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"The Transplanting of Animal Organs" is the title of a c.rticle published; in this week's. "Weekly Press." So far have the triumphs of operative surgery gone that the probability of wooden legs becoming extinct is only a minor part of the vistas opened up by tlio audacious achievements of a young Frenchman in Air.'wica. The Dumas of the future will not need to nvikt> his long-lived man a vampire; he will only have to provido him with a friendly surgeon in lirge practice, who will supply him with a comparatively un-worn heart or liver or brain as soon as his own shows .signs of giving out. The article is most clearly written, is free from technicalities, and should not bo missed, by anyone who likes to know what is new in the work..

So many fires have occurred in Timaru lately, and all at about the same early hour of the moYiiing (ono o'clock), that thero is a very uneasy j-et confident feeling that an incendiary is at work in the town.

At Victoria Lake on Saturday tiho Christehureh Model Yacht Club sailed the first two heats for a trophy pre-sontc-d by the commodore, Captain Owlcs. Results:—First hrab : Mr McCoJl's Katip 1, Mr Dobey's Pateenr. 2. and Mr Giltb's Mini 3. Wroond. iie^it: Mr Oakca's Oco 1, Katie 2, Mr Philpat's l Dominion 3.

A meeting of ladies was to be held in the Lyttelton Borough Council Chambers yesterday afternoon to discuss the exuestion of petitioning Parliament to resume free immigration of single women suitablo for domestic scxvice. About eight ladies attended, and tho Mayoress (Mrs C. Cook) p;-e----j-ided. It was decided, in view of the small attendance, to ndjourn tho meeting until Friday evening.

A church parad<? of the Boy Sroirts took place at the East Belt Methcdist Church on .Sunday morning. There was a i»-ood ottendancei of scoute, representing East Belt. "Woctiend, Good Templars. and West Christ church troops. The troops, were under the control of Major *D. Cosegrove and .Scoutmasters Mall-ach and Goodman. The service was also attended , by the Giri Soouts connected with the East Belt Church. The Rev. W. Ready conducted the service. He preadhetl a practical sermon to the boya on the words '"TUe Angel which hafli redeemed from mc all evil, bless th(* lat'.s.' . He nko read to the congregation the oath,"-motto/ nnd laws of the scouts, stating that if t-lie boys lived up to tho motto and laws of ll'e movement, they would be fine manly men, ant' produce , a str-rling type of Christian manhood. Tht-ro wa.s v large attendance of tho public at the service and it wad greatly appreciated by those presvnt.

A serious cas-e of assault was heard before two Justices at the Police Court in Timaru yesterday, when a farmer, belonging to Suthcrlands, charged three youny men, brothers, with having set upon him without provocation, and injured him about Hie* head and body, the most serious injury briny a broken rib and a rupturo. Kvidence was by tho complainant's sen

(15i years), who said he .saw the three accused inflict the injuries on his father when the lnttr-r was driving krme seme cattle belonging tc him, which another man had driven to the Pleasant Point pound. Dr. D. I). Dryden gave evidence t'u'io iiijiirit.--. The ekfenco ivas a complete denial of the charge, the accused rerson.s statin;.; that they had never touched the <-,:«- plainant. The Justices .said there had been some pretty hard swtaring, and a* thry did net know whom to believe, tho case would be dismissed, each party to pay its own costs.

The dispute in tho bootrr.3king t-rado U to be heard before the- Arbitration Court in AVolhugton during May. The exnet dnti' has not rot been fixed.

The nnniversary services of tho Ranpiora -MethfKlist Chnrch. held on Numisy, were well attcndetl. The Rev. T. A. Joughin occupitxl the pulpit, ajid aj>propr : .Jte hymns and anthe:iis wore cuns-

Mr V. Oebl.if, H.A., cave an ad-d>.-f« on .Sunuay aftcrnoo:i at tl:o V M.C.A. i<. ■ >w.s. hi- subject beimr

'•Lite's Many Crown?." The text was taker, from Kevcbtions- .'V verso- 11, "Hod fast tlsiit which thon hast, tliat no man take ihy crown."

It is anticipated t-lrnt th-e -workers' dwellings at pi-rsent under corsstruotii n in the vjcinity of the Aldington railway workshops will be convplete-ci-in a'.v'ut two month*. Tho walls have yi-t to be plast<»rc--i. the flooring l«id, tho v< rai:d-ah.s built and the fencing ('.•one.

The Ordnance Battalion will hold a p:ir;i'.U' at King Edward Barracks this r renins, ami "ill bo inspected by Colonel C. J. Cooper. The following companies will take nart: —Lyttelton Xavals. N Bittery. -VZ.G.A. ; X Battery. N.Z.F.A. ; Canterbury Kngineors, Lyttelton Naval Cadet.*, and Lyttelton Divisional Band. After the, inspection tho battalion v.-ill march through the town.

Tho Punodin Benevolent Institution Trustees yesterday considered the caso of a man ivho had been brought back from Tasmania on v. charge of wife desertion, and resolved : —'That the Minister of Justice l>e respectfully requested to take such stops as to him may appear advisable to arrange with other Australasian Governments to facilitate the execution of orders of the Destitute Persons Act in other colonies, to have necessary alterations made in the laws of the various colonies accordingly."

RcacWs of tlko Former pages of this week's issue of "Tho Weekly P«*si" will find an eiiit-erial artk'e on '•Wlwat and Oat€—a Retrospect." There are n«t<vs by "Komri" on " Stock," "Tho Cln.ssing of Wool" and "Inoculating Against Tuberculosis." Tho large fitoro sheep saJcs held) at Cnlverd-en. Ainlierky. and Hnward'on dairing the past week are full} reported, and there is a letter from Br«c'.fond on the English wcol market. Tho annual meeting of the Manaivatu A. and P. As-j-ociation is rei>ort<:d at length, and oorix'spondents:' letter.? are publish<xl from Hawkc's Bay, Wairorapa, Taranaki, Manawatu, and Rural and stock notes and market reports occupy the usual spa-oe, end in tbe- commercial pages will bo found Late farm and market news, a letter on Xetv Zealand produce in London, and a review of the frozen meat trsulto by the C.C. und D. Company.

The first meeting of the Canterbury College DiaJoctic Society for tho year 1900 was held on Saturday. The evening was occupied by a debate in which Mr A. H. R. Amc-se moved : "That the er-eation of small navies for defence purposes should bo encouraged in tho self-governing States of tin? Empire." Mr H. H. Hiunna supported tho mover, while the negative was taken by Messrs X. Gibson anil R. V. Deacon. This debate, the subject of which is that which will be discussed at the University debate in "Wellington at Eaeter, was arranged by tlu.» Dialectic Society with a view to selecting tho repavseJitiitives of Canterbury College. Messrs T. E. Taylor, M.P., and G. T. Booth, who acttJd as judges, placed Messrs Gibson and Raima first and second respectively. Thicse gentlemen will' ac-oortUn-gly most likely represent Canterbury CoLlege at Easter. The final selection rests, however, with tho Tournament Committee.

The ordinary meeting of t3ie Tramway Board hold yesterday was attended by Messrs H. Pearco (chairman), G. T. Booth, C. M. Gray, J. H. Flesher, S. R. Staples, D. Sykes, J. H. Rioliardson and A. W. Beaven. Tho Staff Committee recommended the appointment of Mr Chas. Cowdery to the engineering staff as staff and track engineer at a salary of £200 per annum, the whole of tho jtresent permanent way staff to be under his immediate authority. Considerinc tho circumstances of the case, the committee, coukl not recommend that the appeal of nn ex-conductor be upheld. The committee had decided to place aJI wood workers under the Board, with the exception of the loading carpenter, under tho coaehbuilders' award. The report was adopted. Various letters were dealt with. Accounts, amounting to £3339 2s lid, wore yassed for payment, and the Board adjourned.

A special general meeting of tho Canterbury Graduates' Association was called to consider a fetter from the Board of Governors, asking for an opinion on tho suggested appointment of a rector for Canterbury ColLege. It was resolved-:

"That it is advisable in the intore.sts of Canterbury College that a rector should bo appointed, but tho Graduates' Association has, at present, no recommendation to make with regard to clause 9 of the Canterbury College Km powering Act, 1908." It was decided, that Mr James Hay, M.A., I/L.8., the retiring member, should be nominated for the vacancy on the Senate. A motion of congratulation to Professor Rutherford on achieving the distinction of being the recipient of the Niibel prize in Chemistry for tlu> year 1908 was carried unanimously. It was resolved to send congratulations to tho Hon. A. T. Xgata, M.P., on bsint; the first graduate of Canterbury College to attain Cabinet rank. The members, standing, carried c vote of condolence with th-o relatives of tho late Mr Keith Cape-Wiliiamson, a member of tlw Association, who was one of the victims in tho recent disastrous wreck.

Tiie East Christchurck School d>min it tee met 011 Friday evening. The ]Joard wrote informing th» conimitiao that thej- had ajipointed M. J. McKcotfn _ assistant mistre.sii at the School, Mi«> Cora Andrews a.>sistjnt mistresfs at the South Belt .School, and Miss Lilian Hannam second assistant mistress at tho Gloucester Street Infants' School. It was resolved to recommend Mr A. C. Maxwell (Tai Tapu) for appointment os first assistant master at the Gloucester street CMain.) school, and Mi«s Annie 1-ynikey for appointment a»s assistant mistress at the Gloucester street (Main) school. Tho resignation of Mr G. R. Kids-on ;:s assistant master at Gloucester street (Main) school was accepts with regret. The vesignation of Mr John Clarke ns caretaker of tho combmod Phillipsioivn and £outh Belt sc-iiools was also accepted. It was re-i-olred to retain tho services of Mr Clarke as caretaker of th» South Belt iich-Ml. The headmaster rei>orte<l an avcragp- at the Main school of 703 pni-ils o:it of 77S on the roll, and at I'-'oiith Bolt of 70 pupils cut of 78 on tho re>ll. The hendmistre.-s of the infant.s' «eh*jol reported , an average- nttoiiuaiuv «f 32fi pupils -out. of 372 on the roll. 40 chiidrt-n had bc-n ad-mi tto -I

inn! 13 had left. The heudini.vtr<\-s of the PJiiilipstown schcol rop->rUvl an average atttndanfe of 'J2G children o\lt of -J.'A ~n ivrfl. Mr Owen state<; that at tho invitation of the Horxic: l - -luial tv>c-iety he had taken 200 of the senior to tbeir kliow. It ivns

re:-o!vrd that Mr Ray Blank bo re>«>rnmeiKifd for temporary employment vrhile the position rendered vacant by th« resignation of Mr G. R. KW.son was unocciipi'd. It whs d'.-cided u> close :cl:ool on Gord Friday, Eas-i'.-T Monday and Ea.-st<?r TuesdaV. Mrs Williams, i>.. Itustell. and Mr "Sir.ithson wore appointed th-» Visiting Oom-mitt-ee for the next four weeks.

The Ashburton County Band cave an open-air sacred programme in the Ashburton Domain on Sunday afternoon.

The Master Bakers' Industrial Union of Employers in this city have unanimously agreed to support the Thursday half-holiday.

A nieetiiit; in connection with tho Canal Scheme has been arranged to take place to-morrow evening, at right o'clock, at tho Oddfellows' Hnll. KoUoston street. Limvood. His Worship tho Mayor will preside, and addresses will be "Riven by sr-veral members of tho Canal League and of the Linwood Citizens' Association.

The V.\vilsion Brass Rami will p>ay tho following programme at tho corner of Ollivier , .-. road and Bueclough strcot, Linwcotl, this cveniusi, c:>mTiiencinp at S o'clock:—March. "MopbisrioptirK^.' , Dn«g!ns; waltz, -VS-n----ta." Raynaud: sckxLion. -'Willium Toll/ INvssipi; polka. "Ida and Dot," Losoy: ouphoniuni solo, "The l.ea Ki",' , ' Kthorintiton : suite (characteristic). "The SSpii-it of the Nations," Round; v.ah/.. "I" 11 Rvvo DAn car," Copo: march, "Ti:o Vhite.

Tho characteristic calm of the- proceedings of tho Tramway Board was ruffled somewhat yostortlay aftornoon when a notice to no into oommitue to consider a new appointment was being discussed. Mr C". M. Gray commented with some warmth nj>o.n tho multiplication of billots under tho Board. At present, ho said, they had one officer at £4 per week supervising certain work, and now it was proposed to appoint another over him at £250 per anmim. The sneaker did not. like to threaten, but if tho proposal was carried ho would tako the opportunity of letting the ratepayers know something about the matter. Other members combattvd Mr Gray's contention with equal warmth, and eventually tho littlo sionn tailed off into committee.

As the Ashley river is neiw drying up over long reaches, and sonic of the pools that in January cent a i nod Sft or 9ft of wn.trr are reduced to as many inches, it is found necessary to rescue the young trout from becoming stranded on the dry river-bed. The Acclimatisation Society's ranker, Mr J. W. Wheeler, with an assistant, has for two or tlureo days past been eo-ixhicuny; the work. Provided with a laruo whitebait net, he sweeps the trout out of tlie pool and placis them in fish pans for transfer. Tho lish vary from tSin to 10in in length. Nino thousand have been transferred to Northbrook. and from 4000 to 5000 have been transferred to the lower reaches cf the As'hJey, which at present contain a fair depth and a good flow of water.

At yesterday's meeting of fiic- Tramway Board an account was received from Mr T. H. Chamberlain for £265 19s 9d for his report on self-propelled motor vehicles. Mr Chamberlain has supplied the particulars, and t'Jio Finance Committee reixjrtcd that it oould not recommend the account for payment. On a motion by Mr Fleshcr that the question be considered in committee, Messrs Gray, Sykes, and Staples strongly objected, and stated tiiat as the matter had already been before the public that clause of the Finance Committee's report should be considered in open Board. The motion, liowevor, was carried. After considerable discussion the account was referred back to the Finance Committee for a further report.

It is reported (states a Xapier Press Association telegram) that a practical joke that might have had fatal results -was played upon a young man named Frank O'tJhanriessy, of Taradale, on Saturday evening by a young woman. It is said that O'fcsfoannessy, who is known in local, musical circles, was trying over some songs at a boarding-house. After singing one he was ask«d by the young woman if he would care for a drink of hop ale. He took the cup offered him and drank nearly all the contents, which proved t."» be sheep dip. O'Shaunessy at onco mounted his bicycle and rode to a doctor'e house, where he collapsed on arrival. Another doctor was called in, and after treatment the sufferer was brought round. O'Shannessy's condition ■was critioal on Sunday, but by yesterday he had improved to such an extent that he was pronounced out of danger.

A well-attended meeting of ladies and gentlemen was held yesterday afternoon in connection with the proposed complimentary farewell concert lo Miss Katie Young. Mr A. Kayo was voted to the chair. A largo number of letters wore read from ladies and gentlemen expressing their desire to aid in every way in the carrying out of the project, and it was decided to add their names to the general committed All those present, together with those- who had written expressing their willingness to assist, were formed into a general committee, with power to iidd to their number. It was resolved that tho concert should take place at His Majesty's Theatre- on May 18th, and that the prices of tickets be Ss, 2s, and Is. An offer was received from Mr R. A. Home, on behalf of the Dresden Piano Company, to provide tho piano for the concert, free of cost. Tho offer was accepted with thanks. Mr H. A. Adloy was asked to act as honorary secretary, and consented to do s.o. The following ladies and gentlemen were then elected a* an Executive Committee to carry out the details:—Mrs Wilson. Miss Fairhurst, Dr Bradshaw, Messrs A. Kave. 11. A. Adlev. It. A. Home, Reg. Thompson, Geo. Hall, and G. R. Hurt. The Executive subsequently met. when it was decided to get tickets printed for distribution at once. The following were elected as snb-commit-teet.:—Programme— Mrs Wilson, Mips Fairhurst, Dγ Bradshaw. Messrs Knye and Addey. Printing and a'lvrrtisir.-p:— Messrs Home, Hall, Hart, and Tliotupson.

Considerable interest has been aroused in Duncdin in iho c:v~r> of the old man Donald Watt, who war> found dead in his hut near the Cement 'Works 0:1 Friday. The. deceased (saj - s th? "Otago Daily Times") was a native of ThiiTio, in rhe shire of Caithness. Scotland. H«* started , work in a cjuarry ■when eleven yea-rs of ego, earning 11s si iveek. Sn!c>(jc|in"-Tit]y h< , became foreman for a road, contra<-tor, receiving t!ie munificent sum of 15s w<K>k!y. He emigrated f o Xc-w Zealand as far back as 1862, and, being resourceful, and thrifty, ma-do a considerable sum of monry at contract fencing. In 1875 ho pakl a X'isit to his nrtt<ive land, but pooh returned to New Zealand , . Ills iroiuy has bwn on fixed deposit at a fair rat-e of interest ever eince, t>s that nt the time of his death he was rapid]}- ,- becoming a -wealthy man. Jioir.e time ago he was employed as night watchman at the Cement Works, and it was then ho oocupi-r-d the in which ho difd. but ho relinquished work years agr>. Ijfcanc* he <iid not keep ftiiotlior man out of n job." He* v.-as of a generous disposition, ami h-is frt- ,- cjuentiy gi-ren to lcx?al cluiriti<-s, white only last Christinns he wi:t Ko:ne two sums of £10 to two coiwin;.. His modo of Jiff was simple in tliv oxtrenjo. Ho had, however, bt< n brought up ixi thf* plain—almost rigoroi , ..- , —-failiicn typical of his birtlipjaco, and, though hw d<'2»rivt-d hiinKolf of no iH-c<'F<rtirji--;. his wants, owir:r; to his frutr-1 habits, '.vt'io few. Amons his effects wore found bank receipts for £WiS : > and a sum of i' 23 in ca.-'h. Tho balk of this money Avili l>e <iiridf d beiveei his two agod cintsin- , :—an old man and mi old woman in xvkit circ;m:. s ,tnn<N*— living in Thurso ; nnd an o!d friend in Di'.noain. who r.fx*d to t-it ond pay oard.s with hisn at night, has ira'i! surpristxl to ream that h< , is t'> benefit under the will to thf» extent of £230. The executor of the will is a wt-11-known and respected citizen in I>unedin.

The postal authorities supply «jpli following:—"Berne, advises th»t Fao routo is restored." " "**|i Tlw Paperoa, from Lon<*on, SwoeeVir ? M 182 immigrants, among them bwtnrm T -* for WelliKßtoii, 39 for Awckko? S > for Port Chalmers, and 23 foe Lrt*S' c ton. They aro mostly woonea tS*"'" children coming to husband .S "* fathers alrt«dy in New Z~J "* laatd. "'•■-s. New rules under tho "Workers' Obnw " ponsation for Accidents Act liave beak gazetted. To a largp extent tiw pear to follow tha<e in force in respeS ' to cases in the Supreme Court !• - umier the Workers , Csonipcniat«« r '- for Accidents Act, tho primary proct, duro k now by writ of summons. "" Complaints have been made tl»i ' lately no evening recitals on the dt»V oryau havo bceu pi yon. Th«ro tA two ga-Ml and suiliciont rcasona fn this. Ono is that the theatre in whick the- is placed has been let »U nic.~t continuously for some time TtesL " The otl-.r that an agreoinent \S ontorvnl into with tho Municipal B&ndb Cosnmittco not to clash with thpir fii" tures whilst tho band season coutUMMjt It is intended, however, to give after, noon recitals .similar to tho successful I one given on Saturday. . I

It is expected that in about a tnontlA time .1 new telephone system will t» in world tin order in Timara. tfow the new system a subscriber wishing ia communicate- with another eubscnUr will not rcpuiro to ring up the c*. change; by the mere act of removing tJie receiver from its hook ho win njjjr cat* to the exchange that he wante to be nut in communication with a Bn k| seribor; tho number of the subscnW wanted will, of course, bo given to iS exchange by tho subscriber desiring te bo connect td. Tho exchange operate* will then notify the Kcoond subscribe by ringing a Ik; 11 war the second nb. • scnbiM-'s telephone. This system irifi fit shortly installed at Invcrcar^ill.

A meeting of the ratepayers of tk» Little- River Road Board district *a hold in tho Town Hall, Little River S'V Sntiirday. The meetini; was pn*Md over by Mr J. C. C. Gebbie, chah-n2 " of tho Board. Tho business wm j* discuss the advisablcnoss of eeoedini ' from tho Akarca County Council m 2* forming the nrtsent Road * trict into a separate county. Mr JJ* Bruce, ohairnian of tho County Goonl - v oil, attended. It has been considered a grievance that two local ]at ing bod» " should exist whore it was thought o» '' should suffioo, and after a ions dacul" 1 sion of tho receipts and expcnditoi* At' both bodies concerned, the foUmrini' proposition was carried by 11 ' votes .—"That after the discussion no* l held -t is desirable that one local bn& should in future carry on the tration of local works within the Lltt2 River Road District, and that the Board thereof be requested to ttki i such fetens as may bo necessary to tho Littto River Road Board districT? formed mto a County Council, to fag ? called the \Vairew County Council." |'- f similar motion was also carried ua«i.V mously at a meeting of ratepayers heit£ at Gebbie's Valley on February STtliH A hearty vote of thanks «as accorddS> to Mr J. D. Bruce, of the Abatis County Council, for attending, and"*'" vote- of thanks to the chairman tornA ? nated the meeting. -' * Smart fashions for gents, youths a<4 little boys are displayed in tho X>.1,0. clothing and mercery departments. * There is no greater value possible ttustlie D.I.C. city suit, which is -well mad*in reliable tweeds, and which both &>■ w-ear and appearance equals thohigheei" l grades of bespoke tailored suits. HAS}, : , city suite can bo obtained from 55e 64 complete ( - ~s'* Farmers and others are reminded i that tho best Plow, Harness, and othor Oils are obtained at McCleK,.' land and Anderson's, 224. Casbel atreep. Christchurch. - Also think of the RobttV Oil Engines, also Steam. '" •% s - Eyestraiiij Headaches.—Ernest Jt , Snndstoin, F.S.M.C., D.8.0.A., W A don, Consulting Optician, may suited on oil cases of defective sight. Fifteen years' special stedf,", and experience. • Latest methods ill . instruments. Consulting rooms, street W. (next Ballantyno's). BouM,'----9.30 to 5.30. Telephone 397. I^ Slerchants having goods for delivery", l should get us to nandlo their coneigfr-l ments. Wβ coUect goods, ship ihefOf" pay dues, distribute goods at otherenflj , ', and coli-ect charges. Try our'e ec-onomioal, labour-saving. hw- t Zealand Exjaress Company. fi' . Nearly ons person in every five wese/ glasses. Correctly adjusted lensee afif,.. used to rcliovo cross eye, astigmntism, headaches, myopia sight), and other defects. If troubW; with your eyes visit J. D. D.8.p".A., F.S.M.C, F. 1.0. (London),?;, Ophthalmia Ontician, 148 street. 'Phone 2321. . ?v Medicine in former years -was given when now a oouraj' of electnl'v treatment is ndvisod. Galvanic J** , ; teries, modicai coils, and niagnett§v; machines in great variety, at modentSjfc prices. ran he procured at John lUjjj Proctor's, OculLste , Optician, lelsj..'. High street, C)iristchurch, who stocks vecunm tubew, bicromate J 1 s-parktng coiJs, etc., of the quality. ■$$. In the 0.-*rly (lays Colonists on to whether they Ehoiild lako furn.itur« <:r not wlifn removing to other part cf the colony. Now tlsff'l-t don't, but simply put it into ti»>?,' hands of J. M. Hpywocxl and Co., LtoJ^- rvrko tako <:hargc« cf it from house fahouse. >!•.'* % Thr» "New" Suprrior Grain, Turnip nn<l CJrass Drills s-.-jw every in the- ri<i!it spot. X\. Basjett and Co»-" sole agents- *'*

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13374, 16 March 1909, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13374, 16 March 1909, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13374, 16 March 1909, Page 6