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BPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. NOVELTIES "TTtTHETHER you are a Visitor to * * town lor tha Show and Races, or art a Resident ia Christchurch, you will appreciate onr Pltie SHOW of NOVELTIES in HEN'S WEAR, just opened. The stock include* HATS in all styles, hard, Baft, frame*, Panama*, straws, etc., from London and America's best ifiiketa. Shirts, Ties, Collars, Hote, Underwear, etc., ar» shown, efefy article reliable and FULLEST VALUE. HULBERT, SLAYMAKER, AND CO., High street (Next Freeman'a). MODERN METHOD OF TOOTH EXTRACTING. SOME of the ADVANTAGES 'of ntf BYSTEM:— 1. it enable* all the Teeth to be takeft oat at on« sitting. %. Complete absence of pain 8 Almost pleasant, Certainly Hot diiagfoe. able. I «. Lees after etfeots than With dther Ua* thetlce. 8 Children of four and persons of eighty years of ■«« oan take It. Price 0s Bd a Tooth, but this is "J"** where the Extracted Teeth are replaced by Artificial On*. O. 0. Z. HARRIS, DENTIST LONDON DENTAL INSTITUTE, US GJGH STREET, CHRISTCiHUB-CH. C 2507 TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH. "EUKOL" MAKES TEETH CLEAN AND WHITE. A SCIENTIFIC PREPARATION APPROVED BY DENTISTS AND PHYSICIANS EVZBTWHWHiB. THE IMPORTANCE of tha proper oa» of tha Teeth cannot be mated. teeth represent th* first etage in ihe proceea of digestion.. They make petfeet masticatidn of tha food postlbl*.. For this reason it la important that eveiy gound tooth -should bo oared for and preferred, as artificial teeth, no matter how good and expensive they may be, oan nevar serve you as wsH as your own. Then look at the question -from tha beauty standpoint. What greater p«r*mal charm is there than that given by natural, beautiful white teeth? Ia there anything that epeaks wfiaemen* and oulhire more than tho proper care of the teeth? Ia thero anything that enhances tbe oharm of a smile ao much as a set of clean whit© teeth? There is now w» waeon w by everyone ehould not have clean, white teeth, and every eound tooth, now possessed, may be preserved right up to old ago. "EUKOL TOOTH PASTE," the new acientiflo Dentifrice removes th« diecolouring tartmr deposits thai accumulate on the delicate tooth enamel, and which, If not dealt with, would eventually eat the enamel completely away. "EUKOL TOOTH PASTE" also removes tha injurious germ* which lodga in the crevices of the tcetb, imvariaWy causing decay when allowed to remain. "EUKOL TOOTB. BASTE" completely cleanse* the mouth ea well as the teeth, impexUn* a delicate fragranoe to the bTeath and giving a refreshing sens* of cleanliness. "EUKOL TOOTH PASTE** is proour--able from moat Chemists, and WALLACE and CO., Chemists, High street, at la par collapsible tube. As thero is no other preparation that give* tbe same -result* sa "EUKOL," you are advised to soe that there are just five letters in the name "EUKOL," aad that the label on thr oolkpiible tuba is printed in blue snd whito—never in any other colour. "THE PRESS." INSTRUCTIONS as to the INSERTION Mr WITHDRAWAL of ADVERTISEMENTS in "THE PRESS" MUST BE IN WRITING. Advertisements received without written orders will be iftserted until countermanded, and charged accordingly. Advertisers in the Country can remit payment by Money Order, Postal Notes, or Postage Stamps. While every caro i« exercised in regard to •ihe due insertion of advertisements tha proprietors do not hold themselves responsible for non-inwrtion, through accident or from other causes, end tha proprietors reaerve to themselves the right of omitting advertise, ments that they may deem objectionable*, even although suoh advertisement* may hare been received and paid for in the usual course oi b a tinea*. Dltolaimers will in all caae* be treated at advertisements, and charged accordingly. Orders to Withdraw Advertisements must be lent in in WRITING to tho Publishing Offioe not later than ft o'clock p.m. each day. Advertisements received after 10 O'clock Monday. Wednesday, and Thursday Evenings, end after 8.80 on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, will be placed over the Leader Heading, aad charged Double Rates. Alterations for Standing Advertisements to be In by Noon, or will cot be altered toe following day of Issue. All communication* to be addressed to -THE MANAGER." W

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12964, 18 November 1907, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12964, 18 November 1907, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12964, 18 November 1907, Page 6