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The Kaimpoi dredge has been taken down the river to a position near Stewart'a Gully, and it,'will be em ? ployed there for some time in clearing the navigation channel.

It is understood (reports our correspondent) that the boarding house keeper* at Ashburton contemplate making a rise in. their tarif pwing-vto the high price of .bread;, meat, *nd vegetables. ■■•■■•-.

The "Oamaru Mail , ' understand! that the lie nd Purchase. Board will meet in Wellington .earl* this week, when • determination will probably be come to as to the recommendation to make to the Minister an ratpect of several properties in the Oamaru district that aro under offer tcj the Government for closer eettlement.

The "Timaru P«st" report* that Mr T- Burton, of Temqka, hit* been reattested to beoome theGorerninont candidate for tiie Guraidine Mat at' next «tv tl0 B» «»d that unless pressure pf private bueineas prevents him from taking part in jrablic affaire, he will consent. Mr Button was Mayor pf Temuka for fire years, and for two jeers he was a member of the GeraJ-

A. mating of the North Canterbury Women Teachers' Association was. held on Fnd,ay eight *t the oirla' Friendly Society rooms, oM<*»*fr street W. Owing to the very bad whether, the attendant was Only fair. It v H decided to place on reoord the great low the Association had, *uetejned by the death of its president, Miss Baldwin, to whose untiring effort* women teachers owed »p* Ditottewoim.toeic place on sewing and the publio schools' sports,.;

At • meeting of the Aanberley branch °« Farmer*/ Union, a depiction of settlers from the Omihi and Waipara djatrjete; approached the tTniqn, askjng thent to assist in cireulatiag_ a petition Jo be presented to Mr A\>. Hutherford,' for to use kif utmost infiufuce to have a traffic pridg4t erected over the Weir para rirer on tho Main North road. A petition has been prepared fpf circulation in the Waikari, Cheviot, Waipara, Omihi, AmWley dietricte. -•' The Mounted Scoute , Competition by members of the 2nd Nprth Canierbury Mounted B«giment »t GSilverden, for toe Duncan Rutherford Belt, Which was, interrupted by darkness on Friday evening, had to be further postponed oiring to the high nor'-west wind on Saturday morning. The three leading- men at present are:' Corporal Mehrtens (North Canterbury Mounted Rifles) 27, Sergeant Mehriens (North i Canterbury Mounted Riflee) 26, Sβ!- ,- feant Curraii (Amuri Mounted Rifles) 5. It is probable the raatoh will be concluded on the corps', own ranges.

Certain final alterations are now being effected on the training ship Ampkura preparatory to her Erst sea vpjage, which, fill probably take place at" the end of this month (aays the "New Zealand TinM*"). It is proposed that the vessel shall mike only short trips at first until the boy« get accustomed to the sea. Tho first trip will probably ,bo across, to the Sounds. It is hoped that the boys may both get. used to the sea and put in some training. There are now fifty bpye on board the veesel, and they bare all profited to.the full extent of the training at anchor.

An oil painting that is causing some comment and speculation among 'oca! artists, bas (says our Duncdin correspondent) been discovered in the 009 session of Sir T. P. Bock, of Alexandra. Many perions who hare examined it have expressed the opinion that it is a genuine Turner. The picture represents forest glade, with two large trees in the foreground, and a break in the forest shown iv perspective. The light comes frem this opening, and, filtering in amongst the tree trunks, give the artist a chance to depict, with remarkable power, the faint gloom of tho forest apd thu shadows that-play amongst the roots of the trees. The heavy darks that are .introduced are indicative of Turner's earlier style, -while the subject,is one of those most favoured by him. Recently a Commission consisting t»f Mr Justice Chapman and Messrs A. Kay© (Christehurch) and E. V. Leo (Oamaru) waa set up to decide whether or not the Borough of Waimate should be included in »tho Timaru Harbour district.- The Commission has decided that the borough shall be part of the harbour district from January Ist, 1908. Tho terma of inclusion are* that, as to past loans and future liabilities, the borough, "and, ita ratepayers, and their rateable property, shall be upon the same' footing as other locaj bodies included in the diatrict, and their ratepayers and rateable property. The borough yiH be regarded as part of the Nahakihi district for the purposes of representation. The town clerk of , Waimate shall supply the clerk of Waimate County, copies of th« borough toll, for inclusion with the county roll. The costs of the Commission are to be borne' as follows:—By the Timaru Harbour Board, £100 for the costs of hearing; by the parties to tbe enquiry £50, as the remuneration and expensaf of th«. Comnisuonen.

Th«» Weetpert Co»l. output for the week w« 722||q85 St: Our Greymouth cormtxttdeat «•*. ; It is stated on good aus22k» XLI Mr Bedford wiH%«tJB®B e IBJ «fin*t%l election in the Prohibition interest., JT "

Hi* member* of the Scottish eocietv will celebrata the vvn on the Slat met,. w«« u an «ntertamtnent %-iil be given \q tJj e (J,J]l dren, . ' s^

eing at St. Maryja Roman GethoUo Church in the "Mease SofennelW , yceterday morning, and at the JBonmn Catholic Cathedral, Barttdoes "street, in the evening et vespers.

A number of cancelled Bank of Australasia notes hare been abstracted from the Turakina's hold, and several hare been tendered in at least one of tie hotels in Wellington, they are easily recognised," as the lower right band corner ha& been cut off.

Apropos of the bottle famine reported in Duncdin, a resident of this city,, who is well informed on matter appertaining to manufactures of glass, 'states that quart beer bottles manufactured in Japan are being landed in Melbourne at 9* 9d per gross.

-The annual examination in connection, with the Institute of Actuaries, will be held from Monday, April 2?th, to Saturday, May 2nd, 1908, inclusive. Candidates muet uiv> notice in writing to the hon. secretary in London, end pay the proscribed fee. not later than January 31st, 1906.

Regarding the quality of the butter manufactured by the Central Dairy Company, Mr J. Middieton, the company* factory manager, stated at the annual meeting on Saturday, that it compared' favourably with .North Island butter, both «c regarde quality and coat of . production. He also asserted that the company turned out more tone, of butter per man employed than any other factory in New Zealand.

Mr Ben TUlett, the Engliah Labour leader, is to «rrfvo in thi* cfty on, tho 20th met. Mr J. Thorn, Preeident of the Independent Folitioal Labour League, has received a letter from Mr TiUett,, tt»t}ng that he is willing tp lecture on the' following subjecta:— ''Environment and Character," "Government and Revolutionary 6ocJeli«m," "Social Problem*/' "Ghriet and Labour," 'The Perile of Invasion md Monopoly," and "Engtiehi, and American Labour Movemente."

Speaking at the annual meeting of. the Central Dairy 7 Company on Saturday, Mr Barnett, tho chairman, remarked that since the aiwiual meeting ihoy had' had a little excitement, and rxweibly a little fecSine, on account of-unioniat matter*, but the trusted the* any feeling that might hava been* caueed thereby had died out. Working with each perishable articlee ac milk, cream, and butter, it was desirable that there ehould be no fckch anywhere, and th*t the b«t feelings should exist between the company and their employee*. • :,

"What ia formalin P" queried Mr Gray, on Friday, at Wellington, of Dr. Scott MTjaurin, who wee giving; «n----dence in » charge of adulteratuitt mi}k. "Formalin,", replied the doctor, * f ie a solution of fofmio aldehyde. , ' "That doesn't adfance us much further," eaid couneel. : added the. witneet, "it's a- form of alcohol, and a yefr, strong disinfectant. One. pa*t in 28,000 wMild be an effective prefarvative of milk.*' Dr. Frenglej, l»4er in the Eroceedinee, ridiouled . the/ that the odour of formalin said to emanate from the health inspectors could have affected the milk under examination. ~ - . ' ■

. According to a apeatar in the Square yesterday, tie Independent Politic*! and bounds, and T «veiTr ounday I fhey bold meeting* in tbf Jthftj get .ten;$3w«aty 'mFwi& ty§ he was no orator, but the miweean no had heard of iiat day from the different speakers were enough to nia|e the aktweatfinan in tticnwdfi' orator. Ho J»»4 *tt«nded that t utefw noon to listen, a* h* thought, to * Ipt, ! f>l WBting, l«t he Ira* convinc«i,thtt ' wa» working in the intercept lofalL:.;^^; , ', V; •■■=.■',,. ,■.,-.,-.■_; ; I The aMwarance of a towtor oir In Macraes dittrietf wae reapohelMerfDr to, extraordinary: notttmnot «»' W*way I [act. A oaf driven by Mr Duke, of Wright, Stephwwum and Company, \ I/td., w» (•*>•» the -v'TtbMMtta Tiinff ,, ) -Mm M<«r»ff,lo'.'-r^ffWi' aton. wiwn If Mn«, which *tor« ing on tho «wn»monage, took fright and atampedted.' * The animal* raoejj in front qf th«> c«r »biwt Ifevm miles, and when near Slmpson'e Mr ,ThjLk* m#n*g<4 to get wet thin: 5H* horecf, however, returned to toe charge and, r«p«M«d the car. Efort* were made to etop thejn at varioue point* on the ro*d, bat they continued on their mad *areer 4 and wero «TeUtW|lly brought to a e4e-nd»till on. the Gooqwood road, after'having travelled a dietanoe of 26 mile*.' ; Tfae in a rery ezhauited condition, and two of them will "probjaHy auccnfnb to; the effects of their road fallop."

Waa Hare in" New Zealind P . Hare was the accomplice oj'one Burke in reinrrepiioniti horrort pfc Edinburgh. nearly «igirty yeara ago. Thie pair of ghoule plundered onavsteries and soW coiyaaf for diverting purpow* at the eurgioal calleges. ifere escaped at the time of Burke'a trial,, and wan never aeen ftgain -ty the : police, who searched for him diligent-' Iy. A New Zealand settler, who returned on a visit to his' native Sootland, happened to see a picture of tho notorious Here, and wia struck by ite resemblance a photograph which he had' in his posseeeion. This wee a portrait of "a -well-known character who lived many yetfa igo in the noighbourhood of Wellington," state* the "Edinburgh Weekly ecot&man." In the iuctMf** tho paper naively"remarks that it doee. so "without in any -way committing itself to the view that it represent* Hare." Tlie reprint does not prove that Hero ever lived in Wellington (remarks tho "Post"), but it seems to indicate tjfet it in a dangerous practice for any man to sit or stand for a photograph.

In connection with the local work of Trinity Collego of Music, London, of -which Mr Davis Hunt, A.T.C.L., ie the local secretary, Mr A. J. Wicke, the general secretary for New Zealand ,(who has been on ■»■ visit to this city and left on Saturday) has accepted the kind offer of hie Worship tjie Mayor (Mr George Mr Albert Kaye, and the Dresden Piano Company (through If r Hornc, the local number) to present annually to the ChnMchurch Centre, gold jnedeh, to Up awarded from dato in connection with the practical examination*, a* followe: —To the best wnior division candidate, gold medil, tW «ift of liif Worship the Mayor of Chrietehurdb. To the beet intermediate candidate, gold medal, th* gift of Mr Albert Key», to be known «8 the "Albert K«7f» medal." To the «••(; junfor diyition candidate, gold modal, the gift of the Dresden Piapo Oompiny. It is to be underitood that in ih» evemt of a tie, the award aoe* to tiie >o«ng«»t of the tyinjs cendidetee. Oα the receipt of the certificates from London, early in the new year, a put lie presentation of the medals will be held. Theae medals opplv only to candidates examined in the T)ublie Jopal examination room, where ilr Charles Bdwardb, h. Mus., T.C.L., sepmenoet the examination on Tuesday neii, \

Oar Dunedin' that the New Zealand' TftaiSi2gßJMM pumship Tournament miUlamuSßwß next Easter. -'/ V ■ ~^*sffiflMW AAtentk>n; of subscribers is drawn to .'itliiil it is tho iniontyojn pf - to "cut off" all obnitection*fi?fS3HiW of which, subscriptions. e» Wni»J©B| U a.ta. to-day. ■ ■-, ■ IfSi^HH dress a public meeting in' tkeflj mhH9 yesterday if he received notice -I miseel from tho Geveritinerit, Vefflll he aid not,receive auch notice not address the - Meeting. HSaTiSll however, -waa referred to byil SHI Howard, J. Thorn, and p. •jwUfatlijil Tito annual parade «f ettltioM'weii place at Oamarn onpoint of quality th* horse? up to tho avertgej but owte* 'MmHl unavoidable. poatoonaroent jC- ~*»ffißli was smaller, tiwa last jear attendance of farmers also ah«sa iSMi slight decrease. The home tkaT ■SHI tracted most attention • in/ »hTjkSS| were Balgnwrk, Baron Ranfurly, Ineievar, awl Gowde* ;J Of the light horses 6ir Dpto attraSH m< Jst attention. : ., ~. ■ -, m W M ** recalled (aaya Zetland Tinpe*) that many If; WM oadeta who attended th* lat«''jn Uwi tion lost 4 largo part of their t£ Hmfl ment, and it was fcuganated tiw? 019 value of the lost goode ihoaM iifflsi ductod out of capitation. been that tke UndenS SSI ed prices ar« to bo cttuvkUßSlffl defeuca cadet oorpa capitetieß'G tExll event of loam or damage to net undermentioned articles oiTiMlrt&Kl them :~Bdte' brtnrn,, kattM 2s; pouches (20 round), 2a;, fto^Wm The third annual meeting Iticcarton Recreation Club Iμ* week. There wai a good of «n#mbers and others The report and faalencfraheet adopted. The club'a «xpendittti«Qi the year was £10 17e Ed, leavutfOi oreoit balance of £6 18t. ihevPi Mwivff qffiwro n-we elected HW deni, Mr O. Witty,^H.R.; t **S| prwdenta, tb«( Hon. CO. v Bm2| M.jj.q., Measra T. Kincaid, R, BniSfe H." English. ,J. A. Holm«, W. ISSI C. H. A. T. Opie, and A. FreeeJjySif The survey on behalf of wrjtere and Marine Department Mtfiffl barque Haiel Cfeig, which i nSHIi put back to Oiiborne, diacloaeilffia leakage, end it w<ll impeotonj on Saturday that tibe w«§ in p. fit condition to proceei 319 sea; (wye - •%, Prem gram). The on!/ theory - aHiJMiI •t is that the sand ballaet «int( 3M||m been v*ry -mt, and t%t aoakinig out pf at oiuepd the MMeS«| ' -'Evidence" on behalf of the bury Employers' AaaociatJeeTwiMn RH by % O. f. Beoth c* til* iMiIH Amendment' Bill The following hare been received for tan Skew, .Btri*. for ,wWA rtoeiTiil Brown »nd each to fnii rirt iifiriii iiji in tjfawTiM 1 ton raspeotively)) lfe«ra Jom^M tia<WlnaaV »» c>M« PliiSi mare; eieeotora M bh*A*o&msttM £2 2s for beet boggy or gig hWtliS da*, m tm.vmMSwgM pany, mackiiie T«laed £14 riflH weight r*p^^li '' -PH. Sal' fat* ' ■a^atfc.**"ga^a»Jlia^a^aMiall?liWH .over; 60 yeare •f°* - *?»^^^^tJ^^^B 'ing^Mf^'SfSTellHß colours : ' In '"• they a»JW ; trouble. ; An* ■■'city» 4 * but,-, ite,-. fife iiland-Btudded M^tmmm for^Wn?|ffl the t worla t -.!:.;» w?4mmm : Tha staamar vWaiaev»^-<i&§l actifity on/,f u«»4.ay aft«rneee| Mm cAaion >:tMittg:^%eCaUjm#flfuH are Waiketo bred, alidV;Terf l l|!|(gl|e| . Tekgraphjng ■■ "Stir" oorr«ipond«nt >tatM' Um||||l teen truck loadk of ber of 120, were forw fr^M ' H»WkitM'' s nd 15. Bt«reii»on'at M»»jK two special sales held ht £a»il Willi addition to theM, four tra(fM||Hi w«r»/'eent «Viy by -Mf wkin «'liiSS and Mercantile Oempany , * iiele^\||^^ ■ • mont in not contributing * thimiejMH ezpajpseeV'of Fire Boards 'o»'ijw>;Jfy t 'J| ectttninjc ' condemnation efeJiiug, «t tl» hands of ; : : -omß| Chaii-man of the, Dunodin (aay» : /V iMir ■^W i Hu ppinied 'the coiiwe itflmtd ,r,ente jn. Au.tralie >4'WMS the O(jr«ranient to tenttoMU mwWm »m»U dole ]t TU .pbuJM The Fire Board wee practically J| money, and had it' tiot H8 epirit .-in , "l>unedia'' , f*eß Jra owners, woujd hiv© been in *> ditjinK the >he IJU! inlp ,wor|mg «Uet. shown to have occurred on yeoyfJMj this year as compared WiWtmfiEMil the «*m« bphdgyUetjeari, IoIWWIW 'Burwood, Edgennre Boed, >mt-MBTOg and Fcndalton lines- were «0*•• operated, and tho tptfl|Wlfl , f*fffQ| rfed on the line* »«#f™ 34.018. as compared wjtn W»W?5i m Labottr Day thie y«r, Oom»>f4 Ms M Labour Day 1900, the P^PffT , ffl fiedV on the following lines ™? e jWJ§P showed the decreases I » en « ,^ e a|iS| Sumner 1002, Addington QW, Riccarton 4Q7. > following lines there were \ ncrel !*PjKS« year:—Fepanui 183, 1328, and Now Brighton 28W«b#«g| crease in the number of I* , "*lßP'*l3 Wainoni Pa,rk >va.s 21*6). ..TheJftgJS thie year is practically accountea tho passengem carried on the:':«'™S,| opened eince Labour Dey, 1000, ;f|| ■Jlr H. W. Bishop. S.M., : pr*f!#{4iM tho sittings of thp Magistrate • ■pWS| on Saturday. Edward middlo-aged man, wjs fined. cmt* for drunkenneee, and 20*', -SSti coste, iii default tnW*fr|<g||! hours' imprieoiwnent, for IJ'JJSfI ing liquor while prohibited- •>#S2|i Kewberry (Mr Harper) wa# reman«l| until the 16th met. on a <*•»«», fM ste»ling a number of erticles, t«W«| £11, from Thoma* Jamee AreobtfWis? warehoußU. Tho accused waa bail, his own surety of £ty,•™J£i Wileo of £m being Ircson (Mr Hunt) and Gnaco HutcMft son (Mr Donnelly) were «mand«« until Monday on a charge of Y™*J forged % promissory note fer »*•£s> and Hutchceon was jelw , *** .j/TZffl own recognisance* «*»>.* , Kl jjßt

:•=»*?'-j.v was admitted to probation Safidilh- fete, casing the dec MrtoD Court on « tu ™ B * uite recently '•5 rft Dick ami shovel work. An •tWcfiidt-ted him, and made) S.Japplicant for the pcne.on WhiW in Wellington lest week Mr a * 800 n of thus city, made euqmr--1 Mtethi possibilities of .the Tram2/lct Amendment h.Hbeing pushed "*? ;th this session. Though unable * J2!tain anything definite on the iTTr Booth learned that if any SSSet & niade to hurry the b.a aSSSi. J* will meet with considerable ! SSSfo". The Bill will meet with « 1 ffieal of criticism, and will be very amended before it becomes Parents ehoilld remember that for iuJifle app-rel, Armstrong's stores Iμ me-eminent, sorgo knickers 2e Od Iβ to 4s lid. Tweed «HM 6di celluloid collars 6d; tweed •chpol euits *. ■Wβ «d. 1 «• will have something good in Li*n Sfover* t<l offer you next week. Itf BisMtt ond Co., 23 Manchester liwet.: ■. ■••■; ' b j We Understand the sale of sample , aqdervpir inlfleu" b ? Meß . srs Baatk MO" Cb. OP Thursday it proving igresTaUMction for Ohristchurch lidias The windows come in for a a«o'«hars of attention, while the iw room presents nn ever-busy apwaWirce, wfriofl betokens the unusual fnteia.t awakened. This is doubtless in » Urge measure clue to the fact that tie good« ere all English samples, rJj D g t t fulJy ' one third oft usual |Jjr«. _ c Check lephyrs Gd, crepe de chine 40ui UW, Maroelh quilts Oβ 6d; large Ute curtains 2e lid. Armstrong's. 2 " A complete range of finest British MUHMlleir and tinware is- now to hand iTthe D.1.C., which includes the hun-fred-aodrone nece»eariee for kitchen M hottwhold uw. One special .feature of the enamelled _ hollow-ware ie Uw superior finUh, which makes each •rtjelfl equal \n appearance to superior £3? Suna, A visit to the £.1.0. CrSkery and Ironmongery. Departwatil will repay all who desire up-to--4$ Thclpe fo cookery, etc. 8 '.J. Oiokeon Clarke, DBO A ' M.H.0.. IU.O. (London). Ophthalmic OtiieUn. holder special 5.M.0., prac..wsl lignt-teating diploma, also certirKte* Tor general and visual optics. lately refcnrtied after , special study in 'tendon. Specially built testing rooms itted witl) fstett fnstrumejtte for sighttetJng. Oculbte , prescriptions pre» ■ pired. Charges strictly moderate, . Telephone ?821. Sight-testing room* 148 Colombo street, opposite E. Beece '' <Tha Aaw rooms at Armstrorrg'e are Wifnful «f fashion requirements In Iwelj millinery at tlie people's prices. Before , purchasing- ladies should not foil to sea this firm's models. 3 \%' best of Oj l *> «$ *Jl *>I«eae»| of Mchinery cm be obtained from H. CT fP A «4 CasheUtr#t. All oils gMMJiffed. flood end of t*« best ..-,'-■ c of the. camera revives with eMTWiun of.eprine, and already MmtaDhere Wβ, beginning to take an UHP*l n ! fl * new season's goods. ; wwm,<*m ty i»y»joet i.i»t*iy WW; Xp *" larger f Importation 6t m<m %«4. photographic supplied, ,;vbira thjsyam now showing at their frantafrft ||{|]| street. New cameras «tW b«H 4DM mmpleat makes, plates of, i«r/ d«(ijrticui, papera Iα great rarW the very newest fsm mmk M«* »n4 leiwesj printu (naqs«K»f4 fhemtoals that produce W» M* ef«rt|;.ara to bo found here «t WJcee procurable. These i aw* si* Fiil worth the inspection of W*mA interested in photography. ;¥aU*M and Co.; Chemists and PhotojMgw J)ei] W e, fligh itwet, ChrUfci| no doubt a large number'of MWias who suffer from headache, QMiUMa: and mental confusion who »re *lV|*!|ra \\ can he prwented by the W*iel"|es. Where, thk exfeta WbR, Proctor,, Okmljit's Optic an, -W Hi«h street, Christchiirch, «san 'WW l<; w meana of apeeially-ground ,JDMeV which can be fitted to rimless Wtyb ,or any other ety]e a patient iwsw* x . •.-:■■ ■.• c '•£jta* -Wen of youk Wny not -fcS* W!*!, 183I 83 He«for4 street ?aJtad §ervw Hotel) No 'itta W "Wight in ajtistio effecte reppuiM and burnished «W»f brass ware, should ace the ' being made by Messrs t n< * Pokering, opposite It is really a delightful unique collection, combining «•• Wjth i;tiHty. ' . . ' 6 street great city improve»JJ being carried on by Messrs '''Sfi'V fl^*^* 8 and Co. An. entire ffISL , " , * m i rao " eT n Hoes, Jorge, .J25W' roomy, wjth plenty of •gW I9F aUTaotively disnUying the f 'lHW9 ,,dr ' , P e « ! *M pTaomg before Wβ "tyliah and reliable ,Wm •* reasonable pneoe. 5 j|fe*raeit M. Samktein. F.S.M.C., i , W«tA. (London), Ophthalmic OptiiSi* , consulted on all cases of Dβ. ,'JPW fiyesight remediable by glaesee. Hl«w« rooms, Cashel street W. Hours, 9.80 to .«•,, Telephone 397. Specialty, rimf'W.WttiMe glaiees. 6 J M}l hnportant that mothers should m*, Eukol, the new tooth iBSJ\ 860 t nat ne ' r children ueo : j£»Jw. To enjoy perfect health, chil2Sk l^j*iu ™ ali * te mU6t haTe 8«od t IJ«ei and the best preservative known .3*CT» W Bukoi for it Wile the in■eitti?AS !nns "ithe mouth, which Surf»(« 'J , * end removes the distsl? W n teetl \ J he P riw '» Iβ per Wallace ond Co., Chemiete. 6 Vi 4V OPEN PROcTESSIOX. ! tam,if P ° i " tel OUtl a l ,r °P° B of the j£& ""T* , " 8 of tho Wellington AβArchitects on Friday night &?? Poar) ' tllat Jt i 3 a Grange nS«KL nQt f Wuwall, known tliat tho ■SJW3JS '~ h,toct »• i« this counVWarnl ir,Ul no Protection of any ■TwAL 1 ?? aan who «hoosee. with sn rS n" osi or d'" a ry educa*M>rSl{n Ub h,n V 3oU arc hitect and 3iftE& Besuch - I" returning tt* KLnt' <Ie J, Clere > referred to ««Alt2u I £ , nwes fy of qualified m ' M a ? roT> , of ab «>l»tely ifehitL? , ,M . a,ul «*ponsibilities ..MPTO to doing architectural tL > P eat detriment of the MBf«L b * Ct >nd . the character BS*» ,OB ." *hole. To connb?o S B /? ~0, would ahoir We that ita »',abers were iv

their methods and aims really different to these pseudo-architect*, and were useful and necessary members of the community. As long M qualified architects retained the confidante or the public, there would not be much to fear, but it was necessary in order to do this that the Association should be most particular as to the status of those admitted to ite ranks.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12934, 14 October 1907, Page 6

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12934, 14 October 1907, Page 6

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12934, 14 October 1907, Page 6