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" Christchurch cricketer* were floured with fine weather for opening ot the various competitions °?, c "* 1 urday, but the heavy rain vhich ieli the previous evening made the various wiokote somewhat dead, although the nor'-wester th*t blew ftll the morning had. dried up the grounds better than anticipated. There wa* a good attendance at Hagley Park, the principal attraction being the senior match between Weet Christchurch, last season's champions, and St. Albana, when the former had the better of the day's play. At Lancaster Park in the senior contest, Sydenham end Linwood, the former gained the advantage, while Riccurton had decidedly the better of their match with East Ohristchurch. The feature cf the junior games wae W. G. Garrard's big ; nnings of 226 not out for St. Albans li v. tlie College Seoonu, this being a record for third grade cricket in Curistchurch. Details:— WECT CHRISTCHURCH v ST. ALBANS. < . These teams commenced a match tit Hagley Park, when T. W. Reese, tho tit. Albans captain, beat his brother 1). Reese, who leads West Christchurch, in tossing for choice of innings, and he elected to bat first. A disastrous start was made against the bdwling of Malone and Lusk, as Barrett was bowled before a run had been made, and four wickets were down for but 10 runs. The sixth man was disposed of with the score at 18, and the seventh et 27. Feldwick then, went in, and principally through his efforts the scoring considerably.improved. The total was 45 when Johnson, the last man, joined Feldwick, and by the best batting shown during the innings the total was raised to 94 before the innings was brought to « close. Malone and Limk both bowled capitally, and with one exception the fielding was good. When West Christchurch went in Cook and Luck meed the bowling of Johnson and Frankisyh, but after the former had sent down, four orers for 10 rune he I was replaced by Goldsmith, who got Cook caught, in the elipe in hie 6rst over. D. Reese followed, but after hitting the Bret boll he received for 3, and rooking en additional aingle, lie played c ball on to hie wicket. 26— 2-A. Whitta next jojned Luok, and the total W36 advanced to 73 the latter waa. eieily oaugh/t in the elipe for 44. in coirpiling which he gave two chanoce of being caught end one of being stumped. Peak© joined Whitta, and by steady batting the pw'r played out tune, iius total being 118 for tiiree wickcte. Six howlers were tried by the St. AHwm captain, Goldsmith meeting with moat eiiocese, but none of them Appeared particularly difficult, rhe ground fielding, on the whole, wan good, but, ac last season, the catching wee decidedly faulty, two or three easy chence* being missed. Messr* A. Hardy and Wilson acted as umpires. Scores :—• ST. ALBANS. First Inning*. J , . T. W. R«eM, b Malon* .. „ ■ <j J. S. Barrttt. b Malon* .. .! o 3. B. Wood, b Malon« .. ] G. W. Mulgan, it Weeton, b Lusk . .. 3 £. H. Frankieb, c Weston, b Lu»k , o H. D Goldsmith, b Link ' .. .. 6 J. Smith, c and b alone .. ..11 R. Vincent, c Cook, b Recce .. •• .. 6 O. Feldwick,. not out .. .... ... 85 C. W. AUerd, b I/usk .. .. ... o £. G. Johnson, b Roete .. ... .., 20 ■Extras .. .. ... .... c. Total -..■;. .. .. 94 Bowling Analysis.—Malooe, 19 otws' 7 maidens, 27 rune, 4 wickets; Lusk, 18 over*. 5 maidens, 36 rune, 4 wicket*; D. Reese, 6.2, overs', 2 maidens, 20 rune, 2 wickets: Thome*, 2 overs, 1 maiden, 5 run*. ' WEST CHRISTCHtJRCH. _ jFirat .Innings. C. F.D. Cpbk,' c'FTanWieh, b Goldsmith S H. £.' Lusk,* o Prankish, b Wood ..44 D. Reetw, b Goldsmith .. .. ' .. 4 H. B. Whitta, not out .. .. .. 46 J. Peake, not out ' .. * .. ~ Iβ Extras ~ '.'.„•■ ~ 4 . 3 Total for three wickets .. ..118 LINWOOiD > SYDENHAM. At Lancaster Park the conditione were entirely favourable for the opening of Senior championship matches for 1907-8. The ground was in> capital order, »nd the wickete good, considering the amount of. moisture they' held. There wae a good eprinkling of speotav tore. Mi» F. Wilding, eesieted by a number of young . ladies, dispensed afternoon tea, which waa much β-ppre-ciated by both player* and enlookers. Linwood betted first against Sydenham, but though the first pair— Bishop and Read—road* a good start, most of the others were obviouely not in form, and the inning* only produced 95. Bennett w» the. chief factor in Sydenham's cuooess, and hie average would have been even better had he been< favoured with a bowler's ordinary luck. . The "Model Borough" players also made a promising «t*rt, for the half-century went up with, only one wicket down, and when time was called they had ecored 108 for seven wicket*.. Aokroyd, an ex-Dunedin re P-> P.layed a. very solid, though eomewhat slow, inningi for 28, whilst Robson, Gaeeon, and Nield each batted well. R. Ridley wee the beet of the bowlers, and the fielding on both sides wa« distinctly good. Booree;—

I/INWOOD. Ftftt Inning*. H. A. BifJiop, b McClelland .. «. 11 R. Bead, b Bennett ... .. ..26 H. Ellis, c NieM, b Bennett .. ..3 3 A. Orchard, c Fowke, b Jonea ~ 13 O. Kinvig lbw, b Bennett .. .. l K. Ridley, c Ackroyd, b Bennett .. 3 H. C. Ridley, b Bennett .. ..11 C. Brooke run ont .. .. ... 8 E. Howeli, not out .. .. .. o A. E. M. Younp, bJ. Yonnff .. .. 0 O. Clark, bJ. Yonng .. .. .. o Erttae .. .. .. ..20

ToUI ..95 Bo*iing Analy»i».— J. H. Bennett, 13 over*, 9 maiden, 45 run», 5 wickete; T. McClolland, 8 overt, 1 maiden, 18 rune, 1 wicket; A. Jonee, 4 overe, 1 maiden, 12 rune, 1 wicket; J. Young, 3 over*. 2 wickets. SYDEJTHAM. First liming*. W Robeon, c Young, b R. Ridley .. 33 E. Gaiabn, c C. Ridley, h R. Ridley ... 20 A E. Ackroyd. c Kinvigr, b R. Ridley .. 28 J. Youug, c B. Ridley, b Clarke .. 0 H. M. Moorhouee, c EllU, b R. Ridley .. fi J. Gray, b Howell .. .. ..11 J. H. Bennett, b Read .. .. .. 1 A H. Kield, not out .. .. .. 17 A. Jones, not out .. ..' ~ j By* ~ 1 Total for seven wicketi .. ..Uβ EAST CHRJSTOHUROH v RICOARTON. Thie game was ako played at Lancaster Park, when the Westerners gained a very decided leid. East Chrietchurch batted Erst, and made a good etart. Wilkteed and Edmonds taking the score to 41 before they were ■^T r * Aft ? r thk ' Iwwrari the wickete fell at fairly regukr intervils, the tetal at the close being only 111 In addition to the two b&Umen awned, Fraser end Washer both showed good t *?L , w * l»n» wee by far the best of the bowk*, for Moewton, whose fielding was fairly good. The We»ternei " in *. de • meet unpromising etart 7 l }v *¥>*' *!»• £»t two wieietk falUng befor* a mo was scored. Valu- ■«• contnbo*ioße then by Anthony, Harper, and Seager, improred mitters oonsiderably, and, with aix wickete down for 68, th* nw» wae in ati in- £*■«*"« etate. Howerer, Fryer and OaygiU! then got together, and some spirited hitting by t<be former soon put the iw»e beyond doubt, and when time wag called to© total wee 139 with still four wickets in hand. The Eoetorn bowling was not strong, and tlwir

fielding was only moderated' k«>r«. • EAAT CHRISTCHURCH "" First Itminm ■ B. b WiIISIS? , -' ~ „ C. Boxshttll. b WillkmT • " " 25 ?: E. rM s^ te rb ß i A. T. Wanher. etpd Burton -tl Dr Orchard, ftw U Humpktw. ' llmiu *! Ko!«. not out .. .. " i It. H. North, rua otit .. .1 ** J B y« •• » .;■■ :: lo XoUl .. .. ... 1U Bowiißfr An«Jyei»—A. Anthony, 18 overt.-1 B-sudcn, 33 ruiie. I wickot; K. 8. Wtlliame 1" over*. 1 maiden, 62 runi, a wicket*; Humphreys, 6 overa. 10 run», a wickeU. RICCARTON. First Inn Inge. A. Anthony, b Edmonds .. ..Iβ £'. Burton, rt Boxehell, b Frawr .. o K. S. Williame, b Fm« .. ~ o E. T. Harper, b Wili«t«cd .. .. ao J. Seager. b Coete/ioc .. ~ ..24 W. A. Humphrey*, b CostelJo* .. 0 F. C. Frjer, not out .. ~ ~ 55 E. C*ygill, not out .. .. ~18 Byes .. 4 Total for »ii irickeii .. ..139 SECONToToRADE. In tlie Riecartou v. Lin wood match the former batted first and made 76 (Atkinson 10, Mann 12, CaygUl 14, Smith 13 not out). Just with 5 wickete and Weaton 3, were the most successful bowlers. Lin wood responded with 70 for 6 wickets (Crichton 13, Redpath 10, Mason 20, Byrne 10). Matson and Atkinson divided the wickets.

West Christchurch en<i. the Boys' High iScliool began a match «t Hagley P:trk, when the former hed the better of the dey'e play. Scores:—High School, 41; West Christohnroh 149 (Cox 39 not out, Arnold 24, Badheni 17, Helmoro 37, .and Hope 11). Badbam and Hart bowled well for the Westerners, and Crewshaw secured most wickets for tho School.

Sydenham and St. Albans alto commonoed a match *t Heglcj Park, when the former batted firet and made the aood totnl of 220 before tho laet wicket fell. Hobbe contributed 51, P«ttereon (junr.) 4 J, Hudson 36, Windsor 32, and Uajcfi 12. O'Callaghan «nd Tliompson bowled beet for fit. Albane, who had scored 30 for one wicket β-t the call of tiino, Ford making 18 and Thomp6on 10 not out.

Christ's College «nd Eaet Christchurch tried conclueiona on the ColIfg© Ground, when the latter, who plajfd two men short, went in first and mad© 134 (H. Wyatt 62 not out, A. H. Ckrke 24, and E. Frascr 17). responded with 125, Bridges making 47, Chryistall 26, and Sauudera and Cook 13 each. Clarke and Fraeer for East nnd Deacon lor the College bowled well. THrRDTG-RADE. Linwood B met Eaet Chrietchnroh at Lancaster Park. The latter batted first and scored 89 (Billcliffe 10, Haughcy 13, Loughlin 18, Champion 13, Corbett 10). Jones was the best ot the bowlers tried. Linwood B made 130 for 2 wickete (Erans 36,- P. Jonea 15 Manson 60 not out, Beetaon 13 not out). ... .

The High ecbool Second and St. Alba ne A began a match, at Hagley Park, when the latter gained a strong lead on the first innings. Scores:—St. Alba ne 106 (Deacon 38, Griffin 14, and etnbberfield and Todhunter 10 eadt) Ifeacon and F. Treweek for St. Albani, and Patterson and Seymour for the School bowled beet. The School scored 45 in their first innings. 6t.-A)beaa lost one wicket for 25 in their second innings. . . . ,

Linwood A and Iticcarton B net at Hagley Park, and rhen play ceued the scores were:—lUecarton 98 (Mottram 24); Limrood 146 for four wicketa (Winchester. 12, Boell 37, Bnßock 43, Amtin-m 10 not out, arid Werner 18 riot out). Warner and Proaper bowled veil for Linwood, the former taking fivo wickets for 8 rune.' .

St. Albans B played the College Second on the College ground, when tne former went in first and remained at the wickets all the afternoon; scoring 350 for six wickets, toward* which W. G. Garrard contributed 226 not out, Petera 46, Wright 35, Powell 14, and A. H. Noall lp not out. .<.■-.. Sydenham and West Christehnroh tried conclusions on tbe ground of the former.' Sydenham, batting first, made 90, O'Shea 2<5; Dawe 18, and Graham 11 being the chief soorer*. West Christchurch replied with 61 .for eight wicket*.'Hammond 17 and Gibson 11, being the only players to reach double figures. '■ •■■ Sydenham B. playing against Riooar-> ton A, made 45, Brown (15) being the only player to reach double figures. The latter replied with 78 for eight wickets, the chief scorers being Sinclair 19«ndRixl8. ,> tourtiFgrade. West Ohriatohuirch beat the Boja? High School by 184 rum on the first innings, scoring 184 (Hintamann 86, Turner 35. Moor© 37, Tillman! 84* and Moslev 16); High School. 66. McDonald bowled beat for the winnei*. Sydenham, batting first against Riccarton, made 142 (J. O'Shea 36, G. Russell 43, Rudd 14, and W. Jamee 10). Ricoarton, could only reply with 51, of which J. Hannah obtained 20 and Mann 11. On going in again Riccarton were all dismissed for J 3O, Sydenham thus winning by an innings and 61 runs..'

Linwood A and B tried conclusions at Lancaster Park. The game resulted in a win for the A team by 162 nine. Scores:—A team 188, B team 26. For the B team, Spencer and Flewellyn, and for the A team, TVormll «nd M'Xae_ bowled well. SUBUR BAN C(»£P_7ITTION. At West Melton,, oh Saturday, the senior eleven of the Addington Workshops United Cricket Club played against West Melton, the former winning by 89 runs on the first rnninge. Scores .---Addington Workshops, 158 for eight wickets (Grammer 40, Stevens 40, Machim 15, Firth 15, Hiy 11, and Waddell 10) j Wat Melton, 09 (Thomas 16). For tho winners Bentlcy, Stevens, and Grammer bowled well, as did Houkton and Thomas for tho losers.

The Junior B teem of the Addington Workshops played a match egainet Glen more, the Utter ivimiiiig by 2 nma Scores:—Glenmore, 61; Addington, 59. For the winners, Barker (20), Roach (1C), and for the keen* Upchurch (13), Grammer (13), Stroetor (12), Oado (12). batted well. Dick and Barker bowled beet for CHenmore, end Streeter end Hocking for Addington.

Playing at Snreydon on Saturday, the local team defeated the Harewood road team by 18 runs. 6corce:— Spreydon, G7 (McGetrick 22, Hobeon 11); Ilarewood road, 49. Flatnien and Merson for the winners, md Colden for tlio losers, bowled well.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12934, 14 October 1907, Page 8

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SATURDAYS MATCHES. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12934, 14 October 1907, Page 8

SATURDAYS MATCHES. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12934, 14 October 1907, Page 8