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The utility mail for those who have papers to send to tho Old Country at the cheapest postage rate closes this afternoon, and oonnecta with the Tongariro at "Wellington. Among the piotorial publications, "The Weekly Press" holds leading rank, and , this week's issue is quite the beet to despatch by this route. Ite illustrations include the 1 Malvern A. and P. Show, tho Governor as Grand Master Meson, the Easter Volunteer Manoeuvres at Wellington, the Chess Championship Congress, Sorting Gum, and the portrait of the lato Mr Goo. G. Stead. A proposal- of tie Akaroa County Councril to borrow the sum of £2000 from tihe Government under the Loans to Local Bodriee Act <t© construct a fiat road between Banry's and DuvaudieUos, Bays ajid erect a. wharf at the Go.p on Ou-a-we Peninsula, was carried at x poll of the ratepayers on Wednesday -by 53 votes to 17. A grant of £250 has. been given by .tfoe Government towards the same object. At tlie Magistrate's Court 1 at Akaroa, before Mr V. G. Day, S.M., Stanley O'Neill, licensee of the Maderira Hcto?, was charged with supplying liqiuor to a man whilst under the influence trf liquor, and also with, permittinig drunkenness on hiis licensed premises. After hearing lenctihy evidence, the Magistrate said mere w;. i no evidence to chow tiha't the Kqaior had ibeen obtained at defendant's hotel, ajid he would ••therefore dismiss both charges. TJje estimated population of the Dominiou on 31st March last was 997,G58, males numbering 529,431 anil females 468,227. These figures include the Maori population, 47,731. and tho population! of the Cook and other Pacific Islands, 12,340. The net increase in the population of the Dominion during the first quarter this year was 8103, of which 5020 were males and 3083 females. The births during tho quarter totalled 6817 and the arrivals 12 906, making a total increase of 10,723. The decrease during the snme period was 11.620,. made up as follows":—Deaths 2262, departures 9358. A meeting of the South Island Band Contest Committee was held on Wednesday Mr C. M. Gray, 31.P., pres.diiu;. A cable message was received fawn Mr W. Short. LJR.A.M.. stating that he was willing to adjudicate in the South Island Band Contest. It was decided to Imld the contest about the ■sooond week in December, and to order the necessary music. It was sugo;cst o d that the prize money should be: —A Grade: First prizf £1-50. second prize £7.5. third £50. B Grade: First, prize £75 second prize £30. third £15. Marching Competition: First £30. eeoond £10, third £5. A Finance Committee was appointed to consider the best means of raisiiij; the necessary funds. The total imports for tho port of Timaru for the twelve months ending 31st December, amount to 86,220 tons, against 79,153 last year, or an increase of 7000 tons. The exports for the same period show 65,052 tons against 77.315 tons, a decrease of 12,263 tons, this being practically all accounted for by the pronounced shrinkage in grain, flour and chaff shipments, whilst up to tho period named, there was in comparison with the same time last year, a decrease in quantity of wool shipped. As against these shortages of grain and wool, the shipments of mutton and lamb show a substantial increase, the contribution from Timaru for the past year being 837,997 carcases, an increase against last year of 48,903.

"William W. Morton is gazetted a member of the Rkcarton Licensing Committee, vico A. Boyle, resigned.

The hours of Attendance of the MirV.or wild'bto from aeon to 1 p.m. daily at tho City Council Cnambers.

The Dominion ,srot £/00 in revenue from Chinamen -who arrived at. Wellington by the steamer from byclney on Wednesday. •

The members of St. John k choir, "Woolstc-n. intend producing tdie o-parette "Princess Ghrye»©nwin at tiho Oddfellows' Ha!l. WooLston. next week. Tiie perforinanco will oo vi aid of the Organ Fund.

At tho annual swimming races of the East Christchurch School, Mr D. Lumsden, the chairman of the Bath Committee, offered two prizes to those obtaining moot points. These were awaided to Max Compton and Erie Middlebrook.

Our Wellington correspondent telegraphs that tho control of the Kennedys Bush Scenic Reserve is vested in the following:—Tho Commissioner of Crown Lands for vie Canterbury Land District (.ex officio}. Messrs H. G. Ell, L. Cockayne, William Reeee, G. 1. Booth and George Harper.

The steamer Mora_vshire, which arrived at Auckland yesterday from West Coast osrts of the United Kincdom, brought 76 immigrants for tho Dominion, the bookings boine as follow:—Auckland 2-1, Wellington 23, Lvttelton 18. and Port Chalmers 10. The day before the vessel reached Capetown Mrs Burners", who with her husband was hooked for Canterbury, died from natural causes.

Tlio tender of the Cycle and Motor Supplies Company (Ltd.), Wellington, at £6 17s, has been accepted for the supply of one hundred bicycles to tho Post and Telegraph Department. The. unsuccessful tenderers wero: —Hawley (Wellington), £6 17s Gd; Healing and Co (Wellington), £6 19s 6d; Magnus Sanderson and Co. (Wellington). £7 2s 6d; Hendry's Rudge Depot (Wellington), £7 2s 6d; J. Boucher (Wellington), £7 os; G. Gu'.'.geon (Inglewood), £8; G. Garrett (Feilding), £3 7s 6d; T. H. Pardington (Onehunga), £0 3s; H. Grinlinton (Auckland), £10 12s Cd.

A Press Association message states that it is considered that tho low priceof rock oysters at the commencement of the season is accountable for tho big demand at present existing in Auckland. During the first lour days of tho season, 552 sacks were received at tho Government Depot from tho oyster beds, and these went into immediate consumption. .It has been found necessary to put on more pickers, and on Saturday 400 sacks are expected, thus raising the total for the first eight days of the season to 950 saoks.

The Court of Appeal a.t Wellington was engaged yesterday with the. Nodeon caeo of Moore v. Orford. The parties are medical piraetitiionors, and aippeMant sold fliis -practice at Richmond in 1905 to respondent, and agreed that ho would not practise within eight miles of Richmond. In 1&07 appellant went into partnership with two other medical practitioners in Nelson, which was within eight miles of Richmond, end practised in Nelson for three months. The respondent, Dr. Orford, brought an action to Tecover liquidated damages under appellant's bond, and Mr Justice Cooper entered tip judgment for £300. Xhis decision waa aj>pealed from, and the Court reserved its decision.

A Press Association telegram from Auckland states that Judge Edger gave the judgment of tho Native Laoid. ourt yesteruav in a Maori will case, in which Henare Kaihau, M.P. for the Western Maori district, was one pf the legatees. 'The real contest, ,, his Honour said, "was not so much as to whether Kaihau was to obtain the property mentioned in the will, as to whether the* aspersions thrown on his character in connection with the execution of the will could be cleared away. It has not been shown that the testatrix was mentally incapable of making her will, or that she did co under undue influence from Kaihau." His Honour held it proved thait ehe understood she "was leaving a sharo of her property to Kaihau. The will was upheld over sue** part of the property aa passed under it. .

A Wellington resident has been in communication with Edison, the inventor, regarding his acfoeme for rapid house building. The great inventor writes to him as follows:—"This winter I shall construct iron moulds and devise machinery whereby a full-sized house can be cast in twelve hours, after the moulds are in position. At the end of seven days tho iron moulds are removed, and the house will be complete, and after drying six days, will probably be ready for ti«e. To build this house for one thousand dollars it is essential that it be erected on sandy soil. The cost of tho moulds will be 25,000 dollars, and the cost of the other machinery about 1500 dollars. From thie outfit an unlimited number of .houses can be erected. It is probable that companies will bo formed who will have several moulds each of different design, and will go actually into businefw." Such a scheme (telegraphs our Wellington correspondent) would be welcomed in Wellington, where the co3t of building is simply ruinous.

At the last meeting of the Ashburton Borough Council, Messrs Craddock and Co., of Christchurch, wrote, stating that they had engaged Mr F. Black, A.M.1.E.E., to report on the electrical undertaking at Ash-burton. He considered the term of the firm's tenure far too short to justify him in laying out a scheme such as he considered tiio importance of the borough required. He also thought tho valuation clause mr tho agreement too uncertain. In the face of Mr Black's report, the firm were doubtful as to whether they would be justified in extending the schemo beyond its present condition. v The Gminoil was askod to reconsider the term for which the agreement holds, and give the firm such a term as would enable it to financ« the undertaking upon a substantial basis. With regard to the valuation clause, it was asked that it should bo drafted in sucii a way to. make secure to investors the money they have put into tho scheme. Tho Council was asked to have the matter settled as soon as possible, as the work was at a standstill in the meantime. Mr Black's report was appended. It was "ileciued to refer tho matter to the Lighting Committee to report.

In the course of a very comprehensive and informative presidential address before tho South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday night ; Mr J. P. Newman uttered a note of warning. Speaking of the credit which has been so freely given, he said that with the oasy conditions of tho money market, that had for a considerable time past been ruling, it was perhaps only a natural sequence that the terms of credit should bo very elastic, and the facilities for obtaining advances had been perhaps absurdly easy. With the expansion of business, and with ever-increasing competition, there was a disposition to "push"' business and keep turning over the stock largely on credit. Business failures had of late years fortunately been rarer than they used to be, and actual ascertained losses had not been heavy. But assuming that they wero approaching a period of lean years, with a pronounced scarcity of money, what position would they then find some 20 per cent, to 30 per cent, of their ledger accounts to be in? It was a very good time just now to set their house in order, and if no stringency did occur, it would not do the least harm to reverfc to moro sober [terms of credit.

The recent carnival Held at Leeston in aid of funds for the Roman Catholic convent there, netted £225. . The Liedertafel Herren Abend will take place to-night at the Scottish Society's rooms. The Wellington hairdressers aro.askir_ "the City Council to license and periodically iins-peot their saloons. Messrs W. Bridget and W. Johnston are the only caiidada-toe nomira.tcd lor tho vacancy in the Rangiora Borougii Ctwmci!.. c-used by the election ot Mt C. W. Bold as Aiiyor. Tlie State Coal Department to be established in Dunedin will be opened about the second week in June. Applications for the position of manager are pouring in from various parts of the Dominion. Mr R. H. W. Bligh has visited six centres during tho last week. His programme for next week is:—Glentunnel on Sunday. Papanui on Monday. Belfast on Tuesday, Kaiapoi on Wednesday, and Oxford West on Thursday. The Levels County Council decided at their meeting on Wednesday to purcliase the head* of blackbirds and thrushes at Is per dozen, and thoso of sparrows at Dd per dozen. Tlie opinion was expresse-.! by memlxys of the Counoil that poisoning as a means of ©oping with bird pest was merely throwing money away, and tliat trapping was much more effective.

The retiring members of tlie Ellesmero Road Board, Messrs John Lochhvad and John McMillan, have been ro-elected without opi>osition. and tho extraordinary vacancy cauped by tho resignation of Mr John Gilbert, who is takitiß a trip to the- Old Country, has boon filled by tho election of Mr J. S. Boag, of Punsandel, also unopposed.

A curiosity in ilio of a cross f-ootion of a. rinm knot is an oxihibition at Hnntly. The fully formed ieee of an aust< lawyer is apparent in the irood, tihe features being rw.i'jrdcaWy clear ami well defined. ICu> i :•:•<■, which is in 2>rofiie, filiows. an eye, a long nose, two lips, and a chin, covered with, a pointed beard, the head beimr; bh recounted -with a. ivcdl-sheped legal wig. Tlio section is still in, the rough, and polishing should develop the features and make tJio freak still more curious and interesting.

Oα Wednesday evening the fortnightly meeting of the Qamterbury Shops. Offices and Warehouse Erruiployeoe' Industrial Union of Workers was held in tho Trades Hall, G-louoester street. The secretary reported that printed copies of tho rules had been prepared, and would bo forwarded at onoe to- the registrar of industrial unions for his approval: A number of new members were enrolled, and 'printed enrolment forms were distributed' amongst members to assist thorn in canvassing for new members; It was decided to hold meetings of the Union on alternate Wednesdays.

Mrs Herrick desires to acknowledge •with grateful thanks receipt of the following goods, etc., during A'ipril:— Clothing, boats, etc.: MesdaniesTrigge, Maurice Harris, Looines, ' Bingham, Wm. Irving (Armagh street),- Hutcheson, Inme, Willberg, E. Dobson. B. C. and Nurse Lees. Misses Herriot and Shanks, Itev. C. Murray (Sydenham), Messrs Scarvell,' 'V. Bergen (Swanmanoa), Unknown Friend and Friends. Buns, etc.: Messrs Gill and Freeman, Ltd. Fruit, vegetables, etc.: Sydenham Presbyterian Church, Church of England (Belfast), per Rev J. de B. Galwey, H. It. Butcher (Kaiapoi), Mesdames R. H. Rhodes and Fryer (Prebbleton). Meat: Christchurch Meat Company. Sheen: Belfast Freezing Works. Cordials: Ballin Bros. Periodicals: Wm. Gavin, Dorcas Guild. Material: E. C. .

The Wellington City Council on Wednesday received a report froati Mr Hugo, Chief Superintendent of Fire Brigades, suggesting the enbetitsution of motors all round for horses. Hβ furnished figures showing that a motor service would cost trie city ,£350 less per'annum than one in -which horsea were continually used. In addition, greater expedition could .bo attained in getting to fires. Hβ advised the, purchase'of three new motors, proper facilities for fire prevention in the 6uburb3, and declared that what he recommended was nothing more than wae aibsolutely demanded by tho present requirements ..of the district. Tho total cost of tJie impfovenventa v and extensions suggested- was set vlawnras follows:—Capital cost-, £2912; increased annual expenditure, £916. Superintendent Hugo , ® recommendation* were adopted. .. ■ •■

A "tag" pointing out that £7 had not been passed by tho Auditor-General', having been affixed to the Mahdeville and Rangiora Road Board Accounts, it was explained by the chairman at the annual meeting that the amount was for delegates' expenses to the Road*. Boards' Conference- at Wellington. Be said that the amount was justified by the advantages gained by tho Conference, and that the expenditure appeared to be covered hy tho Publio Revenues Act, which allowed one per cent, of the income to bo applied -to certain expenses. Furthermore, - * the Road Boards had combined to pay the expenses, and other Boards had paid) their proportion, the oalance-sheet was only affected to the extent of £2 2s. The meeting of ratepayers decHned to take any notice of tho "tag,", .and adopted tho accounts. ..."'.'■■

llhe Suporintendent of the Welling- 5 , ton Fire Brigade, in his annual roport, draws attention to the large nuinher of fires recorded in WeLlingtoai during tJie past and previous years—a avum.}yor out of aHI oroportioin to tihe,era© of tho city when coin,pare<l ivitih other, places, lliis di&pej-it-y, lie says, opjiiics <to the Dominion geiieiraily. . Aβ a.n illustration, tllio list of fires puibHahed last nion-th in the '"Banking and Insurance Record" for Australia eihon-s that iv the States of West amd-. South 'Australia, Victoria-. New South Walee and Queensland oodlEetiwly the- numIwr of fires recorded for FabriKwy was 131, aaid in Xe\v Zealand 127. "I do. not cay," reniarks tlie Superiniendfut, "this is the average record, but the number of fires, in. Mew Zealand is far iii excess cf what it should be. Though 3io largo .percentage of the firt« recorded may be actually duo to direct having its start-' ing point in over instumnce on. proptrty "yot this over-insurance certainly induces cnrelea&ucGs, which is undoubtedly tihe cause of a, large number o-f firce."

In connection wjt.h tho dangerous habit of niethv!ated-<tpirit drir-Jdnrr Mr .Fred. Wright. F.C.5... sirid, when delivering a Jectnre at tho monthJi - mooting of t'ho D«otal Ateociotian a* Sydney a few days ago: —''There hss been a marked increaee of late in the practice of -She drinking of mo.thyla.tcd sprits, rapocially amongst tho worki4> cht-see. ■Mcrthyfn.t-ed spirits contain a' v?r\- large pereerctage of fiisel ail, and a limiteJ quantity of ir.othyl oil. You can hardly what a Tiile compound it is. ai><l the. ni'edicai profession <io<;.s not vEt &eem to bo quite aw ?re of one o-i the commoner effects, ur.<\ that is, r>ar«Uy»:B cf tie optic norye. Jt paraJytes, as J pey. tho optic nervtk ar.d leaves a -teimioi-arv, if .not Windn-re,*. I tihnjik , this is a matter th'-i.t ought to be known, for. people siiculd \*s aware of the very eerious co*i£eqii«*nces vim-h may follow from the use of the &ubin this way. For mv own part, I do not ti)ink much of tho chemist who e«lls thie- spirit as a beverage on &undaye. If it Ls.eo -hard for Urn to exist without to resort to such a method of tjading, the sooner jio is out of the business iiae better. I hwpo to see the time when chemiitate.' shops will not be open for GO or 70 hours a week, except for the dispensing of t)iivr>iciax&' jwe6cr<iptdane«."

Tho 25th May (Empire Day) gazetted a Government holiday. ItsP At- the Malvern Show in the competition for Indies' hacks the award was:—A. Powell 1; Gillander 2. J*s& Mr Moses White has been elected T<"* s President of tho South Canterbury '^'*' Chamber of Commerce, and Mr William \?° ' Priest, Vice-President. - At itho Rsuigiora Court yesterday, /''„ before Mc&srs C. I. Jennings and fc r -~ Keir, G. IVa-reon was charged "'< with •threatening behaviour. The \ - Bench decided to dismiss tihe case. v? - At tho Arbitration Court at Auck- £f land yesterday, the members of the* ? - Watersido Workers' Union contributed * • £70 to add to the £400 compensation j awarded to the widow of one of their * * late- members, to make up the cost of ' purchasing a homo.

A meeting in connection with/ Foreign Missions will be held to-night ' - in the Durham street Methodist Schoolroom, at 7.30. The Rev. A. Ballan- ,-- tyno of Now Guinea is the deputation. Ho is said to toll a thrilling story of missionary adventure and success.

Tlie Levels County Council havo been asked by a ratepayer to endeavour to liave docks included in th© list of noxious weeds, but thoy havo declined to acoedo to th© request, believing that it would inflict a hardship on a great many people without v* benefit to any. \ I Mr F. H. Wood, tho welt__awTt -") Wairorapa land agent, who is touring " ' tho world, has -nntten a letter to Mr C. J. Jury, of Pcoiatahi, Wairarapa. expressing tihe opmion t_at thero - • should be a good opening for Now Zea- , land mutton in Japan. Ai prroscot, says Mr Wood, Australian frozen meat y is fetchiing Od nnd ls per pound in . ' Japan. . *"" While erecting •Government cottages ' % ait Pangataua (says tlio l_um_ru_.-i . * "Press*'), 31 r Basal .Dickson paid a *, visit to a Maori settlement near ths mountains, aud brought from the _»« - tives two mountain dogß. These an> . mals wero supposed to be extinct, and "- - r how they came to Now Zealand is not definitely known. Tbey ijo low set, white woolly dora, vith. jet blaok eyes, ■ and appear to De continually on the ; % scant. " Captain Swan, of <___ trampste-iper-, *• 1". Otterburn.,, whioh _rrivod in, Austn_i» recently after coaling tlie American fleet, does not appear to have been ___ ; very favourably jmp.rei3_ed with -,'.;■ American navy, "—he cre»wt» oasaaneo -■" men of a good typo," he "' -S "but the navy of the United States •_";,. -- net like -tlie British navy—it is too free and easy- I believe lam wHhm -~,-:, tlie mark wheta I &ay tliat fully 50 per -/ cent, of the sailors aro boys who haw Jo--, never been, to sea beforo, xes, hatf -■-■--;„ the combined crows hid novwr see*, a; >~ ship before they started on tJus gwwb - _. ; •.- cruiise. Tliey aro good lads—very iotelligent, I daro Bay—but tihey ore no* - sailors." -""-' Vi"" gpe'aking at the Mayoral i*{ tion ceremony at Auckland on Wednes- , day. the Mayor Mr A. M. Myers), mreferring to tho inadequate tramway >£, service, said the City Council had gi, served on the company a depiand for -jf? £480 as damages for insufficiency of *& cars, which, would be heard at'tihe next ygg civil sittings of "the Supremo Gjiut, .|;,- and the company had further beea notified that as they had failed to pro- -?& vide sufficient plant and nutoriate, &ih and neglected to keep and maintain \&# in good order and condition the -wholo,.of the premises, plant, and machineryfor the purposes otf tho tramway, the Council intends to avail itsolf of ..ft*.- ■« powers and remedies under tbe deed*- ,>jj of delegation. *■ '-fV Tho dedication festival in oonnectioa with St. Mark's Church, Rotherham,"-- .-& was held on Tuesday, with a tion of holy communion at 8 a.m., and- .%<&' a full choral e-ensong and" organ re- j-jdg-cital at 7.30 p.m., the occasion 'also being the opening of "a new church. .;&£, organ. Unfortunately, the night was' vcrv wet, but m spite of this Waiau choir .braved the element* and •.'.-£•■- drovo seven miles to assist in the sor-.-. vice. The Vicar preached an appro- .-*?s. priiate sermon. T_e organ, a very fine one, of beautiful .tone and- pipe-organ -* '-*gg effect, is a Sherlock-Manning, contain-v " 1 * ing ten sets of reeds and 19 stops, en- -1J& closed in a handsome antique quartered yki, oak case, and was ably played by Misa Wilson* The combined choirs also gave, the anthems, "What "Are Theae?" aSsand "0 Lord, My. God." - Sa| Ilie nvonthly meeting-of the, -prom, ley School Committeo wns Held; on ~&MS Monday, when* there were present:--'-'?"Mj Messrs Burton (ahah-msn). Boon (sot> y" i*>f j retary), Ohivers, Hadley. Howard, ton and Woodham. . it was dtectded that the school bell _bc-ul_ be instead 1 oi a wiri-tle -being" b-own. at plreeent. Messrs Burton and were appointed to represent the mittee on tlio School sooiation. * Messrs _W_ton- Ebdley -M'jCiW Cbivers were appointed,, **. works'mititeo forth© month.* ;__e £2 10s for pri_«' trnkaa- tho Gardons' Ck)irrps_isition waa ; ;'re-oc-ived "fjom *3_§& the Board. Monday, May pire Day) and Wednesday, (Prince ofWaieß'' Birt_cßay) are to-' &■&§_ obeerved _s liotidaya— It js to make great hnprovemeaits m v t---s3_-#----gar_ans and grounds. v -~ c VVv!f|S' Speaking at the ann*oal the South . Canterbury Commerce, Mr J. P. Newman while this X>ominion was helping legislation in favour of giving cal support to Mr Chamberlain's Imperial "trade within t_e" scheme, the indications were becoinui||W|||| moro and more convincing every 5 that the tide at Home was slowly ing, and that tariff reform long bec6ino a real a_4 pressing an re to be _ealt with, andf that opinion was undergoing a change. result of recent by-elections at Hfflwrpjffii and especially that of the division of Manchester, must •gas-rded as some indioxtion thaA Trad© was not the doctrine most acceptable to the it was not impossible That at the ne-r* General Election, the issues to fought out wonld be very much on tßftsSml; lines of Free Trade v. Protection to t * e VS| l younger Empire across the against the competition of foreign countries. ' ■. ■-* ;j^| I Speaking in Thnarn on night, Mr W. Prj-or, s-cretary to &»is&; I New Zealand Federation of : v,«r said in looking back over the of the working of the-arbitration W-s-.f->^ : tern, ono mas struck with the fact the fixing of wages and oondlt«)i-sor;\3*rs'| work by rigid award conditk)ns.»«vi»' j '->; 5 resulted" in a benefit to the modaocre': f - and incompetent worker. Tbo ployer was compelled' to pay the poor,-£.3 worker more than he was worth, "Jv.ry;* the good worker less than he was The result was that th© good w«KCr-Vf| realising this, did loss work; end rt.'' r y| vras quite apparent that at the pre- -.-| sent day employers wero not getting the same l-esults as previously trom their workers. Dr. Victor Clarke pointed this out vory forcibly m n» lxx»l{. Ho showed that tlio N©w _?«: J&fii land worker only turned out one-thirt- -_-~ in value of what tho American worker tiiriierl out. Mr Pryor further men- .-> tioned tliat his Federation had pla«d before tho Minister of Labour tho aerify sirabilitv of importing 4000 men for work in the four chief centres, actt .*£,; promised to guarantee them at least t.voh-e months' work if the Govern men* would import them. But tlie Mimsw, had not yet replied to the wq»««*-.-gg The Labour Unions were opposed .erroneously lieliering that the employers wanted to import these men simply to take the bread out of the mouths ;gg of the workers already here. The «*■ plovers did not desire to do/anyttuig>*jjjr of the kind. The Labour Unions tortc a narrow view, and failed to benefit which must result from influx of workers, through production and consumption. "; '7-J^^

' Messrs George Scott and B. P. Manhire were o-lwtcd memlvers of the Heathcote Road Board yesterday.

Constable PufTo yesterday arrested a man en n < -buret- of th-o the-ft of a couple cf large pa i-nt-b rushes, for which the pciico rrqiiire an owner.

At a moct.iiip: of tho Canterbury Conciliation Hoard on Tuesday, Mr W. Vinson was unanimously re-elected chairman.

The telegram from Bealey yesterday afteruoon stated that the Waimakariri was rapidly rising, and it was raining heavily. There was a fair fresh in the river at Stewart's Gully.

Up to April 30th, the Chief Inspector reported that tho following fish were condemned as bad and not fit jor (human consumption:—proper, <1; terakihi, 0; bhm cod, ,; perch, 6; truiuieter, 2. Total, 90. X much-needed improvement is heir..- made by the City Council in what vis' known as Tabart's right-of-way, but cflar : aJly as Hereford street. Its renovat.ion will cause Tain to "have less tmpleasant effects on it than, has nitherto i*x>ji tho case.

The Football Competition promoted, by "Truth" is arousing more and more interest omong tho followers of tho came, and' the number of coupons received is increasing day by day. Intending competitors are reminded that No. 3 contest closes at 10 o clock tonight.

A temperance mating was hold at Lrtt-eLton hst night under % the auspices of ihe Mariners' Pndo Lodge, J.O.G.T. There was a good attendance. Tho speakers wro }«" «• Laurenson, M.P. (in the chair), the Rev. J. J- Bates, Ensign lludd, and Mr C H. Basoand.

There is a dearth of certificated nurses in New Zealand. Tho Waima.te Hospital Trustees last week deplored tho fact "that their staff was overworked and that additional nurses were not to he had It was stated (am the "Taranaki HeraM") that tie lusptctor-General Ivad said that if he imported nurses, as he was thanking of doing, ho could place every ono of them* '

The new electrical pumping plant, recently rnstaUed a-t the Drainage Board' 6 Pumping Station, was tested on Wednesday, and was found to bo efficient in , every way. Tho plant oonRists of two motors, each of 5 h.p., •which, on account of the swampy nature of the ground, ire placed above the pumps, which arc on a lerd with the eewers. and connected with the pumps by a vortical shaft. The sewage tank and the pumping wdl are constructed of cast-iron, this being made necessary by tho crater-logged nature of tho ground. The sewage pipes below th© water level are made of cast-iron. The work lias consequently entailed an extra expense on that account.

The "Otago Daily Times" has made enquiries into certain allegations made in respect of the condition of one of tho assistants to the guard on the night a volunteer was killed by falling off a train. As a result, it finds deceased was in a semi-intoxicated condition. Th© railway assistants when they left Dunedia were in a perfectly sober condition, and one who became lintoxioated obtained liquor on tie train, while associating with the volunteers. No doubt a large amount of drinking was going on. in some of the carriages among the volunteers, and the railway carriages bore strong testimony of this in the way of corks, empty bottles, etc., which were strevvu over the floors.

' The following are extracts from a letter received from headquarters by the secretary of tho Wellington branch of thj Navy League:—"At the present moment the naval situation is not one to cause anxiety, no .matter what may bo said to the contrary; but there can be no doubt tihat the Government, by postponing the shipbuilding programme to next year, is throwing an undoubted financial strain on future estimatee. This we are Endeavouring to counteract by agitation for a stippleraen>tary vote this year." Continuing, Capitiin Orutdiley says:—"Lord Usher's letter, to whrich you refer in your letter to the local Press, was extremely useful, and it drove more than one nail into the coffin of the secodere from the league."

An Australian,' writing from the United States to the Sydney "Daily Telegraph," says that the invitation to the American Fleet to visit Australia has not evoked- a word of gratitude in the American Press, the a©-, cepbaiioo of the invitation being evidently regarded as a compliment. "The average Yankee cannot understand the.loyalty of Britain's dependencies. To him the 'thin red line of kinship' which .unites our widely separated Empire is absolutely incomprehensible. That Canada should prefer to bo a dependency of a tiny island on the other side of tihe Atlantic, when ehe might ally herself with, the greatest nation on earth/ is an unspeakable folly worthy of the slow-witted Dominion, and it annoys him intensely. ,.

The non-success of a recent horse sate held in Masterton on behalf of several local breeders caused some enquiries to be made by a "Wairarapa Age" reporter as to the cause. Ono of the vendors said that the chief cause "was undoubtedly the high prices ruling for feed, and another prime cause was that very few large contracts are. being carried out just now, and horses ax© in poor demand. It was anticipated that the sal© would bring a large contingent of outside buyers, ac some fine animals were to be submitted , but not one appeared. The low prioes realised were almost startling. One vendor received £6 10a for three animals, two being a yearling colt and dam. (the colt by the thoroughbred trotter Chicago), and the third a two-year-old by the same sire.

The Clerk of Awards for the industrial district of Canterbury has received the, following notification from tho Registrar of the Arbitration Court:—"The Arbitration Court. vriTl tit in Ghristchurcih on Monday, loth June, at 10 a.m., to hear nil casee now eot down for heiring, including tho farm labourers' industrial dispute. On tho first day of sitting the Court will take only breaches of awards, and will fix dates for the hearing of disputes end compensation cases. The Court will sit in Timaru od a. date to he fixed hereafter, and the fixture now made ipj>Ke6 only to capes set down for honing in "ChT-istchuroh." Tlie list at present filed contains 22 wfoicement cases brought by tilie Department of Labour aawl six compensation casos. The butchers', general labourers', timber-yards employees', metal workers' assistants', and bakers' and pastrycooks' disputes aro also set down for hearing.

The very attractive circular issued "with this morning's "Press" by Strange and Co. is designed to draw attention lo a quantity of first-rato seasonable lines to bo offered To-day and following days at Strange*, at handsomely roduced prices. 6 An exceptional offer is made to-day at the D.1.C., in 6.5 Ready-to-Wear Costumes in Smart Coat and Skirt fashions. These goods are tailored in useful cheek tweeds, and include the latest shapes in long fitting coats. For the prioe. asked, 45s complete, no better knock-about winter suit for ladies could bo suggested, than theso now offered. In tho same Showroom a capital value in Ladies' All-wool Colonial Tweed Paletots i.s marked for today at. 30s 6(1 each. 6 Messrs Ha.stio, Bull and Pickering, Ltd. (opposite Ballnntyne's), have now rweivrd a very ohoiee assortment of Westley-Rieha rds's famous Guns, at prir**; 'from titt-eoii to thirty guineas. Sportsmen -nre asked to look in and «>ee these beautiiully-built weapons. 6

Eyestrain, Headaches.—Ernest M. Sandutein, F.S.M.C.. D.8.0.A., London, consulting optician, may be consulted on all cases of defective eyesight. Fifteen Tears' special study at;d experience. Latest methods and instruments. Consulting roams, Cashel street W. (next Ballantyno's). Hours 0.30 to 5.30. Telephone 397. G lleoognisinig that there are a great number of lad ire to -whom only the best appeals and who hold that the bitit is really tho cheapest in the end they will, no doubt, be glad to know that Lugene Spitz, Ladies' Tailor 198 Gashel etr«t, can provide -with costumes equally as well fitted as these made by tho best West End tailors in London. Tho Eobey Oil Engine is worth inspection ; call and see for yourself., full particulars and prices for instalations; also, Sheep Shearing Machinery etc. Apply, H. McClelland, 224 Cashel street, Christchurch. 1 Simple ideas, if patented, often bring fortunes. Consult Henry Hughes patent agent, 183 Hereford street( opp! United Service Hotel). Consultations free. q "Wβ buy for cash old gold and silver, diamonds, etc. Note, last few days of fire sale. .Special bargains in ladies' gold watches from 355. Lino of gold brooches speck! reduction. S. Oiarke and Co., Jewellers, 148 Colombo St 'Phone 2321. 2 John R. Procter, Oculists' Optician, 180 High street, established 26 years, may be consulted daily on all cases of defective eyesight remediable by glasses. Hours 9.30 to 6 p.m. Consultation free. A most complete and up-to-date 6tock of lenses, frames, and artificial eyes always kept on hand. 5 "Go to Watson's" is the adyico that is usually given to those enquiring for the cheapest and best place to buy Reliable Watches, Gem Rings, and all lines in Silver Ware and Jewellery. We specialise in watch and clock repairing, and if you are troubled with your watch give us a trial. Most clocks are too cumbersome to carry; if you advise us we will send for yours and return when finished. Watson, the cheapest and most up-to-date jeweller in the Dominion. 230 Colombo street, two doors from. Armagh street. Telephone 1640. 3

Ninety per cent of those persona who have trequent headaches arc suffering from eye-strain. Thus is one of the most common symptoms of eye defect. Consult J. D. Clark*©, F.S.M.C., F. 1.0., D.8.0.A. (London), Opthalmic Optician, 148 Colombo St. S. 'Phone 2321. 2 J. D. Clarke, D.8.0.A., F.S.M.C., F. 1.0. (London), Opthalmic Optician, Charges strictly moderate. Telephone 2321. Address: 148 Colombo street (adjoining t>. Clarke and Co., jewellers). 6

Our readers are reminded that alter a long delay, Messrs B. Petersen and Co., tfewellers, have received a now shipment of their famous Canterbury fcilver lover watches. These watches, which have had such an unprecedented sale, are fitted with compensation balances and patent dust-proof caps, are posted to any address in tho Dominion, with guarantee, on receipt of Postoffice order for 40s. 5 'It is a real pleasure to write my appreciation for the successful handling of my household goods. Nothing was amiss; no crookery was broken, and no glass cracked. I consider tho packing as perfect aa it could be."— (Signed) F. M. S. Extract from letter addressed to the N.Z. Express Company« Ltd. 2 Fit for any bowling green "Royal" Lawn Mowers. Our offer, delivery now; payment in the spring. \V. Bassett and Co., 23 Manchester etreet. 5

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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13110, 8 May 1908, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13110, 8 May 1908, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13110, 8 May 1908, Page 6