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! ERNEST Rl .fiNDSTHNiI *J* ■- -" . ■**.■* ■■.■::* , (F.SM.C, D.8.0.A., London), ! ** '.'' • •*.*'' •"'- • . "■". ■*:■ Consulting Optician, j CIISHEL ST. W., Next Ballantyne's. ll 8.30 to 1, a to 6 daily. '■';■-■> j Glasses made up in all the Latest Forms, including— ', B j BIFOCAL GLASSES. I Distance and Reading combined in one frame, necessitating fl j i j the use of one pair of glasses only, for all purposes. -fl j RIMLESS INVISIBLE GLASSES. I* Dispensing with the usual rims and being practically B. I invisible oh the face* l-l

The Bast Wedding Gift. A nice piece of Jewellery or a handsome piece oi Silver Plate. We have a splendid assortment in all lines of Wedding Novelties. . Engagement -tags a Specialty. Handsome Discount for Cash. M. SANDSTEIN & SON I JEWELLERS I CASHEL ST. (Next Ballantyn-) 1 _____________ Z—mtmam—, __a_■_■—■—i ** — B—■■_■—■ " ■a_fi .. . _. . ■- PUBLIC NOTICES. , T S. SCHWARTZ andC 0.. j STOCK AND SHARP. BROKERS, 1 176 Hereford street, Christchurch. Members of the Stock Exchange of Canterbury. 'PHONE 11lBankers: The Bank of New Zealand. We issue our' SHARE REGISTER, MINING. AND INVESTMENT REPORT • Monthly, arid shall be pleased to place your name on our Mailing- List on application. .'■■'■■ C324S J~~ T~R ANT E R and SO Nl MOTOR CARS. MOTOR BICYCLES. VULCANISERS and MACHINERY. JUST SUIT YOUR POCKET. * Machinery oi all kinds. made and repaired. J. TRANTER and SONS, Engineers, 99 St. Asaph street, Christchnrc— ! C259S ____-_.' THE GLOBE DELIVERY COMPANY (OF N.Z.. LTD.) GENERAL CARRIERS. FURNITURE PACKERS AND REMOVERS. ---.'■ CUSTOMS, FORWARDING, SHIPPINjG- • • AGENTS. .. ; ; ..' Telephone No. 76. Early and late, No. 334$ Officea and Stores, 166-168 Hereford atreet. S ~■'..' ' ... CB4BO PROFESSIONAL NOTICES.' . BR. ;F. C. M. GAB I T E-S, BURGEON DENTIST. .. V LD.S., Royal College of Surgeons,' 7, Edinburgh. . : Corner Worcester and Manchester streets. - CBOOI- ■■ ■■"• '' '■;'■'.'- ,■• *. "■ "■ -: ■;•■•■•■■ .' ■'••'■■-; : l "DR. L. F. BALL , MR L. BAIJiT. .- (Toronto. University). j DENTAL PRACTITIONERS, 110 Wor- j cester street (hear Gas Office).,'; | Hours, 10 to V Open all day' Saturday.* ; C.003 .. - ■■ ■. . -"■' . ... •■■•':.'. ' MB D. B. W 0 O D, j . . DENTAL SURGEON. '" : /Until my prenuaes, whiclj, vrpre destroyed by fire, are reinstated,■■•''. I -will* conduct j Practice in the New ' Suite ,of * Offices, • 'corner "of '■ '■. '.-X' ■••' '..,"■ ~{ . HIGH and LICHF_3LD -V C 3049 Opposite • Clock ' Tower. ;■' : * j G. -W. C. Smithaon.) (E.. D. Mo_sy. ' SM ITH SO N and MOS L E V.: SOLICITORS. . 5 164 Worcester atieel .;. f C 3006 '••. ; money to lend; - ■ ' • ■ ' ■' "', money., •.:'.".;■:'. -v'«'.''' I have various sums of money; ■ -'•■ TO -LEND, AT LOWEST RATES OF "INTEREST.. . Borrowers **an ; arrange . 10,, p»y o_ :by •] instalments, or km short notice. .. '._-■ 1 W. E. D-- BISHOP. . .••■.'... '•' ' . . .'■ ■ SolicitoT. -j MONEY to LEND on First oar Seooad . Mortgage, at Lowest Current Rales. SpecioJ sums for investment .on chattela and ' .'leaseholds. r' : '■''■'*." ; ",Tvi{ I DOUGALL and UPHAM.' Solicitora, 148 Worcester .Lreet (near A—LP. Buildings). | ;./,. •-"•. -v.-'■■.-: ... ; . .. •.. . ;C23M y ONEY TO J LEND.-iSO, _100, : i£lSo. ' £250, £300, £500 at *' Current Rates. * Eaay terma of repayment. £10,000 in* sums .-. ot ; £1000 at 4J r« cent. .-■■..-' ■ .•>'( DAVID BATES. Solicitor, • C 3463 .■'■."•■■. 67 Catlfedral sqnare. - j ONEY to LEND.—We have £20,000; to lend on First Mortgage,', at Lowest [ Current Rates; also £5000 to lend nn Second Mortgage, repay»ble by Moathly I—ital- j ments. Johnston. Mills and Joyce,. Solici- I I tors', Pioneer Chambers, corner Gloucester f j ■facet and Oxford terrace. '■■':. CSISK> • MONEY to LEND on Mortgages sofFitee.-; hold at 'Lowest Current Rates; also j on Approved Scoond Mortgage!.'. .::'.-! • L. HOPKINS, :- Solicitor, Cathedral square, next: B—nk of ; -,■ ■ New-Zeals—_■' *°. ■'*"'■'.■-.,CJO_7 ' ■' ' . ..'MONEY. ';.,' : .\ r ;\:-i .: >. j I HAVE-Money ior Investment in rnimi _f.' £100 and upwards, on Freehold Se-' : enrities, at I_owest Ratec. : Also several sums on Second Mortgagee and Chattels. <. ! R. T. LEATHEM; Solicitor, i' : , C 5226 213 Hereford street, . MOSEY TO LEND. " On Mortgages of Freehold ,at LOWEST CURRENT RATES; also-on .Approved \ Second Mortgages. ' - IZARD and LOUGHNAN, Solicitont Hereford -rtreei, ..-,.. -I Christchurch, Leeston, and Southbridge. . ; ■-■ * ' - '-. '. ■' *' 02625.; TITONEY PRIVATELY ADVANCED, any : I sum. to .any person, on pereonal or' other security,. Loana may.also be obtained on Life Pclicies, Shares, ■ Bond - Warrantf, ■• Furniture, Cattle, Sheep, "Horses and Farm Implements. Trade Bills Discounted. Correspondence promptly attended to. Ascertain my terms before going elsewhere. For further information and particulars apply; personally or by letter to F. C. RAPHAEL Financial Agent, Comer Gloucester and Monchesler street.-, ■ _- •__. 02200 METHVEN AKD ASHBURTON COAOE. A' COACH RUNS between METHVEN and i- ASHBURTON on TUESDAYS. and SA'IUUDAYS. Leave* Methven 8 a.m., arrive* Ashburton 10.45 a.m. Leaves Ashburton 4.0 p.m., arrives Methven 6.45 p.m. Paroels and Orders left at Somerset Stcibles. Ashburton, and Methven Liver-y Stables. ■ '..'■•.' STAMPS bought, fabulous pnees. Send for free Illustrated Prico LisV T Kicholls, 14 Hunter street. Sydney. - C 3420

HolSand Blinds ij 101 COLOMBO STREET .. OITY % C 3611 , _. ■ ■■ .;'•' -•■■•*.*,-.-;."; $i ! ..i-' : .'^'i.#i'_^iS .. ! . ■■■•-- a?-*;^); . ToUve^itil ' O. I _. / &« CHEAP i^TOOI ) 2 I o Go!d*n Boot tteLti /O1 C 3 j ajg-cotbiißoTsji-l f. V- / Ti ■ Victoria-SQOAJute.I PuWlc Bwrtt .; '' 1 .': ■*•«- • ■■ ■:''V-.fV.B«tf Wort, I 116 _ASH_.I__T. (N_ttllothe— eldJv ■.£ 1| WM. SKIMMEP-v ■». '.'•< i , '.hN(iMli|' * ___________■__-_—H—H_a_K—_2LM—KH«M—M_a_M 8 • •'•'' '■—■ -—."■,■.-.'„;"'■■- r '""" : -*_£_]_Spa ;• .';;.'. •-;.CONVEYANrCESi|..- i i{i||i^ GOVERNOR'S BAY/ TEDDINGTON ROYAL- MA_J;fS^CE^ /-*N aad -'.after APRIL - 16&1"'-^|-0m_^ : V/v will run ats foßcrw:-—.i.*-;-->'fe^S^&^@ Leave .Teddington •■ :. : -. ••..-'' 7.0" »_-->.?&-#f*s§| ~ ■ ■Allan*-*',.'" y.i--:iM.%-a^*M's^m '■ „ Governor's' Bay —o!a.iai , i^o?^fc|| '„■■■" Lyttelton Station ft»'a.taH|.«._«i-,-| ;.' Special Oonveyaaoes ac ;*r«q^-iie—i^-IJWe^ phone "A Hand*—.*' -'•■.' ■: ■'■ ';■■'.:- •■■>S>.'^£t-fjS|| Twice daily throughout :* ffl " '•■•■<.•■.'■,' '-."■'.--'.■_. BL, H_BBlSi'iSli^iSs D' '_R__E-Tra-NORTON • '.■•■; "■;':■■ MAIL CULVJERDEN TO HANMER ."•-,. -,-' v.-■ "": -ROTHERHAM,*" Tfft*V-.^ Coach leaves Culverden for HaJwa**r_ tiaMj ■-',-•-'. daily- ai; l_p._ • f '*« l ®*S"'B Coach: leave? Hanmer Springa fot OamriMU ".-. daUy';*i.asaO Vm. *74<v:_ ' t 'WS 'FARES—Single, i 7s ftd*; Ret—-. 14«._ i£|§J i Coach l_.vesiO_lverdek for, Itotberl—_J^Sg i.':-. - -j''- , ** * i'^a| ,Coach lciaves Waiau for RctherHam •n4 i Ciu| j '--'**rad-m'd^-.j&_—Sfcftm.'-; "iS ! r - PAR_S T -_ii^lt(,*WS ; ;"'H.tara,;aß. jg| ! Coaci leaves Waiaii' for KaiJ-oura TueflwS ■ ••' Thursday* «—d Saturdays. . !!§!»£ Coach leaves Kaikoura for Waiau a*oj-jflH£j ;■■ '-verdeiiMondays, Wedaesdaya, |ihd -.■'. Reteriy el .Coac- ttoahgpS ko_*a. nuns 'through ,tp XSUverden**"-pa«|kc 'and returns te Waiau sains .light, «fw_«« •rival !»_ train.' Catches. iooacKllw _a_M> i leaving W*iau.i Thoreday jzomipg A&wAjjtt I Coach -leaves. Kaikoiira Mondays J and^Ww «*days. Returns:.Tuesdays ufnd TkWPWM 1 Ui-gent Telegri—_>. and ' delivered*. Parcel* ,' -atteJided?^to.t^»aH Ct—chos, Doable.';and Single \ gonettcs, Saddle Horse«, oai '}hwat sdiata.J— Hg | Orders '.thKmgb.">poat \ attention.";" - -.--■••.'. ->:■>•'■:■ -:;-r--:■:'< "J*%s_2W& 1-: ■■>■:■: " THOS: N-B.—All information•■; giveßi,' atTQimnm meat, Toiorut* Officea, Clratehtur^"^^® THE -Friends.'of tW :^% -informed that hia 1 late residence.. 23 Glß_iao'fievt'-rraee.^»af 1 3« I Prebbletoii Clrorohyard inst., _t 1 p.m;, ._ j LANT6FORD: and I' ' ; -AiV G'F^b:i_ :; D : '';'"-A.»l>i S*-0llj_&i 1 v V (LaU Wii *nd a LanrfoidUl6a|raa j > '" ....• ■;-.- ,v: .,J~- ,,;_ ; ■'^'■■ ? lts^_<-dott : 1,,.. : . :^..:'>-Addresaee i'm& , __SRBERT v LANOFQBD.^I«,--I < oiMkj^|H| ■ SJOHNr RHIND, 148 • s*y}_&'---&hoam'' i im.\ ')■ Towa---,pflioe.?, : -ag7 ,Cajih_,;afa>6l; -*qißra>gpgg ,j' j:.' ; ,'A.-:it : ;'*B: -^^^^ ['••■'--:■' ■"'.•'•■'. *. !^^S j'- : ,-;:"iro. : :85.: _ICHFl£^;.SlBKB3t^^ a-TjJIDEETAK_a'*M-d;E]p-Ulßft_|§| - receive'tbe pexsonal aupern-oa i|£._-K^ f'.-.•'■' ■ r.-'.'- ■"■ •Proprietor.-'-:-;. ' „ t Office and Private.Reiiae-m-k^g v 'ma DURHAM STREET; CHRISTCHDMW '!■: "'B32' and 5_4 : " ST.'. ASAPHJ^T^'^M : ' ■ Telephone . _e„gr__i: ■ B«i-1. fl-S|___sS^| f„ B. MANSFIELD ft : \ ! Moo— a«-UlMa—«, * ~ *. . Maitehesfer Street *•* ' " notify tbe to , mSt of Mr. J. B. Maa-eKI - that far the next three months a •-. The largest and most vaKO V-* w *"**? frem.of any firm in the Donualac. • „j Tel 1634 g|-^-h-IW> -3 ■ **************~**Mmmm**M**M Ao.e. shier &e©^; WATCHMAKERS ft JEWELLERS, 181. HIGH ST.. ChrUtehureh. Watches of all descriptions, Large variety of Jewellery and E.P. Ware to choose from. E.P CANDLESTICKS 2s 6d each." LADIES',LEATHER BELTS. 'A From 5/- upwards.*| Medals and Trophies made to order-| Watches. Clocks, and Jewellery re-?| paired at Moobiiat- Prices, "-.j* r ■ C520 : -^

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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13094, 20 April 1908, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13094, 20 April 1908, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 13094, 20 April 1908, Page 10