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.id though » strong Hew with unabating force- all through the afternoon, making wrap* f a necessity, the majority of those present took* their pleasure as racegoers always do-in good spirit, and thankful that matters were not worse Unaer the circumstances the attendance was really excellent, for despite the strong counter attractions of the many race meetings in progress from Auckland to the Bluff, the enclosures were comfortably filled, and the returns all round compared favourably with those of previous years. True, there was not tlio same number of North Island sportsmen usually to be found at this particular fixture, but any shortage in that respect was counterbalanced by tho unusually strong force representing the West Coast and Otago. Amongst the prominent sportsmen in attendance- were:—Mr W. F. Massoy, M.P., Leader of tho Opposition, Hon. J. 1). Ormond, M-L.C, whoso popular colours were carried with but little success in several of the leading events,, Messrs T. H. Lowry, H. l>. Bell, T. H. Davey, M.P., G. - Witty, M.P., C. M. Gray, M.P., and Hon. H. F. Wigram, AI.L.C. Never at this time of year has the course presented a mo'ro pleasing spectacle to tho eye, while the racing track, though not perhaps quite as last as earlier in the season, afforded ideal going. Aβ usual, the arrangements for ; tho conduct or the Meeting loft nothing to be desired, and altogether the day's sport was of a most entertaining nature. Despite the strong opposition of bookmakers, eight of whom carried on business in the paddock, tho machine received a satisactory amount of patronage, £15,<52<5 being invested on the eight events, as against £19,895 on the corresponding day last year. The field of seven that went out to contest the Kildaro Hurdle ltaco was not by any means high class, but nevertheless the contest was a spirited one. Grand Stand and Southern Cross, the two popular fancies, both failed signally, tho - former through lack of etamina, and the latter by reason of his Slovenly jumping. Two furlongs from the post Ability and Eurus had the opposition in trouble, and though tho Jiuroclydon gelding put up a game fight, want of a few last searching gallops left him at Ability's mercy when the real struggle commenced. The Southern representative, Stormont, though not ridden with the gieatest of judgment, was travelling as well as anything over tho last furlong, after being allowed to lose a handy position at the top turn. Five figured on the card for tho Champagne Stakes, but the withdrawal of Elysium and Armiet left but the untried Yaldhurst representative, Golden Slipper, to give battle to tho doughty Chokebore pair, Fleetfoot and Husbandman. Great interest was evinced in the preliminary spins of tho trio, but they wore not of a particularly instructive nature. Fleetfoot, who has been more or less lame for the past -week, was not extended, but though looking particularly well to the eye, she favoured the injured limb unmietakedly. Golden Slippor, on the other hand, gained a host of friends by her superb action as she swept down the course. Though not built on such, massive lines as either of her opponents, the daughter of Multiform and Aura is a beautifully-proportioned filly. Both in appearance' and style of galloping she favours her sire to a marked extent, and though under, tho disadvantage of not having' previously "faced tho music," she was in almost as good demand as the bracketed pair. Fleetfoot hopped out of the barrier and carried on the running with all her -well-known brilliancy till heads were well in line for home, and so comfortably was she going that even half-way down the running it seemed that her victorious career would remain unchecked. Then in an instant a change came over the scene, for at the distance both Fleetfoot and Husbandman were being called on to do their best, while Golden Slipper, who had lost a couplo of lengths, by dwelling at the start, commenced to close on them with telling strides. . It was but a brief struggle, for the Yaldhurst representative shot out in the last hundred yards and scored decisively, if not easily. When the state of the track is taken into consideration, and the fact of a strong head wind having to be fought against all up tho straight, Golden Slipper's .performance of cutting out the six furlongs in lmin 14 2-sth sec, thereby equalling Stronghold's record, was little short of phenomenal, and stamps her as one of the best of tho many good ones that have carried the Yaldhurst livery with success in" this particular Needless to say her fine achievement * was recognised in no uncertain style, whilo expressions of commiseration i were heard on all sides when Fleetfoot returned to the paddock showing an acute return of the lameness that has been troubling her mentor for the past two months.

Weight of North Island money made Noi-th Pole a staunch favourite'for tlie Autumn Plato, but though Birkenhead's strapping eon put up a creditable race, he had to strike his colours to another fancied candidate in The Libyan. After getting badly away Nancy Stair ran into third place at the finish and more favourably placed in the early_ stages ehe must have troubled the winner. This cleared the way for the Great Easter Handicap, for which the wholo of the dozen final acceptors put in an appearance. Though hardly up to the standard of former years," either in point of quality or numerically, it was I a serviceable field, and the condition! in which most of the contestants were turned out left little to be desired. The fact of All lied being the only Porirua trained representative left in was probably the cause of the strong support accorded him, but the partisans of luU Ilate, Goldbeater, Xairoma and Contender were all equally confident of success. Jumping olf smartly on the ra4k : Full Rate .rnado tho pace a cracker till almost within a furlong of the winning post, where he had liad enough. Then Goldbeater and Buck cleuch took up tho argument, and for a while the issue was in doubt as betweon the pair. Both stuck to thoir contract in most resolute style, but withm the last hundred yards Buccleuch asserted himself and won a pretty race in 1.27 2-osec, time which has only oncevbeen. bettered in th-e history of the Great Eastor Handicap. On returning to the paddock Buccleuch showed a return of tho lamences that has troubled him since last spring, and the manner in which he contested tho last furlong with Goldbeater fP'ftHa volumes for his gameness. J , nil liat« ran a creditable race in getting third place, after making mosb of the running, but AH Red, Contender and Keiroma dad not race up to expectations. The Itussley Plate served to introduce to public notice another of'; the' , many smart. filHaa- 4.w»^ i ~u,.^~

in Flitaway. n shapely daughter cf Clanranald and Elusive. Streaking out of the barrier at a great pace, she had tho opposition well boa tea. before half the journey had been covered, winning in most convincing style from the YaJdliurst-traincd Elysium and "Wlnstkcraft.

The fact of all his previous efforts having been made over short courses led many to the belief that Lupulrto would he found waiting over a mile course, and as a consequence he was not in nearly such great demand as Rose Noble for the Epsom Welter Handicap How iU-ioun3ed these suspicions .were the eon of Lupin and Ma Bello demonstrated' in no uncertain style, for ho was in front aR the way and never gave anything a chance of testing ihis stamina. .- So easily did Lupulite ailenoe the opposition, that ono can only regret hie not having be*n given the opportunity of proring his worth in such a race as the Eaeter Handicap. After OoddeebeH had flattered her many supporters for most of the journey in the Gimcrack Race, Tessera came with a wet sail in the last furlong and snatched a victory on the post. On being submitted to auction the daughter of danranald. and Teredina was bought in at £77. An excellent afternoon?e racing wvia brought to a fitting conclusion with tho Sockburo Handicap, fo t ' which . Sta - at-agem was sent out a particularly strong favourite. Holding a nioo position, throughout, the Midsummer Handie ip winner cut Amboiso down after the latter had made most of the running, a.nd scored nicely from the faster finishing Thunderer and Lapland. Tho details of the xtnmomg are Bβ follows:—

KILD\RE HURDLE HANDICAP, of 160 aors; second 20 soys, and third 10 sotb from stake. Two miles 4 F. Holmos's eh g Ability, by Conqueror—Queen Bee, aged, llet 2fl> 6 D. Rutherford's b g Euros, aged, lOst lllb .. .. fW. CrConnell) 2 7 J. Fianeur'e br g Stormont, aged, 9st ' . (J arris) 3 5. "W. J. Taggart's l> g Leeside, aged, ISfct Sib (E. Sooollar) 0 1. W. J. Marshall's eh g G«M*d Stand, aged, lOst 13lb .. .. (H. Caw) 0 1 N. Bertram's b g Sorrthern Crose, aged. lOst 121b .... (Bedmond) 0 3. L. A. Rutherford's gr g Canton, aged, ■ 9st 13lb .. .. (G. J. Pine) 0 Winner trained by Owner.

Canton was first over the initial jump, but at the stand Ability had taken charge from Canton, Stormont and Grand Stand, With six furlongs gone, Grand Stand, Canton and Ability were racing on ierms, well dear of Euros. So they went on all alcng the back, but a, httte further on Stormont and Grand Stand loet theii places, and Eurus joined Ability. The latter was first into the home straight, closely attended by Eurus, after whom, at a considerable interval,, came Stormont and Canton. Ability was first -over the laet fence, and easily holding his own in -the run to the post, won. by a length from Euros, who waea similar distance in front of Stormont. Then at an interval of five lengths came Southern Cross, with Canton laeL Time, 3nwn 49 2-sth sec. .

THE CHAMPAGNE STAKES, of 650 son; second 100 eovs, and third SO rove from stake. , For two-year-ol&j. Colts Bet 101b, fillies Bst 81b. Six furlongs. . 2. Geo. G. Stead's b f Golden Slipper, by Multiform—Aura, Bet 81b (J. McCombe) 1 1. Sir Geo. Clifford's oh f Fleetfoot, by ' Clanranald—Safeguard, "Bst 81b ■ (F. Jonee) 2 1. Sir Geo. Clifford's br c Husbandman, by Treadmill—Golden Vaie ■ . / (J. MoClnekey) 3 Winner trained by E. O'Donnell. The field was despatched to a good etaxV although Golden Slipper hnnfr at th* po*t After going half a furlong. Fleetfoot had » two lengths' lead, with Husbandman next, nnd Golden Slipper a iwngtfc further aw»y. This order was maintained into the straight, where Golden Slipper came up on the outride, and gradually mowing down boti Huflbendman and Fleetfoct, who were being ridden vigorously, won easily by ». length and a half, Fleetfoot beating Husbandman by a neck ' for second. place. Time, Imin 14 2-sth sec. ' , * .

THE AUTUMN PLATE, of 200 avn; second 90 sove, and third • 5 cove from stake. Special weights. One mile. . - 2. F. Holmes'e br c The Libyan, • by. Phcebua Apollo—JSrown Alice, Syre, Bst 41b .. .. (H. Donovan) 1 1. Hon. J. D. Ormond'B b.g North Pole, • 3yre, Bst 41b .. .. (F. D. Jonee) Z , 4. F. H. Pyne'e b f Nancy Stair. Syre. 6at 41b .. .... (L. G. King) 8 3. J. Buckley's b g Oiyoi, 3j*e, Brt 41b (F. E. Jonee) 0

5. H. A. Knirfrt'e b t Hen*ofcbes. 3y», Bst 41b .. .. (F. Yβ) 0 0. J. B. Beid'e br m Oavatiaa, eyrs, Bst 41b .. .. (J. MoClnekey) 0 Winner trained by Owner. Cavatina. and Helianthes were quickest t* begin, while Nancy Stair- lost several lengths. Coming to the six furlong post, Cavatina was just in front of Heliaathos, and then «.t a short interval came Oiyoi, North Pole, and* The Libyan well tofletSwr.. There was little change in the position* v they r-coed round the top torn,-except thai Nancy Stair gradually improved her place, as did North Pole. Once into the borne straight Cava tin a woe beaten, and halfway ' down the running North Pole, Oiyoi, and. Nancy Stair jomed Heliasthea. At the distance North Pole drew to the front, but he w-aa at onoo challenged by The Libyan, and after »n interesting finish fin latter won by a Wnsrth. '■■ Nancy Stair yum third,"'" two lengths further back, followed at a length's interval by Oiyoi and Belianthea. Time, lmin 42 4-sth ccc. ' . "", GREAT EASTER HANDICAP, of 1000 " sors; second ISO boys, and third 75 sove" from Make. Seven furlong*. ' 7. J. F. Buobanan'fl b h Bocckwch, by Bonsoin—Reverie, syrs, Brt 41b . ... . Pine) 1 2. Sir Geo. Clifford's oh c Goldbeater 3yrs, Bst 31b - .. (F. E: Jonee) a' 3. S. Foreman , * br g Full Sate, Syr*, Set ■ o T 6 lb .._ .. (p. b. Jones) 3 8 J. Jeffee eh m Peiro-vna, aged, Set 41b 1. J. BnckV, b c All Bed, sS; SPSS ° - ' ° • 4. Ron** 3* B. Ormonde b"g EairoSl! °

12. G. V. Moore's b i C&rissima, 4yTB. 6st Hlb .. ... .. (Jeffrey.-! 0 10. C. G. Daljrety'a b f Prim, 3vts, 6ft Blb .. .. .. (Mussen) 0 uained by W. Pine. From a pcod Ftart, Full Rate and Gold-be-atcr wpro Iho first to show out, a.r.d this was maintained v.p tho back ar.d round into tho Btr.-.ig-ht, where PetTovna Bucc'.euch. ar.d Prim were in clof<> attendance. Entering ihn Btraieht Fui! Rate still had command, with Goldbeater on his frirrb?. In the run home Goldbea+eT was ihi> firfct. to put in a chal!<mge. Tilth Bucr'cuch nr.d Pctrovna- ckwm? up. At the 'listc.rce Pelrovna was beaten, axd Goldhad the inoasuTe of Full Kate. Opp<"ite thf members' stacd Buccleuch came :it lwth tk<> Ica-d'or!!, ar.d down fir< rul: iliite ar.d then Goldbeater woe a weil n.!-.!« = tc<l rric-c by a lens-th a.r.d a half: a >':?th ro;>uratinK Goldbeat-er ar.d Full !?;'"; Petrovtia a length and a half away '.■ 'irtii. Cross Battery vu? fifth, and Prim :-:;<'.h. Time. Imin 27 2-oth rec. The of tho reads: —

THE RUSSLEY PLATE, of 200 soys; rccond 31 «ye, and third 5 soys from slake. For two-year-o:tls. rivo lur1. Sir"cco. Clifford's eh f Flitaway. by Cla-.,nu:ald-Elu'ive. 6st <K. E. Jonw) 1 2. Geo. C. Stead's br i Clifford', b c ( s ~J. Elli.'s be Beneform, i} 9lb chiskey) & -, Ron. J. D. Ormond's br c Rock Ferry, " g st oh, .. •• (F. D. Jones) 0 i. G. Palmer's eh c Kilts, Bst 2lb (J. Beard) 0

5.H. F. Nicoll's eh f S.ntita, ( 7et HMk) q

C C. H. Gorton's br f Nigbtlight. Gst 71b "' (A. Chapman) 0 Winner trained by E. Cutts. From what looked like an equitable de-patch, Flitaway. on th<? inside, was first to show out. and entering tiir. course proper <=he was well clear of Elysium, Whistiecrivft and Beneform. From this cut tho leader had matters all her own way. and rim home ■tho easiest of winners by two lengths from Elysium, with Whistlecraft a similar distance further back third. Rock Ferry was the next to finish, a iengtli and a half away. Time, lmin 2sc-c.

EPSOM WELTER HANDICAF, of 300 soys; second 35 soys, and third 15 soya from stake. One mile. 2. R. McKay's eh g Lupulite, by Lupin —Ma Belle, 4yrs, :Ost Sib (V. Cotton) 1 4. J. Blair's b m Lady Disdain syrs. 9st 91b (G. A. Pine) 2 3. Sir Gco. Clifford's eh h Clanchattan, oyrs. 9st 4lb .. ..{!<. G. King) 3 5. D. Rutherford's eh h Stronghold. Gyrs, lOst lllb .. .. D. Jones) 0 6. Harris and Carleton's b fj Medallist, oyrs, 9st 51b .. .. (H. Donovan) 0 J. J. Brett's eh c Rose Noble, 3yrs, Ssfc 13lb .. .. .. (J. McCombe} 0 8. J. A. Holmes's eh m Hilarity, syrs, Bst 81b .. .. (R. W. King) 0 9. H. A. Knight's b f Mercy, 3yrs. Bstßlb (F. Yarr) 0 7. J. Westerman'e b g Mango, Gyrs. Bst lib (J. McC'uskey) 0 "Winner trained by Owner. Stronghold caused a lot of trouble at th« poet, but the, field were eventually despatched to a good start, LupuHto jumped to the front, and making every post a winning one, ■won easily by three lenjrths from Lady Disdain, who beat Clanchattan by a head for tecond place. Time, lmin 42 2-3 th sec. THE GIMCRACK RACE, of 100 soys. Five furlongs. 4. F. Nclligan's oh m Tossena, by Clanranald—Teredina, 6yrs, 7st 71b (car.'

7st 9ilb) .. .. (E. Cotton) 1 1. Sir Gco. Clifford's b f Cockleshell, 3yr.=, 7st 71b .. .. (F. E. Jones) 2 2. W. Watson's blk h Cerise and Blue, aged. 7st 71b .. .. (C. Had;) S 7. C. b f English Rose, 3yrs ' 7st 71b .. .. (J. McCluskey) 0 G. G. SbeHock. jun.'s br g fei.'ent Member, tiyrs, 7st 7lb .. (A. Chapman) 0 3. Mr Grantley'a br g Gold Braid, 3yrs, 7st 7!i .. .. (J. McOmbe) 0 5. J. Ccrry's b in Sweet Hill, aged. 7st 7lb

■ (F. Yarr) 0 A. S. Jones's b m Gvpeobel, Gyrs. 7rt 71b (C. Monk) 0 Afte-r some dolay at tho post ih* field got a-.vay fairly well. Cockleshell being first to

move, while Gold Braid was alow on bis feet. Turning into the course proper Cock.'efibell had Cerise and Bhio, Silent Membor. and Tessera as her nearest attendants. At the diftauce she had Cerise and' Blue's measure, .but by a l«te run Tessera- headed her, and won by a head. Ceriso ard Blue was three-quarters of a length back third, fol'owed at a length's interval by Silent Member. Time, ltrun 2 2-oth sec. , The winner was bought in at £77. SOCKBTJRN HANDICAP, of 250 eovs; rocond 30 soys, and third 10 soys from stake. One mile and a quarter. 1. Srr Gco. Clifford's br f Stratagem, by Nelson—Dudu v 4yrs, Sst 81b (P.- E. Jones) 1 4. E. Grifflß's hr g Thunderer, aged, Rsi 31b .. .. .. (F. D. Jones) 2 3. H. A. Knight's b g Lapland, aged. 6st 131b .. .. (F. Yarr) 3 7. A. Kerr's b h Armamento. syrs, 9st (R. W. Kirrg) 0 3. D. Roberta's cb g Somaroff, Gyrs, 7sf 91b (C. Monk) 0 2. F. Holmes's br g Th« Libyan, 3yrs, 7s-t 91b .. .. .. (J. McCombe) 0 6. J. F. Buchanan's b f Amboise, 3yrs,

7«t 61b (C. Hack) 0 5. J. Gilbert's br m Jacket, syrs, Gst 7lb (Mussen) 0 Winner trein«d by E. Cutis. Sonnaroff and Laplacd were conrpled. From a splendid start. Stratagem took up the running , . At tfjo mile post Amboise wh j»ent to the front, and showed tho -way round tho back. Coming into tha straight Stratagem went to tho front. At the distance- Al2l--boise was doce with, end Thunderer end Lapland went after Striragem, who held her own, and won by three-quarters of a length: two lengths between second and third. Time, 2rain 9 3-sth sec.

wiener >sgbow <S*rdenaln Mneket Daughter of 'West AuetraJiaa - Brown Ben - Birdcaioher Hocey Dear Oxford. 1 o Petroletue [Hartahorn IMuontaln Deer Area ■ Stirlinfworth: Stirling Chillian1 wallah i . ) Boncraciaa Oxford Whwper 3 o o iNewmirater Lady Ooogh - BeaSaaan , |M«d»ipeKgle»Une Pulehra IPortBOta liJuecaneer ■ jeilfr . IHeron |l!»lDbrace Maribyrnonjri Cisberman Rose de ' Florence Fiyinjr Dutchman - DoaTdlDKSchlUhw The Fawn The Premier. ■ ■* *' ' ■ 1 Tory Boy Baronew Harkaway" Potteen /.. ■ MeletiiUL • < LordClifden ' TbeSUve «-g»- " ' Sandal ■ stocks asss. • I r inaer» of Hμ ntce ax*:— 1874: 1876: 1876' 18 I3 1880! 1881 18821 1835 1834 1885 1886 1687 1889' 1890i 3891; 189Z , 189Si 1894 1895!' 1896!' 1897 1B98 1899 1900 1901 190a 1903 Vr.l ill. Redwood .jWainui BeTenew*rth H. Redwood ' Phoebe colt' Trfwtou W. O. Webb Danebury < Traduoer W. O. Webb .Trump Card Traduoer - , H. Redwood. NaUtor Traduoer E.G.Griffith Betrayer Traducer iR. Campbell SirModred Traducer H. Driver Somnus Traducer !|H. Horsford Nonsense Albany i W. Sourineee (Water Nymph Xotara . Q. O. Stead Trenton Musket i fi. Clifford Stonjhnnt KingofCluta iW. O.Webb Ruhy Albany G. G. Mead llnjum Musket 11). O'Brien Carbine ' (Musket )lW. Kobinion MerrifKngViid St. George )O. C. Stead Medallion N'ordcnfeldt LD. <mien' Florrie Tannan . iT. Sheenan {Vo-jtngwg Burlinstoa SO. O. Stead Strowan [Looiuel 1{O. G. Stead Blue Fire Maxim 5!G.'G. Stead Maanticher Maxim i'G. O. Stead Bombshell Cbainsbot p'G. G. Stead Multiform Uotcbkba 3:G.G. Stead Altair . Caetor TO. G. Ste»d crew Gun BotobUM )!g. G. S(e*d Formoean St. Lejter L!G. O. Stead Cruciform St. Leger i'G. G. Stead Orloff Swpniak 5 Sir O. Clifford Treadmill Bill o! PortI land > Sir G. Clifford Stronzhold Clanranald i;G. G. Stead Munjeet Stepaiak i Sir Q. Clifford Kirnemuir . Oliniunald ?(J. G.8tead Count Witte Menecbikoff i'G. G. Stead ' OoldenSlipper'Maltiform Owner. Winner. Barenn T^wton Sire. ' Tα" 125| ,122;' 122 118 121 : 119 \& vs iir 113 115 IMi , 118 1151 life 114 . 115 1 IS 121 llT • 119 117* 1141 117 lift ll*f 1901 1905 190i 1907 lfcOS'

i The i'aron ?«nBatU* UltapUn !»' V^ 0, "*' . , ~ . Hasty Girl. Lor,1 Gou « h HatUL'lia Irritatiea Ki'k'of Tramps ■ l'atcnre if rt »* ,Ut >«.:h to 0fKlfa O ?..t.«_ ! Tliri!t _ M^Tfrn^T? o Braxey , 5 , 10, ' J r °°P. f r Morsf rooptr yuffn M«rv u r. \7. Vauen- ,*' don Chandra Orey Lad, :^— 5 > Ba Cdeslcr A U *ti.y ■^;J awa >- I-ady i,oui»al'oui:h>toi.e j i aiicri'Qct m Mother ! Huccanccr , itt |o K.rt Rover in NtashamLlHlc uSeicosY" j Hannah rll ,,, n i x in = s ft'i icrs of the ra« arc: — Yr. j Owner. ; Horse. | j lAue; Weight. I i j 7 11 7 8 ! 7 12 i 8 3 7 8 8 7 8 5 ! 9 12 8 15 8 10 9 9 8 0 8 10 10 4 7 0 6 13 8 4 iTimo Yr. i i ! ! 2 l\ 4 5 a 4 3 I 3 5 4 3 j 3 I 5 Im - 1 301 1 23' 1 29 1 50 1 20J 1 29 1 29? 1 26! 1 29} 1 29? 1 28» 1 2JJ 1 2S* 1 29J 1 271 1 30* l ay 1892.1. SteplicnsonHippomenes i 1893'K. Allen ..Saracen | 183* M. .. Uuiy Zetland 1895 JI. Goodman ]Casket 1&36 II. Vallance .. Culvcrin .. 1897'J.Ix)UKhlJn ..XJoMspur 3898 H.Kritdlander Cannonshot 1839 \V. Webb ..; Boreas lfOO'D. O'Biien .. ; Mahitua 1901HonG.McLean I'ampero .. 1902 ti. G. SttaJ .. Cruciform 1903 E. Gates . - lady h\n\a.n 1JO4 Hazlett Bros. Vladimir .. 39O5'r.. <;. Ste»d 'Machine Ouni 19&6 J. C. N. OriKc Cross Kattery, 1907 J.K. liuchanin Kireiron j 19C8 J-K. Buchanan Buccleuch '

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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13095, 21 April 1908, Page 7

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AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13095, 21 April 1908, Page 7

AUTUMN MEETING. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13095, 21 April 1908, Page 7