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The auction announcements of FriodInnder Bros., H. B. Sorensen, Dalgety and Co., East and East,, North Canterbury Co-op., New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agoncy Co., Ford and Hadfield, Baker Bros.,' Oonway, Matson and Sons, C. A. Lece and Co., Victor Harris, Devereux,*' King and Co., Farmers' Saleyards Co., Tonks, Norton and Co., and Brown, Little and Co., will be found on page 11 of this issue.

It is the intention of the Maoris (says the "Opunake Times") at the next Road Board election, to nominate a candidate of their own. A native said: "Te Poard he make us pay all to same te pakcha; kapai, we havo to vote, and te Maori ho sit at to table liko a big man, end when his cousin or brother want t<? stone, or to drain cleaned, te Maori he get up and say ' yes.' I t'ink that to good law."

The funeral of the late Mr Michael Henry took place at Lyttelton yesterday afternoon, and was attended by all the members of the staff of the dredge Manchester and a number of other Harbour Board employees and friends of the deceased. The body was interred in the public cemetery, the funeral service being conducted by the Rev. Canon Coates.

Our Greymouth correspondent telegraphs that the Government for tho past two years have been boring all round the State coal mine, and havo proved coal to exist in the Runanga Flat, and aro making preparations to put a hole down midway between the £tato sawmill and railway lino at Dunollie, in order to test whether tho seam in. No. 1 part of the mine lines out there.

At a meeting of the Kaiapoi School Committee tho following resolution was carried unanimously the teaching staff l)o written to regretting that they havo refused to tako any part., in providing tho children's annual entertainment this year, which will bu a great disappointment to parents and children.'"' .The committee then adjourned consideration of tho matter for a fortnight.

The unusually prolonged unseasonable weather has had a very detrimental effect on retail business in Palnierston North during the past few weeks (says a Manawntti exchange). Those engaged in the drapery business are tho chief sufferers, with whom it is hardly exaggeration to say, so far as summer goods are concerned, things' have been practically «t stagnation point. Winter stocks have been put away, an<l a wealth of beauty in summer creations have taken their place. For tho latter -there has been naturally little demand, owing to the vagaries of the climate, which this year are almost without parallel in the. history of the Dominion. Commercials visiting hero state that Pahncrston North is no exception in this very undesirable state of things, a condition practically reflected in almost every town along the West Coast of this isJajid. Probably when ibnyers do get the eneouregiug sunshine, which will tempt them to don the gay plumage of summer there, will be a rush on the stores. '

The Sumner Borough Ow»«i cided to take action of unregistered dogs vimm borough. ,• i i The old steamer Mullogh, which has been connected with the port of Ifft telton for over fifty years, J"e Dtcn sold to a Ohristchurch buyer, en* « now being fitted out .as « t»»K* '* •» which oapneity sJio was employed some moiitlis ago. The. assessors to «»s'**,*J; McArtlMir, S.M., in the enquiry into the firo on the su-amer TnraKina, are Captain WillLs, Lloyd's surveyor at Lyttelton. and Mr VV. G. Foster, miinajier for tho Wellington M«at import Company.

A Waimate farmer, who for many years Mas in tho Ashburton district, sold a line of 10,000 sacks of wheat at as per bushel last Saturday in Timaru. Ho had been holding on for a considerable time, nnd though he was several times offered 4s 9d, he decided to wait for ss.

Tho Governor of Lyttelton Gaol writes to acknowledge receipt of a parcel of magazines and periodicals from tho Lyttoltoa Public Library. The superintendent of the Lyttelton Sailors' Homo desires to acknowledge receipt of books from Misses Mcares (2) and Martin.

A local party left Christchuroh for a holiday on the West Coast on Saturday last. "Rain fell incessantly throughout Sunday, and' by Monday morning a thick coating of snow had ornamented the landscape. The visitors, who had not been able to venture outside their hotel, fled precipitately, and returned homo on Monday night.

The City Council's electrical plant has lately been augmented by the installation of a 500 Ji.p. boiler, the furnace being charged by an automatic 6toker, and! the- smoke drawn off by means of an •underground flue into tho main stack. Tho boiler will not increase the amount of electrical power available for distribution, but will merely ensure a continuity of supply in caso of stoppage of either of tho two destructor boilers.

In replying to Mr Darton's charges concerning native schools, tho Minister of Education stated that tho assertion that three nntive schools in the Hawke's Bay district -were stippli<xl •with £30 worth of biscuits by tlic Department was without foundation. The Napier "Daily Telegraph' , telegraphed to Mr Kirk, storekeeper, Port Awanui, Avho replied that he supplied eight cases to each of two schools in 1906.

A Press Association telegram etetes that the Mayor of Dunedin and Mr Alexander, tramways manager, will leave Dunedin thie morning, and aifter conferring with the Christoluuoh authorities, will proceed to Wellington to interview the Minister regarding tho Tramways Bill on Friday. Representations will also bo made to the Government in conn«stion with tho Fire Brigades Act Amendment Bill. The principal objections to the latter Bill aro in connection with the borrowing powers of Fire Boards, the basis of taking over land, plant, and buildings from tho local authority, and tho contributions payable by the GovemmiKnt.

The Dunedin Branch Committee of the New Zealand Poet and Telegraph Officers' Association held a meeting last evening, and passed a resolution expressing strong disapproval of the indiscreet and 111-ad'vised action of the Auckland officers who caused to be published a statement of alleged grievances existing iv the Department; and affirming its confidence in tho present administration, especially in view of the numerous concessions recently granteu; and a belief that any existing anomalies will be romoved by tho proposed amending of the Classification. Bill. The meet ins urged tho Executive of the Association to take an early opportunity of condemning the injudicious proceeding referred to.

The opening of the sailing season will be. celebrated at Monck's Bay this year with some ceremony. The committee of tho Christohurch tiailing and Power Boat Club have had the matter in hand for somo woeks past, and have made complete and elaborate arrangements for tho opening day on Saturday next. Tho programme for tho afternoon will consist of a- yacht race, a soiling; punt race, and a power-boat race, together ■with novel events in tho ehapo of aquatic tilting, tug-of-war, and lito-eav-ing competition, 'inn "Woolston Band will play a programme of music, and tho club boats, excepting those engaged in racing, will be available for taking visitors on short cruises during tho afternoon.

Tho 9.10 a.m. tram from Sumner to town, carrying a large number of brisiness men, and two or three Woolston aaid Linwood cars were "held up" on the Ferry road at about a quarter to ten yesterday for some ten minutes just opposite Cambridge street, a few hundred yards from tho East belt, by a smashed dray belonging to the Canterbury Carrying Company. Owing to the heavy load on the dray, some difficulty was experienced in dislodging it from the train line. Mr A. W. Beaven, chairman of the Tramway Board, who was travelling to town from Redclifts in tho tSumner car, obtained a crowbar, and under his direction tho dray was got clear of the line.

Captain MeJsaught, general organiser for tho National Defence League, met tic local Divisional Committee yesterday afternoon, Lieut.-Col. Slater (president) occupying the chair. Arrangements were made for the public meeting to bo held next Monday night, in tho Alexandra Hall. The secretary was instructed 1 toteend invitations to Bishops Julius and! Crimes, and the city ministers to bo present; aho lornl tehools and other organisations. The subject of Captain McNaught's address will l>o "Universal Defensive Training." Membership vith tho National Defence Leaguo may be secured'for the nominal sum of one shilling per annum, in return for ivhich each memlx?r receives « freo monthly ioiirnal from the League, posted regularly to hie or her private or business address.

A meeting of the Addington School Fete Committee was hold last Friday, Mr W. G. Hums, president, in the chair. The honorary treasurer presented tho balnnrp-ehept. which showed that the proceeds of the recent fete were £210. with about £27 expenses. Great satisfaction was expressed with the amount, and a very hearty vote of thanks was passed to the stallholders and all who had so generously helped to - make tho ha&uir such a great success. The following resolutions were passed unanimously:—(l) That tl*n Hon. G. Fowlds. Minister for Education, be informed that this committee aro strongly of opinion that all sums collected for educational purposes should bo subsidised by the Government; and that he be asked if he is willing to subsidise tho £210 so collected. (2) That the proceeds of the bazaar and fete be handed over to tlio School Committee, on the. undent anding that they be safe-guarded hv them; and after fitting njj the library room the balance b« used solely for the purchasing of books in connection therewith. The sums of two Guineas and one cninea were rotat respectivelyto Mr Jackson (caretaker) and Mrs .Jackson for the great interest they had taken m the bazaar. The School Committed were asked to and* ac counts. -Scry hcartv votes of thanks «oro W. <;. Burns or the faithful discharge of hi s i>«si- rworT- Ml th viL I € s l,,bi t«°n Of school !?,£• n ¥»s B * rk f °r the splendid rejulte of the competitions. Mrs goav KennX 1, " 1 «>»«*tion. Mr Hans Kennedy and M IM Shirtcliffo for the manner in which they discharged their dune, w honorary treasurer and secretary respectively.

It is expected that the Rangiora Friendly bocietiee' picnic to Staironse to-morrow will bo well attended, as the tickets for the special traiu hare been going off freely. Now that the Harbour Board's *Erapeworing Bill has passed tho House tho Otigo Board (says our correspondent) will so improve the lower harbour as to bo able to bring tho largest vessels to Port Chalmers. Eventually they hope to bring tho largest up to Dunedin. At the annual meeting of the Feilding Chaniber of Commerce, tho president said ho thought it -was time that tho Chambers of Commerce fell into line with other bodies in putting a stop to Socialistic legislation. New Zealnml was prosperous, hs was shown by the excess of deposits ever withdrawals in the Savings Banks, and the working classes should be well satisfied. The linal round for tho championship of the Canterbury Lawn Tennis Club will bo played off at Cranmur courts on fciotirrdai' next, between D. Cox and J. OUivier. Both these young players hovo worked their way to th« front during tho present season, and they have already secured tho doubles championship or' their club, besides other honours. A magisterial enquiry Mill Imi held at Lyttelton to-day in connection with the line of poultry, somp of wnioh has been condemned as unfit for human consumption. Tiio poultry was stored in tho Harbour Board's cool stores. The Magistrate will decide whether or not the poultry, or any p° rt 'on of it, is to bo destroyed. A statement, published recently, that tho poultry was to be. destroyed ono day last week was inaccurate.

The local agents for Cook's tours advise that tho motor car service bebetween Fairlie and Mount Cook will bo resinned on Saturday, November 2nd. Thereafter cars will run three times a week each way, namely, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from Fairlie, and Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from Mount Cook. The accommodation at tho Hermitage lias been increased, as last summer the hotel proved too Bmall for requirements.

It is expected that next year Mill bo an exceptionally busy one nt the Addington Workshops. Thero will be under construction eight compound locomotives, specially designed for working fhe hilly portion of the North Island Main Trunk Railway. At present there nro three compound locomotives, similar to those in use on the express trains, under construction nt Addington, and it is hoped to complete them before ih© *nd of the present year. To ensure thie. overtime is being worked.

Tho election of vice-presidents of sports bodice and other organisation* is usually understood to bo a polite method of asking for a subscription. Tho Canterbury Cricket Association has, however, a soul above guineas obtained in this way. Last night at tho meeting of tho committee a letter wae received from a gentleman who. hed been elected a vice-preeident and had evidently been honoured in a similar way by other bodies, as he enclosed with liis acceptance the usual cheque for £1 Is. It was decided to thank' the writer for his good intentions, but to inform him that the Association did not expect assistance of this kind.

It- is anticipated tliat at the annual conference of the Bui Were , and Contractors' Federation, of New Zealand, which opens on Tuesday at Napier, the report of the Parliamentary Committee will cause a good deal of discussion, ac the Government have under consideration a number of matters that greatly nffect the building. trade.. Other, mat* ters of importance to be dealt v,\. - are tho question of the export and import of timber, and the piractioe of tihe Government in requiring bondsmen as sureties in place of cash deposits, a practice which is general throughout the Dominion* The questions of genoral working ruks for the trade and of apprentices will also be considered.

(Mr G. (S. Munro informed a "Press" reporter'yesterday that a considerable amount of damage had been dono to Exhibition property «inco Hagley Park was re-opened to the public. Pilfering was rife, particularly on Sunday afternoons, and he estimated that the loss thu3 occasioned exceeded £100. Wanton damage to property was also frequent, an enormotie quantity of glass being deliberately broken. On one occasion some individuals had forcibly entered tho men's quarters, scattered their stores on the floor, and thieved a number of tools. Mr Munro added that he had requested the Inspector of Police to detail a detective to watch, the building on Sundays.

The broken bottle .nuisance wan vL»cussed at the meeting of tho Sumner Borough Council laet evening. The Mayor (Mr Geo. Mitchell) stated the trouble had become co acute that it was time something was done to remedy it. "Vfautara a toko bottle* on to tho beach." ho "and, after drinking their oontente, eoem to bo troubled with a pronounced bump of de-structivenees. They place the bottles in a prominent position) and (proceed to 'cook-shy , at them till they break them. It is an exceedingly dangerous practice, and 1 1 think it -would bo beneficial if the newspapers would bring tho matter before the public i,n order that thoughtless transgressors might realise tho danger of the practice." Councillor Gill suggested that the By-laws Committee bo recommended' to dieft & drastic regulation, dealing _ with tho ovil, and this coureo wa* decided nron.

.After lying at the bottom of Lyttelton Harbour for over cix month* ami having defied tivo previous attempts to refloat her, the hulk Blackwall eommenoed to make a move on her mvn account laet night. Mr Miller, who is supervising the work of raising tho vessel, had everything practically ready last night for the pumping oiierations which are to start to-day, the suction dredge Timaru. which, is to pump the vessel out, being duo from Port Chalmers about noon. Mr Miller and his men wero at work on. the vessel last night, finishing off tho work of cauvaeing the vowel round, and when the tide was nearly at flood, it was noticed that the vessel wae Milling about, no much so that v wire spring made fast to the forward end of the vessel ha<l to Ih> taken to a hand winch on tho -wharf and hovo tight, and a portion of the false bulwark and the canvas coverings were Tcmove<l so as to allow the weight of writer on the decks to keep th<> vessel in position. At midnight the vessel nppeeretl to liavo moved closer to the wharf.

A Pro«s Association telegram states tint Ilic Ibmtist Conference, in Auckland, passed the following resolution: —"This Conference affirms its unabated hostility to nil forms of gambling ns inimical to the. welfare of the Dominion. It determines that it m ill never relax its efforts, until more stringent 3nivs am enforced agninst thii" insidious vie* , . It that no provision is to bo made in the ]>r'>)v)i<'d i to th<* Gaming Lβ Ms for n hoi it ion of the Hceneorl It bnli<Tos that the proposal to Hf-rivo a larger revenue from licpfisittu tlip totalisator will render it* abolition morr> difficult, and further, it nlso that the Premier has not cmboliod in his Hill prohibition of the publication of dividends from tho totnlisntor whioh directly fostons toto odd> lx'ttiuff. It rejoices in tho Fremiti's proposal to isolato racecourses frimi communication by telephone and tclograph. to prohibit stiwt liftting of minors, and it trusts that tli<*e amc-ndnient* will be <>nnctf>d during tho jtrcwnt session, ;nid finally that clubs will bo brought uithiu the 6ci>l>«« of tho gaming laws.

The Stanmore Brass Band a programme of music «t> MulSlilEft Park this evening. *^^?t^<^Bßp The City Council hi. ter from the Auckland City CnUSMS* 1 inviting its co-operation m^S 1 !! , proposed Iramwaye Bill. «?*•>'»■'.' Our Punedin correspondent JjlJ&M&i ■'] that Mr 11. j>. Bedford d« n i7S# " < rumour that ho -»ill bo * *«i3: J fi*R«; '«! tor tho Bullcr seat. At a ti<ecting of the '*' Conciliation Board held on Vm&TO : i evening, Mr W. Minaon v«e anhs2Sfe« *'l chairman, in place of Mr J. R. TfijSxm it resigned. J **»«ffi! i The Domain Board meet* wttiLilW ' ' day at 2.30 p.m. when, amongrt t> business, the grant of tho CitTOMB.nTO . 1 or electric power for■pumping■paraS'l? .3 will be considered, and etens tmiJmui « "i procure tho piping and other necZJS % •'< PUI lit, Pi Tho Telegraph Department adriiS ' that, commencinc to-dey, the. I3 : JP " giora office i 8 to re-open f3£ $ t • to 8 p.m. deily for y? &■;! giaph and telephone exchange *«****.*'■ and for the delivery of letter* and uS&l' sale of stamps. . ,i4,2sfi£ The telegraphed report rMsiS/eer , * tho state, of Uio rivers yesterday whs «« " fnLssS low6:~W,imakeriri (Xorth <'eS'W iSouth), Rakaia, Ashburton C\it»JM lower and mouth), and Onihj,. $fo*M Ashley mid Waitaki, diecolouwdi «euis wyn, clear; R-angitata, fishable. 7s£h! Entries for tho Canterbury A.''■■*s! P. Association's Metropolitan 6hwr l *Zll being received in satisfactory nnrtSJP and promise to be well up to tboar3l& previous years. All interested tSeLll noto thai entries close on with the secretary, j>tr 0. B, pJ2Sfi j Tho Warrimoo, which left bourne on Monday efternoon witajraal grove's Opera Company, was at the Bluff an hour and a halfTrs»sl gfllo (enye a Press Association SwIP gram). iSlio was blowu on a while swinging, owing to the ser snapping, but with 'the aesMtart'l of tho tug she got. off, ;\7Ts| Richard Thomes, who last wtek&uJi to commit suicide by cutting hie tfcS'ffl with a razor while having * charged before the Magietwite lington yesterday with attempted M^^S- ,- cjde (cays a Prees Afisoci*ti(m' gram). He wes convioted end ' ed to oome up for sentence when , Will I ed upon. * A prohibition order ?Itavt||l'i issued against him. '~k, ' At a meeting of tho Waihi HouiiE^B' 1 trustees last week, it wai tho casting vote of the obairinaa,,^^ 1 dismiss tho superintendent and m»t»iiiH On [Monday night a. crowded ind£a#M tioti meeting vraa held («sye • sociation telegram), and rewlutiftmijf wero packed unanimously protaifciu|P against the dismissele, and asking tWar Premier and Dr. Valintine toMkDp>#C oughly investigate th* matter, At the Dunedin Polios Court day (says a Press Association , gram) Ella Began was with sly-firog aelling in Ktng*WiM end keeping a disorderly 'lfctlfcrip Sho wee aentenced to months' imprisonment. derson, who lived with Regan, a similar t>entehco as on idle wWl lf d»?ifi orderly* person. Regan some wefltt'in* was lined £50 for sly-grog Belling* *#$& A young man, one time nn Burnhim. wee arreetod on -M<«d&fi(HV charge of breaking into WM|im» railway station and stealing £2 4s/|Nf|JI six railway ticket*, and » bicycteJOuiw M at £12. Accused went ■ and was »rn»ted/on4h*Jt)PW»i H JIM' when ho protested v>&s remanded until Monday ne«t^^mß Mr 11. W. Biftbop, 6.M., pMMiiH at the Police Court - Oliver Edwin Slack was fined lfc*Mff|i| costs for drunkennes*.' Alfred Johnston' -mv fined eaoh'of.Mlfae charges «f Sieving disobeyed mUM tenanoe orders: Mr Loftthem for plaintiff. Joseph In«ce W ****M|lß e:l to contribute 35, : OhsrltM I'MeTlSI' 6rl, and Henry Isasoi U support of their mother. : /!}^p|^B> The conference oonrened » fyr -WilH Mayor on Monday with removal to Wellington -of• the lich factory, discussed' the fully as to tho beet means to-be •l«f l K>@9 cd. Ultimately, it waa reaolred til refer the majiter to the Association fof,|§|g§ the Advancement of Canterbury, ask them to take the question nara omm meeing of tho Bieoutive of Uw' , ciation will bo, convened at date to do this. \ , t l; '; •VMBm An interesting caa* in irhhch liki«B custody of an illefitiaitt* child> Milninvolved, was decided by Arthur, in Wellington yesterday a Press Awociation tefegmm).* s\, father, who had since married * J woman, stopped contributing tot w||§B maintenance of b child now n ** lr ly ; rears old, as he wished to look it. He had not onoe been to sinco it was born. The held that the mother should tody, nnd he ordered the father WWm pay 7s a \yeek towards the maint«MlMKS of tho child. mV^M No. steps hare as yet been tak«tt W-mjt tho Oovernment with, regard to coQimiseion which tho City wishes to haro eppointcd deal with the queetione at between them and the Water Supply Board. Tlio o(iv«ndMßu|| •wero asked to set up a tako evidence and decide gs amount of .waior which tho *^°" i to,|||| could tako for their electrical ox scheme without interfering withii»iß| work of the Ashky Supply Wtoiw are about to be taken to '* n more urge tipon tho Government ,-M» n ffi necessity of prompt action. 4 ''^f^B The oil engine will not work witfcjsjSß out oil.' Tho l)eet oil and oil *Wf*?-$£M Tho Kobey—can be purobaaed WfMm H. McClelland, 224, Cashol 'etroeUM Chrietchurch. ■, *l^; The attention of investors Sβ drair*j|j| to the copy of tli© prospectus of Am* J» nndre Antimony Co., Ltd., whtre *P*,',& poars in this issue. Tho brokers re*rf|! ronimend tho i*enture n.s a nret mining investunent. Mr N. D. rane, F.G.R., mining engineer, tlio i'xistonco of eevernl veins of • n inony, "two of 6in nnd "in rmptKliwif in thickness, and again another of IZhi solid ore." Tho mino manager W>*■s£, mates the quantity of ore in eipnt *f'4* 2000 tons. Thero is only a nunibor of shares nvailnble. M^ wt, i'& tion» will bo received by tho brokerjji,,'* Mcf?m East nnd East, find Mr A. f' r >m IJiite, Wellington, or lornlly by Mowr* Knst nnd Enst, Hereford elrret, CJiri»l> '^ A charming assortment of mado "toilette flnishe«" now to hnnd at W&2 D.r.C. includes smart effwts ill '"V^p , and not Kimona belts, millinery laco and ribbon ties, etc. To-df?* ')/& offer in the fencv dfi>artmeiit is tnirtj dozen choire "Kimona «nrf«/' in ii"'", tfltinn MbHpup Ince. which-in H PV^J*-ds anco offers but little diflVion«t to *"«44| real Maltew. Tlie«o pleasing nowK *, fl s| ties are marked at 3* lid each. i'« -i D.I.C- for quality in ready-to-near ( >| fashions in leces and ribbons. ,Vjg lyet, •Uβ book your order ff>r a oct »? jA I)i-e Hern-we. W. JJafsett and CO| 23 ManehrKter etre«'t. " ( Mr Krmst M. 6aiid*tc-iii. f^-^^M cian, may be consulted on «H «««•« .tSk Dpfrctir.: Ey«ight. TI, V ««»* JJJ "§} plete end up-to-dete optical W™"* ,-JM n Hie colonies. Consulting room*, .«|M

/i- Awr rooms at Armstrong c nro millincrv et tJio peopea price*. Sfttfe ""■-- ""' rL'°S«< • 'i"' ln "" ,V| "- "'" ggffiSwpci'-"•">»'.>■"•■■-)•" Jarctniul t!»*> sal" «f snmplp J^ r i!t™«,l by ilo«™ ell<i Co on Thursday is proving *« tt .t .ttSction for Chrirtchur«h »P* Tho iviiKlow3 romo in for a of attention, viiilo the ■W» *m "iireeent* .n crer-busy apbotokons the unusual This w <loiibtl«w» '» * i ?,Lh tire nil Knfilisli samples, tfct*««°fS' ono third off usual: ping flt lllUi «j tt"**' e _i, vr « CA rrrpo <1<» ♦"liiiH! is2fttal* lld - Arrnntrangs. 2 »» t Wh.'ro this c X .6te •I V Proctor, Oculi,t u s Optician. J«Kt'k street CliristohuiTh. can f*** which can bo fitted to nnilow other stylo a patent SLT J Sn"Al »n<l Ti-uol optics. W l-t.irii«i after spteial ntudy in ,fKth fctMt inetriimi-nte for MgbtKβ Oculßte , pro- £?■ Charges strictly modernto. AL" n » aa"! Sijjht-tc'stmy roonw SfßKb?street, Jl,iH»ito B. Hcjcj «J Sons'. ■Sd Wite Vβ. 10s od. 1 ■tffi Awnts, 183 Hereford itreet 'ESt. E!& yervico 1Iotel) N^ inMlHos foe. tn Hish "treet great city improveKfc feattio aiul Co. An entire P $ at MBibnable prices. v

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12936, 16 October 1907, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12936, 16 October 1907, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12936, 16 October 1907, Page 6