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RAILWAYS, NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. •VfEW YEAR HOLIDAYS, 19» DECEMBER 31st-WEEKLY STOCK SALE AT ADDIXGTON. JANUARY lrf-EXCURSION TO RAXOIORA. REGATTA AT lATTELI'C* SPORTS AT RAXOIORA,Dt£SA>. : DEL, AND METHVEN. CALEDONIA?* SPORTS AT WAIKARI, RACES AT TINWALD. JANUARY l*t and 2nd-CALEDONLIN SPORTS AT TIMARU AKD OAiIARU. TRAD." ARRANGEMENTS. MONDAY, 30th DECEMBER. Lvttelton Lino.—Extra tr»in, stopping where required, leaves Lyttelton for Chrietchurch «t 6.40 p.m., arriving Chnstchurcli 7.0 P " North Line and Branche*.-A train, .topping where required, will keve Chrutchuroh for Rangiora *t 5.20 p.m., Addmgton 5.26, Papanui 5.36, Styx 5.44, Belfast M 9, Kaiapoi 7, R»nzior» arrive 6.27 p.m. The evening twin for Waikari will leave Christchuieh at 5.50 p.m., Addinston 6.57, Papanui 6.11, Belfast 6.25, Kaiapoi 6.43, Rangiora 7.13. Sefton 7.31, Amberiey 8.0, Waipaia. 8.24, arrivingWoikari 9.15 p.m. The evening train to We»t Oxford will kave Rangiora at 7.20 p.m., duet 8.10. Bennotte 8.27, East Oxford 8.49. West Oxford arrive 5.54 p.m. . The Eyroton Branch train will leave Kaiapoi at 6.50 p.m., arriving at Bennetts 8.25 p.m. South Line.—An extra Express tram, with dimns-car attached, stopping at the same Nation* and for the earn© purposes as the ordinary Express trains, will leave J-bris*-cburch for Timaru at 18.10 p.m., Bakaui 12" Aihburton 2.0, Rangitata 3.3, Orari 3.10; Winchester 3.44, Temuka 3.34, Timaru arrive 355 p.m. The 11.55 a.m. Express tram from Chrietohurch will not take passengers for stations up to Timaru inclusive. TUESDAY, 31et DECEMBER. Lyttelton Line—Extra train, loaves LytUlton for Chrißtchurch at 6.40 p.m., as on M Notth Lin* and Bionches.-The inorning tram wiU start from 9^ er< H Il r , in Waikari, leaving Culverden at 5.55 a.m., and from "Waikori U> Chnrtcfauwh at usual time*. A train to connect with ww mm will leave Domett at 6.80 a.m., arriving rtWaXuiTat 7.10 ajn. A twin, rtow?»e where required, will leave Christchurchi for Juwriora/ at WO p.m., and run as on MoneWnin* train for North Lai and Benches will r2n through to Domett and will leave Chrietchuich *t 5.50 p.m., Culverdin arrive 10*90 and Domett 10.20 p.m. £h«r stations as on Monday. The Owning tram o West Oxford will leave Rwigiora at 7.20 £m, tnd the Eyreton Branch tram wU] jtaw. iaiapoi at 6.50 p.m., runmng as on Monday. South Line.—An extra Exprees tram, with dining-oar attached, will leave Chrirtchuxch for Timaru at 12.10 p.m., and run aeon Monday. The 11.55 a.m. hxpreee train from Chrietchuroh will not tako passengers for stations up to Timaru inclusive. The evening train for Springfield and Whiteclifla Branch will leave Chrietchurch at 5.0 p.m., and run as on, Wednesdaye. Night Traine leave Christehurcb. for Dun<sdin at 10.35 p.m., and Duncdin, for Chnstohuroh at 10.45 p.m. WEDNESDAY, let JANUARY. • North Line and Branchoe.-Morning Twuie. —A train will leave Rangiora for ChnetehSrbh at 6.40 a.m.,. Kaiapoi 9.0, Belfast 9.18, Styx 9.25, Papamii 9.85, Addmgton, 9.45, Christchurch arrive 9.65, stopping at.Bil «*- ---t»M if required. The morning taua irom North Line will leave Culverden at 6.30 a.m., Waikari 7.30, Woipam 7.66, Amberley S«fton 8.47. Chrifftchurch amve 10.16, rt will •top where required up to Aehley uehmTe. and will stop to eet dtown, only between. Ashley »nd Chrietchurch. A train to conowst at Waipara with the morning tmin tor Cbristchurch wiU leave Domptt at 6.5 a^m. Enoureion Train, to Rangwra from Chnet,™Ms a.m., Addington 9.22, 9.34, Styx 9.41, BilAut 9.60, ..faajja WA Rangior* arrive 10.80 a,m.; will atop ft* all ■tation* if requiTod. . . , Evening Tiains.—A train -will leave Chnetchuroh for Rangioi* at 6.20 p.m., M on Monday. The evening tram for North jine *nd braaohea will leave Chnstchurch at Culverdon arrive 10.20, •rrive 10.15 p.m., other etotione •* M6nday. The evening troin to Weet Oxford will leave Rangkxra at 7.20 pjn., and the Ey»«* branch train will leave Kaaapoi at 6.50 β-m., running Aβ on Monday. A special train, taking paCTengew from Rangior* and eetUng down where »V"»»j will leave Rangiora for Chrietohuroll at 7.5 p.m., aJid axrivo Christchurch 8.20 P- m - , . A epocial train froan Culverden to Chnitchurch will start at 5.0 p.m., end leave Waik&ii 6.30, Waipara c.68, Amberiey 7.21, Rangioi* 8.15, Kaiapoi 8.39, Addittgton 9.15, Christchurch arrive 9.20 p.m. Thift tmin. Will stop where required. . The 510 p.m. train from Belfast to Chrietchurch WILL NOT RUN. Late train, leaves Christchuxcb. fer Rangiora *t 11.15 p.m., and arrives Random 12.30 a.m. (2nd). It will etop where required •to ect down paseangors, and *t Papanin to I pick up passengers. j South Line and Branches.—An astro £.X----presa train, with dining car attached, will leave Chrietchurch for Timaru at 12.10 pjn., and run cc on Monday. This train will stop at Tittweie to eet down paeeeneere from north of Aehburton. The 11.65 c.m. Express train from Chrietchuroh will not take paeeengers for statione up to Timaru inolueive. The 7.35 a.m. train Timaru to Panreora, and the 8.20 a.m. train Powom to Timiaxu, will NOT run. ~ . The 5.15 p.m. train from lelmeton. to Christchurch will NOT run. . Altered and Extra Morning' Traine—The Midland Branch train will efcart from Broken River at 6.35 a.m., *nd will leave Springfield | for Chrietchurc'h et the utraal time. The mornini? train, Ashburton to Timairu, wiJl start at 7.5 a.m., and Jea-ve Tinwald 7.13, Wiaslow 7.24, Hinds 7.4-2, R*ngitaia 8.18, OraTi 8.41, Winchester 8.53, Tcmuka 9.13, Weehdyke 9.39, Timaru eirive 9.53 a.m. The morning traica from Tinwuru to Oamnru and Oamaru to Timaru will run at the followimg times:—Timaru depart 7.40 a.m., &t. Andrews 8.14, Makikihi 8.42, Studholme 9.15, Morvon 9.36, Glenavy 9.59, Oamaru arwve 11.0 a.m. Oemeru depart 7.40 a.m., Glenavy Morven 8.55, Btudholme 9.25, MJakikihi 9.49, St. Andrews 10.17, Timaru arrive 10.50 a,m. Traine will leave WaimaAo for Waih*o Downs at 6.50 a.m., and Waiihao Downe fox Waimate at 7.50 a.m., irtoppiosr where required. The morning train Wehmate to btudholme will start at 8.50 a.m., *nd erriv* Studholme 9.5 a.m. . Trains leave Timaru for CaJedoniam Grounds Platform *t 12 nooa, 13.28, and 12.55 p.m., returnine at 4.3 a 6.0, »nd 5.23 p.m. ALTERED AND EXTRA EVENING TRAINS The evening' train from Christchurch for Aehburton and Methven will etart at 5.40 p.m., and will be due from Burnham 6.43. Selwyn 7.2. Dunsandel 7.9. Rakaia 7.50, Chertaey 8.9, Aahburtom arrive 8.40 and Methven 9.20 p.m. The evening train from Christchurch for Midland *nd Whitecliffs Branches Tune ihrouuh to Broken River; ft etarte at 6.5 p.m., and leaves Addington 6.12, Hornby C.23, Templeton 6.35. RolleVton 7.0. Kirw«« 7.36, Daxfield 8.0, Sheffield 8.30, Coalgate 8.34, arrivinn WtiittecJiffß 8.57. Springfield 8.50. and Broken River 9.45 p.m. T&* evening Irain from Christchuich for Southbridgb and Lirt'tlo River Branches etarte at 6.20 p.m.. and leaves Addnngton 6.27, Hornby 6.46, Prebbleton 6.58, Lincoln 7.24, SpringstoD 7.40, Ellesmere 7.56, Doyleeton 8.20. Leeston 8.31, arriving SouthbridKe 8.45 and Little River 9.0 p.m. The evening: train from Methven to Rakaia cannectin'jr with, ihe evenin'jf train from Ohristdhurch to Aehburton', and the Express train far OhrLttchurch will leave Mothven C.15 p.m.. acd arrive Rakaia 7.30 p.m. The evening train from Asbbuxton to Timaru will rtart at 5.35 p.m., and Jeave Tinwald 5.44. Winslow 5.57. Hinds 6.20, Rangitata 7.6, Orari 7.40, Winchester 7.54, Tβmuka 8.9, W««hdyke 8.3G, Timairu amive 8.50 p.m. The evening train from AEihbuiioni to Spnngburn eterts at 6.0 p.m.. and will arrive at Springburn 8.0 p.m.; H will take" up passengera opposite to the Tinwald Racecourse. The evening trains Timeru to Aehbiirtoti. will Ktart at 5.30 p.m., and leave 5.<2. Temuka 6.1-2, Winchetitcr 6.27, Orari 6.42, Rangitata 7.4. Hinds 7.45, AVinelow 8.4. Tinwold 8.17. Aehburton arrive 8.25 p.m. The evening train from Timwu to Fairlio will rtart at 6.5 p.m.. and J«ave W&fihdyke 6.17. Pleaeant Poini 6.54, Albury 5.3. arriving FaiTlie 8.45 p.m. The evening traira from Timaru toOamaru and Oamaru to Timarn will run. at the following timee: —Tiraaru depart 6.20 p.m., St. Andrews 7.5, MakikJhi 7.36. Studholme 8.10. Morven 8.35, Glonavy 8.57. Oamaru arrive 5.53 p.m.; Oamaru depart 6.0 p.m., G'leiwtvy 7.7. Morven 7.30, Studbolme 6.3. Maiikili] 5.30. St. Andrews 9.3, Timaru arrive 9.33 p.m. The Express train leaving Oamaru et 5.3 p.m. will not take paesengeors holding , excursion -tickets for Puieuri, Glenavy, and b'tudhohne. A tram will leave Wajauwte for Studholme at p.m., arriving Studbohno 7.45 p.m. A train will leave Studholme for Waibao Downs at 8.10 p.m.. after connecting with the evening train from Timaru and pdsiaru Waimate 8.45, Wafhao Dowra Arrive 9.25 p.m. A train will leave Waihao DowTis for Waimate at 9.43 p.m., ar.d arrive Waimatc 10.25 p.m. These trair.s will etop where required. Late train leaves Christchorch for Tempkton at 11.0 p.m.. eixrving Templeton 11.35 p.m., etopprnp where requirod to s*t down. Xo Goods Traffic on January Ist. For Lyttelton Timetable, January Is*, we separate advertisement. THURSDAY, 2nd JANUARY. ' Lyttelton. Line—An extra train leaves Lyt-

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12995, 24 December 1907, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12995, 24 December 1907, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12995, 24 December 1907, Page 9