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Tho auction announcements of C. A. Lees and Co., Farmers' Salcyards' Co., Delgety and Co., Guinness and Lo Cren, Conroay, 3teteon and Sons, Canterbury Farmers' Co-op., Laory, Macfa-rlane and Co., Friedlander Bros., C. R. Wilson and Co., H. 13. Soronsen, National Mortgago and Agency Co., Ford and Hadfield, Baker Bros., Victor Harris, Wright, Stephenson and Co., North Canterbury Coop., and Gould, Beaumont and Co., will bo found on page 15 of this issue. Tho superintendent of the Lyttdton Sailors'. Home wishes to acknowledge receipt of periodicals from Miss Thorpe and a book of poems from .Mrs Jones. In addition to his Excellency tho Governor, Colonel Robin, Colonel Webb, Colonel Davics, and Lieut.-Coloncl Hawkins have extended their patronage to the Military Circus to bo held at King Edward Barracks during Carnival week. A meeting of tho ratepayers of tho Borough of LytteJton will bo held in tho Colonietr Hall, on Tuesday, October 22nd, to consider tho proposals of the Borough Council regarding tho proposed drainage scheme for which a loan of £20,000 is required. Tho thirty-fourth anniversary of the Cambridge Terrace Primitive Methodist Sunday School -will bo celebrated to-morrow iv tho Colosseum, Armagh street. Tho preachers for tho day are: —Morning, tho Rev. J. Nixon; afternoon, Young Peoples' Service, conducted by tho Rev J. fitly; evening, tbo Rev. W. Ready. Thero will be 6pecial singing with orchestral ac- N companiment throughout tho day, under the leadership of Mr C. H. Earwaker, with Miss E. M. Dobbs at the organ, and Mios M. Stringer at tho Kitno. The annual tea meeting will 9 held in the church on Tuesday. ' In response to numerous requests the Associated Board of tho Royal Academy of Musio and the Royal College of Miiaic have decided to hold a theory examination hi December thin year in addition to tho usual ono« in June. Two theory examinations have already been held annually in England, nnd the practice will be followed in New Zealand if it is found desirable. Mr Richard Ciimmiiujs, tho examiner for the Board, wQI arrive jn Christchurch from the West Coast on 'November Bth, and will afterwards leave for Ashburton and Timaru. Mr Cumnjin'gs'e stay in Christchurch will comprise 47 working hours, in Asbbiulon 2 1 working hours, and in Timaru 44 working hours. In the readjustment of the electorates by tho Commission, which sat here some time ego, not a great deal of alteration has been mode 6o far as the Christchurch electorates aro concerned. A portion of Chrietchiirch South included in the part bounded by tibq Waltham and Shakespeare roads, Thackeray end Dirwin stroete, has been merged in Christchureh East. The latter electorate has lied a small portion botween Barbadoes street, the North belt, and Churchill streot and the river placed in Christehurch North, and the larger portion of Richmond has boen merged ■in the Avon electorate. Christchurch North lose* the area between Colombo and Salisbury streets -and Camhridgo terrace, which is placed in Christchnrch East. The population in tho various electorates f«r 1901 and 1907 is as follows: —Christchurch South: 1901, 11,980; 1907, 13,421. Christchurch East: 1901, 11,908; 1907. 13,491. Christchurch North: 1901, 11,938; 1907, 13,494. It will be noted that the Commissioncre have been enabled to adjust tho population bieis in tho three electorate*! pretty cloeely. Thursday's Wellington "Post" says: A deputation of Christchurch coal dealers, consisting of Messrs Cleary and Richardson, is at present in Wellington to give evidence before tiho Private Petitions Committee of Parliament with respect to the State Coal Department. ■Among tmme of the mattere it wishes to ventilate are tho refusal of coal supplies by the State to Cbrisfcchurch dealers, and! the desirableness of the dealere being supplied with coal at the same rato per ton as it is sold to the Btato department. It is understood that tho department, which sells for spot cash, is given unfair preference over private dealers, who oiten have to give small customers, and that the department is benefiting only large consumers, euch as hotel and boarding house keepers, while the poor find it more advantageous to buy from tho dealers, who deliver small iots quickly, nnci are a little indulgent in the matter of credit In short,,the deputation asks to bo allowed to act as distributing agents for the State coal. Jt is alleged that while Christchurch dealers aro unable to procure supplies, dealers at Jvaiapoi, ( iNcw Brighton, end other suburbs can have all the coal they want, and they retail it in the city practically using their own depots cv» stables, doing ell their business in tho territory of the city dealers. Tho nemo New Zealand Flax, Dr L Cockayne, F.L..5., points out in an' article contributed to "The Young Man's Magazine," is an entire- misnomer since that fcpeciee in question is not flax at all, .but another member of the lily family, consequently a near relatiro of the cabbage-tree, tho true native flax being a pretty white-flowered herb common along tho sea coast." Tho doctor states that '-beyond the bordera of New Zealand the flax is cultivated for ornament m> all civilised lands and in many places it yields abundance of excellent seed, so that there is not the .lightest reason for what has bJon written m the papers as to th« folly o cur exporting seed lest other countries should compete with n<, i n the flax industry, even were such a. £5" l»licy desirable. Rather should £It «° wed for our experiments, since the changed environment may have exerted £mo infldenoe on the fibre. A variety 1 raised growing m the Imperial Botanic GarP « ter « b, "-g -proved to be amply distinct from any flax I had previously cultivated, and kept its character unchanged in my former private experimental garden for a. number of years. Whet remains for us to do here w to raiso new varieties, as pointed out above, which shall contain a larger percentage of high-class fibre with a much smaller amount of gum and other roluee^*

• A daily delivery of l«tl«re from the IW>ora post offico will shortly bo oxtendexl to feoutbbrook. Tho choir of St. Marv'n n««, D « Catholic Church wiU .££ Gounod'" "Messo SoleneUe" at to-mo?row "mo? n . ing'e mass. Mrs Irvme (nco Mi w Kose Blaney) will assist on the occasion. At a meeting of the South, Canterbury Master Bakers' Association, held in Timaru yesterday, it was decided to raise tho pneo of bread to 7jd cash and 8d booked, as from Monday neit. At about 8 p.m. on tho 4th in»t., two farmers were about to enter tho Great Northern Hotel at Waikari, irh.en a bird flew against the acetylene gas lamp over tho front door. The bird ■was caught and sent to tho Curator ot tho Canterbury Museum, who has written stating that it is the stormy petrel. It Jiad flown fully twenty miles from tho coast as tho crow fliee. Tho Firo Board intend lo affix gongp to the firo boxes, co m to givo an alarm from the> box as well or conveying it to "the Firo Brigade. Station. A trial of one, M-Jiicli hns been affixrd to a box in Oxford -terrace, wns recently made by tho Board, und wok very successful. Tho fire alarm box in Gloucester street, near tho Choral Hall, has been removed to tlio corner of Gloucester and Madras streets, boing thus in » more prominent position. Tho chairman (Mr J. It. Morrison) of the Canterbury Hawing Association, at last night's annual meeting, etated that" no apology was needed for thn pat on tho back conveyed by the report to William "Webb, upon hie gaining the sculling chnrnpionehip of tho world. Although they were an amateur organisation, and Webb ft professional, such % compliment was fully deserved, particularly as Webb won now demoting his erparo time to coaching tho ametcurs. There is now on view ot the Dresden a very handsome gold medal presented by his Excellency Jjord Plunket for tho beet practical candidate in the Dominion at the forthcoming examination *in Music under the auspices of Trinity College, London. The medal is shield-shaped, having on ono eide tho arms of Lord Plunket. Round the outside are the words ( *Best practical candidate in New Zealand." On tho other are the arms of Trinity College nnd epaco is provided for the name of tho winner to bo engraved. At tho Port Chalmers Police Court yesterday (says a Press Association telegram), William Paris, Herbert Harrby, and John Driver were charged with assaulting en old man named Thomas Way. Tho prosecution eontenrkj that* Paris struck Way on the head, knocking him down, and thon kicked 'him; also that th© other accuaed were there. The charges against Harrby end Driver were dismissed, but Paris was fined £5, with costa £2 6s, in default two months' imprisonment. The Magistrate said the caso was ono of drink and hooliganism. The; abridged prospectus of tho Alexandra Antimony Company nppeare in another column. The company' w being floated with a capital of £100,000 for the purpose of developing -the Alex* andja antimony mine. Sixty thwie« and fully paid , up £1 shares aro to be allotted to the vendors" in payment for property, and 80,000 Shares, of which the vendors have subscribed 6000, are to be offered to the public. The mine is stated to bo rich in antimony, and the net profit per ton of ore m estimated at £25 iOs. Meaere East and East ace the brokers for tho new company. The Spreydon echool bazaar was welJ attended yesterday afternoon and evening, arid brisk business was done by the etall-holders. Tho gueasing competitions resulted as follows:—Dead sheep (correct weight,' 78Jlb). Mr B. Harrison 78} 1, Miss L. Knight 78* 2; live sheep (correct weight'" 1221 by, Mr N. McDowell 121 Jib; number or peas in a bottle (correct number 984), Mr H. Hole 970. In the evening, a concert wee held, pianoforte solos being given by Misses Gates and Hancock, songs by Misses Brow and Alderoley and Mr H. Smith, recitations by Miss Alderele.y and H. E. Gott, violin, duet by Messrs Mercer and Gott, a by Mr G. Thomas, and a club-swinging exhibition by Miss Wilson. Judgment was given, by Dr. McArthur, H.M., at Wellington, yesterday, in tho case of Cole v. the Union Steam Ship Company, ft claim of £7 for nondehveranco of seven sacks of oysters. Ore three saok§ tho defondwite admitted liability (saye a Pros Association telegram), but contended that they wero liable for landed cost only. His Worship held that tho plaintiff'a claim of £1 per sock was a fair one, and) allowed £3 on the throe sacks. On tho four sacks, per the Eotomahana, the> evidence was meagre. If there was any Jcgel clstm for these, it was for the consignor, «ot the consignee, to euc. Judgment would be for the plaintiff for £3 and costs £1 12*. A meeting of the CDiristclmrch W.O.T.U. wae held on Thursday in the Y.W;C.A. rooms. Mrs Hughes, New Zealand Superintendent, wrote with reference to the department of literature. Misa Alice 'Webb wrote urging that work bo taken up in the department of narcotics. It wae decided to order one thousand copies of a leaflet dealing with the subject of najootics, with a view to having them distributed among the boys of the higher standards of tho schools in tho city and suburbs, i In reply to a letter received from tho eecrotary of the A..and I*. Association, it was decided to tender, as usual, for tho catering ot tho A. and P. Show. A motion of sympathy was passed with tho relatives of the lato Sirs Gihbard. It was decided to hold weekly meetings of tho Union until after the November Show. A Press Association telegram from Dunedin states that Mr L. Warsaw, merchant tailor, has invented an airship, the principle of which, it is claimed, is entirely new. The inventor says the lifting of the machine is by means of four balloons, joined to the central mast, making them all as one compact body, and that onco tbo ship rises to a 'sufficient -height, two wings or gliders attached to tho apparatus will act in the same capacity as a parachute—which is to say, there will bo sufficient air pressure beneath them to act almost independently of artificial lifting powers, and ehould any accident .-occur, there will bo no fear of the. apparatus coming to grief. Tho driving power is by means of four propellers, two on cich side, acting independently of each other, and driven by two small motor engines, one at each end of the machine. The invention will bo placed before the New Zealand Government, and if it is deemed worthy of consideration, it will bo placed before the Imperial Government. In connection with tho dental case, Voj-ce v. Zoiich, recently bdoro tho Ashburton Court, in which £50 dainaEos had-been awarded to \oyce by Mr V. G, Day, S.-M., certain dental appliances bad been seized in execution of tho judgment. Mary L. Zouch, for whom Mr Donnelly appeared, yesterday, at Ashburton, beforo Mr Day, applied for an order to have, thn goods seized and restored, on the grounds that they were her property. Sho gave evidence to tho effect .that she was living on. tho premises with her son, and had from.time to time bought and paid for out of her own privato income* all the dental appliances and household furniture, and that her son simply had the use of tho various articles. A number of the dental appliances had been bought by her fieveral years ago and during tho time her son, who was now only twenty-three, years of age, was a flental student. An order was made that the goods sfiized ehould be restored. Mr Buchanan, appeared for .Vojco. j

The Christchtiroh will meet on Tuosdiy,'October j^W^P For tli© Kangiora Show, nMLjSBtb On fiieeday. The committee ceived a »P«ml pnso Iron* lMoVjngwK* ton of £2 2s for tlio best ttoQp§££i£smß The North Board have granted permieam tTftPe >? ; bohool Cadets to attend thn A ! Day Celebration*. ■ rfftf:? *• 3lr G. F. 8u11*,,, of «T M f Kaikoura, ono of tho earliest rtSStVi [;',- of Dunedin, ban forwarded '">< Dunedin correspondent) a «fl»Sfiffi'.% i ,, . of£loo in aid ot tho V.M.C.A. f' In tho Choral Hall next Heiri' i- 1 ? evening the annual Musical awnE? *« tionary Contest in connection wiAii*■'.' Canterbury Band of Hope UnT?SS > ■» commence. The entries w» y*u*2*A'V * her two hundred, and tlio EmmST >• have had to extend tho Mtfiodfo t!!" nights. ,7H a ! What Mr Widdowson, at DaiaShr'i yesterday, described as absurd claim that had «v or eomtk! ■ foro him was an application for u'wu . < ■ ngo pension mado by a man who Lj * property of tho value of £210' *Su o? £1520? WllOd pr ° l>OrtV *° tU * *•»«• ' An examination of the Uμ "»!,. Sefton yesterday b,y tho taihtn <«»l'*' ncers, it is said, showed no fcritf. . • the lino itself. Jt is believed th»tfi leading pair of, bogie wheels *>» th. engine on Thursday went off th*ou3! running over a ttono, as tW «£! fiomo nppearanoo of n etou* far!*! been crushed on tho eastern **j|, V™ Tho recently-formed Socioty'for t)it' Preservation of Infant Life hive «, gnnised n. fete, which will ttWnW at Eltmvood, Pepanui road, oaTW day, October 34th, from 2.30 t»f VT Tliero will bo a, number of attrutCwVincluding bund selections, Bport»/c2l'' petitions. Pjjuich and Judy ptrfoTv. • Ances, and a variety of goods will U * offerod at stalls. . ", J , . • The United Bowling, Tonntt sjrf - Croquet Ohib will open their «emm , ' this afternoon. Twelve tennis «Z !, will bo open for play, and'thiM . croquet lawns, while tho bowljS f greens will accommodate 128 bowW : which is claimed to bo a word for f New Zealand. The St. Alb&ns Botrlin* ' = Club and tho Sydenham > i will also ihold thoir opening day UkUy , . A poll of the Ashburton rattyajen was taken, ye&torday on the q\lt«tfat L ' of raising a loan of £20,000 for tjg purpose of providing a hign-pnsiUt water supply for domestic use and nit fir© prevention purposes. Out of $ ratepayers on tho roll, only 801 rs? oorded their votes. The resuHfMOf ttr poll was «s followa:—For the loeft,»j, against,.2B6; informal, 0. \tyy. Harry Toon, a lad eighteen '$nni' old, appeared Wore Mr H. W. Bkhofc, 6.M., yesterday, at tho ;.|ttuh , truth's Court, on a charge of forging * a cheque at Pahiatua on {wpfoNuit,? 14th, And uttering same to tho:Wau»>'t - rapa Farmers'.Co-operative Stores/ is? , cueed wea /remanded to appear, «t &! hiatua on tho 15tb instant. ' Detectivee Eado and Connell a ihonso in Limwood for the purpes»'!|(i,j tracing some property which was ito".' JW6«I to liave been stolon. On •eMWif. ing tho promises thoy found * quMiW of pliotographio materkl/two ciiWtrai;ono valued at £22, two pairs glassce, a number of took, paint, for all of which ownera ajpk t^'- :- quircd - ;.: " -;;tX Messrs W. 0. Aiken and. C. Winny, J.P.s, presided at Court yesterday, when . ttatutonr s first offender was fined 10a,,in defiati! 48 hours'' imprieonniont - drank-*. enuessj,while Thomas Ilichardl, BtwU jaminiTliggart arid James Kitthiilesek' witfc rttl* pretious conviction withinitf*. montha«gainst him), were filrtd » f lar amount. Frank NowDerryi**l#'; manded till Wednesday on a stealing a pair of camera iwJtmx CUerles Beaken." _ ' .%.$ W The iMtrobaee of the dredge 'fferltr l by the Ota«o Oarbour Ik>sjttifW(' . definitely ratifunlyratoduy (tilspjAil \ f our Xhinedhi > terms being £8000, leas tho by the Board under the chartfr, W#.was -to the effect that the d«m»;jwould bo lont oa iriel &i£ffl)ijm£ month for. three months, with tb*«#j tion of -ultimate poatonipn, «t '*w?- • figure named. Captain M«w«U *&% take tho dredge to Lyttdton en;Mp|Wv; day to ewiet tn tho raising Rmiken hulg Blackwall, liy tlio water out of tliat vessel, " A meeting of the oonvmittee 'Mffli - Canterbury Irj»iit*d HorticuitiUralft|fe v , . ciety was hold laet'owning, JUt , fcm£ lUigg projidingf. Prite-mooey tbo recent fihow wm paid l Resignations wore reoelroU ' .{tit? , Meesre Arjnstrong «nd Y*t« M <msf,;, bers of the ooounittco. Tbo«es*s)S tee decided,to ask Mr ArmßtoX»|'M? withdraw iie rosijtn»tion, *Mlll* 0B Mr Vatceliia roaeon for W»| sign. ]t wm decided, to MutLMf Royal Horti<jultiirel ' medals. JSin-a noiv elected, .'■ .. . \ ' Afc Aehburton yesterdoy, Iml4fj|@ ■, V. G. Day, S.My Williatri TOW sned Annio and , 'Thomas MarjmJ , *jjfe £122 10s'for rent of a f*tm\wag: Tapu. Mr Wilding plaintiff, and Mr Hunter for';M#j|g ;■ ant. Judgment was given l v tiff. A cross action, in i Murphy claimed from Vfl]\Hsit'st& [. sum of £183 105 3d for \ lodging, goods supplied, »teds'swmi v tlie farm, etc., was then , After evjdonce for plaintiff w«»"tsWli} < , there was an adjournment ; tho pertice an opportunity to irfJJJw' a set/tloment. On resuming, 4u4fijMl< was given for plaintiff, by £50, tho cattle left. on. tho fanf'Vj; h be retained by Williams, th« pl»»% -; in tho firet caso. ■?*.►% A common error of nomenolitif* fe )l denounced by Dr. L. Cockayne, ;*W*M »1 in en article on 'native plants ill .l*sJfi. ?-' Young Man's Magazine , ' The «WTOg : V of the Maori, tho tea-tree of ist, and Leptoepernmm eoopsnttill «fo the scientist was a iieeful plsnt te**fiv H' old pionoerß, "who used ite small* *»W'i; 'C , . aromatic leaves ns a substitute I, ' "From this use," observes the *(•?''& "tho English name 'tea-tree.'JWjjl arisen, and through corrupt *s*]?'f|- -'.'; tho spurious Maori 'ti-treo , Jias Wtßj*[ >,* «yd, a term l»elove<l of during tho Exhibition season; "•'•/Jsi 'i, , variably .so designotod tho n»W*ipj Worso than this is the usage Ift aomj Otago, where, 'plain for all eyes -, soe, , ia the legend Ti-Tri , on a ■. wayeido station." ,- i j-:,'A Tho usubl weekly of "Truth," which will be i>uM»MjlraX day, deserves special f"nKf<M'- ttcowing to the exceptional quality **"?m *, magasinu section. Tho -I ial by tho lato David Cfomtm *«««£.:■ entitled "A Trust IWrayrf. .^JJJ : « :.■ concluded. A new ami h.ghlv W*g;m , : ing wrin!, entitled ' '^* i «urneen." by tho famoiw Frankfort SlwiM-, «ill them will bo w-wrai ehort 7 great merit-"Tho n«>"; $} &" columns of the ( ""£,£& ff not™ „,» (o .I.l*. A ,"f,tfS3wifiWf tell 3£. - i. a Sf^affl«

■ J The direrrors of Router's Telegram ' Comply 4iavo .Iwlan-d tho usual ' Semi nt the rato of •> per rent, foi SjlahV-nr .-ndins Jmu* With. At the Court veetorA.y \ n,, «« O'Brien. hnd to and costs or an iilternntive of one inoiitii s • iniprisoiiiiH'ut. for olitaiiiiug nioiiPj ontler fnl.«e pretcnews. hvMlenco given by trndiMlK-'oj.lo t :owod lh«t arciwr<l had and secured money for «l»crtisiiiK <ni a tmircrt piogrammo, Jh*y being led to b-li-vP that tho prowero lor tho Lcuefit (it a blind girl. Four ynvwis were pifrcoflrd against at Diint'dii) yesterday, at tho inhtanco pf the « c wiety, for breaches of the Kislmrifs Conservation Act in. taking trout without a lic-fMist-. Three of tins d'toiifhiiits wero finrMl 4(fcs ftich and ro«is. Tho oth-r information wns William Booth, for polluting tin* Wot«-r of Loith by ulltwing .slKivin.ii.s oii'l ojher from liirt •• J ii«'H!ill it W<Hxlliaiig.h 1o !>n thrown in ,o hlrrain, w.i.s ii lift 1 10s ond cobts on (.kli of two rlmrgo/. • Our l>ll nod in <-ornvsj)oiul"nt teirgraphs that at the <•!<;<(• «i ThuisU-iy nigpV* mi.'cting *'!' t" f, C!ity ('oniu-il,Mr C, R. .Smith an ermieat de*i'ro to .Mr K«ir Hanlio. -\Xu hre nil I<'J' Il l * ! , )» ,o plt» hen-," baid he. "1 em ft l'\v:il Briti>lior invnclf, -jml 1 ajneoroly hojm mid tnut tliut av«.-, in our official capacities, will h>nd im us-leist-anco or c-ountc.'iaiirii to lii.s mnvc aeiit wliatevfr.' , Tim Council, how- ; evor. turned <i dc:if <nr to \Sl\f Smith's njipeal. A young man named .hinirs McAllion was chared at. tlio Wellinfitini Magwtrato'e Court yesterday with Imviiu (liscliargP'l m. lomlcd revolver «t a lobouror neiiifil Thomas •Smith. He. was remnmled till the lO'tli inst. It is> iillegwl that Smith, who lives in Win«- ------■ field etrect, heard men arguing in frout cf his houso, went' outeido to (isk them io Jfivc. .As hf turned to rp-i'ntpr tho ln>u.-o MoAllion is sfitwl to l»vo iired two shots «t him, dut neither hit him. Then with tboso in front ho made a. row, and tho police came up nn<l errested them. Hi* was drunk, nn<l w<f* fined fur drunkenness ymtorday. , Words oP advice to tho«o about to ' jnarry. Do 'buy your furniture and funiisbingß at tho Eurmrnv , Co-op., lvliore you wjll got valin* for jour money iv dependablo goods. 0 Wo crn aeked to aniiounro that t<ir]ay will bo tho Inst day of tho yigantio boot pale that Harris' Imperial Boot .Depot hiwre boon holding, and theru nre »till some great barjjains on off or. On Tuesday next a choice assortmont V of now spring goodn will Ik> on .view and inspection m invited. G Parents should remember that for '•"■• juvonilo apparel, Armstrong's stores are. pre-eminent; mrg» knickers 2s t>d up, washing blouses Is Od, <M 3d, L's : (k\. Galatea BtrnwH Ift to 4s lid. Tweed cave W; celluloid collars 6d; tweed ;' echool suits ih, 10s (id. 1 Wβ will 3iavo sometliing good in Lawn Mowera to offer you noxt wwlv. W. Bassott end Co., 23 Manchester '; , etroet. b' We undcrstflild tho sale of sample underwear inaugurated by Messrs • Bett'tn nnd Co. on Thursday is proving a great attraction for Christchureh Indies. The windows eomo i n for v largo enaro of attentionj whilo the show room prceente nn over-busy appearance, which betokens the unusual interest anvakoncd. This in doubt lose in ft-lirgo measure duo to tho fact that the goods are all English samples, ■ going at' fully ono third off usual .•figure*' ■ ° r aepliyra Gd, crepo do chine 40in'-.U|4i-Maroella cjuilts Dα (id; largo . lu?o our,tnins 2s lid. Armstrong's. 2 A eetrtftlflte rnngo of finest British eflantelloa aiid tinwnro is now to hand •t'tkq; D.1.0., which iii icludes tlio hminecessaries for kitchen and Jiomehold use. Ono special featnre Of the enamuUed hollow-ware is the Wperior tinieh, which makes ench ' article equal ia appearance to sujx-rior tirade , china. A visit to tho D.I.C. Crooltery and Ironmongery Departments -n ill repay all who desiro up-to-<|ata helps to cookery, etc. t> J. Dicl<eon Clarke, D.8.0.A., P.a.M.C, F. 1.0. (London), Ophthalmic Optician, holder special X.M.C., practical eight-testing diploma, also certifioetw tor general and visual optics. Lately roturnetl after sixwial etuuy in London. Specially built testing looms fitted with latest uistrumente for «ightteiti'ng. Ocullste , prescriptions prepared. Charges strictly moderate. Tdephono 3321. Sight-trating rooms W Colombo atreot, opposite E. Ileeco end eons'. . . 1571 The ahow rooms at Armstrong's aro t brimful of faehion roqnircnionte iv towy millinery at tho people's prices. wore purchasing Indies should not Wl to h«c tin's firm's models. 3 ' The beet of Oil to suit all dnsgee of * machinery em be obtained from H. McClelland, 221 Caahol etroet. All oila (MlutMd good and of the beet There jejio doubt a large number of 'P*r»W« who suffer from headache, and mental confusion who aro not aw»re it can bq prevented by tho W <fi glaseee. Where this exists 1 ' ituTei V Prootor i Oculiet's Optician, „- W amb Btreet, Chrietclmrcfi, can {Wjqt it by nicana of epecially-ground - 12? , / Wn ' cJl cnn bo fitt<Hl to rimlesd Wont* or any othor etylo a patient itqnttM, q ••S ,I ** Js ,6o « of ours - wn y not MMnt itP Consult Henry Hughee, JM Agents, 183 Hereford atreot WPpajrte tfnited Swvioo Hotel) No «o»u|tmg f«ee. 2 i.'' , *? w *°. del »Bht in artistic offects » antique, repousse and burnished wpper and bra&s ware, should sco tho •SgfW «o* being mado by Messrs vStl Bu " nnd Pickering, opixisito 1 ,,. it i s lea i| y tt ( i o li s htful ' !it q ?I. to Mn "l uo colloction, fombiniujj »rt with utility. G Ij* High etreot great city improveS«U »re-being carried on by Messrs s«ok. Beattro and Co. An entiru 'kKt n f v boin S nttp tl »P on tho hiS ' nd m ? st "'odcrii linos, large, gjww »wJ roomy, with plt-nty of ( JP«a lor attractively displaying tho th* « i! ( } nßdla Pery nnd placing before ( eyo stylidi and reliable y«ow» at reaeonablo prices. 3 uJfftf" 1 ?. M, Sandatein, F.S.M.C., '" Set . (London ). Ophthalmic Optif^,'.? a J "e.wjttSMlted on all caseeof Dβ22J.p««lit remodinble by glaasw. , Wilting roonw, Cnshcl ft tr4t W. ito S 1 ? 1 ?^ «••"». 0.30 to la* I*t? hho n e 39 - Specialty, rim- , «c invieible glasses. C ' A Jf rA3 l l ?- c °M'«rroß-s "enkek." *5 etß «nP-wllrctor, liko th,. auto- > * 7*?" ,ntp, '» "ft inrrPi jU( .|itly exhibits Jiffl?" 1 ° f d,,,< ' k '» tlui I" 1 """* «» e«i°i y (3ajs Ix,mlon "Tmth"). An , lu3r*, of *«»» » fi»,«..n,v a- letter I JH UM y readied an oflidal in Snl nil "T7 " ,ul a,lll,oss , tflt, X 'S* 80 , of Sj ot Ed.ii-'-3R eS* ,8,1 , " tOtal f the PMn& fa, «?JflL*V lln i > ' 1,,1t tllis is to<> U?'«fcS Sf c *V m, -" "» »«vo«rs tho \&<m flnX ?„". w y kil,(l "'a-"!-.--UAtht »W, 7i™ ■ l«»trnpt. iutiinnti-s n,l,s wo,,w bo iuure

n AGRICULTURAL DEPRESSION IN 1 ENGLAND. r A Socialist lecturer, Mr Fred Hick, speaking in Birst&U Market Place on c Sunday, August 11th, referred to the , pensions drawn by exXJabinct Mimss £rsi stating especially that "Mr j- Henry Chaplin, M.P., had over 23,000 n »««M of land, with a rent roll of ovor 1 XdO.OOO, yet he 'honourably, , as an oxr Cabinet Minister 'in poverty,' appro- >, printed a pension of £1200 a year." i- Mr Ghanlin having had his attention 1 drawn to this statement, has issued tho following reply:—"The fctatet nient affecting myself, mado by the 0 Socialist lecturer, is absolutely aud r utterly untrue. The estate to which v 1 succeeded about fifty years ago was , about tho extent, and with about the rental named, but no county in Eng- . lnml has suffered more from agricultural depression than the county in y which that property was situated. The w result haa been that for more than r, twenty years I have never received a s pmny f rom these estates, and to a la !■■/,« extent now they havo passed out of my possession. It arose in this '~ v.-ay. No man was ever more- fortu- ' natn than I whs in tho tenantry on that estate. A better, more etraightforwnrd lot never oxi-itwl, and I was 1 i<<nili(leiit tliat liono of them would ever ask mc for assistance that they dul not require. During tho long years ot depression, I never refused an appeal '* for either ahutenients or revisions ot rent, witii tho result that my rental ' ftII. 1 siippt;«>, botueen 70 and 80 per ei-nr... leaving for nu\ after tho defraying of charges and roits of niain- - trnance, absolutely nothing whatever. » This is nn iin-wer", com plot o and snfli- - ciont, to the .Socialist lecturer's attack » upon mc." s STAR CYCLES. i Mado by the Eadie Manufacturing » Co., Rodditch, England. For seven--1 teen years Star cvclce have boen sold i to tho riding public of New Zealand. , They are designed to stand heavy rid--3 ing over rough roads, and so well have i Stars stood the test of years that it is i quite n common thing for a cyclist to j point to his Star machine, which he rum daily ridden for ten or twelve years, and still in good order. Stars ? ar« well mnde by the Eadio Manufac- ' tnring Co., and are sold with our » guarantee. Call and inspect. Adams, { Limited, late Adams Star Cycle Co., > 133-140 High street, and 108 Colombo . street, Christchurch. 7 ; PERSONAL ITEMS. 1 * His Excellency the Governor, 3 through Captain N. Gathorno Hardy, A.D.C., line intimated to the director r ol tho Military Circus (Colonel Jowsey) I that ha has much pleasure in giving , his patronage to tho circus. His ExI cdlency is, at present, uncertain whether lie will b« in this city during I Carnival week, but when matters have been decided tho director will bo informed. ; After her Excellency Lady Plunket'a * arrival on Thursday, Florence Scapens, ' tho child violinist, had the honour of jim invitation from Mrs Arthur Rhodes j to play to her Excellency, who express- , ed great, interest in the child's future, J and graciously -consented to the projected concert lxsing held under her , pntronago. Airs Artliiur Rhodes has ' also kindly consented to bo a patron. [ Mr and Mrs "Goo. G. Stead and Miss 1 Stead, who returned from England by ! tho Arawa, arrived from Wellington ; by tho Manuka yesterday after noon. * Tho Hon. H. Feldwiek, Dr. Pomare, 1 and the Rev. Mr ltauston arrived from 1 Wellington by the llotomahana, yester- , day morning. Judge HaseJdeu, Lieut. Sandle, , R.N.Z.A., Dr. Evans, and Dr. Pattie, ' left for Wellington by the Rotomai liana.liist night. I The Rev. It. S. Gray, who has been . unwell for come time past, left Christ - [ church for Botorua last Monday even- . tnji, hia church having granted, him , three months' leave of absence. i Mr J. Jamieson, Mr D. Collins, and . Mi- H, Bennett arrived from Sydney by tho Manuka yesterday. Arrivals in town yesterday included:—Messrs J. Lanthie (Ash-burton), 'K. Turner (Timaru), J. MoKenzie 1 (Wellington). L. Wood (Lake Heron), W. Rollett (Waipori), J. Bnrugh (Wellin.ffton), E. J. Smith (Greymouth), iiiwl Chas. Dorfzac (Wnirarapa). ConstaWo Simpaon, of Kaiapoi, is at present in charge of the police district of Kaikoura whilo Constable Clnrksou is on leave. After tho parade of the No. 1 Company, N.Z. Engineers, at tho Kitiß Edwnrd Barracks on Ttieeday evening, Captain G. Jonea, on behalf of the members of the compiny, presented a hnn<l*nmo marble clock to Lieut. W. E. Kiddry, as n token of esteem on the occasion of his marriage. In making the presentation, Capt-ain Jones referred to the good work which luul been carried out by Lieut. Kiddey during his twelve years' service in the Engineers, n.mi pointed out that at the" end of eight, years' service Lieut. Kiddey had only missed one parade. Corporal F. Schwartz and Stopper McConnell wero also presented with weddiiroj presents. Captain MKSee. Licntp. Andrews, Midgley, and ?>rndley, -and SerKoant-Mujor Evans nfeo spoko in complimentary terms of the good work done by the recipients. Mr L. W. Newnhani, of the Christchurch Post Office, has received notice of his transfer to a position in tho Timani Post Office. Mast gratifying intelligence of the success of a Ghristchurch young lady nt the Senior Oxford local examination in August last wa9 received by tho last English mail. B. Wood, wlio Ls only eighteen j-ears of Hi'c, in tho daughter of Mr \V. Wood. She passed with honours in'tho second-class honours' list, and nlso obtained distinction in Euglish. Innsuagp, nnd literature, beinc equal ninth of u0 in «U England. She wns educated here at Mrs Bowens School. Mr Chisholm, who has been manager of tho. Bunk cf Nt«w Zealand at Foxton for the past eiphtcon months, is to be transforrod to Geraldinc. Mr R. H. Bnillics of the Maetoxton branch, will succtK , *! him.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12933, 12 October 1907, Page 8

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12933, 12 October 1907, Page 8

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12933, 12 October 1907, Page 8