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Uait«d Pnt« AbsocUKoo—st Electric ™»gr»ph-Copyrichl BANK OP ENGLAND RETURN. LONDON-, October I J . The Bank of England return, issued fqr the week ending Wednesday; Qctober 9th, pjfprdstjie following com* parisoa:— ! : Tbis Week-L»»t Week. £ £' ? Bullion ... 33,938,000 35,658,000 Rescrre ... 24,139,000 25,§36,00Q Notes in circulation ... 29,632,000 29,820,000 Public , deposits 6,643,000 8,621,00Q Other depoaits 4§,784,QQ0 Qoyern-ment securities ... 15,856,000 14,366,000 Other securities ... 29,658,000 30,821,000 Proportion reserve 'to liabilities, per cent. ... 46.51 48.86 GOVTiRNMENT SECURITIES. The fp}k>wing are the latfet; quot*tipne' for Goyerijment seouritiee, with a compafisow of "tfeoeq fwling last week:—

• interest pay»blt In. >l«y mcJ November. t I(it«r<it p«y*W« in Jtnuart Jnl Jul/. I Interwt p*r»bl« in April *<\<j ftqtauer. THE MONEY MARKET. The Bank rate of discount" ie unaltered at 41 per cent. The open market rate of discount for beet three months' bills is £4 2e p4 per cent., an increase of Sβ on the rate ruling lost week ' THE METAL MARKET.

Copper.—On spot £62 6s, three months £01 ss. Tin—On {trot £148, three months £144 15s. Lead, £20 2» 6d.

Silver is worth 2s 5 3-16 d per oz. Iron,, 5,4s fld. 'Spelter, £21 17e 6d. COLONIAL AND OTHER PRODUCE. ' gugjrU- Oermen 03 9d/ finst ma'rkf Bradford Wool.—There is a etrong and good enquiry; 40'e 16J4. 46' a 171 d, common 60s 28d, eiiper S9d. Wwt.-TtH{ merkots *re Tfry strong, owing t°. the continuance of «nfavourflb.fe reports fflW Jntjja, Australia β-ntl Caned 3, and the general prospect of supplies being insufficient. TW Australian "cargoes ppld at 43e and 43s 3d respectively. Holders are aekjng 44s for o\i" Auetrfclum {or phf jfmeni, but there is ljttle offering. Many sales of Californien &tew ere effected at 41e fid tQ 4,1» 9d. Australian spot ie in good demand *t 42e 64 to 43e; New Zealand nominally 40s to 41e tor -ehort-berried, and 41s to 42s for long-berried. Flour. —The market is brisk. Au»troliw in Louden e«W #t 275. to 28(s Qd. in Glasgow 80s. ' Butter.—Th.c is very firm; Daniah 119e to" Idle. TfovVP i* »etlj>nf enquiry for choiceet n«w colonial eelted a* U2« t« H4§, i>n|a!ted Jl4j to There is a. ftead.y defend for beeb stored at lO2e to 104sf Other sorts ere neglected. SYDNEY, October 12. Wheat has advanced to ss. Messrs Dalgety end Company, LM.', have received the following cable sage from their' London office, under date 11th in^:rrr"Hides— Since our last telegram, prices of hides in genera) are lower by id. Leather market quiet, prices unchanged. Basils —Prices affi firm.'?

KfQRSJB BAKWThere wa f 3fl entry of 56 horses at Tattereall's qn &tur4§y, mostly #ediqm an# age*! fqrtf "TV™ TT«» ,» limited demand and sajee w>re made at the following iratee: Medium £27 to £31; saddle and barnisa["KoSwdßlff to £21, and hacks up to 110. "' *'■ ' ■■■ '" '

PQUPTRY. At Saturday , ? marfcetl ti«rf( %rere moderate eniries of poultry and • ieod sale: "Hens brought §s lld'to Aβ, (fa ldrducks to 6s 6d, geese, fompfl) 5s 63, tiirkey gob Were 21s tq 245, all at'per l>a«r- Egga 10d to lid per dozen. *

PIGS. At morket ». good <mtry of piga, sold at &wsn.ei»t pr'Ops. ititf weaiiers tq 19g, »»d stores 2& to 84s.

STOPK The fortnightly stock eaJe was heJd, ail«eston onFri<lay. Following were some of the prices realised :—«ii|>Pl>: 5 fat sheep 22$ 3d to 23e; 10 m'&d; «»?? 2& H B *$■?* and '80 kmw/' *H <»uut«d, 12s Id; 6 iOdT 3 f»t taeefe 235. : ?t .fti era 22a to 23e Sd; Q wetbera 24s Od; 55 hogg«ts l&J; 10 fa * ew«s 26s W; 3 fat era ?te 4 ct-« and lambs 15ar Qβ; 28 £yes and 32 lante, In 4\\n!yr g» Ai; 6 « OT «. m 6d; 2M «w€g %fld lamb?, «V 4d; 17d and lanMigi «U co-anted, 9e 9d- oattre.— wns an enby of 05 !ieed. " ttiwre *W fat cow, whichl brought £8 12e 6d. YeArttne calves! made'from 15s 'to t-heso' «lr<s not in very good condition. The twp dairjr oorve oFaIE X(: Lafeeajdj, £6 U % ' a|? cjairy herd; which tvm 9 Ul *ft .t 1,0 *X arerasre of springers Usually, bxoujdit intb tEevardi; {<&$£ ftoti tom Bifips :-=Tpere"'' jero 06 fate ptd^d fo Ija , ia W V Ib. Tit ftge from 52» to 725, equal to quit* od per lb. Ghonwrs ranpeed from 62s 6d s - Iw? f^i*,*',? ww n ew,»mite pom V& to 19» 6d., *otne oi tlie fmaHox haea were dear : as lookea upon pej l^.' etof°»> °} wt»ch tltero "vrerfa" a good"'' number "jardwl, «acb/ Rr(cc( midfW.btedJy being the <:b©apiPst pc? lb. COALGATE. At Coalgate sale on Friday yardiag of sheep and lambs % b6ul v W)op," yearly' a» ,? t W es ',PR«aboni 5p being yarded <w fats. Of (h& entry of stows,•" hoogets contributed 1206, mostly of tnwlrum quality/ The baianco of the yarding consisted'priaci-. pally, of «W«a and lambs, and «bou| moderate 1 attendaiice. Bidding fes aal laffibs, feed *n InjworeSiosi' catee »et a stick* safe.; some lines sqld wen, consiaering tne da»4 "Prices wero: —F at crossbred ra.inJiw at S3 «d. fix and four-tooth crossbred ew«e lambs 133 Id; two, four ami six-tooih, 12e "d; fonr, six and eight-tooth, 11$ %d\ aged, Bs/sd, ftwe? «nd Jftßib.s ?$ counted. ABHBURTON iioPUCB SALES. At the Aehbtiriojtt proxluco sales on

4« to 4* 6d; dupfc* 4* 1W |o l^; « to Cβ 3d; Jam irileat 17* T 6/J per MultonlMjamb'ad'pW lbT ! CSTECUI. TO 'Tllf MHB».") OAMARtJ October 13. The local market has felt th* forop Of the jisd in Value*, and a number of safei hare been macfo at os for prime qjjlljifg. These include ° ne H ? '*» If 4?. <Hl§ of 1000, ana one of m,v&b tterfliw. )MmrW : er«J railltr lots. The JiMt incjude parbefi -c, eterea and »t town tnills ani a£«oaiitry v |tatl<iAe. tm» figur§ thj fflarlf»t is Tery firm. Oat« are not oßerilig, the quwtitj available being * n * Prime Derwent potatoes beep •old at J0» 1.0.b., sacks fn. 'md one special line brpugbt 7&. Vpto-Pitm have brought • ,?r

PORT OF LYTTELTpIf. The statement of Customs duties coj11th is as £J?88 * 4(1; Pjgara. pig«f fttes gnd snuff,* £308 fis tobacco, £643 ll«; jrine $181 2e 4d; beer, £li 10e; t«», £lb l(h JQd; Coffee, cocoa, end chocolate, £16 9s 8<1; sugar, molasses,' and ire»plj», £09 4s 8d; weight, £813 17s 9d; ad valorem, £4375 & 9d|bther duties, , £|66 13s 3d; total, £8772 13s'5d: -

\\ r STOCK EXCHANGE. (iricujb tp "Ti|f nmt.") AVBLLINGTON, October 12. On Stock fiwhatlfce to-4ay Tiiruf Triumphs (3d paid) «okl »t U 6W, T|\ r aihU at £3 Be, ftauraki gpecjujeat Is Bd, Karingahakee at Gd, nff ti»*ip at 3d. Buyers aek<4 Iβ-2d fof Kuranuie and £2 6e Od for Ta|i«p»P9Hfjlers of stock were offering at Is 6d, Talism#R* $% 7? 64, arid |T»4hie at £S 8e

Meiers Triedlander "Bran, ofercd nt> auction at Aebburtou on i» miMbcr of suburban properties,' mit with one exception Uje did ijpt reach the reeerres and'they passed in. The one sold was » seotion fottt«inipg } rood 24 J*#l*!> eitsiated in the M*mv*&M Tffwp Bbardi dintript, which ITW *014 for £110 to Ur W. TV till.

Prlct. variation u compared U»t weefc H % Imperial ConMli > % KewSeuihWalti 14 % Newttnuth »>ale« ' % New South Wale* \ % Victorun >i%VicMM I % ViotorliiD i % lk>uih Auitralian 1 % Sout'i Auatralian I % Quet iiUnd ii % UuetOflanal .. 1 % <Jue«ri»l»nd I % N«vrZe»la><4».. 14% NewZi.Iandf.. 1 % He*Zt*Un<ii .. H% s '•' Auitrall»n > % W«et AmtraJlan >i % TMmai.Un ! % Taimantan' 82 IT 6 10J 0 6 97 0 0 85 0 0 104 10 Q 98 10 0 87 0 0 98 1» 0 MOO l5l 0 t 93 6 0 85 3 0 1*3)5 0 99 0 0 85 0 6 95 10 0 83 0 C 98 0 0 88 0 0 12. Id With Unchanled Unchanged Unchanged Lnchan|fH<l Pnciunged Unchanged Uhchai.Ietl JJflctonged Unchanged IJpo «pge>< Unchanged Unr.haiBert Unch»pfeed Unchanged L'pchaiiKfd Uncha jcd OncbanKed i iichanyed

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12934, 14 October 1907, Page 9

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COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12934, 14 October 1907, Page 9

COMMERCIAL. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12934, 14 October 1907, Page 9