (m, Wo at 15s 3d. 132 at 10s 3d, 507 at - Jj»4d; aged, 312 at 5s 9d, 67 at 3s 9d, X £? ** 5s 4 d. Wethers : 205 at 10s ffd, * w ,t lls 3d - 6° »t lis 3d. 334 at 10s [, «. 30 at 9s 2d. Lambs: 221 at 12s, _. % - « lis 3d, 121 at 10s, 175 at 10s lOd, . "2 »t 10s 4d, 149 (ewe) 9s 3d. 148 at , »■'3 at 9s. 89 at 9s 3d, 107 at 8s -d, ! f 6 »t 8s 2d, 82 at 8s Id. 154 (wether) -~ _ 10d. 106 (wether) 7s Id, 162 at Cs ' «*. 156 at 5s Id. > FAT LAMBS. i" The entry of fat lambs was tho '1 *?"* Se<?n in the - yards for somo £*!"_, totalling about 8000. The quality * SL ra!ly was Soo<l, though in somo ~*» a fallinf; off was noticeable, owing, * X_ h,,, " t » te the continued dry weather. ; i*., market was hardly up' to last V __Sv pncc;, > altbough no alteration : ~\ been made in the limits of exJE*" values. Thcrr. were about liTJ Sk f . >r frp ™" n S at 10s 4d to U* S' by °utehers at 12s Id to ' «_d hko and Uvo extrn p OllB to 14 * M; Brings . wt 7° pa: " se<l "*- Among the I &"*' 5? 1 ?? wre:—Fop Miss Geboie Ak«i /rM a,l<>y) ' ~ at 13s ld - H. Has. Kl- t <U ' d1ll "" st )- 89 a * 14s 9d; C M. - ft».i h f Li »coln), 11 at 14s Pd; Mrs V if t (Cheviot), C 3 at 13 * 10«1 to Us """fa ii P,°"' np T (Chertsey). 70 at 13s 6d '"u»i it- ' Canterbury Agricultural Col- *&* (Lincoln), 10 at 13s 8d to 14s 4d ; h li, 72 at 13s 6d to L 1?_ ?1 ; F " Whitbrock (Halswell), 89 at ? 3m*} t° Us ld: F - Narbev (Kirwee., 1 it l a t_: 4s ld; E " Harria (Kirwee), 09 ' »♦ 1.r1, J " F - Tipping (Rolleston), 65 c -..i2*l d to 14s ; D " T ' ott (Cheviot), 75 ' r. .♦ t¥ *° Us: D - McClure (Darfield), .*Ti« . i ; F " Coates (Lincoln). 100 at } _[ i„ A - F - L. Moore (Littlo Riverl. 51 to I3s lid; "VV. Bowis (Rol-

leston), 6" at 13s lid; R. W. Lochhead (Lincoln), 43 at 13s lid; L. H. Maddison (Dunsandel), 215 at 13s lid; A. Gabbites (Ladbrooks), 352 at 12s to 13s lid ; W. Win. kill (Omihi). 52 at 13s Od to 13s lOd ; W. Bailey (Templeton), 14 at 13s lOd; G- Stanley (Harewood road), 32 at 13.> lOd ; T. Murphy (Cheviot), 70 at 13s Id to 13s lOd ; T. Murray (Hawarden), 47 at 13s 9d to 13s lOd ; J. Winter (Swannanoa), 70 at 13s lOd ; A. Badock (Springston). 23 at 13s lOd; G. Hood (Rakaia), 70 at 13s Iod: Miss Reid (Culverden., 104 at 13s 7d to 13s Od; H. H. McLean (Amberley), 85 at 13s 9d; W. Burke (Chanev's), 20 at 12s Pd to 13s 9d ; G. Ridgen (Greendale), 169 nt 13s 9d; J. Donald, jun. (Dunsandel), 64 at 13s 9d; J. Ronnie, jun. (Motukarara), 43 at 13s 9d ; F. \V. C. Lukev (Waikari), 100 at 13s 7d to 13s 9d; G. Gray (Waddington), 36 at 12s lOd to 13s Oct; H. H. Thorn (Hororata), 57 at 13s to 13s 9d ; Gebbte Bros. (Teddington), 174 at 13s 8d ; T. Pearce (Rolleston), 138 at 13s 8d ; Captain JloI.can (Greenpark). 234 at 13s 7d ; H. P. Olnev (Tipapa), 390 at 13s 7d; J. J. Doud (Waiau), 81 at 12s 9d to 13s 73 ; M. Duthie (Bankside), -.4 at 13s to IBs 7d ; J. Stalker (Greenpark), 35 at 13s ,*d ; O. F. Clothier (Hawarden), 69 at 12s 7d to 13s 7d; G. H. Tomlinson (Tipapa). 66 at 13s 4d to 13s 6d ; J. Paton (Cheviot), 55 at 13s 4d to 13s 6d; estate W. Davis (Yaldhnrst), 41 at 13s 6d ; M. Lynsky (Kaiapoi), CO at 13s Gd : A. Boulnois (Avlesburv), 74 at 13s 6d ; A. Ward (Little* River), GO at 13s 6d ; G. Bailey (Templeton), 127 at 13s 4d to 13.« iA :A. Harrison (Scargill), 83 at 13s Id to 13s 4d; G. B. Sanborn (Waiau), 12.) at 13s 3d to 13s 4d; C. G. West (I.owcliffo). 53 at 13s 4d ; D. Hampton (Culverden). 80 at 12s 9d to 13s 4d ; T. Iverach (Waiau), &4 at 13s 4d : C. Netting (Waiau), 156 at 13s to 13s 3d; J. C C. Gebbio (Gebbie's Valley), 35 at 13s 3d; T. Foster (Waiau), 124 at 12s lOd to 13s 2d; G. G. Holmes (KnockIvn), 146 at 13s Id; W. Fitzpatrick (Waiau), 320 at 13s Id; R. C. Burns (Rakaia), 71 at 13s; T- E. Pearson (Waikari), 322 at 12s lOd; A. Binnio (Woolston), 75 at 12s to 12s lOd; G. Gallagher (Whitecliffs), 66 at Us Id to 12s lOd; W. H. Firmston (Teddington), 205 at 12s ckF; W. T. Rutherford (Mossdale), IG3 at lis 9d to 12s 6d ; P. M. Hamilton (Culverden), 72 at 12s Gd ; C. E Parkin (Rakaia). 57 at 12s to l2s 6d • G. Henshaw (Culverden), 240 at 10s Id to lis 6d; F. Comer (Spreydon), 53 at lis 6d.

FAT SHEEP. There was a fair entry of fat sheep, thero being a larger proportion of wethers than of late, and several lines were of very prime quality. The export buyers were able to operate in wethers, prioes. now having got down to their limits, and the consequence was that they sold better than last week. Ewes, on tho other hand, mot with a dull salo and tlie .aged and inferior sorts s-liowed a still further fall in prices. Tho range .of prices was: — Prime wethers los to Ills lid, lighter 13s to 14s 9d, prime ewes lis to 14s 6d, others 6s So. to 10s 6d. The principal s.alrs were:—Wethers:. For H. H. Hudson (Rangiora), 180 at -16s 2d to 16a lid; Mrs A. Allan (Waikari), 120 at 15s to 16s lid; E. Conway (Kirweo), 192 at 16s to 10s lOd; H. Fitzsimmona (Cheviot), 129 at 14s Gd to 16s 3d); J. Stuart (Methven), 26 at 16s 6d; W. Bailey'(Templeton), 113 at 16s 8d; J. Parkinson (Kaituna), 60 at los to los 9dl; Monk and do Thier (Aylesbury), 45 flt 14s lid to 15s 7d ; D. McMillan (Doric). 106 at 14s to los 9d>; A. J. Steele (Ataahiia), 250 at 14s 10d to 15s 6d; W. Burke (Chaney's), 77 at 14s Id to 15a 3d); Mrs A. Srndth (Cheviot), 59 at 13<s 6d to los Id; C. W. Reid (Hoon Hny), 175 at 14s to 15s; G. Manson (Barfield), 29 at 15s; R. Mitchell (Waikari), 60 at 14s lOd; A. Robinson (Piraki), 61 ot 13b lOd to 14s lOd ; W. Wilkinson (Chertsey), 58 at 14s 9d to 15s 3d; Thomas and Son (West Melton), 68 at 14s Bd' to lis 9d; J. Russell (Brooks-dc), 33 at 14s 6d; F. W. C. Lukey (Waikari), 32 at 14s 9d; J. Gill (DaTfield), 109 at 13s lid to 14s 4d; D. Htirst (Rakaia), 27 at 14s 6c_: A. W. Rutherford, junr. (Brookdlate), 56 at 13s 9d to 14s 6d; Captain McLean (Greenpark), 15 at 14s 3d to 14s 4<ii; Kaikoura oMent, 133 at 13s 9d to 14s 3d; client, 123 at 14s 3d; C. T. Whito (The Peaks), 70 at 13s to ls lid); H. MoGuinness (Methven), 53 at 13s lid; D. Brock (Omihi), 31 at 13s lOd; Miss E. Reid (Culverden), 36 at 13s od); J. W. Frizzell (West Eyreton), 75 at 13s 3d; A. M. Roberts (Winchester), 34 at 12s Bd. Ewes: Kaikoura client, 67 at 13s 10d' to 14s 6d; W. Brooks (Brooksi<_e), 45 at 10s 9d to 13s 6d; R. W. Loohhead (Lincoln), 24 at 13s Id; Canterbury Agricultural College, 20 ewes 12s 7d; W. Bailey (Templeton), 60 at 10s 4d to 13s Id; C. Benjamin (Templeton), 46 at 14s Id; E. McCarthy (Ladbrooks), 33 at lis Id); J. W. Frizzell (We_t Evreton), 54 at 10s lid; W.Winskill (Omihtt. 20 at 10s 9d ; W. E. Candy (Kin.bc.rlev), 61 at 8s 9d to 10s 7d; D. Brock'(Omihi), 29 st 10s 4d; Geo. Taylor (Yak-hurst), 34 at 9s 3d t6 10a 3d; A. Badock (Soringston). 41 ot 8S 4d to 9s 4di; S. Horrell (West Eyreton), 31 at lis 2d ; D. McKie (Kirwee), 60 at 8s lOd to 10s Id; A. H. Jackson (Leeston), 60 at 10s; O. F. Clothder (Hawarcten), 212 at 8s 9d; T. Gillies (Cheviot). 66 at 6s 10d to 8s 3d; C. Squires (West Melton), 69 at 8s 3d; J. Gardiner, junr. (Rakaia), 69 at 6s 9d to Bs.

FAT CATTLE. There was an average yarding of fat sheep. Tlie yarding of fat cattle totalled about 383 head, a large proportion being prime steers and useful heifers, there being a smaJler number of cows than at some recent sales. Owing to tho heavy entry, the sale was dull and dragging, and did not conclude till late "in tho afternoon. Prices, except for very prime steers and heifers, showed "a decline. Best beef madie 20s 6d to 22s Cd, medium 18s to 20s, and' cow and inferior 16s to 17s 6d per 1001b. Tho range of prices was: — Steers £6 2a 6d to £10 10s, heifers £4 5« to £7 10s, and extra to £8, cows £4 os to £7 os, and extra to £3. Among tho sales were:—For R. H. Barker (lye Bon's). 1-5 Btoers £8 12s 6d to £9 ss. 10 heifers £6 12s Gd to £7 10s; J. Mcßrido (Temuka). 16 steers £7 12s Os to £10 os; \V. F. Parkinson (Kaituna), 5 steers £7 ls to £9 17s 6d ; Hay Smith (Clarkville). 8 steers £7 5s to £8 2s Gd; R. J. Robinson (Waikuku), 5 cows £4 los to £5 ss; R. "W. Lockhead (Lincoln), 6 cows £4 17s 6d to £6; Moir and Co. (Styx), 5 cows £5 10s to £7 12s 64; D. Mulholland (I>arfield), 3 steers £6 7s Od to £7 on; C. Munro (Cheviot), 5 steers £5 12s 6d to £6 15s; W. J. Stoddart (Ashburton), 14 cows £5 to £7 ss. A gocd yarding of veol calves sold at 3s "Gd to 57&. an extra to 675. STORE AND DAIRY CATTLE! The market for store cattle was distinctly easier for anything not of a good sort or colour. A line of 50 threeyear steers sold at £5 9s: 30 18 months Hereford steers and heifers £7 ss; two-year steers £4 10s ;»two and threeymr steers £4 15s Gd; store cows in low condition 50s; store cows in gocd condition £4. Several lots were passed in. Dairy cows sold well at £3 10s to £8 7s 6d." PIGS. There was a fairly lf.rfje yarding of pigs, including a good proportion of prime fats. Baconers were easier, but porkers showed an improvement in price. Stores sold well, but hardly tYpial to last week. Choppers realised up to £4 10s. baconers 50s to 565, and extra heavy to 635, equal to 4id to l.d per lb; large porkers 43s to 48s, ..mailer 35s to 40s, equal to Gd per lb; large stores 30s to 345. smaller 22s to 235, and weaners 12s to 18s.

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13376, 18 March 1909, Page 9

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ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13376, 18 March 1909, Page 9

ADDINGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13376, 18 March 1909, Page 9